This note is owned by, and was scanned by Bruce Hedrick of Arkansas City. Bruce says that the note is a series 1902 Date Back (DB). It doesn't matter what date is written it is still a 1902. This series had Date Back's, Plain Back's and Red Seal. There was a Brown Back issue in 1892 .The Jarvises signing the note are noted below. In 1891 the Jarvis Conklin Loan Company purchased the Farmer's State Bank and consolidated with the Cowley County National Bank in 1896. In 1922 the Cowley County National Bank purchased the 1st. National Bank, and from that point onward operated as the 1st. National Bank of Winfield. There are only 7 recorded notes known to exist for this bank
Another 1902 Date Back on the Cowley County National Bank of Winfield.
1902 Date Backs were issued between 1908 and 1915 and have the dates 1902-1908
printed on the back of the note. There are three distinct issues for the
1902 notes. The first had the Treasury imprint in red and are the rarest
of this issue. The second was the 1902 date back with Treasury imprint in
blue and dated on the back side. The last was the 1902 Plain Back which
were issued from 1915 to 1929. The back design for all three notes was the
same except for the date back.This $5 note has one distiction over the $20
note in that it has a 3 didgit serial number instead of 4 which also increases
its value.
Of the eight National Banks that existed in Cowley County the Dexter National Bank is one of two with the shortest history. (The American National Bank of Arkansas City lasted 18 months between 1889-1890.) Chartered in 1908 the Dexter bank closed in 1914. This was ironic in a way as 1914 was the same year that oil was discovered in Cowley County east of Winfield. Both officers of the bank went on to become respected business men of Winfield. W.R. Coffey became president of the State Bank of Winfield in 1934. W.B. Light became president of the State Bank of Winfield in 1912 while still associated with the Dexter Bank.
In later years the Light family would form Winfield Electric.
All National Bank notes were issued by the Fed. in sheets of 4 and then hand cut by the issuing banks. The marking at the bottom of this note indicates that it was the last note on the sheet. This is one of 5 individual notes recorded on this bank.
In July of 1929 the Treasury changed the size of all notes from large
to small. The change to small notes was made for two reasons: They were
cheaper to produce and the Treasury wanted to adopt a uniform design for
all forms of paper money. This note on the First National Bank of Winfield
is a type 1 issued from July 1929 to May 1933. The charter number is imprinted
twice in black, and the serial numbers are sheet numbers and have both a
prefix and suffix letter. This note also has the distiction of being classified
as a radar note. Radar notes have serial numbers that read the same right
to left or left to right and are rare enough to demand a premium in price.
This is a type 2 note on the First National Bank of Winfield. Type 2 notes have the charter number stamped 4 times instead of 2 and are rarer than the type 1 notes. There are 46 recorded 1929 notes known to exist.
Another small size 1929 National Bank note from the First National Bank of Winfield. The bottom left margin is a good example of what happens when notes are manually cut.
Home National Bank of Arkansas City, Ks.
Incorporated in 1888 and called Strong and Ross Banking Company. Officers
were Fred Strong, Pres., A.A. Newman, Vice Pres. and Howard Ross, Cashier.
One year later it Nationalized and became Home National Bank with it's first
location at 5th Ave. and 1st. Street. The present main bank building at
5th and Summit was completed in 1917.
Another M. L. Read Bank check. This one is made out to David f. Best and is payable to him at the Wichita Savings Bank.
Founded in 1905 as Security State Bank it became Security National Bank in 1915. At that time J.E. Tutton was President and Wm. Stryker was Cashier-by 1918 Stryker was President. Directors in 1915: John S. Creg, W.C. Bando, R.C. Dixon-Dixon became Cashier in 1915- J.E. Tutton, E.F. Day, F. Trimper and W.M. Stryker. Robinson of Winfield took over in 1923. In 1937 it was purchased and merged with Home National Bank.
The first banking house in Cowley
County was the Winfield Bank of J. C. Fuller founded in 1870. No currency
was isssued by this bank and all business was done with checks. The top
check is a personal check dated 1871 and seems to be signed by John Tomy.
The middle one is dated 1871 and signed for Mr. Fuller by D. H. Millington.
The bottom check is dated 1876 and is signed by J. C. Fuller. In 1945 The
Winfield Bank merged with the First National Bank of Winfield.
Prior to the more modern form of banking bank drafts, (checks) as they were called, were sent to the issuing bank for collection. Depositers were notified by mail of these transactions.
Dated 1895,
this notice shows C. Perry, President, H. E. Silliman, Vice President, Wm.
E. Ottis, Cashier and James Lorton, Asst. Cashier.
This card dated
1908 was issued by the State Treasuer, Mark Tulley.
Dated 1915
this notice lists James Lorton, President, J. L. Parsons, Vice-President
and Henry E. Kibbe, Cashier.
The Winfield National Bank was chartered in 1885. In 1878 J. C. McMullen started the Citizen's Bank and in 1879 consolidated with the Winfield Bank of J. C. Fuller to become the Winfield Bank that was chartered under State law. The original building was constructed in 1879 for $8,000 with two stories and a basement, the latter once occupied by the Winfield Courier.
The Winfield National Bank was charted in 1885, the year following the chartering of the First National Bank. Located on the Southwest corner of 9th and Main its original neighbor to the South was the Read Bank building. Although the face of the bank went through a number of changes the name still exists along the top of the present face. In 1945 the Winfield National Bank merged with the First National Bank of Winfield. This is one of 13 recorded 1929 notes on this bank.
Check from the Winfield National Bank used after 1929.