[From Saturday, February 7, 1885, through March 7, 1885.]
[ WAGNER & HOWARD, Editors and Publishers.]
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 7, 1885.
D. L. Means has secured the agency at this point for the Domestic sewing machine. He has on hand now a large lot.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 7, 1885.
W. L. Couch, president of the Oklahoma colony, has his headquarters at J. W. Hutchinson=s grocery establishment at present.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 7, 1885.
The A. O. U. W. and other orders of this city are talking of erecting a two-story building, the upper story to be used for different lodge organizations.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 7, 1885.
Frank J. Hess=s Real Estate Agency reports business very much improved since the open weather. One and all report business picking up briskly.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 7, 1885.
Communion services will be held at the First Presbyterian church tomorrow at 11 o=clock a.m. Preparatory services will be held this afternoon, commencing at 2 p.m.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 7, 1885.
Several weeks ago J. J. Clark took a chance in a drawing for a buggy at Newton. This week he received notice that as he held No. 28, he was the lucky man who drew the vehicle.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 7, 1885.
A stranger from Topeka tried to do up J. A. McIntyre for $7 Wednesday. McIntyre=s good nature has been imposed upon quite often and he refused to countenance said stranger=s request.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 7, 1885.
The south room of the Hasie block is being fitted up for a wholesale and retail grocery house. We are informed by Mr. Hasie that the room will be ready for occupancy in about one month and that Geo. E. Hasie & Co., will be the firm.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 7, 1885.
Geo. Schmidt received a telegram Wednesday that his brother, Fred S. Schmidt, who is running on the road between Chattanooga and Memphis, was severely injured in a smash-up near Boonesville, Tennessee. He was not dangerously injured.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 7, 1885.
C. C. Sollitt and Johnnie Walker are manufacturing an incubator, preparatory to an investigation of the science of chicken culture. Now blue-grass will suffer in the first ward unless these gentlemen will kindly Amuzzle@ the chickens before they grow up.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 7, 1885.
The Commercial Building Association have been granted a permit to put in a large cistern and cess pool at the rear of the Hasie and Commercial blocks. These blocks are going to have water works of their own. D. L. Means furnishes the windmill to pump the water.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 7, 1885.
The Japanese wedding, which the ladies of the First Presbyterian Church gives on Valentine evening, promises to be a treat, and all who wish to see something new and interesting are invited to come. In connection with the wedding, there will be a Japanese Bazaar.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 7, 1885.
The protracted meeting at the M. E. Church is just getting under headway. Already there have been twelve conversions. Thursday evening twenty persons arose for the prayers of the church. Tomorrow afternoon a social meeting will be held commencing at 3 o=clock. These social meetings have been held with great attendance during the week. Everybody invited to come, hear and partake.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 7, 1885.
Kansas Day.
Of the many pleasant afternoons we have spent in the High School, Thursday, the 29th of January, was certainly the most pleasant.
School was in regular session in the morning, but a few of ur young artists were busy decorating the boards in honor of Kansas.
On the east board, just beneath the picture of the Three Graces, appeared in ornamental capitals the motto, AAd Astra, Per Aspera,@ the work of Mervin Miller.
On the south board, in colored crayon, could be read AWestward the Star of Empire takes its way.@ In the center of the inscription was a large white star. Below was a sheaf of wheat and above a gigantic sunflower. This was the work of Frank Barnett and Emma Campbell. The opposite board showed a well executed map of Kansas, with a moving wagon coming into it from the east while a grasshopper was crossing its western boundary. Much credit is due to the artist, Miss Constance Woodin.
The bell tapped promptly at 1:30 and not only were all the pupils in their seats, but some ten or twelve visitors were also present.
The choir opened with America, which was followed by the reading of Watson=s touching poem, AWounded,@ by Mettie Martin.
Maggie Gueyer next recited AOur Kansas School Girls,@ and was appropriately followed by Walter Pickering with his well written essay, AThe Boys of Kansas.@ He gave their occupations, amusements, and characteristics and said their chief ambition is to excel other boys, and it was his opinion that they do. He closed with:
AMay peace, good will, and good luck ever be with the boys of Kansas.@
Edward Marshall read his paper on the productions of Kansas, in which he drew a vivid comparison between Kansas as a state and Kansas as a territory.
Taylor=s stirring poem, AThe Bison Track@ was then read by Jacob Endicott. The reading evinced careful preparation.
Ollie Kirkpatric told us AWhat Eastern People think of us,@ giving many absurd theories entertained by eastern people concerning Kansas.
A brief biography of John Brown was read by Frank Armstrong, in which were set forth the principal facts of an eventful career.
After a short rest, the choir reopened with the ACall to Kansas,@ and Flora Gould recited Whittier=s AJohn Brown of Ossawatomie.@ Miss Gould is taking pains with her rhetorical work and the students are learning to expect something good whenever she appears.
Howard Maxwell then took the rostrum and delivered Beeche=s ATribute to Kansas,@ which is certainly a handsome one.
Mr. Maxwell gave place to Effie Gilstrap, who read an excellent paper on our AState Institutions.@ She conducted us through the most important of these, giving a condensed history of each. In conclusion she quoted:
AThe rudiments of Empire here
Are plastic yet and warm,
The chaos of the mighty world
Are rounding into form.
And westward still; the star which leads
The new world in its train
Has tipped with fire the spears
Of many a mountain chain.@
Tina Hollis next read Percival=s ATo an eagle.@ She has a fine, clear voice and will make a good speaker.
Owing to the limit placed upon the time of each reader and speaker, justice was hardly done the ALiterature of Kansas.@ However, Miss Hoffman gave us an idea of progress of the state=s literature by commencing with the first issue of the Leavenworth Herald, printed under the elm tree in 1854. She gave account of the State Editorial Association, mentioned in brief the prominent writers of the state, and spoke of our leading magazines, AThe Educationalist,@ Dr. Hass, editor; the Kansas Review, published by State University; and the Kansas Vanguard, published at Burlington, by Messrs. Hendee and Richmond.
Jennie Snyder read the sad story of ALa Marais du Cygne@ in Whittier=s beautiful language.
Lloyd Ruby followed with his humorous composition on the AGrasshopper.@ His subject, he said, needed no definition--to those especially who had lived in the state for ten years. He quoted the saying that nothing was created in vain, but he seriously questioned the good intentions of the grasshopper. He did not know what other trials were in store for Kansas, but taking a hopeful view of the future, he trusted all her plagues (if any awaited her) might pass as quickly and stay away as long as the grasshopper.
After another intermission, which was enjoyable from its very brevity [unlike this article], the programme was again resumed by the choir=s rendering the ASong of the Kansas emigrant.@
Birdie Martin=s graceful essay, AAd Astra Per Aspera,@ was then listened to with the closest attention. Her opening sentence, ASunny Kansas will not suffer by comparison with any other state, for she is bound to fulfill the destiny expressed in her motto,@ was indicative of the thought and care spent upon the entire paper.
Frank Wright next held our attention with the very interesting history of the state seal, and was followed by Alice Lane, who read her essay on the ASchools of Kansas.@ She gave us some interesting figures, called the schools Kansas= foundation stones and ended with:
AFor the structure that we raise,
Time is with material filled;
Our todays and yesterdays
Are the blocks with which we build.
Read=s ASong of the Emigrant@ was read by Lillie Fuller. The song is a smooth one and was well rendered.
Frank Barnett next read his essay on the Sunflower. After treating his subject from a botanical standpoint, he made the application. He held that the term ASunflower State,@ tho= probably at first jestingly applied, was one of which Kansas should not be ashamed; and went on to say that no more fitting emblem than the flower, which constantly leaning toward the source of light, could have been selected for a state whose object is to follow as closely as possible the sun of truth and justice.
Lastly came Emma Campbell with her excellent rendition of AKansas.@ Miss Campbell is one of our best speakers, and was rewarded with the applause she so well deserved.
Prof. Weir then spoke of the early struggle attending the admission of Kansas and in response to repeated requests, Rev. Campbell came forward. He said he disliked to speak on such an occasion impromptu, but supposed the subject should inspire any true Kansan with sufficient eloquence. His remarks were mainly upon Kansas as an agricultural state, and ere he closed, proved himself to be a true Kansan.
The exercises closed with the singing of the ARed, White, and Blue,@ by the whole school.
Several well written essays, among which were AEvils of Kansas,@ Harry Hill, and the AGeography of Kansas,@ Wilford Edward, were of necessity omitted from the programme.
We trust that our manner of celebrating Kansas= twenty-fourth birthday may leave the desired impression on the minds and hearts of our young folks and create in them a love for the state of whose record they may well be proud. I cannot refrain from closing with Forney=s oft quoted words:
AIf I had been commanded to choose one spot on the globe upon which to illustrate human development under absolute liberty, I could have chosen no part of God=s foot stool so interesting as Kansas, yesterday an infant, today a giant, tomorrow--Who can tell?@ HATTIE.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 7, 1885.
The ladies of the M. E. Church propose having a New England dinner; also fair in connection, Feb. 21. Further notice next week.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 7, 1885.
AD. The Hotel Lunch Counter is without doubt one of the best eating houses in the world. George, the experienced proprietor, will always be on hand and will treat you with promptness and respect. Don=t forget the place: Green Front three doors north of Miller=s Hardware Store.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 7, 1885.
Which Frank Sheets Ascertained Thursday to His Sorrow.
Thursday afternoon as Ed Bass and Bob McGinnis, both colored and the latter residing in West Bolton, were discussing some grievances they waxed warm. Frank Sheets, who was standing nearby was resorted to as a referee in the dispute. Finally the quarrel narrowed down to McGinnis and Sheets, which continued about a bird dog until the latter remarked that he could lick the former on less ground than he could stand on. McGinnis replied he did not want to fight and was not prepared to fight. Sheets wanted McGinnis to go outside of the city limits and fight it out, which we believe was finally agreed upon, Sheets turning and walking away. When he was several feet from him, friends who were holding McGinnis, let him loose. He started after Sheets and made several slashes at him with a razor, one cut taking effect in his neck, barely missing the spinal vertebrae, and inflicting an ugly wound. If the cut had extended but an eighth of an inch farther, it would have severed the external jugular vein, and Sheets would have bled to death. Two other slashes took effect on his shoulder and arm, but not making more than a scratch. The wounded man saw he was going to be carved and having nothing with which to defend himself, started to escape. By this time McGinnis was prevented from doing any further damage by Capt. Rarick, who arrested and disarmed him. Joe Finkleburg and A. W. Patterson assisted the wounded man upstairs into Dr. G. H. J. Hart=s office, where his wound was dressed. The wound was about three inches in length. Dr. Hart washed, dressed, and took the necessary stitches quickly and in a manner which designated that he was perfectly familiar with this portion of his profession. Sheets stood the pain like a hero, never flinching. The hide on his neck was so thick that the needle would not penetrate, and an instrument was used in order to make the necessary stitches. After the wound was dressed, Sheets walked around about the same as usual. The scrimmage occurred on Summit Street, between the post office and T. R. Houghton=s harness shop. Henry Asp, the county attorney, was sent for, who came on the evening train. The preliminary examination was had before the Mayor, F. P. Schifffbauer. It commenced as soon as Asp arrived. A good part of Thursday night and until noon yesterday was used up in taking the evidence. In the afternoon the arguments pro and con were rendered before Mayor Schiffbauer. The charge was assault and battery with intent to kill. J. A. Stafford represented McGinnis and Henry Asp the State.
The preliminary resulted in the mayor binding McGinnis over to appear at the next term of court in the sum of $400. We understand that McGinnis will give the necessary bond.
Sheets was taken before Judge Kreamer and fined $1 for disturbance of the peace yesterday morning.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 7, 1885.
Geo. R. Wendling
Will be here next Monday evening. It is surprising how many of our citizens have heard Mr. Wendling in his lecture answering Ingersoll, and all pronounce him superb. We append the remarks of several of our prominent citizens who have heard Mr. Wendling=s lecture.
J. A. Stafford says Wendling is the most eloquent speaker I ever heard.
Dr. J. A. Mitcehll says Wendling captivated his entire audience in his celebrated lecture answering Ingersoll.
Mrs. Frank Hess, who has listened to Mr. Wendling twice, pronounces him without a peer on the lecture rostrum.
Dr. Sparks says he is excellent, and others furnish equally as commendable reports of his lecture.
Mr. Wendling lectures here Monday evening in Highland Hall on the APersonality of Satan.@ Tickets on sale at Ridenour & Thompson=s.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 7, 1885.
The following are the names of the trustees elected at last Tuesday=s election in the different townships of Cowley County.
F. M. Vaughn .................. Creswell Township.
H. H. Martin* ................. Vernon Township.
Charles Phenis ................ Windsor Township.
J. C. Roberts ................. Walnut Township.
Daniel Bouvie ................. Tisdale Township.
John R. Tate .................. Silver Creek Township.
W. N. Day ..................... Sheridan Township.
R. B. Carson* ................. Fairview Township.
John Willis ................... Maple Township.
L. C. Stewart ................. Ninnescah Township.
D. C. Sherrard ................ Pleasant Valley Township.
J. A. Cochran* ................ Liberty Township.
J. W. Browning* ............... Beaver Township.
G. B. Darlington* ............. Omnia Township.
John Scott .................... Bolton Township.
Elisha Haynes ................. Harvey Township.
J. H. Partgis* ................ Otter Township.
Tie Vote ................. Richmond Township.
P. F. Haynes* ................. Silverdale Township.
J. E. Gorham .................. Rock Creek Township.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 7, 1885.
A Card. The undersigned desires to tender his heartfelt thanks to those kind friends who so ably assisted me during my wife=s recent severe illness. Should fate so rule it that I amy ever return the favors so kindly bestowed on me during my most trying hours, a willing and obedient friend will you find in WILL L. ALDRIDGE.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 7, 1885.
An immense ice gorge, extending from AHorse-shoe Bend,@ nearly to Neosho Falls, a distance of almost twelve miles, has been formed in the Neosho River by the recent very severe weather. A large portion of this mass is reported as being from five to thirty feet in thickness.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 7, 1885.
Marriage Licenses.
Joseph Abrams, Maggie Hemphill.
F. P. Vaughn, Ida E. Finke.
Henry A. Shock, Lucy M. Henderson.
Geo. M. Goodwid, Mabel Moore.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
General News.
It is believed that the word Anews@ is not derived from the adjective Anew,@ but the initial letters of the points of the compass--north, east, west, and south.
The Pennsylvania railways are selling immigrant tickets from New York to Chicago for $1.
The liberty bell left for New Orleans Jan. 23. It is to remain upon the car on which it started during its stay at New Orleans, and until its return to Philadelphia.
There is war in steerage rates among ocean steamship lines. Some of the German lines are now selling immigrant tickets from New York to Bremen and Hamburg at $7.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
Meeting of the Southwestern Kansas Fair Circuit Convention.
Delegates of the Southwestern Kansas Fair Circuit convention met at Arlington hotel, Wellington, January 22, 1885. Col. St. Clair, of Sumner County, was called to the chair, and D. L. Kretsinger, of Cowley County, chosen secretary. On call of the circuit roll the following delegates responded.
Butler County: H. Bitson.
Cowley County: D. L. Kretsinger and J. F. Martin.
Harper County: T. F. Pryor and Il. B. Forbe.
Kingman County: Geo. E. Filley.
Sumner County: Geo. R. Fults, J. K. Hasty.
Sedgwick County: T. D. Fouts, H. H. Pecham.
On motion the delegates from the Harper Driging Park and Agricultural Association were admitted as members of the convention. On motion each fair association was entitled to two votes in the convention. On motion, a committee of one from each fair association was appointed to report upon dates for holding the annual fairs of each association for the year 1885. After due deliberation the committee submitted the following: Harper County fair at Anthony, September 1st to 5th; Sumner County fair at Wellington, September 8th to 11th; Harper City fair at Harper, September 16th to 18th; Cowley County fair at Winfield, September 22nd to 26th; Kingman County fair at Kingman, September 29th to October 2nd; Sedgwick County fair at Wichita, October 4th to 9th; Butler County fair at El Dorado, October 12th to 16th. On motion the report was adopted.
Mr. Kretsinger, of Cowley County, offered the following: Resolved that we recommend a uniform price in stalls and pens at all fairs in this circuit: box stalls, $2; covered stalls, $1; open, cattle, hog, and sheep pens free, exhibitors to pay market price for hay and grain and pay regular price for admisison, admitting all grooms free. That we further recommend an admission; prices, single admission, 25 cents; all vehicles, 25 cents; saddle horses, 15 cents; family tickets, with daily coupons, admitting family and children under 18, $2; ampitheatre, 25 cents; quarter-stretch, 25 cents. On motion the resolution was adopted. Mr. Fults, of Sumner County, moved that 10 percent be charged upon all entrees for premiums. Pending the discussion of the motion, Mr. Litson, of Butler, moved an adjournment until Wednesday, March 4th, at the Arlington house, which prevailed.
D. L. KRETSINGER, Secretary.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
The REPUBLICAN has received numerous postals and letters asking for information concerning the state. We give it as it is in and around Arkansas City. The average yield of corn per acre in Kansas the past year was forty-four bushels per acre--the greatest ever known. The nearest approach to this was in 1878, when every acre planted to corn yielded a little over thirty-seven bushels. Money is very close at present, though we have plenty of everything else. The farmers will not sell their wheat or corn at the present low prices. Many of our large flouring mills cannot buy wheat enough to keep them running. But wheat, corn, and hogs have been on the rise since holidays. Wheat is selling from 55 to 65 cents per bushel; corn 20 to 23 cents per bushel; hogs from $3.65 to $4.00 per hundred. Here in the Arkansas Valley is one of the finest farming and stockraising countries on the globe. The land is rich and very productive. There is plenty of timber and water. Land, that five years ago sold from five to fifteen dollars an acre, is now worth from twenty-five to sixty-five dollars. Many families that came here a few days ago with but little capital, are now independent.
We are often asked if there is plenty of rainfall in Kansas. We reply that Athe theory is that the rainfall is increasing.@ Prof. Snow, of the state University, in a paper before the Kansas Academy of Science recently, said that the records of Fort Leavenworth for nineteen years previous to the settlement of Kansas, compared with nineteen years since, shows an increase of an average of more than five inches of rain each year.
We quote the words of another in our descriptions of the state in general. AKansas is first in corn, first in wheat, first in the hearts of her citizens, and is four hundred and ten miles long and two hundred and ten miles wide. Every morning during the corn plowing season, the farmers go out into a corn field as large as the whole state of New Jersey. Every noon during harvest the harvesters come in to dinner from a wheat field containing 200,000 acres more than the state of Delaware. Every night Mary calls the cattle home from a pasture larger than Pennsylvania. Once called a desert, the state is now a garden. The mustang is succeeded by the Norman; the buffalo has turned over the prairie to the Durham cow, and there are corn tassels where the Sioux danced. The wheat crop grows over the old prairie dog village; the sun that crept over wigwam and cottonwood now shines on orchards and meadows. Kansas spent last year $3,318,904.65 for her public schools. There are in the state 6,480 school districts, 8,155 school teachers, and 390,416 pupils. Eighty-two counties are organized.@
If the wheat raised in Kansas last year was loaded on a railroad train, when the engine would be in Chicago, the rear car of the train would be in Denver City, Colorado; and if the corn which the state produced last year was put on a single train, when the engine was in New York City, the rear car would be in the Rocky Mountains. If all the products of Kansas last year were loaded on cars and placed in one continuous train, when the engine was in New York City, the rear car would be dragging in the Pacific ocean at San Francisco.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
Ira Barnett shipped one car load of hogs to Kansas City this week.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
Engineer Moorehead has contracted for the steamer. Tuesday our millers received notification of the fact.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
C. Atwood and Wyckoff & Sons have each had the fronts of their business rooms ornamented with a fresh coat of paint.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
The Harmon=s Ford Bridge is completed and is used to an advantage by the farmers coming to our city to do their trading.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
Frank J. Hess real estate agency has received, to sell, 30,000 acres of land in Pawnee County. It is traversed by the Santa Fe road.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
Sam Wile is going to have a drawing of his $125 music box, $10 suit of clothes, and a $4 hat. One dollar allows you a chance.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
Mowry & Sollitt have had the front of their drug store repainted so nicely that you would hardly recognize it. W. M. O=Gilva was the artist.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
The ladies of the Episcopal Guild society will meet with Mrs. R. Grubbs Saturday afternoon Feb. 7th. They will give a social at Mrs. F. Bealls Feb. 11.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
The Mother Hubbard Ball, to be given under the auspices of the Favorite Social Club, has been fixed for next Tuesday evening week. The date was changed from Thursday.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
Our street crossings were in a horrible condition this week. Billy Gray, the city marshal, rather than see the ladies plough through the mud with their shoes, procured a Ascoop@ and shoveled a path across the main crossing.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
Last week we slandered the cattle of Houghton, Hill & Thomas by unintentionally saying they were Arkansas and Mississippi cattle. We meant to say those which had died were of this kind. They way the error occurred was that the horse editor jumped over into the cow pasture.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
T. J. Sweeney has embarked in the real estate business since his retirement from the grocery.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
Both the Arkansas and Walnut Rivers are considerably swollen by the recent January thaw.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
The ladies of the Christian Church society held a tea party at the residence of A. V. Alexander last evening.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
Mrs. Frank Hess drew the set of Dickens= works at the City book store and Al. Peecher the work basket.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
S. P. Gould has added a confection stand to his book store.
R. E. Grubbs hands out the fresh roasted peanuts and home made candies.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
The Canal Mill broke a cog Saturday last. It will cause a stoppage of but a few days, but will put them behind some in their orders.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
Ward & Wallace have secured Ed L. Kingsbury as bookkeeper and collector. Hereafter Ed will visit you and collect for the hauling. That suits the REPUBLICAN the best in the world, because we have grown sore from Ward=s ponderous Ahands@ alighting on our shoulder, and then saying Asettle up.@
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
We must not forget to choose a new school board. At present our schools are second to none in the state. We understand two of our present board will retire at the expiration of their term and the REPUBLICAN desires to see their places filled by as equally well qualified members.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
This week we publish two communications from an individual living at Constant. We should judge that AHomo,@ from a reading of his articles, does not affiliate with any party in particular. Our columns are always open to correspondence; in fact, we invite a fair discussion of all questions of importance.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
With this issue, the REPUBLICAN is one year old. Next week we will commence on Vol. 2, No. 1. By the aid of our many friends, the REPUBLICAN has prospered. We hope if we have made the REPUBLICAN worthy of their support, they will continue as heretofore. Wishing one and all as prosperous year as we have just put over our head, we will begin on our second volume in happy spirits and renewed vigor.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
A Southern Railroad Extension.
The Wichita Eagle remarks concerning a new railroad enterprise thusly:
ARecently Col. Hartzell has organized a company and filed a charter for the Kansas City, Wichita and Indian Territory Air line railroad. The line between Kansas City and Wichita will run through a territory unoccupied by any other railroads, and when completed will shorten the distance between the two points fully fifty-two miles. Kansas City and Chicago will naturally be interested in this road, and will undoubtedly give it the encouragement its importance demands. The proposed railroad will be invaluable to the farmers of the valley by affording them an outlet for their produce at rates that will not eat up all their profits. It is also intended to extend this line south from Wichita through the Indian Territory to Fort Smith, and that extension will open up to the producers of this section a southern market from which they are now practically shut out. If the last two projects of the busy gentlemen who inaugurated them are carried to a successful conclusion and there is no reason why they should not be, the people of Wichita and the Arkansas valley will have reasons to bless Col. Hartzell for his foresight, his indomitable energy and pluck.@
Should this road be built between Kansas City and Wichita, no doubt it will be extended on to Fort Smith through the Indian Territory. The charter has already been granted, and some time since a bill was introduced in congress asking for the privilege of crossing the territory with a railway from Kansas City, Mo., to Ft. Smith, Ark., which was granted. Most everyone realizes the benefits which would befall Arkansas City should we have a southern connection by railway. In fact, the whole Arkansas valley would be greatly benefited, and as Arkansas City is at the mouth of the valley, we would receive doubly the benefit of any other town. We would be the principal city between Wichita and Ft. Smith. If the road should be constructed between Wichita and Kansas City, as a matter of fact, it is but fair to suppose that it will be extended to the objective point named in he charter. Now, for the welfare of our city, we want this southern connection. Some wonder if we can compete with Wichita in wholesaling if we should receive it, and if towns will not spring up below and sap our life from us. Should this extension from Wichita go by way of Hunnewell or some other point, where would Arkansas City be on the Territory trade? Hunnewell is direct south of Wichita, and the road will be constructed on the most practicable route and where it will receive the most benefit and aid. There is no danger of any towns ever spring up below us, at least in close proximity, because of Indian lands. But there is danger of rival cities springing up east or west of us, should this extension miss Arkansas City. Then instead of coming here by teams to trade, Wichita and the border town would derive the benefit. To the REPUBLICAN it appears that a southern extension would be very advantageous to Arkansas City. Of course, there are older and wiser heads than ours and we hope they won=t deem us officious for making these few suggestions. We believe through they should investigate this matter. It might pay to hold a citizens meeting and appoint a committee to wait upon or correspond with the Wichita parties and ascertain somewhat more definitely the true status of the situation. We cannot begin too soon in the matter. Let us all work for the Kansas City, Wichita, and Indian Territory air line.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
DIED. Mrs. Will Aldridge, who has been hovering between life and death for several weeks past, gave up her life to Him who gave it Wednesday morning. Her death was expected by the friends and relatives, who watched and waited around her bedside. It was impossible for anyone to live and suffer the pain she did, and especially one so young. Had she lived until April she would have been 18 years old.
Miss Mamie Sidner was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sidner, of Topeka. She was born April, 1868, and was married to Will L. Aldridge September 5, 1882, being but 15 years of age. As a result of this marriage, two children were born. Willie, the elder, was near 18 months of age; he was Mrs. Aldridge=s favorite, and the farewell between mother and son was heart rending in the extreme; the little fellow clasped his chubby arms around her neck, and tears of sorrow welled from the eyes of the friends gathered there as freely as they did from mother and son. The other babe had been born but a few weeks, and the mother=s heart was not so completely entwined around the little innocent creature. This death scene was the most affecting to our knowledge.
Her funeral was preached by Rev. S. B. Fleming at the family residence, Wednesday, at 1 p.m. Her remains were taken to Topeka on the afternoon train for interment, accompanied by her parents and husband. The little babes were committed to the care of Mr. Aldridge=s brother until his return. Our hearts go out in sympathy to the afflicted in this the saddest bereavement that can befall the lot of man.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
Frank Hess went to Winfield Wednesday.
Isaac Ochs is out once again after a few day=s illness.
Miss Etta Barnett came home from Wichita Thursday.
T. J. Sweeney made a business trip to Butler County this week.
Miss Eva Berkey was down visiting friends and relatives this week.
John Gibson has moved into his new shaving parlors. They are handsome.
Misses Nina Anderson and Anna Hyde were down from Winfield Tuesday visiting.
Clarence E. Ward went east Thursday to be gone about one month. He went on business and told us to keep Amute.@
S. V. Goeden has commenced the construction of a neat cottage on his lots opposite Eldridge=s grocery establishment.
Miss Eva Collins, one of our teachers, has been quite ill this week. Miss Hattie Glotfelter teachers during Miss Collins= absence.
Rev. J. O. Campbell will not be here to preach tomorrow. He went to Ninnescah today where he will fill the pulpit of Rev. Turnbull.
E. D. Eddy left for the east Wednesday where he has gone to purchase an immense drug stock. He will be gone about three weeks.
Richard Bird, a gentleman from Cincinnati, purchased lots on north Summit street this week. He intends moving here soon with his family and erecting a residence.
Ivan Robinson, Frank Groscup, J. L. Howard, Misses Annie Meigs, and Florence Groscup and Mrs. Lizzie Benedict attended the masquerade at Winfield Thursday evening.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
Wm. Gall, the architect and superintendent, inserts his card in the REPUBLICAN this week. Mr. Gall comes back to Arkansas City once more to live. His office will be at A. V. Alexander & Co.=s lumber yard.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
A. A. Wiley came up from the Territory the first of the week. Wednesday he called on the REPUBLICAN and renewed his subscription, although his time had not expired by several months. He reports no loss, scarcely, of cattle from off his ranche.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
Uriah Spray was over to Wellington the first of this week. He brought Jos. Perry, his sick son-in-law, home with him Tuesday evening. Mr. Spray informs us that Mr. Perry is still in a very critical condition, but is improving slowly.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
J. H. Sherburne is in the city this week.
Capt. N. A. Height, of Winfield, is in our city this week.
J. F. Henderson came home Wednesday from his Missouri visit.
Guy Sparks is studying for the legal profession with A. J. Pyburn.
J. W. Scott, agent at Ponca Agency, was in the city one day this week.
Irvin French of Ponca Agency came up last Monday and spent a few days in the city.
H. C. Deets is visiting in Missouri. He thinks some of going to New Orleans before returning.
S. E. Pollock finished his winter term of school at the Parker schoolhouse Tuesday. He gave good satisfaction as a teacher.
Capt. B. Dawson and Lieut. M. B. Hughes, of the U. S. Army, were up on business the first of the week from Ponca.
Miss Fannie Skinner, bookkeeper in Frank Hess= real estate agency, accompanied an invalid aunt home to Brookville, Kansas, Thursday.
Will Love and family, who have been visiting at the residence of John Love for a few weeks past, returned to their Illinois home Thursday.
DIED. John Robinson, residing on the east side of the railroad, died Thursday. He was buried Friday morning in Riverview Cemetery.
Al Mowry is the Conkling of West Bolton township in debates. He is always billed four weeks ahead. At present he is upholding protective tariff.
Wm. Hodges, of Winfield, was in the city Tuesday. He has just returned from Florida. He reports fine weather and plenty of all kinds of vegetables, etc.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
Rev. Dr. Kirkwood, pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Winfield, came down Wednesday to assist Rev. Fleming in holding the revival services now in progress at the Presbyterian Church. Rev. Kirkwood will remain over Sabbath.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
Mrs. L. H. Brown, of Olathe, president of the State Relief Corps, is in the city this week. She came yesterday and is here for the purpose of instituting a Relief Corps in this city. The Relief Corps is an auxiliary of the G. A. R.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
W. R. Smith and family of Washington, D. C., arrived in the city Thursday. They intend making this their home. Mr. Smith will accept the position of bookkeeper in Frank Hess= real estate agency. He was formerly in the Interior department at Washington.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
J. A. McKibben, of Utopa, Greenwood County, was in the city the first of the week investigating Arkansas City=s fame. He concluded to locate here and as an evidence of good faith he purchased J. L. Elmore=s residence in the north part of the city. The sale was made by Meigs & Howard. Mr. McKibben will return here about the first of March and go into business.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
St. Valentine=s Day.
Next Saturday evening the ladies of the Presbyterian society will celebrate this day with one of their unique and inimitable entertainments. To make the entertainment doubly interesting, a marriage ceremony will be performed. The high contracting parties are citizens well known in our social circle, and when their names we divulge, our readers= eyes will dilate with astonishment. Everybody is invited to attend the wedding, which will occur in Highland Hall. Rev. J. O. Campbell will act as the Ago-between.@ The groom, Mr.
J. C. Topliff, and the bride, Miss Linda Christian, are the subjects which Rev. Campbell will unite. The bridal couple after the ceremony will enjoy the bounteous feast, which will be prepared by the Presbyterian ladies. Phil Snyder and E. L. McDowell will be the groomsmen and Miss Annie Meigs and Mrs. J. H. Heck the bridesmaids. No invitations will be issued, but a general one to the public is extended. The new couple will please accept the congratulations of the REPUBLICAN in advance although we may be somewhat premature.
N. B. Dear reader, for fear you may think ATop@ is really going to be married, we wish to inform you that it is only to be a Japanese wedding and not a binding one. Although they may agree to take each other for better or worse, it is only in fun.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
S. F. George, of Baltimore, Maryland, arrived in the city Thursday. Mr. George is the partner of G. W. Miller in the hardware business here. He has been traveling for a wholesale house in the east for a number of years, but now comes to Arkansas City to look after his interests and to make it his future home. The business of the firm of G. W. Miller & Co., has prospered and grown to such an extent here of late that it demands Mr. George=s attention as well as Mr. Miller=s. They form a formidable team and will make a strong competition for hardware business.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
There resides in the second ward, Leonard=s addition, a gentleman who is the owner of a canine, of whom he is very fond. During the cold snap this self-same kind-hearted gentleman let his dog remain in the house all night. This was Aan epoch@ in the dog=s history. He was so joyful that between one and two o=clock he set up a dismal howl to show his appreciation. At the first yelp the good housewife was aroused and tried to awaken her lord, who was snoring about one key lower than the howls of the canine. The second yelp of the dog brought screams from the children and the next from the wife, who became so frightened that she pounded her husband=s nose and pulled his hair in her efforts to awaken him. Finally Mr. ______ realized that there was a commotion in his house and sprung from his couch, alighting on a nice cold piece of oil cloth. At this auspicious moment he forgot he was a member of the church and commenced using quotations from Shakespeare. Now, this gentleman was once a drummer, and all drummers carry with them a long, flowing, white garment which is generally utilized only by ladies in sleeping. Since his retirement from the road he had kept up this custom, which now served to make his situation more embarrassing. The dog not being used to seeing his master clothed in such angelic garments, did not recognize him and made a leap for him. Fortunately a large chair was between the dog and his master. The brute, undaunted, kept up the chase after his master round the chair. Finally the dog came in close proximity to his master=s feet and thus recognized him. Mutual explanations were offered and reconciliation effected. The good man, thinking to relieve his presence of the dog, opened the door for him to go out. The wind rushed in at the rate of 30 degrees below zero. The dog looked first at the door and then at the man, as if to say you go out first, which he had to do, in order to get him out. Now the aforesaid gentleman, just before retiring each evening, takes his dog by the collar, gently leads him to the stable, places him therein, and double padlocks the door.
MORAL. Don=t leave your dog in the house at night nor wear white mother hubbards.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
Elections were held in the townships Tuesday for officers to serve for the ensuing year. The following is the result in Creswell.
CLERK: I. L. WADE, 86.
CONSTABLES: J. Coffey, 86; B. Summerville, 88.
ROAD OVERSEERS: 1) C. C. Holstein; 2) W. Abbott; 3) A. Goff; 4) W. Cunningham; 5) E. Bird; 6) I. N. Adams; 7) E. H. Auman and J. W. Stansbury, tie vote.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
Mrs. Jennings and Charles Lewis, the parties arrested for alleged complicity in the Smith & Zook safe robbery, had their preliminary examination before Judge Buckman last Thursday. The woman was held under $700 bonds for her appearance at the next term of court, while the man was discharged; but was immediately re-arrested again on the same charge and committed, his bond being placed at $700 also. Not being able to furnish bond, they languish. Telegram.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
Paste This in Your Hat.
Envelopes were first used in 1839.
Anesthesia was discovered in 1844.
The first steel pen was made in 1864.
The first daily paper appeared in 1702.
The first lucifer match was made in 1798.
The first iron steamship was built in 1798.
The first balloon ascent was made in 1788.
Coaches were first used in England in 1570.
The first horse railroad was built in 1825-27.
The Franciscans arrived in England in 1224.
The first steamboat plied the Hudson in 1807.
The entire Hebrew Bible was printed in 1488.
Ships were first Acopper-bottomed@ in 783.
Gold was first discovered in California in 1608.
The first telescope was used in England in 1608.
Christianity was introduced into Japan in 1546.
The first watches were made at Nuremburg in 1477.
The first saw-maker=s anvil was brought to America in 1819.
The first almanac was printed by Geo. Von Furbreck [?] in 1460.
The first newspaper advertisement appeared in 1652.
Percussion arms were used in the United States Army in 1830.
The first use of a locomotive in this country was in 1820.
Omnibuses were first introduced in New York in 1830.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
Senator Plumb, writing to the Coffeyville Journal, says of Oklahoma: AIt is only a question of time when the lands in the Indian Territory not in use by the Indians will be open to settlement.
AThere are some four hundred thousand acres of land in what is known as Oklahoma, which have not been set apart for Indians, which I think the government can dispose of without the consent of any tribe. These lands are covered by my bill which is now pending before the senate committee on Indian affairs. Just what the committee is going to do about it, I don=t know, but they have promised to give it an early consideration, and I hope they will report it favorably. If they do so, I shall try to have it pass the senate at once. As to going in there before legislation is had, I can only say that the president has heretofore removed everyone who has gone there with the intention of settling; and still thinks it to be his duty, under law, so to do. While I do not wish to advise, still it seems to me it is hardly worthwhile to go in until there is some more definite hope to be able to remain. If the executive should change his mind, of course it will be entirely different, but there does not seem to be any chance of that occurring for the present, at least.@ [Boomer story.]
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
Thief at the Door.
Since it takes 2-1/2 bushels of wheat to make 100 pounds of flour, after being tolled, and the flour selling at $3 per 100 lbs., how is it that wheat commands only 60 cents in the market here, the wheat costing $1.25 and selling for $3, leaving a net gain of $1.75 on 2-1/2 bushels, giving the millers 70 cents a bushel on the wheat, besides paying for grinding. This kind of discrimination is unjust and ruinous to the producing interests of the country, in favor of a class who have always been a scourge to the country. We have tried to bear it patiently in the hope the better order of things would come around after awhile, but it is waxing worse and worse.
When I took 140 lbs. of wheat to William in the good old times of steam milling and lost a sack costing 35 cents (the miller swore I never took one) and got 50 lbs. of flour that would make any man blush but a miller, I thought it rather rough; but great Jerusalem! Think about selling your wheat at from 40 to 50 cents per bushel and taking it in flour at $3, per 100 lbs., it will net you nearly 21 cents per bushel for your wheat at the outside figure.
Sometimes it looks to me as though all the evils strike us at the same time--Cleveland is elected President, wheat is very low, and money is very scarce, and the old evil genius has not been chained. It looks to me as though there might be a combination of millers, grain dealers, and bankers (if there is not I suggest it for their benefit) to gobble up the products of the country, at their own, and ruinous prices; as, for instance, the miller could afford to pay the grain dealer, say, 2 cents a bushel for buying wheat (the miller reserving the right to fix prices) and take it immediately from the dealer, so he would have 2 cents a bushel simply for buying. This would pay very nicely. Again, he could afford to divide with the banker by paying him interest on his money while it lies idle in the vaults; so that the producer can get no relief from the banks, and the inevitable is, dire necessity compels him to sell his grain to them at their own price. Again, we notice there is very little wheat being shipped out of the country, but on the contrary, the millers are shipping it in, and in my opinion it must cost them more than they are paying for it in our market; but at the same time, it is money in their pockets because it enables them to rob at home.
I ask you, farmers, if you should patronize these fellows; perhaps you do not see the way clearly, but there is a way out of this thing and that with a vengeance. Now, I submit that this thing ought to stop. HOMO.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
What a Man Who Has Been There Says.
Mr. C. B. Young, who had just arrived from Oklahoma yesterday, made the Wichita Eagle a call. He prefaced the information given below by the remark that he had understood that the Eagle had been showing up the Oklahoma boom in its true light and also that it had been warning the people not to go there for the purpose of settlement until the people=s authorities at Washington had legally opened the way.
Mr. Young originally joined Payne=s colony, paying $2.00 for a certificate numbered 10,245, which number showed him conclusively that somebody was getting some money out of the scheme. He afterwards helped to organize an independent Oklahoma colony numbering thirty-six members, with headquarters at St. Joe, Reno County, Kansas, of which colony he was made secretary. In the interest of this colony, he had gone down to the Oklahoma land, independent of the boomers, for the sole purpose of a careful survey of the county, climate, soil, water, timber, and so forth. He had just finished the work, having traveled all over it from Bull Foot ranche, up and down the Cimarron, circling around by Payne=s old town site, down the Cottonwood, along Deer Creek and the tributaries by the Red and many other localities, which we do not now remember, winding up at the Otoe agency. Speaking from the standpoint and knowledge of a Kansas farmer, he says the Oklahoma country as an agricultural country is an unmitigated humbug. While he found lands on the Cherokee strip and between Salt Fork and the Kansas line that were passable, within the bounds of Oklahoma proper not to exceed two percent, or two sections in every hundred, can be called average farming land. He examined carefully the sort of grasses, growths of timber, water, and everything, and says that Pratt, Barber, Commanche, Mead, and Clark counties, of this state, all surpass Oklahoma as agricultural countries, and that Oklahoma lands hold no comparison to this valley. For cattle grazing, Mr. Young says that Oklahoma will rank as only fair to good. He had kept away from the boomer=s camp, refusing even to carry them letters, so that he might make an intelligent and unbiased survey and report to the members of the colony in whose interest he made the trip. He comes back thoroughly convinced that speculative scheming is at the bottom of all the moves made by the boomers. He found many along the border who had been misled by the leaders of these boomer raids, some of whom were nearly destitute and all disappointed in their effort to make a settlement in a country which has nothing to offer them but hardships even should they be permitted to make settlements unmolested. Mr. Young says it is a shame and an outrage that so far as these leaders are concerned and the men who are backing them, that it would be more honorable for them to put their hands in the pockets of their deluded victims and rob them outright than to toll them away on down there to that desolate district to squander their hard earnings and become helpless only that a few speculators might profit thereby. To this end he asked us to warn all honest people to keep out of Oklahoma, at least not to take their wives and children until they had gone down and convinced themselves. Wichita Eagle.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
Frank Hess will sell tickets to parties desiring to go to Europe for $10.
The steamer AIndia@ will leave New York Feb. 10. From Chicago to New York it will cost $9. To Europe from Chicago it will cost $19.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
General Intelligence.
Two hundred cigar-makers have struck.
Extremely cold weather prevails throughout Ontario.
The total public debt of the United States is $1,861,419,215.
Seventeen new National banks were organized in January.
Electric headlights are to be adopted on the Panhandle road.
The receipts of the U. S. Treasury for January were $203,532,152, and the expenditures, $157,800,426.
The Moody meetings at Scranton, Pa., have resulted in a subscription of $35,000 to the building fund of the Y. M. C. A.
From the Patent Office there were issued last year 20,297 patents. To citizens of the United States 19,013 and to foreigners 1,284.
The Health Board of New York claims to have discovered that quinine is adulterated to an enormous extent by druggists in that city.
The public debt statement for January shows a reduction of $9,420,000, and for the seven months ending Saturday, nearly $41,000,000.
Work at the Navy-yards, suspended on account of the failure of Congress to pass an appropriation at the last session, will be resumed immediately. [MANY MORE LIKE ITEMS I SKIPPED.]
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
We have secured the sole Agency of Wingers Anti-Washboard Soap.
Genevieve Wisconsin Buckwheat.
Pickled Tripe--Try them.
Strained California Honey in Bulk.
Any amount of Iowa potatoes still on hand.
Pigs feet, pickled. Did you ever try them?
Harvey=s Pearl Polish.
Roasted Java at DIAMOND FRONT.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
Stockholders Meeting.
The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Highland Hall Co., will be held at the Cowley County Bank, Tuesday evening, at 8 o=clock, February 24th, 1885. H. P. FARRAR, Secretary.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
A few Men=s Overcoats, will sell at half of cost to close out.
A. G. HEITKAM. Opp. Opera House.
To make room for our coming stock of Spring and Summer Piece Goods, we will offer our entire stock of Gent=s Furnishing goods at half price. Call for bargains at A. G. HEITKAM, Merchant Tailor.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
5th Avenue LAUNDRY.
Cleanest, whitest, and best work in the city.
No chloride of lime or acids used, therefore no destruction of clothing.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
CALEF & HOLDEN, Proprietors.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
WM. GALL, Architect and Superintendent.
Arkansas City, Kansas.
Office at Alexanders= Lumber Yard.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
Front rooms over Cowley County Bank.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
W. P. WOLFE & CO. (Successors to J. W. Mansfield.)
Will have a full line of all kinds of Household, Office, and Kitchen FURNITURE! Always in Stock. We have several Domestic Sewing Machines which we will sell at reduced prices. FURNITURE!
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 14, 1885.
There still remains three more lectures of the Citizens Lecture Course. The management has reduced the price to $1.00 for the remaining three.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 14, 1885.
MARRIED. On Feb. 12, at the residence of the bride=s parents, by F. L. Walker, Joseph Harbour of East Bolton and Miss Sarah F. Sample of West Bolton.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 14, 1885.
Thursday Capt. Rarick arrested Lewis C. Rice and Blanch Bigsby for co-habitation. He took the guilty pair to Winfield, where they now languish in the county jail.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 14, 1885.
The Literary Association of Silverdale schoolhouse is going to debate the Tariff and Free Trade question next Wednesday night. A good attendance requested.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 14, 1885.
Tomorrow morning at the Presbyterian church will occur the Baptismal ceremony of children. Parents will present their children for the ceremony before the beginning of services.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 14, 1885.
The Democrat says that the Episcopal ladies held their social at the residence of John Landes. That was all a mistake. You should have gone across the street and said the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beall.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 14, 1885.
Complaints are made that parties are cutting down the timber in AJack Oak Grove.@ It is thought to be persons camped there. A reward will bew offered for the parties doing the cutting should it continue, and the guilty ones be prosecuted.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 14, 1885.
Cunningham has 47 orders for flying Dutchman sulky plows. It is a singular thing why farmers will persist in buying such a contrary, crooked looking machine as the flying Dutchman. But they all seem to be of the opinion that it is the lightest running plow made and does the best work.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 14, 1885.
Now is a good time to buy your spring stock of trees, shrubs, etc. S. E. Maxwell, proprietor of the Walnut Valley Nursery, says he is selling two and three year old apple trees for $10 per hundred. Other nursery stock will be sold in proportion. Call on Mr. Maxwell and he will save you money.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 14, 1885.
Wednesday we stopped at Youngheim & Co.=s clothing Emporium. We saw no proprietor and began to Ahalloo.@ A voice from the depth of a large dry goods box answered us. Procuring a step ladder and climbing up we saw Joe and Ed in the box opening their new stock of spring goods which had just been received. Youngheim & Co., are preparing for a large spring trade we should judge from bigness and number of goods boxes emptied and the spring goods placed on display that day.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 14, 1885.
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of last week the backbone of winter was broken, we believed, but Sunday evening we decided in the negative. We are sure that the ground hog, as he emerged from his humble abode, cast one short, anxious look over his shoulder, saw his image reflected on the beautiful snow, shed the smiles which wreathed his countenance, about faced, and marched solemnly and silently into the most remote corner of his hole to be there for six weeks. We will suggest that many a Aprinter@ has often wished to enjoy the privileges of the distinguished ground hog.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 14, 1885.
The Kansas City, Wichita & Indian Territory Air Line.
The Parsons Sun has the following to say of the projected air line railroad.
AThe Kansas City, Wichita & Indian Territory Air Line Railway company has filed its charter with the secretary of state. Capital stock $3,000,000; principal office, Wichita; Route, from Kansas City to Wichita, and from Wichita to Fort Smith, Arkansas, through the following counties: Wyandotte, Johnston, Douglass, Franklin, Osage, Coffee, Lyon, Greenwood, Chase, Butler, Harvey, Sedgwick, Sumner, and Cowley in Kansas; through certain portions of the Indian Territory known as Osage, Creek, Cherokee, and Choctaw reservations, and the counties of Crawford and Sebastian, Arkansas. Estimated length, 500 miles.@
The route from Kansas City to Wichita is 52 miles shorter than any other road. From Wichita to Fort Smith it has no competition. On a direct line between Wichita and Fort Smith, the road would miss Arkansas City about 22 miles to the east, but as that way would take the line through the hills in the eastern part of the county, it is reasonable to suppose that the road will follow the valley of the Arkansas River. We should do something to try and induce them to come through Arkansas City. We don=t want them to go to the east of us. The road traverses the best portion of Kansas and the Territory. Although the route is somewhat circuitous, yet there is no more direct Ft. Smith connection with Kansas City. To go from Kansas City to Ft. Smith, several changes have to be made, but the Kansas City, Wichita & Indian Territory line will be a through route.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 14, 1885.
Dr. W. I. Burge, who skipped out some time ago while under $3,500 bond to await trial after violation of the prohibitory law, came back very quietly, and tried to settle his little difficulty with the county attorney. While in the office of Mr. Asp, Sheriff McIntire happened in, and recognizing Burge, took him into custody. Burge is now out again on a reduced bond of $1,000. Winfield Telegram.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 14, 1885.
Geo. R. Wendling lectured in Highland Hall Monday evening to a fair audience. The weather was very severe and many who desired to go had to remain at home. Mr. Wendling was the first of the Citizen=s Lecture Course. His subject, ABeyond the grave or, Does death end all?@ was thoroughly elucidated. One and all speak highly of Mr. Wendling=s lecture. The next in the course will be Robert L. Cumnock, the select reader, Feb. 27. As an elocutionist he is without a peer.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 14, 1885.
The members of the Lyceum at Mowry=s schoolhouse are having excellent debates and splendid entertainments. The Lyceum is thriving. Chas. Wing is president. They meet on Thursday evening of each week. At the meeting of last week Tariff and Free Trade was ably discussed. Last Thursday evening Woman=s Suffrage was presented pro and con. In our local last week concerning the Tariff debate, we said Al. Mowry resided in West Bolton. We meant Bolton. Al. Says he is not the Conkling of that district; and that Pat Summer carries the honors we tried to thrust on Al. [DO THEY MEAN PAT SOMERS?]
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 14, 1885.
The Newton papers are boasting about so many traveling men locating there. That is easily explained. Newton is easy of access by rail-way, affording splendid advantages to get in and out of town. They have not gone there and engaged in business, but just make Newton their headquarters. Arkansas City has nine drummers who came here and engaged in business. They have traveled all over the state, visiting all the cities of Kansas, and out of all of them they have selected Arkansas City, and the REPUBLICAN is glad they displayed such wise judgment.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 14, 1885.
Several evenings since the alarm of mad dog was sounded near S. F. Endicott=s residence. Some five men gave chase to what they supposed to be a rabid canine. Some went on horseback. Mr. Endicott rode at breakneck speed to Mr. Tyner=s residence to give the alarm and to obtain Charley and his double-barrel shotgun=s assistance. Amid the cries of AHere he is,@ Ashoot him,@ etc., the pursuers chased the dog over Ahill and vale, through bramble and biar,@ and finally shot him when they arrived at N. Kimmel=s residence. Now the trouble with the pursuers was to satisfy themselves that it was a mad dog. So Mr. Kimmel was made coroner and the pursers the jury. A verdict was rendered that the dog was a dead one, and, perhaps, a mad one.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 14, 1885.
Logan S. Hamilton=s Death.
DIED. At the residence of his father, W. J. Hamilton, in Bolton Township, Sunday evening, the spirit of Logan S. Hamilton passed to the other shore. Mr. Hamilton, accompanied by his wife and daughter, Abbie, came here some three months ago on a visit in hope of improving his health. But, alas, it was of no avail. It failed until his condition was doubtful. He lingered along until last Sunday evening when the cold, silent hand of death fell upon him. About five weeks since, Dr. Hamilton, a brother, of Salt Lake City, Utah, came and had since attended him. The disease, malarial fever, baffled all skill, and the tired spirit winged its flight to the home of its Redeemer.
Mr. Hamilton was 40 years of age at the time of his demise. He was an energetic businessman, possessing good qualifications for the business circle in which he was connected. For years he has been connected with different railroad enterprises and up to the time of his coming here he was engaged in this capacity at Sedalia, Missouri.
The deceased was at one time superintendent of the Southern Kansas Railway, and in fact, was one of the originators and main spirits that prompted the building of it. He leaves a wife and one daughter with whom the whole community sympathizes. Mrs. Denton and Mrs. Weatherholt are his sisters. He also has a brother in Chicago. His remains were interred in East Bolton Township Cemetery last Monday. Rev. Fleming officiated at the funeral obsequities.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 14, 1885.
Woman Relief Corps.
Mrs. L. H. Brown of Olathe, president of this Dept., Woman=s Relief Corps, G. A. R., instituted a corps at this place last Monday afternoon with 16 charter members as follows.
Mrs. Emma A. Stafford
Mrs. Sid Lindsay
Mrs. May Daniels
Mrs. Lorinda Daniels
Mrs. Sophia A. Davis
Miss Sarah M. Davis
Julia C. Derr
Mary J. Cooper
Margaret Nail
Ellen Taylor
Ella Ludwick
Priscilla D. Ashton
Arona E. Watts
Hettie C. Bishop
Abbie R. Randall
Sue E. Mansfield
The officers for the present term are:
Priscilla D. Ashton, President.
Sue E. Mansfield, S. V. P.
Ellen Taylor, J. V. P.
Arona E. Watts, Treasurer.
Lorinda Daniels, Chaplain.
Sarah M. Davis, Conductor.
May Daniels, Guard.
Emma A. Stafford, Secretary.
The Relief Corps is auxiliary to the G. A. R., and all loyal ladies are eligible to membership.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 14, 1885.
A Call.
The members of the Ministerial Association of Arkansas City will please convene at the Baptist Church, west room, on February 18, at 2:30 p.m., and oblige.
S. B. FLEMING, President.
J. P. WITT, Secretary.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 14, 1885.
The neatest Restaurant
The best cook,
The best place for a first-class meal.
The most suitable place in the city for day board.
Reading room with daily and weekly papers.
Sixth street, just back of Highland Hall.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 14, 1885.
Our Communication From the Poor Old Hub.
A public meeting was called at the courthouse in Winfield, Thursday evening, for the purpose of devising some means to try and give the Hub a boom the coming summer. T. H. Soward called the meeting to order and came very near making his old campaign speech. He wished the Hub had a Jim Hill to build them a canal from the Arkansas River to Winfield, or do something to add a little life to the capital of Cowley. Next speaker was Charlie Black; he said they were going to build the Narrow Gauge but that the company had decided to make it a Broad Gauge; they wanted the people of Winfield to give them $40,000, and the townships along the line of the road to pay as much as they could legally vote for railroad bonds. They would not ask for county bonds, as they were afraid the county would not vote them, they came so near defeating them before.
Next speaker was Bro. Kinney; he said he knew nothing about railroads or worldly matters, but would entertain the audience with the war song of the salvation army; he sang AA holy war is raging, tramp, tramp; the Irish are throwing dynamite into the British camp,@ etc.
Pap Millington was called, but was not present; he was busy preparing to turn over the post office to George Rembaugh.
Next speaker was M. L. Robinson, who said they would build the Narrow Broad Gauge to Winfield, if they got sufficient bonds, but Winfield could not vote them $40,000 and also aid the north and south road, as the law would not allow them to vote sufficient bonds to build both roads; and he thought the people ought to aid the N. G. and let the other roads look somewhere else for aid.
Next speaker was J. C. Long, who said he had about come to the conclusion that he had settled in a community of drones, without life or energy, but he thought they were waking up, and would talk liberally, certainly talk was cheap.
Joe O=Hare said he was in favor of digging the canal, then they would have plenty of water and sand enough to make it possible to get through the Winfield mud.
The chair then appointed a committee of seven to draw up a constitution and by-laws for the society, and it was voted to call it AThe Winfield Enterprise Association.@
Bro. Kinney then announced that tomorrow the salvation army would hold public meetings on the streets, at the churches, and at the office of the Enterprise Association.
Meeting adjourned to meet next Thursday evening.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 14, 1885.
The following is the programme of Cowley County Teachers Association, which will convene at New Salem, Friday evening, Feb. 20th, 1885.
Address of Welcome ......... Rev. Irwin.
Response ................... Mr. R. B. Moore.
Paper, Relation of Teachers and pupil: Fannie Stretch.
Talk: Prof. A. Gridley.
Recitation ................. Jessie Stretch.
Paper ...................... Mr. N. Barnes.
Exercise by New Salem School.
Roll Call of Teachers with fine [?] minutes Response.
1. Methods of teaching primary reading.
2. The course of study--its use in school.
3. How to organize and how to use school libraries.
4. To what extent should you teach biographies of noted personages?
5. Miscellaneous business.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 14, 1885.
Smoking in the P. O. Lobby Prohibited.
Postmaster Arkansas City, Kansas.
SIR: Complaints are made that smoking is permitted to be indulged in the room in which the post office is located to the annoyance of ladies and others calling for their mail. Your attention is called to ruling 931: APostmasters are not authorized to exclude the public from the lobby of a post office during the distribution of the mail. They, however, have the right to prohibit smoking in the lobby, and enforce the observance of good order, and, when necessary, to call upon the local authorities for assistance.@
Very Respectively,
JAMES A. MARR, JR., 1st Asst. P. M. Genl.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 14, 1885.
The Improved Order of Red Men: What It Is
And How to Enter Its Wigwams.
The Improved Order of Red Men is a fraternal and a benovolent organization, founded upon the customs and traditions of the North American Indians, and is the oldest secret benevolent society of purely American origin. It was founded in the year 1812 by the soldiers of the American arms and the members of the Iriquois tribe of Indians, who in spite of British influence, still remained friendly to the colonists. It inculcates the virtues of hospitality and steadfast friendship which were such distinguishing characteristics of its aboriginal prototypes, and virtues of charity and forbearance towards its own members, while failing in none of the duties it may owe to the world. A good Red Man cannot fail to be also a good citizen and a true patriot.
The good influence of kindred societies is so well known that to say the Improved Order of Red Men is at least the peer of any of them in the promotion of all that is good in human nature, is a sufficient recommendation. The Red Man is bound and deems it his highest privilege to watch over and care for his sick or afflicted brother, or even to go hand in hand with him down the dark Valley of the Shadow of Death, even to the edge of the Black River, which flows to the happy hunting grounds, where roams the countless hosts that has not met the shaft of death and answered the call of the Great Spirit. Even more than this, for he is charged with a most holy trust, to care for the widows and little ones left without the protecting arm of the husband and father. What nobler attribute can man have than that he shall love his brother, and this is what the order teaches.
Founded upon the simple customs of a primitive race, the utmost simplicity marks its ceremonies, and freedom and equality are exemplified among all its members. The question of political or religious creeds is not allowed to weigh in the qualifications for membership, which are that the applicant shall be free, white, male, 21 years of age, of good moral character, of sound bodily health, and he must believe in the existence of a Great Spirit, in whose hands all power exists.
It is not the purpose of this article to enter into a full and detailed account of the many points of interest which might be laid before the reader, but simply to give a few of the salient points which one has a right to know who may be discussing with himself the question of becoming adopted into the Order, learning its mysteries, and participating in its privileges and benefits.
As has been said this is believed to be the oldest purely American society in existence. Its founders possessed the highest ability, and were actuated by the purest motives, as is proved by the beautiful structure which they have erected.
No organized effort has ever been made for the extension of the brotherhood, such progress as has been attained being simply a natural unforced growth.
The Order contains now over forty thousand members and is rapidly increasing in numbers. Great Councils have been organized in about thirty states. The popular feature of benefit insurance has lately been added, but it is optional with the members whether they connect themselves with that branch or not.
For further particulars apply to some member of the Order.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 14, 1885.
An Answer to Homo.
A correspondent in the REPUBLICAN of February 7th, who signs himself AHomo,@ seems to think a flouring mill equal to a gold mine. He says that 2-1/2 bushels of wheat at 60 cents costs $1.35 when any school boy knows that at the above rate it would be $1.50. He further says that the flour brings $3.00 per one hundred pounds. His knowledge of milling is evidently as limited as his knowledge of figures, as the percent of $3.00 flour made of 2-1/2 bushels of wheat is so small that if Homo was placed on an allowance of the same for his daily bread, he would have less time to write about a business that he knows nothing of; but would be otherwise engaged in hunting up material to fill up on. He does not tell his readers that in the process of milling this 2-1/2 bushels of wheat that there is four grades of flour made, the whole not averaging $2.00 per hundred pounds. To the miller again he says in the good old times he took 140 pounds of wheat to a steam mill and lost a sack costing 35 cents. The mills of Arkansas City give the farmer 35 pounds of choice fancy flour for one bushel of good wheat, thereby losing 30 cents per bushel. The miller who swore that he did not steal Homo=s sack did so thinking he would come out even but got left after all. The millers do not try to discriminate against the producer of this part of the country; they pay the farmers very near and sometimes more than Kansas City prices for wheat. This is why the wheat is not shipped out of the country and gives the farmer 10 to 15 cents more per bushel, which would otherwise go to the railroad; but most of the time the millers find they can buy wheat in outside markets, ship it in, paying freights on same, and get it for less than they can buy it for on the streets of Arkansas City. Homo also loses sight of the fact that wheat in this country is very trashy and loses from 5 to 7 pounds per bushel, which is a dead loss to the miller. He tries to convey the idea that millers are trying to rob the farmers. Does he judge the millers by himself? Farmers have been known to try and rob the millers by putting musty and inferior wheat in the bottom of sacks and a little good wheat on top, thinking they would get the same price for all. Does a farmer blush at such a thing? Will Homo see that the one evil genius is chained? Now if Homo thinks a mill is a gold mine, he can now have the opportunity to buy all the mills in Arkansas City at much less than cost with all the golden opportunities thrown in.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 14, 1885.
MARRIED. On Feb. 12, at the residence of the officiating clergyman, Rev. H. S. Lundy, William Rathwell to Elizabeth Stewart.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
Victory for Unlicensed Barbed Wire Makers.
ST. LOUIS, Feb. 4. The Barbed Wire Manufacturer=s Association met this afternoon with about forty representatives of the Equitable Barbed Wire Manufacturer=s Association, now in session in Chicago. The deliberations were conducted in private.
Mr. J. W. Gates, president of the Southern Wire Company of this city, said that Atoday=s meeting was called to consider the war which for four years has been waged between the licensed and unlicensed manufacturers of barbed wire, and that the result is a complete victory for the latter. The Equitable Association began its meeting in Chicago yesterday, and soon discovered that the unlicensed manufacturers were in the ascendency, and virtually abandoned the fight. They sent down proxies to attend our meeting, with instructions to support any action which we might take. The fight came on the question of fixing prices, and we have agreed to make an advance of one-half cent per pound, and have telegraphed the Chicago meeting to that effect. Every factory in the United States, licensed or unlicensed, is represented here, and all have agreed to the advance. We have all been losing money, but the tide has now turned, and we look forward to a good business this summer. It will be safe to say that before two weeks a pool will be formed, and that the whole business will be in the hands of a syndicate, which will work harmoniously and place the business on a paying basis.@
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
Terrible Explosion in the Nation.
GALVESTON, TEXAS, Feb. 3. A News Denison special says: A terrible explosion of gas occurred yesterday in a coal mine near Savana, Indian Territory. There were 100 miners working in the mine at the time of the explosion. Three are reported killed outright, 89 seriously burned, and 42 slightly burned or otherwise injured.
The following are the names of those who where killed: John Houston, William Paxton, and Edward Griffith. Only a partial list is obtainable of those seriously injured, among whom were Morgan Hughes, Wm. Courtney, Peter Farrel, Frank Grimes, Robt. McChelley, David Richardson, William Boyle, Henry Davidson, Peter Carbon, James Orlando, Chas. Turpin, James Reach, Farr H. Kerr, Jno. Gibbs, Thornton Miller, Peter Curren, and Wm. Cameron.
Savana is a small village on the M. K. & T. Railroad, in the very heart of the Indian Territory, about twenty-five miles south of McAllister and fifty miles north of Atoka.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
The Wheat Market.
M. M. Price & Co., Chicago commission merchants, make the following comments on the wheat market in their weekly circular, which will be read with interest by our farmers and dealers generally.
AWheat has again commanded the largest share of attention, and while we open and close the week at just the same prices, every day showed a fair amount of activity, with prices varying from 3/4 cents to 1-1/2 cents per bushel. In fact, it was another scalper=s market, where the quick trader, whether he bought or sold, could hardly help making a profit. The market is certainly a very nervous one, and quickly responds to the slightest rumor, as on Tuesday last the cable that the English cabinet was in secret session over Egyptian affairs, being construed to mean war, changed the market from a dull to a very active one, and sent prices up 1-1/2 cents per bushel. Receipts at many of our milling centers are running very light, and millers are becoming uneasy about their supplies. The secretary of the Minneapolis exchange estimates that out of a crop of 63,000,000 bushels raised in Dakota and Minnesota, fully 50,000,000 have already been marketed; yet they have eight months until another harvest. The result was, the Minneapolis millers advanced the price of wheat a further 2 cents per bushel. St. Louis is also excited, especially on low grade wheat, which is wanted by the millers, and is quickly picked up, the market advancing 7 and 8 cents per bushel in the past two days. Kansas also falls into line, wheat that would not sell for over 35 cents a month ago, and even today is not worth over 50 cents to ship to this market, sells readily to their home millers at 65 cents, so that all around us there is evidence of the crop giving out. The deficiency in the stocks of wheat and flour, in the principal cities of Europe on the 1st of January, compared with same date last year, is estimated as follows: Great Britain 13,000,000 bu., France 10,000,000 bu., Germany, Holland, Belgium, etc., 5,000,000 bu.; total 28,000,000 bus., while there is an increase in the visible American supply of only 8,000,000 bu. Thus there is Ain sight@ in the store houses of Europe and America today, 20,000,000 bu. less than at the same time last year, and if we add to this the estimated reduction in stocks of flour, said to be equal to 10,000,000 bu. of wheat instead of having, as many suppose, a large surplus in sight, we are actually 30,000,000 bushels short of last season, and the lightest for several years. But even were our stocks as large as some people would have us believe, we must not forget that our home consumption averages nearly 800,000 bushels per day, so that large as our visible supply seems to be, yet it is only equal to a little over five weeks requirements of our home wants and exports on present basis.@
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
Khartoum Captured.
LONDON, Feb. 2. The war office has issued the following.
AA telegram from Gen. Wolseley announces that the fall of Khartoum took place on January 26. He says Col. Wilson arrived at Khartoum January 28, and was greatly surprised to find that the enemy were in possession of that place. He immediately started on his return down the river and proceeded under heavy fire from the rebels. When some miles below the Shublaca cataract, Col. Wilson=s steamers were wrecked, but he and his whole party managed to reach an island in safety where they are secure. The steamer had gone to bring them back to the British camp, Metemeneh. Gen. Wolseley says he has no information regarding the fate of Gen. Gordon and does not know whether he is dead or alive.
THE EXCITEMENT IN LONDON and every place where the news is known is rising to fever heat. Clubs and public places of every description are thronged with surging crowds eager to catch the last syllable of intelligence from the distant Egyptian desert. Through Fleet street and the strand it is almost impossible to make one=s way, so crowded are these thoroughfares with throngs of curious and excited citizens. Most people take a gloomy view of the position of the British troops. In London the jubilant gladness which characterizes England in regard to Egypt ever since the welcome news of the Stewart=s victory and arrival in the neighborhood of Metemeneh was received, has given way to universal depression of dismay and forebodings come from almost everybody. It is too early to estimate the influence the news may have on the political situation. The army office is besieged with army officers tendering their services for active duty in the Soudan country. Numerous telegrams are being received from the officers throughout the country asking assignments to rescue the expedition, should the government conclude to take such action.
THE CAPTURE OF KHARTOUM has created grave fears, especially in army circles, for the safety of Gen. Stewart and his army. A number of military officers of repute evince the opinion that unless reinforcements are hurried forward to Korti, the fall of Khartoum may lead to disaster to the forces under Lord Wolseley and Gen. Earle. A cabinet council has been summoned to meet at once.
A native reports that Mahdi had 6,000 men in the vicinity of Khartoum. He introduced a number of his emissaries into the city. These emissaries mingled freely with the native troops under Gen. Gordon, and by bribes and threats and working on their religious feelings, induced them to mutiny, and 7,000 of the garrisons deserted to the rebels, leaving Gordon with only 2,500 faithful soldiers. With this small force he attempted to hold the city against the Mahdi=s great army, but after severe fighting, in which a large number of rebels were killed, he was compelled to surrender.
When Sir Charles Wilson reached Khartoum, he found that Mahdi=s forces occupied both town and citadel. He tried to land and ascertain the fate of Gordon, but this step he found impossible. The enemy=s guns were turned upon him in full force. He was, therefore, compelled to turn his back upon the fallen city and returned to Gubat without finding out whether Gordon was dead or alive.
The news of the downfall of Khartoum has created grave apprehension in regard to the whole of the Egyptian problem among members of the cabinet. Gladstone and Earl Granville started for London as soon as the news reached them. The cabinet council of military authorities is of the opinion that Gen. Gordon sent a greater number of his troops down the Nile to meet Stewart=s forces and so depleted the garrisons in the town and citadel of Khartoum, that an attack by the enemy from Omdurman was rendered much easier.
The greatest activity prevails at the war department. Many officials remained on duty all night.
Lord Wolseley telegraphed that he does not consider the British at Gubat in any immediate danger.
THE FIRST NEWS of the fall of Khartoum received by Gen. Wolseley was brought by a messenger, who left the Island where Col. Wilson was stranded and came on foot to Gubat. The news of the fall of Khartoum has spread far and wide. Some tribes that hitherto have professed friendship for England now declare for the Mahdi. The Arabs still hold Metemeneh. The garrison there received news as to the fall of Khartoum with repeated salvos of artillery. When Col. Wilson=s flotilla approached Khartoum, he was compelled to run a gauntlet of fire from both banks. The rebels had four Krupp guns on the river banks at Kaifujels [? COULD NOT REALLY READ THIS WORD] to bombard the steamers, and when the British force reached Omcurman [AGAIN, HARD TO READ WORD] numbers of rebels continued the fusilade. Things looked worse when it was discovered that the enemy was in possession of the Island of Tutti, just outside of the city. The English still pushed ahead, but were amazed to find that the garrison commenced firing upon them. No flags were flying from the public buildings and the town appeared to be in undisputed possession of the enemy. The place seemed to be gutted. Finding it impossible to land in the face of an overwhelming number of rebels, the British were obliged to retire. The rumors concerning the fate of General Gordon are many and varied, but all agree that Mahdi caputred Khartoum by treachery. The most reliable reports point to one Farez Pasha as the traitor. It is said he, being left in charge of the ramparts, opened the gates on January 26 and admitted the enemy. Of the rumors a majority agree that Gen. Gordon was killed.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
AD. HARDWARE, STOVES, TINWARE! And everything usually kept in a first-class store.
I have the only perfect Gasoline Stove made. I employ more tinners than any similar institution in the county, and if you have any tin work to do and want it done quick, call on me. I keep a HORSE AND WAGON Especially for country work.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
Roofing, Guttering, and Spouting a Specialty.
Shop on south Summit street, near Grady=s lumber yard, Arkanas City, Kansas.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
Tuesday W. L. Couch, Geo. L. Brown, H. H. Stafford, and Col. Wilcox, the boomers whom the REPUBLICAN reported arrested for resisting the U. S. Army, was to have had their trial, but as usual the government was not ready. The boomers were on hand and even anxious for trial but Uncle Sam was afraid to meet them in the courts of equity. The Wichita Eagle, an anti-Oklahoma paper, but voices our sentiments, when that bird of freedom utters the following.
ATuesday the boomers were to have their examination before Commissioner Shearman, but they didn=t have it. Couch and his associates were promptly on hand and ready for trial, but the government was behind as usual. The boomers reported at the Commissioner=s office at 10 a.m, but no one appeared against them. Assistant United States District Attorney Chas. Hatton said he expected witnesses up from the Territory on the noon train; therefore, it was agreed to adjourn until 1:30. The train arrived from below, but no witnesses. A large number of persons, mostly gray-haired men, assembled in the Commissioner=s court and the Oklahoma question was freely discussed. About fifty were present and the unanimous opinion as far as could be obtained was that the whole business was a scandalous farce and the government is making an ass of itself.
AThe proposition laid down was, had the boomers committed a crime or had they not. If they had, why not promptly forward and try them for it? If they had not, why go to the expense of arresting these men, paying their fares to this city, paying the United States Marshal for bringing them here, paying the attorney for writing a complaint, and paying the commissioner for hearing the boomers plead not guilty, fixing a date for a preliminary trial, and then turning them loose on their own bonds, and when they appear for trial, nobody is present to testify against them? Plenty time was given the government to have their witnesses here, and it is presumed that said witnesses are not very busy just now. The examination was continued until 9 this morning, and it was expected that Lieut. Day would arrive last night, but no Lieut. Day arrived that we know of. Commissioner Shearman said that none of the subpoenas had been returned.@
The excuse palmed off by U. S. District Attorney, Chas. Hutton, for not continuing the examination is exceedingly Aflabby.@ Let us see; these boomers were arrested for resisting the great army of Uncle Sam. There is a penalty for this crime. The testimony of either one of the boomers would have convicted or acquitted the prisoners. They were ordered to leave Oklahoma, which they refused to do. They willingly tell this. No, the excuse was all Abosh.@ Again will the invaders be turned loose to work up another move, which will occur March 5. They are turned loose on their own bond to go where they please when according to the claims of the government, they are outlaws. The government is afraid to deal according to the law with them, but resorts to the military when there is no necessity. Couch, or any of the boomers, if a United States marshal had gone to them and made the arrest, would have submitted without a word of remonstrance, provided they could get a trial for the crime for which they were arrested.
In the last siege of the troops against the boomers, it must have cost the government several thousand dollars for railroad transportation of the troops, horses, etc. Thus does the government keep up a needless waste of the people=s money by not giving the boomers a hearing and an impartial trial. Is it not about time for the people to rise up in their might and take some action on the question and let Congress severely alone? Since December first it has been in session and what has it done? John J. Ingalls, Kansas= best senator, said a few days ago, ASo far Congress has done nothing. Is it not about time we were doing something?@ Now, an extra session is threatened, and what for we fail to see. It can=t be to settle the Oklahoma controversy, nor the Nicarauguan question, nor the dynamite question, nor any river appropriations. Then in the name of common sense, why should we be threatened with an extra session? The above is the sum total of Congress= doings so far, and is it not about time that it should act definitely on the subject of so much interest to so many well-to-do citizens of Kansas and other states--that of opening up Oklahoma.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
Ed. P. Greer, representative from Winfield district, has introduced a bill in the house in regard to county printing. His first bill was for the appointment of county printer by the judge of the district, but while the committee had it under consideration, he made a substitute which is, in substance, for the county commissioners to have the authority to designate the county printer. This does away with all bidding, and the county printer whoever he may be, enjoys legal rates for his labor. Should this bill pass, county printing will never be reduced to Chinese labor, and as the REPUBLICAN may some day fill the chair of county printer, we appreciate Mr. Greer=s efforts.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
Wheat ranges from 60 to 65 cents per bushel.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
The stockyards at Hackney are completed.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
It is said that one-third of the travel south of Newton comes to or goes from Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
The K. P. Lodge will hold their meetings in Masonic hall Tuesday evenings of each week.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
Ed Greer is working for the location of the imbecile asylum at Winfield, he having introduced a bill to that effect.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
The famous New Orleans minstrels failed to materialize at Highland Hall Wednesday evening as their posters announced.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
Frank Beall says the steamer will be ready to launch about March 15. But it will take several days to come to Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
Wednesday the boomers were discharged by the U. S. Commissioner at Wichita. No witnesses appeared against them.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
Santa Fe ships this week 1 car of cattle and 7 or 8 cars of hogs. O Bacton shipped the cattle, Barnett and Neff & Henderson the hogs.
[O BACTON...???]
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
Winfield wants to form an organization of her businessmen for the purpose of advancing Winfield=s welfare. A needed organization.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
Tuesday evening of next week will be the Mother Hubbard ball. This will be the last ball given by the Favorite Social Club until after Lent. Lent commences Wednesday.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
BIRTH. Born, a 10 pound girl to Mr. and Mrs. Milton Perkins, Sunday evening, at the residence of D. Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. Perkins are visiting at Mr. Francisco=s from Colorado.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
It is evident that farmers are realizing the importance of raising tame grasses. Geo. Cunningham has sold upwards of 400 bushels this spring, nearly 200 bushels going to one party.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
Tonight at Highland Hall the Japanese Wedding will occur. The high contracting parties will be dressed in Japanese costumes. This novel entertainment originated by the ladies of the Presbyterian Aid Society will be one of the most mirth provoking events of the season. We want Highland Hall to be crowded tonight.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
Wash. Barcaw, the man who was in the county jail from here for violating the prohibition law, was released by the County Commissioners Wednesday. He now perambulates our streets.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
Burden has taken down her much talked of Blaine and Logan pole. The Burden paper says it was the tallest in the state, and probably it was, and it might have also been the only one in the state.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
BIRTH. Some ten days ago Mrs. Oliver McGuirt, residing near the railroad, gave birth to a two-and-a-half pound boy babe. At last accounts the babe was alive, but it is thought it will not live much longer.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
The thermometer went down to 12 degrees below zero Monday night. Tuesday morning it was some milder, the thermometer marking only seven degrees below. Monday was probably the coldest night we have experienced.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
Implement dealers in general in this vicinity seem to think that the manufacturers of the three only successful Listers--The Weir, The Deere, and Canton--have done them an injustice by placing the whole family of successful Listers in the hands of G. W. Cunningham.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
The Aboomers@ are getting ready for another invasion, and what is congress going to do about it. The REPUBLICAN thinks that the government has expended enough of the people=s money in removing the invaders from this country to have some action taken immediately.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
The little son of Chas. Bryant, on the way home from school one evening last week, called a boy with auburn locks, Areddy.@ The latter considered this an infringement on nature and retaliated by flinging a stone at Bryant, who caught it on his head. A severe scalp wound was the result.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
Sunday afternoon J. Hollenback was delivering his milk. When at the residence of C. C. Sollitt, his team became frightened while Mr. Hollenback was out of his wagon and started off on a dead run. The milk can tipped over, spilling the lacteal fluid. The team ran about a quarter of a mile and stopped.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
Kroenert & Austin when they remove into their new quarters across the street will occupy their present room with a large feed store. As soon as the room can be completed in the Hasie block, Ochs & Nicholson will vacate their present room under Highland Hall and the Diamond Front move in. The change will be beneficial to both firms. The Diamond Front can accommodate their trade better and the Bee-Hive display their piles of goods, which are now hidden from view in the Hasie room.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
Billy Gray rarely allows an opportunity to go by, when one is offered, to capture a violator of the law. Monday a county sheriff of Missouri arrived on the noon train looking after one John Gott, of Springfield. The sheriff described his man to Billy, who remembered seeing him. He immediately set out to capture him and found Gott in the vicinity of the depot. Billy arrested him and turned him over to the sheriff, who departed for Springfield. Gott was wanted for larceny principally.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
Sometime in December the state had W. J. Pointer up before Judge Kreamer for disposing and concealing of some mortgaged property. Pointer was tried by jury and found guilty and a fine of $50 assessed. His case was taken to the district court by his attorney, J. A. Stafford. Tuesday his trial came off at Winfield and Mr. Stafford argued his case so successfully that he secured Pointer=s acquittal. By the way, Mr. Stafford is becoming one of the leading attorneys of Cowley County.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
To be Established at Arkansas City Shortly by Two Wealthy Buckeyes, Who have now Gone Back Home to Dispose of their
Property in Order that They May Move Here by the Month of
After Visiting the Villages of Wellington and Winfield, They
Decide Arkansas City is the Place to Locate.
D. A. Warner and E. C. Hubbard, formerly proprietors of a pork-packing establishment at Geneva, Ohio, arrived in the city Monday. They were looking for a location to establish a pork-packing establishment. But a few hours in our city was sufficient to convince them that Arkansas City offered superior advantages to any town in Southern Kansas for such an establishment. They remained here until Tuesday looking at property. Messrs. Warner and Hubbard first visited Wellington and Winfield, and had decided to locate at the former town. They started back to Ohio and when at Independence, met Dr. Fowler, who informed them that Arkansas City was far ahead of either Wellington or Winfield. The Doctor praised Arkansas City so strongly that they turned around and as stated above came here and decided to locate.
It is too late this season for anything to be done. They will move here in July and commence making ready. They hope to be in readiness by September and next spring will furnish us pork at living rates.
Messrs. Warner & Hubbard have been engaged in this business several years, the latter for 15 years or more. In addition to their pork packing establishment, they will have a large wholesale room, from where the meat will be sold.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
Just after we went to press last week, word reached us that the dam across the Arkansas west of town had gone away. Also the bridge. It proved partly true. About 125 feet of the dam was carried away and about the same number of feet of the bridge was taken. The damage done to the dam cannot yet be estimated as the floating ice and high water will not permit a boat in its current. The water in the canal is so low that the flourering mills have been stopped. Nothing can be done until the swollen waters subside and then quite a while will be consumed in repairing the break. The immense pressure of the ice against the bridge pilings caused them to give away and the dam, at the same time. This catastrophe will furnish several laborers employment for a time at good wages. AIt=s an ill wind that blows no one any good.@
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
While out horseback riding one afternoon last week, Charlie Nelson, son of AHank@ Nelson, had the small and large bone broken in his leg below the knee joint by the horse slipping and falling on it. The horse was frightened by someone riding swiftly up behind Master Nelson, causing his horse to shy and slip at the same time. The accident happened in the vicinity of R. A. Houghton=s residence. The injured boy was taken home and Drs. Minthorn and Vawter set the fractured limb. He suffered terribly from the accident, but we are glad to say he was improving at last reports.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
Robert Pollock, who resides four miles west of town with his father, had a severe ordeal to pass through last Thursday morning. Several years ago while a resident of Ohio, he had a bone broken in his hip. The bone became dead and formed what is known to the medical profession as Necrosis of the crest of the Ilium. An opening was made in Pollock=s side, the bone scraped, and a piece removed. Dr. Reed performed the operation, assisted by Dr. J. A. Mitchell. The patient was a boy 17 years of age, and is improving since the operation.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
One week from tomorrow at the Presbyterian Church each member of the Sunday School will donate one cent for every pound they weigh for missionary purposes. There are several heavy weight scholars, D. P. Marshall being the largest. He weighs 290 pounds and will have to pay accordingly $2.90. The minister, Rev. Fleming, will come in with quite a neat sum. He weighs some 225 pounds. Persons with large families in this way donate quite a sum. Merchants have been busy weighing scholars this week.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
Spence Minor, an ex-merchant from Winfield, but now of Ashland, Clark County, was elected constable while he was in Winfield visiting friends by the voters of his township at the general election a few days since.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
C. Mead is getting well.
Ery Miller has been released.
Mrs. J. E. Hamilton visited Burden Thursday.
Ira Barnett shipped three carloads of hogs this week.
P. C. Wyeth of the Wyeth Cattle Company is in the city.
J. D. Kenworthy, auditor of Santa Fe, was in town Wednesday.
John Weeks is assisting in J. Frank Smith=s grocery establishment.
Little Miss Mary Matlack has been very sick for several days past.
Speers & Branson are running a portable saw mill in Bolton Township.
Last evening at the residence of F. W. Farrar, a social party was given.
Mr. Ferry and wife of the Indian Territory started Tuesday for New Orleans.
L. H. Northey, at the Santa Fe depot, is indisposed this week with the sore throat.
W. M. O=Gilva lettered the windows of Frank J. Hess= real estate agency this week.
Jos. Perry continues to remain in the same critical condition we reported last week.
Agent Scott was up Saturday from Ponca to get $7,500 annuity money to pay to that tribe.
A. D. Hawk went to Pawnee Agency Monday morning last to attend to some business matters.
G. W. Miller is erecting a cottage on lots near the Central School building for rental purposes.
David Shaw, near Hackney, has lost 30 head of young shoats, lately, by some lung disease.
Gro. Cunningham has his order in for his hardware stock, which will be here in a few days.
Frank Hess has had the front of his real estate agncy retouched with a coat of black paint.
Wes Ferguson is building a cottage residence on east Depot street. W. A. Nix is the builder.
W. W. Eldridge will remove his gunshop to the room adjacent
T. R. Houghton=s harness shop next week.
Capt. Siverd of Winfield was in the city Monday and came in to shake hands with the REPUBLICAN.
Mrs. L. H. Brown, on completion of the initiation of the Woman=s Relief Corps, left for her home Wednesday.
Hon. C. R. Mitchell, of Geuda Springs, has been appointed one of the Regents of the State University at Lawrence.
Rev. J. P. Witt will preach at the Christian Church tomorrow morning and evening. All are invited to attend.
The Young People=s Social Club will meet Monday evening at the home of Miss Etta Barnett instead of Tuesday.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
Mrs. H. O. Meigs, of Anthony, came over Wednesday to visit her daughter, Miss Annie. She returned home today.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Hess were at home afternoon and evening of last Thursday at the residence of Mr. J. L. Huey.
Will L. Aldridge is disposing of his household furniture. He intends boarding and desires to rent his residence.
McDowell Bros., formerly proprietors of the City Meat Market, have removed to Kiowa and opened up a meat market there.
T. W. Sollitt, of Chicago, arrived in the city last Saturday noon on a short visit at the residence of his brother, C. C. Sollitt.
Miss Maggie Sample, who has been visiting in Winfield for some time, was called home by the illness of her mother Thursday.
Mrs. Shannon Herron, residing in north Creswell Township, is very sick with blood poisoning. She is now convalescing.
Our smiling friend, J. C. Duncan, made the purchase Wednesday of a Asmence@ residence on railroad street. Consideration $175.
Capt. Thompson and Dr. E. Y. Baker, at their trial at Winfield, plead guilty to issuing prescriptions illegally and were fined $100 and costs.
Mrs. E. D. Bowen, of Anthony, came over on a visit to her friends and relatives Wednesday. She is a sister of Mrs. T. H. McLaughlin.
Miss Lida Strong, of Udall, visited at the residence of E. L. Pentecost this week. S. P. Strong, of Rock Township, is also there visiting.
J. E. Hamilton is disposing of his entire notion stock at very low prices. He is going to open a confectionery and ice cream parlor after April 1.
J. C. Duncan wants to go to New Orleans, provided he can get company. We volunteered to furnish the company if he would the cash. He declined.
Pat Franey says he found the largest corn-cob in America Monday on ABudd@ Beck=s farm. It was 14-1/2 inches in length. He presented it to Frank Hess= real estate agency.
BIRTH. Mrs. Ed. Ferguson presented her husband with a 10-1/2 pound boy Thursday morning. Ed. Says the first thing the newcomer did was to crow for Jim Blaine and John A. Logan.
Jas. Lewis, of the firm of Park & Lewis, went to Holton, Kansas, to build a residence. He will be gone several weeks, but will return to Arkansas City when through with his job.
A special train bearing 14 Santa Fe officials came in at 11 a.m. yesterday and went north again at 11:50 a.m. Supt. Nickerson was in charge of the party and had them in his private car.
The son of J. N. Gordon, residing on Silver Creek, several days since had his arm broken by being thrown from the back of a pony which he was riding. He is improving under the treatment of Dr. Reed.
Taylor L. Flick, of Kansas City, arrived here Thursday. Mr. Flick is roaming over Kansas prospecting. He came in and subscribed for the REPUBLICAN that he might be posted on the progress of our city.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
Dr. Frank Graham, who came to Arkansas City with intentions of locating some weeks ago, concluded to g o to Greeley, Colorado, through the importuning of several friends there. He left for that place Wednesday.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
Mike Harkins went to his mule ranche in Sumner County Thursday. From there he goes to his cow ranche in the Territory, and from there Mr. Harkins will go to Old Mexico. Cal. Dean is responsible for this item.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
Miss Julia Deming, of Carthage, Missouri, is visiting at the residence of F. W. Farrar and J. L. Huey. Tuesday evening, at the residence of the latter, a social gathering of the young people was had in her honor. A pleasant evening was had.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
The Southwestern Kansas Teachers Association will convene March 27 at El Dorado and continue over the 29th. Prof. J. C. Weir received notification Tuesday that he was placed on the programme to prepare a per on ANo Recess.@
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
Jas. L. Blizard, of Franklin, Indiana, writes: ASend me the REPUBLICAN, so I can know what is going on in Arkansas City.@ Mr. Blizard was here some weeks ago and concluded to make this city his future home. He will move here in the spring.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Maxwell, of Council Bluffs, Iowa, arrived in the city last Monday evening, on a visit at the residence of S. E. Maxwell. Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell have been in New Orleans to visit the exposition. Mr. Maxwell says Kansas and Ohio were the last represented. He is a brother of S. E. Maxwell, and is looking up a location for a cattle ranch.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
C. W. Myers, the gentleman who has been managing the business of the Chicago Lumber Yard, has resigned his position. He is succeeded by D. W. Buckley, formerly of Davenport, Iowa, but lately of Belle Plaine. Mr. Myers and family returned to their eastern home Thursday.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
At the last meeting the city council appropriated $50 for the building of a pound. It will be built in close proximity to the calaboose, and will be utilized by stray cattle, hogs, etc., which have been roaming around over our city.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
Abe Hurst and Bert Plumb attended the Lyceum in district No. 89, Thursday evening of last week. They became engaged in a fisti-cuff argument and created quite a disturbance. The Lyceum appointed a committee to have them prosecuted.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
One evening last week the ladies of the Christian Church met and organized a Woman=s Christian Auxiliary Society with Mrs. Jas. Ware, president; Mrs. J. P. Witt, Vice-president; Mrs. A. V. Alexander, Secretary; and Mrs. J. G. Sheldon, treasurer.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
Last week the REPUBLICAN mentioned Miss Florence Grosscup as being one of the visitors at the masquerade ball at Winfield. The Winfield papers who copied our item please make the necessary correction, as she did not go.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
The social given by the Ladies Guild Society of the Episcopal Church at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beall was well attended and the efforts of host and hostess to while the evening away pleasantly was appreciated by the guests. Music and games helped to make up the programme.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
There is talk of organizing a stock company for the purpose of opening a city park. The grove on the banks of the classic Walnut is to be the park. No city is complete without a public park. As our city increases in magnitude the necessity for such a place for holding public gatherings will be evinced.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
Frank J. Hess= ad appears in this issue of the REPUBLICAN. Since Frank has taken unto himself a help-mate, he has settled down to business. He will win fame and fortune, and in order that he may tell the people he is still in the ring, not the slightest disfigured by competition, he tries the efficacy of the printers ink in the REPUBLICAN.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
Sam Wile=s drawing came off Tuesday evening at the Arcade. T. F. Sallade, of Geuda Springs, drew the $125 organette; Chas. Chapel the overcoat; Geo. Young the suit of clothes; Baby Schiffbauer, the $4 hat; Frank Schiffbauer took a chance for his baby. As the hat is not suitable for the babe, Frank wears it and deposits $4 to baby=s credit in its bank.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
Messrs. Warner & Hubbard, who were in the city Monday night attended Wendling=s lecture. They attended the lecture on purpose to ascertain what kind of society existed in Arkansas City. Notwithstanding the cold weather, a fair audience was in attendance and they decided that there were as many cultured minds in our city as in any eastern city of same size.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
The following are the officers elected at the township elections, held last week in townships surrounding Creswell.
Beaver Township: J. N. Browning, trustee; H. T. Bayless, Clerk; Irving Gray, treasurer; John Bower, justice; J. Rupp and S. Thoria, constables.
Bolton Township: John A. Scott, trustee; Jno. Sturtz, clerk; V. Trimble, treasurer; J. Critchfield, justice; James Winchel and J. Booker, constables.
Spring Creek Township: H. S. Libby, trustee; E. A. Goodrich, clerk; Robert Haines, treasurer; J. S. Gilkey, justice; Berry Condiff and Thomas Robison, constables.
Pleasant Valley Township: D. S. Sherrard, trustee; F. A. Chapin, clerk; A. DeTurk, treasurer; A. H. Broadwell and West Holland, justices; A. Bookwalter and L. Brown, constables.
Silverdale Township: P. F. Haynes, trustee; John Algeo, clerk;
H. T. Hunnell, treasurer; R. C. Smith, justice; Ed. Scott and Monroe Felton, constables.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
The Object of the British in the Invasion of Egyptian Territory.
A good many people in this country don=t know what the war in Egypt is about, and why an English army has been sent against Arab Arebels.@ The Egyptian Arabs have probably often themselves asked the question, AWhat has England to do with us that she should declare us rebels?@
The story of the war can be told in a few words. Some years ago the Khedive, for the purpose, as he declared, of civililizing the natives and establishing a trade with Equatorial Africa, annexed that portion of Africa between Gonnokoro and the lake sources south of the Nile River and appointed Sir Samuel Baker, Governor. In the meantime traders who had gone to that region in search of ivory and other articles of commerce found slave dealing much more profitable. They gave it their sole attention, and in the course of a few years had become so powerful that they were able with their large force of kidnappers, to defy the Government. Baker endeavored to deal with them, but could do nothing, and in 1873 Chinese Gordon was requested by the Khedive to undertake the work. To this Gordon consented, and after a few years had so effectually cowed the slave traders that, had the Khedive been so eager to suppress the trade as he was to still the indignant voice of civilization, the negroes would have been permitted to abide at their homes in peace.
Gordon remained in southern Egypt, with a brief interval, until 1881, a large part of the time engaged in an effort to suppress a rebellion against the Egyptian Government, led by Suleiman Zebehr, son of the leading slave dealer in the country.
Soon after Gordon=s return to England, it was announced that an insurrection had taken place in the Soudan, and had assumed formidable proportions. At the head of this insurrection was one Mohammed Ahmed, also known as AEl Mahdi,@ who was a religious teacher of the province of Dongolia. By striking eccentricities of manner in life, he impressed the natives as being a more than ordinary being. As his importance and influence increased, he married into the surrounding tribes and when about 1880 he declared himself to be the redeemer for whom Islam had long been looking, and whose coming Mohammed had foretold, thousands believed him and flocked to his standard. He claimed to have been commissioned of Allah to reform Islam, to establish universal equality, a universal law, a universal religion, and a community of goods. These appeals stirred the hearts of the fanatical natives, and the Mahdi soon found himself at the head of an army of thousands, backed by whose power, and also that of the slave dealers whom Gordon had been fighting, he felt safe in levying taxes and performing other acts which strictly belong to organized government.
It soon became necessary for Egyptian Government to take steps to suppress Mahdi rebellion, but every armed force sent against him was defeated. Finally, what was supposed to be an invincible army, under command of Hicks Pasha, a distinguished English General, was sent into the rebellious region in the spring and summer of 1883; but in the following November that, too, was completely destroyed at El Obeid.
The disaster at El Obeid put the entire Soudan at the mercy of El Mahdi. In order to provide for the safety of the European inhabitants of the threatened city of Khartoum, which was the commercial city of the country, AChinese@ Gordon, by order of the English Government, started for that city in February of last year. He had scarcely reached the city when it was surrounded by the forces of the False Prophet. Finding that escape both for himself and the inhabitants of the city was impossible, he appealed to the English Government. With characteristic procrastination, Gladstone delayed sending a force until the people became so aroused that further delay would be dangerous, when Lord Wolseley was sent with a small army to rescue Gordon, the conquest of the Mahdi and his army being a secondary object. How soon the purpose of the expedition will be accomplished it is impossible to say, though under the most favorable conditions it must be several weeks.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
Arrested for Murder.
INDEPENDENCE, KANSAS, Feb. 9. Frank Bonham has been arrested on charge of murdering his mother, brother, and sister on Tuesday night, February 3rd. There is nothing but circumstantial evidence against him. Frank=s statement is that he left his home on Monday morning, the 2nd, came to this city and finished selling some property, and on Tuesday morning took the westbound train at 6 a.m. for Elk City; that he desired to use some money and could not find anyone to identify him, that he took the eastbound freight for this city and got $300 from the bank; that he then took the westbound passenger at 6 p.m. Tuesday for Winfield, that when he arrived at Winfield he went to the Briton [DO THEY MEAN BRETTUN?] house, but did not register; that he sat in the office until daylight and then went to a restaurant and ate breakfast at about 11 o=clock Wednesday. He then went to the Commercial house in Winfield and registered, ate dinner, and took the afternoon easbound train and stopped off at Elk City, where he stayed all night. Thursday morning he took the train east and stopped at Crane Station, about two miles from home, and then walked home. On his arrival he found no one around the house, but the door was open. He went in and called his mother, but no answer came. He went to her and there found her murdered. He then went to the neighbor=s house, came back with him, and went to look for the rest of the family, who were found upstairs murdered. This is Frank=s story. It is claimed he did just as he did, except that he went to Winfield on Wednesday morning=s train instead of Tuesday night, and that he was not in the Briton [STILL THINK THEY MEAN BRETTUN] house that night. There is an evening train west to Winfield and a morning train and the link is between these two trains that seems to surround the young man. His brother arrived Saturday evening from Walworth County, Wisconsin, and is almost heart-broken at the loss of his mother, brother, and sister, and to find his only brother charged with the crime. He has employed able counsel, Hon. A. B. Clark and R. J. Hill, to defend his brother. The state will have our able county attorney assisted by Hon. William Dunkin to prosecute. The preliminary trial will be held on the 16th. People are quiet and willing to await the trial.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
Hackney Harpings.
Freeze is on top again.
Mud and ice follow in quick succession.
The traditional ground hog must have returned to his downy couch.
Messrs. Wilson and Dave Shaw, Lewis Brown, each received a carload of corn last week. It was delivered at our station for 29 cents a bushel.
Rev. Brink began a series of meetings at the Pleasant Valley
M. E. Church last Tuesday evening, which are to continue throughout the week. Rough roads and cold nights affect the attendance.
J. E. Snyder improved the few mild days of last week in pruning hedge. There is no use trying to bull-doze our Kansas weather.
R. S. Anderson=s entire corn crop of 1884 is in the field yet. He has sufficient old corn to feed till spring.
One of our neighbors has lost nearly all of his shoats by some lung complaint resembling quinsy.
Geo. F. Thompson, superintendent of the new printing department of the Kansas State Agricultural, at Manhattan, was the guest of Mr.
M. H. Markum, during the holding of the farmers= Institute at Winfield, a few days ago.
Two tramps paid their respects to our school ma=am, in district 4, last Friday evening, after school hours in way that was not appreciated by her. She will not remain after school to sweep the room. Said tramps returned and took possession of the schoolhouse Saturday and nearly exhausted the supply of coal before they were forcibly ejected by a member of the school board Sunday and roughly escorted out of the neighborhood.
If your Adevil@ continues to make egregious blunders in signatures and imitate my orthography as badly as he did in my last communication, I shall challenge him to a duel. He may have his choice of weapons, and, also, the ground he prefers to fall on; but I will reserve the privilege to fix the date of his falling.
I have obtained permission from the editor to state that, if the mistakes on my part should ever cause us to have a duel, I shall accept it without hesitation, and, in anticipation of such an event, I would suggest that we meet on the spot precisely where the rainbow touches the earth, at the time the 4th of July comes on Christmas about 25 o=clock in the morning, and then and there we will settle the difficulty between us. I choose brickbats as the weapons of death. We will stand back to back at a distance of a half mile apart, and, at a given signal, we will hurl our weapons with all our might. The victor will take care of the remains of the fallen. You will have plenty of time to write and practice on your dying words so as to make your name illustrior.
(Signed) His Majesty, THE DEVIL.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
School Report.
The following are the names of the pupils who have won honors in 6th and 7th grades of the west school for the month ending Feb. 6th, 1885. Meta Hall stands alone on the roll of honor, having been the only one perfect in attendance, perfect in deportment, and above 90 in scholarship. She is also rank one in the 7th Grade, having a total average of 98. Lizzie Shindel stands second with a total average of 96. In the 6th grade, Lizzie Watts ranks first with a total average of 93. Maggie Strode and Luna Ware are each rank two, average 91.
LENA GAUSE, Teacher.
The following pupils were 100 in attendance and deportment, with an average of 90 and upward in scholarship: 1. Jno. Warren. 2. Jacob Ochs. 3. Edith Ochs. 4. Edward Green. 5. George L:indsay.
6. George Armstrong. 7. Aola Krebs.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
A. T. & S. F. Train Wreckers Caught.
EMPORIA, KANSAS, Feb. 9. Henry Wright and S. T. Bethurem of Emporia, John Henderson, of Cottonwood Falls, and an old farmer named Lee, living in this neighborhood, were arrested today, charged with wrecking the freight train on the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railway on the morning of October 2, by which several cars were destroyed, and the fireman, Josiah R. Scott, was killed. What the evidence is against them has not fully developed, but the officials express themselves of the opinion that the guilty parties have been apprehended and that their conviction will be easily accomplished.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 21, 1885.
Robt. L. Cumnock, the select reader, will be here Feb. 27, at Highland Hall.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 21, 1885.
J. G. Sheldon has rented the residence of Will L. Aldridge. Wednesday Mr. Sheldon and family moved in their new quarters.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 21, 1885.
Arkansas City is to have a fifty acre city park, on the Walnut, and a company has been formed for its improvement. Winfield Courier.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 21, 1885.
The Caldwell whiskeyites are having a little trouble. Four of them are in jail in Wellington to the tune of sixteen hundred dollrs. Winfield Courier.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 21, 1885.
D. P. Marshall came into our office and in conversation with us remarked that this cold weather was very severe on wheat and that it was injured some.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 21, 1885.
The boys of the 8th grade of the east school building have arranged to give an entertainment this evening at their school building. An admission fee of 10 cents will be charged. The money will be expended on a school library.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 21, 1885.
Neff & Henderson loaded and shipped a carload of hogs Tuesday morning that averaged 400 pounds per head. One old porker smiled complacently when the beam went up to 600 and granted true genuine satisfaction as he was loaded for his long journey.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 21, 1885.
The Jennie Bowen troup gave some very good plays at the rink last week, notably the Rip Van Winkle and Uncle Tom=s Cabin. The weather was so very bad that few could attend. It was not a financial success. Burden Enterprise.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 21, 1885.
MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licenses have been issued since last week.
J. H. McCollum, Laura Billings.
Joseph Coe, Lena Keorber.
Wm. Harris, Melinda Hardy.
S. J. Soldaul, Josephine Frankier.
J. W. Kinx, Edna Crow.
J. M. Wood, Emma Church.
R. E. Kraft, Nancy P. Lane.
Jno. W. Rose, Selina Jackson.
David R. Beaty, Nettie Evans.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 21, 1885.
Last week we copied an item from the Telegram concerning one
W. L. Burge. Ere we had finished running our papers off, Mr. Burge paid us a call. Not an Aappreciated@ one by the way. He was angry at us for giving publicity to the Telegram=s item. He said he was not arrested as was stated, nor had he skipped his bonds. But, that on his return from the Territory where he had been rusticating and visiting friends, had called on Henry Asp, our county attorney, and settled his difficulty. It will be remembered that Burge was arrested quite awhile ago for issuing illegal prescriptions, tried in the court at Winfield, the jury hung, and Burge acquitted. He went to the territory to visit Afriends@ and just came back a few days ago. Burge made his visit before another warrant was issued. He was not under a $3,500 bond. His bond was not so large and when the jury hung his bondsmen were released.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 21, 1885.
The Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Railway.
The Ft. Worth (Texas) Daily Gazette of Feb. 15th says:
A number of the leading businessmen of the city assembled in the law office of Carter, Wynne & DeBerry last night to consent with Col. Walter Gresham, general attorney for the Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Railway company, in regard to the proposed extension of the road to the North.
The chairman requested Col. Gresham to state what he had to say about the proposed extension, and that gentleman said that fourteen or fifteen months ago he was in the city and had a similar meeting with the citizens and they had expressed their willingness to assist him in securing the necessary 100 feet right-of-way through the county in case he succeeded in gaining the consent of congress for a right of way through the Indian Territory; that he had gone to Washington for that purpose, and Col. J. P. Smith of this city and Judge Lindsay of Gainesville had also gone there to use their influence in behalf of the necessary congressional legislation; that congress had granted the company the right-of-way through the territory, provided 100 miles of the road be built into the territory within three years; that it was his purpose in this city at present to see if the city would guarantee the right-of-way for thirty miles to the north of the city, that he had an assurance that Gainesville would guarantee the right-of-way from that point to the Red River in Cooke County; that if the right-of-way was thus secured to the road, the company would extend it to the Red River; that he had no positive assurance from the directory of the road to that effect, but that he was satisfied the Road would be built to the Red River if the conditions about the right-of-way on the part of the citizens of Ft. Worth and Gainesville were complied with; that he was here to see if, on his return to Galveston, say to the directory that the citizens of Ft. Worth guarantee this right-of-way for a distance of thirty miles to the north, that the directory, if it looked favorably on the proposition, would want the cooperation of the citizens in securing the right-of-way. Mr. Gresham was unable to state a definite proposition from the directors, but he was satisfied if the right-of-way was guaranteed to the road with depot grounds in Gainesville, a corp of engineeers would be started over the contemplated route at once. He did not want any money turned over to the company, but did want an assurance of some kind, and the cooperation of the citizens in case the directory looked favorably on the proposition, which he believed would be done.
The above is Mr. Gresham=s statement. Ft. Worth and Gainesville want to be connected with Arkansas City badly. They are aroused on the subject, and in the speeches following Mr. Gresham=s statement, the citizens have already agreed to accede to his proposition. This railroad extension from Arkansas City to connect with Ft. Worth, is an important matter. As yet, our citizens are idle on the subject. To get our productions to Texas we have to send it via Emporia, thereby paying exorbitant freight rates. A letter from a businessman in Ft. Worth to Landes, Beall & Co., says a proposition from the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe to the Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe, to push their road south through Arkansas City and form a junction, is in order. This extension is a different route from the Kansas City, Wichita & Indian Territory Air Line. The latter connects with Ft. Smith, Arkansas. Fort Worth is direct south of us, and a railroad connection with the heart of Texas would open up a large southern trade with the Lone Star state.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 21, 1885.
The AElephantine.@
Wednesday a committee of fat men waited on the editor of the REPUBLICAN and requested us to announce that the fat men of the city would have a meeting next Monday evening at the office of Meigs and Howard. We have already several clubs in the city--the mystic A5,@ the AFavorite Social Club,@ and now we are to have a AFat Man=s Club.@ This club will be organized for the purpose of social enjoyment among the fat gentlemen, and to increase their corpulency. To become a member of this organization, the candidate must tip the beam at 200 pounds. T. V. McConn and J. L. Howard, L. J. Wooden, and J. W. Hutchison compose the committee on arrangements.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 21, 1885.
Farmers Co-operative Milling Exchange.
The directors of the Farmers Co-operative Milling Exchange met at the Windsor Hotel Wednesday evening. The meeting was called to order by the temporary president, and D. P. Marshall was chosen temporary Secretary. The roll of Directors was called, and the following persons answered to their names: H. Harbaugh, T. W. Gant, D. W. Ramage, John Myrtle, D. P. Marshall, A. V. Alexander, C. W. Jones,
F. H. Brown, G. Green, and Ed Grady. After which the charter was read and approved. The constitution and by-laws were then read section by section and adopted as a whole.
On a motion the Secretary was instructed to have 500 copies of charter, constitution, and by-laws printed in pamphlet form. Also a copy of today=s proceedings published in the papers of this city, and in one of the papers at Winfield. The organization was then completed and the following officers elected: Henry Harbaugh, President; Ed. Grady, Vice President; D. P. Marshall, Secretary; John Myrtle, Treasurer; T. W. Gant, General Manager. It was decided to hold regular meetings the first Monday in each month. The meeting then adjourned to meet on February 25th.
D. P. MARSHALL, Secretary.
FIRST. The name of the incorporation shall be Afarmers co-operative milling exchange.@
SECOND. The purposes for which it is formed shall be the construction and operation of a flour mill for the purpose of doing an exchange and general milling business.
THIRD. The place of business of said corporation shall be at Arkansas City, and on the canal adjacent thereto in Cowley County, Kansas.
FOURTH. The term for which said corporation shall exist shall be ninety-nine years.
FIFTH. The number of directors of said corporation shall be thirteen and the names and residences are as follows: H. Harbaugh, Winfield; T. W. Gant, Arkansas City; G. Ramage, Arkansas City; John Myrtle, Arkansas City; C. F. Snyder, Arkansas City; D. P. Marshall, Arkansas City; A. V. Alexander, Arkansas City; C. W. Jones, Minneapolis, Minnesota; F. H. Brown, Constant; G. Greene [they had Green before], Silverdale; Ed. Grady, Arkansas City; J. L. Andrews, Maple City.
SIXTH. The amount of capital stock of said corporation shall be $75,000 and shall be divided into 2,000 shares.
We, the undersigned, hereby subscribe our names to within articles of incorporation.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 21, 1885.
For some time past the Ladies= Aid Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church have been making preparations to give an entertainment consisting of a dinner, supper, and a fair. Saturday of this week was the time fixed for the entertainment, and the place of holding the same would have appeared in this issue of the city papers, but the meetings that have been in progress at the M. E. Church for the past six weeks are of such deep interest that the ladies deem it best to postpone this entertainment until the close of the meeting and devote their whole time and energy and prayers to the work of leading souls to Christ.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 21, 1885.
Don=t It Look Beautiful on Paper?
At a recent meeting of the Winfield Enterprise Association, its members signified their willingness to impose upon the township the task of giving $40,000 to aid in constructing the D. M. & A. Road, and if need be vote a like sum to secure the K. C. & S. Road. One gentleman, according to the Courier, also suggested the feasibility and possibility of offering sufficient inducements to the
A. T. & S. F. and S. K. Railroads to build a union depot and joint shops in this city, and stated that the prospects of navigating the Arkansas River, and other influences, pointed forcibly to the necessity of the Santa Fe moving through the Territory soon to a southern market, in which case they must have shops about this location. Winfield being ninety-five miles from Cherryvale and about the same distance from Newton, offers a very advantageous situation for joint shops and a roundhouse, and if our businessmen push the feasibility of the matter, there seems no doubt that this can be obtained. When the D. M., & A., and K. C. & S. strikes us, now anticipated before the summer rolls by, this scheme will be all the more probable. With four railroads radiating from Winfield, with their shops here, we will have a town that will lay all others in Kansas in the shade--hardly excepting the state capital.
What imaginative minds the businessmen of Winfield possess. When the terminus of the Santa Fe is removed from here to Winfield, it will be when the earth ceases to revolve on its axis, and not before. We like to see Winfield prosper; but say, neighbors, don=t steal our all. Don=t take the terminus from us; don=t pattern after our Alittle ditch@ from the Arkansas to the Walnut; don=t say you are at the head of navigation, oh, don=t, please don=t, you make us feel so bad. And, say, neighbors, when you get a town that lays all other towns in the shade, don=t forget that we are planting trees down here, and are likely to be in the shades long before Winfield takes root.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 21, 1885.
Improved Order of Redmen.
A body of members working under a charter are called a Tribe.
The officers are all chiefs and the principal officer or head chief is called a SACHEM. The other chiefs are the Senior and Junior Sagamores, the Big Medicine Man, the Keeper of Wampum, and the chief of Records, and their duties are thus set forth.
SACHEM. The Sachem shall have supreme authority. He shall prescribe all rules and regulations, make details for special duty, and direct all affairs necessary to secure harmony. And he shall enforce his authority whenever he is able.
SAGAMORE. The Sagamore shall be the ruler of the feast, and he shall provide hewers of wood and carriers of water, taking special care not to overtax his energies.
THE BIG MEDICINE MAN shall provide sufficient quantity of Malarion to ward off the miasmatic dangers of the country; he shall care for the stock of snake medicine, and when anyone has been bitten, or fear that he shall be, he shall prescribe the remedy laid down by the traditions of the race.
KEEPER OF WAMPUM. The Keeper of Wampum shall gather from each Red Man his proportionate share of wampum, paying the same out for such things as may be necessary for the comfort of the Tribe, bearing in mind that the tastes of the Red Men are simple and their appetites good; the larder need not boast a lordly variety, but the quantity must be munificent. The Keeper of Wampum must know how to make both ends meet.
CHIEF OF RECORDS. The Chief of Records shall keep a faithful record of all things proper to be written; he shall not too hastily give credence to fishy stories, nor make history out of vainglorious imaginings or sanguinary dreams of the inexperienced.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 21, 1885.
H. C. Deets= visit to Missouri has evidently had a good effect on him. Since coming home he has added another artist and chair to his tonsorial parlors at the Red Front, and also put down a handsome carpet. Customers do not now have to wait very long for the cry of Anext.@ The three Knights do work scientifically, expeditiously, and artistically.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 21, 1885.
EMPORIA, KANSAS, Feb. 18. The large dry goods house of D. Thomas & Co., of this city, was consumed by fire about 1 o=clock this morning.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 21, 1885.
Respectfully Dedicated to the Three Ladies Who Wore Pale Blue
AMother Hubbards.@
We have lately received a poetical machine just patented. All you have to do is to think of what you want written, turn the crank attached to it, and the metrical inspirations come pouring forth in abundance. Having vivid recollections of the AMother Hubbard Dance,@ we oiled up the machine, commenced turning the crank, and the following little poem was ground out.
Indeed it was a pleasant sight
At Highland Hall, last Tuesday night.
A vast assembly gathered there--
The gallant lads and maidens fair.
And each one tried to look his best
When in a AMother Hubbard@ dressed.
Now, there were dancing to and fro
Three laides whom you all may know.
>Tis well I state this truth to you,
Their dresses were of palest blue.
They were alike in height and size;
Their masks completed their disguise.
Kind reader, did you ever learn
The difficulty to discern
The Ashape@ and size of anyone
Who has a AMother Hubbard@ on?
A mystic garment of that kind
Is quite deceptive to the mind.
Lest skilled in some unheard of art,
>Twas hard to tell these three apart.
One man--I=ll not reveal his name,
For all of you have heard his fame--
Unto his wife desired to speak
And in the crowd he went to seek
His Abetter half.@ This fact he knew,
Her dress was of an azure hue.
But bear in mind, for it is true,
Two other ladies wore pale blue.
There was the Arub,@ to save his life
He could not tell which was his wife.
In desperation he essayed
To talk with one in blue arrayed.
She answered him;--and here=s the joke--
>Twas not his Abetter half@ who spoke.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 21, 1885.
At the Mother Hubbard.
Tuesday evening the Mother Hubbard Ball, given by the Favorite Social Club, brought out a large attendance. For an exhibition of variety of styles of that famous piece of wearing apparel, we certainly think that this social event eclipsed all. One and all were intent on merry-making. Some 40 couples of Mother Hubbards were there. Some were comic Mother Hubbards, and some were beautiful ones. In fact, from the sublime to the ridiculous was presented quite forcibly. The Favorite Social Club has a rare faculty for entertaining and they made all feel at home.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 21, 1885.
Tickets to New Orleans and return $29.75, via any one of the popular routes from Kansas City to St. Louis, from St. Louis to New Orleans, via the Louisville and Nashville railway. Call at the depot and examine the routes.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 21, 1885.
Senator Jennings has introduced at the senate a bill in regard to the building and maintenance of bridges. It contains 20 sections and is quite too lengthy for the REPUBLICAN to go into detail. Section 10 of the bill provides for a bridge fund and is as follows.
AThe county commissioners of the several counties in this state are authorized to levy a tax annually on all taxable property of the respective counties of this state, not exceeding five mills on the dollar, for the purpose of providing a bridge fund, to be expended under the provisions of this act.@
Sections 12, 13, and 14 concern us more directly and are as follows.
SEC. 12. All bridges constructed under the provisions of this act, shall thereinafter be repaired and kept up jointly by the township, in which said bridge is located, and the county; the township bearing one-third and the county two-thirds of such expense.
SEC. 13. All bridges proposed to be built under this act, over any stream or other place requiring such bridge, and across the boundary line between two townships in the same county, the election for such bridge shall be called in each township at the same time and in the same manner as hereinbefore provided for holding the election in one township; and if a majority of the votes cast in each township shall be in favor of the proposition, then the board of county commissioners shall levy and collect from each of said townships one-sixth the cost of such bridge, which shall be expended as herein provided.
SEC. 14. The board of county commissioners of the counties of this state shall hereafter appropriate out of the bridge fund of their respective counties, money sufficient to pay two-thirds of the necessary repairs and expenses of keeping up any bridge or bridges already built by township or townships, or by the county, where the original cost exceeds $300; and such township or townships in which such bridge or bridges are located, shall pay one-third the expenses of the repairs and expenses out of the road and bridge or other tax fund of such township or townships.
This bill to us appears to be a good one, yet there may be some flaws in it. Anyway, it is head and shoulders above any law we have in regard to bridges.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 21, 1885.
We understand that the Y. M. C. A., proposed in this city, will be organized as soon as the meetings at the M. E. Church are closed.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 21, 1885.
From five to seven cars of corn are received here daily, the larger portion of which goes into the Territory.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 21, 1885.
Eight cars of hogs and two of cattle were shipped this week.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
Whiskey and Dance of Death.
FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS, Feb. 12. Another bloody affray is reported to have occurred at a dance in the Indian Territory. Last Friday night Ned Bounds gave a dance at his home in the Chickasaw Nation, at which whiskey flowed freely and everybody got drunk. Two men engaged in a fight. Friends of both parties interfered and the fight became general. E. F. Craig and several strangers were killed outright and a number of others wounded.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
Roughs Bounced.
KANSAS CITY, FEB. 14. A Times Hunnewell, Kansas, special says:
The town marshal resigned last night; and this morning a gang of roughs took possession, riding through the streets promiscuously. The citizens gathered in force and drove them out of town. A number of shots were exchanged, but no one was hurt.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
[Boomer Story.]
Nine citizens of Coffeyville, who claim to have traveled over Oklahoma, contradict C. B. Young=s statement that the land is fit only for scant pasturage and say of it:
AFrom our own knowledge, we would say to the public that first-class soil, water, and an excellent climate prevail all over Oklahoma, and that it is our firm belief that the cattle kings who are making their millions by grazing in the country, without tax of any kind, are deliberately misrepresenting the soil and the settlers, and using money freely to deceive the public and keep the government from opening the land to settlement.@
Every word of such a statement will of course outweigh with Oklahoma fever patients volumes of testimony to the effect that the land is not desirable for homesteads.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
The Wheat Freight Question.
The board of railroad commissioners in response to the house resolution asking for their opinions on the question of lower freights, have submitted two reports, one signed by Messrs. Humphreys and Gillett, and the other by Mr. Turner. The first opposes any reduction of grain freights as unfair to the railroads; the second favors a reduction from points over one hundred miles west of the Missouri River, to points upon that river. The first report makes the following points:
No complaints of unreasonable grain freights is before the board. The average rates on grain are lower in Kansas than in Iowa, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. The comparison is extended to 300 miles reaching to the western extremity of the wheat region in Kansss. Comparing the totals of our tariffs given in a table annexed to the reports, it is shown that the rates on wheat in Kansas are 17.3 percent lower than in Wisconsin, 5.89 percent lower than in Minnesota, and 18.4 percent lower than in Iowa, upon corn and other grains except wheat. The total of the Kansas tariff for 300 miles west from the Missouri river is 38.13 percent lower than in Wisconsin for the same distance, 29.44 percent lower than in Minnesota, and 26.49 percent lower than in Iowa.
Singularly enough, however, the majority report proceeds to state that:
The board are of the opinion that unless the price of wheat should recover from the present depression, it will be necessary to still further reduce the rates of transportation of that product.
The majority report also recommends that special shipping privileges be allowed to Kansas flour mills, with the view of increasing the home manufacture of flour, and so improving the home wheat market.
Mr. Turner=s report condemns the railroad claim that to lower grain freights would lower the markets values of grain proportionately, and thus injure the railroads without benefiting the farmer. He says on this point:
AEngland is the consumer of our surplus wheat. The value of it in that market is determined by the reported surplus not only in this country, but in the world, and this surplus is estimated from time to time as the crop is being grown. So accurate is this estimate, that dealers not only in Europe, but throughout the world, know almost to a certainty the amount of surplus in the country long before it is harvested. I cannot believe, therefore, that a reduction in freight rates would permanently reduce the value in that market. The price in New York is determined by the price in Europe (Liverpool being the controlling market), less the cost of transportation, insurance, etc., from New York to Liverpool. The price in Chicago is determined by the price in New York, less cost of transportation, insurance, etc., from Chicago to New York. The price in Kansas City or other Missouri river points is determined by the price in Chicago, less cost of transportation, etc., from the Missouri river to Chicago, and the price at any point in Kansas is determined by the price at the Missouri river, less the cost of transportation, insurance, etc., at the Missouri river.@
This agrees with the view the REPUBLICAN has expressed on this question. Mr. Turner goes on to remark with good sense:
AWheat and corn are the principle products of our state. Other grain is not raised in sufficient quantity to require special attention at this time. The surplus wheat must be shipped to realize upon it. Corn can be fed to stock, therefore, the necessity for low rates for that cereal does not exist--while it does exist in regard to wheat.@
The majority report substantially agrees with this when it says:
AWheat is perhaps at the present the most important product of the state. From it the railroads derive a large volume of traffic. It is neither to the interest of railroad companies nor to people to permit the production of so valuable a cereal to languish. It is better to sustain the production, and maintain the volume of traffic it creates, if by a farther reduction that can be done, than to discourage its cultivation and curtail its traffic.@
Mr. Turner bases his claim that the western portion of the state is entitled to lower wheat freights on the following grounds.
AIt has been quite clearly demonstrated, and is generally understood, that when a car is once loaded with freight, the additional cost of moving it 200 miles is but very little more than the cost of moving it 100. We find that the rates upon wheat generally prevailing in this state for the first 100 miles west of the Missouri river to be about 10 cents per 100 pounds, while for 200 miles west, the rate is about 20 cents per 100 pounds. The great wheat belt, or the greatest wheat portion of our state, is about 200 miles from the river. The prevailing rates for hauls less than 100 miles are not so burdensome as for those of greater distance, and the greater the distance the greater the burden, which fact should be considered when adjusting a rate upon any commodity so important to the state as that of wheat.@
He also concludes that it is inadvisable to fix specific rates by law for the following reason.
AThis theory of determining reasonable rates cannot be maintained under any uniform and inflexible rule, as the circumstances and conditions which have so much to do with determining a reasonable rate are constantly changing, thus necessitating frequent changes of freight charges.@
The information furnished by both reports is not of a nature to encourage the passage of a maximum freight bill or an increased stringency of railroad legislation. It looks as though it would be good policy and just liberality for the railroads to reduce freight rates as Mr. Turner suggests, from the western portion of the state, so that wheat growers there can obtain prices which will persuade them to keep on with the cultivation of that cereal.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
The Indian Appropriation Bill.
WASHINGTON, FEB. 13. The Indian Appropriation bill, as reported by the senate, increases the house bill $152,000. The committee has struck out all provisions for payment of private claims growing out of Indian depredations, but has substituted a general provision requiring the secretary of the interior to report at the next session all claims of this nature, together with such information regarding them as may have been gathered by agents of the department. The bill contains a new provision as follows.
ATo supply food and other necessities of life in cases of distress among Indians not having treaty funds, arising from emergencies not foreseen or otherwise provided for, to be used at the discretion of the president, $25,000.@
The features of the house bill prohibiting, under heavy penal-ties, the sale of firearms to Indians; that amending the statutes in relation to selling spirituous liquors to Indians; that authorizing the president to open negotiations with the Creeks, Seminoles, and Cherokees for the purpose of opening to settlement the Oklahoma country, and that which subject Indians charged with the commission of crimes against person or property to the laws of the territory where the act is alleged to have been committed, are all stricken out.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
About Windsucking.
Prof. Snow, of the state university, represents Kansas as having 8,300 miles of wind in January. Of this, the Wichita Eagle furnishes at least 6,000 miles. It is the biggest wind making concern to be found anywhere in the west, it is indeed. El Dorado Times.
The Time=s readers would be immeasurably better served if the editor of that paper had the capacity to suck in a modicum of the Eagle=s wind. They would indeed. Eagle.
The Eagle has always praised Wichita, and well she might. That bird of freedom has soared far and wide telling of Wichita=s advantages. Wichita=s prosperity is due to a great extent to the Eagle advertising that city, and for that the Eagle is called a wind machine. The REPUBLICAN has always praised Arkansas City and we feel that we cannot speak too highly of our flourishing city. We have been referred to sarcastically by some, but by none who have Arkansas City=s welfare at heart.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
Editorial Siftings.
Senator Ingalls says that 3,000,000 persons in the United States are suffering for the necessaries of life.
The Arkansas state senate has passed a bill to provide artificial limbs for Confederate soldiers who were maimed in the late war.
Thousands of head of cattle and hogs have been frozen to death in the abandoned freight trains on Northwestern roads.
The Texas legislature, after a hard struggle, finally enacted a law making it compulsory on heads of all departments to give at least half the clerical positions in their respective offices to females.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
Indian Schools.
WASHINGTON, FEB. 17. The secretary of the interior has issued the following order.
AFor the successful management of Indian industrial schools conducted under the direction of the department, in the several states and territories and not on Indian reservations, it is very desirable to secure and maintain the friendly feeling and sympathy of the citizens of the community in which the schools are located and to have their cordial cooperation with the managers of the schools in the advancement of the Indian young. In the furtherance of this object, it is desired by this department that the board of visitors shall be organized for each of the schools, to consist of five citizens residing in the vicinity of the schools who are eminent in their respective communities for their public spirit, intelligence, and philanthropy, and who may be willing to serve without pecuniary compensation or other expense to the government. Suitable persons will be invited by the secretary of the interior to serve as members of said board of visitors for a period of one year. It is the desire and wish of this department that the respective boards of visitors shall visit the school for which they may be deputated at least once a quarter for the purpose of examining into the general administration of the affairs of the schools and the efficiency and conduct of the officers and employees thereof, and to make from time to time such suggestions and recommendations of the secretary of the interior as in their judgment may be for the general welfare on the Indian children, the better management of the school, and for the interest of the public service. In the exercise of their functions, the respective boards of visitors shall have free and uninterrupted access to the school grounds and buildings; shall be permitted to visit all rooms, inspect all property, food, supplies, and witness any and all exercises of the schools. Superintendents and managers of schools will afford all proper facilities necessary to enable the boards and to render the aid and assistance designed by this order.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
The Bonham Triple Homicide.
Arthur Bangs, A. E. Baird, Bert Crapster, James McLain, F. M. Freeland, and others whose names we did not get, were subpoenaed from here to testify in the murder case of Frank Bonham at Independence. Bonham is charged with the most revolting murder that ever stained the annals of Kansas. As we noted last week, the mother, sister, and brother of Bonham were found in bed at their home near Radical City, Montgomery County, one morning recently covered with blood, having been brained and stabbed to death with a hatchet and butcher knife, probably while asleep. Frank Bonham claimed to have been in Winfield the night of the murder, but the sheriff of Montgomery County, on investigation, found that he was not here for two days afterward, when he sat up one night in the office of the Brettun and registered the next day at the Commercial. He also bought some articles of clothing at the New York Store, and talked with Mr. Baird. These circumstances were what led to the subpoenaing of the parties from here. The trial was continued to the 26th, when our folks will have to make another trip. James McLain says that nothing but Bonham=s previous good character keeps him from Apulling hemp.@ Bonham is a youth of twenty-two. Developments seem likely to fasten this crime upon him.
Winfield Courier.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
Phoenix at the opera house Feb. 23.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
Wanted. Boarders. Good rooms. Inquire of J. G. Sheldon.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
George Cunningham has had an awning erected in front of his implement house.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
One ticket for $1 to the three remaining lectures of the Citizen=s Lecture course.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
Chas. Sipes will go to New Orleans the first of next week. He will start about Tuesday.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
J. H. Trask, architect. Work done at residence; second block north of stone schoolhouse.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
BIRTH. On the 18th a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Vanscoyk. Fair size. Dr. Sparks in attendance.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
There is much talk in railway circles about the immigration likely to come to Arkansas City in the spring.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
Silas Robinson, the people=s favorite comedian, at opera house Feb. 23. In the great dramatization entitled AThe Phoenix.@
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
The ladies of the Methodist Church have postponed their New England dinner until some future time on account of the interest in the meetings.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
Robert L. Cumnock at Highland Hall next Friday evening. Mr. Cumnock is the second of the Citizen=s Lecture course. As an elocutionist Mr. Cumnock is without a peer.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
The Jennie Bowen Combination at the opera house, Feb. 23; to remain four nights. Reserved seats on sale at the Reidenour & Thompson, at 50 cents, general admission 35 cents.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
The Bee-Hive will not get into its rooms in the Hasie block as soon as expected on account of having to wait for the arrival of lumber for shelving. The delay will only be a few days.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
Frank Smith sold a cabbage head one day this week that weighed 16-2/3 pounds at five cents per pound, the selling price of cabbage in Arkansas City. It brought the neat sum of 83 cents for one head of cabbage. How is that for a Kansas production?
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
Winfield, the city of incendiarism, has had two fires this week. One was a shop owned by Capt. Gary. It was extinguished before any damage was done. The other was the residence of John Case, Tuesday evening. It was entirely destroyed. Mr. Case had just had his residence insured the day preceding the evening of the fire.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
D. L. Means has already established quite a reputation as a seedsman, as he keeps nothing but pure fresh seeds at the Shabby Front.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
A. Fairclo=s team, while standing unhitched in Will Aldridge=s lumber yard Monday evening, started for home. Before they got very far, they got in a hurry and ran away. No damage done.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
Baptismal ceremonies will be held by the Christian Church tomorrow. At the regular morning services, Rev. J. P. Witt will announce the place and time of immersion. There are four candidates.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
The ladies of the Episcopal Guild Society will give an Easter fair either on the Monday preceding, or succeeding Easter. They met at the residence of Mr. Frank Beall Wednesday afternoon to make some arrangements.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
Tuesday J. B. Ashton=s team ran away, doing considerable damage to the wagon, and breaking a bone in Mr. Ashton=s arm, injuring his head, and bruising him severely. Drs. Wright and Read repaired the injured parts and Mr. Ashton is recovering.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
Spray & Co. this week effected the sale of J. P. Musselman=s farm to W. C. Bradwell. Mr. Musselman will move back to Arkansas City, and Mr. Bradwell will occupy the farm. In the transaction Mr. Bradwell=s city property was disposed to Mr. Musselman.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
Now is a good time to buy your spring stock of trees, shrubs, etc. S. E. Maxwell, proprietor of the Walnut Valley Nursery, says he is selling two and three year old apple trees for $10 per hundred. Other nursery stock will be sold in proportion. Call on Mr. Maxwell and he will save you money.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
A. O. U. W. Sociable last Friday night was an enjoyable affair. The poem by Miss Hattie Horner, AIntemperance,@ was received with applause. The Order holds these sociables the second Friday evenings of each month and expects all the members together with their wives and friends to attend. An interesting programme is being prepared for the next meeting.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
About two months ago a Hoosier came here, since which time he has been prospecting for coal. He thinks he has discovered land wherein is a fine vein of coal. He says he thinks he has found land where a vein of coal can be reached by boring with a post augur. We withhold his name because he desires to make a purchase of some of the land.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
Last week Mr. Early West=s children found and ate some castor beans that had been placed in a winter bouquet and thrown out of doors. They came very near killing them, producing violent purgency and vomiting. Drs. Wright and Sparks were called and through skillful management they soon recovered. Castor beans are very poisonous and persons should be very careful in handling them.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
House owners and real estate agents are compiling a Ablack list.@ Deadbeats on rents won=t stand any show when this work is completed. Parties who think it is cheaper to move than to pay rent will thus find it impossible to obtain a home to live in. Of course, this Ablack list@ will not include parties who are unable to pay their rent owing to misfortune overtaking them. No one but the professional deadbeat.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
The Shabby Front is this day dedicated to the public; and in doing so, we trust that it may become a household word in every family in Cowley County. Our house will hereafter be known as the AShabby Front,@ and our motto will be to please our numerous customers and patrons. In submitting the above, we beg to remain
Your humble servant,
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
The interest in the revival at the M. E. Church is increasing. Already 50 souls have responded to the calls. From 5 to 20 are seeking for mercy at the mourners bench nightly. Let the good work progress.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
H. W. Gustin, of Newton, road master of the Santa Fe, was in town Friday. Mr. Ingersoll at the depot and Mr. Gustin scratched chips at the same pile in the years agone and their meetings are always entertaining to the bystanders.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
It is said that when Commodore Woodman returns from the tropical region, he will tackle the Adam nuisance@ at Arkansas City. Probably the fish below that dam are kicking to get over it, but are not able to kick high enough. Wichita Eagle.
No need to tackle our dam now, Mr. Eagle. The way is open at present and there is a big fish shoot of 125 feet.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
We forgot to make mention last week of an important item of news which happened up at Winfield. A young lady while crossing the street in close proximity to the Courier office during the last thaw, accidentally stepped off the stones, thereby making such a big cavity in the mud that a prominent newspaperman who was following along behind, fell in and was almost swallowed up by the mud ere he was rescued.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
Tuesday Henry Asp was in town to prosecute in the case of state vs. Chas. Raupe. The trial came off before Judge Kreamer and a jury of six men. About the first of January W. R. Branson had a public sale. Raupe, being the highest bidder, bought 300 bushels of corn, more or less, in the field, bidding 33 cents per bushel. The terms of the sale were to be cash or approved security. Raupe failed to satisfy Branson on this point and the latter forbade the former getting any corn. Raupe never heeded Branson=s warning, but took some anyway. Branson had him arrested and a verdict was rendered against the defendant, Raupe, and a fine of $25 and costs.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
F. Danks, J. G. Danks, and C. H. Danks, all prominent machinists of Cincinnatti, Ohio, and forming the firm of Danks Bros., have purchased the Arkansas City Machine Shop and Foundry and lots. Last Saturday the trade was consummated; and J. G. Danks, the gentleman who has been here for some time working up the trade, commenced his labors Monday morning. The remaining two Danks Brothers are still in Ohio. C. H. Danks will arrive about the first of March to assist J. G. Danks, and F. Danks will come later on. At present Mr. Danks is engaged in over-hauling. He intends adding necessary machinery to both machine shop and foundry and can manufacture any needed repair. Under the reign of Danks Bros., we feel perfectly safe in saying that the life of the Arkansas City Machine Shop and Foundry will undergo a radical change. New motor power will create its breathings, and in a short time the establishment, which is now in its infancy, will be an institution of which a much more pretentious city than Arkansas City would be proud to claim.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
Last Monday night Arial Fairclo attended lodge meeting, his wife remaining at home. In the neighborhood of 9 o=clock someone came up to the residence of Mr. Fairclo and demanded admittance, which Mrs. Fairclo pre-emptorily refused to allow. The man then said unless she let him in, he would burst the door open. Mrs. Fairclo refused to open the door and slipped out the back way of the residence while the burglar was trying the window. She went to a neighbor=s house, Mr. Davis, and informed them of the situation. Mr. Davis secured George Washington=s cherry tree killer and went over to eradicate the burglar, sending his son after the police and Mr. Fairclo. When Mr. Davis arrived on the scene, he found that the burglar had effected an entrance and was in the bedroom rumaging through things. The burglar, on Mr. Davis making his appearance, pulled a revolver and told him to Aget out,@ which, it is almost needless to state, Mr. Davis did. He returned home and in moments the officers arrived; but in the meantime, the bird had flown. He secured no money as that was the booty he desired. Mr. Fairclo had received a sum of money for some hogs that day and it is quite probable that the man who broke in the house was cognizant of the fact.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
Mr. Chamberlain, of Kansas City, arrived in the city Monday. He is the father of Mrs. Chas. Schiffbauer. His wife, Mrs. Chamberlain, has not returned to Kansas City, but both are visiting at the residence of Chas. Schiffbauer.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
Wanted. Six or eight boarders at the residence of N. P. Lawton on Central Avenue, two blocks west of Summit Street. Meals and lodging, $4.00 per week.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
E. D. Eddy came home Tuesday.
Joe Finkleburg visited Winfield Thursday.
A. Tinsley has moved in the house vacated by J. G. Sheldon.
Homer Deets came home Tuesday from his Missouri visit.
Mrs. A. V. Alexander has been adversely indisposed this week.
J. H. Punshon left Tuesday for Detroit. He went to buy a hearse.
Dr. Z. Carlisle left last Wednesday morning on a visit to Great Bend.
W. W. Brown, of Brown & Pell, AWichitawed@ Monday and Tuesday.
C. Mead is able to be up, but not strong enough to resume his labor.
Little Master Willie Aldridge is very sick. The doctor says it is an attack of pneumonia.
Little Miss Mary Matlack is improving under the skillful treatment of Dr. A. J. Chapel.
Isaacs Ochs left Monday for a visit to his former home at Auburn, Indiana. He will be gone a couple of weeks.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
Mrs. David Sidner, of Topeka, was in the city Wednesday. Mrs. Sidner is the mother-in-law of Will L. Aldridge.
Capt. Gary and Chas. Gay of Winfield were down Tuesday. Mr. Gay came to call for the Mother Hubbard.
The senior editor of the REPUBLICAN has moved into J. W. Hutchison=s brick residence in the northwest part of town.
Miss Effie Gardner, of Geuda Springs, came over Tuesday to visit Miss Clara Thompson and attend the Mother Hubbard Ball.
Lewis King procured leave of absence from the legislature last Saturday and came down from Topeka to remain over Sunday.
Frank Beall went down to Arkansas Wednesday. He will visit other Southern states. He is gone in the interest of his mill.
Mrs. L. N. Bennett will occupy rooms in the Hasie block, second story, with a millinery store. Mrs. Bennett came from the east.
J. P. Musselman and family have moved to town and are now snugly ensconced in his property in the vicinity of the east school building.
Rev. Fleming, accompanied by his brother, S. M. Fleming, goes to Rome, Sumner County, today. Rev. Fleming will dedicate a church while there.
J. W. Heck is home this week. He inserts his card in the REPUBLICAN in this issue. He is the western agent of the Richmond City Mill Works at Richmond, Indiana.
Dr. Jamison Vawter is on the sick list this week.
H. G. Vaughn=s school in Silverdale Township closed yesterday.
Crissy, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Wolfe, is very sick.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
Miss Lillie Johnson, of New Salem, this county, is visiting at the residence of E. A. Barron.
J. W. Oldham is Agrunting@ this week. Says he is sick, and that too in the midst of this fine weather.
Rev. Dr. Hill, of Kansas City synodical missionary of Kansas and the Indian Territory, filled the pulpit at the Presbyterian Church last Sabbath both morning and evening.
Jas. Ridenour, Jas. Benedict, Robt. Baird, W. D. Mowry, and Chas. Hutchins went to Emporia Monday to attend Grand Chapter and Grand Lodge. They came home yesterday.
Frank Corzine came back to Arkansas City Thursday from Auduborn, Illinois. He was glad to get back to Sunny Kansas. He says severe storms of snow were frequent in Illinois.
Paris H. Folsom, general Indian Inspector, was in the city yesterday. He has been down to Pawnee on business connected with his office. From here he will go to New Mexico.
W. F. Klopf says to get the news of the city and vicinity he must have the REPUBLICAN. Thursday he knocked on our subscription book and we entered his name on our roll of honor.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
Monday James Upton and family left for their future home, Canada. Miss Jennie, who has been saleslady in Fitch & Barron=s notion store, will be greatly missed by her associates.
Capt. Nipp, the big-hearted treasurer of Cowley County, came down from the muddy county seat Wednesday to enjoy the rare treat of going without his overshoes. Arkansas City is without mud.
O. P. Houghton, Tuesday, left for Maine. He has gone to buy goods and visit his aged father. Mr. Houghton will go by way of Canada and visit his brother, who will accompany him on his visit.
Capt. Nipp and other gentlemen composing the Ashland Town Company will start on a visit to that thriving county seat of Clark County Monday. Capt. is highly elated over the booming town of Ashland.
H. N. Higginbotham, and son, of Chicago, were in the city the first of the week visiting at the residence of V. M. Ayers. Mr. Higginbotham is a member of the large dry goods firm of Marshall, Field & Co.
Jos. Vaughan, a brother of George Vaughan of the Diamond Front, arrived in the city from Sangamon County, Illinois, Thursday. Mr. Vaughan came through by team and intends making his home in the vicinity.
Ed Grady did not go to the lumber regions as he anticipated. He got as far as Clinton, Iowa, when the railroad became blockaded with snow. He met his wife in Illinois and they arrived home Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Brunswick came over from Wellington Tuesday. Mr. Brunswick came over to see what the Arcade needed in the way of stock. He intends going east in a few days to make his spring purchases.
S. M. Fleming, a brother of Rev. Fleming, is in the city this week visiting at the residence of the latter. Mr. Fleming and family are now located at Solomon City in the northern part of the state, but were formerly of Pennsylvania. He is here prospecting.
Harley Graham, a friend of Rev. J. O. Campbell, of Rushville, Indiana, arrived in the city Thursday. Mr. Graham is a representative of Innis, Pearce & Co., a large wholesale furniture establishment at Rushville, and is here looking for a suitable location to establish a branch house.
H. W. Young, editor of the Independence Star, is in the city this week, visiting at the residence of V. M. Ayers. He is a son-in-law of Mr. Ayers. Several days since Mrs. Young and baby came to visit and last week the baby was taken quite ill, who is now improving rapidly by the aid of Dr. S. B. Parson=s skill.
Rev. J. O. Campbell, Arkansas City=s U. P. Minister, dropped in on the Courier Monday. He is one of the brightest young ministers in the State--one of those who can occasionally lay aside the Arobes of priestly office@ and mingle among the people much as other men, not forgetting his calling, but taking an active hand in all that go to make true and progressive citizenship. Arkansas City is fortunate in having so valuable and influential a minister as Mr. Campbell. Winfield Courier.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
Miss Julia Deming left for Winfield Thursday, where she will remain a few days and then go to Wichita. Miss Ora, and Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Farrar and Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Hess accompanied Miss Deming to Winfield. They returned yesterday.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
The Japanese Wedding.
Last Saturday evening the ladies of the Presbyterian Aid Society held their entertainment in Highland Hall. The Japanese Wedding was the main feature. It was purely oriental. The participants were dressed in the Japanese garb. Miss Linda Christian and J. C. Topliff were the high contracting parties. E. L. McDowell and Mrs. J. W. Heck, the parents of the groom; Philip Snyder and Miss Annie Meigs, the parents of the unsophisticated bride. Misses Maggie Hoffman, Laura Gould, Flora Gould, Rosa Morse, Edna Worthley, Viola Bishop, and Mamie Steinman were the bridesmaids.
First of all appeared on the stage the parents of the groom, followed by the parents of the bride, who glided to their place quietly. Next came Rev. J. O. Campbell, the Ago-between,@ followed by the couple who were desirous of being united. After Salaam to their hearts content, the Ago-between@ proceeded with his part. He goes to the groom, who whispers in his ear, and then he transfers his information to the bride, who in return whispers to the Ago-between@ and he carries it back to the groom. The ceremony was realistic, and considerable mirth was provoked, yet it was interesting.
After the wedding a bounteous feast was resorted to by the guests. A neat little sum of money was realized from this entertainment. There were two booths, one a candy and the other a fancy-work, which were presided over by the young ladies. Miss Ora Farrar had possession of the candy booth, which netted a goodly sum of money. Mrs. Steel furnished the candy, and as it was homemade, the customers pronounced it excellent. Misses Ella Love and Lissa Guthrie were in charge of the fancy-work booth. A silk crazy quilt, which was to have been voted to the most beautiful lady, resulted in a tie between Miss Hattie Cory and Mrs. S. B. Fleming. It will be disposed of at some future time.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
The W. R. C. Social.
The social given by the Woman=s Relief Corps was pronounced a success by all who were there. The ladies were exceedingly liberal in providing the good things of life, and everybody enjoyed himself sociably and eatably. As early as half past 6 o=clock, a great many had assembled and the repast was continued until 10. The ladies were kept very busy carrying around fresh supplies to the hungry ones. Some of them wore caps and aprons bearing the inscription, AW. R. C.@ This, in connection with the miniature flags which some wore in their caps and which ornamented the gigantic cakes, gave a patriotic appearance to the occasion.
When the viands were cleared away, someone suggested that the festivities of the evening be extended by tripping the light fantastic toe. The tables were removed and a clarinet player brought to the front, who furnished the music for those who remained to take part in the bewitching waltzes, quadrilles, etc.
A super-abundance of victuals had been provided, and it was announced that each who could and would, might, on the following day at noon, obtain his dinner for the small sum of 15 cents, and from what we can learn, the extra amount of food was speedily disposed with when the time came.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
An Orange Blossom.
MARRIED. Last Wednesday D. R. Beaty, the new proprietor of the city meat market, went to Winfield. There he was met by Miss Nettie Evans, of Iola. Repairing to the residence of the Presbyterian minister at Winfield, Rev. Kirkwood, they were united in marriage. The new couple came down to Arkansas City on the evening train. Mr. Beaty is but a newcomer to our city, but his coming has had a good effect on him. For he did that which was wise--choose a helpmeet. The new couple have taken rooms at the Windsor Hotel. The REPUBLICAN extends its best wishes and acknowledges the receipt of a large number of smokers.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
Thursday of last week at the residence of Rev. J. P. Witt, a large number of the members of the Christian Church assembled, bringing with them many substantials of life. The presents were numerous and highly appreciated by the clergyman and his family. The evening was spent in social conversation.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
General Gordon Betrayed and the Citadel Falls into the Mahdi=s Hands.
LONDON, FEB. 5, 10 a.m. Intelligence is just received here that Khartoum has been captured by the Arabian rebels. The whereabouts of Gen. Gordon is unknown. He is probably a prisoner in the hands of the victor.
LONDON, 12:40 p.m., Feb. 5. The War Office has issued the following.
AA telegram from Gen. Wolseley announces that the fall of Khartoum took place on January 26. He says Col. Wilson arrived at Khartoum, January 28, and was greatly surprised to find that the enemy was in possession of that place. He immediately started on his return down the river and proceeded under a heavy fire from the rebels. When some miles below the Shuabaca Cataract, Col. Wilson=s steamers were wrecked, but he and his party managed to reach an island in safety, where they are secure. A steamer has gone to bring them back to the British camp near Metemneh. Gen. Wolseley says he has no information regarding the fate of Gen. Gordon and doesn=t know whether he is dead or alive. Natives report the Mahdi had 600 men in the vicinity of Khartoum, and he introduced a number of his emissaries into the city. These emissaries mingled freely with the native troops under Gen. Gordon, and by bribes and threats and working on their religious feelings, induced them to mutiny and 7,000 of the garrisons deserted to the rebels, leaving Gordon only 2,500 faithful soldiers. With this small force he attempted to hold the city against Mahdi=s great army, but after severe fighting, in which large numbers of rebels were killed, he was compelled to surrender. When Sir Charles Wilson reached Khartoum, he found that Mahdi=s forces occupied both in town and citadel. He tried to land and ascertain the fate of Gordon, but this step he found impossible, the enemy=s guns being turned upon him in full force. He was therefore compelled to turn his back upon the fallen city and return to Gubat without finding out whether Gordon is dead or alive.
LONDON, Feb. 6. Lord Wolseley telegraphs he does not consider the British at Gubat in any immediate danger. The first news of the fall of Khartoum received by Gen. Wolseley was brought by a messenger who left the island where Col. Wilson was stranded and came on foot to Gubat. Two messengers were dispatched to Korti via Abu Klea and Gakdul. They reached their destination, which is regarded as owing to the news of Khartoum=s fall not being known in the desert. Intelligence of the disaster, however, at once spread far and wide. Some tribes that hitherto professed friendship for England have declared for El Mahdi. The Arabs still hold Metemneh. The garrison there received news of the fall of Khartoum with repeated salvos of artillery. When Col. Wilson=s flotilla approached Khartoum, he was compelled to run the gauntlet of a heavy fire from both banks. The rebels had four Krupp guns on the river banks at Halfujeh to bombard the steamer. When the British force Omdurman numbers of rebels continued the fusilade. Things looked worse when they discovewred the enemy was in possession of the Island of Tutti, just outside of the city. The English still pushed ahead but were dismayed to find that the garrison commenced firing upon them. No flags were flying from the public buildings, and the town appeared in undisputed possession of the enemy. The palace seemd to be gutted. Finding it impossible to land in the face of overwhelming numbers of rebels, the British were obliged to retire. Rumors concerning the fate of General Gordon are many and varied; but all agree that El Mahdi has captured Khartoum by treachery. The most reliable reports point to one Faraz Pasha as the traitor. It is said that he, being left in charge of the ramparts, opened the gates January 26 and admitted the enemy. Some rumors state that Gordon, together with a few Leventines, are cooped up in a church. Others say that El Mahdi was seen wearing General Gordon=s uniform. The majority agree, however, that General Gordon was killed.
The Pall Mall Gazette of last evening, referring to the Khartoum calamity, says: ANobody can accuse our gallant troops of losing a single moment in the fierce race against time in hastening to the rescue of the garrison at Khartoum. The responsibility rests solely with the ministers, who refused to allow the Nile expedition to start in spite of warnings and entreaties until too late. The vote in Parliament in favor of the appropriation of 500,000 pounds for the relief of General Gordon was deferred until August 5. Even then if the expedition had been sanctioned forthwith the precious day would have been gained, but it was not sanctioned until August 12, when the government finally resolved that it must relieve General Gordon. That period of hesitation sacrified Khartoum. Islam is now victorious. The revolt and fall of Khartoum will permeate through that area of the world, and unless the ministry display boldness and wariness equal to their former dilatoriness, a catastrophe worse than that of Khartoum will follow. England dare not fly before the Eastern foe. It would mean war and mutiny from one end of Asia to the other. She must reinforce her garrisons everywhere, including India, even if it shall be necessary to call volunteers to do the work. General Earle must advance rapidly to Berber. The Suakim garrison must be reinforced and the road to Berber cleared. Every nerve must be strained to prove the Khartoum disaster has stiffened the resolution to hold England=s flag aloft in the face of every foe. It is our duty not to flinch, but to prepare for eventualities and to relive Metemneh by water. We have failed to save Gordon. We have now to save Stewart.@
Col. Wilson and three steamers, two of which were wrecked in the Nile exactly halfway between Khartoum and Metemneh, the third steamer, bearing Col. Wortley and party, came on and brought the news to the British camp near Metemneh. The excitement attending the reception of the news of Khartoum is increasing. A constant stream of anxious inquiries, including Sir William Vernon Harcourt, George T. Trevelyan, and other ministers, is pouring into the war office. People throughtout the provinces also were greatly excited.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
The term AOklahoma@ is mythical and signifies Abeautiful land.@ These lands lie west of 97 degrees and extend to 100 degrees west longitude and between 34 and 47 north longitude, and according to a late map published by the interior department of the general land office, this tract comprises an area of about 400,000 square miles and 25,000,000 acres of land. These lands are embraced in what is known as the ALouisiana purchase,@ bought by the United States of France in 1803, and it embraces all the territory belonging to France which lay west of the Mississippi River.
Subsequent to the abolition of slavery, the United States made a treaty with the five civilized tribes of Indiians occupying the Indian Territory, and extinguished their title to the western portion of the territory; ostensibly, for the purpose of settling freedmen and other tribes of Indians thereon.
The treaty under which said lands were obtained, was made with the Seminoles March 21, 1866; with the Creeks, June 14, 1866, with the Cherokees, June 19, 1866, and with the Chocktaws and Chicasaws, about the same time. This tract was given charge of by the government, and was ordered to be surveyed and laid off into townships six miles square, which was accordingly done.
Subsequent to this purchase from the Indians, the freedmen, by act of Congress, were made citizens of the United States; hence, they have no more right to occupy these lands than white citizens have. Since its acquisition, however, the United States Government has appropriated about 10,000,000 acres of this land in the settlements of small tribes of Indians (those removed from other states and territories), viz: the Sac and Foxes were ceded 179,667 acres; the Potawotamies, 575,577 acres; the Wichitas, 749,610 acres, and by executive order the Comanches, Kiowa, Cheyennes, Arrapahoes, Kickapoos, Pawnees, Iowas, Missouri, Ottowas, Ponca, Nez Perces, Kansas, and other tribes were given reservations. Since settling the aforesaid tribes on these lands, congress has passed a law prohibiting the settlement of any more Indians in the territory.
There still remains about 15,000,000 acres of these lands unassigned. The Indians say these belong to the United States.
Indian Commissioner Price declares they are government lands, and the United States land commissioner regards them as such, and has put his stamp upon them as United States public lands in the late map published by the general land department. The are doubtless a part of the public domain bought of France in 1803, and purchased of the civilized tribes of Indians by treaty in 1866.
The general lay of the country is undulating; the land consists of prairie and timber lands; the soil is a rich black loam and produces an abundance of nutritious grasses. The timber consists of oak, black walnut, pecan, blackberry, ash, and cottonwood.
This country is watered by numerous streams--tributaries of the Arkansas River. Along the principal streams there are heavy bodies of saw timber, and in the Wichita mountains there is pine timber. These mountains are situated in the southwestern portion of the Indian Territory. It is a beautiful range of mountains, interspersed with numerous rich valleys, watered by mountain streams. It has a salubrious climate, favorable to the health. The mean altitude of the country is about 1,800 feet above the level of the ocean.
The Oklahoma fever has steadily grown in Kansas, and of late has spread all over the state. Topeka Journal.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
Condensed Telegrams.
Appeals are being sent out from Savanna, Indian Territory, the scene of the recent terrible mine explosion, asking for medicine and linen to dress burns. Thirty miners are badly suffering for proper treatment.
Chicago still suffers from the snow blockade. A famine of coal, milk, and country produce prevails on account of it.
It is now claimed that Gordon predicted that he would never leave Khartoum alive. He had a presentiment to that effect.
Kansas has 2,300,000 head of cattle, or two and one-quarter head for every man, woman, and child in the state; 52,000,000 bushels of wheat, or 50 bushels for every inhabitant of the state. This, with the sorghum, will certainly keep us from starving for the next year.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
State News.
The Winfield Irrigation, Canal and Hydraulic company filed its charter.
The people of Peabody will expend $700 this year on their public library.
The western national fair will be held at Bismark Grove, September 7th to 12th.
Wichita now claims to be a city of the first class, and that the next census will show that it has a larger population than Atchison.
Two steerage tickets were recently sold from Hamburg, Germany, to Russell, Kansas, for $27.80; less than the railroad fare from Russell to Indianapolis.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
A Reply to Telephone.
Editor Republican:
A party signing himself ATelephone,@ makes a defense of the millers, through the columns of your paper, against another correspondent signing himself AHomo.@ Now, whether ATelephone@ or AHomo@ is the best mathematician, or whether the farmers or the millers are the most honorable men, is not the question, but it is whether the price of flour in this community is not a grinding monopoly. ATelephone@ says the profits on $3.00 flour made from 2-1/2 bushels of wheat is so small, AHomo@ would have to find some other employment to earn enough to fill up on, if he had to depend on it for support; and further, that out of this 2-1/2 bushels four grades of flour are made; and that the mills of Arkansas City give the farmer 35 pounds of flour for a bushel of wheat; and we are also reminded that Kansas wheat is very trashy, and thereby causes a dead loss of from 5 to 7 pounds per bushel to the miller. Now, we know that with the old style of grinding, the better grades of flour were far the largest percent, and why this should be reversed now, when it is claimed that the new process makes more and better flour than the old, will have to be explained by some higher intelligence. ATelephone@ says the millers give the farmers 35 pounds of flour for a bushel of wheat, which sounds pretty liberal indeed; but we remember an old neighbor who when his grist was delivered wanted to swap it back for the toll. As to the flourish about trashy wheat, I have sold many thousand bushels, and always found the miller to estimate the amount of waste in some way to make the wheat equal to first quality. In my native state of New York, one-tenth was the legal rate of toll, and custom mills did well at that; now is it possible on that basis to lose anything in selling flour made from 60 cent wheat at $2.00 per cwt., or even less? Two and one-half bushels at 60 cents is $1.50, this would leave a balance of 50 cents; add to this the bran and shorts, 52 pounds, worth about 40 cents, and you have 90 cents margin. This rate would give $1.76 margin on the barrel. Now let anyone go to the dealer in this city and if he can find any flour at that price, he can find what I cannot, and can find but little at $2.50, and that little is not warranted; but plenty at $2.90 to $3.00. Now, add the difference to $1.76 and you have a margin of $2.50 on the barrel of 197 pounds. This estimate is based on the lowest priced flour found in the city. We can say that we have known millers who would indeed have thought they had Aa gold mine@ at such a margin. But we can go further, for we know that 4-1/2 bushels of wheat will make a barrel of as good flour as is to be found in this market, and this too, by the old process, and the new ought and does make more and better flour than the old. And further, we know that flour made in this city has been sold continuously at 25 cents a sack less than the same brands were sold for here, and hauled a distance of 20 miles or over by wagon transportation--$1.00 loss per barrel than sold at home. S. W.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
Oklahoma Bill.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 18. The bill reported to the senate to enable the president to negotiate for the purchase of Oklahoma lands, provided, among other things, that any person who, without authority of law, enters these lands shall be fined not more than $500 or imprisoned not more than one year, or both, for the first offense and fined $1,000 or imprisonment not more than two years for each subsequent offense. The bill authorized the seizure of the outfit of such persons.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
Admission 35 and 50.
A little below the customary price, I know, but in Ahard-times,@ hard-times prices ought to prevail. In thirty-five years actual experience in the show business and the latter five of these years in Kansas, I never saw finances so close. This is the experience of all classes. In order to meet the decline that is universal, I have marked my Aadmission down to cost@ and for the Anext four days, commencing on Monday, February 23, I shall give my patrons the benefit of this reduction.@ Thus says the merchant when he wants to realize a cash dividend, but it does not decrease the value of the goods. In reducing my prices from 75 and 50 cents, to 50 and 35 cents, I do not depreciate the merit of my entertainment; I simply want to realize a cash dividend, and like the merchant, I Asell below value.@
My Father, the late AYankee@ Robinson, owned several exceedingly funny manuscripts which he owned the exclusive right to produce, which came in my possession by right of inheritance, which I shall produce here, for the first and only time. I have a (small) good band, a classic orchestra, and a good, legitimate theatrical entertainment, and always give value received. Come and see SILAS ROBINSON.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 28, 1885.
School will commence in district No. 32, just east of the Walnut, on Monday, March 2nd, 1885.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 28, 1885.
BIRTH. Dan Yeangle and wife have added one more to the population of Arkansas City. It is a girl and was born Monday.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 28, 1885.
Tomorrrow the new Baptist Church will be dedicated. Rev. W. R. Conley, of Atchison, and Rev. Reider, of Winfield, will assist Rev.
F. L. Walker in the exercises.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 28, 1885.
BIRTH. The wife of one of Arkansas City=s leading lawyers, Wm. M. Jenkins, gladdened his home by giving birth to a boy babe Saturday night. Lawyer Jenkins wears the usual smile of a new papa.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 28, 1885.
The Canal Mills have employed another head miller. He arrives here today. His name is James Gillespie and until his engagement by Mr. Ayers, he was head miller in the Anchor Mills at St. Louis.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 28, 1885.
Tickets to New Orleans and return $29.75, via any one of the popular routes from Kansas City to St. Louis, from St. Louis to New Orleans, via the Louisville and Nashville railway. Call at the depot and examine the routes.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 28, 1885.
Geo. E. Hasie returned to the city Monday, after an absence of two or three months in the South. Traveler.
Mr. Hasie won=t be home for a month yet. Mr. McConn, your eyesight is surely defective.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 28, 1885.
Will Aldridge is going to add sleeping apartments for his use, to his office at his lumber yard, as soon as the weather breaks. He can be found there then 24 hours out of every day when this improvement is made.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 28, 1885.
Owing to the fact that the Baptist Church is to be dedicated next Sabbath morning, there will be no service in the Presbyterian Church in the morning. Service in the evening, conducted by the pastor, Rev. S. B. Fleming. The Sabbath school will meet at 3 o=clock instead of at 12, at which time there will be a young people=s meeting.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 28, 1885.
Thursday Henry Stade, an Oklahoma Boomer, received license from the government, permitting Echlebarger & Stade to sell cigars and tobacco in the Oklahoma country. Mr. Stade informs us that he intends going to Oklahoma March 5, with a stock of general merchandise. He has already been there twice, but never before has he had a license. It seems rather a knotty point to us that the U. S. Government should grant a man license to sell cigars and tobacco, and then order the troops there to remove him.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 28, 1885.
A Masher Mashed.
The dining room of one of Winfield=s prominent hotels was the scene of a lively encounter between a drummer and a waitress Sunday evening last. An exhibition of feminine muscle and grit was given that completely blanches former records, taught his drummership a lasting lesson, and satisfactorily entertained the lookers on. This festive drummer took his seat at the table and the waitress, whom we shall call Dora, just for luck, stopped to take his order. But the itinerant masher didn=t seem in a hurry and made insolent proposals. Dora repeated the Abill of fare@ several times and finally left the room in disgust. Returning in a few minutes with three orders on the tray, for the same table, she was again accosted by the drummer with language unbecoming. The gentle Dora could stand it no longer, and in the twinkling of an eye gave the man of wares a diff on the proboscis with her fist that sent him sprawling to the floor. Dishes flew in every direction and Dora followed her initiatory blow by playing on the fellow=s head with the tray and giving him the benefit of her foot, until his drummership yelled for mercy, made a neat apology, and a hasty exit. He took the early morning train for other fields, with feelings mortified and a black eye. The would-be masher who thinks Winfield girls can=t take care of themselves will come out badly mashed. The rapscallion who questions a girl=s purity because she does duty in a dining room should have no sympathy when he gets Aknocked out@ in one round. Winfield Courier.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 28, 1885.
Gen. Ed. Hatch, Lieuts. C. M. O=Connor, and W. L. Finley arrived in the city yesterday. Gen. Hatch was in the city last Friday and Saturday preparatory to bringing five companies of soldiers here. The companies were expected last night, but may not arrive until today sometime. This is another luscious plum for Arkansas City. Poor old Caldwell. This will be a bitter pill for her to swallow. The Caldwell Journal has boasted that that city was the headquarters for the soldiers while Arkansas City was headquarters for the boomers. We are headquarters for both now. Gen. Hatch pronounced this city the natural gateway to Oklahoma and accordingly moved the troops here. Day by day Arkansas City=s fame and natural advantages are spreading and becoming acknowledged so by all, except some of our envious sister towns. We understand that the troops will be stationed across the state line. It is evident that Hatch intends nipping the boomers= invasion in the bud. They will be stationed here for quite awhile, and as the companies will draw their pay here lots of shining shekels will find their way into the coffers of our merchants.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 28, 1885.
The Udall Sentinel says of the lightning rod man manipulating in that vicinity: AHe put up a rod for D. H. Carleton, who has been nearly blind for twenty years. Carleton signed what he supposed to be a note for $12.00, but found when the work was completed that he was in for $76.80. This fraud also stopped at another farmer=s in that neighborhood and offered to put up a rod for $6. The farmer told him to go ahead, but when the fellow insisted on having his note rather than the cash, he was booted off the place.@
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 28, 1885.
BIRTHS. The wife of Joseph Aston in Vernon Township gave birth to three girls last Thursday night. At last accounts mother and babes were doing well. Who says Kansas is not a land of plenty, or that good Virginia stock will not thrive for this climate. Winfield Tribune.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 28, 1885.
Noticing several communications in your paper relative to the milling industry and local flour market of this place, I have taken the trouble to give this matter a thorough investigation, strictly upon its merits, to see if Aall is gold that glitters.@ The result I submit for the consideration of AHomo@ and ATelephone & Co.,@ whose bone of contention seems to be our local flour market and excessive profits on milling, as charged in the general indictment. Well, we find that flour and millstuffs are high here compared with the low price of wheat, and we find also, that they must of necessity continue so, under the present rates and system of hauling, or the milling industry of Arkansas City must be abandoned.
We find that millers= prices are one thing, and brokers= and dealers= prices are another. Yet, thoughtless and uninformed parties charge it all to the millers, which tends to place the latter in a wrong position with people who have no knowledge of manufacturing and wholesale merchandising and the enormous expense attendant upon all such enterprises. These cranks, who have been lead on by disgruntled local dealers without a nickle invested, cry monopoly louder than Butler and try to discourage local development and enterprise; not with malice, but through ignorance of the results of such agitation. Is it not time to call a halt, before the Apride of Arkansas City@ is driven upon the beach of bankruptsy, mouldering monuments of the pluck and enterprise of our best citizens?
The output of the mills is about 600 barrels per day; operating expenses $110. The local market, consuming about 40 barrels per day, leaves 560 barrels for foreign shipment.
It costs the miller $3 per day each to deliver the goods at this market, at the following prices on 30 to 90 days time:
1st grade: $2.75.
2nd grade: $2.50.
3rd grade: $2.50.
4th grade: $2.25.
They pay spot cash for all wheat and expenses.
The 560 barrels are shipped to St. Louis, Arkansas, and Texas, and some is sold in Kansas when cost of production and freight can be obtained. The average in St. Louis today is $4.30 per barrel and that controls the other markets. The cost save wheat $3.00; sacks, 20 cents, freight 90 cents, commission 10 cents, inspection and storage 5 cents--or net 5 cents per barrel. $2.09 per barrel has been paid on shipments to Arkansas. To adduce further evidence would be Acasting pearls before swine.@
We catch on to Homo=s Arevenge@ in the shape of the 500 barrel enterprise, and can assure him in advance that it will take a heavier mill than he dreams of to fill the capacious maws of the Missouri Pacific, Frisco, Iowa, Kansas, Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe roads. No merchant mill can exist at this point until we have competing lines south, or an outlet by water. The roads demand a heavy import and export tariff, and no mill can do a continuous business here without importing three-fourths of the raw material, all the mill machinery, etc., and exporting six-sevenths of the manufactured article. We undertake to say and can prove it, that the railroads and brokers in flour are the only ones that have made money out of the present crop. Hence, the racket to divert public attention.
If mills are the bonanza Homo and Telephone & Co., represent them to be, why don=t they invest in the old stone mill on the canal that is now locked up for debt, and will not pay 50 cents on the dollar of its liabilities?
Business is one thing, gab another; the latter seems to be the stock in trade of these very (?) knowing gentlemen.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 28, 1885.
Milling Agents.
We suspect ATelephone@ is the man that announces the geese as they come into market. Wheat has dropped. We conclude he acknowledges the charge of combinations as being true spoken of in our previous article. A great shame is that our article was penned fore the advance in wheat and was based on the theory of 50 cents a bushel. Whether it was our mistake or a typo, we do not know. We never had any such idea as that a mill was a gold mine, but a steal mine. We do not claim to be wise in this thing; it looks to us that a man, though a fool, need not be mistaken about it. It is useless for me to contradict your statement about the price of flour, it is too apparent to need contradiction. We are aware that under the new system of grinding, they make different grades of flour, and more of it, but our article was based upon the old system of grinding straight; it would give 100 pounds of flour from 2-1/2 bushels of wheat, after being tolled (not stole) which, at present price of flour, would be worth $3.00. If Telephone knows so much about milling, why does he not show us in figures how much flour a bushel of wheat will produce? I reckon it about thus. Taking wheat on an average: cleaning, 2-1/2 pounds; bran, 8-3/4 pounds; flour 40 pounds. Total: 60 pounds. I know that some wheat will clean more, but in my experience wheat that cleans five bushels in one hundred is very foul. We can produce evidence of the fact (if we can find our witness and we think we can) that Mr. Woodyard made over fifty pounds of flour from a bushel of wheat on Newman=s mill. I cannot see how you reckon a loss of 30 cents on exchanging 35 pounds of flour for a bushel of wheat, except it be in buying the wheat and selling the flour; 60 pounds of wheat would weigh 45 pounds and 100 pounds of flour would weigh from 90 to 95 pounds.
We think we can cite cases where the millers paid more for wheat up the railroad and shipped it in than they were paying for the same wheat at home.
Well, we are frank to say that the old demon has been a source of trouble to us at home and abroad, but we have been trying with all the powers of our better nature to chain him, but we have not succeeded very well; he still Agoes about like a raving lion seeking whom they may devour.@
We are aware that farmers are not all honest, but that is no reason why you and I should be dishonest. We do not try to deceive any person or take advantage of them for gain. We have no desire to engage in milling if it is necessary to pursue the course millers do in this country.
There is one thing more I wish to speak about and that is the deception practiced in grading wheat.
It is currently taught here that we do not produce No. 1 wheat in this country, and in referring to Kansas City prices, they quote No. 2 red winter wheat as the quality of our best wheat, when in reality No. 2 red winter wheat as quoted in the Kansas City prices current is a 3rd grade of wheat. Our wheat grades No. 1, No. 2 (quoted as No. 2 soft winter in Kansas City prices current) and No. 3, etc., No. 3 being No. 2 red winter wheat as quoted in the Kansas City prices current. Hence, you discover the deception.
I have known farmers guilty of some foolish things, but never saw anything to compare with the practice of selling your wheat to the lowest bidder. Grain dealers from Little Rock, Arkansas, have made many dollars for the produce, and they are the only competition we have on wheat in our markets. Many farmers have allowed these fellows to slip behind them and Atake the wheat at the same price.@ Shame on the farmer who will be guilty in any such way--it is literal suicide.
While we are complaining we had just as well disgorge at once and be done with it, so I will not add that I never knew such a rage for robbery and swindle in my life as is being practiced in this country. It is not confined to one department of business alone, but the infection is wide-spread, reaching counry and city alike. What a comment! Should we not pause and think?
Now we submit that Arkansas City for the sake of her own prosperity and good name, should put in city scales and authorize an honest and competent person to preside over them. We think this thing should be done promptly. The old saying is to put a thief to catch a thief, and under the present manipulations it might be hard to do otherwise; but by the grace of God, try it once at all hazards. HOMO.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 28, 1885.
Attempt to Break Jail.
WINFIELD, KANSAS, Feb. 25. Chas. Lewis, who is held here on the charge of blowing open the safe in Smith & Zook=s store, attempted to break jail last evening, and came very near being successful. The other prisoners, who were not locked in their cells at the time, would also have escaped had the attempt been made a few minutes earlier. Lewis was the only one who succeeded in getting out, and he was recaptured by the deputy sheriff, Frank Finch, just outside of the jail yard. It is the custom to lock the prisoners at 9 o=clock, and then Lewis was missing. He had torn up the flooring in the west room, where the wood had become rotten, and then dug from under the foundation to the outside of the jail. The means used for digging out was a two-inch augur; which must have been supplied from the outside.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 28, 1885.
In view of the dedicatory service at the Baptist Church, there will be no service at the M. E. Church Sunday morning. There will e a praise meeting in the afternoon at 3:30. Preaching in the evening by Rev. N. S. Buckner, Sunday school at the usual hour.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 28, 1885.
The Railroad Question.
The legislature has finally reached the discussion of the question of the regulation of the railroads of the state, and probably the time of both houses will be pretty well occupied with it, until, it may be, the end of the session.
Kansas has been fortunate, so far, in dealing with this matter. The state has been spared such a long and bitter struggle between the corporations and the people as was witnessed in Illinois. The railroads have learned wisdom from experience and have found the state is greater than any corporations it creates; and, on the other hand, the representatives of the people have learned reason and moderation. Considering the length and importance of the discussion which ended in the adoption of the present railroad commission law, two years ago, it was conducted with remarkably good temper and good sense.
That the law of 1883 has worked well is scarcely disputed. The temper of the present legislature is proof of it. There is no violent clamor in or from any quarter. No gentleman seems loaded down with petitions from his indignant constituents. If there is any strong objection on the part of the people to the continuance of the present law without amendment, it does not show itself.
As to what shall be done, the members differ in opinion. There seems to be three classes: the first wishes the legislature to fix maximum rates; the second wishes to increase the powers of the railroad commissioners, and leave the freight rate question with them; the third class wishes to do nothing.
The most radical step, that of fixing rates by legislature, does not seem to meet much encouragement. For taking such a step, the best reason would be found in a great body of complaints against the present rates. Senator H. B. Kelly=s bill only proposes to fix the rate on wheat; and in official inquiry addressed to the board of railroad commissioners, in regard to the disposition of shippers, elicited the answer that but one complaint had been received by the board. This does not reveal a degree of distress which would seem to justify a tearing up and building anew of our railroad legislation.
The middle class, those who believe that the powers of the railroad commissioners should be increased where experience has shown its need, it seems, have the best case. If there is to be regulation in detail, it rests between the legislature and the board. The question is, then, which is the best qualified body to attend to the duty. The legislature is made up of men, who, outside of fifty days in every alternate year, have nothing especially to do with the railroad question. The railroad commissioners are specially charged with this matter. They devote their time to it. Their work in the past two years has been satisfactory. Shall they be empowered and entrusted with the work of further regulation, from time to time, or shall it be taken up by the legislature and settled by an act which, in six months from now, may be entire unsuited to the situation, and everybody will wish repealed?
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 28, 1885.
Indian Territory.
The Indian Territory was originally given to the Cherokees, Creeks, Seminoles, and Choctaws in return for their lands east of the Mississippi, ceded to the United States in 1882 and 1883. There are now about 82,000 Indians in the Territory, consisting of 62,000 Cherokees, Creeks, Seminoles, Choctaws, and Chickasaws, who are known as the five civilized tribes, and 19,000 Arapahoes, Apaches, Cheyenne, Kiowas, Comanches, Wichita, Osages, Pawnees, Poncas, Pottawatomies, and other tribes who have been removed to the Indian Territory.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 28, 1885.
The preliminary examination of Frank Bonham was held Thursday before Judge Grant, on the charge of murder of Bonham=s mother, brother, and sister, on February 3, near Radical City. But a few witnesses have thus far been introduced. William Immel, omnibus driver at Elk City, testified to Bonham=s visit to that place as already told by defendant. Bonham has thus far been unable to show where he was on Tuesday night of the week of the murder.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
A gymnasium club has been formed at Winfield with 35 members.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
Remember you can=t vote unless you register. The laws of Kansas don=t allow you.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
BIRTH. Wes. Ferguson became the father of girl babe Wednesday morning. Mother and girl doing well.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
We printed this week certificates of stock for the Cleveland Town Company, who intend locating in Oklahoma. [Boomer item.]
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
Frank Austin has purchased lots in the first Ward and we believe will commence building as soon as spring opens.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
A protracted meeting commenced at the Christian Church the first of the week. Several additions have been made to the church already.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
MARRIED. Married at the residence of the bride=s parents, Geo. W. Cunningham and Miss Jessie Elmore. The marriage ceremony was performed by Rev. J. P. Witt.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
Last Sunday at Harmon=s Ford Rev. J. P. Witt, the Christian minister, baptized Mrs. O. C. R. Randall and Miss Hand. The crowd of spectators in attendance was estimated at 600 persons.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
That advertising pays is fairly illustrated by the operations of
P. T. Barnum, the veteran showman. During the year 1884 he expended $74,000 for advertising and his profits were $1,500,000.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
MARRIED. Married at the residence of the bride=s parents, Wm. S. Scott and Miss Cordie Armstead, Thursday evening, at 6 o=clock. Judge W. D. Kreamer officiated. A number of invited guests were in attendance.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
Elder F. M. Rains will preach at the Christian Church next Lord=s day at 11 o=clock a.m., and 7:30 p.m. Elder W. W. Hopkins will deliver a discourse on the death of Christ next Monday evening, March 2nd, at 7:30 p.m. All are corrdially invited to attend.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
The Y. P. S. Club met at the residence of Miss Etta Barnett last Tuesday evening and a grand old sociable time was had. By unanimous consent of the members, it was determined to produce the ATurn of the Tide@ as soon as possible.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
Next Thursday the boomers start for Oklahoma. We are informed by a boomer that 3,000 persons intend going upon the invasion. Several delegates from colonies at a distance have been here assisting in perfecting arrangements.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
Ward & Wallace will re-fill bed ticks with a good white straw for 25 cents apiece.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
Fifteen tickets to the New Orleans Worlds Fair have been sold in Arkansas City. More people intend going next week.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
A play that never grows old is AUncle Tom=s Cabin.@ It will be produced tonight at Highland Hall by the Boston Ideal Company. There are 25 people with this troup; also, six bloodhounds, two Marks, and two trick donkeys.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
BIRTH. A lady visitor arrived at the residence of T. J. Gilbert last Tuesday morning. Although not very large, she requires considerable attention from papa and mamma. Weight 13 pounds.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
A. D. Campbell, wife and child, of Michigan City, arrived in the city Thursday. Mr. Campbell is a valued friend of N. T. Snyder, and he and his family are visiting at the home of Mr. Snyder.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
Three companies of cavalry left Las Animas last night for Arkansas City. Three companies left Fort Riley Friday a.m., and it is expected four companies will arrive from Caldwell Sunday or Monday.
[Boomer story.]
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
The children and grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Sifferd assembled at their residence in the north part of town Wednesday and passed the day. It was the first time the worthy couple has had the pleasure of meeting their entire family at once for many years.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
FOR SALE. Or will exchange for Arkansas City property, 400 acres of land 6 miles north of Great Bend, Kansas. It is all tillable, black loam soil, 200 acres broke, two small but well built frame houses, two never failing wells. It is one-fourth mile from school, and is surrounded by improved farms. For further particulars, address AW.,@ this office.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
While away on his visit to Emporia, W. D. Mowry visited the state solons at Topeka. He heard Geo. Anthony Aspout@ about the soldiers home to be located at Leavenworth. He wanted the state to appropriate $50,000 which that city promised if the Home would be located there. The bill passed the house but it is to be hoped that it won=t the Senate.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
Rev. Fleming reports a pleasant and profitable time at Rome, Sumner County. He there dedicated a neat and commodious house of worship for the Presbyterians, free of debt. The building cost $2,500, and comfortably seats 300. A thank offering was taken up, which amounted to $60. The pay-as-you-go policy, which the Presbyterians usually observe in building their churches, renders the dedication of their houses a joyous occasion, as there is seldom any Abegging.@ Rev. Fleming preached in Wellington Sabbath night.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
There is only one objection that can be urged to Arkansas City and that is our bad street crossings.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
Snow fell Monday to the depth of about 8 inches. By Thursday it had nearly all disappeared.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
Both King and Greer voted for the bill for the state appropriation of $50,000 to Leavenworth, to secure the Soldiers= Home there.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
Seventy united with the M. E. Church during the revival. A net increase of one hundred during the year doubles the membership.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
John Daniels no longer pounds the anvil. He has accepted a position at the Shabby Front and will assist D. L. Means in the implement business.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
FOUND. Masonic watch charm with the letters H. T. W. S. S. T. K. S. on it. By paying charges the owner can have same by calling on the REPUBLICAN.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
Monday by actual count of the newsboy, 70 home seekers got off at the Santa Fe depot besides the usual number of drummers, home people, and others.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
C. W. Gano, of Ottawa, has rented the three photograph rooms in the Hasie block, and will open up a handsome art gallery shortly. Mr. Gano and family arrived Tuesday.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
Dr. J. E. Westfall has purchased two lots of Frank J. Hess, on High Street opposite Maj. Hasie=s residence, on which the Doctor intends erecting a residence. Consideration $500.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
A. L. Edwards, of Galesburg, Illinois, arrived in the city Thursday evening with a carload of horses, which he is now selling at auction on our streets. He has some fine horses on exhibition at the Star Livery.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
Cumnock, the reader and elocutionist, will not be here until March 14. Mur. Cumnock was unable to reach here on time so postponed his coming until the above date. He was to have been here last evening.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
The last of the Caldwell saloon men have been released from jail, complying with the compromise offered by the board of county commissioners, which was, upon the payment of $100 and costs each, they would be liberated.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
W. R. Smith, who lately came here from Washington, D. C., purchased last Monday one of the cottages of the Arkansas City Building Association. Consideration: $1,600. The sale was made through Frank J. Hess= real estate agency.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
BIRTH. Charles McIntire, the editor of the Democrat, no longer greets his subscribers with that charming half-moon smile of his. It is now a full moon grin. CAUSE: On last Monday morning Charlie discovered that he had mounted the parental rostrum once more. >Twas not twins nor triplets, but a big boy.
[Note: Paper showed McIntyre...which we know is wrong!]
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
A dog jumped through the show window of Brown & Pell Tuesday. The master of the canine had left him there by mistake, and being unable to get out at the door and being impelled to do something rash, by the sight of the hungry real estate man, Howard, leaped through the glass, smashing it to Asimthereens.@ $1.50 damage; dog uninjured.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
The Shabby Front is this day dedicated to the public; and in doing so, we trust that it may become a household word in every family in Cowley County. Our house will hereafter be known as the AShabby Front,@ and our motto will be to please our numerous customers and patrons. In submittting the above we beg to remain
Your humble servant,
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
Notice is hereby given that the books of the Farmers= Co-operation Milling Exchange are now open at the office of A. V. Alexander and Edward Grady in this city for taking subscriptions to the stock of said association. The opportunity is offered to all.
T. W. GANT, General Manager.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
Francis Guinn and Flora Knox.
James Green and Laura King.
William Rothrock and Cora E. Martin.
Charlie Sandstrum and Annie Sandstrum.
Alex Miller and Mary Hoover.
Montgomery Babb and Lena Farnsworth.
Alonzo Bryant and Elizabeth Dressell.
John Hearn and Hannah Dughard.
Daniel Doty and Lizzie Littleton.
Wm. Scott and Cordia Armstead.
George Cunningham and Jessie Elmore.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
Capt. Rarick is in Wichita this week.
Eli Youngheim is in the east this week.
Harry Hill is able to go around on crutches.
W. H. Little is up from Sac and Fox Agency, Indian Territory.
P. T. Wyeth is up from the Wyeth Cattle Co.
Judge Bonsall was in Topeka this week visiting the legislature.
I. Davis, of Maple City, was over trading with our merchants Wednesday.
Rev. J. O. Campbell went to Kansas City the first of the week. He came home yesterday.
T. E. Berry, formerly in business here, then at Pawnee, but now located at Wellington, is in town this week.
Enos Kuhlman and family have rented J. M. Magill=s residence in Leonards addition, and taken possession.
J. M. Magill moved his family into his new residence just lately erected in Leonard=s addition, Wednesday.
C. R. Sipes left for Chicago Monday last. From there he will go to visit the Crescent City.
Miss Ella P. Cowgill, a lady friend of Mrs. R. C. Howard, of Fredonia, is visiting her at the latter=s home in the city.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
Mrs. H. W. Young, daughter of V. M. Ayers, left Thursday for her home at Independence. Mr. Young went several days since.
Last Friday Chas. Swarts, wife, and babe, went to Wichita to visit Mr. Swarts= parents. They returned Wednesday.
The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Wolfe, who has been very sick for several days, is getting better. Dr. S. B. Parsons is in attendance.
S. M. Fleming, Rev. S. B. Fleming=s brother, returned to Soloman City Thursday. He was much pleased with our city and country.
Dr. Z. Carlisle returned Tuesday from the west. He visited Larned, and took an old soldier=s claim in Rush Countty. He will go there to live soon.
Rev. F. M. Rains, the state evangelist of the Christian Church, will hold services at the Christian Church tomorrow. Rev. Rains is an eloquent speaker.
S. E. Pollock was, we believe, the only teacher in attendance from this vicinity on the Cowley County Teachers Association at New Salem, Friday and Saturday of last week.
B. H. Osborne and family came here a few days since from Illinois to make Arkansas City their future place of residence. Mr. Osborne has taken a position in McLaughlin=s grocery establishment.
T. J. Sweeney and family have decided to locate at Larned.
R. A. Houghton went to Wichita Thursday morning on business.
J. A. Laison, who has been in the city for quite awhile, left for Victoria, Illinois, Wednesday. [NOT SURE OF THE NAME LAISON.]
S. V. Goeden goes west the first of next week to make improvements on his claim in Mead County.
Mr. and Mrs. Cal Dean left for a visit to Xenia, Ohio, last Monday. They will be gone several days.
Frank Landes, son of John Landes, left yesterday for Ottawa, where he goes to attend school.
A. G. Lowe traded for some Butler County land this week, and sent up to see it Tuesday. He came back yesterday.
DeWitt McDowell, who has been visiting at his former home in Illinois, came back to Arkansas City yesterday to stay awhile.
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Boyd returned to their home at Oakdale, Nebraska, Thursday. They have been visiting at the residence of V. M. Ayers.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
Drury Warren and Alex Harvey left Monday for Arizona. These gentlemen have gone there to seek a location for a cattle ranch.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
Chas. Burnett, of the St. Louis Restaurant, left for Meade County Thursday. He goes there to take a claim. He will be home the first of the week.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
A. Dakan, of Minden, Nebraska, was in the city the fore part of the week, visiting at the residence of A. J. Pyburn. He left for home Thursday.
Frank Hess visited Winfield, Burden, Grenola, and other towns along the Kansas Southern Wednesday and Thursday, returning yesterday.
Ed Haight came down from Winfield Tuesday and surveyed J. C. Duncan=s farm just north of town off into five-acre lots. Mr. Duncan intends disposing of them soon.
John Bain and family, citizens of the first ward, move to Anthony, to take up their residence next week. Mr. Bain has a store at that point, presided over by his sons.
L. H. Northey went up to Topeka Tuesday, and returned Thursday. He visited the legislature and was captivated by the eloquent speech of ex-Gov. Anthony.
S. F. Steinberger now occupies a residence on Central Avenue. He moved from the cottage of the Building Association on account of it being sold to W. R. Smith.
Chas. Danks, the youngest of the firm of Dank Bros., arrived in the city yesterday from Cincinnati. Mr. Danks came to assist his brother, J. G. Danks, in the machine shop.
Rev. W. R. Connelly, of Atchison, arrived in the city yesterday to assist in the dedication exercises of the Baptist Church tomorrow. Services will commence at 11 a.m., and 7:30 p.m.
The Leavenworth Times says Judge Bonsall, a prominent citizen of Arkansas City, called on that paper Wednesday. Our Judge must be getting quite dissipated by so much running around.
J. M. Hammond, of Hanson County, Ohio, arrived in the city last Saturday with his family and household goods. Since his arrival, Mr. Hammond has purchased the farm of D. H. Miles, north of town, where he will reside.
Thos. Simpson, of Edgerton, Kansas, arrived in the city the first of the week prospecting. He is a friend of J. H. Campbell and was stopping at his residence. Mr. Simpson is a gentleman of considerable means. He left for Edgerton Thursday to prepare for his coming to Arkansas City.
David Hollenback and Dell Hollenback and families left for Florida yesterday, where they intend to make their future home. David Hollenback sold his ice house and ice to Fitch & Barron, who will sell you congealed aqua during the heated season.
W. S. Upp, of Lenox, Iowa, arrived in the city the first of the week. Mr. Upp is seeking a location for a bakery and looks favorably toward Arkansas City. At present he is visiting at the residence of his brother-in-law, Chas. Beach, at Bitter Creek. Mr. Upp is a pleasant spoken gentleman and we would like to see him become one of our citizens.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
Mr. and Mrs. Spence Miner and Mrs. Allie Bishop and son, came down from Winfield Saturday and remained over Sunday. They returned to Winfield Monday, from where Mr. Miner will go to Ashland, his new home. Mr. Miner showed his good will toward the REPUBLICAN by leaving the necessary collateral for one year=s subscription.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
High Ford has purchased lumber for a residence to be built on the lots in the vicinity of Frank J. Hess= residence, as soon as the weather will permit.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
Our Roll of Honor.
The following is a list of our subscribers taken since Feb. 20.
J. J. Alton, City.
F. Key, Arbor Hill, Iowa.
Julius Berkey, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Geo. Coonrod, City.
J. A. Larson, Victoria, Illinois.
S. C. Murphy, City.
Chas. Beech, Bitter Creek.
Spence Miner, Ashland.
Mrs. A. B. Johnson, Hill, New Hampshire.
Dudley J. Bivon, Carmelton, Maryland.
T. J. Sweeny, Larnard...[SWEENEY? LARNED??]
A. Ramsay, Hopper=s Mills, Illinois.
James Lewis, Holton.
J. J. Adams, City.
Henry F. Evinger, City.
W. F. Klopf, City.
J. P. Johnson, City.
I. Davis, Maple City.
Will Moore, City.
Danks Bros., City.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
The entertainment given by the boys of the eighth grade last Saturday evening speaks well for the application and perseverance of the boys. At the opening of the exercises Frank Gamel, the president of the club, made a neat little speech stating the object of the entertainment. The excercises consisted of declamations, recitations, and dialogues which were well rendered. The participants were Harry Gilstrap, Frank Gamel, James Kirkpatrick, Horace Prescott, Mervin Miller, Elmer Lane, and Samuel Beall. There was a good audience and the boys received about $8. Excellent instrumental music was furnished by Miss Constance Woodin and Al. Keller. The proceeds of the entertainment go to the club=s library. The boys intend giving another entertainment shortly and the friends of school should encourage them by attending. They desire a club=s library and are willing to work to get the necessary means to obtain one.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
Poor Caldwell thinks something must be done. She had a boomers= meeting Wednesday evening. Over 300 citizens and businessmen were in attendance. Resolutions were adopted asking all persons proposing to enter Oklahoma on March 3rd to 5th to meet here and go in with the colony. All other colonies were also invited to meet at this point. Committees were appointed to confer with leaders of other colonies concerning an invasion from this point. >Tis too late now Sister Caldwell to try and get the boomers to make that town the starting point. They have seen Arkansas City and recognize it as the natural gateway to Oklahoma. We have both the boomers and soldiers now, but we won=t crow over you neighbor.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
We are glad to have no twin brother. As an example: Archie and Arthur Combs. [DO THEY MEAN COOMBS?] Which is which we do not know. But during Robinson=s administration at Highland Hall this week, Archie was to be taken to witness the performance by a friend. Of course, Archie told Arthur. To make a long story short, Arthur met Archie=s friend on the street after supper and inquired if he was ready to attend the theatre. The gentleman responded in the affirmative and took Arthur. Archie waited patiently for his friend to come around, but he waited in vain. The gentleman did not discover the trick until Archie informed him of the fact.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
Last Friday 24 men from in the vicinity of Maple City visited the Indian Territory after wood. While there Agent Keeler and two Indian marshals came along and arrested them and wanted to take them to the agency, which the wood-seekers refused to submit to. Some broke loose and went to Maple City, where they raised a band of young fellows who went to the rescue. The agent and marshals detained some of the wood-seekers until the boys from Maple City came, when the prisoners were set free.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
Gen. Hatch, Lieuts. O=Connor and Finly [Thought it was Finley?] arrived in the city yesterday and we learn from Lieut. Chas. M. O=Connor that a forwarding office will be established here for the purpose of supplying the U. S. Troops to be stationed at different points in the Territory. Lieut. O=Connor will have an office in connection with the storage depot.
[Boomer story.]
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
Round trip tickets to Washington, D. C., $46 from Arkansas City. These tickets are good returning until March 12th.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
Money to loan on Real Estate. Pyburn & Walton over Cowley County Bank.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
Russia encroaches on Afghanistan and trouble is predicted.
No new features from the seat of war in Soudan. British troops rapidly being hurried toward the ground in dispute.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
P. H. Albright & Co., within the past sixty days, have invested nearly $12,000 of a fund of $50,000 willed to a church at Hartford, Connecticut, the interest to go towards supporting preaching, signing, etc., the music of this church alone costing $4,500 the past year. What would one of our Winfield churches think of a windfall of $50,000?
Winfield Courier.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
The house at Topeka has passed the bill, and the senate will doubtless concur, providing for the creation of the nineteenth judicial district, embracing the counties of Sumner, Harper, Barber, and Comanche. Sumner is taken from the thirteenth district, which leaves in that district Elk, Chatauqua, and Cowley counties, with a population of some 52,000. The counties of Harper, Barber, and Comanche are detached from the eighteenth district, which was created by the legislature of 1883. This leaves in the Eighteenth district the counties of Butler, Sedgwick, and Kingman, with a population of some 60,000. The district provided for in this bill had, a year ago, a population of about 42,000.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
Mr. Bob Strother, of Upper Timber Creek, Cowley County, according to the statement of a correspondent of the Burden Eagle, lost forty-six head of sheep recently by sheep-killing dogs, and had twenty others wounded.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
The entering wedge into the settlement of the Oklahoma question was made Tuesday through the presentation, by Senator Cullom, of a memorial from the Illinois legislature, praying an early disposition by congress of this vexed affair. Senator Plumb took the position that whatever title the Indians had in the Oklahoma lands was one of money and not of occupancy, and he trusted the government would liquidate that claim at once and open the territory to settlement. Under this concise and logical statement, Senator Dawes was enabled to call up and pass the bill authorizing the president to negotiate and purchase the remaining rights of the Seminole, Creek, and Cherokee Nations to the Oklahoma land. Every effort will be made to secure favorable action of the house on this bill at the present session.
[Boomer story.]
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
Frank James Acquitted.
BOONEVILLE, MISSOURI, Feb. 23. Late Saturday afternoon the charges pending against Frank James in the Cooper County Circuit Court were dismissed and he is now a free man. The matter was kept very quiet and is not now generally known. Much interest is being felt here as to whether Gov. Marmaduke will recognize a requisition from the governor of Minnesota for the removal of James to the latter state for trial there. Additional information from Booneville, regarding the dismissal of the charges against Frank James, are to the effect that the case against the famous outlaw was docketed in the circuit court today, but quietly called up by Prosecuting Attorney Shackleford Saturday evening just at the close of court when nobody was present excepting the officers of court. The prisoner and Attorney Shackleford stated to the court that when he proceeded to the removal of James from Alabama to Missouri, he was confident there was sufficient evidence to convict him, but since then his chief witness, Mr. Stapp, had died, and other evidence was missing. In justice, therefore, to the state and defendant, he moved that the charges, one for obstructing a railroad, and the other for robbery, both at Otterville, be dismissed. The court granted the motion in a very few words. There are no other charges pending against James in this state and he is therefore entirely free. After the prisoner was released, he went to his hotel, where he received the congratulations of a few friends who knew the action of the court, but he refused to be interviewed. No requisition for James has yet been made by the governor of Minnesota, and what action Marmaduke would take should have to be received as pure guess work, he having declined to commit himself on the question.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 7, 1885.
Dr. J. A. Mitchell has a good set of heavy weight carriage harness he wishes to sell or trade for smaller size.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 7, 1885.
One morning this week in the primary department of the east school building, 100 names were enrolled. This is too many pupils for one teacher and more school room will soon have to be made.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 7, 1885.
Frank Bonham, the man who is under arrest for the murdering of his mother, brother, and sister near Radical City, Montgomery County, had his trial last week. He was bound over to the District Court.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 7, 1885.
There will be sacramental services at the M. E. Church tomorrow morning after preaching. In the afternoon at 3 o=clock baptismal services occur and receiving of members from probation into full membership of the church.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 7, 1885.
Dr. Samuel Thompson of Maple City was arrested Tuesday and taken to Winfield to be tried for the charge of selling liquor illegally. Thompson plead guilty, but all the same it will take within the neighborhood of $150 to settle the matter. He lies in jail now.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 7, 1885.
Last night occurred again one of those pleasant A. O. U. W.=s socials. Amost Walton made an excellent address on the AGood of the order,@ and recitations were rendered by Maud Sifford, Walter Pickering, Maggie Ford, Flora Kreamer, and Wyatt Hutchison.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 7, 1885.
Geo. Christian, while at work repairing the dam last Monday, fell from the flat boat and was washed over the rock and brush, bruising himself severely. He was carried down some 150 yards below the dam before he was able to get out. It was a perilous position for Mr. Christian, and we venture that he prefers not another similar experience.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 7, 1885.
How to repair the bridge across the Arkansas west of town is agitating our citizens. The township refuses to repair, and the city has no right to appropriate any money for that purpose. Every day that bridge is down, our businessmen lose nearly all of that trade out west. Something ought to be done to have it repaired.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 7, 1885.
The Ladies of the Episcopal Guild Society will hold their Easter Fair on Easter Monday in rooms in the Hasie block. Blue-Satin hand painted spread and shams will be voted to the most beautiful lady. The hand-painting will be done by Miss May Hendricks, of Decatur, Illinois. The ladies of this society vow that this entertainment shall be the event of the season.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 7, 1885.
Everybody wants to read a paper full of local news. This being the case, why doesn=t everybody endeavor to help the paper they like, in the matter of news? You may not have an item today, but may have one tomorrow. Send it in and have the thanks of newspapermen who are overworked. A handsome chromo is given away with each item brought to this office.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 7, 1885.
A. G. Heitkam proposes to lead in his line of business. Thursday he received as handsome a line of spring goods as one could wish to see. The latest in Gent=s Furnishing goods in endless variety were put on display. Mr. Heitkam means business, and by doing as he has advertised and represented, he has gained the confidence of our people. See his spring styles in pantings and suits. He guarantees his work.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 7, 1885.
Kansas City & Southern.
Henry Asp is just in the receipt of a letter from James N. Young of Chicago, President of the Kansas City & Southwestern Railroad Company, stating that the material has been purchased and the contracts let for the construction of that line and that work will commence at Beaumont, Butler County, as soon as the right of way can be obtained. They commence at Beaumont, which is on the main line of the St. Louis & San Francisco, because the rails from St. Louis and the ties from Arkansas can be laid down cheaper there than at Kansas City. Work will progress both ways from Beaumont, and the prospect is that most of the counties and townships that have voted bonds can be reached in time to fill the stipulations contained therein. Some of the bonds are valid till August, others till June, and those voted in Winfield till May 27. But should it be impossible to reach certain places within the given time, aid will be re-solicited and the work pushed right through. This road is now a sure thing and its early construction means that Winfield and Cowley County will receive an impetus that will make her material advancement during the next year unprecedented. Further developments of a specific character will be made by our next issue. Winfield Courier.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 7, 1885.
Sullivan Kitch and Minnie Dunn.
Isaac Davis and Anna Wooden.
Wm. Carver and Christiana Wingert.
John Munn and Martha Samples.
Charles Knowles and Ida Carder.
Chs. Doty and Sarah Mounts.
Jonathan Yount and Mary Burge.
Wm. Eldridge and Laura Anderson.
Wm. Parsons and Louisa White.
F. M. Reed and Anna B. Schnee.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 7, 1885.
D. W. Henderson, while assisting in the moving of a heavy casting at the Canal Roller Mills, last Saturday, severely mashed his right thumb. The physician thinks that amputation will be unnecessary. He had just taken out an accident policy in the Traveler=s Insurance Company of Hartford, through N. T. Snyder, the company=s agent here, and will draw $10.00 per week while he is disabled.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 7, 1885.
The New England Supper, given by the ladies of the M. E. Church last Thursday during the day and evening, was skillfully managed and liberally patronized. Over one hundred dollars was realized.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 7, 1885.
Assessor=s Meeting.
The following named township and city assessors of Cowley County, Kansas, met pursuant to law, at the office of the county clerk, March 2, 1885, at Winfield.
J. W. Browning: Beaver Township.
J. A. Scott: Bolton Township.
J. F. McDowell: Cedar Township.
F. M. Vaughn: Creswell Township.
S. H. Wells: Dexter Township.
R. B. Corson: Fairview Township.
Elisha Haines: Harvey Township.
J. A. Cochran: Liberty Township.
John Willis: Maple Township.
L. C. Stewart: Ninneschah Township.
D. L. Sherrard: Pleasant Valley Township.
Willis Wilson: Richland Township.
J. E. Gorham: Rock Township.
W. N. Day: Sheridan Township.
J. R. Tate: Silver Creek Township.
P. F. Haynes: Silverdale Township.
H. S. Libby: Spring Creek Township.
Daniel Bovee: Tisdale Township.
H. H. Martin: Vernon Township.
J. C. Roberts: Walnut Township.
James Benedict: City Assessor.
T. B. Myers: City Assessor.
Meeting organized by electing Jas. Benedict, chairman, and
H. H. Martin, secretary. The following basis of assessment was agreed upon.
1st grade: $.75 to $1.00
2nd grade: $.50 to $.75
3rd grade: $.25 to $.50
4th grade: $.15 to $.25
3 year-old colts, 1st grade: $.30 to $.60
3 year-old colts, 2nd grade: $.15 to $.30
2-year old colts: $.10 to $.40
Yearling colts and ponies: $.05 to $.15
Mules, 1st grade: $.75 to $1.00
Mules, 2nd grade: $.50 to $.75
Mules, 3rd grade: $.25 to $.50
Mules, 4th grade: $.15 to $.25
Stallions over 3 years old: $1.00 to $5.00
Jacks over 3 years old: $1.00 to $4.00
Jacks under 3 years old: $.20 to $.75
Jennies, any age: $.10 to $.20
Good driving and racing horses: $.75 to $3.00
1st grade work oxen: $.30 to $.35
2nd grade work oxen: $.15 to $.30
Four years old upward: $.10 to $.30
3-year-old steers: $.10 to $.25
2-year-old steers and beefers: $.07 to $.12
Yearlings: $.04 to $.10
Domestic cows, 1st grade: $.20 to $.30
Domestic cows, 2nd grade: $.10 to $.20
Thoroughbred bulls and cows: $.60 to $1.00
Common bulls: $.10 to $.40
1st class: $.75 to $1.00
2nd class: $.25 to $.75
Rams: $1.00 to $12.00
Hogs, per pound: $.01 to $.03
Goats: $1.00
Corn, per bushel: $.10 to $.15
Wheat, per bushel: $.20 to $.25
Oats, per bushel: $.10 to $.15
Pork, per 100: $2.00
Seed, millet, flax, hun=n: $.15
Threshers, 1st class, 50 percent off first cost.
Threshers, 2nd and 3rd class, at discretion of assessor.
Harvester headers, 50 off first cost.
Reapers and mowers, 40 off first cost.
Wagons and carriages, 30 off first cost.
All other machinery at the discretion of the assessor.
First class of any of the above-named stock is meant such as would be considered first-class throughout the state.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 7, 1885.
Iowa Men Removing to Kansas.
In the Arkansas City (Kansas) REPUBLICAN of 21st inst., we notice the card of ADanks Brothers,@ Engineers and Machinists. They are John, Frank, and Charles Danks, sons of Elder Samuel Danks, of College Hill, inventor of the ADanks Rotary Puddling Furnaces@ and other valuable devices of labor saving character in the manipulation of iron. The Danks are a family of iron men for generations, and are well known as master workmen throughout the rolling mills of the United States. Frank, the elder brother, was until recently the Master Mechanic at Swift=s (Harper=s) mill, which under his management ran day and night, successfully. Charles was his assistant there, and John was the Superintendent of the American Horseshoe Company until a few months ago. The community that secures such citizens as these, obtains an element that will aid in building up and keeping up any city they inhabit, as they are honest independent and self-reliant men. They take with them the best wishes of a large number of friends.
Currant Fact, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 7, 1885.
The increase of pupils in the first primary of the east building necessitates a division: half of the pupils will attend in the forenoon and the other half in the afternoon. We think this arrangement the better plan than to exclude all under seven years of age as the law allows. J. C. WEIR, Superintendent.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 7, 1885.
The members of the Y. M. C. A. Committee are requested to meet at my office this evening at 8 o=clock.
S. B. PARSONS, Chairman.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 7, 1885.
Bolton Township Items.
Winter has suspended business and the gentle zephyrs of March may be expected.
The warm sunshine and the drying wind maketh many a farmer=s heart leap forth for joy. When you meet a farmer now, you may be sure he will say: AWell, do you think spring has come?@
Our boss sheep herder has taken a vacation, and is now visiting his parents at Spence City, Whiteman County, Washington Territory. To use Elisha=s own language, he herded a flock of sheep this winter until they all died except the billy goat, and that he would herd him until he died.
James Roberts, who was so suddenly called from this vicinity to Iowa just one year ago, is again in our midst.
S. D. Kingman [Klingman?] and Mr. Keller of Arkansas City exchanged farms some time since, and are now preparing to move their effects. Mr. Kingman will move about twelve miles southwest of Wichita. The farm which Mr. Keller now moves on, is the old Chambers= farm, which Mr. Chambers sold about a year ago for $5,200. Mr. Keller now pays $9,250 for it.
Our new steam saw-mill will soon be running on full time.
C. S. Weatherholt and Charles Raup have last year=s wheat crop in the stack yet; they might just as well wait now and get this year=s crop with it, and thresh it too. Considerable uneasiness has been felt by some farmers on account of the present wheat crop being damaged by winter killing. Ye scribe has found no wheat that has been killed in the least.
Moses Greenabaum, who went to Arkansas some three weeks since to buy cattle, came home last week and reports the hardest winter Arkansas has ever had. He says cattle are so thin in flesh, that to buy them would be running a great risk. Consequently, he will remain at home until grass has started.
East Bolton will soon be left without a physician; the Doctor will move to Great Bend, Kansas, where he will practice medicine with a brother-in-law. The Doctor has filed on a soldier claim in Rush County, where the boys will have room, according to their strength. A Mr. Brown, from Sumner County, has rented the Doctor=s farm, which he leaves.
DIED. Matthew Chambers and wife are in Liberty Township attending the funeral of his nephew, Lincoln Caster, who died very suddenly at the home of his father. Mr. Caster leaves a wife to mourn his death. They had but recently been married. Mr. Caster had made many friends in east Bolton. B.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 7, 1885.
The following is a list of transfers for the months of January and February, 1885, as taken from the transfer books of Frank J. Hess, Real Estate Agent.
Reuben & Houghton to John Matson, 1 lot: $75.
Thos. J. Sweeney to J. Frank Smith, 5 lots: $600.
Jacob Morris to Maggie Nail, house and 2 lots: $450.
T. R. Houghton to Mary E. Sutney, 2 lots: $50.
Adolphus G. Lowe and wife to Julia A. Wise, house and lot: $425.
S. B. And W. Scott to Geo. I. Brown, 1 lot and house: $600.
Jno. Glotfelter to James Hill, house and 2 lots: $1,000
Arkansas City Building Association to Colest & Parlin, 2 lots: $300
Geo. L. Broown to S. B. Scott, 1 lot: $200.
Chas. R. Sipes to Jonathan Godfrey, 1 lot: $100
Jas. Hill to M. E. Huey, 1 lot: $100
Arkansas City Building Association to W. B. Scott, 1 lot: $150
A. G. Lowe to Herbert A. Thompson, 5 lots: $120
Fell Colander to A. J. Henthorn, 160 acres: $1,200
A. G. Lowe to Herbert A. Thompson, 5 lots: $250
Herbert A. Thompson to A. G. Lowe, house and lot: $1,000
A. G. Lowe and wife to Jno. W. Ruby, house and lot: $1,200
Richard L. Paugh to A. J. Henthorn, 160 acres: $1,000
DeMott C. Vail to Hawk & French, 1 lot: $150
Blair Bros., to Newman & Hess, 2 lots: $100
Olive Hugh to F. J. Hess, 1 lot: $20
J. L. Ishmael to J. B. Crew, 3 lots and house: $625
D. C. Vail to R. B. Norton, 1 lot: $50
D. C. Vail to J. W. French, 1 lot: $50
N. Sheather to Frank J. Hess, 1 lot: $30
Newman, McLaughlin & Hess to R. E. Fitzpatrick, 3 lots: $300
Newman, McLaughlin & Hess to Cyrus Wilson, 4 lots: $200
J. Steele to R. W. Foster, 1 lot: $100
Frank J. Hess to Fanny A. Skinner, house and 15 lots: $7,500
Marshall Fairclo to Christian Church, 1 lot: $100
Jas. L. Ishmael to J. B. Crew, house and 3 lots: $650
Eliazor Baldwin to G. P. Witt, 3 lots: $375
Eliazor Baldwin to Allie I. Thomson, 2 lots and house: $500
J. C. Topliff to Mary A. Hess, 4 lots: $150
Eliza Schofield to Thos. R. Wilson, 160 acres: $1,400
N. W. Parlin to John O. Herbert, house and 2 lots: $900
J. O. Herbert to L. W. Parkin, 120 acres: 800
A. N. Parlin to R. C. Haywood, 1 lot: $50
Belle C. Sweeny to Mary A. Crayne, 3 lots and house: $1,000
Frank J. Hess to Henry W. Stewart, 1 lot: $100
F. J. Hess to C. R. Sipes, 1 lot: $15
Mary A. Ford to Calesta B. Barlin, house and 2 lots: $1,000
Ark City Building Association to A. G. Lowe, 2 lots: $300
Newman, McLaughlin & Hess to Florence M. Austin, 3 lots: $475
Newman & Hess to Jas. E. Rogers, 1 lot: $$200
Newman & Hess to Albertine Westfall, 2 lots: $500
Martin A. Calhoun to Jas. W. Calhoun, 13 [REST LEFT OUT]
Ark. City Building Association to T. J. Raymond, 2 lots: $300
Virginia Walton to A. J. Myers, 1 lot: $50
N. W. Parlin to Hugh Ford, 2 lots: $300
Mary J. Calhoun to C. Wise, Jr., a lot: $120
Hugh Ford to A. G. Lowe, 2 lots: $300
A. H. Lowe to J. W. Ruby, house and lot: $$1,200
J. L. Huey to Mansfield, 4 lots: $1,100
A. A. Newman to H. P. Goeden, 1 lot: $75
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 7, 1885.
The Kiowas and Commanches have at last fallen into the rank of other Indian tribes in leasing to cattlemen for grazing purposes, the surplus portion of their reservation. A lease has been effected between these tribes and Texas parties, the same being made for a term of six years. Delegates of Indians are at Washington pray the approval of the lease by the authorities. Cheyenne Transporter.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 7, 1885.
The roller skating rink is a puzzle to moralists just now. While the dram shops and pool rooms bewail its existence, as detracting largely from their patronage, the church and the lyceum cry out also, that the prayer meeting and the instructive lecture are neglected to trade this new sort of a Amazy@ that seems to excel even Dick Swiveler=s fondest drama, if it really does lessen Apassing the ruby@--to keep his classic phrase--so far so good. If it takes away our young people from their books, from their enthusiasm for higher pursuits, from church and lecture halls, so far, so bad. We fancy, however, it is like extravagance everywhere, and that it may be a good Arun mad.@ Suppose you apply to it the golden rule of temperance. AAbstinence from all that is hurtful, and moderation in all that is good.@
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 7, 1885.
Gloom in London.
The news of the advance of the Mahdi and the retirement of General Buller from Gubat, though predicted for days by military writers, astonished and sorely distressed the public. Coupled with the confirmation of General Gordon=s death, the retreat has filled London with gloom. The necessity for suspending the advance on the Nile deeply impresses the English people with the sense of the magnitude of the task before them. Meantime, the number of unemployed laboring people in London is daily increasing and a gentleman of universal education of good social and literary position, named Hyndman, has been making speeches of the Herr Most type. Sir William Harcourt is almost crazy with the difficulties of his office and while he has been on the one hand receiving the deputation from workmen and forced politeness, he has hastened to send police reporters to English meetings, as they are sent to Irish meetings, so as to enable him to prosecute imitators of Mr. Hyndman. All these things have thrown a great gloom over London, and everybody speaks in despair of the coming season.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
Devoted to Tramps.
Editors Republican:
NORTH CRESWELL, MARCH 3. If you will give me a small space in your valuable paper, I will say a few words regarding tramps. I think this is a subject which should claim the attention of every man and woman in our glorious state--yes, I say women, for who should fear the tramp more than the women. If the REPUBLICAN will give them space, I hope the farmers will speak on the subject and speak loud and determined. We remember of seeing in some newspaper (we believe the REPUBLICAN) not long ago an account of the mayor of Kansas City routing about 30 from that city, and, therefore, might be looked out for in all parts of the country. Now, I do not say that I have seen any of these same tramps, but we have lived here over 4 years and have been happy in the thought that we were rid of tramps, but alas! This winter our hopes have been blasted; for during the winter we have seen five stout, hearty, greasy looking fellows, wanting their daily bread for nothing--not even wanting to cut some wood or do some chores for it, which would, we believe, have removed them partly from the list of tramps. Now why not believe these to be some of the Kansas City gang? The one that impressed us most forcibly, and, perhaps, suggested this article, came to us one day last week at our home, a short while after breakfast. He was near 21 years of age, short thick set, looked hearty (as the sequel will show) and presented a slovenly appearance. His first question was, AAre you the man that lives here?@ Being answered in the affirmative, he then asked if I could give a poor traveler something to eat; said he was out of money, had been sick, and could get no work. I remarked that it was singular that a man could not get work enough to do to earn his feed. I said I worked hard for what I ate. I then went my way and he went his. His way lead him about one mile distant to one of my not too rich neighbors, from whom he got his breakfast. He stored away no less than six large sized slices of bread, four cups of coffee, and other luxuries in proportion. We readily see, first, that if he was not sick before eating that meal, he certainly was after; second, that he consumed enough food at one meal to supply three ordinary men with one meal each (for the producer received perhaps AThank you.@); third, that we are feeding and therefore upholding a set of lazy villains, perhaps, to our own damnation, as it were; for often when they deem themselves insulted, they will seek their vengeance upon a man=s wife, or daughter--often killing them outright in his absence; or his dear ones escaping, his house, barn, stacks, or stock would suffer.
How long, oh how long will our law abiding citizens let this dreaded torment proceed unnoticed! Will they let it run until they are forced to act as the people of Ohio were? Why not with one voice rise up and supplicate our body of lawmakers to take action upon it, and adjust the laws so that the starving tramp may have a chance to earn his bread by the sweat of his brow, by working upon the streets which need his attention so bad. We doubt if there are fifty persons in the state of Kansas who can earn their bread by work that would not favor such an act. We would like to hear some opinions upon this subject. If we are wrong in our opinion, as to the remedy, we hope someone will tell us so through the columns of the REPUBLICAN. We, also, suggest a remedy for the dreaded (nevertheless certain) coming storm of tramps. We are certain this is necessary in order to protect our houses with their inmates against those hungry human wolves. And if we are wrong in our assertion that Ohio legislated against them, we will be glad to be enlightened.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
Our Roll of Honor.
[Payments of $1.50, $.50, and $.75 not listed.]
E. C. Ross, Vinita, Indian Territory.
Dr. J. C. Joyce, Ainsworth, Iowa.
J. C. Wilcox, City.
I. D. Harkleroad, City.
T. M. Layne, City.
H. W. Rodgers, City.
Dr. A. J. Chapel, City.
J. W. Calhoun, City.
Oscar [? They had Oscay?] Godfrey, City.
L. M. Ross & Bro., City.
John Hart, City.
J. B. Crew, City.
Jas. Park, City.
Jas. Lewis, Holton, Kansas.
E. Baldwin, City.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
The fifth session of the Cowley County Teachers Association will be held at Winfield March 21, 1885.
1. Which is of the most importance, the industrial or political history of a people?
2. When should the General Exercise be given?
3. With how much of the school law should the teacher be conversant?
4. What questions should be settled between the school board and teacher aside from those embodied in the contract?
5. Miscellaneous Business.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
The inaugural ball at Highland Hall Wednesday night was very well patronized.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
AWhy are the boomers like a setting hen,@ is the latest conundrum. Because they are going to Hatch.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
On account of high water: Thursday work at repairing the dam had to be suspended until the swollen waters subsided.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
A fish chute has been placed in our dam by the Water Power company. It won=t be long now until the dam will be completed.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
A painting mania has struck our merchants with considerable force. Nearly everyone is repainting their store rooms.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
Winfield will have her idiotic asylum. The senate bill passed the house Thursday. An appropriation of $25,000 was made.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
DIED. The little babe of Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Hoffman of membraneous croup Wednesday night, aged about two years and six months.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
Winfield=s proposed canal will extend from the Arkansas River to the Walnut. A 22 mile trench will have to be dug.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
DIED. G. W. S. Warner, of Sumner County, died last Monday. Mr. Warner had just lately removed here and had purchased David Tompkin=s farm.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
J. L. Howard sold two lots in the northeast part of town to A. D. Prescott Wednesday evening after supper. We can=t say which was cheated in the transaction.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
MARRIED. Married at the residence of the officiating clergyman, Rev. Walker, S. E. Kitch and Miss Minnie A. Dunn. The high contracting parties are both of Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
Thursday noon, after the Santa Fe train came in, for three blocks you could see the passengers coming up the street from the depot in procession. How is that for immigration?
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
Landes, Beall & Co., started their mill Wednesday. The Arkansas was swollen sufficiently to allow the water to flow into the canal. The mill will run as long as the high water will permit.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
The contract for the U. P. Parsonage has been let. Wm. Gall and Ira Willetts received it, and they will commence work immediately. The parsonage will be erected just north of the U. P. Church.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
The Baptist Church was not dedicated last Sunday. It will be tomorrow. This is one of the handsomest houses of worship in the southwest. Rev. Connelly of Atchison was here and did some effect work in the interest of the church. Rev. Reider of Winfield was also in attendance.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
H. P. Farrar, cashier of Cowley County Bank, received the authority from the comptroller of the currency to establish a National bank. It will be known as the First National Bank of Arkansas City and will succeed the Cowley County Bank. The change will occur within the next two months.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
A couple from the rural district was in town Tuesday. They had just been married, and were oblivious to all of their surroundings. Much fun was caused by their actions. We never expected to witness such a sight in Kansas. The sight of a load of pumpkins was only needed to carry us away back into old Posey County, Indiana.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
Last Saturday evening as Robt. Howe, the mail carrier between here and Maple City, was crossing Grouse Creek at Gilstrap=s Ford, his horses were drowned and wagon washed down the swollen stream. A lady, who had taken passage for Maple City in Mr. Howe=s hack, was saved from drowning by him. By rescuing her he thus lost his team. He saved the mail.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
Last Monday E. Baldwin, of across the river, purchased an interest in the lumber yard of A. V. Alexander & Co. The firm name will remain unchanged. Mr. Baldwin enjoys a large farmer acquaintance all over Cowley County. His connection with this firm will make it more popular than ever before. This fact taken with A. V. Alexander=s popularity makes us only too glad that we are in the newspaper business.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
What They are Doing and Where They are Stationed.
As announced in last week=s REPUBLICAN, the soldiers were to be here last Saturday. Two companies of infantry came in Friday night and three companies of cavalry came Saturday noon on a special train. They pitched camp near the depot and remained until Tuesday. Some until Wednesday. They have departed for the Territory. The cavalry are now camped down on Chilocco and the infantry have gone to Ponca Agency.
Tuesday was to have been pay day for the soldiers, but it did not come off until Thursday. Maj. Gibson drew some $17,000 out of the bank here and departed to pay the boys in blue for their services.
Thursday was the day the boomers were to have started for Oklahoma, but they did not go because the leaders of the movement, 13 in number, consisting of W. L. Couch, Geo. F. Brown, A. C. McCord, W. P. Ecklebarger, R. Courtright, H. H. Stade, D. J. Odell, A. T. Ketchum,
L. S. Wilcox, and four others, were arrested by the U. S. Marshal, Capt. O. S. Rarick, and taken to Wichita on the early morning train with charges of treason against them. It is well the boomers were arrested for it probably saved blood-shed. Hatch was ready to receive them. The troops were picketed along the state line. The invasion has been put off until next Monday. At present the invaders are camped across the canal awaiting the return of their leaders. There are about 300 in number. Others are arriving daily and it won=t be long until quite a large van is gathered here.
We learn that just north of town there are more boomers in camp. Some 75 wagons, making all together about 500 boomers who are waiting for orders to fall in line when the move is made. All avenues leading to the territory are closely guarded by the soldiers, and it is quite probable that the boomers will not get across the line before they will be stopped. It would generally be supposed that the soldiers and boomers would show some antipathy toward each other. But a friendly feeling seems to exist between them.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
A special dispatch says that Buffalo Bill, commanding several hundred boomers, arrived in this city Wednesday. No Buffalo Bill has been in this city lately. Buckskin Joe is the nearest to a Buffalo Bill man here at present.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
The real estate firm of Collins & Sheldon has been changed. J. G. Sheldon retires and G. A. Perry succeeds him. The firm name is now Collins & Perry. Now we are glad to note the fact that our George has gone into business on his own hook. Our wish is success to the new firm. G. A. Stivers succeeds Mr. Perry in Meigs & Howard=s real estate agency.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
Last Wednesday evening, Adjutant Finley left a lighted lamp in his room, No. 15, at the Leland Hotel and went out. During his absence the lamp exploded, setting fire to the carpet and bed clothing. Lodgers in the next room were attracted to the scene of the would-be conflagration by the smell of burning clothing and hastily extinguished it.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
E. C. Ross, and sons, of Vinita, came up from the Territory last Saturday. Mr. Ross has leased the Ohio Livery Stables from J. P. Musselman for one year. Mr. Ross is a gentleman of considerable means. He has established his sons in the livery business here. The firm name will be L. M. Ross & Bro. They are putting in new stock, new teams, and everything necessary to conduct a first-class livery stable. They mean business and don=t you forget it.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
A young gentleman in this city carried on a heavy correspondence with a young lady from some other place besides Arkansas City. Lately the gentleman got married to another young lady and, as a matter of fact, the gentleman returned his correspondent=s pretty missives. The young lady did likewise, sending them by mail. When the package arrived here, the postmaster discovered it to be made up of letters and only stamped with two stamps. It is almost needless to say that the gentleman had to pay two cents on each one of his letters again, and as he had several, it was a little extravagant piece of letter-writing. Cruel Top.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
The celebrated Delaware wagon for sale at the SHABBY FRONT.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
Notice is hereby given that the books of the Farmers= Co-operation Milling Exchange are now open at the office of A. V. Alexander and Edward Grady in this city for taking subscriptions to the stock of said association. The opportunity is offered to all.
T. W. GANT, General Manager
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
Harry Farrar has purchased Ed. Horn=s residence.
Eli Agot here@ Wednesday to visit Youngheim & Co.
Frank Beall came up from the toothpick region Thursday.
Geo. E. Hasie came home Wednesday from his southern trip.
Prof. Davis was here looking up the Tribune=s interest Thursday.
Ira Barnett shipped three carloads of cattle Tuesday morning.
Billy Gray for marshal. He is the right man in the right place.
Bliss & Wood, of Winfield, came down to see our millers Thursday.
J. H. Crew has lately erected a barn on his premises. L. J. Wagner did it.
The Y. P. S. Club met at the home of Miss Nellie Nash Tuesday evening.
Chas. Burnett returned from the West Monday. He staked out two claims.
S. Matlack now perambulates the streets on crutches. Cause: sprained instep.
D. Brunswick came over Wednesday from Wellington to see the boomers and soldiers.
J. F. Dalzell and wife returned from their visit to the exposition at New Orleans.
Capt. Campbell and family, friends of N. T. Snyder, returned home Wednesday.
Frank Landes is well pleased with the Ottawa University, where he is attending now.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
Benj. Miles, a Hawkeye, and father of Indian Agent, L. J. Miles, is in the city this week.
J. W. Calhoun has been on the sick list for a couple of weeks past. He is about well now.
John Hawkins and family moved here from Labette County. Mr. Hawkins is a brick-layer.
Ed Malone is building a cottage on High Street on lots south
of R. A. Houghton=s residence.
Messrs. Frank Schiffbauer, J. W. Hutchison, and Dr. G. H. J. Hart visited Winfield Wednesday.
S. S. McDowell purchased several lots in Leonard=s addition through Frank J. Hess= real estate agency.
A. G. Heitkam is able to come uptown now. His injured ankle is fast assuming its former firmness.
S. C. Lindsay, Al. Mowry, Capts. Nipp and Thompson, will leave for Fort Scott to attend the State Encampment of the G. A. R.
The Guild Society of the Episcopal Church will meet at the residence of Mrs. J. H. Hilliard next Wednesday afternoon at 2 o=clock.
Ochs & Nicholson have adorned the windows of their new business room with an elegant design of the Bee-Hive. They move in next week.
Rev. J. P. Witt was suddenly taken sick Thursday evening and the physicians think he is going to have an attack of intermittent fever.
H. P. Goeden came in from Elgin, Illinois, the first of the week. Thursday S. V. And H. P. Goeden went west to attend to some claims in Meade County.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Booth, of Bloomington, Indiana, arrived in the city Thursday. Mrs. Booth is a sister of Mrs. J. C. Weir and a cousin of Rev. J. O. Campbell.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
Drury Warren and Alex Harvey returned from Arizona Wednesday evening. They were not pleased with that Territory for a cattle ranch. It was too dry.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
C. B. Arnold, of Wichita, has leased the Steam Laundry, of Steadman Bros. Mr. Arnold is an experienced laundryman. He will commence operations next week.
Chas. Nelson has recovered sufficiently to hobble around the house on crutches. It will be remembered that Master Nelson had several bones broken by a horse falling on him.
S. S. McDowell, father of E. S. McDowell, left for his home in Pennsylvania Tuesday. Before going he purchased several lots, two of
J. L. Howard, near the east school building.
The family of Henry Bowe from St. Louis arrived in the city Thursday night and is stopping at the Windsor. Mr. Bowe is a dealer in horses, which he ships in from the east to Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
I. D. Harkleroad, of Maple City, came to town Monday. Mr. Harkleroad has been sick for some time, but is now about well. He brought us the news concerning Robt. Howe=s accident while crossing Grouse.
Chas. Dix, of Cloverdale, Indiana, arrived in the city Thursday, looking for his old friend, J. Y. Davis, who is located six miles southwest of our town on his farm. Mr. Dix is a boomer and intends going to Oklahoma.
T. R. Houghton and Fitch & Barron have traded business rooms. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday were moving days for these firms. Now, don=t mistake and enter T. R.=s harness shop for Fitch & Barron=s notion store nor vice versa.
Our friend, M. H. Markum, of Hackney, came in to see the REPUBLICAN Wednesday. Mr. Markum has just returned from a trip to Topeka, Kansas City, and other towns up the road, and finally came to the metropolis to view a live western city.
Geo. A. Stivers, of Fredonia, Kansas, visited in our city Tuesday and Wednesday. George is a brother-in-law of Lawyer Troup at Winfield and a son of Judge Stivers, who formerly resided in Cowley, now at Fredonia. He returned to Winfield Wednesday.
BIRTH. Ed Pentecost says a desire has always lingered in his heart that his first son should be born under a Republican administration, and so it was. Last Sunday evening his wife gave birth to a boy babe. We have smoked once, Ed, but as Atis you we won=t refuse to again.@
E. D. Eddy has purchased an Aurephone. Many will wonder what an Aurephone is. We can=t describe it. All we know is that by turning a crank, sweet music is made. Monday we called on Mr. Eddy and found him busily engaged in Acranking and smiling as pleasantly as a school boy when his his best girl has promised to allow him to accompany her home for the first time.@
A. V. Alexander has a dog which carries his (A. V.=s) meat home. One day this week while Keiser was going home with his meat, he was attacked by another canine. He laid down his meat to defend himself and was getting deeply interested in his antagonist=s wool when another dog came along and stole the meat. A. V. came up about this time and gave chase to the thief. After chasing him some two blocks, he recovered his meat.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
Moses Compton and family, who have lived in the neighborhood of Flatrock, Shelby County, east of this city, for a good many years, bid adieu to relatives and friends hereabouts Monday night and hied themselves to Arkansas City, in the neighborhood of which place they will reside in the future. Before leaving Mr. Compton called in and renewed his subscription of the Courier for one year, to be sent to his address as above given. The Courier wishes himself and family health, prosperity, and contentment in their new Western home.
Edinburgh (Indiana) Courier.
Mr. Compton and family arrived safe and sound last Saturday night in Arkansas City. They are friends of S. F. Steinberger and family. They will occupy I. Walton=s farm north of the city.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
Rev. F. A. Brady, of Winfield, will preach at the Baptist Church Sunday evening, Sunday school at 10 a.m., preaching at 11 and dedication services to be concluded at night.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
A Watch Made Costly by Dishonesty.
On Feb. 5 H. M. Epler went to E. E. McDowell, the jeweler, and purchased a watch on the credit system, promising to pay on the following Saturday. He told Mr. McDowell he was an employee of the Star Livery Stable and as he was driving the stage between here and Geuda, he needed the time piece. Two hours later Epler left the town on the train. When the following Saturday rolled around, Epler failed to come to time. Accordingly officers were put on the track of Epler and his whereabout was discovered to be at Sedan. Sheriff McIntire went after him the last part of last week and brought him to Arkansas City last Saturday. He was tried before Mayor Schiffbauer, who fined him $5, the costs of the watch, and the costs of the case, and ordered that he be incarcerated in the county jail until it should be liquidated. He was taken to Winfield and put in jail, where he remained until Wednesday night, when his brother arrived and paid all charges, amounting to $77.25. The price of the watch was only $12.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
DIED. Wm. Cooper, an aged gentleman residing in the northwest part of the city, died last Wednesday evening at 8 o=clock, of old age. Mr. Cooper came here last spring with his son-in-law, J. L. Rike, from Ohio, and was taken down sick some four months ago. Mr. Cooper was born in Pennsylvania in 1800. From there he moved to Ohio, where he was married. By this union four children were born of whom three are living, two in this city, D. R. Cooper and Mrs. J. L. Rike, and the other, A. T. Cooper, in Bolton Township. His aged wife still survives him. Mr. Cooper=s remains were interred in the cemetery in Bolton Township yesterday, Rev. Walker preaching the sermon.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
The arrested boomers appeared in U. S. Commissioner Sherman=s court at Wichita Thursday. They pleaded not guilty and waived preliminary examination, as that court had no power to settle the difficulty. The arrested boomers were required to give a bond of $3,000 with two sureties, each worth that sum above all indebtedness. Capt. Couch and company intended to come right back to Arkansas City, as arrangements had been made to move from here next Monday. In view of the turn matters had now taken, he thought it useless for those under arrest to leave Wichita before their trial as the adjourned session will be held there on the 9th of this month.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
DIED. Some four weeks ago the husband of Mrs. Larned, who resided 30 miles down in the territory, died, leaving her and eight children in a destitute condition. They lived in a dug-out, and were kept from starving by kind-hearted cowboys. Notice was given Billy Gray of Mrs. Larned=s condition. He circulated a petition asking for aid. He received in response a neat sum of money, with which he sent a conveyance after the woman, and brought her here yesterday. She arrived about noon and Billy purchased her a ticket to some town in Neosho County, where she has friends.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
Thursday evening of last week at schoolhouse No. 89 in Bolton, the literary society held another debate. This time the question was: AResolved that old bachelors should be taxed to endower marriageable ladies.@ Al. Mowry espoused the affirmative and Geo. Stevens the negative. Mr. Mowry presented his arguments so clearly that the judges decided in his favor. Next day Al was very much surprised at having four Pawnee squaws come up to this house and demand their dowry.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
Thursday Billy Gray arrested one J. Hill, on the charge of murder of a man by the name of Cobb, at Medicine Lodge last summer. Hill was identified by a gentleman who was present at his preliminary examination. He was provided for until yesterday, when the Sedgwick County Sheriff arrived and pronounced him the wrong man. Hill was turned loose. The man who committed the deed broke jail at Wichita last summer, and has not been seen since.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
Something over 550 voters have registered. Our city clerk informs us that but about one-half of the voters of the city have called on him. Register, neighbor, if you desire to vote on the 7th day of April.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
AD. The following is a partial list of the goods we will handle this year.
The Esterly and Dennet Twine Binders,
Farmer=s Friend and Star Corn Planters,
Baker and Superior Wheat Drills.
Furst & Bradley, Thompson, Rock Island, Keokuk, Lawrence, and Peru City Stirring Plow.
Furst & Bradley, N. C. Thompson, and Prairie Queen Breaking Plows.
Buford Wheel Landside and Peru City Sulky Plows.
N. C. Thompson, Peru City, and First & Bradley Cultivators.
N. C. Thompson, Meadow King, and Empire Mower.
Minnesota Chief, C. Aultman, and the Harrison Thresher and Engines.
Dingee, Pitts & Woodbury Horse Power.
Furst & Bradley Combined Lister, Iron Duke.
N. C. Thompson, Keokuk, St. Louis, and Friedman Harrows.
Lupton=s Cultivator Knives.
Sandwich Corn Shellers, hand and horse power.
First & Bradley and Thompson Hay Rakes.
Fleming Hay Stacker, Big Giant Feed Grinders, Star Wind Engines.
McDonald, Ramsey & Champion Force Pumps.
Goshen and Walker Wood Pumps.
Caldwell Schuttler, and Delaware Wagon, Watertown and Ludlow Spring Wagons.
Wilmington, Delaware fine Buggies and Phaetons.
Listing Plows and one horse Corn Drills.
Hocking Valley and Monarch one horse Wheat Drills.
Lawn Mowers, Hydrant and Hydrant Supplies, Iron Pipe.
Eagle and Osage Well Drills.
The best Binder Twine in the city.
The Domestic Sewing Machines.
Fresh Garden and Field Seeds.
Well Curbing, Water Tanks, Belting of all sizes.
You will find us Aat home@ always at
AThe Shabby Front.@
The oldest Implement House in Arkansas City, Soliciting your patronage, and promising you the best goods for the least money.
I am yours, etc. D. L. MEANS.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
We have the largest and best assortment of Paper and Bulk Garden Flower and Field Seeds in the city, Barteldes, D. M. Ferry=s, and Crossman Bros., etc., at bottom prices.
Do not put it off too late.
The Diamond Front.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
Established 1872.
Cowley County Bank
Arkansas City, Kansas.
Does a General Banking Business.
Your Business Solicited.
Cash Capital $100,000.
Correspondence Solicited.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
Arkansas City Bank.
Capital $100,000.
Does a General Banking Business.
Funds Guarded by Sargent & Greenleaf=s Time Lock.
Your Business is Respectfully Solicited.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
Near the Depot,
Good Teams and careful drivers always on hand. Prices reasonable.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
AD. McLaughlin Brothers,
Wholesale and Retail GROCERS!
North Summit Street, Arkansas City, Kansas.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
AD. Real Estate Agency of Frank J. Hess.
Office 3 Doors North of Leland Hotel.
The Leading Real Estate Agency of the City.
If you want to sell your farm, bring it to our office. Our contracts are simple and short; our commissions reasonable.
If you want to buy a farm, call at our office. We have a choice list of farms of every description.
If you want to buy a business house, residence, or residence lots, examine our list. We can sell you lots on easy terms. We have the sole agency of 9/10 of the lots for sale in the city, and can make you better figures than any office in the city.
If you want your farm property insured, we can insure you in a good company.
If you want an abstract of title, call and see us. Our abstracts are made by a competent abstracter, and made direct from the records.
If you want deeds, mortgages, or any other papers drawn or acknowledged, call and see us.
If you want anything in our line, we will be pleased to see you and do our utmost to please.
Call or send for a list of farm and city property.
Arkansas City, Kansas.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
Buy Your Garden Seeds In Bulk At Cunningham=s.
All Kinds of Field and Grass Seeds At Cunningham=s.