Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 26, 1883.
Wellington has an immense skating rink.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1884.
The amicable relations between the clerical and secular strata of Caldwell’s society are “too excessively beyond.” The skating rink closes its seductive doors while the meek and lowly indulge in a harmless church social, after which may be heard the sound of revelry by night. And then on Saturday afternoons, with one accord, “the rude forefathers of the hamlet” wend their way to the race track to enjoy the test of speed of the festive bronco and winsome cow pony. Such pictures of rural felicity are inspiring and “implore the passing tribute of a sigh.”
Arkansas City Republican, May 10, 1884.
A stock company composed of citizens of this city was formed this week, and they have purchased a lot and will begin next Monday to erect a building for a skating rink to be known as the Arkansas City skating rink. The building is to be 36 x 100 feet, and will be situated on south Summit street, adjoining Glotfelter’s implement house. The company is composed of our best citizens and the rink will be carried on in a first-class manner in every respect.
Arkansas City Republican, May 17, 1884.
The work on the skating rink was begun this week, and will be pushed as rapidly as possible. The building will be 48 x 100 instead of 36 x 100 as reported last week, and will be longer than any now in the state. This is according to the spirit of our businessmen. The most of the business buildings now being erected exceed in dimensions those of our neigh-boring cities.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 28, 1884.
A skating rink will soon be one of the attractions of the city.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 28, 1884.
The Ladies’ Aid society of the M. E. Church will give an ice cream and strawberry festival Tuesday, June 3, which is expected to be held in the skating rink. A cordial invitation extended to all.
Arkansas City Republican, May 31, 1884.
The M. E. Services at the rink last Sunday evening were quite largely attended, and the pastor, Rev. Phillips, delivered an able and interesting sermon.
Arkansas City Republican, June 7, 1884.
The new rink of this city will be completed in about a week or ten days. It will be opened by Mr. L. Woodcock, Miss Geneva Chambers, and little Bessie Chambers, champion roller skaters; also Mr. Charles Woodman and Master George Israel, champion bicycle riders of the state. It will be opened in grand style and the gentlemanly managers will do all in their power to make it pleasant for all present. The following rules and regulations will be adopted and enforced.
On entering the rink gentlemen will please remove their hats.
The use of tobacco in the rink is strictly forbidden.
Spitting or throwing any substance upon the floor is dangerous, and will not be permitted.
No person without skates will be allowed on the skating surface.
Not more than two should skate abreast.
Skaters must observe a uniform direction, keeping to the right.
All persons who stop skating before the rink closes will return skates at once to the skate room, and none will be allowed to let other parties use their skates.
Pushing, tripping, racing, tagging, or taking hold of others’ garments, or any rude and dangerous actions, are strictly forbidden.
When a march is announced, gentlemen will select lady partners and follow the leader.
THE BELL. The ringing of the bell is to call your attention. More than one ringing is for the skaters to retire from the floor, which should be done at once, and all should keep quiet.
Shouting, whistling, and other rude and boisterous demonstrations are not allowed within, and should be avoided on the streets while going or returning from assemblies, by all who wish to maintain the good name of the institution.
When the time for closing is announced, all skaters will please buckle their skates together, and return them to the skate room.
A cheerful compliance with the above, and a careful regard for the comforts and enjoyment of others is respectfully requested.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 11, 1884.
The Methodist folks cleared a neat sum by their festival at the skating rink last Friday night.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 11, 1884.
A hard maple floor is being put down in the skating rink at the south end of Summit street, making one of the finest places of the kind in the state. Some noted roller skaters will be here on the opening night. There will be fun there this summer—for the lookers on.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 11, 1884.
The commencement exercises at the opera house last Monday night were interesting to the large audience and very creditable to the pupils and principal. A most pleasing feature of the entertainment was the excellent music furnished by the school club. Many of the young people were greeted by a shower of bouquets from their friends, upon the completion of their essays. The final entertainment given by the school children was the festival last night at the skating rink, which was generally attended and was a success, socially and financially.
Arkansas City Republican, June 14, 1884.
Mr. Braggins gave the front of the skating rink a fine new sign this week.
Arkansas City Republican, June 14, 1884.
The Methodist festival and social given at the skating rink netted over $50. It was a very agreeable time for those who had the pleasure of attending.
Arkansas City Republican, June 14, 1884.
School Festival.
One of the most decided successes of the season, was the school festival, given by the teacher and pupils of the high school and grammar departments at the skating rink, last Tuesday evening. The school labored earnestly, but much of the praise due, must be given to Mrs. Beall, Mrs. Klopf, and Mrs. Atkinson, who directed the movement, and toiled incessantly the entire Thursday for the undertaking. These ladies worked with untiring zeal from early morn to late at night. In the afternoon and evening, they were joined by Mrs. Baird, Mrs. Howard, Mrs. Armistead, and Mrs. Chenoweth. Too much credit cannot be given each one of these ladies for their unwearied efforts. Evening brought an immense crowd. The evening passed in social enjoyment, and at a late hour the actors passed from the scene, well pleased with their evening’s entertainment.
Arkansas City Republican, June 14, 1884.
Grand Opening.
The skating rink will be opened in grand style next Wednesday evening. The proprietors will spare no pains or expense to make everything orderly and pleasant. Everybody is invited to be present. This will be a pleasant resort for the young, for innocent sport and enjoyment. Nothing immoral, in the slightest, will be tolerated. Remember the time, next Wednesday evening.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 18, 1884.
The skating rink opens this evening. There will be lots of fun there for all spectators and skaters.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 18, 1884.
Remember that the skating rink will be formally opened this evening. It has already drawn a great many of our fun loving young people together, and we predict a grand time there tonight. The proprietor has put in a hard maple floor and otherwise furnished it so that Arkansas City has a fine a rink as any city in the state. This class of amusement is innocent and healthful.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 21, 1884.
The Skating Rink.
The skating rink opened Wednesday evening with many of our best people in attendance. There were numerous falls and tumbles occasioned by the inexperience of the pleasure seekers. Many, however, soon became accustomed to the sport, and enjoyed themselves hugely. Numbers distinguished themselves, and deserve mention, but we are compelled by lack of space to confine ourselves to two persons; viz. L. H. Braden and W. W. Brown. The evolutions of these gentlemen drew bursts of admiration from the entire assemblage. Mr. Brown was the center of admiration; his rapid and dextrous movements drew shouts from the audience and frequently shook the whole building, especially when he took his seat. Grace and dexterity challenge the admiration and win the love of the beholders. There are many persons who are envious of Mr. Brown. All in all, the rink is a success and a place where one can have both pleasant and innocent amusement.
Arkansas City Republican, June 28, 1884.
The skating rink will be open on the Fourth, at nine o’clock. All are invited to come and enjoy themselves.
Arkansas City Republican, June 28, 1884.
The music furnished by the band at the skating rink adds much pleasure to the amuse-ment. Their services have been secured for Tuesday and Friday evenings.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 28, 1884.
Under the auspices of the Arkansas City Post No. 158, G. A. R.
Parade of the Arkansas Valley Guards and Arkansas City Post.
Brilliant Camp Fire the night of the 3rd. Prominent Speakers from different parts of the State.
Sham Battles, Boat Races, Indian War Dances, GRAND BALLS!
In the evening both at the Skating Rink and at Highland Hall, and various other amusements.
Fire Works the night of the Fourth.
The grandest ever displayed in the west.
Everybody invited to attend.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 2, 1884.
Bicycle riding is becoming quite a feature of amusement at the skating rink each evening.
Arkansas City Republican, July 12, 1884.
Messrs. Punshon and Braden have purchased the interest of Mr. Arnold in the skating rink.
Arkansas City Republican, August 2, 1884. M. J. Scott slipped and fell last Saturday at the skating rink, and seriously sprained his wrist.
Arkansas City Republican, August 9, 1884.
A gallery has been placed in the skating rink for the accommodation of lookers on.
Arkansas City Republican, August 30, 1884.
The masquerade at the skating rink Saturday evening was very well attended, although not as many masked skaters were on the floor as at the previous one.
Arkansas City Republican, September 6, 1884.
Little Miss Rennie Grubbs came out victorious last Saturday evening in the potato skating contest at the rink.
Arkansas City Republican, September 13, 1884.
Next Thursday evening at the skating rink a grand select ball will be given. Invitations are to be issued and only those holding them will be admitted. Good music will be furnished, and the disciples of the terpsichorean art will have a chance of enjoying themselves to their hearts content.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 17, 1884.
The skating rink will be ablaze with light and glory tomorrow night. Don’t fail to go—if you get an invite.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 17, 1884.
The “season” opens up tomorrow night with a grand ball at the skating rink, to which none will be admitted without an invitation. The rink floor furnishes the best dancing facilities of any floor in the city, and with good music assures a most enjoyable time is guaranteed to those who attend.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 17, 1884.
Mr. Punshon, the proprietor of the skating rink, has secured for next week the greatest attraction since the rink was opened, in the person of Mr. Charles L. Franks, the champion skater of Illinois. Mr. Franks can perform 192 different movements on roller skates, and is an artist in every sense of the word. Just what night he will give his exhibition we cannot say, but due notice will be given, and it will be worth going to see.
Arkansas City Republican, September 20, 1884.
Chas. L. Franks, of Chicago, Illinois, the champion stilt skater of Illinois, will give an exhibition at the skating rink Sept. 27, of the many feats acquired by him on rollers.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 1, 1884.
Who will catch the greased pig tonight at the skating rink?
Arkansas City Traveler, October 1, 1884.
Charles Franks, Illinois’ champion roller skater, drew a large crowd at the skating rink last Saturday night, and gave a very interesting performance. His skating was a marvel of ease, grace, and dexterity, eliciting much applause. Tonight the rink will give a novel entertainment. A greased pig, weighing about 100 pounds, will be turned loose on the floor and given to the skater fortunate enough to catch him. Only four skaters will be allowed to enter in the contest. It will furnish fun for the spectators.
Arkansas City Republican, October 4, 1884.
Last Wednesday evening at the skating rink W. W. Brown caught the pig.
Arkansas City Republican, October 4, 1884.
Chas. Franks exhibited on roller skates at the rink Saturday evening to a large audience. Mr. Franks is an excellent skater, and won much praise from visitors.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 11, 1884.
Next Tuesday evening there will be a social hop at the skating rink. A cordial invitation is extended to all to come and trip the light fantastic. Ed. Pentecost is the manager.
Arkansas City Republican, October 18, 1884.
Tuesday evening’s dance was given at the skating rink. All present enjoyed themselves.
Arkansas City Republican, October 18, 1884.
A skating club is being organized. It will occupy the rink two nights of each week.
Arkansas City Republican, October 25, 1884.
Several days ago J. H. Punshon was down in the territory and secured an Indian hog—one of those elm-peelers you read about in Indiana—to race in the skating rink Saturday evening. Parties who never skated before will give chase to the animal. Look out for some fun.
Arkansas City Republican, November 8, 1884.
J. H. Punshon has disposed of his interest in the skating rink to a brother-in-law of L. H. Braden. He still remains with them until the new company become initiated.
Arkansas City Republican, November 22, 1884.
There will be a grand ball at the skating rink on Thanksgiving evening. Everybody invited. Good music and order will be had.
Arkansas City Republican, November 22, 1884.
Sam Wile, of the Arcade, won the prize at the skating rink Saturday evening. The prize was a gold-headed cane, but owing to the management being unable to purchase the cane, it presented him with $2.50 gold piece. Sam must be a “daisy on wheels.”
Arkansas City Republican, November 22, 1884.
A skating club has been formed, consisting of the elite of the young folks of Arkansas City, which meets Tuesday and Friday evenings of each week at the rink and enjoy the pleasure of rolling on wheels, for a short time. None but members of the club admitted on these evenings.
Arkansas City Republican, December 6, 1884.
Oklahoma News.
Wednesday at the skating rink the Oklahoma colonists, Arkansas City branch, convened to make ready for their move to the Oklahoma country. They were in session nearly all day. No business of importance was transacted. Resolutions were drawn favoring W. L. Couch as their leader in place of David L. Payne, deceased. For several days a number of these colonists have been camped in the jack oaks across the canal. Thursday afternoon they took their departure under command of Couch for the territory. There were 31 wagons, averaging about 8 men to the wagon. Joe Finkleburg, Chas. Holloway, S. F. Stineberger, with a representative of the REPUBLICAN, went to the nation line to see them cross over.
When the colonists entered into the territory, Capt Couch lectured them, and gave each “boomer” the command “not to shoot unless fired upon. Do what you do in self-defense.” It was reported that the soldiers were camped just over the line and trouble was anticipated by the boomers. Finally the command to move was given. They crossed the state line with hopeful hearts, and wended their way slowly southward to Chilocco creek, where they camped for the night. We learn that the soldiers have drawn farther back into the territory and are awaiting their coming. The boomers will make about two miles travel and then halt for a time and wait for colonists from Hunnewell and other points to join them. They claim between 600 and 700 altogether will be the number that invades Oklahoma this time. All were armed to the teeth. Revolvers, shot-guns, hay, provisions, and dogs were the equipments of the boomers. We suppose the soldiers will escort the boomers to the line once more.
Arkansas City Republican, December 13, 1884.
Commencing next Monday evening at the skating rink there will be a thirty mile race on roller skates. But five miles will be skated each evening, thus occupying only about half an hour. It will continue until Saturday evening. To the winner will be given $10. Second best $5.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.
Punshon & Braden are changing the interior of the skating rink in such a way as to allow the south side to be used for a bowling alley. They are endeavoring to make this a pleasure resort none can be ashamed of.
Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.
There will be a social “hop” at the skating rink next Monday evening. It will be given under the auspices of one of the string bands of the city and Russell Cowles is going to be floor manager. This alone will insure a great time.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
We see some of our neighboring towns making loud brags about the amount of improvements made in their respective localities. We are candid in saying that it is impossible to ascertain the amount of improvements made here in the last year. The number of dwellings amounted at the very least to 250. We will put them at a very low estimate, $500 each. This makes $125,000. Then we have the Commercial and Hasie Blocks, $75,000; the Cowley County Bank, $25,000, the new schoolhouse, $10,000; the Houghton Block, $7,500; the Mason building, $2,000; Sipes’ block, $7,500; H. P. Farrar, $5,000; addition to the building occupied by Wyckoff & Son, $2,000; Baptist Church, $3,000; Christian Church, $2,500; Free Methodist Church, $1,000; Methodist and Presbyterian Churches, repairs, $1,500; W. M. Blakeney, $1,500; Leland Hotel, $4,000; Newman, building block 69, $1,000; Arkansas City Building Association, $5,000; Skating Rink, $1,500; J. H. Punshon, $1,000; D. W. Stevens and L. Eldridge, $1,000; Beecher & Co. and McLaughlin Bros., $1,500; J. H. Hilliard, $1,000; Thompson & Woodin, $1,000; Chambers, $1,000; J. Alexander, $1,500; Ayres’ Mill and Landes, Beall & Co., improvements, $1,000; DeBruce, $1,000; Park & Lewis and W. M. Rose, $1,000; Kroenert & Austin and Steadman Bros., $1,000; A. Harly, $1,000.
These, which we recall on the spur of the moment, foot up nearly three hundred thousand dollars. We are confident that we are not exaggerating when we place the amount above five hundred thousand dollars, which shows a fair gain for our thriving little city.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 31, 1885.
After Two Month’s Absence in the Oklahoma Country Came Marching into Arkansas City Yesterday Morning to the Tune “When Johnnie Comes Marching Home.”
The Border Band and about 300 citizens met them on South Summit to escort them into town, after which a meeting was held at the Skating Rink by the Boomers, who held a Hot Discussion Over the Introduction of a Resolution requesting members who have claims in that country and have not visited them to forfeit their right to them.
March 4, 1885, the time designated for a re-assembling of the colony and March 5 fixed as the date for another invasion.
Some two months ago the REPUBLICAN reported the starting of the boomers for Oklahoma. This week we chronicle their return. As will be seen by associated press dispatches published elsewhere, we learn the boomers had surrendered to Hatch. When the report became circulated on our streets yesterday morning that the boomers were returning, and had camped Thursday night near the state line, the sympathizers here secured the Border Band, and some 100 boomers from here fell in line and started to welcome Capt. Couch and his band, when they were informed by courier that the boomers were but a half a mile distant. Just beyond Alexander’s lumber yard they met, and at command the band struck up their music, turned, and the entire conquered host passed north on Summit street. Of the boomers there were 90 footmen and 47 wagons and teams. They moved down across the canal and pitched their camp. At 11 o’clock, the majority of the colonists gathered at the rink, when the meeting was called to order and Capt. Couch made a speech in substance as follows.
“On the 2nd of December last, we left for Oklahoma. Dec. 12 we were visited by Lieut. Day and his company, who commanded us to surrender, which we declined to do, and Day withdrew and went into camp a short distance from us. On December 24 we were visited by Hatch, who commanded the same thing, and we replied to him as we had to Day. January 24 we were again visited by Hatch with 600 soldiers, who said he would fire on us and show no quarters, unless we surrendered. We declined again, and told Hatch if he would give us two days we would move out of our own accord. He declined to accept any such conditions. In looking over our provisions, we found we had but five days rations, and finally compromised the matter by agreeing to move out in one day if the soldiers would not attempt to escort us out. Our supplies were almost out and we have come back to get provisions. We have not given up yet. We are going back—this time with our entire colony.”
[The captain claims 10,000 settlers, but the REPUBLICAN doubts if they will get as large a number as went this time to go next time unless congress takes some action on the matter.]
Couch further stated that the colony had built houses and laid out claims and formed a township company.
The meeting adjourned until afternoon on the matter mentioned in our column. The 5th of March was the day determined for the invaders to move again for that country, and the meeting adjourned. The boomers’ teams were in good condition and seem to have fared none the worse by their trip.
After the meeting, Captain Rarick arrested W. L. Couch, Geo. L. Brown, H. H. Stafford, and Col. Wilcox on a warrant from the United States Commissioner at Wichita for the resisting of Uncle Sam’s army. Capt. Rarick went to Wichita this morning with his prisoners.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
The Boomers Arrive Amid Great Eclat. Grand Reception.
“We came, we saw, we’ve conquered.”
We have again to chronicle another defeat of the boomers in entering the “promised land.” We have been informed time and time again that this time was a success. The TRAVELER insisted, against our wishes, too, but in accordance with our best judgment, that it could not be a success under the present laws. We know that the President and Secretary of the Interior can do nothing else than exclude all parties from the country as the law now stands. It was with regret we saw the parade of last Friday, for it showed us that once more the victory was—the other fellows.
We hope that the next time the boomers make an attempt to enter this country we may have a chance to use the big rooster we did not get to use for Blaine; and which consequently is getting rusty. We hope Congress will by that time give us a legal right to take homes in that country.
The boomers, to the number of 152 men, one woman, and 42 wagons, arrived at the outskirts of the city Thursday night. The citizens met them Friday morning and gave them a right royal reception. An imposing train they made as they marched in a body through the street. Their stock was in a surprisingly good condition, as we had been led to suspect from the previous reports that they were starving.
In the meeting at the rink Friday afternoon, Capt. Couch made a manly temperate speech, stating the circumstances of their removal in a way highly commendable to him, as he stated facts. We could but compare his statements to the mad ravings and senseless utterings of their former leader, David L. Payne. If these men make a success of this enterprise, which we sincerely hope they will, W. L. Couch is the man who can do it.
Resolutions were adopted condemning President Arthur for his action, declaring that he did so to protect the monopolists, and that his early retirement from the Presidency only saved him from impeachment.
Also declaring that, being citizens of these United States, they had a right, if any law was violated, to a civil trial, and condemning the use of the military to exclude them from lands they held to be rightfully theirs. They resolved to meet at this city March 4th and make another move upon that country, starting March 5th, to take three months’ provisions with them, and to have not less than 5,000 men.
Quite a hot discussion was held in reference to ejecting from the colony membership all who did not meet here and participate in their next raid. It was finally voted down. The agents of the colony were instructed to make a report and settlement with the secretary for all the shares they have sold by February 15. Also to take up all the old shares issued by Payne and to issue new ones in their stead.
Capt. Couch, Col. S. E. Wilcox, and Judge J. Wade McDonald, of Winfield, were elected as delegates to attend the Oklahoma convention to be held in Topeka, February 3.
Adjourned to meet in this city March 5, 1885.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 7, 1885.
The roller skating rink is a puzzle to moralists just now. While the dram shops and pool rooms bewail its existence, as detracting largely from their patronage, the church and the lyceum cry out also, that the prayer meeting and the instructive lecture are neglected to trade this new sort of a “mazy” that seems to excel even Dick Swiveler’s fondest drama, if it really does lessen “passing the ruby”—to keep his classic phrase—so far so good. If it takes away our young people from their books, from their enthusiasm for higher pursuits, from church and lecture halls, so far, so bad. We fancy, however, it is like extravagance everywhere, and that it may be a good “run mad.” Suppose you apply to it the golden rule of temperance. “Abstinence from all that is hurtful, and moderation in all that is good.”
Arkansas City Republican Saturday, March 21, 1885.
Don’t fail to see the champion lady skater of Missouri Valley, at the Rink tonight. Admission 10 cents.
Arkansas City Republican, March 21, 1885.
The skating rink has been leased by Will Van Allen, and was formally opened to the public Thursday evening. Miss Edith Gillman gave an exhibition of fancy skating.
Arkansas City Republican, March 21, 1885.
An exchange remarks: “A number of cases have recently come to light, in various cities, of sorrow and degradation resulting from intimacies formed at the roller skating rinks which tend to create a feeling that this craze is having a demoralizing influence on the public.”
Arkansas City Republican, March 21, 1885.
Music at the Skating Rink tonight.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 25, 1885.
The skating rink, under the management of Will Van Allen, of the West Side Skating Rink, of Chicago, is gaining renewed popularity. One of the attractions is the Grand Free Matinee next Thursday afternoon—for ladies and children. Mr. Van Allen will keep good order and so conduct the rink that ladies may visit it at all hours. See ad, in this issue.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, March 25, 1885.
Open Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings, from 9:30 to 12 m.
For the Ladies and Children Only.
Open every afternoon from 2:30 to 5 for Ladies and Gentlemen.
Open each night from 7:20 to 10. General Skating.
An efficient Instructor Constantly on the Floor, for the Benefit of Ladies and Children, Free of Charge.
GRAND FREE MATINEE Thursday, March 26, FOR LADIES, 2:30 to 5 P.M.
No Smoking Allowed in the Rink.
The Rink Manager reserves the right to exclude all objectionable characters.
WILL VAN ALLEN, Proprietor and Manager.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 25, 1885.
Miss Edith Gillman, the lady skater, gave a very interesting exhibition at the skating rink last Saturday evening. She skates with rare grace and executes some of the most difficult and intricate movements with perfect ease.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 1, 1885.
J. C. Johnson AT Skating Rink TO-NIGHT.
This is an entertainment that no one can afford to miss.
ADMISSION: 25 cents. SEATS: 10 cents.
Reserved Especially For Ladies, and Gentlemen Accompanied by Ladies.
WILL VAN ALLEN, Proprietor and Manager.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 8, 1885. Messrs. Pitts & Forgey, engaged for tonight at the skating rink, gave an entertainment at the same place last evening, which was eminently a success and was most liberally patronized. Mr. Van Allen, the proprietor, is sparing no efforts to make skating a popular amusement.
AD. FORGEY AND PITTS, The champion team skaters of Southern Kansas, at the Skating Rink TO-NIGHT. This is an Entertainment no one can afford to miss.
ADMISSIONS: 35 cents.
SKATES: 10 cents.
Music by Buckskin Border Band.
The south side of the Rink has been Remodeled for a Gallery.
Reserved Especially for Ladies, and Gentlemen Accompanied by Ladies.
Will Van Allen, Proprietor and Manager.
Arkansas City Republican, April 18, 1885.
Winfield is enjoying rink parties, says the Kansas City Journal, at which all the girls are required to wear Mother Hubbard gowns. It is said the parties are prodigally patronized by the boys and even the sedate businessmen, sages, and deacons of the city. Let us draw the veil over our sister city’s imperfection, and “belt it down.” We don’t believe Winfield’s beautiful girls enrobe themselves in Mother Hubbards and appear in public, roll around a rink on the festive skate, and turn up their tiny pink toes in mid-air for the gaze of sedate businessmen, sages, and deacons. We can’t believe it. It is too awfully awful to be true. It is worse than being thirsty.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 19, 1885.
The Skating Rink.
The Traveler is in error when it states that Rev. Buckner is showing “more zeal than discretion” in his crusade against the skating rink. The skating rink is being condemned by respectable people the world over, and is recognized in general as “Sheol on wheels.” Many a healthy and bright young girl can credit the disease she contracted to roller skating. In glancing over our exchanges we frequently see accounts of young girls being disgraced, all brought about by too much attendance at the skating rink. Even in our own town at the present time there is a young girl who has ruined her future. Her downfall is traced to the too frequent use of the roller skate.
As the roller skating rink is a public place of amusement, anyone can attend as long as he conducts himself in accordance with the posted rules. Thus the degraded and effeminate are thrown together. By thus being brought in daily contact with each other, the young lady who has just begun her career of going to “Sheol on wheels,” accepts assistance from corrupt individuals, whom she would not think of speaking to on the streets. The girl naturally throws away the reserve she bore towards these rough persons by the courtesies extended to her by them and allows certain familiarities. Thus the girl keeps on satisfying her craze for roller skating until it is not an uncommon sight to see her gliding around the rink floor with her hands clasped firmly in those of some contemptible wretch who is so degraded that his very touch is contaminating to the beautiful virgin he is with. The editor of the REPUBLI-CAN has seen instances of this kind developed right here in our midst.
Besides the above argument against the skating rink, we say the exercise is too violent for ladies. The knocks and bruises which they cannot help but receive are liable to make invalids of them for life. Then again in the falls which they are sure to sustain, their clothing becomes disarranged, and that which is not intended for the gaze of the public is displayed. With an assumed brassiness the maiden arises from her unenviable position and braves her mishap out amid the applause of the scoffers. The average Kansas girl does not need a place of exercise, although she appreciates a place of amusement. Her mother can give her plenty of exercise at home, and her beaux can take her to the theatre, church, social gatherings, croquet parties, etc.
The REPUBLICAN makes the assertion that not two of the young ladies who attended the skating rink at its advent here ever frequent that place of amusement now. In our article we have said naught against the gentlemen who have just opened the rink and are asking for a license from the city council nor do we intend to. We know nothing against them, in fact we are not acquainted with them. Our article is directed at the evils which arise from a skating rink. We commend Rev. Buckner in his efforts to keep this evil from our society. The city council cannot, dare not, increase the revenue of our city at the expense of the virtue of the daughters in Arkansas City. There are plenty of other avocations in which a man can engage besides sending girls to “sheol on wheels,” and the REPUBLICAN enters its protest against the harboring of such an institution in our midst.
Arkansas City Republican, September 26, 1885.
The skating rink has received a fatal blow. A celebrated doctor in New York proclaims the horrible fact that roller skating enlarges the feet.
Arkansas City Republican, September 26, 1885.
The side-splitting fat men’s race, which the managers of the rink advertised to come off Wednesday night, culminated in a free fight for all. W. Ward, while skating in the race, fell down and as a consequence the fat men following fell over him. The managers thought Ward was drunk and ran up and grabbed him by the hair and coat collar and were dragging him off the floor. Billy Gray happened in as several of Ward’s friends stepped up to interfere in the dragging process, and quelled the racket. Thursday one of the managers was sitting over by the hotel when Ward was passing. The latter stepped up to the former and hit him with his fist in the back of the neck, knocking him several feet. Ward went and gave himself up. Ward was not drunk at the skating rink. Last Saturday night another row occurred there. Oh, that skating rink is a grand place for decent girls to go! A newspaper that will stand up for such an institution deserves to be condemned by the public.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 3, 1885.
“Let Us Have Peace.”
The above plea for mercy comes from the Traveler. After devoting about three columns of valuable space to the REPUBLICAN, it winds up with a plea for peace. Coming from the source it does, we are naturally surprised. When the present editor assumed the management of the Traveler, he was very aggressive, constantly criticizing the course of this journal. He opposed all the measures advocated by us. In our efforts to create a reform in our city government, he antagonized us. When we worked for the removal of the notorious Stafford, he upbraided us and defended him. He defended the old city water and gas works franchise. He defended the infamous skating rink, criticized a minister of the gospel because he wished to banish the evil from our midst. He has called us a Democrat. He has criticized Councilman Prescott and T. H. McLaughlin unjustly. He never found fault with them as public officers or as private citizens, but he attacked their private opinions. He has called us ill-bred, yet he offered a public insult to J. L. Huey, as chairman of a citizen’s meeting, and never apologized. He has made bad calculations in making out his city printing bills. He has made fun of our youthfulness, calling us “callow,” forgetting that ignorance in youth is excusable, but in old age, contemptible. He has charged the school treasurer with paying money out of the wrong fund and never corrected, although he has been informed that his allegation was untrue. He awaits for the REPUBLICAN to take issue upon a question and then he antagonizes. The above calendar of sins is enough to try the patience of Job. But that is not all. Our space is just too limited to produce a complete list. And yet in the face of all he has done, he hoists the white flag and sues for peace. Having begun the battle, but being worsted, he pleads for peace. Can we do aught else but grant it so long as it does not injure the welfare of the public? The vision of the white-haired newspaper veteran rises before us and as his plea for peace rings in our ears, our heart is touched. The spirit of
“Then lay on McDuff,
And damned be he who first cries enough,”
is crushed. Henceforth, we will allow the editor of the Traveler to pursue his way along the rugged path of life without fear from us, unless he again becomes too officious. The REPUBLICAN will continue to labor in the interest of Arkansas City. We will propel the rudder of this journal, allowing Mr. Lockley the privilege of editing the Traveler. We realize that the REPUBLICAN has come out victorious in the fight and that is why we can afford to be magnanimous.
Your request is granted. You shall have peace as long as you remain in your present condition. Now, kind neighbor, go home and give that “mighty” and weary brain a rest.
Arkansas City Republican, October 3, 1885.
Tonight the skating rink suicides.
Arkansas City Republican, October 3, 1885.
The social hop at the skating rink failed to materialize. Not a couple was in attendance.
Arkansas City Republican, October 3, 1885.
The Arkansas City REPUBLICAN, aided by some of the influential citizens of Arkansas City, is using its influence against licensing a skating rink in that city. Mulvane Record.
Arkansas City Republican, October 3, 1885.
An exchange up the Santa Fe road a short distance copies that portion of our remarks concerning the seduction of young girls, brought about by attending the skating rink. The exchange says:
“We know of a case at Wichita where a young lady was ruined by a man who was comparatively a stranger in the city, and whom afterward married the girl at the suggestion of her irate father. We have said, and say now, without fear of being successfully contradicted, that the skating rinks as carried on in some places are nothing more nor less than dens of infamy, of the very worst type. They are far more dangerous than the public ball room; they not only rob some young lady, and older ones, too, of that which she should prize more than life—her virtue, but in many instances injures her health as many eminent physicians can testify.”
We would credit our brother of the quill with his thoughts, but he failed to credit ours to the REPUBLICAN. We believe in doing unto others as they do unto us in a case of this kind.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 7, 1885.
What Kind of a Person Shall we Admit to our New Jerusalem?
The Republican, in its last issue, republishes a list of houses and stores in process of erection, most of which have been mentioned in our own columns. It is gratifying to record such building activity, because it gives evidence of the steady growth of the city, and is proof that the confidence in its continued prosperity is unabated. Commenting on this expansion in business facilities and population, our neighbor says: “Situated on the border of the great Indian Territory, and the gateway to the Oklahoma country, Arkansas City is bound to lead the procession in growth. . . . Our advantages are superior to those of Wichita. Although Wichita is probably three times as large as Arkansas City at present, we have in the last eighteen months had erected as many business blocks as the old Square City.”
This is pleasing reading, but it suggests a parallel instance. In Salt Lake some years ago a glib canvasser presented himself, who prevailed on the bishops and holy apostles who composed the common council of that city of Saints, to appropriate a sum of money to have illustrations of its temple and other prominent buildings published in some eastern journals. He said it would attract emigration to Utah. But the question suggested itself to the minds of the unregenerate in Zion, what is the use of spending the public money to induce people to come here, who are proscribed for their way of thinking, who are pointed out as goats to the sheep of the fold, and who are so hounded and beset that there is no way of living open to them?
The editor of the Republican in like manner sets himself up as censor of morals in this community. In the depths of his vast intellect, he has formulated some ideal state of society—some modern Utopia—into which nothing common or unclean must intrude, and any person or persons who enter our boundaries and do not conform with his idea of what is desirable, he sets to work to assail, and never ceases from his abuse, till he drives the stranger away. Is not this a repetition of the proscriptive practice of the Mormon zealots? Is the statesmanship of our youthful journalist so profound that he shall dictate who of our incoming population shall leave and who may stay? Can a city acquire a healthy growth with such a marplot active in its midst?
Not long since a Wichita merchant came here, opened out a stock of dry goods, and offered “astonishing bargains” to the people. Perhaps his establishment was a cheap john affair, and his mode of advertising was confusing to the conservative habits of some of our tradespeople. But he paid his rent, hired three or four clerks, and contributed his fair proportion to the city treasury. If he offered cheap goods to his patrons, a public benefit was derived from his enterprise; if he cinched them in cost or quality, full privilege was extended them to stay away. But it takes all kinds to make a world, and when we invite people to join us, the only limit we should impose on them is obedience to state law and the city ordinances.
But our fancy journalistic censor saw mischief in the enterprise of this Wichita man, he was solicitous for the welfare of rival tradesmen, and conceived it his duty to assail him with all the feeble force of his truculent pen.
More recently two deserving young men came here from a neighboring town to resurrect a place of amusement and purge it of its former ill name. They expended their little capital in fitting up the place, gave pledges to the public that it should be well conducted, and made their appeal for a liberal share of support. But our modern Cato scented evil in their design; he opened the mud catteries of his columns against them, and by incessant clamor created such an adverse prejudice that their place of entertainment was deserted, and this city deprived of two very useful citizens. Perhaps these two young men may tell in their travels how the people of Arkansas City welcome strangers to their midst.
It has also been the misfortune of this editor to fall under the ban of our irrepressible marplot. After living half a century and supposing some slight usefulness had attached to our labor, we came to this city to learn to our confusion how entirely wrong are our methods, how libelous our utterances, how totally depraved our every word and deed. In our printing for the city, we attempt to cheat the public in every item we charge; a city councilman detects our villainy and recommends a reduction of the excessive charges, and that officer we single out with full intent for obloquy and insult. Other prominent citizens, and they are named in our censor’s arraignment, Messrs. T. H. McLaughlin, James L. Huey, and one of our city clergy, have been made the victims of our ribald pen, and this effusive youth has time and again been impelled to defend them from our vile aspersions. We would go through the whole catalogue of sins imputed to our charge, but space fails us. Evidently his aim is to add this journal to his list of victims, and drive its editor into some other community where a larger measure of charity will be extended to his heinous sins.
We ask the people and property holders of Arkansas City, whether the intemperate ravings of such an ill-advised youth are a benefit or a harm to the city? Do they delegate to him the right to judge who, of the people who seek to make homes with us, shall be allowed to abide and who shall be driven away with reproach and contumely? Do they build houses and stores and appoint the Republican editor absolute dictator over the character and kind of tenants they may admit?
It is not necessary for this journal to inform its readers that there will be slight need for building enterprise if this officious and inexperienced scribe is to be allowed to stand as a Cerberus at our city gates and bark at and beslaver every newcomer whose appearance does not please him. Population is not attracted by such means, and new dwellings and stores are not in demand among a people where repulsion and reproach take the place of hospitable welcome.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 11, 1885.
We understand that J. P. Braden, the owner of the rink, intended to use that building for pork packing this fall, and had his arrangements made to start on the business this week.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 11, 1885.
The Rink Goes Up and Surrounding Property Destroyed.
Shortly after 10 o’clock on Saturday evening the cry of fire was raised on Summit Street, and in less than five minutes, all the adjoining portion of the city seemed to be ablaze. The fire originated in the rear end of the rink, and before any efforts could be made to extinguish it, the whole building, composed of frame and covering an area 50 by 100 feet, was involved in flame. A light wind was blowing at the time, which carried the burning embers in an easterly direction, and for a time Mr. John Landes’ house and other contiguous residences were threatened. A hay stack owned by R. E. Grubbs, standing in the rear of his house, was ignited by the sparks, but was promptly extinguished by Uriah Spray. The intense heat of the flames threatened destruction to the frame building on the north, owned by A. A. Newman, and occupied by A. F. Huse as a flour and feed store. His coal bins were destroyed, and their contents badly injured, but the building was saved from destruction, although badly scorched, by the liberal use of water buckets. Braden’s livery and feed stables, next north, were also threatened, and the lessees, Messrs. Ingles & Briggs, turned their animals loose, expecting destruction. But the wind lulled some after the fire broke out, and the danger of its diffusion abated.
Charles Parker’s stone building, south of the rink, ignited in the rear, where it was enclosed with fence, it being the intention of the owner to put on an addition. The lower floor was occupied by Parker and Capt. Rarick as a blacksmith shop; in the upper floor, George Ford and Frank Knedler had their carpenter shop. The tools in the blacksmith shop were saved; but the contents of the carpenter shop were destroyed. After the lintels and girders were consumed, the front wall fell, leaving the side walls standing without support. During the night the upper portion of the south wall collapsed, and before this issue goes to press, it is probable the remaining wall will be removed. A hose was attached to the hydrant on the corner of Fourth Avenue and Summit Street, which threw a feeble stream, quite ineffective in preventing a spread of the flames.
The origin of the fire is thought to be incendiary, but there is no present clue to the perpetrator. The rink was owned by J. P. Braden, who had it insured for $1,000 in the Pelican, of New Orleans. J. H. Punshon lost $150 worth of new furniture, which he had stored in the rink, without insurance. Parker’s building was insured in the Washington, of Boston, for $800; and A. F. Huse had his property insured for $600, one-fourth of this amount on his scales and coal bins, and the remainder on his flour, feed, coal, and grain. The insurance on the house expired last week, but because of the high rate, Mr. Newman had not renewed it. The total amount of the loss is set down at $4,000.
A number of hoodlums broke the windows of Neff & Henderson’s feed store, and some lap robes and whips were taken from Braden’s stable. Dr. Fowler lost the body of his light cart, which was in the carpenter shop for repairs.
J. P. Braden had made arrangements to start pork packing this week, but the destruction of the rink has put a stop to the enterprise.
Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.
Another Fire.
Last Saturday evening shortly after 10 o’clock, the alarm of fire was given. We turned out as about a thousand other persons did, and saw the skating rink and Chas. Parker’s stone building reduced to ashes. The fire originated in the front end of the skating rink and in five minutes after the alarm was sounded the entire building was enveloped in flames and the roof fell in. From the rink building the fire spread to Parker’s. Willing hands were ready to do and die, if necessary, to prevent the fire spreading more; and by almost super-human efforts the frame building occupied by A. F. Huse as an office was saved, but his corn sheds were consumed. Braden’s livery stable was saved by very hard work. The bucket brigade did noble service, and had it not been for their efforts other buildings would have been destroyed. The general belief is that the fire was incendiary, and from the short time that elapsed between the sounding of the alarm and the falling in of the roof, it is quite evident that the building had been soaked in coal oil. Mayor Schiffbauer, who resides not quite two squares from where the fire occurred, was sitting at home reading and at the first cry of fire, he started. Just as he arrived upon the scene, the roof fell in.
The heaviest loss was sustained by those occupying the Parker building. The building was insured for $300 in the London, Liverpool and Globe, and it was worth twice that sum. Geo. Ford and Frank Knedler occupied the upper room of the building with their shop. Mr. Ford lost about $300 worth of tools and Mr. Knedler lost some. Parker & Rarick lost some stock and tools.
The rink was owned by L. H. Braden & Co., and was insured in the Pelican, of New Orleans, for $1,000. J. H. Punshon had about $150 worth of furniture stored in the building and all of it was burned.
A. F. Huse carred an insurance of $600 in the Washington. His loss will not exceed $400. The buiding he occupied belonged to A. A. Newman and was not insured.
Fortunately for Arkansas City the wind was not blowing. At one time it was thought that John Landes’ fine residence would be destroyed, but friends came to the rescue and saved it. Once more is a very strong argument presented in favor of waterworks.