Email: Becky Knight

Becky Knight: Have Camera Will Travel

Imagenit is the idea of our friend Becky Knight and is a beginning enterprise which combines her love of travel with her interest in Native American Indians, beautiful scenery, and multicultural events.

Becky keeps her personal page separate from this enterprise, and uses it to encourage others to share their creativity.

She says:
"If you can imagine it, you can 'image it' and that is the joy of culture, because culture encourages us to be creative and to see our worlds in beauty, excitement, wonder and awe.

"What we photograph is in part the fact of technology and in part the image in our mind being projected with our talents for seeing the perspectives we photograph.

"It is a form of communication that crosses all the verbal language barriers much like music or dance; the arts are the link to our shared human experiences. All the culture of sports like a rodeo or the olympics includes the art as well as the skill of the sport. "My view of the world is like the hologram."

For a preview of her fine work see these links on Four Corners Postcard also.

Window Rock Window Rock Rodeo
Navajo Traditional Dancers Sac and Fox Powwow

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