The Arkansas City Census lists C. Schiffbauer, 43, and his wife Maria, 39.
The Arkansas City Census lists F. B. Schiffbauer, 39, and his wife Mary, 37
Arkansas City Traveler, November 7, 1877.
MR. F. P. SCHIFFBAUER, of Wichita Agency, came up last week to spend a few days with us. He has been with the Indians at the Agency about six years, and converses freely in many Indian tongues, besides German and English. He may locate with us, and we hope he will, for he is an exemplary young man of excellent business qualifications.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 14, 1877.
MARRIED. On Tuesday, November 13, 1877, at the First Presbyterian church, by Rev. S. B. Fleming, MR. F. P. SCHIFFBAUER, late of Wichita Agency, Indian Territory, to MISS MOLLIE WILLIAMS, of this place.
Notwithstanding the night was dark and stormy, with the probabilities of a heavy rain, the church was filled with ladies and gentlemen, many being compelled to remain standing during the ceremony. After the congratulations were extended to the happy couple, a few invited friends repaired to Mr. Godehard’s restaurant, where a bountiful feast of good things awaited them, and time sped swiftly and pleasantly until the “wee sina hours beyant the twa.” The many friends of the newly wedded couple join in wishing them a prosperous and happy journey “up the dusty slopes of life,” with no clouds to mar the serenity of their matrimonial sky.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 14, 1877.
MESSRS. C. & F. P. SCHIFFBAUER bought the entire stock of groceries owned by L. McLaughlin, at the Green Front, yesterday, and will continue the business at the old stand. On account of taking an inventory of stock, the store will be closed today and tomorrow. The boys come to us highly recommended, are energetic, thorough-going businessmen, and will doubtless be favored with a large share of the public patronage.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 21, 1877.
We would respectfully call the attention of the public to the fact that we have bought out the stock and stand of L. McLaughlin, at the “Green Front,” consisting of groceries and queensware, and will be pleased to form the acquaintance and patronage of all old customers of that stand, and as many new ones as we can get. Having dealt extensively in goods at Wichita Agency, our facilities for buying are good, as we have always bought from first hands and first-class houses. All we ask is a trial to please our customers, and we will risk selling to them again. Come and see us, one and all. Business transacted in Caddo, Comanche, Wichita, Pawnee, German, and English languages; or, if you are deaf, we will make signs, which we understand perfectly. Don’t forget the place—the “Green Front,” on Summit street, opposite Houghton & McLaughlin.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 21, 1877.
MR. FRANK SCHIFFBAUER with his newly wedded wife started yesterday on a short tour East.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 21, 1877.
THE SCHIFFBAUER BROTHERS, formerly traders at the Wichita Agency, purchased the groceries, queensware, etc., of L. McLaughlin last week. This week they received a new lot of fresh groceries, and will be receiving them every week, or as fast as the demand requires. Call in and see them and their new prices. They sell for cash, and can give you a bargain.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 28, 1877.
Frank Schiffbauer and Miss Mary Williams, both of Wichita Agency, Indian Territory, were married yesterday in Arkansas City. Miss Williams is the daughter of the Agent at Anadarko, and Frank was the Agent’s clerk. Frank is a fine specimen of the Kansas boy who has finished his education among the Indians. He is free hearted and energetic; has fine business qualities, and he will take as excellent care of the Agent’s fair daughter as he successfully aided in carrying on the Agent’s business. He will go into business in Arkansas City. Mr. and Mrs. Schiffbauer have our best wishes as they paddle their canoe down the stream of time, whose banks we hope will always be lined with flowers for them.
Wichita Beacon.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 28, 1877.
MR. GIBBY sold his house and lot to Mr. Frank Schiffbauer for $600.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 12, 1877.
RETURNED. MR. FRANK SCHIFFBAUER and wife returned from St. Louis last Saturday evening. While absent he ordered one of the heaviest stocks of groceries ever brought to this county.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.
KEY-5-WEST. That is what the silk ribbon was marked with that encircled them. Schiffbauer Bros. have them, and gave us a bunch to test. They are an extra fine flavored five cent cigar.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.
We have among us a jeweler who is more than an ordinary workman. Mr. JAMES RIDENOUR is his name, and he can always be found at Schiffbauer’s grocery. Those having fine watches can leave them with him to be repaired without fear of ruining them.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1878.
MR. STANTON, a relative of J. A. Stafford, and Mrs. Schiffbauer, arrived last week with his wife and two children. Mr. Stanton is a representative of one of the best families in Iowa, and intends to locate with us. From him we learn that a number of other families contemplate moving to this section in the spring.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1878.
Keep constantly on hand a full stock of
Also a large assortment of Queensware, Glassware, Cutlery, Wood, and Willow Ware, and in fact everything the farmer needs. We sell for cash, and
anyone. Call on us before purchasing elsewhere. All goods warranted as
represented, or money refunded. Go to the Green Front Grocery, Summit Street.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.
New picket fence around Frank Schiffbauer’s residence.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.
The articles taken from Schiffbauer’s store on Monday night were six silver plated knives, some finished Elgin staffs, some roller jewels, and eighteen watches, in all valued at $482. The watches belonged to the following named persons, with the values set opposite their names.
Frank Lorry, gold, $50.00
L. W. Currier, gold w. and chain, $70.00
Mr. Louderdale, silver, $10.00
Mr. Davis, silver, $8.00
Peter Pearson, silver, $12.00
George Eaton, silver, $25.00
John Wort, silver, $15.00
George Metcalf, silver, $20.00
George Hunter, silver, $30.00
N. N. Wintin, silver, $12.00
S. M. Laituman, silver, $25.00
J. M. Shurtz, silver, $10.00
Samuel Lewis, silver, $20.00
W. S. Thompson, silver, $35.00
Mrs. Morgan, plated, $20.00
J. Z. Rentschler, silver, $20.00
G. H. McIntire, silver, $10.00
Mr. Davis, brass, $5.00
R. W. McNown, silver, $35.00
Total value of watches: $432.00
Staffs and jewels, $20.00
Knives and spoons, $30.00
TOTAL VALUE: $482.00
Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.
On Monday night last a burglar entered the store of Schiffbauer Bros., by boring a four inch hole in the outside door with an extension bit, and drawing the bolt. He then bored three holes in the second door with a 3/4 inch augur and cut out enough to admit his hand, drew the bolt, and went into the store. Evidently he knew just where to go for the watches, eighteen in all, which were kept in a small box in one of the drawers. After taking the watches, he helped himself to some silver plated knives and forks belonging to the store.
Mr. Ridenour, the jeweler, has the sympathy of the citizens, as he was just making a good start in business.
The safe for the house arrived this morning, and there will be no more danger hereafter.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.
THE MAN who got the lumber out of my corn crib had better come back and get the crib also. Don’t be mealy-mouthed. F. P. SCHIFFBAUER.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.
For a genuine assortment of garden needs, go to Schiffbauer Bros.
SCHIFFBAUER BROS. want 1,500 bushels of No. 1 corn, for which they will pay the highest market price in goods.
SCHIFFBAUER BROS. step into the ring now with the largest assortment of stoneware in the city.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.
A. A. NEWMAN was awarded the contract at the Pawnee Agency for 65 head of cows, twelve yoke of oxen, 525 bushels of corn, 375 bushels of oats, some pine lumber, and 200,000 shingles. SCHIFFBAUER BROS. were awarded the contract for salt and brooms.
A Leavenworth firm received the contract for the balance, being oil, putty, glass, etc.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878.
A. A. NEWMAN sold 8,000 pounds of boneless shoulders and smoked hams to James Boice, of Lake City, Colorado, last week for eight cents per pound, and Schiffbauer Brothers furnished him a large quantity of eggs at five cents per dozen. These hams will go up the mountains on pack mules.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 6, 1878.
J. C. TOPLIFF is now helping the Schiffbauer boys in their spring rush of business. The boys are fortunate in securing so valuable a person as J. C.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 6, 1878.
Another deserter of the rank and file, Mr. Charles Schiffbauer, of the Green Front grocery store, took passage on Tisdale’s accommodation yesterday morning for Kansas City and St. Louis. Everybody thought Charley would be one of the boys as long as he stayed with us, but here he goes in answer to a little epistle from one more tender than the fairest of the fair. While absent he will have a surgical operation performed on the limb that has been troubling him so much. The trouble arises from a pistol wound received while scaling the breastworks of Fort Arbuckle during the Indian war of 1875.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.
Apples, per bushel, $2.50
Potatoes, per bushel, $1.00 @ $1.25
Eggs, per dozen, 8 cents.
Butter, per lb., 12 @ 15 cents.
FLOUR. [Per 100 lbs.]
XXXX, choice, $2.75
XXX, $2.50
XX, $2.25
Graham flour, $2.50
Buckwheat flour, $5.00
Corn Meal, bolted, $1.25
Corn Meal, unbolted, $1.00
“A” Coffee Sugar, 7 lbs. for $1.00
“C” Coffee Sugar, 7 lbs. for $1.00
N. O. Coffee Sugar, extra fine, 7-1/2 lbs. for $1.00
No. O. Sugar Brown, 8 lbs. for $1.00
Golden Rio Coffee, 3-1/2 lbs. for $1.00
Green Rio Coffee, 3-3/4 lbs. for $1.00
Green Rio Coffee, common, 4 lbs. for $1.00
O. G. Java Coffee, 3 lbs. for $1.00
South Carolina Rice, 8 lbs. for $1.00
Navy Beans, 15 lbs. for $1.00
Dried Apples, 10 lbs. for $1.00
Dried Peaches, 9 lbs. for $1.00
Starch, per lb., 12-1/2 @ 15 cents.
Sugar Cured Hams, per lb., 12-1/2 @ 15 cents.
Bacon, per lb., 9 @ 11 cents.
Crackers, per lb., 10 @ 20 cents.
Rope, 12-1/2 @ 20 cents.
Rope, cotton, 30 cents.
N. Y. Cheese, per lb., 20 cents.
Green Tea, per lb., 60 @ $1.60
Japan Tea, per lb., 80 @ 1.25
Oolong Tea, per lb., 50 @ $1.00
Salt, per bbl., $3.75
Salt, per lb., 2 cents.
Coal Oil, per gallon, 40 cents.
Sorghum, per gallon, 50 @ 60 cents.
Syrup, per gallon, 65 @ $1.25
Vinegar, per gallon, 40 @ 50 cents.
Lard, per lb., 10 @ 12-1/2 cents.
Corn, per bushel, 18 @ 25 cents.
Oats, per bushel, 25 cents.
Green, Butcher and Country, 3 @ 4-1/2 cents.
Green Salt, 5 @ 5-1/2 cents.
Dry Flint, 10 @ 13 cents.
Choice Beefsteak, 10 cents.
Choice Pork Steak, 10 cents.
Choice Mutton Steak, 10 cents.
Choice Veal Steak, 10 cents.
Beef Cattle, gross, 2 @ 2-1/2 cents.
Hogs, gross, 3 cents.
Mutton Sheep, $1.50 @ $3.00
Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.
If you want to see something nice, go to Schiffbauer Bros. and examine their new stock of glass and W. G. ware.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.
We are retailing Flour at the following prices:
XXXX, $2.75
XXX, $2.50
XX, $2.25
To persons wishing to purchase Flour in the quantity, we will make a liberal discount on the above price. SCHIFFBAUER BROS.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.
SCHIFFBAUER BROS. want 1,500 bushels of No. 1 corn, for which they will pay the highest market price in goods.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.
We were favored last week with visits from several distinguished gentlemen from the Territory in the persons of Agent A. C. Williams of the Wichita Agency, Agent Searing of the Pawnee Agency, and Mr. Hopkins and Tom Finney of Osage Agency.
Agent Williams came up on business connected with his department, and to see his new sons-in-law and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Schiffbauer and J. A. Stafford and wife. Mrs. Williams accompanied him. We believe this is the first leave of absence Mr. Williams has accepted since he took charge of the Wichitas. He meets many old friends at this place.
Agent Searing was compelled to make a trip on official business, which he transacted in a short time and returned. Mr. McFarland accompanied him. The entire community, and especially those at the Pawnee Agency, regret that Mr. Searing is not to be retained in the Indian service, as he is a thorough business gentleman.
Mr. Hopkins and Tom Finney seemed perfectly at home, and made it pleasant for all to meet them again. From them we learned that Agent Beede intended coming up with them, but was delayed.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.
CHARLES SCHIFFBAUER has undergone the surgical examination of his leg at Kansas City, to extract a ball that was received more than two years ago from the careless handling of a pistol in the hands of a friend. The bone had been fearfully fractured, and those that witnessed the surgical operation speak of it as being a very difficult one. He is now recovering as rapidly as could be expected, and will return in about a month with a sound limb. The surgeons express the opinion that had it remained many months longer, he would have had to have it amputated.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.
NOTICE. One month after date of this issue, I extend a challenge to Arkansas City for a foot race of a mile; C. M. Scott to judge at start and outcome. Respectfully,
Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Real Estate Transfers.
Wm. Gibby and wife to F. P. Schiffbauer, 9, 10, and 11, block 81, Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.
COAL OIL only 35 cents per gallon at Schiffbauer Bros.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.
10 lbs. of sugar for one dollar at Schiffbauer Bros.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.
4 papers of choice seeds for 25 cents at Schiffbauer Bros.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.
New goods and new prices at Schiffbauer Bros.
Schiffbauer Bros. buy more butter, eggs, potatoes, corn, and general country produce, and pay a better price than any house on the border.
Pay your money and take your 3-1/2 lb., 4 lb., or 4-1/2 lb. coffee for $1.00 at Schiffbauer Bros.
Green, dried, and canned apples as low as the lowest at Schiffbauer Bros.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.
FIVE WAGONS loaded with salt from East Saginaw, Michigan, drove up to Schiffbauer’s grocery last Sunday, and we have noticed equal amounts left at H. Godehard’s, Pierce & McLaughlin’s, Hoyt & Speers’, and Houghton & Mantor will soon have a like amount—and this, too, when salt just as good can be manufactured at Salt City, within nine miles of this place. Someone should engage in the business, as it would surely pay.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.
10 lbs. of sugar for one dollar at Schiffbauer Bros.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.
4 papers of Church’s soda for 25 cents at Schiffbauer Bros.
The Daily Winfield Courier, Saturday Morning, May 11, 1878.
F. P. Schiffbauer, of the firm of Schiffbauer Bros., of Arkansas City, is attending court in the capacity of witness in the case of the State vs. W. H. Bilson.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.
THE MAN who borrowed a scoop shovel from Schiffbauer Bros. will please return the same immediately and save costs.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.
CHARLES SCHIFFBAUER returned from Kansas City last week, after an absence of three months, in charge of the Sisters of Saint Joseph and the medical fraternity of the Sisters’ Hospital. The cause of his absence was to have a ball extracted from his leg, received from the careless handling of a pistol by a soldier at Fort Sill.
The operation was a very severe and difficult one, but under the skillful management of Dr. Taylor, a man remarkably renowned, and of whom Mr. Schiffbauer formed a high respect, he has recovered sufficiently to go about on crutches. Charley never tires of speaking of the kind treatment from the Sisters of Saint Joseph, to whom he feels very grateful for their untiring efforts in attending his wants.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.
List of
Advertising Business Houses of Arkansas City
Houghton & McLaughlin, Dry Goods, etc.
James Wilson, Dry Goods, etc.
M. S. Faris, Dry Goods, etc.
Boyer & Wallis, Winfield, Clothing.
Schiffbauer Brothers, Groceries, Queensware.
Hermann Godehard, Groceries, Queensware.
Hoyt & Speers, Groceries, Queensware.
Houghton & Mantor, Groceries and Clothing.
E. D. Eddy, Drugs, Oils, Medicines.
J. A. Loomis, Drugs, Oils, Medicines.
L. H. Gardner, Drugs, Oils, Medicines.
Peter Pearson, Furniture, Picture Frames.
Benedict & Brother, Hardware, Machines.
Schiffbauer Bros. & Co., Hardware, Machines.
C. R. Sipes, Stoves and Tinware.
Finney, Stanton & Hopkins, Livery.
W. H. Walker, Livery.
Harter & Hill, Winfield, Livery.
Albert Horn, Boots and Shoes.
A. A. Newman, Water Mills, Flour and feed.
Grimes & Woolyard, Steam Flour and Saw Mill.
E. Birnbaum, Winfield, Cigar Manufacturer.
T. A. Wilkinson, Winfield, Lumber Dealer.
Cowley County Bank: W. M. Sleeth, President; H. P. Farrar, Cashier.
Citizens’s Bank, Winfield: J. C. McMullen, Pres.
F. N. Earl, Blacksmith and wagon maker.
Sifford & Hutchins, Blacksmith and wagon maker.
Kendall Smith, Blacksmith and wagon maker.
Sheppard & Reed, Physicians.
Dr. J. H. Griffith, Physician.
Dr. A. Trim, Physician.
John A. Alexander, Physician.
Mrs. D. B. Hartsock, Millinery Goods.
Mrs. E. Watson, Millinery, dress making.
J. D. Pryor, Winfield, Loan Agent.
Curns & Manser, Winfield, Loan Agent.
A. J. Mosley, Winfield, Loan Agent.
Huey & Mitchell, Loan Agents.
J. A. Loomis, Loan Agent.
C. R. Mitchell, Attorney and Counselor.
James Christian, Attorney and Counselor.
Amos Walton, Attorney and Counselor.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.
Want it understood that Winfield, or any one else in the valley, can’t undersell them in Groceries, Queensware, etc., and when you want correct prices in their line of goods, call on them, for you can rely on what they tell you. They are selling A No. 1 Rio Coffee at 5 lbs. for the dollar; and you can be assured that the goods are just as represented, and not old and stale, as they buy from first hands and new goods.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.
YOU can get that good Rio Coffee at 20 cents per lb. at Schiffbauer Bros.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.
at Bed Rock Prices.
Wishing to reduce our large stock of Groceries, Queensware, etc., we will, for the next 25 days, sell regardless of cost, in order to reduce our stock before moving into our new store room. Respectfully yours, SCHIFFBAUER BROS.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.
HAVING PURCHASED THE ENTIRE STOCK OF HARDWARE, etc., from S. P. CHANNELL, we would respectfully call the attention of our friends to the fact that they can buy Farming Implements, Hardware, etc., at the old stand, and can do fully as well as at Winfield or any other town south of Wichita. Those wishing Grain Drills and Plows for this fall’s work can do as well by buying of us as of anybody. We will handle this fall the celebrated Sucker State Grain Drill, and we will warrant it to give perfect satisfaction in every respect. Respectfully, SCHIFFBAUER BROS. & CO.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878.
MESSRS. SCHIFFBAUER BROS. have received the contract for building a commissary for the Ponca Indian supplies, to be located at Dean’s ranch, on Salt Fork. Dimensions, 70 x 24 feet, one story. Frank Schiffbauer started to Wichita with 12 teams, on Monday last, to purchase and bring down the lumber necessary to fill their contract.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878.
MR. D. R. INGRAM, a member of the U. P. Board of Publication, of Pittsburgh, Pa., made us a pleasant call last Monday. Mr. Ingram is here to look at the country, its prospects, etc., at the instance of his old friend, C. Schiffbauer, and expresses himself as delighted with the beautiful panorama he beheld in Southern Kansas, and the Walnut and Arkansas Valleys in particular, and if our prospects brighten, we have no doubt that Mr. Ingram will settle permanently amongst us.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878.
GENERAL McNEIL is still devoting his time to the hungry Ponca Indians. He will con-tract for the erection of a commissary building 24 feet wide, 70 feet long, and 12 feet high, to be erected on the Ponca reserve near Dean’s ranch, about thirty miles south of this place, where about three hundred of the tribe are now located on a 35,000 acre reserve. Beef, sugar, and coffee are issued to them in amounts of about $100 per week. The Dean boys furnish the beef, and Schiffbauer Bros., the groceries. They have contracted to furnish them 10,000 pounds of flour, 1,000 pounds of coffee, and 2,000 pounds of sugar.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878.
Committee on furnishing swings, croquet sets, boats, etc.
W. J. Peed, Will Alexander, Charles M. Swarts, J. C. Topliff, Mr. Knight, William Parker, R. Turner, James Pierce, Frank Schiffbauer, Edmund G. Gray, Frank Speer, E. D. Eddy, and I. H. Bonsall.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 26, 1878.
The lumber for the Ponca commissary house went down yesterday. Schiffbauer Bros. have the contract, and Parker & Canfield are building it.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 26, 1878.
That enterprising and reliable firm, Schiffbauer Bros. & Co., are moving their stock of groceries and queensware across the street to their new quarters, this week, and will soon be settled in the room formerly occupied by S. P. Channell. Talk about a caravan of goods! The amount of lumber, hardware, etc., received by this firm in addition to their supply of groceries, is simply immense. They are determined to control the trade.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, July 3, 1878.
We Come!
Be Wise
Today: ‘Tis Madness to Defer!
For years our people have talked of navigation on the Arkansas River from Little Rock or Fort Smith to this place. The columns of this paper have been freely used by numerous parties in attempting to prove the practicability of running a line of steamboats on the “raging Arkansas,” and in these communications statistics from all over the country have been put forth to convince the people that the saving in the cost of transportation was of such magnitude as to justify the outlay of a good round sum in experimenting. The “shovers of the quill” pictured in glowing colors the immense advantages river navigation would give the town, county, and the whole of Southern Kansas—the entire State, we may say, for that which benefits one portion of the State benefits all, directly or indirectly.
Railroads were desirable, it is true, for the building up of a town, and for carrying away the surplus of farm products; but transportation by water was the “consummation devoutly to be wished,” as thereby the farmers would be enabled to sell their produce at a nearer and much better market. It has been clearly proved that where one town prospers through the means of a railroad, half a dozen excel it through the advantages possessed in having a water outlet.
In all the efforts of our people to satisfactorily demonstrate that the Arkansas is a navigable stream for boats of light draught, they have met with most bitter opposition and ridicule at times from the towns remote from the river’s banks—and even the press from some of the towns have seen fit to hurl lance after lance at the handful of men at the mouth of the Walnut who were struggling for the advancement of the whole country as well as for the good of the city of Arkansas City.
Our citizens have sent representatives to Washington, in order to enlist the sympathies of our Congressional delegates, but until quite recently these Congressmen have displayed a singular apathy in a question of such commercial importance.
They preferred to vote yes on the appropriation bills before that August body, whether it be for draining some man’s cow yard in the East, or for building a cordwood landing on the Missouri or Mississippi, but would not try for an appropriation to help the thousands of people who would be benefitted by the improvement of the Arkansas.
One tenth of the useless expenditures on wild cat railroads which have been sanctioned by Congress would put a line of steamers on this river and build all the landings between our city and the mouth of the river. Still those in power remained inactive and apparently disinterested.
Nearly three years ago Messrs. Berkey, now of Salt City, and Wintin built a pine flat boat at this place, loaded it with flour, and started for Little Rock. It was purely a venture, and a private one. Both parties were satisfied that a boat could go down the river with a good load, and they realized that the best way to demonstrate this to the satisfaction of everyone was to make the trip, or trial. It would furthermore serve to draw the attention of the people of Arkansas to the incalculable good to be drawn from the success of those engaged in the work. The boat started in low water, but after the first two or three days little or no trouble was experienced in making the trip.
Well can we remember the Sunday morning when they were advertised to start. The bridge over the Arkansas was crowded with spectators eager to see the first boat from Arkansas City start for the South, and the churches were mainly filled with empty benches.
News from that unassuming flat boat was watched for with as intense interest as though the lives of all on board were in peril. This enterprise was not a success financially, but it was the cause of sending Mr. Samuel Hoyt east the following summer—the Centennial Summer—with instructions to do all in his power to get a boat to come up to this point. Mr. Hoyt went to Ohio, where he purchased a light draught steamboat, and engaged a captain and crew to make the trip.
They steamed down the Ohio and into the Mississippi, the father of rivers, and thence down to the mouth of the Arkansas. Here they experienced considerable trouble with high water, as the engine was not powerful enough to work against the strong current of the Arkansas, but after a delay of several weeks they got as far up as Little Rock, where the boat was abandoned, it having become evident that it was not the right sort of a boat for this river.
The failure of this enterprise was a damper on the spirits of our people, and the enemies of the project crowed louder than ever over our loss. It was considerable of a loss, as the boat cost three thousand dollars, and only sold for three hundred—not to mention the expenses of Mr. Hoyt during the many weeks of his absence.
Not entirely discouraged, however, several parties in this vicinity have been constantly writing to prominent men in Little Rock, in the hopes of reviving the interest in this great project, and our representative in Congress, the Hon. Thomas Ryan, has taken the trouble to work up an appropriation of $30,000 for the purpose of a survey of the river from Little Rock to Wichita—the result of which was, an enterprising and wealthy firm of that city, Messrs. Eisenmayer & Co., together with other gentlemen, exerted themselves in the cause, and chartered a steamboat to make the trip. To do this, quite a sum was made up to protect the boat from loss, and an agent of the firm, Mr. Charles Schierholz, was sent up here to buy old wheat for shipment.
The news that the steamboat “Aunt Sally” had started from Little Rock reached here Tuesday, the 25th of June, and from that time the topic of conversation has been nothing but steamboat. Even now there were many who openly laughed at the idea of a steamboat coming to our city, and considerately informed us that if we held our breath until that boat arrived, it would be a long while ere we breathed.
Those who had been friends to the enterprise hoped on, though hardly daring to express their convictions that their hopes would be realized. “Have you heard anything from the steamboat?” was asked every minute in the day almost, and though the answer was always in the negative, their expectations continued to raise with each passing day.
Last Saturday an Indian brought the startling news that the boat was seen to pass the Osage Agency on Friday, and that it was then past Kaw Agency without a doubt. Still those of little faith ridiculed the possibility of such a thing. Saturday afternoon some even claimed that they heard the whistle of the steamer and everybody was on the qui vive for news. On Sunday morning groups of men could be seen on the houses, with strong field glasses, looking for the tell tale smoke, and at about 9 o’clock, while many were leisurely taking their late Sabbath breakfasts, their ears were startled by a loud, though hoarse, sound in the direction of the river, which men familiar with such sounds instantly recognized as the whistle of a steamboat.
For a space of a minute or two, probably, nothing was heard, when one of the wildest yells that ever ascended to the empyrean rose from all over the town. Everything was confusion, and the men engaged in a mad race for the livery stables, each anxious to secure a conveyance. Soon another and louder whistle from dear old “Aunt Sally” nearly upset everybody within hearing, and the town just cut loose and ran for Harmon’s ford, where the great column of smoke told us the precious receptacle was resting.
Excitement! There wasn’t a sane person in the crowd of three hundred men, women, and children who went stringing down to the water. Arrived at the ford, we saw the long looked for “Aunt Sally.”
There may be nothing wonderful in the appearance of a small river packet, built for the plantation business of the south. Many of the spectators on that Sunday morning have seen some of the handsomest crafts that ever rested on water; have spent days and nights in those magnificent vessels that sail in the great chain of northern lakes, and have crossed the mighty ocean, the while taking their ease in the most superb staterooms that can be fitted up for the convenience of mortals; but we seriously doubt if any of them ever experienced so much pleasure as they did when they gazed on the form of “Aunt Sally,” and realized that the navigation of the Arkansas River was no longer problematical, but an accomplished fact.
Cheer after cheer rent the air, and the crew of eight that had been first to make this trip were received with open arms. Men, who heretofore had been first to church, forgot that this was the Lord’s day, and that the preacher stood in the pulpit waiting to break the bread of life to their hungry souls. For once their spiritual appetites were appeased, and for fear that gnawing sensation, peculiar to famishing souls, would assert itself before they were through with the hand shaking, several buggies were supplied with enough “spirits” to revive the fainting ones. This was a better sermon to the lost of our community than was ever thundered from any pulpit in the land, and one whose effect would be lasting.
After an hour of talking with the river men, everybody was invited on board, and in a few minutes we were placidly gliding along the smooth surface of our beautiful Walnut River. And just imagine our sensations! We felt deliciously; felt as if “our back was buttered, and a convoy of angels, with rainbow-tinted wings, were pouring golden syrup upon our head until it trickled down even into our brogans;” or as if we had been intended for peach marmalade and spoiled in the cooking. Thrills of ecstasying joy coursed through our system like a two-year-old goat going uphill. We felt as though we had been let loose at a picnic dinner before anybody else was in sight. Felt better than after a Saturday night with Col. Bennett, Capt. Leach, and Evarts, the Secretary. In fact, we were felled, stunned, overwhelmed, and dum-fuzzled.
We wanted to see the man who said our river wasn’t navigable, and then wanted to see him slapped into a straight-jacket for lunacy. We wanted to see him kicked by a jackass, though we were willing to let the contract out to someone else. We wanted—pshaw! We didn’t want anything, only to be let severely alone, that we might contemplate upon the future of Arkansas City, that sits on a hill, and from her throne of beauty is yet destined to rule the commercial world of Southern Kansas.
Glancing down the vista of time, and gazing into the now almost certain future, we saw a glorious fulfillment of the promises made in our emigration circulars, and felt that though we had fought for this for years, and against home opposition, too, still we were blessed beyond our desserts. Time and again had our faith weakened, and in despairing tones, we could cry out, “How long, O Lord, how long?” and then we would read a few kind and friendly (!) notices in the Winfield, El Dorado, and Wichita papers relative to a tub at Arkansas City that could float on a heavy dew.
But “he laughs best who laughs last.” Sneak into your holes, you insignificant, twinkling, inland towns, and never dare to stand in the broad, effulgent rays sent forth by a seaport city. Yes, pull your holes in after you, and leave not a trace of your miserable hamlets on the face of the earth. To fetch your metropolitan sportsman down here, and ere he returns he can “a tale unfold that will harrow up your soul, and make each individual hair stand up like quills upon the fretful porcupine.” Then come down yourself and you will go back firm in the belief that “verily, the half had not been told,” you will feel like pulling the “blue gingham apron of the sky” over your pale, dim little phizzes and keeping dark. The supply of greens will even fail, and the dilapidated carcass of the old woman with a case knife will breathe her last in one of your mud puddles, and rolling up her eyes like a dying duck in a thunderstorm, will pass o’er the jasper sea, and her history and yours will be as a tale that is told.
After the trip in the morning, the gentlemen connected with the boat, viz: Captains Barker and Lewis, proprietors; Messrs. Chapman and Smith, pilots; Mr. Colton, citizen of Little Rock, and Mr. Baird were driven uptown, and the crowd stopping at Schiffbauer’s store, the doors were thrown open, and they filed in to partake of—well, there was a general good feeling pervading the people, and they did justice to all that was handed out. By this time the hotel man warned them that it was time for attending to the “solids” required by the inner man, and they repaired to the Central Avenue, the guests of Mr. Chas. Schiffbauer, who sustained the reputation for liberality that this firm has gained.
In the afternoon the country people poured in from all quarters, as the news spread like wild fire that the steamboat was here, and that an excursion would be given at four o’clock.
At the appointed time the banks on either side of the river were lined with those anxious for a trip on the first steamboat that ever came up to Arkansas City.
At five o’clock the boat shoved off, with three hundred and seventeen persons aboard, and gave them a delightful voyage, while our brass band favored them with some of the finest music they had. Truly it was a pleasant sight, and an occasion long to be remembered by the participants.
The day ended as quietly as it had begun, and with the exception that the people were gathered in groups, earnestly discussing the pros and cons of the case, no one would have supposed anything unusual had occurred.
And now for the boat and the trip from Little Rock. The “Aunt Sally” (God bless her!) is a regular river packet heretofore plying between Perryville, Arkansas, and Little Rock, carrying cotton mostly. Her length is 85 feet, width 18 feet, and she draws 12 inches light and 18 inches loaded. At the registering office at Memphis she is registered at a capacity of 65 tons. She is owned by Captains Barker and Lewis, both of whom are river men of large experience. They left Little Rock on Tuesday, 18th inst., and reached Ft. Smith the Friday following, a distance of 280 or 300 miles. Left Ft. Smith on Friday, the 21st, and reached this place Sunday morning, the 31st of June, though they could have been here Saturday night as well. The report of every man on board the boat is that they had no difficulty in coming up, and they were surprised a steamer had not been up here years ago. The current is strong and swift, but with a boat built especially for a trade with this part of the country, they could make a round trip in eighteen days. In coming from Ft. Smith here they ran but 107 hours, and estimate the distance at about 450 or 500 miles.
The plan in navigating this river is to run a line of barges. A solid, compact boat, with a powerful engine, could make a fortune soon in plying between this point and Little Rock. The fact is self-evident, yet a few figures may not be uninteresting. The pine flooring which our people buy costs but $15 per thousand in Little Rock, and we have to pay $60 for the same quality at Wichita. Pressed hay cannot be bought there for less than $15 or $18 per ton, while we can lay it down at the wharf here for $5. Corn is worth 60 cents per bushel there, and in two months you can buy all you want for fifteen cents per bushel. Again, the towns around here and the agencies south of us in the Territory create a demand for an immense amount of groceries, etc., which trade Little Rock may as well have as to let St. Louis have it, while the saving in freight would buy a boat or two in a little while.
But there is no need of enlarging upon the benefits from an outlet by water. The people must see it in this light, and ere long we shall see a regular line of steamers plying between Little Rock and Arkansas City. Amen.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.
IF YOU WANT to sell your bacon, you had better bring it in to Schiffbauer Bros. & Co., or they will have to send East for it, as they want a large quantity.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.
HOOP IT UP, LIZA JANE! Green Front is now a thing of the past, and waves no more; but we need not tell where we are, for everyone knows already, that they can find us and our low prices just across the street in the brick. Come and see us often. Respectfully,
Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.
4 lbs. soda, 5 lbs. coffee, 9 lbs. choice brown sugar, etc., for one dollar at Schiffbauer Bros. & Co.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.
THINGS WERE LIVELY on the Walnut soon after the arrival of the steamer “Aunt Sally” on Sunday, but nothing compared with the rush to Schiffbauer Bros. & Co. after the arrival of their caravan of new goods.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.
NEARLY every team in the country for the past week has been busy—“loaded for Schiffbauer,” being the universal cry. That firm has been shipping lumber to Ponca Agency, and employs all the teams they can get.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.
JAMES RIDENOUR is now fixed in Schiffbauer’s new room, and is prepared to do all work in his line. There isn’t a better jeweler and engraver than Jim in Southern Kansas, added to which is the fact that a better or more accommodating man never breathed.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.
OH, MY! Where are all those folks going? Why to Schiffbauer Bros. & Co. to buy the best groceries and hardware at bed rock prices.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.
AUNT SALLY is gone, but Schiffbauer boys are still on hand with bargains for every one.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.
SCHIFFBAUERS have sent thirteen teams to the railroad for the bridge material. Two loads came in last Monday.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 31, 1878.
FOR SALE. A Furst & Bradley sulky plow, nearly new, for 2 or 3 horses. Cheap at Schiffbauer Bros. & Co.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 7, 1878.
F. P. SCHIFFBAUER drives the “toniest” team in town.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.
SCHIFFBAUER, BROS. & CO. want corn and oats.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.
WANTED. Three good girls to do the house work in small families. Apply at Schiffbauer Bros. Store.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.
BUTTER, EGGS, AND BACON wanted by Schiffbauer Bros. & Co.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878.
BACON. Schiffbauer Bros. are paying nine cents for bacon. Bring it in.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878.
First Boat to arrive with a full load of Staple and Fancy Groceries FROM NEW ORLEANS.
Also, a large assortment of Glass and Queensware, Hardware, and Agricultural Implements of all kinds by the first train from New York, for
and will be sold at astonishingly low prices.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 28, 1878.
BROS. & CO.,
and Fancy Groceries,
Also, a large and complete stock of
are Agents for the
DRILL, Best in the Market,
the celebrated
Ahead of all others. We keep on hand at all times a full and complete assortment of goods in the above lines, which we will sell at astonishingly low prices, for Cash. On agricultural implements, we give satisfactory time. Parties will do well to call and see us before purchasing elsewhere.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878.
Schiffbauer Bros. received one car load of salt and one car load of wagons this week, besides groceries and hardware.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.
For a nice sugar-cured ham, fresh groceries of all kinds received daily, call on Schiffbauer Bros. & Co. at the “little brick” store.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.
The best and most goods for the least money at Schiffbauer Bros’. Anything from a curry-comb to a threshing machine.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.
Twenty-five farm wagons were hauled in town Monday for Schiffbauer Bros. and twelve have been sold already.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.
Frank Schiffbauer and wife returned from a trip to Ft. Sill and the several Indian Agencies last week. Mr. A. C. Williams returned with them.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 25, 1878.
WICHITA SOAP. Hoyt & Speers and Schiffbauer Bros. keep the celebrated Wichita Soap. Four bars for a quarter.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.
Chas. Schiffbauer was called to Winfield last Saturday, he being one of the gentlemen delegated to count the money in the county treasurer’s possession.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.
Mr. Charles Schiffbauer now carries a handsome and unique cane made from the cactus plant. It is a present from an appreciative friend in Kansas City, and is ornamented with a silver head.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.
We would again call attention to the miserable condition of the old portion of the Arkansas River bridge. The floor is thoroughly rotten, and it is positively dangerous for a team to cross while it is in this condition. Charley Schiffbauer’s horse came near breaking its leg because of stepping through one of the many holes, last Sunday, in that portion of the bridge. It is a disgrace to the township at present, and should be immediately and thoroughly repaired.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 9, 1878.
We again call the attention of everybody in the city and country to the fact that the building of the steamboat is progressing steadily, and desire to call particular attention to the fact that these parties deserve such aid as the farmers and city feel that they can give. Farmers desiring to donate wheat can deliver it to Messrs. Schiffbauer Bros. & Co., or to Wm. Speers at the mill—not to be delivered to the parties building the boat until the boat is ready for her first trip. She will be loaded, and her first trip down the river will be an attempt to reach Little Rock with a load of wheat.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.
HIGHEST cash price for dry and green hides at Schiffbauer’s grocery.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.
Sale of Eckles’ horse, wagon, etc., on Schiffbauer’s execution, Saturday, Oct. 26th.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.
Judge McDonald attended the Schiffbauer-Eckles trial last Friday as attorney for Schiffbauer Bros. & Co.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.
Twenty teams driven by Ponca Indians were loaded with corn and oats by Schiffbauer Bros. last Friday.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.
Donations of grain for the steamboat can be left with Schiffbauer & Co., to be loaded on the boat when she is ready to move.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.
The trial of Schiffbauer Bros. against Eckles, for attempting to abscond to defraud creditors, resulted in a verdict for the plaintiff. Judge McDonald appeared for the Messrs. Schiffbauer, and Mitchell and Walton were attorneys for the defendant.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.
Schiffbauer’s grocery is becoming a power in the land. The amount of grain, hides, and produce they handle is astonishing, and they have almost supplied the northern part of the Territory with groceries this fall.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.
Some thieves came into town Monday night and stole one pair of boots, one pair of shoes, and a box of sweet potatoes from Houghton & Mantor, and relieved Lafe McLaughlin of a can of oysters and three pair of gloves. They then adjourned to Frank Schiffbauer’s and helped themselves to a set of harness, curry comb, and brush. The men were seen in the early part of the evening, and will probably be identified.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 6, 1878.
Some of them call it Sniff builders; and Sniff balls, but it is Schiffbauer’s all the same where the people all go, to get good bargains you know, and that’s so, by joe.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 20, 1878.
Wheat for the boat can be delivered at Schiffbauer Bros. store.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 27, 1878.
An ox train of twelve wagons passed through town on Friday evening, on their way to Ft. Sill. They were loaded with flour that our enterprising townsman, A. A. Newman, had contracted to supply the Indian service. After taking on a quantity of groceries at Schiffbauer’s, they camped on the south side of town. Now is the time to strike for the Santa Fe railroad.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1878.
MARRIED. At Kansas City, Missouri, December 2nd, 1878, Charles Schiffbauer, of Arkansas City, Kansas, and Miss Mary Chamberlain, of the former city. The happy couple left immediately for St. Louis, and will be absent until about the Holidays.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 25, 1878.
Charles Schiffbauer returned from Kansas City last Thursday with a bride. Charles is gay and festive as usual.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 25, 1878.
All persons indebted to Schiffbauer Bros. & Co. must settle their accounts before Jan. 1st, 1879, or action will be commenced immediately thereafter. This is fair warning.
Respectfully, SCHIFFBAUER BROS. & CO.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 15, 1879.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 15, 1879.
Choice Oat meal at Schiffbauer Bros.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 15, 1879.
Still they come. Another car load of fine salt at Schiffbauer Bros. Very cheap.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 29, 1879.
Wish to inform their patrons that they are in the field with all the latest Improved Machinery in the Market. They hold the CELEBRATED NICHOLS & SHEPARD VIBRATOR THRESHING MACHINE, Which all must acknowledge the most Perfect Grain Saving Machine in the Market. They are also Agents for the J. I. CASE MACHINE.
HAPGOOD, which comprise all the Leading Sulkies in the Market All of which we Warrant to do GOOD WORK OR NO SALE!.
IN GRAIN DRILLS, -WE HAVE THE- SUCKER STATE, which has given Universal Satisfaction wherever tried. We offer the above at Less Figures than any House in
We also keep constantly on hand a full Stock of Shelf Hardware and Garden Tools. And Last but not Least, we will say that we are -Absolute- HEADQUARTERS -FOR- GROCERIES AND QUEENSWARE.
WE DEFY COMPETITION in this Line, and every fair-minded Farmer will tell you that the prices of this line of goods very materially changed soon after our opening doors in your market.
Soliciting a call from you before making your purchases, we are Very Truly Yours,
Arkansas City Traveler, February 5, 1879.
Schiffbauer Bros. received from the Smith Wagon Company, of Pekin, Illinois, three large log wagons, made to order, for the Ponca Agency. They have also just received a car load of farming implements of all kinds.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 26, 1879.
We wish to call the attention of parents to a bad practice followed by some of the town boys. The window lights in the TRAVELER office, also the lights in the stores occupied by both Schiffbauer and O. P. Houghton have recently been broken by boys throwing shot from slings carried for amusement.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 19, 1879.
T. H. McLaughlin is preparing to build a dwelling on the corner directly south of Frank Schiffbauer’s.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 19, 1879.
The old building on the corner west of the TRAVELER office will be removed onto the vacant lots between Godehard’s and Frank Schiffbauer’s, where it will be repaired for a dwelling.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 19, 1879.
We want Butter, Eggs, and Oats. SCHIFFBAUER BROS.
City Traveler, March 26, 1879.
1000 bushels potatoes wanted at SCHIFFBAUER BROS. for cash.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 26, 1879.
Please stop and figure a little with us on Implements as you go along, and if we can’t knock the sand from under any offer you have had, we don’t ask your trade. Cost is all we want. Find us at P. O. SCHIFFBAUER BROS.
City Traveler, April 2, 1879
SCHIFFBAUER BROS. have a new safe, weighing 2,000 pounds.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 9, 1879.
If you have any sorghum for sale, bring it to SCHIFFBAUER BROS.
City Traveler, April 16, 1879
Chas. Schiffbauer has purchased the Berry property.
City Traveler, April 16, 1879
Frank Schiffbauer just returned from a successful trip to the Territory looking up trade. We are headquarters for Territory trade, and don’t forget it.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 30, 1879.
Seven teams loaded last week at Schiffbauer Bros. with supplies for the Territory.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 28, 1879.
Estate Transfers.
N. J. Fullerlove and wife to Schiffbauer Bros., lts. 24, 25 and 26, blk. 72, Ark. City.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 28, 1879
If the man who examined the empty razor case at Schiffbauer’s on Monday last will return, he can see the razor he desired.
City Traveler, June 11, 1879.
Frank Schiffbauer, and wife, went down to the Pawnee Agency last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 11, 1879.
Schiffbauer Bro’s. have built the largest corn crib in the valley, are paying the highest market price for corn.
City Traveler, June 18, 1879.
just opened in-
the Post Office, a Large Stock
-OF STATIONERY, Together with
a full assortment of LEGAL BLANKS, All of which will be sold cheaper than Ever
Before for Cash. Call and see me.
City Traveler, June 18, 1879.
in your Old Corn to Schiffbauer Bros. if you want to get rid of it this year.
leave all your wealth for descendants to quarrel over, but spend some for
Choice Groceries at Schiffbauer Bros.
BRING IN YOUR CORN. We want 1,500 bushels of corn, for which we will pay MORE THAN ANY ONE ELSE IN THE CITY, either in cash or in trade. Yours respectfully,
Arkansas City Traveler, June 18, 1879.
Mr. Frank Schiffbauer returned from the Pawnee Agency last week and he states that the report through the country to the effect that the Pawnees had joined the Cheyennes to go north is without foundation. Everything is quiet down there and the Pawnees are at home. The effort that is being made, on the part of shysters, to get up an Indian scare is too thin to alarm an old woman. “Let us have peace.”
Arkansas City Traveler, July 2, 1879.
A car load of Salt just arrived and for sale at
Arkansas City Traveler, July 2, 1879.
FINE BREECH LOADING GUNS at very low prices.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 2, 1879.
Syrup at Schiffbauer Bros.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 2, 1879.
the Walnut Valley Baking Powder. Schiffbauer Bros. has it.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 2, 1879.
to Schiffbauer Bros. for Horse Radish Powder. Only 30c. a bottle.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 9, 1879.
Don’t fail to call on Schiffbauer Bros. for the famous Sucker State Drill, 10 percent cheaper than you can get them in the State.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 9, 1879.
All this way to Schiffbauer Bros. for one of the St. John Sewing Machines. These machines have gained such a reputation that we cannot supply the demand. Come at once if you wish to be served at the POST OFFICE.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 9, 1879.
Sulky Plow, nearly new, for sale, cash or plowing. Call at the Post Office.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 13, 1879 - Front Page.
In the Chicago Commercial Advertiser of July 31, we find the following account of our thriving city.
[Part of a long article]...describing buildings, etc., in Arkansas City.
They have some fine commercial buildings, notably the Newman block, 22 x 100 feet, with O. P. Houghton’s heavy general stock below and the elegantly finished and furnished Masonic hall, jointly occupied by the Blue Lodge and Chapter, above. The Channell & Haywood stone building, 24 x 100 feet, with basement, and occupied by Schiffbauer Bros., with general hardware, is in many respects the finest mercantile building in the valley.
Schiffbauer Bros. & Co. have a very heavy and complete stock of heavy and shelf hardware, stoves, tin and copper ware, and kindred goods. Their aggregate sales are heavy, and they are pronounced one of the strongest mercantile concerns of the county.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 13, 1879.
Messrs. Charles and Frank Schiffbauer and wives went to Caldwell last Sunday. Frank and the two ladies returned on Monday, but Charley is now taking in all the agencies and trading posts between Caldwell and Ft. Sill. The object of this trip is to induce the contractors and traders throughout that section to freight their goods by way of Arkansas City upon the completion of the Santa Fe road to this point instead of sending it from Wichita through Sumner County. Mr. Schiffbauer is confident that if the local freight for the lower country can be started this way, it will be an easy matter to secure the government freighting business, and he will offer the parties concerned such figures as to make it an inducement for them to ship by way of our city. This trade would be a big thing for Arkansas City, and we heartily wish the firm abundant success in their undertaking. These gentlemen have paid special attention of late to forwarding supplies to points in the Territory, and are always on the alert for any scheme that will increase the business of the town.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 20, 1879.
Charles Schiffbauer returned from the Territory last Monday night.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 3, 1879.
Schiffbauer Bros. received a car load of Smith wagons last week, and they are going off like hot cakes. They are selling drills at actual cost, to clear them out.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 24, 1879.
Dr. Loomis has leased the lot north of Schiffbauer’s brick store, and will remove the old building and erect a new one, into which he will move his stock of drugs.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 3, 1879.
To our customers and farmers we would say that we have just received an immense stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries fresh from the market, and we propose to sell them cheaper than ever heard of in the history of the valley. We have bought them so we can do all we claim, and you need only to call and be convinced that we mean what we say. Hoping to be favored with a call from one and all We remain yours truly, SCHIFFBAUER BROS.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 10, 1879.
Mrs. Charles Schiffbauer has a sister here on a visit.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 10, 1879.
SUPPER TABLE: Mrs. J. I. Mitchell, Mrs. R. C. Haywood, Mrs. Dr. Chapel, Mrs. S. P. Channell, Mrs. C. Schiffbauer, Mrs. Matlack, Mrs. Howard, Mrs. E. B. Kager, Mrs. Dr. Kellogg, Mrs. T. H. McLaughlin, Mrs. J. T. Shepard.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 24, 1879.
TAKE HEED. All accounts and notes due must be settled at our store on or before January 1st, 1880, or they will be put in the hands of a lawyer without further notice.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1880.
Mr. H. Schiffbauer, of Atchison County, Kansas, is visiting his brothers, C. and F. P. Schiffbauer, of this place.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1880.
Charles Tollman will commence on Monday to buy wheat. Office at Schiffbauer Bros.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1880.
Highest cash prices paid for all kinds of grain by
At Schiffbauer Bro.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1880.
Why don’t Charley Schiffbauer put that pile of brick into a neat residence?
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1880.
A pleasant surprise was given last Saturday night in honor of Miss Chamberlain, of Kansas City, who was here on a visit to her sister, Mrs. Charles Schiffbauer. A party of friends captured the house, and music and dancing and good cheer were the order of the evening.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1880.
Two trappers came in from the Territory, sold their traps to Schiffbauer Bros., and started east on Tuesday morning’s train.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1880.
Mr. Chamberlain, of Kansas City, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Charles Schiffbauer.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 10, 1880.
Schiffbauer Bros. for merchandise, $5.30, referred to Finance Committee.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 24, 1880.
of cash received by the City Clerk since March 15th, 1879, to March 14th, 1880,
both inclusive.
1880: Sept. 16: Schiffbauer Bros., merchandise: $6.30
[Note: The following is taken from a long article.]
City Traveler, March 31, 1880
City, Kas., March 28, 1880.
MR. EDITOR: As an expression of public sentiment regarding the recent removal of the post office appears to be in order, allow me the privilege, through your paper, to express my views on this would be all absorbing topic.
The present location was secured and fitted up expressly for the post office with an eye singular to that purpose, and to judge from general appearance no pains were spared to render it in every particular convenient for the public.
On the other hand, the office, as everyone who was cognizant with its former location, was not in a proper place by any means, being back in the rear end of a large mercantile house where the patrons of the office were compelled to seek their mail amid piles of merchandise, stacks of flour, bacon, and rows of barrels containing salt, molasses, coal oil, etc.
I do not make mention of this through any disparagement toward the Messrs. Schiffbauer as it was the right and privilege of these gentlemen to have and keep those articles on sale in their store, but to more fully illustrate the unfitness of the former location.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 21, 1880.
Last Sunday was a day long to be remembered by the citizens of Arkansas City. The morning promised a nice day, but soon the wind began to blow at a lively rate from the south and by noon had almost reached a gale, changing to the west. Its fury did not abate until near sundown, when it changed around to the north and became more calm.
In looking over the damage done, we find it extends pretty well over the City. During the entire day the air was dense with flying sand and dust.
The awning in front of the Newman building and Schiffbauer Bros. store was blown to pieces; and in falling, broke five of the large plate glass in the front, which cost $15 each, beside the glass in the door.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1880.
A CARD. We would respectfully inform our many patrons that having taken advantage of the recent cut in freights to lay in one of the largest and best stocks of groceries, hardware, etc., ever brought to this point, we are now prepared to offer better inducements to those needing goods in our line than ever before. An inspection of our stock and prices is solicited before purchasing elsewhere. Thanking our patrons for past favors and hoping for a continuance of the same, we are respectfully yours, SCHIFFBAUER BROS.
P.S. Remember you will no longer be “embarrassed” by the presence of the Post Office in our store.
City Traveler, April 28, 1880.
Has Removed to First Door
Schiffbauer Bro.
City Traveler, April 28, 1880.
Bear in mind that you can buy Hardware, Farming Tools, Agricultural Implements, Groceries, Flour, Feed, etc., cheaper at Schiffbauer Bros. than of any firm south of Wichita.
and examine our stock of Cutlery, Revolvers, and General Merchandise. If you need anything in our line don’t fail to give us a call,
we will guarantee satisfaction in all cases. We are prepared to sell you Hardware cheaper than ever before, and don’t you forget it; but try us and you will
Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1880.
NORTH POLISH. A fountain of joy for the solace of suffering humanity during the prospective heated term, and the dispensing of soda water and other arctic refreshments was started last week by Shepard & Maxwell at their new store north of Schiffbauer’s grocery. The weather being warm and the sweetened wind being dished out gratis, it is needless to remark that business was real lively for awhile. The fountain is of very elegant design and perfect in all its appointments and speaks well for the taste and enterprise of this firm.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 5, 1880.
Mrs. F. P. Schiffbauer, who has been suffering from an attack of bilious fever for several days past, we are happy to say, is now convalescent.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 5, 1880.
Schiffbauer Bros. have shipped several carloads of bones from this place during the past week, and have a wagon train loaded with the same kind of “script” now on its way here.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 12, 1880.
St. Beard’s ox-train, loaded with bones for Schiffbauer Bros., arrived in town last Thursday from the Territory.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 12, 1880.
Frank Schiffbauer says it don’t make much difference whether there’s a bottom in a bridge or not if you don’t know it.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 19, 1880.
Twelve teams were loaded for Cheyenne Agency last week by Schiffbauer Brothers.
City Traveler, May 19, 1880.
HARDWARE is coming down! For particulars go to SCHIFFBAUER BROS.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 9, 1880.
L. Kokonut, who recently drove a herd of cattle to Coffeyville, while on the road, came in and purchased a large bill of supplies of Schiffbauer Bros. He expressed himself very much surprised at the showing made by our town and at the accommodations it afforded to all needing supplies of any kind.
City Traveler, June 16, 1880.
Schiffbauer Bros. have something real cheap in the way of drills. Farmers should give them a call if wanting anything in that line.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 16, 1880.
Capt. Robeson, U. S. A., and company, after buying supplies of Schiffbauer Bros., started south yesterday, we presume on the lookout for Oklahomaites.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 16, 1880.
Frank Schiffbauer had a set of harness returned to him yesterday morning, which was stolen about a year ago, with a note saying: “dont accus The inosent.”
It was signed “G. C. R.”
Arkansas City Traveler, July 14, 1880.
The Schiffbauer Brothers are doing a brisk and constantly increasing trade with the Territory, and hardly a day passes but they load several wagons for distant points west or south.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 28, 1880.
Mrs. Frank Schiffbauer is in town from Hunnewell, visiting friends and relatives.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1880.
Schiffbauers have a new style clothes wringer. It’s a “boss.”
Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1880.
The gentle boys have been having some more fun at Hunnewell. On Tuesday of last week a drunken Texas cowboy was setting in front of Schiffbauer’s store, and seeing a barrel of coal oil on the sidewalk, he thought it would be so much fun to shoot at it, which he did forthwith. As the oil spurted out he fired again, and continued shooting until the oil was streaming from the barrel in five different places. He then broke three large panes of glass, and rolling his eyes around, declared “he hadn’t had so much fun for a year.” The foregoing little pleasantless, together with his losing a new revolver, cost the gentleman the snug sum of $50. Some of these fine days a cowboy will run against the biggest kind of a stump when he attempts to show himself off in the above style. Some men won’t tolerate it.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1880.
Schiffbauer Bros. supplied the “rusty hardware” for the new bank building.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1880.
Hunnewell now has a post office of its very own, with Frank Schiffbauer as postmaster. We congratulate Frank upon his appointment, and hope in his case the pay will be commensurate with the work done. We’ll be fooled if it does, though.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 8, 1880.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schiffbauer of Hunnewell spent Sunday last in the City. Frank reports business in Hunnewell for the past week as pretty good, over ten thousand head of cattle being shipped East from there in that time.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 15, 1880.
Mr. Frank Schiffbauer was brought in from Hunnewell last Friday evening, suffering considerably from neuralgia of the bowels. His many friends will be glad to learn that under good medical treatment he is rapidly convalescing.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 22, 1880.
McLaughlin Bros. have for some time run a free delivery wagon in connection with their grocery house, and now comes the firm of Schiffbauer Bros., with a brand new wagon for the same purpose. You can send your children uptown now after groceries and have the same delivered to any part of town without extra charge.
City Traveler, September 22, 1880.
AT COST. Walking Plows and Drills for the next thirty days, in order to reduce our stock, at Schiffbauer Bros.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 29, 1880.
Charley Schiffbauer has quit trying to blow out matches with his hat. Some fellow is likely to be standing on the outside watching all such proceedings.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 29, 1880.
One of the old-time jollifications was had last Saturday night at the Central Avenue hotel. J. C. Bennett, the favorite commercial man on the road, who travels in the interest of that well-known house, Ridenour & Baker, ordered a bountiful supply of fresh oysters, which came in on the evening train, and inviting several friends in, a jovial time was had.
company, among whom were John Powers and I. P. Burrell, of St. Joe, Charles
Schiffbauer, J. E. Miller (the Santa Fe conductor), C. M. Scott, Fred Farrar,
and “yours truly,” after successfully surrounding the select oysters, gathered
in the office and while away the hours smoking some of Bennett’s best cigars
and telling the most select yarns, culled from all parts of the globe. It was
an evening long to be remembered, and the “boys” left the next day with a warm
spot in their hearts for the Arkansas City fellows, while all unite in a vote
of thanks to that prince of good fellows, Mr. Bennett, whose guests we were. We
hope to meet them all again soon, and if you’ll keep quiet long enough, we’ll
try the “jack” story again.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 13, 1880.
Mrs. Chas. Schiffbauer returned from her visit to Kansas City last Saturday.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 20, 1880.
Frank Schiffbauer and wife, and Ed. Shepard, of Hunnewell, made the city a visit last Sunday. They returned on Monday morning.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 27, 1880.
“Turkish Parole.” For further particulars, see Schiffbauer Bros.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1880.
Next Saturday the fulfilling of a wager made between Charlie Schiffbauer and Dennis Harkins will take place as a result of the presidential election, the loser agreeing to carry the winner upon his back down the center of Summit street from Central to Fifth avenue.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 8, 1880.
On last Saturday, Dec. 4, Mrs. Frank Schiffbauer lost a fur boa, about six feet in length, on the Shoo Fly road, between the Arkansas River bridge and the residence of Mr. Wilson. Finder will be rewarded by leaving the same at Schiffbauer’s store.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 15, 1880.
Mrs. McConnell, of Kansas City, spent Sunday and Monday of this week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schiffbauer.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 12, 1881.
At a Sheriff sale in Winfield last Saturday, Schiffbauer Bros. bought 15,000 cigars. They are of fine flavor, and purchased as they were at a discount, the boys are enabled to offer an extra good article for a small price.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1881.
We will close out our stock of agricultural implements and shelf hardware at cost. Now is your time, and don’t you forget the place. SCHIFFBAUER BROS.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 9, 1881.
We are pleased to see Frank Schiffbauer, of Schiffbauer Bros., with us once more, they having removed their stock of groceries at Hunnewell to this city during the past week.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 9, 1881.
WANTED! Teams to go to Cheyenne Agency, by SCHIFFBAUER BROS.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 11, 1881.
LADD’s Celebrated Tobacco Sheep Dip, warranted to cure scab and kill sheep lice. Is not poisonous. For sale by Schiffbauer Bros.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 11, 1881.
WOOL SACKS and twine at Schiffbauer Bros.
Gen. McNeil Passes
Through With Otoe and Missouria Chiefs.
City Traveler, May 18, 1881.
On last Thursday Gen. McNeil, accompanied by four chiefs of the Otoe and Missouria tribes, Interpreter Batiste Deroin, and their trader, Capt. F. M. Barnes, arrived in town en route for the Territory, whither they were bound for the purpose of looking up a location for their tribes, numbering some seven or eight hundred. These Indians have been occupying a reservation ten by six miles in extent, in Gage County, Nebraska, but the Government desires to locate them in the Territory.
Frank Schiffbauer accompanied the party, which left on Friday morning for a visit to different Agencies in the Nation, and will probably be absent some ten or fifteen days, during which time they will be shown the most desirable parts of the vacant land, and will probably select their future home. These Indians have been living under the influence of civilization for several years, and their settlement in this vicinity would be a benefit all around, in the way of business, etc.
Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.
Gen. John McNeil with four Otoe Chiefs and F. M. Barnes, Trader, arrived in this city last Friday, and Saturday morning, with Frank Schiffbauer as guide, proceeded to the Indian Territory to spy out a reservation for the tribe. These Chiefs represent the different bands composing the tribe, and if they are satisfied with the country (they seem to be), the whole outfit will “migrate” to this locality in a short time. The General is of the opinion that they will want to be located as near the State line as possible, and will probably pick out a reservation in close proximity to the Nez Perces and Poncas. The tribe numbers between eight and twelve hundred, and if located near this point, will add much to the trade of our city. This is a good move, and we hope Uncle Sam will keep it up until every tribe on the Continent is located in the Territory. If we cannot have it opened up or a railroad through it, let it be filled up with Indians, so we can derive some benefit from it.
Valley Democrat.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 25, 1881.
Schiffbauer Bros. handled over 3,000 pounds of Cowley County wool during the past week.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 25, 1881.
Mrs. S. Chamberlain, of Kansas City, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Charles Schiffbauer, and will probably spend the summer months in our city.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 25, 1881.
That for Groceries, first-class in quality, fair prices and variety of stock, McLaughlin Bros., Wyckoff & Son, S. J. Mantor, S. Matlack, Schiffbauer Bros., H. Godehard, Benedict & Kimmel, the renowned Diamond Front, and Ware & Blakeney’s cannot be beat anywhere in the southwest.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 1, 1881.
Gen. McNeil, in whose charge were the delegation of the Otoe and Missouri Chiefs, who passed through here two weeks since, returned to the city last Friday. Frank Schiffbauer, who piloted the party, while in the Nation, accompanied the General on his return. The Indians with their trader, Capt. Barnes, arrived on Monday, and immediately left on the cars for Washington. The final location of the Indians will be made, of course, by the Secretary of the Interior, yet the Indians have expressed a decided preference for the Territory laying south of Red Rock, some seven miles from the crossing, and it is fair to presume that their preferences will be regarded, and the tribe located in that vicinity.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 8, 1881.
We will close out our stock of agricultural implements and shelf hardware at cost. Now is your time, and don’t you forget the place. Schiffbauer Bros.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 8, 1881.
GROCERIES, at bottom prices.
PLOWS from $7 to $12.
FRESH GROCERIES are received daily.
CALL on Schiffbauer Bro’s., who are agents for the celebrated J. I. Case & Co.’s, Eclipse and Agitator Separators and mounted and down Powers and Steam Engines.
Agents for James Leffell Water wheels, Globes, and Pen stocks. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Respectfully, SCHIFFBAUER BRO’S.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 15, 1881.
Byron Bowers, of the Hunnewell Bank, accompanied by his wife and Mrs. Clarkson, of Kansas City, were in town last Sunday visiting their friends, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schiffbauer.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 22, 1881.
J. D. Miles, of the Cheyenne Agency, was in town Monday, and in company with Charles Schiffbauer, left for Ponca Agency yesterday morning.
City Traveler, July 27, 1881.
Miss Chamberlain, of Kansas City, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Charles Schiffbauer, of this city.
Winfield Courier, July 28, 1881.
Stephen Marsh has accepted a position at Schiffbauer Bro., Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 10, 1881.
Mr. James Topliff has leased the building lately vacated by the Central Drug Store, and situated between the Creswell Bank and Schiffbauer’s Grocery, and will remove the Post Office thereto sometime before the first of September. This will put the Post Office on East Summit Street again.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 17, 1881.
After spending the evening with some friends, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schiffbauer wandered back toward their cosy little home in the west part of town. On approaching they saw a glimmering light through the window, and it was evident that their house had been entered in their absence. Frank was unarmed, but he was no coward, and realizing that the matter called for prompt action, at once determined to make a desperate stand in defense of his home. They approached arm in arm and suddenly entered the room. In the confusion that followed no blood was shed, but Mr. and Mrs. Schiffbauer were taken captive by several dozen of their young friends in the city. It was amusing to see Frank pull for the back room and begin to arrange his neck tie, etc., but that was soon done and they at once set about to see what they could do for their jolly captors.
On investigating the premises, however, they found that little was to be done, as Miss Chamberlain, the schemer to this splendid surprise had, in their absence, made all necessary arrangements, and under the trees in the yard, an excellent dance floor was laid. The yard itself was decorated with hanging lanterns, and about 10 o’clock, the youth and beauty of our city were assembled there. The dance continued for some hours, under the most silvery moon you ever saw, shining its best. The refreshments were bountiful and excellent. Dancing, music, and feasting was the order of the evening, and Mr. and Mrs. Schiffbauer and Miss Chamberlain, with their genial good ways, made us all feel at our ease, and glad that we had come. Somewhere about midnight the crowd began to disperse for their homes, all well pleased, and wishing the evening many happy returns.
Much credit is due Miss Chamberlain for the splendid manner in which she executed her little surprise scheme, and to the host and hostess for the genial treatment of their guests. It was simply the affair of the season, and as the days go on we shall all remember, with pleasure, that happy August evening, of 1881, at Mrs. Schiffbauer’s.
City Traveler, August 24, 1881.
220 acres on State Line, 100 acres under cultivation, 90 acres pasture, 3 wire fences. House—2 rooms, good well, and young orchard; will sell or trade for stock; will give 4 years time on half, at 8 percent interest. Call on or address
F. P. SCHIFFBAUER, Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 31, 1881.
The Post Office is now located between the Creswell Bank and Schiffbauer Bros. grocery, on East Summit Street.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 14, 1881.
We regret to state that Miss Lillie Chamberlain and her sister, Mrs. Schiffbauer, were summoned to Leavenworth by telegraph, to attend the sick bed of their father, on Thursday last.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 14, 1881.
The farewell party, given by Miss Lillie Chamberlain at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schiffbauer, on Tuesday evening of last week, was one of the grandest events of the season. The full moon shown down like an immense headlight, viewing apparently, with the many Chinese lanterns that were pendant from the surrounding trees, making the scene resemble that of fairy land rather than reality.
After some time spent in promenading through the beautiful grove of fruit and forest trees, the party’s attention was directed to an immense platform prepared for the occasion, where Prof. Farringer, with the string band of Winfield, had taken position, and in a few moments it was filled with youth and beauty gliding through the graceful movements of the easy quadrille and mazy waltz. A gorgeous repast followed, then with spirits overjoyed, each of the party instituted all manner of fun and mirth, which had to be seen to be appreciated. Mr. Matlack produced a novel figure in the terpsichorean art that few ever witnessed before, while Cal. Swarts furnished the music. To say it was an enjoyable affair don’t half express it, and for one, we hope to have the pleasure of again meeting Miss Chamberlain and her many friends under like circumstances. The Cornet Band did their best and filled the night air with delightful sounds for which the hostess came forward, and in the most charming manner, expressed her appreciation and thanked them for their kindness.
The following ladies and gentlemen participated.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Schiffbauer.
Mr. and Mrs. James I. Huey.
Mr. and Mrs. Mead.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Matlack.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Farrar.
Mr. and Mrs. Capt. O. Ingersoll.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Houghton.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Sherburne.
Mr. and Mrs. Wyard E. Gooch.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Grubbs.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Speers.
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Benedict.
Mr. and Mrs. James Benedict.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Schiffbauer.
Mrs. James Wilson.
Mrs. Alexander.
Mrs. C. R. Sipes.
Mary Parker.
Susie L. Hunt.
Anna Belle Cassell.
Lizzie Wyckoff.
Mattie F. Mitchell.
Julia Deming.
Lucy Walton.
May Benedict.
Kathleen Hawkins.
Annie Norton.
Grace Gardner.
Mabel Ayres.
M. B. Vawter.
Dr. Jamison Vawter.
J. D. C. O’Grady.
C. L. Swarts.
Charles M. Swarts.
Fred W. Farrar.
Joseph D. Houston.
John Kroenert.
Charles U. France.
Showman D. Longsdorff.
James C. Topliff.
William D. Mowry.
Cyrus M. Scott.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 21, 1881.
The Schiffbauer Bros. have received the contract for the erection of buildings at the Otoe Agency, Indian Territory. Mr. C. Schiffbauer is absent in Nebraska now.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 5, 1881.
the Way.
From a letter to the Schiffbauer Bros., of our city, from Capt. Thos. H. Handbury, of the corps of engineers, now stationed at Little Rock, Arkansas, under date of September 23rd, we clip the following.
“In the course of a few days, now, the new snag boat, `Wichita,’ which has been built for service in the Arkansas River, between Fort Smith, Arkansas, and Wichita, Kansas, will set out from this place for her field of duty. In due time it is hoped that she will reach your city and open up a channel of commerce which will greatly benefit the merchants and farmers of your vicinity, as well as those on the river below.”
boat is under the command of Captain Joseph Evins, who will, upon his arrival
here, take charge of the flat boats and other Government property left in the
hands of Messrs. Schiffbauer last winter. We trust that the initial trip of the
“Wichita” may be fruitful to good results, and her coming will be anxiously
looked for from this time on.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 12, 1881.
Best in the world for Cattle, and curing meats, at $2.50 per barrel at Schiffbauer Bro’s.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 19, 1881.
Mrs. Charles Schiffbauer returned from Kansas City last Saturday. We are pleased to learn her father has recovered his health.
Winfield Courier, October 20, 1881.
PROPOSALS FOR BUILDING. Sealed Bids will be received at our office at Arkansas City until 10 o’clock, Saturday, Oct. 22nd, for the carpenter work on 5 Buildings, all material furnished, to be erected at Otoe Agency, Indian Territory, 40 miles south of Arkansas City. Plans and Specifications can be seen at our office. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. Schiffbauer Bros.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 26, 1881.
Frank Schiffbauer left for the Territory yesterday morning, whither he goes to superintend the work of putting up the buildings at the Otoe Agency, for which he and his brother are the contractors.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 26, 1881.
The materials for erecting the new buildings at the Otoe Agency are now in process of shipment from this place, and under the energetic management of the Schiffbauer Bros., they will soon assume a tangible form.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 9, 1881.
or Stolen,
From the Indian Supply Train, one Mule Horse (stud), branded U. S., light color, One Mule Mare, branded 2, dark color. A liberal reward will be paid by Schiffbauer Bros. for the return of the above.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 16, 1881.
Frank Schiffbauer is spending most of his time in the Territory looking after the work on the buildings which he and his brother are putting up at the Otoe Agency.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 23, 1881.
We, the undersigned residents of Bolton Township, hereby notify all persons that we will not permit hunting on our farms, and all persons found trespassing, in pursuit of game, will be prosecuted to the utmost extent of the law.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 7, 1881.
Zwieback at Schiffbauer Bros., and it is awful good too.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 7, 1881.
See those nice self-sealing tea caddies now being given away at Schiffbauer Bros.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 7, 1881.
It is with pleasure we record having met Mr. Chamberlain, of Kansas City, who is now visiting his daughter, Mrs. Charles Schiffbauer. Mr. Chamberlain proposes to spend several weeks in our town to recuperate his health, and we trust climatic influences and the change of scene will work the desired result.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 7, 1881.
Given Away. A nice tea caddy with every pound of tea purchased of Schiffbauer Bros.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 14, 1881.
Frank Schiffbauer was up from the Territory again. We asked him the cause, and received in reply that he “came up to see the girl.” Dot vash all right, ain’t it, eh? He left for the Territory this morning.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 14, 1881.
Work on the Red Rock Agency buildings, in charge of Schiffbauer Bros., is progressing all O. K. Two buildings: one 16 x 50, and the other 26 x 50, are already up; and the third one, 26 x 36, two stories, is well underway.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 4, 1882.
Schiffbauer Bros. had a goodly pile of miscellaneous supplies located on the sidewalk last Saturday morning. Upon investigation we found that the stuff was valued at $300 and was destined for Sac & Fox Agency, Indian Territory. Quite a nice little order for the boys.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 11, 1882.
SIX GALLONS of 115 Fire test Coal Oil for $1.00 at SCHIFFBAUER BROS.
Winfield Courier, January 12, 1882.
Harry Farrar and Chas. Schiffbauer, with their ladies, stopped at the Brettun Friday evening.
Winfield Courier, January 12, 1882.
Quite a party of Arkansas City folks came up Friday evening to see the Kendall troupe play “Hazel Kick.” Among them were Harry Farrar and lady, Chas. Schiffbauer and lady, C. D. Marshall and lady, O. Ingersoll and lady, E. O. Stevenson and lady, C. W. France, Charlie Holloway, G. H. McIntire, S. Matlack, W. D. Bishop, H. H. Stanley, and G. O. Hazard. The train was held till after the show, and we suppose Conductor Miller delivered them “right side up with care” at their homes sometime that night.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 18, 1882.
Schiffbauer’s horse concluded to be in style with other delivery horses and took a little run last week. He stopped before doing any damage.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 18, 1882.
JANUARY 4TH, 1882.
Beaver Horse Road lost a pony on the last trip to Arkansas City. Red or bay color, horse, branded, about 10 years old, and harness marked. Anyone finding same will please deliver to Schiffbauer Brothers, at Arkansas City. JOHN D. MILES, Indian Agent.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 18, 1882.
Mr. Chamberlain, of Kansas City, who has been visiting his daughter, Mrs. Charles Schiffbauer, for several weeks past, returned to his home last Friday. We had the pleasure of several chats with the old gentleman during his stay, and much enjoyed his reminiscences of times and occurrences that transpired in Illinois (then the Far West) fifty years ago, which his age and varied experience made doubly interesting.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 15, 1882.
Schiffbauer Brothers are receiving large supplies of plows, drills, etc., which they are offering at Unprecedented low prices.
GROCERIES at bottom prices.
PLOWS from $7 to $12.
FRESH GROCERIES are received daily.
CALL on Schiffbauer Bro’s., who are agents for the celebrated J. I. Case & Co’s., Eclipse and Agitator Separators and mounted and down Powers and Steam Engines.
Agents for James Leffell Water wheels, Globes and Pen stocks. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Respectfully, SCHIFFBAUER BRO’S
Arkansas City Traveler, February 22, 1882.
The mounted scrapers, for use in filling the gravel contracts with the A. T. & S. F., were received yesterday by the Schiffbauer Bros. They are a novel but effective looking craft.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 22, 1882.
Major A. C. Williams, of Pawnee Agency, came up from the Territory last Saturday and will spend at least a week in the city visiting his daughter, Mrs. F. Schiffbauer, and other relatives.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 22, 1882.
SAFE FOR SALE. A good medium sized, fire proof, safe for sale by Schiffbauer Bros.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 8, 1882.
Mr. Frank Schiffbauer is again in the city after a lengthened sojourn in the land of “Lo.”
Arkansas City Traveler, March 15, 1882.
Charley Schiffbauer will take a trip to the land of “Lo” in a few days.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 12, 1882.
Chas. Schiffbauer and lady left Sunday morning for a three weeks’ cruise in the Territory.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 12, 1882.
Mr. Kimmel sold about five hundred bushels of corn the other day to Schiffbauer Bros., of your city, which was hauled away by a train of Indian wagons.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 19, 1882.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Schiffbauer returned from their trip to the Territory last Saturday evening.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1882.
If you want a fire extinguisher, call at Schiffbauer Bros.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1882.
Messrs. Mead and C. Schiffbauer started for Osage Agency yesterday afternoon.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1882.
Schiffbauer Bros. purchased a $110 horse for their delivery wagon last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1882.
Schiffbauer Bros. have just received a lot of fresh groceries, which they will be pleased to dispense to all needing.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 3, 1882.
Chas. Schiffbauer went to Osage Agency, Indian Territory, last week on business.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1882.
BIRTH. On Monday night May 15, 1882, there came to the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schiffbauer a young lady in a condition demanding immediate attention and the care of tender hands. St. Peter left the gates ajar, and the little one escaped, coming by the beaten road where millions of tiny feet have passed during the ages since creation’s dawn. Frank is happy and says it is the biggest eight pound chunk of luck that ever befell him. He will care for it in the most fatherly manner. The father and child are doing as well as could be expected.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1882.
At last the prospects of Arkansas City’s getting a Public Hall building is assuming a tangible shape. On Monday of this week a charter was filed in the office of the Secretary of State at Topeka to the “Highland Hall Company,” of Arkansas City, with Messrs. H. P. Farrar, O. P. Houghton, G. W. Cunningham, C. Schiffbauer, and others of our leading citizens as charter members. The capital stock of the company will be $10,000, issued in shares of $10 each.
The location, plans, etc., of the building, of course, have not been finally decided upon, yet the edifice is to be of brick and stone with a basement, and ground floor 14 feet in clear to ceiling and a hall on second story 50 x 100 feet, and 11 feet in clear to ceiling. It rests entirely with our own people to push this matter to a speedy and successful issue. That it will be of incalculable benefit to the community we think no one will deny.
Winfield Courier, May 4, 1882.
The officers elected for the Fair Association are J. W. Tipton, president; T. A. Blanchard, secretary; J. W. Millspaugh, Treasurer. The Directors are J. C. Roberts, J. J. Johnson, H. B. Pratt, P. M. Waite, W. A. Tipton, Chas. Schiffbauer, S. Phoenix, H. Harbaugh, W. J. Hodges.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1882.
Charles Schiffbauer and C. Mead made a business trip to Osage Agency last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1882.
Butter and eggs taken in exchange for Groceries, Hardware, etc., at Schiffbauer Bros.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 28, 1882.
Charles Schiffbauer is making a trip to Fort Sill and other points in the beautiful Indian Territory.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 5, 1882.
Schiffbauer Bros. last week sold to Mr. Shivers, living east of the Walnut, a $1,500 steam threshing machine which he now has in successful operation. Upon its arrival last Friday the machine was unloaded from the cars and immediately put to work in the harvest field with the most satisfactory results, proving its capacity to thresh out, working at an ordinary rate, 1,800 bushels in each day of ten hours. This is the first of its kind in the county, and will be a dangerous rival of the old-style horse-power threshing machine.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 12, 1882.
Charlie Schiffbauer has our thanks for the first pears of the season.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 12, 1882.
Mr. Charles Schiffbauer and C. Mead, who have been absent for several weeks on a business trip in the Territory, returned to the city last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 19, 1882.
Messrs. Charley Schiffbauer and C. Mead, of Arkansas City, arrived at this place the 25th ult.; and, after remaining here three days, passed down the trail to Anadarko, where they made a brief stay, thence to this Agency. From here the gentlemen started on their journey, via all the lower Agencies, for Arkansas City. The former gentleman is of the enterprising firm of Schiffbauer Bros., at that place, and the latter of Searing & Mead, who have, for some years, made the flour for the Indians of this Territory. A Kansas City gentleman has the flour contract for this year, but Searing & Mead retain the contract of manufacturing the same, and it will be done at Arkansas City as heretofore. Transporter.
City Traveler, August 23, 1882.
Major Haworth, U. S. Inspector, with Haskell, architect, of Lawrence, Kansas, are here looking out a location for the Indian Industrial School. Mr. Haworth has examined about all the territory in the section where the school is proposed to be located, and pronounced it as fine lands for the purpose as it is possible to find, and he is selecting out of the elegant lands just south of us two of the most suitable sections to be used for the purposes of the school.
He has been engaged for several days in surveying the lands, and has in his employ Commodore Topliff and Chas. Schiffbauer, who are a whole team, and if the lines and corners are not found, it will be because they are not findable.
We did not get a description of the building to be erected, but have been informed that it will consist of one large main building, with two wings with east front, and will contain a large school room, two recitation rooms, office, dormitories, kitchen, dining room, laundry, etc., all finished and furnished in modern style to accommodate 150 pupils for the present.
Mr. Haworth brought the architect with him so that he could examine the ground as to the location of the building before drawing the plans and specifications. Mr. Haworth is not like some of the U. S. Inspectors we have seen, but when he has work to do, pulls off his coat, and does it with a will; he has shown remarkably good judgment in the selection of these lands, and has taken the trouble to examine them before selecting, and hence knows what he is getting. We are all anxious to see this school a success, and from the present outlook we have nothing to fear.
City Traveler, August 30, 1882.
Mrs. Chas. Schiffbauer, we regret to say, is suffering from an attack of malarial sickness.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 6, 1882.
Schiffbauer Bros. have just completed a stone sidewalk in front of their grocery.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 6, 1882.
Schiffbauer Bros. have just completed a stone sidewalk in front of their grocery.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 6, 1882.
Messrs. Schiffbauer Bros. come to the front this week with a new “ad.” This firm is one of the livest in town and is now chuck full of everything in the grocery and hardware line which it will pay all to call and see before buying.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 13, 1882.
Mrs. Charles Schiffbauer, we are sorry to say, is suffering from a bad cold.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 13, 1882.
Schiffbauer Brothers sold, last Saturday, to Messrs. McClellan & Powel, who are fencing a 20 by 18 mile range in the Territory south of the Otoe Agency, over 51,760 pounds of wire and three wagons.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 27, 1882.
We understand that Schiffbauer Bros. have ordered a steam engine, which, upon its arrival, will be used in pumping the water for the city’s supply. With the aid of steam we trust that the tank will always be full, and a supply on hand to meet all emergencies.
City Traveler, October 11, 1882.
Frank Schiffbauer is putting up an addition to his house.
City Traveler, October 11, 1882.
The steam engine for use in the city water works has arrived and can be seen at the store of Schiffbauer Bros.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 18, 1882.
Geo. Shearer is working upon Frank Schiffbauer’s new addition to his residence.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1882.
Charles Schiffbauer is absent on a business trip to the Indian Territory.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1882.
Schiffbauer Bros. have contracted over seven carloads of wire to be delivered to parties in the Territory who are fencing in ranges.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1882.
Messrs. Schiffbauer Bros. put a carload of Iowa potatoes on the market last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1882.
Lodge A. F. & A. M.
The following gentlemen were elected as officers for the coming year in Crescent Lodge No. 133, A. F. & A. M.
James Ridenour, W. M.; O. S. Rarick, S. W.; C. L. Swarts, J. W.; H. P. Farrar, Treas.; F. P. Schiffbauer, Sec. The appointed officers for the ensuing year are:
C. Hutchins, S. D.; J. C. Pickering, J. D.; H. Endicott, S. S.; J. R. Rogers, J. S.; Geo. O. Allen, Tyler.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 27, 1882.
Schiffbauer Bros. loaded twelve Indian teams one day before dinner last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 27, 1882.
The contract for the building of the Chilocco schools was let last Thursday to C. Schiffbauer, of this city.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 3, 1883.
Chas. Schiffbauer will shortly commence upon the building of the Indian Schools on Chilocco for which he received the contract. Several contracts for supplying materials are already let.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 24, 1883.
Mrs. Frank Schiffbauer has been sick with the measles, but at the present time, we are glad to state, is recovering.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 7, 1883.
Messrs. Schiffbauer Bros. have purchased the grocery stock of S. Matlack, who in future will confine himself to the Dry Goods, Notions, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, and Clothing departments.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 7, 1883.
Messrs. Schiffbauer Bros. have the contract for the stone work upon the Indian Schools, and we understand are figuring on the contract for doing the finishing on the same. We hope they may be successful, for certainly no one understands this business better than these gentlemen.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 21, 1883.
The Schiffbauer Bros., last Thursday, sent out the first load of lumber for the Chilocco Indian School they are building.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 4, 1883.
City Elections.
At the city elections last Monday, the following ticket was elected, and the vote cast will be seen by the following.
O. S. Rarick, 159
T. McIntire, 162
F. Schiffbauer, 167
E. D. Eddy, 198
J. Ridenour, 157
POLICE JUDGE: I. H. Bonsall, 162
There was another ticket in the field differing in some of the candidates for councilmen, but the highest vote it received was 46—which with several scattering votes for different parties for the various offices constitute the total of the vote polled.
Winfield Courier, April 5, 1883.
Arkansas City Election.
The election at Arkansas City on Tuesday resulted in the election of H. D. Kellogg, Mayor; I. H. Bonsall, Police Judge; and O. S. Rarick, T. McIntire, F. Schiffbauer, E. D. Eddy, and J. Ridenour, Councilmen, by a two thirds vote. These candidates are not considered to be prohibitionists. The defeated candidates for councilmen are C. H. Searing, T. H. McLaughlin, S. Matlack, and Fred Farrar.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 11, 1883.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 18, 1883.
Choice Iowa Potatoes $1.00 per bushel. Carload just received. Schiffbauer Bros.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 2, 1883.
Schiffbauer Bros. want all the stone masons they can get, good wages paid. Board $3.00 per week. Long job. Call on or address them for particulars.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 16, 1883.
Frank Schiffbauer’s horse, which was supposed to have been stolen from his stable on the night of the 8th inst., was found running loose in a wheat field between this city and Winfield.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 6, 1883.
The Indian school now being put up by the Schiffbauer Bros. of this city loometh up nobly, the floor joists for the second story being now in position.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 6, 1883.
Indian School.
Last week in company with Messrs. Ross, Kennedy, and Matlack, we took in the above school building now in course of erection by Schiffbauer Bros. We found Frank head over heels in business bossing the job, but he nevertheless took time to show us around and do the honors in his usual genial style. The following will give some idea of this building to those who have not been able to visit the site.
The building will front to the east and will be in the form below and of the following dimensions.
No. 1 shows the main part of the building, which will front to the east and be 76 x 26 feet.
No. 2 and 3 represent the north and south wings, each of which will be 40 x 20 feet, and three and one-half stories in height.
No. 4 will be 88 feet in length by 28 in width, but will only be 3 stories high.
No. 5 represents a porch that will extend along the main building from No. 2 to 3.
The walls are all of rubble work with sills and caps of dressed stone, and when completed this building will be one of noble proportions and afford all the conveniences possible in a structure of its kind. Other buildings for laundry purposes and detached shops will be put up at a future day. Messrs. Schiffbauer Bros. have four months in which to complete the main building above described.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 27, 1883.
Now that the heated term is here, lemonade is the rage and a good lemon squeezer is a “joy forever.” Such an one is the “Little Giant,” for sale by Schiffbauer Bros. Ask for it and you’ll get the best weapon in the market.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 4, 1883.
Charles Schiffbauer returned from his Territory trip last Sunday.
Winfield Courier, July 19, 1883.
An attempt was made to blow open Schiffbauer Bro.’s safe at Arkansas City Tuesday night. The burglars succeeded in getting the outside door of the safe open, but failed to knock the inner one. No clue to the thieves.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 25, 1883.
Attempted Safe Robbery.
Our city was thrown into quite a ferment last Wednesday morning by the discovery that the grocery house of Schiffbauer Bros. had been entered and the safe opened. The thief or thieves are supposed to have entered by the transom, and the manner in which the safe was drilled, two holes being made and the combination of the outer door broken, proves that an adept handled the tools. Beyond scattering a few of the papers on the floor, nothing was done or taken; and as the inner or burglar proof door defied their efforts, the funds could not be reached. No clue as to the criminals has been found, but quite a number of suspicious characters had been around town for several days. There was nothing of value in the safe to speak of at the time and the reason that prompted the attempt is hard to imagine, assuming that the job was put up by old hands who have generally some booty in view before undertaking such an affair.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 1, 1883.
During the heated days of the past week, it was well to realize that an ice pick could be bought at Schiffbauer Bros.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 15, 1883.
Messrs. J. M. Ware and J. C. Pickering last week made a purchase of the stock and business of the grocery and hardware firm of Schiffbauer Bros., of this city. While we are sorry to lose Charley and Frank from the ranks of our businessmen, yet we feel that the new firm will ably sustain the reputation of the house under its former owners.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 15, 1883.
We understand that the Schiffbauer boys will not leave the city, but will devote their attention to Government contracts in which they have had much experience in the past.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 15, 1883.
A CARD. We desire to thank our many friends and patrons in Arkansas City and vicinity for their esteemed favors during the past six years we have been in the business and most cordially recommend to their consideration our successors, Messrs. Ware & Pickering.
Schiffbauer Bros.
NOTICE. All parties knowing themselves indebted to us will please take notice that we have sold out our business to Messrs. Ware & Pickering, but our books, etc., will remain at the store where all are requested to call and settle all accounts at once. Schiffbauer Bros.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 22, 1883.
We call attention to the ad. of our new grocerymen, Ware & Pickering, in this week’s paper. This firm are successors to the Schiffbauer Bros., are thorough businessmen, carry a full and complete stock of groceries and hardware, and we heartily bespeak for them the liberal patronage of our people. Give them a call.
Caldwell Journal, August 23, 1883.
The Last Boomer’s Raid Comes to Grief.
Word was brought in on Tuesday, by Capt. C. M. Scott, who came over from Arkansas City, to the effect that Capt. Carroll, of the U. S. Army, had captured the boomers on the Oklahoma lands, taking their wagons and stock.
About seven of the boomers escaped, and footed it all the way into Arkansas City. It is also stated that the boomers, previous to their capture, had run short of provisions, and sent a courier to Schiffbauer to forward flour and other provisions to them. Schiffbauer filled the order, and before the teams reached the grounds the flour, provisions, teams, and drivers were captured by the troops. A courier, sent down from Arkansas City with a dispatch to one of the boomers, had his horse taken from him and was compelled to hoof it back to his starting point.
What disposition will be made of the boomers, is not known. They will likely be held until orders are received from Washington.
Thus ends the latest attempt to make a location on the Oklahoma lands. Some people never learn anything from the experience of others, and it is more than likely a number of the stupids may be induced to make another attempt before winter sets in.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 29, 1883.
Messrs. T. H. McLaughlin, H. P. Farrar, and Chas. Schiffbauer returned from Kansas City last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 29, 1883.
Mrs. Chamberlain and daughter, Miss Lillie, of Kansas City, are now visiting with Mrs. Chas. Schiffbauer.
Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.
Republican Convention.
Committee on credentials reported the following named delegates and alternates for their respective townships.
CRESWELL: O. S. Rarick, C. G. Furry, C. L. Swarts, G. W. Ramage, Theo. Fairclo, F. M. Vaughn, I. H. Bonsall, A. B. Sankey, A. A. Wiley, James Ridenour.
Alternates: L. McLaughlin, John Smalley, Frank Schiffbauer, Dave Lewis, Frank Hess, C. W. Burt, R. J. Maxwell, R. L. Marshall, N. T. Snider, S. J. Rice.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 12, 1883.
A surprise party was tendered to Miss Lillie Chamberlain at Mr. Chas. Schiffbauer’s residence last Friday evening by her lady friends. We were unavoidably prevented from being present, but presume an enjoyable time was had.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 19, 1883.
Winfield “Nine” went down to Arkansas City Wednesday to play her club a game of
base ball for the county championship. Victory is ours, saith the Winfield
lites. Courier.
The tide of events proved the “Winfieldites” to be “off their “base” just about as bad as the “Nine” were. Our boys scooped ‘em bag and baggage, as will be seen by a perusal of the score of the game in another column.
That Base Ball Game.
Winfield has a fly base ball club, with fly suits, much assurance, and a reputation well calculated to strike terror to the hearts of the insignificant ball tossers in the rural districts. This club has vanquished everything in the county, and finally concluded to wind up their march of victory by giving the good people in this neck of the woods an exhibition of their perfect playing. Our boys have no club, and none of them have played for several years, still they agreed to take up a few scribs and give our Winfield friends a trial—only daring to hope that they might be able to get hold of the ball often enough to make it interesting for their shoulder striking visitors. In the first inning the raw recruits of the sand hills succeeded in making only eleven runs; the magnanimous nine from the county seat didn’t want any this time, and proceeded to go out in the order in which they went to the bat. Then our boys rested a couple of innings in order that their opponents might catch up. In the fourth and fifth innings our boys scored ten and nine respectively, bringing the total score up to thirty—the Winfield boys close behind them with a total score of five. At this point our catcher was knocked out of time, and in the remaining innings the gorgeous uniforms ran their score up to twenty-two, while our ambling haybinders modestly retired with fifty-three marks to their credit.
ARKANSAS CITY: F. Gage, c.; C. Baxter, p.; G. Wright, s. s.; O. F. Godfrey, 1st b.; Ollie Stevenson, 2nd b.; John Shelden, 3rd b.; E. Gage, l. f.; McNulty, c. f.; C. Hilliard, r. f.
WINFIELD: Conner, c.; Williams, p.; McMullen, s. s.; Freeland, 1st b.; Austin, 2nd b.; Hodges, 3rd b.; Hughes, l. f.; Moore, c. f.; Sherman, r. f.
FINAL SCORE: Arkansas City, 53; Winfield, 22.
Frank Schiffbauer, Umpire.
It is the intention, we believe, to play the return game on the fair grounds in Winfield next week.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 3, 1883.
Mr. Harry McConnell and wife, of Kansas City, spent a few days with their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schiffbauer, last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 3, 1883.
A most pleasant little party was given at the residence of Mr. Charles Schiffbauer last Friday evening to a few friends of Miss Lillie Chamberlain. Dancing was indulged in, and during the evening some excellent music, vocal and instrumental, was furnished by Mrs. Smith, of Quincy, Illinois, and Mrs. McConnell, of Kansas City.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 10, 1883.
Grand Opening of the New Opera House.
For many years the need of a public hall large enough to accommodate the rapidly growing population of our city, and to serve as an inducement to the best class of opera and theatrical entertainments traveling through this state, has constantly presented itself to our citizens, and many have been the suggestions pointing toward securing such an institution. It was not until the latter part of May, 1882, however, that the movements began to assume tangible shape, when a stock company of nearly all our businessmen was organized with an authorized capital of $10,000, for the purpose of erecting and furnishing a first-class opera house. H. P. Farrar, to whom probably more than any other one man, is due especial credit for the admirable manner in which the work has been carried on, was chosen as secretary and treasurer, the multitudinous cares of which office he has conducted with signal ability. The contract for building the hall was let to Sargent & Smith, of Topeka, for the sum of $12,400, which figures included but the building and stage. To this expense has been added that of such necessaries as chairs, scenery, gas machinery, piping, fixtures, etc., for the hall upstairs, and the expense of fitting out the three large store rooms underneath, with their excavations, basements, counters, sidewalks, awnings, plate glass, and the countless items contingent upon such a structure, until now the entire cost of our beautiful hall foots up the neat little sum of $19,700. For this amount our citizens have the finest opera house outside of Emporia or Topeka, with a stage large enough to accommodate the largest troupes traveling, the finest and most elaborate scenery, acoustic properties second to none in the country, and an auditorium capable of comfortably seating 700 people.
The stock in the Highland Hall company, which was at first held by nearly all our businessmen, is now owned by some twelve or fifteen parties; the heavier owners being Messrs. J. L. Huey, H. P. Farrar, T. H. McLaughlin, W. M. Sleeth, Stacy Matlack, O. P. Houghton, J. B. Nipp, Schiffbauer Bros., and J. T. Shepard. The other stockholders, and the citizens in general, have never let their interest flag in this enterprise from the first up to last Saturday night, when the opera house was thrown open for its initial entertainment, and the pride and joy in this valuable acquisition to our city is universal.
Though the gas machine, chairs, and reflector for the ceiling have not yet arrived, the chance for opening the hall with a good entertainment, so opportunely presented by the Union Square Theater company, was accepted, and every effort made to supply all deficiencies. The result was all that could have been wished. Though the afternoon was rainy, and darkness ushered in a terrific storm, the hall was filled last Saturday night to witness the excellent presentation of “Uncle Reuben Lowder” by the Union Square Theater company, whose performance was a credit to themselves, to the large and fashionable audience, and to the signal event of opening such a house. Monday night was a repeater in the way of attendance and satisfaction, when the ever ready “French Spy” was admirably placed before our people, preceded by the laughable farce, “Barnaby Bibbs.” Last night was given up to the enjoyment of “Widow Bedott,” and followed by a grand ball. Tonight we will have “Rip Van Winkle,” a play that always holds a strong place in the hearts of Americans, and in which Mr. Jay Carner unquestionably rivals the renowned Jefferson. Let the attendance tonight equal that of the three preceding nights, and let the opening of our magnificent hall end as it began—in a blaze of light and glory.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 17, 1883.
Miss Lillie Chamberlain, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Charles Schiffbauer, for several weeks, returned to her home in Kansas City on Friday last.
Arkansas City Traveler, Supplement, December 19, 1883.
A Card. As a self-appointed committee to provide a Christmas treat for the Indian children at Otoe Agency, I desire to return my sincere thanks to Messrs. A. A. Newman & Co., Ware & Pickering, J. H. Sherburne, C. Schiffbauer, Sylvester Piltch, Ridenour & Thompson, and the TRAVELER for the assistance so kindly given me in the furtherance of this object. L. E. WOODIN, Jr., Clerk in charge of Otoe Agency.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 26, 1883.
Mrs. C. Schiffbauer and Mrs. John Kroenert will spend the holidays in Kansas City with their relations. Charlie and John will doubtless hold a reunion and indulge in an old fashioned bachelor time.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1884.
The Indian Industrial School.
Its Formal Opening on Saturday Last.
An Institution For the Advancement of the Indian Race.
The Indian industrial school, located just within the boundary line of the Indian Territory, some six miles south of Arkansas City, has from the beginning been an item of interest to our citizens, everybody feeling a strong personal pride in its rapid progress, and taking advantage of all opportunities to show its beauties to visitors in this garden of Kansas. The present magnificent structure is the result of Arkansas City enterprise, we might truthfully say. Arkansas City men were first to suggest and most persistent in pressing the great advantages offered by this locality for such an institution, and the result of their untiring efforts was an appropriation from congress providing the necessary funds, which has been supplemented by active work, so that today we have at our very doors a veritable temple of learning for the education and civilization of the Indian youth.
The building is located about six miles south of Arkansas City, one mile from the state line, fronting east. It is constructed entirely of stone taken from quarries within two miles of the building, is four stories high, and standing as it does on an elevation higher than the surrounding country, it presents a most imposing appearance, and can be seen several miles away. Haskell & Wood, of Topeka, are the architects, which is a sufficient guaranty of the general excellence of the work. The main building, containing the officers’ and employees’ departments, is 36 x 74 feet, with north and south wing each 20 x 54½, all four stories. The west or rear wing is 28 x 88, three stories in height. Adjoining the main building and the western projections of the north and south wings, are two two-story additions, each 14 x 16; the north one used for the officers—kitchen downstairs and dining room on second floor; the south one has a boys’ lavatory on first floor, and dormitory on second floor. The first floor of the main building is divided into industrial departments; second and third floors, employees’ rooms; fourth floor, dormitory. In the north and south wings, the first floors are for recitation and playing rooms; the other stories for sleeping, sewing, and nurse rooms. The dining room and kitchen are on the ground floor of the west wing; the second story will be the main school room, and the third a dormitory. As completed, it represents an outlay of $25,000.
For the success attending the efforts of those who have long worked for this glorious result thanks are mainly due Secretary Teller and Commissioner Price. Their influence has always been in favor of the civilization of the Indian. They are zealous workers in the cause of Indian education, and will tend every aid in their power to all measures having for their object the elevation and true advancement of the coming Indian.
This building is only intended as a boarding school. A building designed exclusively for recitation purposes will be erected this summer. It is of excellent finish in every particular, and reflects great credit on Schiffbauer Bros., of our city, who were the contractors, and who furnished everything except some of the inside casing and finishing.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 13, 1884.
Township Election.
The following shows the result of the election held on the 5th inst. There were eight tickets in the field, and the total vote polled was 444.
TRUSTEE: M. N. Sinnott, 288; Uriah Spray, 152.
CLERK: W. D. Mowry, 348; M. B. Vawter, 88.
TREASURER: J. L. Huey, 184; H. P. Farrar, 125; W. M. Sleeth, 122.
JUSTICES: Frank Schiffbauer, 264; W. D. Kreamer, 208; P. F. Endicott, 133; J. B. Tucker, 130; I. H. Bonsall, 107.
CONSTABLES: J. J. Breene, 257; J. S. Lewis, 202; J. E. Beck, 178;
J. N. Huston, 118; W. J. Gray, 113.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1884.
Township Officers.
The Board of Commissioners met Tuesday and canvassed the vote for township officers. The following were declared elected.
Creswell, F. Schiffbauer and D. W. Kreamer.
Arkansas City Republican, February 16, 1884.
Esquires Schiffbauer and Kreamer have not yet received their commissions.
Arkansas City Republican, February 23, 1884.
Esquires Schiffbauer and Kreamer have received their commissions. Mr. Kreamer, for the present, will hold his court at Judge Bonsall’s office, and Mr. Schiffbauer has not determined his official residence.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 12, 1884.
MARRIAGE PERFORMED. Our new justice of the peace, F. P. Schiffbauer, performed his first official work last Sunday, marrying a colored couple at the Leland House. Frank says they looked as though they felt as good as white people.
Arkansas City Republican, March 15, 1884.
A man on Thursday night occupied the same bed, at the Farmers’ Hotel, as did a cowboy. In the morning the man disappeared and so did the cowboy’s revolver. Capt. Rarick undertook the capture of both man and weapon, and succeeded in taking them about half way between Arkansas City and Hunnewell. Esquire Schiffbauer fined the person $25 and costs and committed him to jail until both were paid.
Arkansas City Republican, March 29, 1884.
Mrs. Chas. Schiffbauer left the city yesterday evening to visit her mother, who is dangerously ill at Kansas City.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 2, 1884.
Territorial Jots.
On Friday of last week, in company with Capt. J. B. Nipp, we started for Osage Agency to attend the gathering of stock men set for the 29th. The weather was exceptionally fine, and as the captain’s gallant team rapidly left the city in the distance the exhilarating influence of pure air and sunshine had a decidedly charming effect. Reaching Grouse about noon, we (true to our printer’s code, “never to miss a meal,”) could not help stopping to see our friend, Drury Warren, who kindly cared for us and sent us on our way rejoicing. All the afternoon we drove through a splendid country, over which the gentle hint of coming spring could be seen in the fresh green grass and flowers on every hand. As the shades of evening drew upon us we neared the ranch of Mrs. Bevenue, whose roof sheltered us from the night and at whose table we partook of such goodly cheer as will ever make us kindly remember “Aunt Jane.”
Early Saturday morning we were on the road, and when about seven miles from Osage met Charley Schiffbauer and Tip Davenport, with whom we exchanged civilities and resumed our journey, driving into the agency about 10 a.m., a little too late to be present at the stock meeting, the particulars of which appear elsewhere.
At the agency we were the guests of Major and Mrs. Miles, whose genial hospitality was duly appreciated. At this place also we were pleased to meet our friends, Ed. Finney, Dr. Bird, Mr. Wismeyer, and others, and also to make the acquaintance of Messrs. Davidson and Hamilton, each of whom is running a trader’s store. Quite a busy time is being had at the agency buildings just now, repairing and painting, which will materially help the appearance as well as the comfort thereof. Everything around the agency is in a prosperous condition, much of which is due to the untiring work of Maj. Miles, who spares no effort to provide for the welfare of his charges.
Leaving Osage at 3 p.m., we started for Kaw Agency, and after a very pleasant ride through a glorious country already covered with quite a growth of grass, arrived at 7 p.m., and were at once taken in hand by our friend, Tom Finney, who was for us “a good Samaritan,” and we spent a really pleasant evening in his home circle. Next morning being Sunday, we made a short call upon Supt. Keeler, who we found genial as ever, but looking a little out of sorts, which was explained when he stated that everything was upside down owing to repairs and painting being in progress. This agency is one of the most pleasantly located agencies that we know of, and it would appear to us anything but a hardship to reside thereat.
Bidding adieu to our friends, we once more took the road, reaching Arkansas City about 1 p.m., having experienced a most enjoyable time and accomplishing the round trip in about fifty hours.
Arkansas City Republican, April 5, 1884.
Charles Schiffbauer returned from Wichita last Tuesday evening.
Arkansas City Republican, April 5, 1884.
Citizens’ Meeting.
At the meeting at the opera house, last Wednesday evening, for the purpose of nominating a citizen’s ticket, Dr. A. J. Chapel was called to the chair; G. W. Cunningham and S. W. Duncan were elected secretaries. The following ticket was nominated:
Mayor, A. J. Pyburn; councilmen, George W. Cunningham, T. H. McLaughlin, Cal. Dean, Frank Leach, and John Love; Police Judge, Wm. Blakeney. Judge Pyburn since the meeting, having declined the nomination for mayor, Frank Schiffbauer has been substituted to his place on the ticket.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 9, 1884.
City Election.
The election for city officers held last Monday resulted in the election of the gentlemen named below. There were several tickets in the field, and the total number of votes polled was 490. The figures following the names below show the vote cast for each of them, which constitutes an overwhelming majority and renders it unnecessary to give the vote on the other ticket.
Following is the successful ticket.
Mayor: Frank Schiffbauer, 470.
C. G. Thompson, 323.
Frank Leach, 421.
O. S. Rarick, 416.
T. Fairclo, 314.
A. A. Davis, 308.
Police Judge: W. D. Kreamer, 274.
Arkansas City Republican, April 12, 1884.
The following was the ticket chosen at the city election last Monday: Mayor, Frank P. Schiffbauer; councilmen, C. G. Thompson, F. C. Leach, O. S. Rarick, Theo. Fairclo, and A. A. Davis; police judge, W. D. Kreamer.
Arkansas City Republican, April 19, 1884.
City Council Proceedings.
Council met in adjourned session at 7:30 p.m., April 14, 1884. Present: F. P. Schiffbauer, mayor; O. S. Rarick, C. G. Thompson, Theo. Fairclo, F. C. Leach, and A. A. Davis, Councilmen.
On motion F. C. Leach was chosen president of the council.
The following appointments were made and confirmed: A. J. Gray, city marshal; Ed. Malone, commission of water works; Ed. Malone, commissioner of water works; E. C. Stoup, street commissioner, and James Benedict, city clerk.
The mayor appointed the following committees. On finance: Rarick, Leach, and Thompson. On printing: Leach, Fairclo, and Rarick. On ways and means: Thompson, Fairclo, and Rarick. On ordinance: Rarick, Fairclo and Leach. On public improvements: Thompson, Davis, and Leach. On water works: Fairclo, Davis, and Thompson. On sanitary: Davis, Rarick, and Fairclo.
Motion made to purchase 60 stop cocks for water works.
The finance committee was instructed to see what a city attorney can be employed for by the year.
The ordinance committee was instructed to draft an ordinance in reference to occupation tax, and present the same at next meeting for consideration.
City marshal was instructed to see that all ordinances are enforced.
Motion made to secure the room over Atwood’s store for council chamber and police court at $10 per month. W. D. Kreamer to pay $5 per month of above rent, and be allowed to use said police courtroom for justice room. Carried.
Motion made to continue G. W. White as night police without expense to the city. Carried.
Motion made to pay the city marshal $10 per month. Carried.
Motion made to require city treasurer and clerk to give bond of $2,000 each. Carried.
On motion the council adjourned to meet next Monday evening at 7:30 o’clock, April 21, 1884. F. P. SCHIFFBAUER, Mayor.
Attest: I. H. BONSALL, Clerk.
Arkansas City Republican, April 19, 1884.
Mrs. Chas. Schiffbauer, who has been visiting her mother at Kansas City for several weeks, is expected home today.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 23, 1884.
Mrs. C. Schiffbauer returned from Kansas City last week.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1884.
The Republican convention of Cowley County met according to call at the Opera House in Winfield on Saturday, April 19, 1884, at 11 o’clock a.m.
Creswell Township: C. T. Atkinson, J. W. Wilson, F. P. Schiffbauer, I. H. Bonsall, W. D. Mowry, A. A. Wiley, G. W. Ramage, A. B. Sankey, R. T. Marshall, C. L. Swarts.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, May 10, 1884.
Present, F. P. Schiffbauer, mayor; C. G. Thompson, F. C. Leach, T. Fairclo, A. A. Davis, and O. S. Rarick, councilmen.
The following bills were allowed.
W. Ward, for hauling.
Mowry & Sollitt, sundries.
P. Wyckoff, rent for Council room.
Pitts Ellis, cost for engine at water works.
W. H. Speers, rent for spring.
J. W. Canfield, repair of water tank.
Bill of J. Vawter of $1.50 for services to prisoner at city jail was rejected.
Received the report of H. P. Farrar, ex-treasurer, showing balance due him from city on general fund account of $51.16. Balance due the city on sinking fund account of $889.97. Moved that a committee be appointed to examine the books of treasurer and clerk, and make a report. Motion carried. The mayor appointed the finance committee to audit said books.
Petition of the owners on east side of block 79 presented and on motion a sidewalk was ordered built and put down to established grade. Time granted 90 days.
Petition to prohibit the use of barb wire fence within the city limits presented. Moved that the city attorney be instructed to draft ordinance and present same to city council, prohibiting the use of barbed wire for fencing within the city limits. Carried.
The mayor appointed C. L. Swarts, city attorney, for the ensuing year at a salary of $100 per annum. Appointment confirmed.
Archie Dunn was appointed street commissioner by the mayor instead of E. C. Stroup. Appointment confirmed.
The city marshal was instructed to notify parties to make private crossings where they desired to cross sidewalks to and from their places of business with teams.
Ordinance committee instructed to draft an ordinance amending ordinance No. 121, and report same at next meeting.
On motion adjourned to meet next Thursday evening at 7:30 o’clock, p.m.
Attest: JAS. BENEDICT, Clerk.
Arkansas City Republican, May 24, 1884.
Frank Schiffbauer and daughter, of Arkansas City, were visiting in the city
this week. Mr. Schiffbauer has gone east on a three weeks trip. Winfield
Arkansas City Republican, May 24, 1884.
Messrs. H. P. Farrar and Chas. Schiffbauer visited Wellington Wednesday.
Arkansas City Republican, May 31, 1884.
Messrs. Schiffbauer Bros., and Searing & Meade have been figuring on the Indian supplies contracts, and from dispatches lately received from F. P. Schiffbauer and C. H. Searing, who have been east for two weeks to put in the bids, it is quite probable that the greater part of these supplies will be furnished from Arkansas City.
[The following article applies indirectly to Mayor Schiffbauer. See Traveler article which appears later dated June 11, 1884. MAW]
Arkansas City Republican, June 7, 1884.
We beg a small share in the columns of your paper for the purpose of vindicating the moral standing of our city. It will be remembered that a few days ago a gentleman secured the permission of our mayor pro tem, to sell his goods on our streets, according to the ordinance regulating the sale of goods by peddlers. This gentleman began the sale of his goods by crying aloud, and making loud and boisterous demonstrations. By order of the police judge, the policeman prohibited the sale of goods in this manner, but gave him the right to dispose of his goods in accordance with his license. Upon this the mayor pro tem, imagined the dignity of his office assailed and declared his intention of standing between the vendor of spoons and all city ordinances, at the same time abusing the policeman for doing his duty, as commanded by his superior officer, this heaping coals upon his own head. A few days after this the mayor pro tem, who had so strenuously asserted his prerogatives in defiance of our city ordinances; and who, as usual, had possibly been imbibing too freely his favorite beverage, permitted the superintendent of a rat show to give a public exhibition upon our streets of the wonderful and daring feats of his trained rodents. This interesting (?) Exhibition was permitted to be given in broad daylight, and was loudly applauded by the crowd of young men and children who had gathered around to witness the performance. We claim that all exhibitions, either public or private, should be of such a character as will exert a moral influence upon our young people; that will inspire within them nobler thoughts, loftier ambitions, and grander aspirations; that will inspire with them better conceptions of the objects and purposes of life. Was this the character of the impressions left by the gentleman (?) and his rats? Now, whose duty is it to protect the morals of our young men from the insanity of such unparalleled exhibitions of indecency? For what purpose do we have an acting mayor? Is it not possible to have our city presided over by persons who have at heart our best interests, and who will see that no such immoral shows shall be permitted to exhibit on our streets? Verbum esp. MORAL. June 3, 1884.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 11, 1884.
Flour and Freight Contracts.
Maj. Searing, of the Walnut Mills, and F. P. Schiffbauer, our genial mayor, returned from New York last week, where they have been figuring on Indian supplies and freighting of the same. Mr. Searing obtained for his firm the contract for supplying something over 1,600,000 pounds of flour, to be distributed among the Osage, Kaw, Nez Perce, Pawnee, Otoe, Ponca, Cheyenne, and Arapaho, and the Wichita and Comanche agencies, besides some smaller contracts for supplies delivered at points in New Mexico and Arizona. Schiffbauer Bros. have secured what is termed the freight contract on goods from Chicago, St. Louis, and Kansas City to this point, and from Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, St. Louis, and Kansas City to Lawrence, Kansas, for the Indian school at that place. On the freight from New York to Arkansas City, Mr. Kerns, of St. Louis, secured the contract, bidding two cents under Mr. Schiffbauer. This city is the general distributing point for the bulk of supplies for the agencies south of us, and the handling of these goods forms quite an item in the general business of the city.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 11, 1884.
A communication appeared in one of our city papers last week under the above caption, in which Mr. F. C. Leach, acting mayor, was severely criticized and more or less abused. Now the facts in the case are these. A man came to town, and taking out a hawker’s license, proceeded to cry out his goods, selling shirts, handkerchiefs, scissors, etc. There was nothing in his language to hurt anyone, and he clearly had a right to pursue his business according to the terms of his license. But at the instigation of some party, a man authorized to make arrests, but who draws no salary from the city therefor, ordered the vendor to ceased. An appeal being made to the acting mayor and Councilmen Thompson and Fairclo, they decided the man could proceed, which was no more than his right. The allusion to Mr. Leach’s “imbibing too freely of his favorite beverage” is purely gratuitous, as he is a known temperance man, and could not have been under the influence of anything more soul destroying than hydrant water. Again, as regards the “rat” man, there is no ordinance prohibiting a man from giving a free show or from begging—any more than you can prevent a blind organ grinder from plying his vocation. The rat man couldn’t have made a cent if there had not been suckers there to nibble at his bait. The trouble is our night policeman is growing too fast for his clothes. He ought to take more rest in the daytime and not quite so much at night. In conclusion, we will state that the general opinion is that Mr. Leach attended to the city’s interests during Mr. Schiffbauer’s absence fully as well as could any of the mice disposed to gnaw at his hands.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 14, 1884.
Major Searing and Mayor F. P. Schiffbauer returned last week from New York, where they have been looking after the interests of their friends in the way of government contracts. The former gentleman received the contracts for all the flour to be furnished in the Territory as well as a large quantity of meal, corn, and salt. He also received the flour contract for Lawrence school and the same for northwestern agencies. Mr. Schiffbauer has the contract for the transportation of Indian supplies from Chicago, St. Louis, and Kansas City to Arkansas City, and from New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, St. Louis, Chicago, and Kansas City to Lawrence, Kansas. This entirely secures this place the Indian freight this year and will make a home market for all wheat grown in this section of country, and in many ways tends to a continual prosperity.
Arkansas City Republican, June 14, 1884.
C. H. Searing and Schiffbauer Bros., have received large contracts for Indian supplies, which will be shipped from Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 18, 1884.
Council Proceedings.
The council held an adjourned meeting last Monday night, Mayor Schiffbauer in the chair, and Councilmen Thompson, Fairclo, and Davis present.
Bills amounting to $23.75 were allowed, and bill of W. L. Webb referred to finance committee.
The report of W. L. Webb, who has been surveying the slough in the southwest part of the city, was read, as follows.
the Arkansas City Council:
the Arkansas City Council:
I have the honor to submit the following report of a survey for draining the slough in the southwest portion of the city.
A line was measured in a southwesterly direction along a line of natural drainage, and levels taken at each 100 feet. The distance was found to be 2,850 feet, and the elevation of the pond above the river 1.62 feet. The elevation of the ground along the line will average, for 2,000 feet next to the pond, 3 feet, and for the remaining distance 6-1/2 feet above the water in the pond. At the deepest place, the pond is about 2-1/2 feet deep. The water in the canal was 3.16 feet above the surface of the pond. The small difference of level between the pond and river renders drainage along this line impracticable. Several gentlemen who have given the matter some attention suggested that a line in a southeasterly direction, following natural drainage, would, by striking the river further down, take advantage of the fall of the river, which I am told is about 3-1/2 feet per mile, and which would still be within the limit of expense desired by the city. My examination stopped here, and the matter was left for the action of the council. W. L. WEBB.
This report was laid on the table.
Council decided that license of B. H. Dixon was not transferable.
A proposition was received from Dr. Kellogg for the city to give a quitclaim of balance of all of city lots which have been sold for taxes. The proposition states that he will clear up the title to any one lot which the mayor may select, and give title to the same or in lieu thereof, would give $50 for each quitclaim deed.
The matter of C. R. Sipes, with reference to grading Fifth Street, was referred to the committee on streets and alleys.
The resignation of Ed. Malone as water works commissioner was read and referred to the water works committee.
The mayor instructed the ordinance committee to consult the city attorney with reference to an ordinance taking action on a petition to gutter the street on blocks 80, 81, 68, and 69.
Moved and carried that the council appropriate $100 out of any money not otherwise appropriated to repair the road south of the city and north of the Arkansas River bridge.
Committee on revision of ordinances was given more time.
Adjourned to next regular meeting.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 18, 1884.
He Wanted to Make His Own Whiskey.
For several months Searing & Mead have been missing grain from their bins, but have been unable to detect the guilty parties. Last Sunday morning, however, William Burroughs, a drayman in the city, was seen coming from a Santa Fe car with a basket of corn. This car was about half loaded for shipment, Searing & Mead being the consignors. Burroughs was arrested Monday morning, and acknowledged the theft so readily that further search was made about his premises, resulting in finding a lot of carpenter’s tools, which had been taken from a Mr. Pond, his tool chests having been broken open a week ago last Friday. He was also charged with stealing a saddle, bridle, and whip. In Burroughs’ cellar were found about 100 whiskey bottles, which told too plainly the story of his downfall. He has been in the habit, we learn, of buying straight alcohol and diluting the same to satisfy an appetite that has drowned all instincts of manhood and literally ruined him. A few years ago he was a hard working, industrious man, and managed to buy a house and several lots, but of late he has given way to the desire for drink, which has brought him to his present condition. It will sweep away the earnings of years to get himself out of his scrape. Burroughs’ trial was held before F. P. Schiffbauer and he was found guilty, on three counts, each petit larceny. For stealing the corn, he was fined $5 and costs; for stealing the tools, $10 and costs; and he was sentenced to sixty days in the county jail for stealing the saddle, bridle, and whip.
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.
Major Searing and Mayor F. P. Schiffbauer returned last week from New York, where they have been looking after the interests of their friends in the way of government contracts. The former gentleman received the contracts for all the flour to be furnished in the Territory as well as a large quantity of meal, corn, and salt. He also received the flour contract for Lawrence school and same for northwestern agencies. Mr. Schiffbauer has the contract for the transportation for Indian supplies, from Chicago, St. Louis, and Kansas City to Arkansas City; and from New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, St. Louis, Chicago, and Kansas City to Lawrence, Kansas. This entirely secures this place the Indian freight this year and will make a home market for all wheat grown in this section of country, and in many ways tend to a continual prosperity.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 25, 1884.
Talley One More for Arkansas City.
Arkansas City has scored another point over her rivals. Notice was received from Washington last week, by Schiffbauer Bros., that all goods for the Indian Territory would hereafter be shipped to Arkansas City, and from this point will be taken by Indian freighters. Caldwell has enjoyed a large part of this trade in the past, but as Arkansas City men furnish the flour, and have the freight contract on all goods from the Eastern cities, the government has recognized the justness of our claims and ordered all freight sent to this point. The government very naturally wants its business transacted in a city of some enterprise.
Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.
For several months Searing & Mead have been missing grain from their bins, but have been unable to detect the guilty parties. Last Sunday morning, however, William Burroughs, a drayman in this city, was seen coming from a Santa Fe car with a basket of corn. This car was about half loaded for shipment, Searing & Mead being the consignors. Burroughs was arrested Monday morning, and acknowledged the theft so readily that further search was made about his premises, resulting in finding a lot of carpenter’s tools, which had been taken from a Mr. Pond, his tool chests having been broken open a week ago last Friday. He was also charged with stealing a saddle, bridle, and whip. In Burroughs’ cellar were found about 100 whiskey bottles, which told too plainly the story of his downfall. He has been in the habit, we learn, of buying straight alcohol and diluting the same to satisfy an appetite that has drowned all instincts of manhood and literally ruined him. A few years ago, he was a hard working, industrious man, and managed to buy a house and several lots; but of late he has given away to the desire for drink, which has brought him to his present condition. It will sweep away the earnings of years to get himself out of this scrape. Burroughs’ trial was held before F. P. Schiffbauer and he was found guilty, on three counts, each petit larceny. For stealing corn, he was fined $5 and costs; for stealing the tools, $10 and costs; and he was sentenced to sixty days in the county jail for stealing the saddle, bridle, and whip.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 9, 1884.
A CARD. To the Citizens of Arkansas City. I have the honor to transmit herewith a full and complete statement of all receipts and expenditures of the city officers during the present administration, and I would say that no statements are made prior to our administration for the reason that I have been unable to get any final report from the outgoing clerk. His report has been repeatedly demanded and not obtained, and my finance committee have been instructed to use every endeavor to procure this report, but failed to do so. And for the very good reason that I cannot find out what the financial condition of the city is, I cannot embody any light on the subject in this report; and finding that no report could be obtained from the old clerk, I had a new set of books opened dating from the commencement of our administration, and can only account to you and be responsible for the action of any officer since that time. I make this statement for the reason that I deem it due the citizens, and in justice to myself and associates.
I have the honor to be your obedient servant. F. SCHIFFBAUER, Mayor.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 12, 1884.
To the Public.
So many have requested me to make a public statement concerning the difference between Mr. Chambers and myself, that I have finally decided to yield and give the facts. I have no ill will towards that gentleman, but think this explanation is due all parties.
On or about the first of May, young Mr. Chambers came to my stables and requested a team to go to Winfield; to this I consented and at the appointed time gave the team into his charge. From the evidence, the facts are developed that he first drove to Winfield and numerous other places and was seen in the city about dusk, but did not return the horses to the stable until about nine o’clock. When they were brought in, they were terribly jaded and exhausted, and one rapidly grew worse and died next morning. I then desired Mr. Chambers to settle the difficulty amicably, but he preferred to settle by arbitration. To this I agreed, and Messrs. Benedict, Hite, and Hill were chosen. Those gentlemen investigated the matter, and found that at the least calculation the team had been driven 65 or 70 miles, crossing the Walnut in their heated state several times that day. They consequently awarded me $90 damages.
For several days I waited for Mr. Chambers to settle with me, but he so delayed that at last I sent Mr. I. H. Stafford as a friend to treat with him. Mr. Chambers agreed to give me $40 in cash and his note for $50. I again agreed and received the money and the note. Upon presentation of the note at the Cowley County Bank, I ascertained that the note was his son’s, a minor, and valueless, and asked Mr. Chambers to endorse it. He refused, and I was compelled to bring suit before one of the justices of the city. Mr. Chambers procured a change of venue and the case came before Esquire Schiffbauer and six jurymen. The award was adjudged to be just, and while I stand ready to defend my rights, I sincerely hope this may be the last of this vexatious matter. I truly desire to live in peace with my fellow citizens. To my friends and Mr. Stafford, my attorney, I desire to return sincere thanks for kindnesses and favors bestowed. With this explanation, which I feel is due to all parties concerned, to the public I am Respectfully, R. O. LUTES.
Arkansas City, Kansas, July 10, 1884.
Arkansas City Republican, July 12, 1884.
In the lawsuit of R. O. Lutes against Chambers, before his Honor, Esquire Schiffbauer, judgment was rendered in favor of the plaintiff for the costs and full amount claimed.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 16, 1884.
A Serious Charge.
Mr. Wilson M. Campbell, of Bolton Township, was arrested last Wednesday upon the very serious charge of raping his daughter, Etta Campbell, only 14 years old. He was taken before F. H. Schiffbauer, and waving examination he gave bond in the sum of $3,000 for his appearance at the next term of the district court in this city. Before this man has had a fair trial, it is not in our province to comment at length or seek to influence public opinion against him. The crime charged against him is the most heinous—most damnable—known to a civilized community, and we trust, for the sake of our county’s fair name, that he can prove his innocence. His wife, Nancy J. Campbell, makes the accusation. It is hard to believe that such a crime could be committed by a resident of Cowley County, whose people excel in all that pertains to exalted citizenship.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 30, 1884.
Arrest of the Stevens-Mills Cattle.
Complaint having been made to F. P. Schiffbauer, justice of the peace of Creswell Township, that a herd of fevered cattle were within the state, the justice notified the county attorney, who ordered Deputy Sheriff Rarick to take charge of the same and hold them until they could be inspected as provided by law in article 9, chapter 105, of the general statutes, which relates to Texas cattle.
The justice thereupon appointed C. G. Thompson, C. M. Scott, and Henry Endicott as an investigating committee, who proceeded to the east part of town, where the cattle were held, and after examination submitted the following report.
We, the undersigned board of inspectors, appointed to inspect the cattle under charge of Deputy Sheriff Rarick, as fevered cattle, held on complaint of S. C. Murphy, have to say that we proceeded to where the cattle were, and found that they were the property of W. M. Stevens, of Coffeyville, Kansas, and A. Mills, of Chetopa, Kansas, and numbered 1,020 head, that 800 of them were shipped from Mississippi in February, 1884, and 220 head were shipped from the same state in April last; that the 800 were wintered in Labette County, within this state, and all the number, 1,020, held on Russell Creek, Indian Territory, two miles below the state line; that there had been but three deaths, where held, and no cattle had died from fever in their neighborhood; that they had not been in contact with fevered cattle, and that the 25 graded bulls turned in this spring were still living in the herd; that at this time there were but six lame ones, caused, in our judgment, by driving over rough, stony ground; that at this time we could not discover any sign of fever among them, and that we recommend they be released from custody.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 30, 1884.
Skating Rink.
The contest at the skating rink last Friday night drew out a large crowd, who evinced much interest in the proceedings. The prize was a $10 pair of roller skates, and the contestants taken from the ladies who had learned to skate in this rink. There were about twenty at the start, but it was soon seen that the favorites were Misses Viola Bishop, Clara Bryant, and Mollie Christian between whom it seemed hard to judge. The judges, Miss Hattie Corry, Miss Maggie Sample, and Mrs. Charles Schiffbauer, finally decided that for perfect ease and grace Miss Bishop excelled; and to her the prize was awarded. Of course, the personal friends of the less successful contestants were more or less disappointed, but the general sentiment was that the decision was right and just. We understand that tonight an exhibition will be given by the second champion of Kansas, and that a bal masque will soon be held in this popular resort.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 6, 1884.
Sister Alexia and Sister Mary Angelina, of Mount St. Mary’s academy, at Leavenworth, are visiting in this city a few weeks with Sister Alexia’s brothers, Charles and F. P. Schiffbauer. Sister Alexia, being somewhat impaired in health, will try the virtues of Geuda Springs during her visit.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 6, 1884.
Council Proceedings.
Council met in regular session last Monday, August 4. Present: F. P. Schiffbauer, mayor; C. G. Thompson, T. Fairclo, and A. A. Davis.
Bills to the amount of $303.87 were presented and allowed, and bill of Frank Wallace for $8.10 was referred.
C. G. Thompson was authorized to expend $15 for enlarging the windows in the calaboose, and the mayor was authorized to purchase two balls and chains for the use of prisoners.
Adjourned to Monday night, August 11.
The following reports were received and placed on file.
Balance on hand at last report: $1,004.72
Received from W. D. Kreamer: 8.00
From county treasurer (taxes): 370.00
From Co. Treasurer bond fund: 480.00
From sinking fund: 1.35
From sidewalk fund: 495.71
Collection of water rent: 225.35
From licenses: 80.27
Licenses issued last month: 35.00
Scrip Issued and not paid: $12.00
Dry tax issued and not paid: $3.00
To balance report of July 8: $1,006.72
Cash received from tax fund: $370.00
From sidewalk fund: $495.71
Occupation tax and water rent: $485.12
Old scrip redeemed: $882.35
New scrip redeemed: 345.61
Balance: $999.59
Cash paid by Co. Treasurer (balance forwarded) $480.00
Same sinking fund: $1.35
C. R. SIPES, Treasurer.
I herewith submit my report of the amount of water tax collected up to August 2, 1884.
Chicago Lumber Co. $5.00
George Hazel [Must mean Hasie] $10.00
E. D. Eddy $3.75
Fairclo Brothers $20.00
Ed. Grady $3.33
George Childers $5.00
H. Godehard $1.25
O. Stevenson $5.00
Stedman Bros. $4.40
E. F. Shindel $5.00
J. B. Nipp $5.00
L. H. Braden $20.00
William Gibby $5.00
Samuel Burress $2.20
Charles Hutchins $2.20
W. E. Gooch $5.00
H. D. Kellogg $2.15
J. A. McIntire $20.00
Pentecost & Lyman $14.00
A. W. Patterson $10.00
Stage company $5.00
F. A. Chambers $5.00
Charles Bryant $6.25
John Love $5.00
J. H. Hilliard $20.00
Hoskins & Neal $5.00
Thompson & Woodin $20.00
A. B. DeBruce $4.75
O. P. Houghton $11.00
W. G. Miller $6.75
TOTAL: $253.18
Ten percent for collection: $25.31
BALANCE: $227,85
Paid City Treasurer: 225.85
The police judge reports $51 as the amount of fines assessed during last month, and $46.50 as amount collected.
The special census taker, B. C. Lindsay, reports the population of Arkansas City at 3,004.
Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.
F. P. Schiffbauer, wife and child, of the Terminus Sundayed in Winfield.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 20, 1884.
Highway Robbery.
Early Monday morning Henry Coryell, night watch, and John Williams arrested Earnest Kimmel and Frank Hillman on the charge of highway robbery. Their preliminary trial was held before F. P. Schiffbauer, at which the following facts were elicited.
Between 8 and 9 o’clock Sunday evening a young man named Macomber, with Frank Hillman, a stranger in this city, came into the Arcade Restaurant and said they had been “held up” at the canal bridge west of town. Hillman didn’t appear very much frightened, but soon passed out of the building, and was seen by Williams and Coryell as late as 2 a.m. walking about the streets with Kimmel. Macomber says he and Hillman had walked down to the bridge, and as soon as they got there, Kimmel stepped out and ordered them to hold up their hands, keeping a revolver leveled at him all the time, but not attempting to cover Hillman. Hillman handed over his pocket-book and advised Macomber to do the same, which he did, giving up some $78. Then Kimmel started towards town, while the two victims ran across the bridge and proceeded some fifty yards before turning their steps back to the city. As the officers had seen Hillman and Kimmel together that afternoon and evening, and suspecting the former of being a hard character, suspicion naturally turned on them. Consequently, they watched the young men until after 2 o’clock, and saw them separate and go towards the depot by different routes. About 5 o’clock Coryell and Williams proceeded to the depot, where the two boys were found in a freight car. After a pretty hard chase, they were captured and brought uptown. The evidence pointed so strongly toward a scheme having been connected by these two to rob Macomber that Esquire Schiffbauer bound them over in the sum of $500 each to appear in the district court, failing to secure which they were taken to jail yesterday morning. Macomber swears positively that Kimmel was the one to whom he gave his money, which, taken with the fact that Kimmel and Hillman have but recently returned from a spreeing trip to Caldwell, Wellington, and elsewhere, makes an ugly case for the boys, and may result in teaching them a severe lesson.
Arkansas City Republican, August 23, 1884.
A Daring Robbery.
Last Monday morning our citizens were startled by the report that a bold robbery had been committed just south of the bridge crossing the canal near where Speer’s mill formerly stood. The trial which was held Monday afternoon, developed the following facts.
On Saturday, a young man from Caldwell, now known as the “confidence man,” and Ernest Kimmel, ascertained that a young man, called about town, “Posey,” had about $30 in money on his person. They courted him with fervor and endeavored to make him drunk. They were unable to have him drink beyond a small quantity of liquor, not sufficient to intoxicate him. On Sunday the same methods were employed, but were alike unsuccessful. On Sunday evening young Kimmel disappeared. The “confidence man” told Posey that there were parties beyond the canal that they could visit and have a “jolly time,” and asked the latter if he would accompany him. Posey readily assented, and the two started. They had crossed the bridge mentioned before, and had passed a short distance beyond, when a third party suddenly arose before them and commanded them to “hold up your hands.” The confidence man was seized with sudden fright and obeyed the command with alacrity. Posey followed the example of his illustrious companion. The robber searched both parties, taking a pocket-book from the former, and $78 in cash from Posey. The robber and the confidence man then left Posey to find his way back to town as best he might. Night Marshal Coryell and John Williams, from suspicious movements, kept the two parties under surveillance and tracked them to a box-car, which they were seen to enter. Soon after, Messrs. Coryell and Williams approached the car and ordered the persons within to come out. The persons so commanded left the car in haste from the other side and strove to escape. After a hard chase, they were captured. Kimmel endeavored to prove an alibi, but failed. The evidence was so strong that his Honor, Mayor Schiffbauer, bound the two parties over to the district court in the sum of $500 each. No one being found to stand good for their appearance, they were remanded to the county jail, there to await their trial for highway robbery.
We understand that the name of the confidence man is Hillman, and Posey’s name is Macomber.
Arkansas City Republican, August 30, 1884.
Schiffbauer Bros., will, in the next 60 days, add another story to their store building to be used as a hall by the G. A. R., and A. O. U. W. orders.
Arkansas City Republican, August 30, 1884.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schiffbauer started last Saturday for Kansas City, accompanied by Sisters Alexia and Mary Agnes, who return to Mount St. Mary Academy, Leavenworth, Kansas. The former, a sister of Frank and Charles, has been visiting them for the past three weeks, with the latter as traveling companion.
Arkansas City Republican, September 6, 1884.
An Opposition Candidate.
In this week’s issue Frank P. Schiffbauer announces himself as an independent candidate for representative of the 67th legislative district. Mr. Schiffbauer is a re-submissionist. He thinks prohibition will be the main issue in this campaign and informs us on which side of the fence he is located. The Democrats have not yet entered their man into the arena, but several candidates are spoken of by the leaders, and they may yet bring out a man before the ides of November roll around. At present they are engaged in examining the prospects of their available timber with Butler and asperity.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, September 10, 1884.
Mr. F. P. Schiffbauer announces himself this week as an independent candidate for the legislature. This is no surprise to the residents of this city, nor to the voters of this district, for it has been generally understood that Mr. Schiffbauer intended taking this step. He will make his canvass wholly on the grounds of resubmission. This is done to catch the Democratic vote more than anything else, for of course he knows he cannot stand the slightest chance of being elected without the endorsement of the Democrats. . . .
We shall await with some interest the action of the Democrats, and shall in any event oppose Mr. Schiffbauer for representative. We shall give our reasons, general and specific, in due time.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 10, 1884.
If there ever was a time when the independents should stand by each other, that time has now come. So says Frank Schiffbauer.
Arkansas City Republican, September 13, 1884.
Council Proceedings.
At the last regular council meeting, Mayor Schiffbauer, C. G. Thompson, T. Fairclo, A. A. Davis, councilmen, were present. The following bills were allowed and ordered paid.
Clark & Atkinson, printing.
Geo. O. Crain, registration books.
Samuel Clark, repairing pump.
Rail Road Co., freight on street grader.
Corrected petition to G. W. Glick, read, approved, and duly signed and clerk ordered to forward same to the governor for his action and approval.
On motion, grade established on block in front of Commercial building, adopted as the grade for blocks 69, 70, 81, and 82 fronting on Summit street. Said grade refers to Stillweek [?] grade.
Street commissioner was instructed to notify parties on North Summit street to build their sidewalks at once or city would have the same done, at the expense of the lot owners. This only refers to lots 5, 12, 13, and 14 in block 79.
On motion the owner of the lot on North Summit street in block 67 was also ordered to take up the plank sidewalk and replace same with stone.
On motion, water commissioner was ordered to stop the water supply of T. H. & L. McLaughlin wherever used by them from the city water works, owing to their refusal to pay for same.
On motion, mayor appointed A. D. Johnson special police, without charge to the city.
On motion, adjourned to meet Monday, Sept. 15th, 1884. F. P. SCHIFFBAUER, Mayor.
Attest: JAS. BENEDICT, City Clerk.
Arkansas City Republican, September 13, 1884.
Frank Schiffbauer, our mayor, received Gov. Glick’s proclamation yesterday announcing Arkansas City as a city of the second class, it having over 2,000 and less than 15,000 population.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, September 17, 1884.
The voters of this city and the sixty-seventh district will await with some interest the action of the Democrats in Winfield next Saturday, especially in their election of a candidate for representative. Mr. Schiffbauer is after the Democratic endorsement about as persistently as a man well can be, and confidently expects to bag his game. He has succeeded in working up quite a support among so-called independents—and right here we want to say that “independents,” the world over, almost without exception, are men with no party principle whatever, save as their private schemes are bettered by a party’s success. When a party fails to truckle to them, they kick clear out of harness and are independents for the time being. Among Mr. Schiffbauer’s followers are Democrats and Republicans—all of easy party virtue. His Democratic admirers have assured him that their party will endorse him if he will vote for Glick and resubmission, but whether they can deliver their goods is another thing. The better element of the Democratic party is opposed to such pot-house work. To them it is plain that they can place no more dependence in Mr. Schiffbauer’s promises than can the Republicans. Frank is not very particular who he represents after he is through representing himself. He is the party of the first part and second part in this transaction, and will see to it that Mr. Schiffbauer’s interests are thoroughly protected in the legislature. If, knowing this, the Democrats endorse him, they are even more gullible than we have heretofore regarded them. We do not believe they will throw aside much better material in their own party to further the ends of one man who has always been, and is now at heart, a Republican.
[Note: On same page as above editorial, F. P. SCHIFFBAUER’S AD WAS PRINTED. “For Representative. I hereby announce myself as an independent candidate for representative from the 67th representative district, subject to the will of the legal voters of said district. Respectfully yours, F. P. SCHIFFBAUER.” The Republicans had nominated Louis P. King for representative.]
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, September 24, 1884.
Our Democratic friends outdid the Republicans in the way of wrangling last Saturday at their county convention. The disturbance has all grown out of the independent move, and Mr. Schiffbauer’s determination to capture the Democratic endorsement, which has been resented by the better class of Democrats, whose leader is Judge Pyburn. The factional feeling ran so high that on last Thursday two primaries were held and two sets of delegates sent to Winfield, which of course carried the fight into the county convention. The committee on credentials, anxious for “harmony,” reported in favor of admitting three from each delegation, but Judge Pyburn very naturally refused any such compromise, justly claiming that all his men were entitled to seats, or none of them were. By a vote of the convention then, Pyburn’s delegation was admitted, the vote being nearly unanimous. For reasons of its own, the convention afterward concluded to adjourn until Saturday, October 4.
Of course, this fight is none of our funeral, and is only a matter of secondary interest to Republicans, but we will say that in our opinion Judge Pyburn and his friends are making a commendable fight for Democratic principles. It is worse than childish to accuse the judge of not being interested in Democratic success. He is a life-long Democrat, and enjoys the singular prominence of being a thoroughly upright and honorable man. Nothing would make him feel more complacent than to see every officer in the land a Democrat. But he and his friends are opposed to furthering Mr. Schiffbauer’s private plans for the very good reason that Mr. Schiffbauer not only does not represent a single Democratic principle, but he does not represent any other well defined principle. He simply wants the office, and means to have it if scheming will accomplish it. The simon-pure Democrats want a Democratic candidate, and want to see him elected. The other fellows are engaged in a go-as-you-please race for Schiffbauer, and not one of them can give a good and sufficient reason why he should be elected. The vexed question will be passed upon next Monday, when the Democratic district convention will be held in this city, and after which we will proceed to snow under all opponents to the Republican candidate.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 24, 1884.
Charley Schiffbauer and wife returned from Kansas City last Monday.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 1, 1884.
The Democrats and Independents Meet and Nominate.
Last Monday was a political red letter day for Arkansas City, two conventions holding forth at the same time.
The Democratic Convention
for placing in nomination a candidate for representative from this district met in the opera house at 11 a.m., and effected a temporary organization by electing Amos Walton chairman and E. G. Gage secretary. After appointing the various committees, adjournment was taken until 1 p.m. In the afternoon the temporary organization was sustained. The committee on resolutions reported the following.
It is hereby declared that we accept the platform of the national Democratic party and the candidates thereon.
Further, that the state Democratic platform embodies our views and the candidates named upon it are worthy of our support and work.
Further, that justice to the people of Kansas demands a fair and square resubmission of the constitutional amendment to the end that it may be settled forever as to the question of prohibition.
Resolved, That the arrest of persons at Rock Falls, in the Indian Territory, by the military authorities, without due process of law, and taking them beyond the jurisdiction of the court of said district, is an outrage upon humanity, and is an usurpation unwarranted by the letter or spirit of our constitution and dangerous to personal liberty.
An informal ballot for representative was then taken, resulting in 18 votes for I. D. Harkleroad and 16 for A. J. Pyburn. Mr. Pyburn rose and disclaimed any desire for the office, advising the convention to nominate Mr. Harkleroad by acclamation. A vote was then taken by townships and Mr. Harkleroad was nominated by a vote of 22 to 15. The nomination was then made unanimous, after which a central committee was elected and the convention adjourned.
The “People’s” Convention.
This convention met in the city council rooms at 10:30 a.m., in pursuance to call made by the committee, and organized by electing T. J. Sweeny chairman and J. B. Walker secretary.
Mr. A. C. Williams stated the object of the meeting was to nominate a people’s candidate for representative from this district. He was followed by Col. Neff, after which the convention adjourned to 1 p.m.
Upon reassembling the chairman made some remarks in regard to the object of the meeting for the benefit of parties who were not present during the morning session. Mr. W. D. Kreamer made a few remarks, after which the chair requested any candidates present to state their views. Mr. Schiffbauer came forward and addressed the convention in a short speech, setting forth his views, when it was moved and carried that he be nominated by acclamation. Mr. Schiffbauer thanked the convention for its endorsement and laid before it his plans for the campaign. The following district committee was then appointed, after which the convention adjourned: E. Neff, J. M. Felton, W. D. Kreamer, P. Ellis, H. M. Maidt, Creswell Township; A. C. Williams and Frank Lorry, Bolton Township.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, October 8, 1884.
“If wishes were horses, all could ride,” and if promises made during a canvass were all that is required to secure election, the result would be simply narrowed down to a soft-soap basis. The man who could make the most plausible promises would reap the largest harvest of votes. This tickling business seems to have been largely adopted by our worthy mayor in his search for support for the legislature, and the lavishness with which he scatters his promises proves that they cost him nothing, and also proves that they are worth no more to the voter. Right here we wish to state that whatever we say concerning Mr. Schiffbauer has been gained from reliable Democratic or independent sources, and is not published with any desire to misrepresent him. We are credibly informed that our mayor tells his independent and Democratic followers that the bridge south of this city should be assumed by the state, “and if I am elected, I will see that it is done,” says Frank. This is obviously a bid for Bolton Township’s vote. It is a very seductive promise, and if Bolton Township were peopled with ignorant voters, it might have its desired effect. But such a statement shows a lamentable lack of intelligence on the part of Mr. Schiffbauer, and augurs ill for his success as a creditable representative. There isn’t a bridge in Kansas assumed by the state; there isn’t a bridge in the United States assumed by any state. There have been laws passed in our state legislature authorizing different counties to assume the bridges therein, when certain conditions have been complied with, and this law is in force in Cowley County today; and Mr. Schiffbauer’s election to the legislature can have no influence whatever on the bridge question—even supposing this to be his motive for running.
We will change this statement. His election would have some influence. He could not be elected without a large Republican vote in Creswell and Bolton Townships, and, as we said last week, this would simply cut us off from the county and leave us with no hope for aid from outside townships in the future. This is not mere idle talk. It is solid fact, as our people will realize sooner or later. We do not say that Mr. King’s election guarantees certain relief in bridge matters, or any other special legislation; but we do say that his defeat through Republican disaffection in this city will go largely toward drawing the hostility of the entire county upon us.
We cannot believe that Bolton Township’s voters are so easily fooled as to allow Mr. Schiffbauer’s eager promises to mislead them. He has never been accused of being a special friend of the farmer, freighter, or laboring man, and nothing but his sublime cheek enables him to approach these people for their votes—that and his determination to “get there” by any means in his power.
We are also informed that Frank expects a great many votes from farmers along the line who have grievances with the Territory cattle men. Whether Frank has promised to secure such legislation as will do away with wire fences, or has agreed to protect men who have been implicated in burning posts and destroying fences, we cannot say; but certain it is that none were more righteously indignant of the men who thus destroyed the cattle men’s property than were the Schiffbauers. Frank will hardly go back on his friends in the Territory. He will more likely try to go back in the Territory himself, and in furthering his desires in this direction no doubt he sees various channels in which his vote for United States Senator might be useful . Frank hasn’t loosened any ribs working for the farmers since his retirement from a government position in the Territory—either as a storekeeper or government contractor.
Another brilliant stroke of legislative ability on the part of “our Frank” is set forth in his views on the freight problems. Frank told his patient listeners at a Democratic-independent meeting that it costs as much to ship goods from Kansas City to this point as from New York to Kansas City, but that the remedy did not lie in making another railroad law, but rather in passing a law compelling the courts to do their duty! Shades of Daniel Webster, but this is rich! There are times when comment is unnecessary, and this is one of them. We are really afraid Frank is out of his sphere as a government contractor. He ought to be employed to expound Coke, Blackstone, and constitutional law before our supreme judges.
The greatest drawback to Mr. Schiffbauer’s candidacy, in the eyes of careful and conscientious voters, is his eagerness to be elected, when he is the nominee of no convention, and the fact that with two or three exceptions his supporters are, to say the least, not a very choice part of a community. Then his and his friend’s stories do not tally. Frank says he has not gone before any Democratic meeting, and has nothing to do with Democracy, yet one-half of his supporters are Democrats. Some of his friends—and near ones, too—claim on the other hand that the Democrats came to him and requested him to make the race, though why they should go out of their own party to pick up a resubmissionist and Glick man is not very clear. If Mr. Schiffbauer is a Republican, and wants to go to the legislature, why is it that he made no effort to get the Republican nomination? Why is it that months ago, before any of the Republican candidates had announced themselves, it was currently understood that Mr. Schiffbauer purposed making the race as an independent? For no other reason under heaven than that he expected to get a Democratic endorsement.
Another thing: Why does Mr. Schiffbauer want to represent our people so badly? Is there any money in it? We guarantee he will spend more money in the campaign than his salary as a legislator would amount to—yes, twice as much. It is marvelous, this love for the people so suddenly developed by Frank, when no organized political party recognizes him or wants him to represent them.
If the voters of the sixty-seventh district will carefully study this question, they will see that Mr. Schiffbauer is engaged in a hurdle race for office for his own good. He has dealt in axes, and he has two or three of his own to grind this winter, and if he can only fool the dear people into sending him to Topeka, his aim will have been accomplished. Unfortunately for him, his scheme is too transparent, and the ladder he hopes to build from a justice’s office to the legislature will stop short at the mayor’s step.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 8, 1884.
A vote for Schiffbauer is a vote against John J. Ingalls, the most brilliant senator in the United States.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 8, 1884.
The newly-converted Democrat from Bolton Township is on Schiffbauer’s central committee. Oh, no, F. P. has nothing to do with the Democrats.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 8, 1884.
Father McGinnis wanted harmony in the Democratic ranks, but as that could only be obtained by endorsing Schiffbauer, the party seems rent in twain.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 8, 1884.
Following is a complete list of stockholders in the Arkansas City Woolen Manufacturing Company, mention of which was made last week.
Schiffbauer Brothers were listed as one of the stockholders.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, October 15, 1884.
A CHALLENGE for joint debate has been issued by the Independent outfit, requesting Messrs. King and Harkleroad to meet our mayor on the stump. If Mr. Harkleroad wishes to canvass this district with Mr. King, all well and good, but neither Mr. King nor the Republican party recognizes Mr. Schiffbauer as the exponent of any principle or as the candidate of any political organization. The challenge was issued solely for effect, as the framers knew that the names signed to it was a give away, and that no attention would be paid to it. They will now try to make capital out of Mr. King’s refusal to recognize them, assigning as a cause his fear to meet Mr. Schiffbauer in debate. This all folly. This is King’s business, and a ten-year-old child could meet Frank in debate, with no difficulty whatever. Go on, boys, with your enthusiastic meetings in Bolton Township. We’ll take care of our candidate.
Arkansas City Republican, October 18, 1884.
On the inside of the REPUBLICAN, a lengthy communication from Frank Schiffbauer defending himself against the sayings of the Traveler appears. Frank consumes lots of space and we let our readers judge whether he sustains himself or not.
Arkansas City Republican, October 18, 1884.
“Schiffbauer as a Legislator.”
GENTLEMEN: Knowing as I do that you are my political opponents in this campaign, yet I still believe there is still honor and fairness enough in journalism to allow you to publish the following statement in answer to an article published in the Traveler under the title of “Schiffbauer as a Legislator.” The amount of truth there is established in that article I will attempt to show; and I leave the matter to those who were present and heard all the remarks I made whether or not I have made a true statement.
In the first place, Mr. Traveler, you say that article was not with any desire to misrepresent me, and that your information was gained from good and reliable independent and Democratic sources. A little further along you state that my supporters are not a very choice part of the community. Then your independent informants cannot be thoroughly reliable according to your views, can they?
I never at any time made the statement you mention to the effect that the bridge south of town should be assumed by the state; nor did I make any statement at any time that could be tortured into meaning this. I did say, and I repeat it here, that all bridges now built and maintained by the various townships in the county, should be assumed and maintained by the county. And all bridges hereafter to be built, costing to exceed two hundred dollars, should be built by the county and maintained the same as other bridges, by the county. You say there have been laws passed in our state legislature authorizing different counties in the state to assume the bridges therein when certain conditions have been complied with, and this law is in force in Cowley County today. Then why under the sun is the law not enforced, and thereby relieve the township from this burden which has been borne with patience so long.
You say further Mr. Schiffbauer’s election could have no influence whatever on the bridge question. Now I want to cite you to the laws of Kansas of 1883, to the laws passed by our state legislature and senate in relation to bridges. I refer you to house bill No. 205, page 90; senate bill No. 221, page 90; house bill No. 296, page 95; house bill No. 301, page 97; senate bill No. 264, page 99; house joint resolution No. 9, page 100; senate bill No. 28, page 104; senate bill No. 124, page 111; senate bill No. 69, page 114; and so on. You can find on pages 119, 131, 129, and 133. Now, why the necessity of these acts, if, as you say, our representative can have no influence; why did our representative two years ago pledge himself to secure a similar act to those cited to above; if he had, or could have nothing to do with bridges? He was and is an expounder of Coke, Blackstone, and constitutional laws and ought to know; was he the hypocrite you picture me to be? It does seem to me you judge me by the rest of your party.
About the time I came to your city, the bridge south of town was washed away by the freshet, and Creswell Township was bonded to her utmost limit, and the vexed question was how to replace that bridge. And I then said that in my opinion the general government should give us an appropriation sufficient to place a new bridge across there, and I believed they would do so if the matter was properly presented; and I still hold that opinion. And it is the duty of the best senator the United States ever had (?) to assist us in this matter, as he knows as well as anyone else, that this bridge is used fully as much for the benefit of the Indians and military departments as by the citizens of this state; and an appropriation of this kind would be quite as judiciously expended as the $20,000 to $50,000 expended on this same stream, in the shape of some cadet of the U. S. Engineer corps surveying and estimating the number and extent of the sand hills and snags between Wichita and Little Rock.
You say I will spend twice as much money in the campaign than my salary would amount to. You are mistaken, it does not require much money to conduct an honest campaign. We need no brass band; we need no torch light procession. As Ben Butler says: “We need not dress up like monkeys and parade the streets.”
You state in quoting what I said on the freight question that I should have said the remedy did not lie in making another railroad law, but rather in passing a law compelling the courts to do their duty. Now, you can give your informant my compliments, and tell him he lied on that score, and there were plenty of good people present, who heard what I did say, who will bear me out when I make that assertion. What I said on this subject was that we had no railroad law for courts to enforce, but that our supervision of railroads was rather given to three railroad commissioners, and those at an expense of about $12,000 per annum to the state. I further stated we had received no benefit from what railroad legislation we had, only on the matter of passenger fare; and what we wanted was thorough railroad laws enacted; with heavy penalties attached for failure, refusal, or neglect to comply with these laws, and then let the courts enforce these laws; and if we could get rid of the commissioners in no other way, hire some good men to shoot them as they had proved themselves a public nuisance instead of public benefactors. I did say that it cost more to transport goods from Kansas City here, 280 miles, than from New York to Kansas, 1,500 miles, and I can prove it to you or anyone else that may call on me to do so.
The reason I did not seek the Republican nomination is, because I did not desire it, nor would I have accepted it if tendered me.
As regards my remarks pertaining to the Territory, I have said the proper resolutions should pass both houses of this state at the next session demanding the proper tribunals to settle this much vexed question as to the title of these lands, and thus set at rest this much vexed question between the military and Capt. D. L. Payne. Wherein the consistency of our military taking the poor people prisoners, and destroying their property within forty miles of the Wichita courts, the proper tribunal for their trial, take them to Ft. Smith, Arkansas, thence to Ft. Scott, Kansas, thence in a round about way to Wichita, finally, is a problem I leave you to solve. That is a military ruling I have not found in Blackstone or Coke. Neither have I ever found why this government is so lenient with a man whom they claim has so grievously offended her laws as Capt. D. L. Payne; if in fact he is guilty, why is he not tried, found guilty, fined, imprisoned, or hung, as the offense may warrant. I say again, the whole proceedings against the Oklahoma people by the government is a long continuation of a wholesome farce and fraud, and I have said I would vote, if sent to represent this district, for any man for U. S. Senator, who would not pledge himself to use his influence to right this wrong, and neither will I, not even for “the best senator the United States has ever had,” as you quote him.
You say none were more righteously indignant at the men who cut the cattlemen’s wire fences in the territory than the Schiffbauers. That may be. I cannot care to sanction such proceedings on the part of our citizens and I think I can safely say I was especially indignant towards the mob who perpetrated the outrage in our city about a year ago, and if the act had been accomplished by the not very choice part of the community as you see fit to style the poorer classes, you would have been especially indignant, but under the circumstances, you sanctioned that dirty job; herein lies the difference.
Why I am an Independent candidate the people of this district know. And whether I have ever loosened any ribs for the laboring classes, farmers, or freighters, or not, I leave them to judge; if I have ever done one of them any harm, I don’t want him to vote for me.
As to your statement that Southern Kansas, and especially Cowley County, would be ruined eternally in the event of Mr. King’s defeat, I only answer that we have survived thus far without Mr. King in our representative Hall, and I believe we will exist even if this terrible disaster should befall the Republican party of the 67th district in November next.
You say I announced myself for no other reason under heaven than to get the Democratic endorsement. I answer that by stating just as emphatically as you do the Republicans of Arkansas City brought out Mr. Pyburn for no other reason only to knock me down with and elect Mr. King; and when Mr. Pyburn found he could not deliver the goods he shouldered the load onto Mr. Harkleroad and he has not delivered it yet. That thing was so transparent that all the people have seen through it long ago in spite of your denial. People should never sell out unless they can give a true bill of sale.
I will say in conclusion I have promised to accomplish nothing, but use my best endeavors to bring about the I advocate. I am yours for Glick Resubmission.
Arkansas City Republican, October 18, 1884.
The REPUBLICAN makes the following prophecy on the vote for representative: Mr. Schiffbauer in Arkansas City will poll a very good vote, drawing mostly from the Democracy. In Bolton he will do the same. In the other townships his vote will be exceedingly light. In fact, it will be so light that the votes can almost be counted on the fingers. Mr. Harkleroad, the Democratic nominee, outside of the above mentioned precincts, will poll almost the usual Democratic vote. Mr. King will poll the full Republican vote in the district and will be elected by 200 majority. The fight, it seems, is becoming tainted with personalities, simply because parties who have a slight influence indulge in innuendos of a personal nature. This is all wrong. It stirs up bad blood. The three candidates are men whom we all know. The REPUBLICAN is not fighting either the Democratic or Independent candidate, but re-submission and Glick we are. John J. Ingalls and Prohibition is the motto of our campaign banner. We believe the Prohibitionists have the ascendancy in this district, and in order to promote that cause we must as Republicans, use our vote and influence for Louis P. King.
Arkansas City Republican, October 18, 1884.
Mrs. Chas. Schiffbauer went to Osage Agency last Sunday. She was accompanied by Mrs. Ed Finney and daughters.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, October 22, 1884.
Our worthy and intelligent mayor occupied two columns of the Republican last Saturday in answering our article of two weeks ago. His denials are accompanied with such reservations as to make them a tacit admission of the truth of our assertions, and to still more thoroughly convince us of his unfitness for the office to which he hopes to be elected. He starts out by disclaiming the assertion that the bridge south of town should be assumed by the state, and says he meant the county; then a little further on he explains that what he did say was that the general government “should appropriate a sufficient sum to place a new bridge across there, and I believe they would do so if the matter was properly presented, and I still hold that opinion.” This is all very pretty in theory, and was probably suggested to Frank because of his long experience in dabbling in government contracts; but even a man so thoroughly familiar with the liberality of the government as is Frank never heard of the United States making such an appropriation as he calls for. Nor do we believe he is foolish enough to believe in such a possibility himself. It is simply a very nice piece of bait to throw out in the hope that hungry and dissatisfied voters will catch at it.
Mr. Schiffbauer is not the first nor the only man who has advocated the county’s assuming our bridges, and in questioning our statement as to the law in regard to our bridges, he only displays more of that ignorance and stupidity which has thus far characterized his campaign. There is, and has been for years, a law authorizing Cowley County to assume the bridges of the county. Why isn’t it enforced? Because our county commissioners have always been instructed by the county attorney that this question must be decided by ballot, and that the bridges could not be accepted as a gift, but must be purchased, the county paying therefor a nominal sum. The question has never been submitted to the people for the simple reason that heretofore it has been impossible to carry it; but for your special edification, Frank, we will say that one week from next Tuesday, Cowley County votes on this question, thus relieving you of the responsibility of securing an appropriation from the general government.
“It is the duty of the best senator the United States ever had (?) to assist us in this matter,” says F. P. Schiffbauer. Well, the senior senator for Kansas has more sense than to bring this matter up in the senate, however keen a Schiffbauer might be to make an ass of himself by so doing. What has turned our Frank against Ingalls so suddenly and so bitterly? Didn’t John J. do enough for you, Frank, when you carried that letter of introduction to him last spring requesting his assistance in some “business matters” with the government, which you wished settled? It is barely possible that Senator Ingalls refused to drop all other business and run Frank’s claim through the departments.
Mr. Schiffbauer further says:
“As regards my remarks pertaining to the Territory, I have said the proper resolutions should pass both houses of this state at the next session demanding the proper tribunals to settle this much vexed question as to the title of these lands, and thus set at rest this much vexed question between the military and Capt. D. L. Payne.”
This would sound new and refreshing to a man just arrived from Kamtschatka, but every voter in this county or state ought to know that for the past ten years “proper resolutions” have passed both branches of our legislature, requesting congress to take some action in this matter. These resolutions are forwarded to Washington every two years, and that is the last heard from them. Why? Because the general government is running the Indian Territory according to law and treaty stipulations, and not at the bidding of a few deadbeats and tramps in this or any other section of the country. There is no need to say anything further on the Oklahoma question. It is not a party question, but is simply taken up by Democrats in some neighborhoods for the purpose of making a few votes. When congress passes a law opening up these lands to settlement, it is time enough to think of going there, but until this is done, it is contrary to all principles of government, civilization, law, or order to advocate forcible entrance into the Territory. This is what Mr. Schiffbauer does indirectly, and it is certainly in poor taste for a man to ask that he be made a law maker when he advocates law breaking.
Mr. Schiffbauer states the truth when he says he was indignant at the proceedings of certain citizens who demoralized the “blind tiger” in our city last fall. He had grounds for his indignation as we believe one of his relatives was found therein.
The assertion that Republicans brought out Mr. Pyburn is unqualifiedly false. No Republican ever solicited Mr. Pyburn to become a candidate. Only one Republican ever told Mr. Pyburn he would vote for him if he was nominated, and two or three others said so on the street, but not to Mr. Pyburn. Mr. Pyburn lent his name simply to redeem Democracy from the supposition that it was controlled by the independent mob. His purpose was accomplished at the primaries which defeated Mr. Schiffbauer’s followers, and Mr. Pyburn took the first opportunity to announce himself out of the race after this was done. There was no trade or bargain between Republicans and Mr. Pyburn, and the man who says otherwise either talks on a question of which he is ignorant or he deliberately lies.
The trouble with Mr. Schiffbauer is, he sees his chances for election growing smaller and beautifully less every day, and consequently his chances for securing the special legislation he wishes are correspondingly decreased. Mr. Jas. Fay, an eminent ex-saloon keeper of Winfield, says he knows what Mr. Schiffbauer wants, and that if Harkleroad or King would pledge himself to work for Schiffbauer’s interests he would withdraw. That it is something outside of resubmission is evident, for Harkleroad will vote for that measure; and it is somewhat significant that Frank fails to touch upon our reference to the possibility of his having vital interests in the Territory which need the protection of his senatorial vote. A man who is soon to be a licensed Indian trader among the Osage Indians, and who has various claims against the government now pending, is hardly the man for farmers to send to the legislature with a view to looking after their interests. The whole scheme is too thin. The voters of the sixty-seventh district are more interested in the question of United States senator than in deciding who shall sell goods on Gray Horse Creek on the Osage reservation.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 22, 1884.
There was an Oklahoma Democratic rally in the opera house last Saturday night, which was largely attended under the supposition that it was to be a political meeting. The disgust of the respectable Democrats who went expecting to hear Judge McDonald talk politics was amusing the next morning. Payne was keen for politics, but he wanted to boom Schiffbauer, to which the Democrats objected, and he had to confine himself to his old senseless harangue with which everybody in this section is so familiar. McDonald talked for his clients, the boomers, thus earning his salary. One Democrat in the audience said: “I followed that dead beat six months, and have had all the Oklahoma I want.” Taking out the Democrats who went to hear a political speech, and the Republicans who were simply looking on, the Oklahoma crowd proper would have made a poor showing.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 22, 1884.
Among the crowd who watched the Republican rally on Tuesday night of last week and also witnessed the hoodlums’ attempt to interfere with our line of march, was a gentleman who remarked: “I had intended to vote for Schiffbauer, but I see in that Democratic string the majority of Schiffbauer’s supporters; and if the mayor of a city must stoop to countenancing such an exhibition, he cannot have my vote.” A gentleman at his side said: “I am a Democrat, but claim to be a respectable man, and I think this thing is an outrage on common decency. I am glad to see that no respectable or intelligent Democrats are mixed up in the mob.” It was simply a proof that in the mysteries of birth some are born with brains, and others are the spawn of senseless matter.
Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.
The Independent legislative candidate in the 67th district, Frank Schiffbauer, is evidently following a thorny path. Says the Traveler: “An independent meeting was held in Bolton Township last Saturday night, at the Theaker schoolhouse. It was addressed by “our Frank.” The audience was a large and enthusiastic one, consisting of W. J. Conway and two sons (Democratic), A. C. Williams (Greenbacker and Frank’s father-in-law), and J. D. Guthrie, a sterling Republican, who went simply to see and hear what he could. It is supposed that four-fifths of the audience will vote for our enterprising mayor. Possibly the Conways will be loyal on election day and vote for the Democratic nominee, but our father-in-law is all solid, which guarantees for Frank a fifth of the votes represented at Theaker schoolhouse. ‘It wuz a epok.’”
Arkansas City Republican, October 25, 1884.
J. E. Finney and Chas. Schiffbauer have procured a license to trade with the Osage tribe on Grey Horse Creek, Osage reservation. They intend building a room there. The lumber will be taken down next week. The firm name will be Finney & Schiffbauer, and will be under the management of Mr. Finney.
Arkansas City Republican, October 25, 1884.
L. E. Woodin, Jr., has secured the position as bookkeeper with Finney & Schiffbauer’s new trading post on the Osage reservation.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, October 29, 1884.
We owe Mr. Schiffbauer an apology for a statement which appeared in our last issue. It was not noticed until after the papers were printed; also, such a glaring injustice would not have resulted. Instead of accusing Mr. Schiffbauer of undue intimacy with one James Fay, it should have read James Fahey, more commonly known as “Mickey Jim.” The statement last week was not made with any desire to misrepresent our Frank.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, October 29, 1884.
Our mayor came out last Saturday in newspaper form, issuing 500 copies of a paper sailing under the euphonious title, “Through the Woods.” We looked for something especially brilliant from the combined efforts of Frank, his father-in-law, brother-in-law, and brother-in-law’s brother, considering the number of weeks they have been employed in the delivery of this phenomenal child; but were disappointed and surprised to find only a few personal allusions to one who is not before the people as a candidate, and an exhaustive plea in favor of the Greenback party.
Mr. Schiffbauer claims the TRAVELER has sought to take advantage of him because he has no “organ,” and that we would not dare to make the statements we have made if we thought he would have the chance to answer them. In addition to writing an entire falsehood in this matter, he fails to mention the fact that the TRAVELER agreed to allow him room for any communication he might see fit to make, provided he would agree to our commenting upon it in the same issue. This offer was refused by him. Why? Let him answer. We would have put his articles before the people in readable shape, covering up his ignorance so plainly visible in every column of “Through the Woods,” but for some reason our offer was not accepted.
It is noteworthy that outside of his (or someone’s) argument in favor of resubmission, his manifesto contains nothing bearing upon the fitness of his candidacy for the legislature. He dodges the issue, merely saying that for eight years he has voted for some man to represent his views, but has been disappointed, and now he purposes to represent them himself. But what are his views? What does he want to accomplish in the legislature? The people have a right to know this, but our mute, inglorious Bismarck says, “the people be d___d.” It can’t be Glick and resubmission alone, for Harkleroad is before the people on this platform, and might have stood a reasonable show for election had all opposition to the Republican nominee united on him. Frank fails to explain the combination between him and James Fahey, of Winfield, more generally known as “Mickey Jim,” and he will not explain it until too late for anybody to correct the misstatements that might unwittingly creep in. When Frank goes to Winfield on political affairs, it is to see “Mickey;” when “Mickey” comes to Arkansas City, he and Frank are closeted in secrecy during the two hours between trains. This is suggestive, but not very edifying. We need more light.
Frank says he promises to accomplish nothing. No one doubts that he will, of necessity, keep this promise, and for this reason the people will vote against him. Even conscientious resubmissionists will not vote for him, because of the uncertainty of his actions on other measures. They feel that he cannot be trusted, and they are right. Frank has a very peculiar idea of the obligations of an oath, and we have every reason to believe he would not let such a simple matter of form stand between him and his desires. As proof of this we cite a conversation between Mr. Schiffbauer and Mr. T. H. McLaughlin a few months since, in which Mr. Schiffbauer affirmed that he “would not give a man away on the witness stand.” When we stop to consider that a witness is always under oath to answer well and truly all questions put to him, the above assertion can mean little else than that the author would swear to a lie. Such a course will gain him friends among a very questionable class of people. Aside from showing the true position of Mr. Schiffbauer at that time and this—that he as mayor is the avowed friend of the law-breaking class—his assertion proves his utter unreliability in questions of public interest which may conflict with his personal wishes. He would simply, under all circumstances, do as he pleased. No man in favor of honest government can afford to vote for a man with such loose notions of honor and integrity.
Mr. Schiffbauer may issue another manifesto next Saturday, or before the election, similar to that of last week; but when he finally gets “through the woods” into clear, open sunlight, he will find that he has come out a long way from the door that leads into legislative halls. He might as well have stayed back in the shade.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 29, 1884.
May the God of the widows and orphanless have compassion on our local Democracy. Tammany and Irving are again at sword’s-points. Tammany wants a banner stretched across the street next Friday with a picture of Glick on one side and on the reverse side a drawing representing Schiffbauer and resubmission. Irving will have none of it, however. They want Glick on one side and Maria Halpin on the reverse: or any other sign equally appropriate and suggestive. We extend our sympathy.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 29, 1884.
What became of the $20,000 bonds the city voted for the purpose of getting a permanent water supply for extinguishing fire? Where is the water supply? Where is our $20,000?
We would respectfully refer all such questions to our worthy mayor, in whose tender mercies our city is resting.
Arkansas City Republican, November 8, 1884.
Creswell’s returns show how faithful she was to the charge entrusted to her. She was faithful to her representative. Frank Schiffbauer ran well. He and his friends worked like Turks to secure his election and it seemed as if he was bound to get there. Fate was against him. Harkleroad took third place on the ticket in this township.
Arkansas City Republican, November 8, 1884.
F. P. Schiffbauer’s baby has been sick the past week.
Arkansas City Republican, November 8, 1884.
Chas. Schiffbauer and Ed. Finney left for Chicago Thursday to purchase their stock of goods for their trading post in the Indian Territory.
Arkansas City Republican, November 8, 1884.
L. P. KING, R.: 455.
I. D. HARKLEROAD, D.: 241.
HENRY E. ASP, R.: 612.
JOS. O’HARE, D.: 475.
Henry Asp ran ahead of Blaine and Logan; and in fact, polled the largest vote of any candidate on the ticket. The Telegram must feel terribly “set down” by this vindication of Mr. Asp’s character by the vote of the people.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 19, 1884.
Charles Schiffbauer returned from Chicago yesterday, where he has been for several days laying in a stock of goods for his trader’s store in the Osage country. He expects to be open and doing business by the first week in January.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 19, 1884.
Mrs. C. Schiffbauer has been under the doctor’s care for several days past.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 19, 1884.
Below we give the registers of the different hotels in the city for Saturday, November 15, 1884. Nothing we could say would show, so clearly, and unmistakably, the bustle of activity and the appearance of business of our little city.
F. P. Schiffbauer and wife and Mrs. C. Schiffbauer, City.
Arkansas City Republican, November 22, 1884.
Chas. Schiffbauer is home again from Chicago.
Arkansas City Republican, November 22, 1884.
Mrs. Chas. Schiffbauer has been sick this week.
Arkansas City Republican, December 6, 1884.
Chas. Schiffbauer is at his store in the territory this week.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 10, 1884.
Chas. Schiffbauer is in the Territory arranging his stock of goods just received on Gray Horse. He will soon move there and take charge of what promises to be a thriving business.
Arkansas City Republican, December 13, 1884.
Frank Schiffbauer has been down on Gray Horse several days past, assisting Charlie to arrange the stock. He came home Wednesday. Roads are very bad down that way.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 17, 1884.
Frank Schiffbauer is down in the Territory assisting his brother, Charlie, arrange his stock of goods.
Arkansas City Republican, December 20, 1884.
Mrs. Lillie Carney and her mother, Mrs. Chamberlain, of Kansas City, are visiting at the residence of Chas. Schiffbauer during the holidays. Mrs. Carney is a sister of Mrs. Schiffbauer.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.
Frank Schiffbauer visited friends in Winfield last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.
Mrs. Lillie Carney and Mrs. Chamberlain, relatives of Mrs. Charles Schiffbauer, are visiting here. They will remain during the holidays.
Arkansas City Republican, December 27, 1884.
On Monday Jan. 5 the registration books will be opened by the city clerk at his office and will remain open until within ten days of election days. At the spring election eight councilmen will be elected, four for one year, and four for two years, one mayor, one police judge, city attorney, treasurer. It is quite probable that Mayor Schiffbauer will remain in his present seat.
Arkansas City Republican, December 27, 1884.
Council Proceedings.
The council convened Monday night with the following members present: F. P. Schiffbauer, Mayor; O. S. Rarick, T. Fairclo, C. G. Thompson, councilmen.
After the minutes were read and approved, the Mayor appointed T. Kimmell, W. Spray, and H. D. Kellogg as appraisers on vacating alley in block 141, and city clerk ordered to notify appraisers of their appointment. The clerk was also instructed to look up the matter of the foundry rent and report at next meeting, and to collect from H. D. Kellogg $20 for quit claim deed to lots.
On motion the engineer’s wages were raised to $40 per month.
On motion Judge Kreamer was instructed to collect the back indebtedness on the Highland Hall.
On motion J. J. Breene was appointed assistant marshal at a salary of $20 per month.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
L. E. Woodin, Jr., has been down at Gray Horse assisting Finney, Schiffbauer & Co. in opening their stock of goods.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
The Episcopal ladies were overrun, New Year’s afternoon, with visitors, who came to enjoy their hospitality—which is renowned in Arkansas City. The names of the ladies who received were:
The names of the principal callers we append below.
Among the list of callers were the names of F. P. Schiffbauer and Charles Schiffbauer.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
Our City Dads.
COUNCIL ROOM, January 5, 1885.
Present: F. P. Schiffbauer, Mayor, and O. S. Rarick, T. Fairclo, A. A. Davis, councilmen.
The following bills were allowed.
A. A. Newman & Co.: $1.40
W. L. Aldridge & Co.: $13.60
Benedict & Owen: $8.35
James Moore: $12.75
James Hill: $18.39
C. R. Sipes: $2.35
James Hill was found indebted for boat and cable $40, and paid the balance $21.01 to Judge Kreamer.
Reports received and placed on file.
[Very hard to read. Giving summary only. MAW]
Police Court, W. H. Kreamer. Collected $41 in fines for October, November, December. Paid Treasurer $41.
City Clerk, Jas. Benedict. Started with a balance of $243.25. Received a total of $1,010.64 from Police Judge.
Licenses issued by County Treasurer. After orders were issued, there was an accounting of licenses issued but not paid for. Balance due Treasurer: $12.80.
City Treasurer: Started out with a balance of $243.25. After showing receipts from Police Judge, County Treasurer, Licenses, etc., he showed a total of $1,000.78. Balance due Treasurer: $12.86.
Bond Fund: Cash from Co. Treasurer $79.17. Sent by draft to 1st National Bank, New York: $79.17.
Sinking Fund: To balance fund $1.85.
TO DRAFT SENT NOV. 26: $79.17; $108.11.
BY BALANCE IN OUR FAVOR: $1.76; $108.11.
Moved and carried that the City Engineer be instructed to purchase coal for City Waterworks.
Adjourned to meet Jan. 19. F. P. SCHIFFBAUER, Mayor. JAS. BENEDICT, Clerk.
Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.
Chas. Schiffbauer has rented the residence formerly occupied by D. L. Kitchen on North Summit street and is now living there.
Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.
Mrs. Lillian Carney returned to her Kansas City home Wednesday. She has been here for a couple of weeks visiting her sister, Mrs. Charles Schiffbauer.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
Frank Schiffbauer drew the capital prize, the $20 music box, at the drawing held by Sam Gould, last week. Several more presents were drawn by different parties, while all drew something.
Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.
Frank Schiffbauer was the one to draw the handsome music box at S. P. Gould’s.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.
His Honor, Frank Schiffbauer, while assisting in loading some freight for the Cheyenne agency Monday at the depot, let a heavy box, weighing several hundred pounds, fall on his foot, crushing it terribly. He was taken home, and was confined to his bed for a few days.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
Our Daddies.
Council rooms, Feb. 2. Adjourned meeting.
Members present, F. P. Schiffbauer, Mayor; C. G. Thompson, A. A. Davis, and T. Fairclo, councilmen.
Chicago Lumber Co.: $22.30
Ark. City Coal Co.: $105.45; $4.00.
Stedman Bros.: $1.75
C. McIntire: $3.30
Jas. Moore: $5.00
D. L. Means: $10.00
W. J. Gray: $3.00
C. Bundrem: $1.10
Howard Bros.: $.42
Petition of Commercial Building Association to put in large cistern and one cesspool back of Commercial Building granted.
Ivan Robinson granted permission to retain his office on Central Avenue.
Mr. Samuel Clarke came before the board and made statement in regard to his understanding of contract between the city and himself, and on motion the City Attorney was instructed to go on and foreclose mortgage held by city on his machinery.
On motion the verbal contract between Mr. Clarke and city was canceled.
Proposition of W. Ward to furnish dirt for east end of 5th Avenue was rejected.
The license on traveling troupes performing in Highland Hall was fixed at $2.50 from now on.
The Mayor was instructed to give what assistance was necessary in the relief of Mrs. Moore.
Moved and carried that if Mr. Miller will pay all the costs which have accrued now in the case of his son, the fine will be remitted.
Report of W. D. Kreamer read and ordered placed on file.
Adjourned sine die. F. P. SCHIFFBAUER, Mayor. Attest: JAS. BENEDICT, Clerk.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 7, 1885.
Which Frank Sheets Ascertained Thursday to His Sorrow.
Thursday afternoon as Ed Bass and Bob McGinnis, both colored and the latter residing in West Bolton, were discussing some grievances they waxed warm. Frank Sheets, who was standing nearby was resorted to as a referee in the dispute. Finally the quarrel narrowed down to McGinnis and Sheets, which continued about a bird dog until the latter remarked that he could lick the former on less ground than he could stand on. McGinnis replied he did not want to fight and was not prepared to fight. Sheets wanted McGinnis to go outside of the city limits and fight it out, which we believe was finally agreed upon, Sheets turning and walking away. When he was several feet from him, friends who were holding McGinnis, let him loose. He started after Sheets and made several slashes at him with a razor, one cut taking effect in his neck, barely missing the spinal vertebrae, and inflicting an ugly wound. If the cut had extended but an eighth of an inch farther, it would have severed the external jugular vein, and Sheets would have bled to death. Two other slashes took effect on his shoulder and arm, but not making more than a scratch. The wounded man saw he was going to be carved and having nothing with which to defend himself, started to escape. By this time McGinnis was prevented from doing any further damage by Capt. Rarick, who arrested and disarmed him. Joe Finkleburg and A. W. Patterson assisted the wounded man upstairs into Dr. G. H. J. Hart’s office, where his wound was dressed. The wound was about three inches in length. Dr. Hart washed, dressed, and took the necessary stitches quickly and in a manner which designated that he was perfectly familiar with this portion of his profession. Sheets stood the pain like a hero, never flinching. The hide on his neck was so thick that the needle would not penetrate, and an instrument was used in order to make the necessary stitches. After the wound was dressed, Sheets walked around about the same as usual. The scrimmage occurred on Summit Street, between the post office and T. R. Houghton’s harness shop. Henry Asp, the county attorney, was sent for, who came on the evening train. The preliminary examination was had before the Mayor, F. P. Schiffbauer. It commenced as soon as Asp arrived. A good part of Thursday night and until noon yesterday was used up in taking the evidence. In the afternoon the arguments pro and con were rendered before Mayor Schiffbauer. The charge was assault and battery with intent to kill. J. A. Stafford represented McGinnis and Henry Asp the State.
The preliminary resulted in the mayor binding McGinnis over to appear at the next term of court in the sum of $400. We understand that McGinnis will give the necessary bond.
Sheets was taken before Judge Kreamer and fined $1 for disturbance of the peace yesterday morning.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.
Henry Asp was in the city Thursday representing the state in several trials before Justices Schiffbauer and Kreamer.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.
A Man and His Little Razor at Work.
Thursday night, seeing a crowd gathering near the Post Office, ye local hastily “strode” thither to “catch on.” He found that the little razor had been on the war path with the usual attendant gore. The facts, as near as we were able to gather was that Frank Sheets and Bob McGinnis had got into an altercation about a dog. The trouble was of long standing, and there has been a bitter tongue fight going on about the matter for some time. Thursday, one Bass, Frank Sheets, and Bob McGinnis came together. Bass and Sheets each wanted to “lick the waddin” out of the latter. McGinnis, in the course of the not overly polite, personal remarks, became greatly enraged, and after Sheets left, working himself into a white heat, and followed him up, giving him three slashes with his razor, cutting him very severely on the back of the neck, and making a wound five inches in length and quite deep, the other two only taking effect in the clothing. Dr. G. H. J. Hart dressed the wound, and Sheets was around in the streets Friday, so that it was not serious. McGinnis had a preliminary examination before ‘Squire Schiffbauer Thursday night and Friday morning was brought over to the Circuit Court.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.
Hizzoner the Judge.
Judge W. D. Kreamer reports the following cases since our last issue.
City vs. J. R. Frazier—wife beating—found guilty and fined $10 and costs, total $14.50.
City vs. Frank Sheets—disturbing the peace—guilty; fined $1 and costs.
State vs. Wm. Roberts—obtaining goods under false pretense—guilty; fined $1 and costs, total $24.05.
State vs. Bob McGinnis—assault with intent to kill—bound over in the penal sum of $400. Released on bail.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
Sam Wile’s drawing came off Tuesday evening at the Arcade. T. F. Sallade, of Geuda Springs, drew the $125 organette; Chas. Chapel the overcoat; Geo. Young the suit of clothes; Baby Schiffbauer, the $4 hat; Frank Schiffbauer took a chance for his baby. As the hat is not suitable for the babe, Frank wears it and deposits $4 to baby’s credit in its bank.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.
The drawing at Brunswick’s Arcade last week resulted as follows. 1st prize, $159 music box, F. T. Sallade, Geuda Springs; 2nd, suit of clothes, Geo. Young; 3rd, overcoat, Chas. Chapel; 4th, hat, F. P. Schiffbauer.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.
Mamma Hubbard.
The most successful of the season’s social events occurred last night at Highland Hall under the auspices of the Favorite Social Club. A large and select party of maskers were they, who glided about the hall in the many intricacies of the dance. A feast for the eyes was the many colors as they glided in and out in serpentine movements or moved along stately in massed colors. The beautiful costumes of the ladies, the grotesque and glaring ones of the gentlemen, called up scenes of oriental splendor and was soothing and calming while yet exciting to the lookers on. The names of those who were invited to the Ma Hubbard, were, so near as we could learn as follows.
One of the couples: Chas. Schiffbauer and wife.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.
Mrs. Chamberlain, mother of Mrs. Chas. Schiffbauer, who has been visiting here for two months or more, returned to Kansas City yesterday.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
Mr. Chamberlain, of Kansas City, arrived in the city Monday. He is the father of Mrs. Chas. Schiffbauer. His wife, Mrs. Chamberlain, has not returned to Kansas City, but both are visiting at the residence of Chas. Schiffbauer.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.
Gen. Hatch was in the city last Saturday. His object in visiting us at this time was to look over the ground and if the recommendations were as stated by Mr. C. Schiffbauer, that this was a better point for the troops than Caldwell, that the roads to Oklahoma were far better, and that we were nearer that country were true, he would make Arkansas City instead of Caldwell the base of future movements. After a thorough examination, he so made up his mind and in a few days will bring down five or six companies of soldiers, part of whom will be stationed here, part on Chilocco, and part on Ponca Agency. [THERE WAS MORE TO ARTICLE, BUT ALL OF IT WAS SO HARD TO READ, I QUIT AT THIS POINT. MAW]
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
Messrs. Frank Schiffbauer, J. W. Hutchison, and Dr. G. H. J. Hart visited Winfield Wednesday.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
A Watch Made Costly by Dishonesty.
On Feb. 5 H. M. Epler went to E. E. McDowell, the jeweler, and purchased a watch on the credit system, promising to pay on the following Saturday. He told Mr. McDowell he was an employee of the Star Livery Stable and as he was driving the stage between here and Geuda, he needed the time piece. Two hours later Epler left the town on the train. When the following Saturday rolled around, Epler failed to come to time. Accordingly officers were put on the track of Epler and his whereabout was discovered to be at Sedan. Sheriff McIntire went after him the last part of last week and brought him to Arkansas City last Saturday. He was tried before Mayor Schiffbauer, who fined him $5, the costs of the watch, and the costs of the case, and ordered that he be incarcerated in the county jail until it should be liquidated. He was taken to Winfield and put in jail, where he remained until Wednesday night, when his brother arrived and paid all charges, amounting to $77.25. The price of the watch was only $12.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.
Our City Dads.
COUNCIL ROOMS, March 9, 1885.
Present. Mayor, F. P. Schiffbauer; councilmen, O. S. Rarick, A. A. Davis, and T. Fairclo.
The proposition of Mr. O’Neil, in regard to the building of water and gas works in this city was laid over for two weeks.
The City Marshal was instructed to collect the regular license of Mr. Lawless.
Bill of Frank Finch, $9.40, for feeding prisoners, laid over for two weeks.
Arkansas City Coal Co.’s bill, $16.65, laid over.
C. B. Anthony, $1.25, kindling wood furnished city, allowed.
Arkansas City Coal Co.’s bill $3.25, allowed.
Adjourned until 2 weeks from date.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 21, 1885.
City Election.
Two weeks from next Tuesday city election will occur. As yet no action toward nominating a ticket has been made. Hardly any interest is manifested in the rapidly approaching election. There have been numerous names presented to the public, but none have brought forward a ticket. But a few days yet remain in which to take action. By another issue of the REPUBLICAN, the registration books will be closed Friday, March 27, being the last day in which to register. Over 600 voters have registered their names with the city clerk, Jas. Benedict, yet there are a large number who have not. It seems our citizens are waiting until the last moment before they make the nominations. This is not as it should be. Candidates should be nominated and elected upon a careful consideration by the people. We want men who are willing to work for Arkansas City in office. The future welfare of our town depends largely on the city officers to be elected two weeks from next Tuesday. Somewhere along the territory line there is going to be a town that will be the gateway to all points south of us. Why not make it Arkansas City? At present our prospects are the brightest. That they may continue we want efficient city officers. Men who will work untiredly for the welfare of Arkansas City. And as such the REPUBLICAN presents the names of the following gentlemen to the voters of Arkansas City for the offices to be filled.
The REPUBLICAN presents the above ticket to its readers for consideration. We believe the gentlemen composing it are good, patriotic citizens. True, there are others just as capable, but we hope one and all will take it into careful consideration. If there are other men who are wanted worse by the voters of the city to fill the offices mentioned above, they will say so at the coming election, Tuesday, April 7, 1885.
Arkansas City Republican, March 21, 1885.
Several parties coming in on the noon train Wednesday informed our mayor, Frank Schiffbauer, that persons up the road were telling strangers that Arkansas City was the abode of renegades on account of the boomers being located here, and that as good inducements were afforded to locate in the western counties. This is all a falsehood. True, we have the boomers here, but there has been no bloodshed and there is not likely to be any. The boomers are a quiet class of people and the soldiers are on a friendly footing with them and we often see one conversing with the other. Of course, our farming land is higher here than out west simply because it is better and more improved. No county in the state affords better advantages to home seekers than Cowley, and Arkansas City downs any city in the world. Right here we would like to say a good word for the boomers. They have been camped here some six weeks and they have numbered as high as 500 during that time. There has not been one arrested for any misdemeanor of any kind. We have seen none drunk and as far as our knowledge extends, they have violated none of our laws. Such reports about the boomers being hard cases and that we are going to have a little war in Arkansas City is false and told only to hurt Arkansas City.
[Note: Election Proclamation which follows was partially blanked out. Am positive that I made errors in copying it. Ads on flip side of page with heavy ink made articles on front page almost impossible to read. MAW]
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, March 25, 1885.
Election Proclamation.
I, Franklin P. Schiffbauer, Mayor of the City of Arkansas City, County of Cowley, and State of Kansas, by virtue of the authority vested in me by law do proclaim and make known that there will be an annual election held in the said city of Arkansas City, on the 7th day of April, A. D., 1885, for the purpose of electing a mayor, city treasurer, police judge, and justice of the peace, treasurer of the board of education, 2 constables, one councilman for the term of two years from each of the wards of said city, viz: ward No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, and No. 4, one councilman for the term of one year from each of the aforesaid wards of the said city of Arkansas City. One member of the board of education for the term of two years from each of the aforementioned wards, and 1 member of the board of education for the term of one year from each of the aforementioned wards. The place for voting at said election will be, First ward at the office of Will L. Aldridge, North Summit Street, Second ward, at the office of Thompson & Woodin’s Star Livery Stable, East 5th Avenue, Third ward at the office of J. H. Hilliard’s, 5th Avenue Livery Stable, west 5th Avenue, Fourth ward at William Blakeney’s New store room, West 7th Avenue, and hereby designate Will L. Aldridge and Timothy McIntire, judges, and M. B. Vawter, A. C. Gould, and C. Grimes as clerks of said election in the first ward; and Uriah Spray and William Gibby, judges, and I. H. Bonsall, J. J. Clark, and Oscar Titus, Clerks of said election in the second ward; and L. E. Woodin, Sr., and John Love, judges, and James Benedict, R. C. Hess, and H. S. Lundy as clerks of said election in the third ward; and H. S. Duncan and Allan Harnley, judges, and Alexander Wilson, Wm. Blakeney, and C. L. Thompson, clerks of said election in the fourth ward. The polls will be opened at 9 o’clock a.m., and closed at 6 o’clock p.m.
In witness whereof, I have herewith set my hand this 21st day of March, 1885.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 1, 1885.
The Water Works Question.
The action of the council of which you published an account last week has been viewed with surprise [? Cannot read word ?] by our citizens. While there is no doubt that our city wants both gas and water works, there is something about the means employed to adopt this scheme, and manner of working, that is viewed with suspicion. We do not wish to imply wrong motives to any man, but appearances look bad, and it is only from appearances we are able to judge at present. Appearances such as this presents carry the conviction of facts, and conclusions may as readily be drawn.
The history of the water and gas work’s question is this. Some three or four weeks ago, the parties who held the present contract came to this city and interviewed the council on the question of a franchise for both water and gas; and left to send a definite proposition. When the proposition came, it was in such shape nothing could be made of it, and it was laid on the table. There was present at that meeting Col. Whitney, of Winfield, who came to say to the people of Arkansas City that if they wanted gas works, he would make them a proposition. He was asked some questions by the Council and Mayor relative to the matter of laying water and gas pipes in the same ditch. He presented a very short, concise, reasonable statement of the reasons why this should not be done. The arguments had before the meeting been gone over by some of them in detail with the Colonel. The Mayor, F. P. Schiffbauer, and one or two of the Council professed belief in the arguments presented, and did so unequivocally. The meeting adjourned until two weeks from that night when the Council expected to receive propositions from O’Neil, Col. Whiting, and several others.
The time for the other meeting approaches, and one of our citizens asked a member of the council if they expected to accept any proposition at that meeting relative to either water or gas works. The answer was that they did not expect to do so, because they could not equally do so, being council for a city of the third class. This answer was telephoned Col. Whiting at Winfield, and he immediately stopped work on his proposition with that understanding. The meeting is held, Mr. J. A. O’Neil is present with his proposition, submits it, and it is immediately accepted. Notwithstanding their before expressed belief that the ordinance would not be legal, it is passed, ordered to be published immediately, and work commenced within sixty days.
These are the facts, and their bearing remains to be seen. It has been told that the offering of a right amount of stock to the proper parties would account for this sudden and incomprehensible act. We do not credit this explanation. But the April election is approaching, the sugar plum, office, is dangling enticingly in the air, and everything is sacrificed to the end of gaining popularity. Our citizens wanted something of this kind badly; and, perhaps, it looks reasonable, but caring so much for the effect of the ordinance on the city as on the citizens, the result was as it is known. We venture this suggestion believing it to be the right solution, hoping at least that it is instead of the other one presented, the only two to be arrived at from careful notice of the history.
Mr. O’Neil is losing not a minute; the moment the ordinance was passed, he telegraphed for material, for which he will have no use for in a month or so. He has employed laborers, and is doing everything he can while the old council is in power. By this means he will secure a hold on the city most difficult to release. A well played part of the general plan.
We submit to the common sense of the people if it would not have been better to have taken a reasonable time to examine into the comparative merits of different systems of water works, to have received several propositions and compare them. This is a question of such importance that the citizens of the city should have been consulted, the matter submitted to vote, or at least to a public meeting. But, no time was short, the few days remaining before election must be improved—and we have the ordinance. It is illegal, so declared by the city attorney, and believed by all; it is lacking in detail, it is imperfect. It is dear, it is, in short, a bid for popularity which ought to meet with the decided disapproval of all sensible people. Not only because it is thus a bid, but because the men who originated it sacrificed the city’s good for personal aggrandizement. OBSERVER.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 1, 1885.
Citizen’s Meeting.
Pursuant to call, the citizens of the city met in Highland Hall, Friday night, at 8-1/2 o’clock. The meeting was called to order and Prof. C. T. Atkinson elected chairman, R. E. Howard, secretary, and J. P. Musselman, assistant secretary. The following nominations were made for Mayor: Frank P. Schiffbauer, A. V. Alexander, Chas. Bryant, and Geo. E. Hasie.
The informal ballot resulted.
F. P. Schiffbauer: 198
A. V. Alexander: 45
C. Bryant: 4
A. J. Pyburn: 6
L. E. Woodin: 3
James Hill: 1
J. J. Breene: 1
W. D. Kreamer: 1
Col. E. Neff: 1
Under suspension of rules, F. P. Schiffbauer was nominated by acclamation, which was made unanimous.
C. R. Sipes was nominated and by acclamation, without a single dissenting voice, elected as the nominee of the convention for City Treasurer.
For Police Judge, Chas. Bryant and W. D. Kreamer were candidates, resulting in the election of the latter by a vote of 97 to 67.
James L. Huey was unanimously nominated as candidate for Treasurer for Board of Education.
S. C. Lindsay was nominated for Justice of the Peace without any opposition.
For Constables, J. J. Breene and J. R. Lewis walked off with the bread basket, no one dissenting.
The several gentlemen made short speeches after their nomination.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 8, 1885.
The Citizens Elect Their Ticket and the Reformers Get Scooped.
Our city election yesterday hinged upon the question of sustaining Mayor Schiffbauer and the council in their water and gas ordinances. The matter has been discussed at some length in the newspapers, and voters have talked the matter over with more or less warmth. The meeting on Monday night was held for the purpose of more fully informing the people of the merits of the case, it being the belief of those who called the meeting that when the action of our city fathers was fully rehearsed, the popular verdict at the polls would be given in their condemnations. Mr. Hill, as an expert, denounced the method for supplying our city with water, as ineffective and obsolete; the contract which binds our citizens to pay for the work he showed to be so loosely worded that no security was afforded the public interest; and the haste with which the business was transacted, he said, naturally begot the suspicion that some secret influence had been at work which the people would do well to rebuke. Judge Pyburn dwelt more especially upon the law governing the case. He declared that since the proclamation of the Governor changing Arkansas City from a city of the third to the second class, no legislative action of the city government had been valid, except the ordinance dividing the city into four wards. This dictum relegated the water and gas ordinance to the region of informality.
This brought Mayor Schiffbauer to his feet, who explained the action of himself and council, and in the brief vindications made some telling points. Mr. Porch also arose to declare that he had money at his command to fulfill the contracts, be the cost what it may; and Mr. O’Neil made the further assertion that gas and water would be furnished our citizens no matter what might be said in opposition.
This exposition, it is to be supposed, was duly considered by the voters, and how it affected their judgment is best shown by the result of the polls. The Citizens’ ticket elected in most the wards, but owing to the late hour of receiving the returns, we can only give the majorities, which are as follows.
For Mayor, F. P. Schiffbauer [C] 117.
Treasurer, C. R. Sipes [C & R] 578.
Treasurer, Board of Education, James L. Huey [C & R] 643.
Police Judge, Chas. Bryant [R] 35.
Justice of the Peace, S. C. Lindsay [C] 100.
Constables, Frank Thompson [C & R] 641. J. J. Breene [C & R] 641.
For council: Jacob Hight [C & R] long term, 57.
James Hill [C * R] short term, 57.
For school board: J. W. Ruby [C] long term, 57.
S. J. Rice [C] short term, 57.
For council: Calvin Dean [R] long term, 2.
Archie Dunn [C & R] short term, 134.
For school board: Rev. J. P. Witt, 68; John Landes, 68.
For Council: O. S. Rarick [C] long term, 1; M. C. Copple [R] 66;
C. G. Thompson [C] 66. [A tie between the two latter.]
For school board: H. D. Kellogg [C], long term, 1.
John Love [C], short term, 1.
For Council: A. N. Davis [C], long term, 44.
H. George Bailey [C], short term, 45.
For school board: Alex. Wilson [C], long term, 67.
J. C. Duncan [C], short term, 58.
The initials in the above statement stand “C” for Citizens’ ticket, and “R” for Reform candidate.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, April 11, 1885.
The City Election.
Tuesday the city election occurred. There were only two tickets in the field—the Citizen’s ticket and the Reform ticket, but the supporters of each worked hard for victory. F. P. Schiffbauer was elected mayor by 117 votes.
The councilmen chosen in the first ward were Jacob Hight, long term; James Hill, short term. School board: S. J. Rice and J. W. Ruby.
In the second ward, the race of councilmen was very close. It resulted in the election of Archie Dunn, long term; and Calvin Dean, short term. J. P. Witt and John Landes were put in the school board.
In the third ward Capt. Rarick and C. G. Thompson were elected councilmen; the school board is John Love and Dr. H. D. Kellogg.
In the fourth ward A. A. Davis and George Bailey were made councilmen; J. C. Duncan and Alex. Wilson were elected to serve on the school board.
Chas. Bryant was elected police judge.
C. R. Sipes was elected city treasurer.
J. L. Huey was elected treasurer, board of education.
Constables elected were J. J. Breene and Frank Thompson.
Justice of the Peace elected is S. C. Lindsay.
No fights occurred during the day, and no drunkenness occurred until after the returns came in. The returns were not canvassed until last night; therefore, the REPUBLICAN is unable to give the vote of each candidate.
Arkansas City Republican, April 11, 1885.
Finney, Schiffbauer & Co.’s store, down on Gray Horse, was blown from the foundation by the small blizzard Sunday night. The damage done was promptly paid by the insurance company.
Arkansas City Republican, April 11, 1885.
Chas. Schiffbauer, after voting Tuesday, left for Chicago, where he went on business connected with his store down on Gray Horse.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, April 18, 1885.
Capt. Rarick has been up to Topeka for several days past. Yesterday he came home and brought down five subpoenas to serve on O. C. R. Randall, C. G. Thompson, Frank Hutchison, T. W. McLaughlin, and Frank Schiffbauer, notifying them to appear at Topeka before the U. S. Grand Jury and answer such questions as it may ask. They will probably have to leave this afternoon.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 22, 1885.
Charley Schiffbauer returned from Chicago last Friday, where he purchased a large assortment of general merchandise for the trading post of Schiffbauer & Finney, on the Osage reservation.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.
Fourteen wagon-loads of goods have been sent to the Schiffbauer trading post on the Osage Reserve during the past week.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.
The city council held an informal meeting on Friday evening. Mayor Schiffbauer being absent from the city, no business of importance was transacted.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 6, 1885.
Have We a City Government Under the New State Law?
Monday evening a regular meeting of the city council was held, Mayor Schiffbauer presiding. When most of the routine business was performed, Mr. Amos Walton presented himself, and asked to call the attention of the mayor and council to a law passed at the last session of the state Legislature (Senate Bill No. 145), which requires as a qualification to the office of mayor or councilman that the incumbent be an owner of real estate in the city.
Councilman Rarick said the provision of law had just come to his knowledge, and as he was not an owner of real estate in the city, he felt himself disqualified to hold his seat. He had written out his resignation that morning to tender to the council, and he now gave notice that he should no longer perform the functions of councilman.
Some debate followed this tender as to what should be done with the resignation, but it was decided that no action was required, as the gentleman was not a member and the law declared that fact.
Mr. O’Neil then asked leave to introduce his water proposition , and a statement was read bearing his signature, but he disclaimed the authorship of the document or the signing of his name. This water supply business comes up in loose shape before the council, and the unwillingness of some of the members to act on it has a tendency to delay proceedings. At 7:30 o’clock a motion was adopted to adjourn the council meeting till 10 a.m. the next day (Tuesday), and that the council sit in committee of the whole to consider the water works question, the session to begin two hours before the adjourned meeting of the council.
But in the morning a new trouble arose. It was talked on the sidewalk that Mayor Schiffbauer and Councilmen Thompson and Davis, were also ineligible to hold office, they not being the owners of real estate in the city. This seemed to have a paralyzing effect on the honorable board, as the members did not present themselves to sit in committee of the whole. The matter was talked over by the groups on the sidewalk, and the question whether their past acts were valid caused a feeling of painful uncertainty.
At 10 o’clock the council met, Mayor Schiffbauer again in the chair. The recent act of the legislature was discussed, and “what are you going to do about it?” seemed a poser to our legislative Solons. Mr. Hill desired that some intelligent proceedings be taken to learn the facts in the matter; and after various suggestions were offered, it was finally resolved that the roll of the members be called and they be asked to declare whether they were owners of real estate within corporation limits. The mayor said he owned real estate; the councilmen from the first ward (Hight and Hill) also declared themselves real estate owners, Messrs. Dunn and Dean, of the second ward, had the necessary qualification; Capt. Thompson, of the third ward, declared himself a property holder, Capt. Rarick, of the same ward, was not in his seat, Councilman Davis, of the 4th ward, reported himself not a property owner, Mr. H. G. Bailey said he had the necessary qualification. This left two members ineligible on their own statements. The mayor questioned whether Councilman Bailey was ineligible to serve. He owned a homestead in the city although it was held in his wife’s name. She could not dispose of it without his assent and joint signature to the deed, and hence his mayor regarded him as a property owner. But Mr. Bailey took a different view of the matter. He said he did not own a lot on the city plat, he was not listed as the owner of real estate, and hence the law made him ineligible.
The talk on the subject is that two other members of the city government are in the same box with the fourth ward member, and a number of our citizens declared that elections must be held to fill their places. The question is referred to the attorney general of the state for an opinion, and when that official gives his views, a way will be devised to disentangle the snarl.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 6, 1885.
A Municipal Dead Lock.
The city council has been playing at cross purposes of late. A week ago last Friday it held an informal meeting, the mayor being absent from the city, and the heavy rain keeping several members at home; but no business was done except to swear in some of the newly elected officers, and resolve to meet on the following Monday.
On Monday the honorable body did not get together, but the following evening they met, the mayor also being present. Mr. O’Neil was in attendance, expecting the water ordinance would be brought up for revision, to state what changes in his proposed contract with the city government he was willing to concede. At 8:15 o’clock Mayor Schiffbauer rapped the council to order, and informed the gentlemen that their proceedings would not be valid unless held in compliance with a call duly signed by the mayor and a majority of the council. City Clerk Benedict then wrote out the call for a special meeting to which the signature of the mayor and four of the council were appended. Another name was wanted, and here came the hitch. Councilmen Dunn and Dean declined to affix their sign manual, unless it was specified in the call that the water works question would not be considered. They were opposed to the present contract as being too loose; it did not go sufficiently into detail, and failed to guard the interest of the taxpayers. Councilman Hill was not present, and they deemed it unwise to take action on so important a matter, or bring it up for consideration, a full board not being present. Councilman Hight advanced the same objection. After some time had been spent in informal debate, the mayor said it would be well to give effect to the call as other public business was awaiting action, and the council could use its own judgment about taking up the water works question.
Leave being granted Mr. O’Neil to address the council, he said he hoped there would be no further delay in considering the contract to which he was a party. It was not for him to say what he would do, but for the gentlemen to specify their requirements. If his present engagement for the construction of water works was not satisfactory, he was willing to amend it; he was there to make liberal concessions, but he must first know what was demanded of him. He hoped there would be no further delay as he was here under expense, and had money on deposit to go on with the work which could be put to profitable use elsewhere.
A lively cross-fire ensued between Mr. Dunn and the speaker, to which Messrs. Dean and Hight contributed an occasional shot. The debate made the fact apparent that those gentlemen opposed any action on the question in the absence of Mr. Hill, and as this maintained the deadlock, at 9 o’clock the mayor declared there would be no meeting of the council, and the business ended in smoke.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.
New Ordinances.
We publish some city ordinances in this issue, and under the requirement of law, the publication will be continued. The creation of Arkansas City as a city of the second class necessitates the enactment of our whole code of municipal laws. The revision is now being made by a committee of the council, under direction of the city attorney, and on their adoption by the council they will be published in the TRAVELER. When the revision and re-enactment are completed, the ordinances will be re-published in collected form, in order that all persons amenable to their penalties may be duly informed of the municipal rules and regulations binding upon their conduct. There has been some laxity in the conduct of our municipal affairs, we now hope to see better order established.
Ordinance No. 1.
Relating to certain petty offenses, defining the same and providing for the suppression thereof and punishment therefor.
it ordained by the mayor and councilmen of the City of Arkansas City:
SECTION 1. That any person drawing a pistol, revolver, knife, or any other deadly weapon upon another person, unless an officer of the law in the discharge of his duty, shall, upon conviction, thereof, be fined in any sum not less than $10 nor more than $100.
SECTION 2. That any person who shall, by words, signs, or gestures, provoke or attempt to provoke another to commit an assault and battery, or other breach of the peace within the limits of the city, shall upon conviction, be fined in a sum not less than $3 or more than $25.
SECTION 3. That any person who shall curse, swear, quarrel, or use violent and threatening language, or make any great noise so as to disturb the peace of any person within the limits of the city, shall upon conviction, be fined in a sum not exceeding $25.
SECTION 4. That any person who shall be found within the corporate limits of the city of Arkansas City in a state of intoxication or drunkenness, shall be fined in a sum not exceeding $10.
SECTION 5. That any person carrying any deadly or dangerous weapons, such as loaded fire-arms, slung-shot, sheath, or dirk-knife, or any other weapons which when used are liable to produce death or great bodily harm, unconcealed, within the corporate limits of the city, shall upon conviction, be fined in a sum not less than $1 or more than $10.
SECTION 6. That any person or persons carrying any of the weapons mentioned in section 5 of this ordinance, concealed about his person, shall upon conviction thereof, be fined in a sum not less than $5 or more than $25.
SECTION 7. That any person or persons discharging any fire-arms, letting off any fire-crackers or squibs, or throwing any fire-balls, or making any bonfire in the limits of the city, shall upon conviction, be fined in any sum of not less than $3 or more than $10, provided, that the section shall not apply to the 24th or 25th day of December, or the 1st day of January, or the 4th day of July, or the 22nd day of February; and provided further, that this section may be suspended on other days by the mayor; neither shall this section apply to the discharge of fire-arms in licensed shooting galleries, nor to the shooting of dogs running at large in violation of city ordinance.
SECTION 8. That any and every person who shall ride or drive any horse, mule, or other animal at an immoderate speed, or at a race within the city limits, shall be fined in a sum not exceeding $25.
SECTION 9. That any and all persons riding, driving, or leading any horse, mule, ass, or neat cattle upon or across any sidewalks within the city limits, shall upon conviction, be fined for each offense any sum not less than one or more than ten dollars.
SECTION 10. That any man or woman who are not married to each other, who shall lewdly abide with each other, or shall sleep or occupy the same apartment for lewd and lascivious purposes, within the city limits, shall upon conviction, each be fined in any sum not to exceed one hundred dollars.
SECTION 11. That every person who shall make an indecent exposure of his person within the city, shall upon conviction, be fined any sum not to exceed one hundred dollars.
SECTION 12. That any person or persons who shall in any way obstruct the street crossings in the city, shall upon conviction thereof, be fined in a sum not less than one dollar or more than five dollars.
SECTION 13. That any person or persons destroying or damaging any city property shall upon conviction, be fined in a sum not less than the amount of damage committed.
SECTION 14. That any person or persons who shall knowingly or willfully create a false alarm of fire within the city of Arkansas City, by building bonfires for that purpose, or by ringing the fire bell, or by the cry of fire, shall upon conviction thereof, be fined in a sum not less than five dollars or more than fifty dollars.
SECTION 15. That any person beating, injuring, or treating any animal in an immoderate, cruel, or unnecessary manner, shall upon conviction, be fined in any sum not to exceed fifty dollars.
SECTION 16. For hitching any team or animal to any lamp post, awning post, or growing trees along the streets of Arkansas City, or training or breaking any horse or mule on any street, or between the 1st day of March and the 1st day of October, hitching, training, breaking, or displaying or showing any stallion on any street, a fine of not less than three or more than ten dollars.
SECTION 17. That any person who shall be convicted and fined, under any provision of this ordinance or any ordinance of the city, who shall fail to pay such fine and costs of prosecution, shall perform such work for the city as the mayor shall direct, and all prisoners working for the city shall be allowed 50 cents per day to be applied in satisfaction of such fine and costs.
SECTION 18. The fines specified in the foregoing ordinance shall in no case include costs.
SECTION 19. This ordinance to take effect and be in force from and after its publication once in the Arkansas City TRAVELER.
Approved May 11th, 1885.
Attest: JAS. BENEDICT, City Clerk.
Ordinance No. 2.
An ordinance concerning the public health.
it ordained by the Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Arkansas City:
SECTION 1. That it shall be the duty of the committee on public health to make a personal inspection of the city as often as once a month, and at such other times as may be ordered by the council for the purpose of examining the sanitary condition of the city, and they shall report to the city council at their next meeting or to the city marshal all lots or premises with the owners or occupants thereof, so far as the same can be ascertained, Where any dead carcasses, privies, pig-pens or pig-houses, stables, or any other outbuildings, filth, manure pile, stagnant water, decayed or decaying vegetables, or other matters exist which is calculated to create sickness, or in any other manner prove detrimental to the public health.
SECTION 2. That under the direction of the city council or the committee on public health, the marshal shall require the nuisance referred to in previous section, to be cleansed, removed, or abated as hereinafter provided, and in case the owner or occupant of such premises shall refuse to so remove or abate such nuisance, then the marshal shall immediately commence proceedings against such party for the recovery of expenses, fines, or costs, before the police Judge.
SECTION 3. That the owner or occupant of any hotel, restaurant, saloon, boarding house, or other public house where refuse or filth is liable to accumulate, shall deposit the same and all such filth, slops, sweeping waste water, offal, or refuse, vegetable or animal, or other refuse dangerous to the public health that may accumulate upon or be the product of such premises, in a box, barrel, or other receptacle, and shall remove or cause the same to be removed so such place as may be provided or designated by the city council, as often as every Monday and Thursday during the months of July, August, and September, of each year, and at such times as may from time to time be designated by the city council.
SECTION 4. From the first day of July to the fist day of October in each year the sale of unripe fruit, stale, or unwholesome vegetables is absolutely prohibited and persons offering for sale any such unripe fruit, stale, or unwholesome vegetables after the same shall have been exposed for sale for two days previous, shall be fined in any sum not exceeding twenty dollars and costs, and the fruits and vegetables so offered shall be forfeited to the city. Potatoes, tomatoes, and onions are excepted from the operation of this ordinance.
SECTION 5. It shall be the duty of the city marshal during the time specified in the foregoing section to personally inspect every morning every place where fruit or vegetables are sold, and take possession on behalf of the city, of all such unripe fruit, or vegetables, and forthwith arrest the person or persons for violation of this ordinance.
SECTION 6. It shall be the duty of all owners or occupants of any premises in the city of Arkansas City when requested so to do by the city marshal or health committee, or any member thereof, to use as often as once a week chloride of lime or other sufficient disinfectant, in cellars, privies, stables, yards, and otherwise about their premises, from the 1st day of July until the 1st of October in each year, for the purpose of thoroughly cleansing said premises from all matter calculated to invite cholera or cause any sickness in the community, and all persons who may be thus notified to use such disinfectant upon their premises as aforesaid, and shall fail, refuse, or neglect to comply therewith, shall be subject to a fine of not exceeding twenty dollars for each and every time they fail, refuse, or neglect to comply with such notice.
SECTION 7. The marshal and members of the committee on public health shall in the discharge of their duties under this ordinance, have full power and authority to enter any house, shop, cellar, or public or private place in the city during the day time and for that purpose may break doors or other obstructions upon reasonable demand for entrance having been made and the same refused, and any person resisting any such officers in the discharge of their duties shall be dealt with in the manner provided for by ordinance for the resistance of an officer.
SECTION 8. The city council shall have power to cause any lot within the city of Arkansas City on which, or part of which, water shall at any time become stagnant, to be raised, filled up, or drained, and to cause all putrid substances, whether animal or vegetable, to be removed from said lot and said council may for such purpose, from time to time, direct that such lot or lots be raised, filled up, or drained, and that such putrid substance be removed from such lot or lots by the owner or owners thereof, respectively in such manner and within such reasonable time as the council may by resolution deem proper and sufficient.
SECTION 9. It shall be the duty of such owner or owners, his, her, or their agent or attorney, upon service of a copy of said resolution by the duly authorized agents of the city, to comply with the directions of such resolutions within the time therein specified. In case if by reason of absence or from any other cause personal service cannot be made upon the owner or owners of said lot or lots, him, her, or their agents or attorneys, then said resolutions shall be published in some newspaper of general circulation in said city for four consecutive weeks, which publication, so as aforesaid made, shall be deemed and held to be of the same force and binding effect upon the owner or owners of said lot or lots as if service thereof had been personally made.
SECTION 10. In case said owner or owners of said lot or lots, his, her, or their agents or attorneys shall after service so as aforesaid made, fail, refuse, or neglect to comply with the direction of such resolutions within the time therein specified, then the said lot or lots may be raised, filled, or drained, or such putrid matter or substance be removed at the expense of the city, and the amount of money so expended shall be a debt due to said city from the owner or owners of such lot or lots in proportion to the amount expended on the lot or lots owned by him, her, or them respectively, and said debt shall from the time of the adoption of said resolutions become a lien upon said lot or lots and said sum shall be deemed to be a special assessment on said lot or lots and shall be certified to the county clerk of Cowley County, to be by him placed on the tax roll for collection subject to the same penalties and collected in like manner as other taxes are by law collected.
SECTION 11. The raising, filling, or draining of said lot or lots shall be done by the city and the same shall be under the supervision of the street commissioner, and all work of raising, filling, or draining of said lot shall cease, whenever in his judgment the said nuisance shall have been fully abated and thereupon he shall report to the city clerk for presentation to the council a careful statement duly certified to, showing the amount of money due from each lot or lots, so as aforesaid raised, filled, or drained.
SECTION 12. This ordinance to take effect and be in force from and after its publication once in the Arkansas City TRAVELER.
Approved May 11th, 1885.
Attest: JAS. BENEDICT, City Clerk.
Ordinance No. 3.
An ordinance prohibiting certain persons from climbing upon moving trains in the city of Arkansas City.
it ordained by the mayor and councilmen of the city of Arkansas City:
SECTION 1. That no persons except an employee or passenger of any railway company shall climb or attempt to climb upon any moving train upon any railroad within the city.
SECTION 2. Any persons violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall on conviction thereof, be fined in any sum not less than $3 or more than $15 and cost of prosecution.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication once in the Arkansas City TRAVELER.
Approved May 11th, 1885.
Attest: JAS. BENEDICT, City Clerk.
Ordinance No. 4.
An ordinance fixing the salaries and compensation of city officers and employees.
it ordained by the mayor and councilmen of the city of Arkansas City:
SECTION 1. That the officers and employees of the city of Arkansas City hereinafter specified, shall receive per annum, payable monthly, to-wit: The mayor nor any councilmen, nor any member of the board of education, shall receive any compensation exceeding the amount of one dollar per annum, either as such officers or as councilmen, or otherwise; city clerk, one hundred and eighty dollars; city attorney, $200; city treasurer, no salary; treasurer board of education, no salary; city marshal, seven hundred and twenty dollars; assistant city marshal, three hundred dollars; street commissioner, one dollar and 50 cents per day for all days actually employed for the city; police judge, three hundred dollars, to be paid by the city, and in addition thereto he is hereby allowed to retain not to exceed the sum of twenty-five dollars per month out of any fees collected by him, and any amount of fees collected by him during any one month exceeding the sum of twenty-five dollars shall be turned over by him to the city treasurer the same as other city moneys coming into his hands by virtue of his office; he is also to furnish his room furniture, fuel, and lights.
SECTION 2. Any officer or employee drawing pay under the provisions of this ordinance, shall forfeit his right to compensation for such time as he shall neglect or be unable to perform the duties of his office or position, or while suspended or relieved therefrom.
SECTION 3. Any appointed officer or employee absenting himself from the city of Arkansas City, or who fails or is unable to perform the duties of his position, may with the consent of the mayor and councilmen, provide a temporary substitute, but absence or failure to act without such provision of a substitute shall be construed as a resignation, and his position may be declared vacant at the option of the mayor and council.
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication once in the Arkansas City TRAVELER.
Approved May 12th, 1885.
Attest: JAS. BENEDICT, City Clerk.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.
Council Meeting.
The city council met on Monday evening, and after acting upon a number of bills, proceeded to the revision of ordinances. The ordinance proposed by the mayor imposing an occupation tax was first read by the clerk. It is a lengthy document and prescribes a license tax upon every occupation allowed by the statute, even to fortune tellers and corn-doctors. After the reading, the council proceeded to set the amount to be taxed upon each occupation. The tax on druggists was a stumbling block. A charge of $100 a year was suggested, because these dealers by the sale of liquor make all the profit formerly gained by saloon dealers, and the city treasury is deprived of the license formerly imposed on saloons. Councilman Dunn argued the amount was excessive; if druggists abuse the permits granted them, it remained with the probate judge to deal with the offenders. He did not believe in punishing the innocent with the guilty, and thought that some discrimination should be made. At his suggestion the tax was fixed at $25 to $100 at the “discretion of the mayor.”
Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.
The City Council Again Laboring With the Question.
The water question has become a hackneyed subject in the newspapers of the city; and with the rivers overflowing their banks and threatening widespread destruction, we can understand that a prolonged discussion of the question may seem excessive to some readers. But old Aquarius, who carries the watering-pot of the gods, may withhold his hand before long; our present surplus may turn into drouth, and then the subject of a water supply will not be turned from with aversion.
When the report of the committee on water works was made to the city council a week ago, through its chairman, Mr. James Hill, the question of the location of the works was referred to the council, and became the subject of prolonged discussion. Mr. Hill, as an expert, recommended the Walnut River as a source of supply, suggesting that three acres of ground at an eligible point be purchased; that the same be fenced in, cleared, and scrupulously cleaned off, and the necessary buildings and machinery erected. He recommended the Walnut River, he said, because the spring which furnishes our present supply of water is not to be depended on for the future needs of the city; and because a present saving of several thousand dollars can be made in the machinery and a considerable permanent saving in the cost of fuel.
The debate that followed brought out an expression of conflicting sentiment. The water in the Walnut was condemned as impure and unfit for culinary use. Dead carcasses, decaying trees, and vegetable debris are borne along its surface, and the several hog wallows in the vicinity of the mills taint it beyond means of purification. One or two members suggested that the water could be filtered before it was turned into the pipes, but others contended that it was so charged with vegetable and animal matter, that during the hot months, it became putrid; and no process of filtration could relieve it of its offensive odor.
Diverse views were expressed on the fitness of the spring for the supply of the city. It was asserted by Mr. Hill, and assented to by some of his brother members, that an excavation must be made to arrive at an increased supply, and in sinking down, there was danger of losing the water entirely. But others declare that large portions of our city are under flown by seepage from the Arkansas River, and that a thin stratum of rock, extending from one river bank to the other, is interposed between this subterranean inflow and the surface. In proof of this the case is mentioned of a workman drilling through this shell of rock, who lost hold of his drill when the rock was perforated, and it disappeared in the underlying water. Taking this geological formation as a basis, they insist that the rock has but to be removed from the spring where the city now obtains its supply, and water will be found in sufficient quantity to meet all our future wants should our present population be decupled.
This diversity of opinion was brought to an issue in the council last week, by the introduction of a motion to locate the water works on the Walnut River bank. But no definite vote was taken because two of the members (Messrs. Hight and Bailey), were not able to vote intelligently, not knowing anything about the prospective capacity of the spring to supply the city inhabitants. A day was granted to inform themselves, and when they came to a vote on the motion, the ensuing evening, it was sustained by a vote of four to three. This seems to have given the coup de grace to Mr. O’Neil, who has been hanging on the ragged edge for upwards of a month; he saw that his franchise to build a water system was knocked higher than a kite, so he gathered his belongings together and lit out, forgetting, in his haste to get away, to pay his debts to several confiding creditors. This puts the water works question all at sea again, and the question is, what is it best to do about it?
Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.
Election Proclamation.
I, Franklin P. Schiffbauer, Mayor of the City of Arkansas City, county of Cowley, and state of Kansas, by virtue of the authority vested in me by law, do proclaim and make known that there will be a special election held in the said city of Arkansas City on the first day of June, A. D. 1885, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of said city of Arkansas City, a proposition for said city to subscribe to the capital stock of the Kansas City and Southwestern Railroad Company to the amount of Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000). [See Mayor’s proclamation.]
There will also be held on the said 1st day of June, A. D. 1885, a special election of the qualified voters of said city of Arkansas City for the purpose of voting for or against a proposition for said county of Cowley to subscribe to the capital stock of the Kansas City and Southwestern Railroad Company to the amount of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000).
[See Sheriff’s proclamation.]
The form of the ballots to be used at such special election for and against the proposition to take stock and issue bonds therefor, as above recited, shall be in the following form, to-wit: the ballot in favor of such proposition shall contain these words, “For the railroad stock and bonds of the Kansas City and Southwestern railroad company,” and the ballot against said proposition shall contain these words, “Against the railroad stock and bonds of the Kansas City and Southwestern railroad company.” The places for voting at such election will be: 1st ward, at the office of Will L. Aldridge, North Summit Street; 2nd ward, at the office of Thompson and Woodin, Star Livery stable, east 5th avenue; 3rd ward, at the office of J. H. Hilliard, 5th avenue livery stable, west 5th avenue; 4th ward, at the office of Fairclo Bros.’ livery stable, West Central avenue. And I hereby designate Timothy McIntire and J. P. Eckles as Judges and J. B. Walker, O. Grimes, and John Sheldon as Clerks of said election in 1st ward; and Chas. Bryant and Ira Barnett as Judges and J. J. Clark, Dell Plank, and John McGill, as Clerks of said election in 2nd ward; and M. C. Copple and John Love as Judges, and James Benedict, W. B. Kirkpatrick, and H. L. Lundy as Clerks of said election in 3rd ward; and H. G. Chinn and A. A. Davis as Judges, and Wm. Henderson, Alexander Wilson and S. C. Lindsey as Clerks of said election in 4th ward. The polls will be opened at 9 o’clock a.m., and will be closed at 5 o’clock p.m.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this 19th day of May, A. D., 1885.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.
Charles and Mrs. Schiffbauer arrived in our city Monday last after a several weeks stay at their Territory ranch.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.
Ordinance No. 6.
To provide against danger of frightening horses and teams, and for the prevention of runaways in the city of Arkansas City, Kansas.
Be it ordained by the mayor and councilmen of the city of Arkansas City, Kansas.
SECTION 1. That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to play at ball, or throw or pass balls along or upon Main street, or Third, Fourth, Fifth, Central or Sixth avenue, or upon or along any sidewalk thereof.
SECTION 2. That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to throw out or put in or upon any of the streets or sidewalks mentioned in section one of this ordinance, any paper, litter, filth, or anything that is liable to be blown by the wind along, upon, or through said streets and sidewalks in the city of Arkansas City.
SECTION 3. That any person violating any of the provisions of sections one and two of this ordinance shall upon conviction be fined in any sum not less than two dollars or more than ten dollars and costs of prosecution.
SECTION 4. That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to break or train wild ponies or horses in or upon any street within the city.
SECTION 5. That it shall be unlawful for any person to picket out any horse or cow or any other domestic animal within reach of any street, alley, or sidewalk within the city, or upon any school grounds.
SECTION 6. Any person violating any of the provisions of sections four and five of this ordinance, shall be fined in the sum of five dollars and costs for each offense.
SECTION 7. That this ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its publication once in the Arkansas City TRAVELER.
Approved May 18th, 1885.
Attest, JAS. BENEDICT, Clerk.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.
Ordinance No. 7.
Relating to larceny and assault and battery.
it ordained by the mayor and councilmen of the city of Arkansas City, Kansas.
SECTION 1. That any person who shall take, steal, and carry away any money or personal property or effects of another, under the value of twenty dollars (not being the subject of grand larceny without regard to value), shall be deemed guilty of petty larceny, and on conviction shall be punished by confinement in the jail of the city, not exceeding three months, or by fine in any sum not to exceed one hundred dollars, or by both such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the police judge.
SECTION 2. That any person who shall assault and beat or wound another under circumstances not to constitute any of the higher grade of offences against the laws of the state, shall be deemed guilty of assault and battery, and shall upon conviction be fined in any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the city jail not exceeding three months.
SECTION 3. That any person charged with the violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall have a speedy trial before the police judge of the city, and shall be entitled to all the rights, privileges, and immunities of persons charged with like offences under the laws of the state, and the police judge shall in all such cases proceed in the manner required by law in the trial of like cases before justices of the peace.
SECTION 4. This ordinance will be in force and take effect on and after its publication once in the Arkansas City TRAVELER.
Approved May 18th, 1885.
Attest, JAS. BENEDICT, Clerk.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.
Ordinance No. 8.
Relating to repairing sidewalks.
it ordained by the mayor and councilmen of the city of Arkansas City, Kansas.
SECTION 1. In case any portion of any sidewalk in said city shall be out of repair, it shall be the duty of the mayor to direct the city marshal or street commissioner to give the owner or owners of the lot abutting upon such portion of sidewalk two days notice in writing which may be served by copy left at the residence or place of business, requiring of such person or persons to make the necessary repairs at their own expense, subject to the direction of the marshal or street commissioner; provided that in case such lots are owned by non-residents, then such notice shall be given to the occupants, if any there be; and provided further, that in case of vacant lots owned by non-residents, no notice shall be necessary.
SECTION 2. In case any owner, owners, or occupants of lots coming within the purview of this ordinance who shall receive the notice provided for in the preceding section, and shall fail to comply with the requirements thereof, and in every case of non-resident owners of vacant lots, it shall be the duty of the mayor to order the marshal or street commissioner to make the necessary repairs of such sidewalk in a substantial manner, and report the cost thereof in such case to the city clerk and the same shall be levied as sidewalk tax on such lots.
SECTION 3. It shall be the duty of the marshal to report all defective sidewalks promptly to the mayor.
SECTION 4. This ordinance to be in force, and take effect from and after its publication once in the Arkansas City TRAVELER.
Approved May 18th, 1885.
Attest, JAS. BENEDICT, Clerk.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.
Ordinance No. 9.
Relating to obstructions on Main street.
it ordained by the Mayor and councilmen of the city of Arkansas City, Kansas.
SECTION 1. That all obstructions on Summit street in said city, including hay scales and hitching posts which interfere with the grading of the streets, or the excavation of the gutters on either side of said street, shall be removed by the parties owning, using, or occupying and controlling the same, under the direction of the street commissioner. That every such person shall be notified by the mayor to remove such obstruction, and upon failure to do so for five days it shall be the duty of the mayor to wholly remove such obstruction from the street, provided that no notice is required in the case of non-resident lot-owners.
SECTION 2. That in case any person coming within the purview of this ordinance shall refuse or neglect to remove such obstruction after receiving the prescribed notice, he shall upon conviction thereof before the police judge, be fined in such sum as it may reasonably be worth to remove such obstruction, not to exceed one hundred dollars and costs of prosecution.
SECTION 3. That each person or association of persons owning, occupying, or controlling any lot on said Summit street or any other graded street in said city shall keep the gutter in front thereof clean and in condition to carry off the water; and failing to do so, the same shall be done by the street commissioner and the cost thereof reported by him to the city council to be levied and assessed as a special tax against such lot according to law; and any such persons, who shall cast into any such gutter any filth or other obstruction shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined by the police judge in any sum not to exceed the sum of fifty dollars.
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication once in the Arkansas City TRAVELER.
Approved May 18th, 1885.
Attest, JAS. BENEDICT, Clerk.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.
Ordinance No. 11.
Fixing times for the regular meeting of the council of the city of Arkansas City, Kansas.
it ordained by the mayor and councilmen of the city of Arkansas City, Kansas.
SECTION 1. That from and after the 1st day of June, 1885, the regular meetings of the council of Arkansas City, Kansas, shall be held on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month at thirty minutes past seven o’clock, p.m., of such days.
SECTION 2. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force on and after its publication once in the Arkansas City TRAVELER.
Approved May 18th, 1885.
Attest, JAS. BENEDICT, Clerk.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 13, 1885.
Determined to Celebrate the Glorious Fourth of July.
Preparations Being Made to Entertain 25,000 People by the Committee of Arrangements.
Last Monday evening a citizen’s meeting was held in Highland Opera House to take steps toward preparing for the Fourth of July. A committee was appointed to solicit funds and the meeting adjourned. Thursday evening the adjourned meeting convened with Judge Sumner presiding, and Judge Kreamer as scribe. The soliciting committee reported they had received subscriptions to the amount of over $500. The report was accepted and the committee instructed to solicit more funds in order that Arkansas City may have the celebration of the Southwest.
A general arrangement committee of fifteen persons was appointed, consisting of Archie Dunn, R. E. Grubbs, C. R. Sipes, W. D. Kreamer, Capt. C. G. Thompson, W. D. Mowry, John Daniels, W. J. Gray, Ed. Pentecost, J. L. Howard, Al. Daniels, W. M. Blakeney, Robt. Hutchison, Col. Sumner, and Mayor Schiffbauer.
This committee was empowered to attend to everything pertaining to the celebration. After the appointment of this committee, Mayor Schiffbauer arose and told the audience that he had been requested by Messrs. Searing & Mead to announce that they were in receipt of a dispatch from T. S. Moorhead saying that the steamer, The Kansas Millers, sailed out of St. Louis June 10 for Arkansas City and that it would be here positively by July 4th, or burst a boiler.
This speech created a great deal of enthusiasm and right then and there the meeting determined that Arkansas City should have the biggest celebration ever known to the southwest. Other speeches were delivered by citizens present after which the meeting adjourned with instructions to the committee on general arrangements to meet in the council chamber last evening to determine who shall be the orator of the day. It is intended to try and secure Robt. T. Lincoln, secretary of war under Arthur, for this purpose. Music will be plentiful that day. In all probability the four bands of southern Cowley, consisting of the Buckskin Border Band, Mechanics’ Independent Silver Cornet Band, The Cyclone Band, and the cornet band of Bolton Township, will furnish the delightful strains. A rip-roaring good old time will be had and don’t you forget it. The amusements of the day will consist of a slow mule race; sack races; greased pole climbing; dancing; speeches; fireworks at night; drilling by the Arkansas Valley Guards; and riding on the Kansas Millers. Everybody from far and near are invited to come and celebrate Independence day.
Arkansas City Republican, June 20, 1885.
Mayor Schiffbauer is rusticating down to Gray Horse.
Arkansas City Republican, July 4, 1885.
The Wichita Eagle had better employ a compositor or two. In the correspondence sent up from here Tuesday by Judge Sumner, the “intelligent printer” slandered Mayor Schiffbauer, by making the type read “Mayor Schiffhouse.”
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 11, 1885.
In Arkansas City, The Crowd Estimated at 10,000.
July 3rd on the evening train visitors from Winfield and other towns up the Santa Fe road came pouring into Arkansas City. Bright and early Saturday morning, the firing of cannons roused the sleeping portion of the inhabitants of our city. N. A. Haight, with the First Light Artillery, of Winfield, had come down during the night and it was they who furnished the cannon’s roar.
By 7 a.m. the streets were a living, surging sea of human beings. Everybody for miles around came to Arkansas City to celebrate. At 9:30 the ragamuffin gang paraded on Summit street, headed by their captain, R. E. Grubbs.
At 10 a.m. the procession was formed. It was undoubtedly the largest procession ever formed in Cowley County. It was headed by the Juvenile Band of Winfield. Here we wish to say that the Juvenile Band is simply immense. The band was followed by a carriage containing the speaker, Col. H. T. Sumner, Rev. S. B. Fleming, Rev. J. P. Witt, Mayor Schiffbauer, and Capt. J. B. Nipp. The Knights of Pythias came next. This order received numerous compliments on the neat appearance they made on the street. The Winfield Hook and Ladder company, of Winfield, was next, followed by the renowned Buckskin Border Band. As the name indicates, this band has been organized with regard to the frontier. Each member of the band was dressed in buckskin suits, and they were fully up to the standard of a typical ranger, in appearance, of the earlier day. The boys had just received their suits and it was their first appearance in their unique uniforms. The B. B. B.’s rendered good music. Following the Buckskin Border Band came the 38 uniformed little girls, representing the states, and the ladies’ Relief Corps, gents on horseback, citizens in vehicles, etc. The procession was fully three miles long.
On arriving at the celebration grounds, the speaker’s stand was just being erected. When it was completed, Rev. Witt invoked the blessings of the Deity. Rev. Fleming then read that grand old Declaration of Independence. At the conclusion Col. H. T. Sumner was introduced, and as a representative of Bob Lincoln, delivered the oration of the day. The Colonel made a very neat speech. Hardly any seats had been provided for the audience, and the majority of those who heard the speech had to stand around the speaker’s stand. This was courtesy with a vengeance.
After wandering around the picnic grounds about half an hour searching for a place where we could dust our pants and sit upon Mother earth and rest our weary bones, we came to the conclusion that there was no place like home. Getting aboard of one of the thousand and one hacks to and from the 4th of July grounds, we tried to extricate ourselves from the crowd. The grove was literally full of hacks, wagons, buggies, and people; and in the course of two hours, we were able to get out upon the main road heading to the city. Our thirst for 4th of July celebration at the grounds was satisfied on our first trip. We did not return. The entire crowd was unable to get into the picnic grounds on account of the jam.
In the afternoon the game of base ball came off. It commenced at 3:30 p.m., and was ended in two hours and twenty minutes. Fully 2,500 people witnessed the game. The Cyclones of Winfield and the Border nine of our city were the contestants. Both clubs are strong ones and about equally matched. It is almost needless to say that the game was the only entertainment we had during the day that satisfied the visitors.
We advertised that Bob Lincoln would be here to orate, and we thought the committee would get him if money would do it. We advertised the Indian war dance. Well, we had the Indian war dance. The Indians skipped the light fantastic down at Cheyenne Agency and the spectators were in Arkansas City. We advertised that our new steamer would arrive. It could not get here on account of drift-wood. We advertised that Arkansas City would make preparations to entertain 20,000 people. We advertised the game of ball. In fact, we advertised everything the committee wanted us to. We allowed them the free use of our columns. The judicious use of the printer’s ink brought the crowd, but not the entertainment for them. The entertainment was all on paper. As we stated above, the ball game was the principal feature. That was not the work of the committee. A purse of $25 was raised by private subscription for the Border nine. The Cyclones twisted it out of the Border nine’s grasp by, as we believe, two unfair decisions of the umpire. After the close of the sixth inning, he made partial decisions. Gray, of the Cyclones, knocked a fly over first base. The ball was fully 30 feet outside of the fowl lines. The umpire called it a fair hit. This decision let in three men who were on base. Again, O Godfrey, of the Border nine, was called out on home plate when the catcher touched him with one hand and held the ball in the other. These decisions lost the Border nine the game. We realize that the position of umpire is very difficult to fill and very few men are capable of umpiring. The game was harmonious, each club abiding quietly by the decision of the umpire. The following is the score.
CYCLONES: Beam, Tidd, Land, McMullen, Holbrook, Jones, Russell, Smith, Gray.
BORDER CLUB: Godfrey, Henderson, Miller, F. Wright, C. Wright, Hilliard, G. Wilson, J. Wilson, Perryman.
The Border nine exhibited superior fielding, base-running, and catching; but a few wild throws were made. Joe Wilson, as catcher, is as proficient behind the bat as any catcher in the state. The Cyclones’ pitcher is their stronghold. He throws a hard ball to hit. When the Cyclones were announced the victors, the Winfield folks went wild. T. S. Soward threw his coat, jumped into the diamond, and hugged everyone of the players, including colored Smith. He was followed by Democratic Joe O’Hare, who went one better, delivering kisses with his hugs. Our boys are not satisfied yet, and neither are we. We believe the Border nine can play a better game than the Cyclones. Therefore, another game will be played soon for a purse of $100 a side.
Winfield would have been here en masse, but the excursion train was not run. It had been neglected. When the noon train came in, it had 11 cars full of Winfield folks. Five of them were box cars, chartered at Winfield. The game of ball closed up the day exercises.
In the evening the fire works were given a display. Nearly everyone was dissatisfied with the amusements which were furnished by our city. The REPUBLICAN did all in its power to advertise what would be done here. Nothing which was advertised was seen. Henceforth, we advertise no more fourth of July business unless we are satisfied everything will be carried out as stated. We are willing to do our utmost to get a crowd to come to our city to celebrate, but we will state nothing but facts. We supposed the program adopted would be fully carried out, but it was not.
Drunks were quite frequent all day and by night were very numerous. The drug stores which sold whiskey that day so plentifully should receive attention. Their permits should be taken away from them. It is a disgrace to the town. The REPUBLICAN has watched the course pursued by some of our drug men under the law. We have closed our eyes to some extent at their indiscretion. It has gone so far now, we can’t stand by as a champion of prohibition and not say anything. This wholesale way of having 5,000 to 6,000 people sick every month is outrageous. We give all a warning and if you don’t want the REPUBLICAN to fall on you a la Stafford style, stand from under.
A little son of T. J. Mills was run over by a carriage and hurt quite severely. His eye was cut, head bruised, and lips lacerated. He is able to be out now.
Several fights occurred. One Armstrong got shot in the leg by an unknown party.
Frank Greer, the boy who makes the Courier sparkle with local items, came in Friday evening and remained until the 3 o’clock train on the fourth.
M. N. Sinnott was down. Also Capt. Nipp.
Several parties from Winfield brought bushel baskets of beer, and distributed the medicine among their friends.
No water was on the ground although $20 was expended for that purpose.
Our 4th of July celebration was as near like a Winfield celebration as could be.
Chas. Bryant’s little boy was thrown down while playing and his shoulder bone broken.
The 4th of July committee gave Winfield’s Hose Company $50 to come down here and parade July 4. Such work as that makes us tired. It was a grand sight to see a few uniformed boys pulling an old hose reel, wasn’t it?
Joe Hoyt offered to walk the rope suspended from the tops of buildings and fire off fire works from his aerial perch in the evening for $50. This would have satisfied our visitors to some extent besides keeping our money at home. The committee exercised poor taste in the selection of amusement.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 11, 1885.
The Courier says there were 1,000 drunken men on the streets of Arkansas City 4th of July. The REPUBLICAN can hardly credit this, but possibly it is true, as a very large sick delegation was down from Winfield—about 999. The vision of Bro. Greer certainly had been increased about tenfold by the miasma arising from our canal. Consequently, he must have imbibed some of our medicine.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 11, 1885.
Chas. Schiffbauer received word Wednesday to request our hardware men not to sell ammunition and firearms to the Indians.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 11, 1885.
City Council.
The City Council met in regular session last Monday evening. Mayor Schiffbauer, Councilmen Davis, Dean, Dunn, Bailey, and Thompson were present. The first thing that came up was the question of Mr. Bailey’s ineligibility. He sprung it himself. He heard he was to be ousted because he had been a confederate soldier. Mr. Bailey stated that he served 18 months; but at the end of that time he came north and took the oath of allegiance. No action was taken upon the matter by the council.
Next was the acting upon bills. They were as follows.
Referred bill of J. W. Saunders, $3.75, allowed.
Bills from the 10 special policemen July 4, to the sum of $20 were allowed.
L. E. Moore, 75 cents, allowed.
County bill of E. Y. Baker, $64, allowed.
The bill of Dr. G. H. J. Hart, of Maple City, of $22.50, reduced to $10.50 by finance committee, and allowed.
The bill of $2.50 from Thompson & Woodin for hack hire, ordered by the city marshal at the time Wm. Rike was drowned, allowed.
The same for horse and buggy for the Mayor, $1.50, allowed.
Arkansas City Coal Company’s bill, $39.70, for the water power company, allowed.
Ed Malone, bill of $11.25 for work, allowed.
Theo Fairclo, $15.95, allowed.
W. Ward, $11, allowed.
County bill of G. W. Krell of $26.75, approved.
County bill of Arkansas City Coal Company of $600 approved.
County bill of A. M. Fitch for $14, approved.
The police judge’s report for month of June showed only $25.50 collected from fines and costs. The report was sent back to Bryant with the request that he make the report more specific.
Ordinance No. 17 was read and adopted.
Considerable discussion was had on roads, streets, water works, the incompetency of the police judge, the laxity of the city marshal; but not a word concerning the incompetency of the city attorney.
Mayor Schiffbauer got on his ear, and the REPUBLICAN thinks it is about time, at the loose way our city affairs are being carried on. He mentioned several instances where he thought the city marshal and police judge had failed to do their duty. He said the city government was held in contempt and made fun of. After a month of lawlessness, the police judge came in and reported only $25.50 collected—50 cents above his salary. The mayor further said unless the government was carried on better, he would resign.
At a late hour the council adjourned.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 18, 1885.
Council Proceedings.
Council met in adjourned session Monday evening with Mayor Schiffbauer, Councilmen Davis, Dunn, Dean, Thompson, and Hight present; Hill and Bailey absent.
Bill of Gardener Mott of $40.55 for lumber west bridge, allowed.
Bill of F. Lockley for city printing of $64.95, allowed.
Bill of Howard Bros., of $3.70 for hardware, allowed.
Referred bill of D. W. Ewing of $3 for work, allowed.
Referred bill of G. W. Fisher of $4.50 for work, allowed.
Bill of G. W. Cunningham of $132.95 for hardware referred to water works committee.
The Farmers Cooperative Milling Association, we are informed, are running a petition asking aid for such an enterprise and asking that the council consider the propriety of donating a sum of money not over $15,000 for such an enterprise.
Referred petition of Krebs and others asking for sidewalks on the east side of block 83 was carried.
Will S. Thompson, of the firm of Ridenour & Thompson, made a request asking a rebate of part of the amount of occupation tax, which was left for a committee to look into and report.
Mr. Hight made a motion that the city attorney, police judge, and street commissioner be requested to resign. Mr. Dunn made some remarks on the subject and seconded Mr. Hight’s motion. Remarks were also made by Thompson and Davis. They were followed by Messrs. Stafford, Moore, and Bryant in defense of themselves. Mr. Hight insisted upon the motion being put with the exception of street commissioner, which was not consented to by his second.
The motion was amended that such should be voted on separately; carried.
Mr. Hight called for the yeas and nays for the city attorney to resign. Thompson and Bailey voted the nays and Dean, Dunn, Davis, and Hight voted affirmatively.
Mr. Hight moved that Police Judge Bryant be requested to resign. The result was as follows: Thompson, Dean, and Hight voted affirmatively. Dunn and Davis voted negatively. Bailey did not vote.
Moved that action on street commissioner be indefinitely deferred; carried.
Mayor appointed J. A. Stafford night watch at a salary of $25 per month and fees.
On motion adjourned until regular meeting.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 18, 1885.
The “Kansas Millers” Takes a Delegation of Businessmen Down the River
Monday an excursion on the “Kansas Millers” down the Arkansas by the businessmen was originated as the next day’s programme. Bright and early two bus loads of our citizens wended their way to the Harmon’s Ford landing and boarded the steamer. All together there were some 60 passengers. At 8:10 the steamer heaved anchor and in a very few moments we were out of sight of the many spectators who came down to see the excursionists start. We steamed down the river at a lively rate. In twenty minutes we were out of the mouth of the Walnut. On entering the Arkansas the speed of the vessel was increased and in a few minutes we were steaming along at the rate of 18 miles per hour. The passengers gave themselves up entirely to the enjoyment of the trip. All were inclined to be jolly and forget business cares one day at least. Cracking jokes, perpetrating harmless tricks, enjoying the beautiful trip down the Rackensack. The steamer had a canvas awning put up to keep out the scorching rays of the sun, and as the cool breezes came up the river, one and all felt it was good to be there.
At 9:15 we landed at the Grouse Creek ferry, about 20 miles downstream, to put off some freight which V. M. Ayres had shipped to Gilbert’s and Newman’s ranches. This was the first consignment of freight to the “Kansas Millers.” It consisted of 50 bushels of corn and several hundred weight of flour. The passengers, full of life, took the place of deck hands and soon had the cargo landed.
Once more we heaved anchor and steamed down the river about five miles, and landed in a beautiful grove on the Kaw reservation. When the steamer had been made fast, all clambered ashore, and ran and jumped like school boys. While ashore C. A. Burnett took advantage of our absence and in a short time had spread a picnic lunch. All ate their fill. It was a splendid bill of fare, and Charley and his efficient cook deserve mention for their efforts to refresh the inner man. After partaking of the bounteous feast and the remnants being cleared away, we steamed up the river for home.
Capt. Moorhead ran the boat across several sand bars to show the passengers that it was impossible to stick the steel-bottomed steamer. After this had been fully demonstrated, the passengers were called to order by A. V. Alexander and a meeting was held for the purpose of organizing a stock company to build steel-bottomed barges. Mayor Schiffbauer was chosen to preside and N. T. Snyder was chosen to be secretary. Mayor Schiffbauer made a few remarks stating what great advantages Arkansas City would gain by having navigation opened on the Arkansas. He stated that Capt. T. S. Moorhead informed him that coal could be bought in quantities for $2, and laid down in Arkansas City so that it could be sold by dealers for $5 or $6 per ton. It was good coal, better than that which we had been paying $8 per ton for. Over 12 tons of the coal had been burned on the “Kansas Millers” and out of that not a clinker had been found. He spoke also of lumber trade with Arkansas. Jim Hill next occupied the attention of the passengers. He was followed by T. S. Moorhead, Dr. Kellogg, Judge McIntire, and several others who spoke in glowing terms of the steamer and the navigation of the river. After the question of building barges had been thoroughly discussed, the meeting proceeded to subscribe stock. Shares were taken until over $2,000 had been subscribed. The sum needed was $5,000. The meeting adjourned then until 7:30 p.m., when they met in Meigs & Nelson’s real estate office to finish up the $5,000 stock company.
After the adjournment of the meeting, the crowd gave themselves up once more to enjoyment. At five o’clock we anchored at Harmon’s Ford. Getting aboard Archie Dunn’s busses, we were soon uptown. And thus ended a day of great recreation and profitable pleasure.
The sun was very warm coming upstream, compelling all passengers to seek shady nooks.
Alexander was the story-teller. He was not a success—cause audience went to sleep.
Spencer Bliss, Dr. Evans, and J. W. Millspaugh of Winfield were down and took in the excursion.
Frank Greer, of the Courier, and Prof. B. T. Davis, of the Tribune, were the representatives of the Winfield press and were busy all day with paper and pencil.
The REPUBLICAN office furnished the bill of fare cards.
Searing & Mead, Wood & Bliss, of Winfield, V. M. Ayres and the Arkansas City Roller Mill Company compose the navigation company. V. M. Ayres is president and C. H. Searing Secretary. These four milling firms, having practicably demonstrated that the Arkansas is navigable by steamers on the pattern of the “Kansas Millers,” and having used $7,000 to further the enterprise already, naturally turn to the town most benefitted for assistance in the furthering of the enterprise. The directors are B. F. Wood, Maj. W. M. Sleeth, and James Hill.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 18, 1885.
To the Tax Payers.
If anyone who has any objections to the appropriation made by the council of $2.50 for hack hire at the time of the drowning of Willie Rike, will apply to me and figure his prorata amount, I will pay him the amount multiplied by 100. I am paying this amount to ascertain the size of some men. These remarks are called out owing to statements made by some speakers at the 4th ward meeting. I would further state the council paid no one a cent for acting as policeman on the 4th of July grounds, but two of these policemen were appointed to act in the city on the night of July 4th and were paid therefor. There is no ordinance prohibiting the shooting of fire-crackers on July 4th. The same will apply to a good many other remarks made.
Public speakers should inform themselves in order to know what they are talking about.
Respectfully, F. P. SCHIFFBAUER.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 18, 1885.
At the council meeting last Monday evening, Mayor Schiffbauer is reported as saying by the Traveler that: “The jealousy of a rival attorney had instigated a good share of this public odium, and the lies published in the REPUBLICAN had proceeded from an outside pen, because there was not brains enough in that establishment to concoct such fabrications. He cautioned the council against being influenced by these scurrilous allegations, they being prompted by malice and having no foundation in fact. If such charges were to influence the council to go back on its officers, he wished it distinctly understood that he had no hand in the business.”
The mayor also said “that you might rake H__l over with a fine comb and not find as black-hearted an individual as the one who wrote those articles in the REPUBLICAN.”
We wish to say that the junior editor of the REPUBLICAN does all the editorial work. All the charges we have brought to bear against the city council and attorney were written by that individual. We edit our own paper. We are not influenced by outside talk. We espoused that which we thought to be beneficial to the city and tax- payers. We were against that infamous water works ordinance because we believed it to be a swindle. In an article we condemned that ordinance, and showed wherein it was deficient. Later on we have shown plainly that the city attorney was incompetent to handle our city affairs. The police judge has shown that he is too lax in the management of his affairs. The council by a majority vote has requested him to resign, also the city attorney. The Council did a good night’s work last Monday in purging. We hope they will continue the purging process until they get all the corruption out. But one thing we are sorry for is that our mayor should so far forget his dignity as to use profane language in the council chamber. While we may have been extremely provoking to his side of the question, Mr. Schiffbauer should not be so put out as to lose the dignity which belongs to the head official of the city. It is very unbecoming.
In regard to the articles which we have written, they were founded on facts. Take the back files of the REPUBLICAN, inquire into the matter, and every charge we have made is true and can be sustained.
Only one time have we given space to any rumor; that was in regard to a certain officer appointing his brother-in-law to succeed Billy Gray as city marshal. That brother-in-law has since been appointed night watch at a salary of $25 per month. Hight, Dean, and Davis voted against his appointment. Dunn, Thompson, and Bailey voted for it, and as it was a tie, the mayor decided.
Mr. Schiffbauer informs us that a number of merchants requested the appointment. As they hired one night watch, they felt justified in asking the city to appoint one. But be that as it may, we know now we have three salaried policemen and two night watches.
The REPUBLICAN has a right to criticize the action of any public officer. The people expect us to voice their rights and agitate all questions of public interest.
The muddle which exists in the council now is thrown upon the shoulders of the REPUBLICAN. It was through our agitation of the ineligibility of the councilmen and the incompetency of our city attorney, it is claimed by a few, that the present state of affairs exists. We have no apology to offer. We have done our duty to the taxpayers of Arkansas City. We thought the city attorney was incapable to handle the affairs of Arkansas City correctly. We said so and produced evidence to substantiate what we charged. We feel highly complimented that the REPUBLICAN has been able to assist in purging the city of any incompetent officer. But this is no reason why our mayor should lose his dignified bearing and go down to the level of a profane citizen, especially in the council chamber. We leave the matter to be decided by the taxpayers of Arkansas City. In the language of Jake Hight, let us have a little more dignity in the council.
Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.
Rev. Buckner in his sermon last Sunday pronounced quite a eulogy on the REPUBLICAN, saying in connection, that it was the only paper in the city that had the requisite backbone to stand up for its principles. Receiving commendations from a minister in the pulpit is greater reward than we ever dreamed of. We can stand Mayor Schiffbauer’s profane language against us now with becoming meekness. We prefer the endorsement of the man of God to that of “his honor.”
Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.
Mrs. Chas. Schiffbauer, who has been visiting in Kansas City, returned home Monday. She was accompanied by Mrs. John Carney, who will visit in the city for a few weeks.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 22, 1885.
J. E. Finney, of the Osage trading firm of Finney, Schiffbauer & Co., came to town on Saturday and circulated among his friends during a few days visit.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 22, 1885.
Half a Block on Summit Street Goes Up In Smoke.
On Monday night about 11:30 the cry of fire was raised. Among the first attracted by the alarm were Frank Schiffbauer, mayor of the city, and Capt. Rarick, deputy sheriff, who were just parting for the night on the First National Bank corner. They ran in the direction of the cry, and seeing a blaze in the rear of the New York Restaurant, ran for the hose reel, and in five or six minutes returned to the same. The flames had burst forth in the meantime, and were making rapid headway, the building being of frame, and similar buildings adjoining it on both sides. A crowd gathered, and among the foremost to act was Charley Holloway, who kicked in the glazed door of Grimes & Son’s drug store, and walked through the building with a view of saving its contents. He found the fire had extended to the rear portion of the store, and an explosion of some vessel a short distance in front of him, which scattered fragments wounding both his hands, cautioned him that he was in an unsafe place. An attempt was made to attach the hose to the hydrant, but some trouble was experienced in detaching the cap. During this while the flames spread rapidly, the wind which fortunately was light, driving the fire in the direction of Central Avenue. Heitkam’s tailor store and a barber shop were on the lot south of the New York Restaurant, and the occupants were promptly on hand to save their stock and furniture from the devouring element. Mr. Heitkam saved half of his stock of cloth and made up suits, but the frame buildings with their combustible contents, burned so fiercely that the feeble efforts at extinguishing it were hardly perceptible. In half an hour the buildings extending north to Central Avenue were in a blaze, and it was evident that no power could be exerted to save them. Crowds of men worked diligently to rescue what was portable, but confusion prevailed, and there was no intelligent direction given to their efforts. The St. Louis Restaurant, Grimes & Son’s drug store, Bundrem’s butcher shop, and Means’ implement store were by 12 o’clock in the vortex of the flames, and brief time was afforded the willing workers to rescue the doomed property from destruction. To save Mowry & Sollitt’s brick drug store, Kroenert & Austin’s grocery store, on the lot adjoining, was pulled down, which stopped the progress of the flames in a southward direction. Mowry & Sollitt, fearing their store would be involved, began moving their stock; but on the suggestion of Capt. Thompson that the risk was less to let their goods remain, the hasty tearing up was discontinued, and they escaped with slight loss. Being checked on the south side and isolated at the other end by the width of the street, the fire abated about an hour after a bad burst forth, and spread over no more territory. The stream from the hydrant was kept up through the night cooling the smoldering embers, and when the business of the next day opened, the sight was presented to the beholder of half a block on our main business street being laid in ruins. D. L. Means loses $3,000 in his stock, his insurance is $1,000. Kroenert & Austin suffer quite as seriously. C. A. Burnett estimates his loss at $2,400; he has $1,500 insurance. The buildings being rated as extra hazardous, and the rate of insurance 7 percent, owners and occupants were chary of securing themselves on heavy sums. The following is a list of the losses and insurance.
Lot 1. Lot and building owned by W. Benedict. Insured for $500. Occupied by D. L. Means, insured in North American for $1,000.
Lot 2. Lot and building owned by Dr. Shepard. Insured for $800 in Springfield Insurance Co. Occupied by Charley Bundrem as a meat market, who was insured for $300 in the New York Alliance, and by J. T. Grimes & Son, druggists, who carried $500 insurance in the Pennsylvania and the same amount in the Liverpool, London & Globe.
Lot 3. Lot and building owned by Mrs. Benedict and occupied by C. A. Burnett, as the St. Louis Restaurant. Building uninsured; stock insured for $1,500 in equal amounts in the Mechanics of Milwaukee, the Northwestern National, and the Connecticut.
Lot 4. Lot and building owned by S. H. Pickle, who is now absent in Springlake, Ohio. Occupied by O. F. Lang as the New York Restaurant. Stock insured for $500 in the Home Mutual.
Lot 5, with the frame building thereon, is owned by J. H. Sherburne—uninsured. Its occupants were A. G. Heitkam, tailor, insured for $800; half in the Glens’ Falls and half in the Fire Insurance of England; and a German barber, who carried no insurance.
Lot 6, and the grocery that stood thereon, were owned and occupied by Kroenert & Austin, who carried $500 insurance on the building in the North American, and the same amount on the stock.
Mr. Holloway received a severe bruise in the hand from an ax in the hands of an excited individual, who brought his weapon down on the hydrant while he was unscrewing the cap with a wrench.
The insurance of Dr. Shepard on his building ran out at noon on the day of the fire; but his agent, Frank Hess, had written him another policy, thus saving him from loss.
It is said that Charley Bundrem had $187 in greenbacks placed under his pillow, which went to feed the flames.
The fall of an awning struck City Marshal Gray to the ground, and he came near being badly scorched.
A young man in the employ of C. A. Burnett lost everything in the fire except the clothes he stands in.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 22, 1885.
The City Attorney Bounced By A Unanimous Vote.
The council chamber was filled on Monday evening with a large attendance of citizens, who evidently expected that a racy entertainment would be provided them by our city fathers. But they were disappointed as the evening passed off quietly. Mayor Schiffbauer presided and held the council strictly to business. City Clerk Benedict being absent in the territory, Frederic Lockley acted in his place. A few trifling bills were allowed. The application of Geo. A. Druitt to build a kitchen of wood or sheet iron on lot 18, block 81, was refused.
A communication from S. S. Stiles, Parsons, Kansas, asking about a grader left with Street Commissioner Moore, was read. That official being referred to said it required three good teams to use it, the owner had guaranteed it could be operated with two teams. He had not the horse flesh necessary, therefore the grader was not available. The city clerk was instructed to inform Mr. Stiles of these facts.
Mr. Dean asked for information in regard to the money allowed for election expenses. He was informed that the county paid the judges and clerks and yet some of these men had drawn pay for their day’s services from the city. The mayor explained that misinformation from county officers had led him to pay some persons employed in the polling places, but the money would be refunded by the county and no man would be paid twice for the same service.
Ordinance No. 19, regulating water rates, was then read; it was passed by sections and then passed as a whole. On motion of Thompson, Mr. Scott, the engineer of the water works, was appointed collector of the water rate.
Resolutions in regard to certain curbing and guttering on Summit Street, were adopted, and ordered published four times in the TRAVELER.
It was now past 10 o’clock and Mr. Dean moved that the council adjourn. Mr. Hight wished to engage the attention of the body a few moments. He said he wished to know whether the two city officials whose resignation had been recommended at the last meeting of the city council had vacated their places. In pursuing this business he wished it understood that he was impelled by no personal feeling; as the representative of his constituency in the first ward and in the interest of the whole city, he was impressed with the fact that some men holding office were a weight upon the city government, and tended to bring its laws into contempt. These men must be got rid of in order to regain popular respect, and ensure efficiency to our administration.
The police judge, Chas. Bryant, in answer to this inquiry, said he had not been derelict in the performance of duty, and therefore felt himself under no obligation to resign. He had been elected by the people, and to them he owed the duty of remaining in office until removed in the manner provided by law.
Mr. Stafford said he had not tendered his resignation because no weight or validity attached to the resolution of the council calling on him to vacate his office. When the position of city attorney was tendered him, several members of the council urged his acceptance. He was duly appointed by the mayor and confirmed by a vote of the council. To throw up his position on a mere clamor, and when he knew he was performing his duties faithfully and honestly, would be unjust to himself, injurious to his family, and disrespectful to the eminent gentlemen in his former state who had testified to his merits as a citizen and his competency as a lawyer. More specific charges than unfounded newspaper reports were necessary to prove his unfitness.
Mr. Dean moved an adjournment, which was not seconded.
Mr. Hight said he was losing no sleep over this business. It was not a question whether the city attorney believed he was doing his duty; the material point was whether his services were acceptable to the people. His unpopularity was a drag-chain; it deprived him of prestige as a public officer, and the fact remained that he lost every suit he prosecuted. It is known he is a stumbling block to the city administration. Newspaper columns had no influences with him (the speaker). It was no dishonor for an official to step down and out. We all have our special aptitude; and the man who finds himself in a position he cannot adequately fill, his clear duty to himself is to get rid of its embarrassments. The speaker needed but one hint from the people he represented that he stood in the way of their interest, to make room for another who could render them better service.
Mr. Dean said the hour was too late to continue this discussion. The vote of its last meeting stood recorded; he was in favor of delaying further proceedings ‘till next week when a full attendance of the council might be expected, and there would be more time.
But Mr. Hight objected to delay. He wished to know if an ordinance was required to remove officers appointed by the council.
The mayor said an appointed officer could be removed for cause on a vote of a majority of the whole council.
Mr. Dean moved to adjourn.
Mr. Thompson thought it would be well to write to Judge Torrance to learn whether the city attorney is allowed to plead in his court.
Mr. Bailey produced the following letter from the Judge, which was read to the council, as follows.
WINFIELD, KANSAS, July 18, 1885.
H. G. BAILEY, Esq.
Dear Sir: In reply to your inquiries in regard to Mr. T. J. Stafford, I make the following statement.
At the January term, 1885, of the District Court, of this county, Mr. Stafford applied for admission to the bar. He failed to pass a satisfactory examination and for that reason was not admitted. Afterwards he went to Topeka and was admitted to practice in the Supreme Court on the representation that he was a practicing lawyer in the state.
Mr. Stafford afterwards, at the April (1885) term of the District court of this county, asked to be examined again as to his qualifications to be licensed to practice law, and I refused to entertain his application on the ground that he had been admitted to practice law in the Supreme Court on the representation that he was a practicing lawyer in the state, when in fact he had not been licensed to practice law. Mr. Stafford claimed that he did not make any intentional misstatement; that he was requested by Mr. Sterns, in the clerk’s office (an old Iowa friend of his) to apply for admission; that he was not acquainted with the statute regulating the admission of persons to practice law in the Supreme Court; that he told Sterns that he was a practicing lawyer at Arkansas City, but did not tell him that he had been licensed to practice law in the District Court; that Sterns introduced him to Mr. Austin, a young lawyer in the Attorney General’s office, and that Mr. Austin moved his admission, and that he (Stafford) did not know what representation Austin made to the court. Under the circumstances, both the examining committee and myself thought it best that Mr. Stafford should not be examined at the time. Afterwards Mr. Stafford went to Topeka, and was admitted in Judge Guthrie’s court on his Iowa certificate, and his license to practice law by Judge Guthrie authorized him to practice law in all the District and inferior courts in the state of Kansas.
I have hesitated to say anything in regard to this matter, although I have been requested to do so by Mr. Dean and other parties, lest I might say something which might be misconstrued to Mr. Stafford’s prejudice. I have given you the facts as I understand them, and leave you and the city council to draw your own conclusions.
Very respectfully, E. S. TORRANCE.
Mr. Stafford remarked that some of the statements made in Judge Torrance’s letter were made on hearsay evidence.
Mr. Hight moved that the office of city attorney be declared vacant on account of incompetency in the incumbent. The vote was by yeas and nays, all the members present voting in the affirmative.
On motion of Mr. Hight, the council adjourned.
Mr. Stafford notified the mayor that he should continue to perform the duties of city attorney.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 22, 1885.
Curbing and Guttering.
Resolutions of the city council, of the city of Arkansas City, in the county of Cowley, and state of Kansas, in reference to certain curbing and guttering on Summit Street in said city.
WHEREAS, In our opinion it has become necessary, for the benefit of public health of said city, as well as from other causes, that a system of curbing and guttering should be constructed along a portion of Summit Street in said city. Therefore,
Be it Resolved, 1st. That suitable curbs and gutter be caused to be constructed on Summit Street, on the east side of blocks seventy-nine, eighty, and eighty-one, and on the west side of blocks sixty-seven, sixty-eight, and sixty-nine, all abutting on said Summit street.
Resolved, 2nd. That the city contract for the performance of said work, and that the cost thereof be equally pro-rated among the lot owners abutting on said street within said blocks. That such amount shall become a debt against each of said lots and payable to said city; and said debt shall, from the time of the completion of said work, become a special assessment, and shall be certified by the city clerk to the county clerk of Cowley County, state of Kansas, to be by him placed on the tax roll for collection, subject to the same penalties, and collected in like manner as other taxes are by law collected.
Be it ordered that these resolutions be published in the Arkansas City TRAVELER for four consecutive weeks.
A. A. DAVIS, City Councilmen.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 22, 1885.
Ordinance No. 19.
Entitled an ordinance relating to water works in the city of Arkansas City, Kansas, and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances, or franchise relating thereto.
it ordained by the mayor and councilmen of the city of Arkansas City, Kansas.
SECTION 1. That the works of said city shall be known as the Arkansas City water works, and shall be owned and controlled by said city, in the manner hereinafter provided.
SECTION 2. The following maximum rates shall become due and payable annually in advance, for the present system of water works in said city.
Butcher shops: $6.00
Bakery, each oven: $8.00 to $15.00
Bar rooms: $10.00 to $20.00
Bath, public, first tub: $10.00
Bath, public, each additional tub: $3.00
Banks: $8.00
Barber shops, first chair: $5.00
Barber shops, each additional chair: $2.00
Bath, private: $3.00
Bath hotel, boarding house, 1st tub: $10.00
Each additional tub: $3.00
Billiard saloon, each table: $2.00
Hotel or boarding house, 8 rooms or less, per room: $2.00
Hotel or boarding house, each additional room: $1.50
Tin shops, one hydrant: $6.00
Book bindery: $7.00
Brick work, per M: $.50
Brick work, over 10,000 laid, per M: $.25
Brick yard, each table per season: $15.00
Candy manufactory: $8.00 to $20.00
Cigar manufactory, per hand: $1.25
Cows and horses, each: $1.25
Drug stores: $10.00
Dyeing and scouring: $15.00 to $20.00
Fountain, 1-16 jet: $20.00
All other fountains the same proportionate rate.
Forge, first fire: $5.00
Forge, each additional fire: $2.00
Halls and theatres: $10.00 to $20.00
Hydrant supply sprinkling, 1/8 nozzle, 1st lot 25 feet: $5.00
Each additional lot 25 feet: $3.00
Ice cream saloon: $8.00 to $15.00
Laundry: $15.00 to $20.00
Office or sleeping room: $3.00
Photograph gallery: $10.00 to $25.00
Plastering per sq. yd.: $.50
Printing office: $8.00
Residence, 6 rooms or less, 1 family: $6.00
Residence, each additional room: $.50
Each connection made: $6.00
Livery stable, buggy washing per year: $25.00
Each stall in actual use a year: $.75
Steam boiler, 10-horsepower, per day: $.30
Lumber yard, without hose: $6.00
Steam work, per perch: $.05
Stores: $6.00 to $30.00
Street washers, for washing pavements and fronts: $6.00
Water closets, public, each seat: $8.00
Water closets, private, each seat: $2.00
Restaurants: $10.00
SECTION 3. Water rates shall become due and payable on the 1st day of June, A. D. 1885, and the same date every year thereafter.
SECTION 4. If any person using water, or applicant, fail to pay the amount prescribed therefor within 10 days after the same shall be due, the person in charge of said water works shall turn off the water supply from such person, and the same shall not be turned on again until such water rent shall be paid, together with the amount of one dollar for turning water off and on.
SECTION 5. Where more than one person, family, or firm may use from one hydrant upon the failure of any one of said persons to pay the amount due, the water shall be turned off as provided in section 4 of this ordinance, and the city shall not be liable for any damage to any of said parties.
SECTION 6. It is further provided that if any person or persons shall allow any other person to use water from his or their hydrants who have not made application and paid therefor, shall be liable for the amount that such person or persons should have paid to the city therefor and the water shall be turned off as hereinbefore provided.
SECTION 7. All expenses connected with the introduction of water from the street mains to or upon any premises, and any addition or repairs shall be paid by the owner of the premises or his, her, or their agent, and the one in charge of said water works shall be authorized to enter on the premises of any person using water, for the purpose of inspecting, altering, or repairing the pipe or hydrant.
SECTION 8. No person shall change or alter any pipe or hydrant without the consent of the person in charge of said water works. Any person violating this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall upon conviction, be fined in any sum not less than $5 or more than $25.
SECTION 9. Any person or persons having private hydrants shall not be allowed to use their hose and sprinkling for any other purpose than to sprinkle. No private hydrant shall be allowed to run from a hose and sprinkler for more than 30 minutes at any one time, and not to exceed one hour during any one day.
SECTION 10. No person shall be allowed to leave any hydrant stop-cock or valve open and allow the water to run to waste.
SECTION 11. Any person violating any of the provisions of sections 9 and 10 of this ordinance, shall upon conviction thereof, be fined in any sum not less than $3 or more than $10 for each offense.
SECTION 12. It is further provided that if at any time the supply of water falls or runs short of the demand, the person in charge of the water works shall have the power to fix the amount of water used for sprinkling purposes, or he may stop sprinkling altogether until the supply shall be obtained. Any person or persons violating any of the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of an offense, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not less than $1 nor more than $25.
SECTION 13. That if any person not authorized so to do, shall open any hydrant, stopcock, or valve, or fill up any shut-off box, or make any connection, or in any way interfere with any pipe, hydrants, valves, or cock, or engine run, or any apparatus belonging to said water works, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall upon conviction, be fined in any sum not exceeding $50.
SECTION 14. That it shall be the duty of the committee on water works to have control of and the general supervision of said water works, and they shall attend to repairs of said works. It shall be their duty to purchase all fuel, machinery, pipes, repairs, and other articles as may be from time to time required for the use and benefit of said works.
SECTION 15. The engineer shall promptly report to this committee any person or persons violating any of the provisions of this ordinance, and he shall report to them and advise with them concerning any needed repairs or recommending any changes or alterations, or any matter deemed by him beneficial to said works and to the interest of the city.
SECTION 16. It shall be the duty of the city marshal to arrest any one violating any of the provisions of this ordinance that may come under his vision, or that may come to his knowledge through any citizen or officer of the city, and take him before the police judge of said city to be dealt with according to the tenor of this ordinance.
SECTION 17. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances, and all franchise heretofore in force in said city of Arkansas City, Kansas, in any way pertaining to water works of said city, be, and the same is hereby revoked.
SECTION 18. This ordinance to be in force and take effect from and after its publication once in the Arkansas City TRAVELER.
Attest: JAMES BENEDICT, Clerk.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 25, 1885.
In Honor of the Dead Hero.
The Grant mass meeting of the citizens at Highland Opera House Thursday evening was well attended. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Schiffbauer and Judge Sumner was chosen chairman and Frederick Lockley secretary. The meeting was held in respect of the dead hero, Gen. Grant, and to make preparations for the observance of his funeral. Remarks were made by Chairman Sumner, Revs. Fleming, Campbell, and Buckner, T. J. Stafford, and others. Committees were appointed as follows.
On arrangements: A. J. Pyburn, Cal. Dean, Frederic Lockley, Revs. Campbell, and Buckner, Al. Mowry, and Maj. Sleeth.
On resolutions: Frederic Lockley, Judge McIntire, and Maj. Sleeth.
The G. A. R. appointed the following committee on arrangements, which unites with the citizen’s committee. Dr. C. R. Fowler, J. P. Musselman, Jim Ridenour, S. J. Rice, S. C. Lindsay, D. D. Bishop, and Col. E. Neff. The committee were instructed to meet at the Mayor’s office yesterday morning at 9 o’clock and report, and the meeting adjourned.
At 9:30 yesterday Mayor Schiffbauer called the committees to order and presided over the meeting. R. C. Howard was chosen secretary.
It was moved and seconded that the Opera House be utilized to hold the exercises in, and if that proved too small to accommodate the crowd that one of the churches of the city be held in reserve, and have memorial exercises at both places. And also that the military exercises be turned over to the Grand Army.
It was decided not to have an orator of the day, but that each speaker be limited to ten minutes’ time, and that an invitation be extended to the ministry of the city and the legal fraternity and others to furnish these speeches.
The secretary was requested to inform Prof. J. W. Duncan that he had been selected by the committee to take charge of the singing exercises and that he also be instructed to extend an invitation to each church choir to join him in the furnishing of the music.
It was thought best to do nothing further until it was ascertained when the funeral would occur and see if a proclamation would not be issued directing the arrangement of the programme either from the president or commander-in-chief of the Grand Army.
On motion the meeting adjourned to meet at the call of the chairman.
Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.
R. E. Grubbs is buying all the peaches and plums he possibly can. He shipped 50 boxes of peaches Wednesday to the trading post of Finney, Schiffbauer & Co., at Kaw Agency.
Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.
D. A. Luse, of Emporia, came down Saturday to visit the Schiffbauer Bros., and take a ramble in the Territory. Mr. Luse is a prominent merchant in that city.
Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.
Council Proceedings.
Council met in regular session last Monday evening. Present: Mayor Schiffbauer, Councilmen Thompson, Dean, Hight, Davis, and Bailey. As Wm. Benedict was absent, Frederic Lockley was chosen by the mayor to act in his place.
The allowance of bills was as follows.
County bill of D. G. Lewis of $10 for money advanced to a pauper to go to Missouri, approved.
Bill for packing at water works for 63 cents allowed.
The bill of the Chicago Lumber Company of $25.98 for lumber was referred to finance committee.
Bill of Dr. Reed of $13.75 for professional services to paupers referred to finance committee.
G. A. Druitt made a request that a permit be given him to erect a wood and sheet iron kitchen at the rear of his restaurant two doors south of Windsor Hotel, and was refused on account of an ordinance prohibiting.
Capt. C. G. Thompson presented a communication from S. S. Stiles, of Parsons, in regard to a scraper which had been sent here for trial last summer, asking what the city intended doing with it. It was decided that Mr. Stiles come and get his scraper as it was almost useless to the city.
Cal. Dean desired information in regard to the ordinance appropriating $100 to pay election expenses. Mayor Schiffbauer explained that it was through an error made by County Clerk Hunt that so large a sum had been appropriated and that parties who had been paid by the city out of the appropriation had given orders on the county for what had been paid them and the county would refund the money to the city. Capt. Hunt told “His Honor” that the city had to stand the expenses of the election, but afterwards informed him differently.
Ordinance No. 10 in regard to water works was taken up, discussed, and passed unanimously.
On motion of C. G. Thompson, Fred. Scott was appointed collector of water rent.
Resolution in regard to curbing and guttering the principal blocks on Summit street was adopted and ordered published.
Jake Hight brought up the city attorney and police judge matter again and asked what they were going to do in regard to the resolution of a majority of the council asking them to resign. Both officers refused to accede to the request of the council. A letter was produced by Mr. Bailey from Judge Torrance and which fully bears out the REPUBLICAN in its stand to have Mr. Stafford ousted. The letter is as follows.
WINFIELD, KANSAS, July 18, 1885.
H. G. BAILEY, Esq. DEAR SIR: In reply to your inquiries in regard to Mr. T. J. Stafford, I make the following statement.
At the January term 1885 of the District Court of this county, Mr. Stafford applied for admission to the bar. He failed to pass a satisfactory examination, and for that reason was not admitted. Afterwards he went to Topeka and was admitted to practice in the supreme court on the representation that he was a practicing lawyer in the state. Mr. Stafford afterwards at the April 1885 term of the District Court of this county asked to be examined again as to his qualifications to be licensed to practice law, and I refused to entertain his application on the ground that he had been admitted to practice law in the supreme court on the representation that he was a practicing lawyer in the state, when in fact he had not been licensed to practice law.
Mr. Stafford claimed that he did not make any intentional misstatement, that he was requested by Mr. Sterns, in the clerk’s office (an old Iowa friend of his) to apply for admission; that he was not acquainted with the statute regulating the admission of persons to practice law in the supreme court; that he told Sterns that he was a practicing lawyer at Arkansas City, but did not tell him that he had been licensed to practice law in the District court; that Sterns introduced him to Mr. Austin, a young lawyer in the attorney general’s office, and that Mr. Austin moved his admission and that he (Stafford) did not know what representations Austin made to the court. Under the circumstances both the examining committee and myself thought it best that Mr. Stafford should not be examined at this time. Afterwards Mr. Stafford went to Topeka and was admitted in Judge Guthrie’s court on his Iowa certificates, and his license to practice law by Judge Guthrie authorizes him to practice law in all the District and Inferior courts in the state of Kansas. I have hesitated to say anything in regard to this matter although I have been requested to do so by Mr. Dean and other parties, lest I might say something which might be misconstrued to Mr. Stafford’s prejudice. I have given you the facts as I understand them, and leave you and the city council to draw your own conclusions. Very Respectfully, E. S. TORRANCE.
Mr. Hight made a motion that the office of city attorney be declared vacant and was seconded by Mr. Bailey. A vote was called for and resulted in Bailey, Hight, Thompson, Davis, and Dean voting that the incumbent step down and out; Mr. Stafford voting no.
Motion to adjourn was carried. They will meet next Monday evening in adjourned session.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, July 29, 1885.
In the City.
The news of the death of Gen. Grant reached this city early on the morning of the 23rd, and was communicated rapidly from mouth to mouth until the sad intelligence was soon known to all our citizens. At noon, on request of the mayor, the business houses were closed, Summit St. presenting a sombre appearance from the heavy drapery suspended from nearly every building. In the evening a meeting was held in Highland Hall, the Arkansas City post of veterans being there in full force. Col. H. T. Sumner presided, and Mayor Schiffbauer was elected Secretary. Rev. S. B. Fleming opened the proceedings with an appropriate prayer. Speakers being called for to express the feeling of the community at the sad loss that has befallen the country, it was determined to postpone all such exercises until the day of the funeral, as the bereavement was too recent for any speaker fittingly to dwell upon our loss. A committee on resolutions was appointed, and also one on arrangements, which latter committee met in the city council chamber the next morning, the mayor presiding. After an informal discussion, it was considered expedient to defray arrangements until the day set for the funeral should be made known, and the proclamation of Governor Martin for the proper observance of the day should be published. It has since been announced that Saturday, Aug. 8th, has been set for the funeral ceremonies, the remains of the illustrious deceased to be buried in Central Park, New York. The funeral will be a national one, and the conduct of the same under the direction of the war department. By order of the secretary of war, General Hancock will take charge of the military arrangements.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 29, 1885.
Wanted. A willing, competent girl to do housework in a small family. Apply to F. P. Schiffbauer, 8th street (east side), two doors north of Fourth Avenue.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 29, 1885.
Mayor Schiffbauer is overrun with offers from different parties to supply water works warranted to furnish a stream that will extinguish a fire.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 29, 1885.
Reform That Doesn’t Work.
A City Official Who Like the Ghost of Banquo, Will Not Down.
When our city fathers assembled for business Monday evening, there was a large crowd in attendance, attracted evidently in the expectation of witnessing more fun. The mayor presided and Councilmen Hight, Dean, Dunn, Thompson, Davis, and Bailey responded to their names as called by the clerk. Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved.
The following bills were acted on: Ed Malone, work on engine house, $35.45, allowed. Ivan Robinson, coal, $12.50, allowed. Referred bill of Chicago Lumber Co., $25.98, was reported favorably and allowed.
The council appropriated $5 to pay five night watchmen, appointed by the mayor on the night of the fire, to guard property.
James L. Huey, on behalf of the insurance men of the city, said the ordinance taxing each insurance company represented in the city $10 a year, is resisted, and the best companies refuse to take fresh business. They say if all the cities where they have agents should impose a similar tax, they could not do business. In this dilemma, the agents of the companies in this city had resolved to present the matter to the council, and ask that the occupation tax levied on them suffice for purposes of city revenue. To drive insurance companies away would be unwise, we have lately had experience of the necessity of placing our property in the hands of reliable underwriters.
N. T. Snyder said not the best companies alone, but all the insurance companies represented here, have ordered their agents to take no fresh business, and not to renew existing policies. They pay a state tax, and this they declare is all that justice demands of them.
Mr. Huey said further that the occupation tax as now assessed would absorb 20 percent of all the premiums paid.
Mr. Dunn moved that the matter be referred to the equalization committee of the council.
The mayor said it was talked by taxpayers that this committee had no right to affix a tax; it must be done by the council.
A suggestion was made that the committee could look into the matter and make recommendations to the council.
After some discussion Mr. Dunn withdrew his motion.
Major Schiffbauer said there was no question of the legality of the occupation tax; its equitable adjustment was the matter to be considered. If the insurance companies resist the assessment and have resolved to withdraw, the business of the council was to consider whether the ordinance should be amended.
Mr. Snyder said a similar tax on insurance companies had been imposed in Emporia, but it was found inexpedient and oppressive, and it had been repealed.
The application was finally referred to the committee on ordinances.
The Frick Bros., asked leave to rebuild scales and office on corner of Central Avenue and Summit Street, or one block west of that location. Leave granted to build one block west.
Pitts Ellis asked permission to put in scales and small sheet iron office on Fourth Avenue, two rods from Summit Street. Granted.
Application was made by the Danks Bros., and Morehead for an appropriation of $200 to pay for a survey of the city and a plat of the same, the purpose being to ascertain the best location for building water works. The petitioners would make a bid for the erection of the works.
This led to a lengthy discussion, in which these objections were advanced: The sum asked for is not in the city treasury; if a favorable location is found, the city has no means to build water works, and bonds, if voted, would not sell. The situation looked hopeless, and the application was laid on the table indefinitely.
Mr. Henderson asked leave to raise his frame dwelling on Summit Street four feet, he intending to cover the roof with tin. Granted.
Mr. Hight called attention to some frame additions being made by W. M. Sawyer, proprietor of the Empire Laundry. His intention was to put in a steam engine, and the work he was doing was in violation of the fire ordinance. The marshal was instructed to enforce the ordinance.
On suggestion of the mayor, the council ordered the street commissioner to put in posts on Fourth, Fifth, and Central Avenues, extending half a block from Summit Street, for hitching purposes. The posts to be eight feet apart and connected with iron rods.
The marshal stated that he found difficulty in collecting the dog tax. The council instructed him to issue a proclamation warning owners of dogs that if the tax was not paid by a given time, the animals would be shot.
Mr. Thompson said many persons had complained to him of the burdensome tax imposed upon some users of water. The tariff on livery stable keepers was too high, it was excessive on barbers, and some hotel keepers were unfairly dealt with. The tax on the Star Stable ($25 for washing buggies and 75 cents for every stall in use) would run up such a bill, that if not modified, the owners would put in a windmill and start water works of their own. Mr. Hilliard, owner of the Fifth Avenue Livery Stable, also complained of the burdensome tax.
Mr. Dunn said he wanted the rates made fair to all, but they should be sufficient to render the water works self supporting.
Mr. Davis said the present tariff would produce a revenue exceeding expenses by $200 or $300; but this surplus would be lost by delinquent taxpayers.
Mr. Hutchins complained that he had made connection with the water main for use in his dwelling house at an expense of $35 to $40. Then he paid a tax of $5 a year; now it was raised to $20. Before he would pay such a sum, he would sink a well and cut loose from the city water supply.
The ordinance was referred to the water-works committee to adjust and equalize.
Mr. Hight wished to know if the mayor had appointed a city attorney to fill the vacancy created by resolution of the council.
His honor said he had not, as City Attorney Stafford was still performing the duties of that office. He doubted whether the right method had been pursued in the endeavor to get rid of that officer. The statute authorized the council to remove any officer for cause, except the mayor, justice of peace, and constable, by a majority vote of all the members. In this case no charges had been made, no opportunity for defense accorded. A mere vote of the council or a resolution to declare the office vacant, the mayor did not regard as a compliance with the requirements of the law.
Mr. Hight contended that Mr. Stafford had been lawfully disposed of. The cause assigned was incompetency, and his removal effected by a majority vote of the council. Proceedings in attainder, or a trial on impeachment were not required by the statute, and legal opinion sustained him in his belief that the office of city attorney was vacant.
Mr. Dean said this wrangle in the council was becoming chronic; the business of the city was not transacted with decorum or dignity. He attributed this discord to the perversity of the city attorney, who was unacceptable to the people and a drag on the council. He had been requested to resign, and he contemptuously refused; he had been removed by a vote of the council, but he still hung on to the office. The speaker did not know of a practicable remedy. If Mr. Stafford could run the city and the council at his own sweet will, there was no need for him (Mr. Dean) to occupy his seat. He gave notice that he should retire from the unseemly contest until some way had been discovered of restoring harmony to the administration of our public affairs.
Mr. Stafford spoke in his own defense. The wrangle being maintained till late in the evening, Mr. Hight introduced an ordinance amendatory to Ordinance No. 4, cutting off the salary of the city attorney. It was read, discussed, and adopted.
John Stafford, the recently appointed night watchman, was removed, the office being in excess of the public need, and assistant Marshal Breene instructed to remain on duty till midnight.
Council adjourned.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 1, 1885.
The Council vs. Stafford.
Three weeks ago last Monday night, a majority of the city council adopted a resolution asking the then city attorney to resign. At the next meeting he refused and accordingly the council kicked him out unanimously, everyone of the councilmen present voting that he should step down and out. When requested to resign, Stafford said he would if Judge Torrance substantiated the charges made by the REPUBLICAN about his practicing in the district court. In a letter to H. G. Bailey, Judge Torrance fully confirmed our statements. But still Stafford refused to get out.
About the time Stafford was to be appointed to the office, he went to Jake Hight and told him that if he would vote for him, and if after a fair trial he did not prove satisfactory, he would resign. Hight though him to be a needy man and aided him with his vote with the above understanding. Hight has frequently asked Stafford to get out, telling him he was giving poor satisfaction. But the brazen- faced gentleman of “high legal attainments” refused to comply with his word.
A week ago last Monday night, the mayor gave the law by which the attorney could be fired. The council carried out the instructions given them by “His Honor,” and its action is so recorded with the city clerk. The city attorney laughed in the face of the councilmen and made light of their action at the time.
Last Monday night “His Honor” informed the council that they had not proceeded correctly and refused to appoint a successor to Stafford. This made matters pretty hot in the council chamber and resulted in an ordinance being adopted stopping the ex-city attorney’s pay.
We have asked several able lawyers if the act of the council was legal, and was informed that it was. Yet “His Honor” says it is not, when the meeting before he said it was.
We blush for Stafford. He has no shame and we recommend that he be sent to the asylum for the weak-minded at Winfield. It is a disgrace that our city councilmen have to be hampered by such a pest. They are united on the question of Stafford’s removal and their demands should be acceded to and would if the ex-city attorney had a particle of shame or self-respect.
The councilmen have done their duty and the REPUBLICAN now thinks it is time that the citizens take the matter in hand. The question naturally arises: Is the city of Arkansas City to be bull-dozed by an incompetent, brazen-faced, would-be city attorney—if he had a sufficient amount of brains?
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 1, 1885.
Council Proceedings.
Council convened last Monday evening in regular adjourned session. Mayor Schiffbauer presided. Councilmen Davis, Thompson, Dean, Dunn, Hight, and Bailey were present.
The allowance of bills was the first thing on docket.
Bill of Ed Malone of $31.50 for work at engine house, allowed.
Bill of Ivan Robinson of $12.50 for coal, allowed.
Bill of Pat Franey, J. E. Beck, Ed Horn, J. Herbert, and L. S. Brown for special police service, allowed $5 each.
Referred bill of Chicago Lumber Co., of $25.98 for lumber, allowed.
The several insurance companies through their agents made request that the occupation tax affecting insurance companies be reconsidered, and on motion the same was referred to committee on ordinance.
Petition of Frick Bros., to put up scales on Central Avenue, was read and on motion permission was granted that they be allowed to put them up on Central Avenue one block west of Summit Street.
Petition of Pitts Ellis to put up scales and house on corner of 4th Avenue and Summit Street read, and granted on motion.
Messrs. Moorhead and Danks asked for an appropriation of $200 with which to make a survey of the city with view of ascertaining best possible place for obtaining water for water works. Also, make estimate of cost of same, and will put in bids for the building of the same. On motion, this request was laid on the table indefinitely.
The street commissioner was instructed to put up hitching posts on each side of Summit Street, half block each way, from Summit Street on 4th, 5th, and Central Avenues. The posts to be 8 feet apart and connected by iron rods.
On motion the water works ordinance No. 10 was re-considered.
On motion ordinance No. 20, repealing ordinance No. 4, was read and approved. This ordinance makes the salary of ex-city attorney Stafford but 50 cents a year.
On motion of Jake Hight, John Stafford, the night watch, was dismissed.
A. A. Davis moved that J. J. Breene be instructed to remain on the street until midnight. Carried.
On motion of Jake Hight, the street commissioner was instructed to make out report and hand it in at next meeting.
On motion adjourned.
Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.
R. E. Grubbs shipped 125 boxes of peaches to Finney, Schiffbauer & Co., down at Gray Horse, Indian Territory, last Thursday.
Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.
Fourteen ladies took advantage of the beautiful moonlight Monday evening to go buggy-riding. The party was composed of Mrs. J. H. Hilliard, Miss Grace Bridwell, Mrs. John Kroenert, Mrs. H. O. Nicholson, Mrs. H. P. Farrar, Mrs. Wm. Benedict, Mrs. C. R. Sipes, Mrs. Chas. Schiffbauer, Mrs. Lilian Carney, Mrs. R. E. Grubbs, Mrs. H. H. Perry, Mrs. A. J. Chapel, Mrs. J. Landes, Mrs. Isaac Ochs, and Mrs. J. O. Campbell. These jovial ladies drove some six miles up the Winfield road, returning at about 9:30 p.m. On arriving in the city, they came up Summit Street in one grand procession as far as Hamilton & Pentecost’s Restaurant, where the command was given to halt and refreshments were served. They departed for home after fulfilling the maxim of “eating, drinking, and being merry.”
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 5, 1885.
Preparations Made for the Becoming Observance of the Day.
At a meeting of the Arkansas City Post of G. A. R., held on Saturday, the 1st, inst., the following resolutions were adopted.
WHEREAS, It has pleased an all-wise Providence to remove from our midst our illustrious comrade and foremost soldier of the late war, Ulysses S. Grant; and
WHEREAS, It is our desire as loyal citizens and former companions in arms of the deceased hero, to testify our affectionate regard for his memory; therefore
Be it resolved, That the veterans of Arkansas City Post, No. 158, G. A. R., place on record their admiration of the distinguishing qualities of their former commander-in-chief, his heroic patience under affliction, and his moderation in the hour of triumph; a soldier without passion or revenge, who closed his military achievements and the great civil war of the age without the traditionary horrors of such internecine conflicts.
Resolved further, That as a civil officer of the republic, his simplicity of character and wisdom of counsel added lustre to his successes in the field, and won the confidence, the admiration, and the affection of the entire American people; they believed him to be upright and just, and no error of judgment, or reverse of fortune shook their abiding faith in his integrity.
Resolved, That in testimony of our deep affection, our post-rooms be draped, and the members wear mourning badges for a period of thirty days; that this expression of our sorrow be inscribed on the adjutant’s record, and that copies of the same be furnished the city journals for publication.
The following program of proceedings was also decided on.
Services will commence at Highland Hall at 3 p.m.
1. Opening of the Grand Army Post, omitting the usual ceremonies.
2. A voluntary or chant by the choir.
4. Reading the record of the deceased.
5. Response service by chaplain and comrades.
6. Hymn by the choir.
7. Comrades honor the dead (by forming in square around the altar.)
8. Prayer by the post chaplain, the Lord’s prayer repeated by the veterans in concert.
9. Chant or hymn by the choir.
10. Appropriate scripture reading.
11. Hymn by the choir.
12. Address by Comrade Walton.
13. Doxology.
14. Closing of the post according to service book.
An adjourned meeting of the citizens’ committee was held in the mayor’s office yesterday morning, the mayor presiding. Dr. Fowler being called on, said the business before the committee was to arrange a program of civic ceremonies to follow the ritual services of the Arkansas City post, G. A. R. He read the program adopted by the veterans, which would occupy about forty minutes, and then left it to the committee to determine what services should follow.
Mr. Lockley inquired if any arrangements were to be made for a procession to the hall, whereupon R. C. Howard moved that the civic orders and the Arkansas City guards be invited to join the veteran column. The line of march was designated as follows: Form on Summit and Fifth Avenue, march west to Eighth Street, south to 3rd Avenue, thence east to the hall. James Ridenour was designated grand marshal.
On motion a committee of three was appointed to solicit money to defray the expense of decorating the hall, consisting of Messrs. Ridenour, Lindsay, and Lundy. The Ladies’ Relief Corps to be invited to do the decorating.
A committee of the Ladies’ Relief Corps here entered the hall to learn what part they were expected to perform. On suggestion of Mrs. Ashton, president of the Corps, a motion was adopted to invite the ladies of the city to assist in the patriotic work.
It was also resolved that the city clergy be invited to deliver ten-minute addresses, also Col. Sumner and Judge Pyburn.
Mayor Schiffbauer was invited to preside over the services in the hall, and to notify the gentlemen who are to speak. The music will be furnished by Prof. Duncan, the singers to be selected from the church choirs.
On motion the committee adjourned sine die.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 5, 1885.
Inquiring Parties Want to Know What Kind of An Arrangement It Is.
The day following the fire in this city, some enterprising genius, who had no proper regard for the truth, sent the following press dispatch over the wires.
“The largest fire that ever occurred in Arkansas City broke out this forenoon, burning a half block of frame buildings. The origin of the fire has not yet been ascertained. Seven stores, including Kroenert & Austin’s wholesale grocery house, and D. L. Means’ implement house were burned. Total loss, $25,000; insurance $12,000.”
The dispatch further says: “Our water works were a complete failure, as usual, and the city fathers are being censured by everyone.”
This was published far and wide in the papers, and very soon an avalanche of letters began to flow in on Mayor Schiffbauer. The mayor of Paola wrote that water works were about to be built in that city, and said, “If you can give me any weak points in your system, the information may be of service to us.” The mayor of Lyons, Kansas, said: “I see by the papers that your city has had a fire, the largest that ever happened to you.” The writer of the statement says, “Our water works were a complete failure. Water works are something I want to learn about.” The writer then asks an infinity of questions, assigning as a reason, “We are getting ready to build water works here; I feel interested in the enterprise and would like you to give me all the information you have.”
From Marysville, Kansas, J. A. Broughton, attorney at law, writes, enclosing the clipping given above. He says: “Our town is contemplating the erection of water works by placing a reservoir on a hill to extinguish flames by hydrants. Will you please advise what facilities your city possesses in the way of a water supply, so that we may profit by your experience, and not throw our money away upon something that will prove useless when worst needed?”
Other communications of a similar purport might be given, but the above are sufficient.
To Mr. Broughton’s letter Mayor Schiffbauer sent the following reply.
“MAYOR’S OFFICE, Arkansas City, Kansas, July 26, 1885. DEAR SIR: Your communication of the 22nd inst., came duly to hand, and in reply I would say, we have, comparatively speaking, no water works here at all; our system consists of a wooden tank, supposed to hold 1,000 barrels, placed on an elevation of about 12 feet of masonry. This tank is expected to be kept supplied by means of a small 4-horse engine and a dilapidated windmill; then we have 3 fire plugs, and when we have the hose attached and everything in full blast, we throw water about 15 feet. Thus you can readily see we have no protection from fire whatever.
“In regard to the clipping you send from the Topeka Commonwealth, I have only to say that this evidently emanated from some party in our midst who never attends a council meeting, and in consequence knows nothing about the facts of our water supply. He only aims to kick the city officers when an opportunity presents itself, be the attack ever so unjust. In short, some cowardly cur, and almost every community is cursed with one or more such individuals.
“One year ago our city council made an attempt to secure a good system of water works at a cost to the city of $15,000, but this was opposed by some parties from personal motives, and in consequence the matter was abandoned. Instead, $20,000 railroad bonds were voted in the city to a bob-tail road, which will never be any benefit to the city; and the result is, our citizens have sustained a loss by fire already of about $30,000, and must continue to lose as we have no means at our command to stop a fire, except by tearing out buildings, and this must be done under the most favorable circumstances.
“My advice is, if you build water works, build a good system—a reservoir on a hill, if possible, of at least 500,000 bbls. capacity; or, if a stand-pipe system, one of not less than 12 ft. diameter and 100 feet high, with sufficient pumping power to meet all demands, and for God’s sake avoid any one-horse water works, as they will be a curse to you during their entire existence, and fully as expensive as a good system. You can profit by our experience. We have strained at a knot and swallowed a whole drove of camels. Of course, the council is to blame, and must have their salary paid in scurrilous articles sent to the daily press by some crank.
“Please pardon a few remarks herein made and accept the whole in a friendly spirit, as it is intended. Believe me, sir. Very respectfully yours, F. P. SCHIFFBAUER, Mayor.”
J. A. BROUGHTON, Marysville.”
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 5, 1885.
Election Proclamation. MAYOR’S OFFICE, Arkansas City, Cowley County, Kansas.
I, Franklin P. Schiffbauer, mayor of the city of Arkansas City, by virtue of authority vested in me by law, do hereby proclaim and make known that there will be an especial election held in the third ward of the said city, on Friday, the 14th day of August, A. D. 1885, for the purpose of electing one councilman from said ward to fill vacancy caused by the resignation of Councilman O. S. Rarick (short term); and I hereby designate the office of J. Hilliard, west 5th Avenue, as the place of voting at such election. And I hereby designate James Benedict and H. S. Lundy and M. C. Copple as judges and F. Speers and Ed. Kingsberry as clerks of said election. Poles will be open at 9 o’clock p.m. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this 4th day of August, A. D. 1885.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 5, 1885.
Ordinance No. 21.
Entitled an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 5.
it ordained by the mayor and councilmen of the city of Arkansas City, Kansas.
SECTION 1. That section 3 of ordinance No. 5 be amended to read as follows. That the following license tax shall be collected in the manner provided for in this ordinance.
Auctioneers, $10 to $50 per annum at the option of the mayor, provided that said license shall not be granted at any time for less than six months.
Agents, real estate, per annum: $5.00
Agents, insurance, per annum: $5.00
Agents, loan, per annum: $20.00
Agents, book, per week: $5.00
Agents, map, per week: $5.00
Canvassers, per week: $5.00
Billiard tables, each table, per annum: $5.00
Banks, per annum: $50.00
Banking house or corporation, per annum: $50.00
Bowling alleys, per annum: $25.00
Concerts, for each performance: $3.00
Coal yards, per annum: $10.00
Corn doctors, per day: $2.00
Circus and menageries, per day: $50.00
Doctors, per annum: $10.00
Dentists, per annum: $10.00
Druggists, per annum: $35.00
Express companies, per annum: $25.00
Exhibitions, for pay for each performance: $3.00
Fortune tellers, per day: $5.00
Gift enterprises, for each drawing: $5.00
Hotels: $20.00
Hotel runners or solicitors, per annum: $5.00
Horse dealers, per annum: $10.00
Hackney or livery carriages, per annum: $10.00
Ice Dealers, per annum: $10.00
Intelligence office, per annum: $10.00
Job wagons, one-horse, per annum: $5.00
Job wagons, two-horse, per annum: $10.00
Livery and feed stable, less than five teams: $15.00
Livery and feed stable, over 5 and less than 10 teams: $20.00
Livery and feed stable, over ten teams: $25.00
Feed stable: $10.00
Lung testers, per day: $1.00
Lawyers, per annum: $10.00
Legitimate drama, per day: $3.00
SECTION 2. That section 4 shall be amended to read as follows.
Grocers, per annum: $20.00
Butcher, per annum: $10.00
Furniture dealer, per annum: $20.00
Saddlery and harness, per annum: $20.00
Agricultural implements, per annum: $20.00
Lumber yards, per annum: $25.00
Dry goods, notions, books, shoes, and clothing: $50.00
Dry goods and groceries: $25.00
Dry goods and notions: $35.00
Dry goods who carry jewelry, increase: $5.00
Clothing and furnishing goods: $20.00
Confectioner: $10.00
Restaurants: $10.00
Confectioner and restaurant: $15.00
Confectioner and notions: $20.00
Queensware: $15.00
Queensware and groceries: $25.00
Jewelry, etc.: $20.00
Stationery: $10.00
Books and stationery: $15.00
Stoves and tinware: $15.00
Hardware, stoves and tinware: $25.00
Tinware: $10.00
Hardware and groceries: $25.00
Boots and shoes: $15.00
Gun store: $10.00
Flour and feed store: $10.00
Fruit stand: $5.00
Fruit and game: $10.00
Peddlers and hawkers, per day: $2 to $20.00
Bath houses: $5.00
Barber shops: $10.00
Laundry, hand: $10.00
Laundry, steam: $20.00
Approved August 3rd, 1885.
Attest: JAS. BENEDICT, Clerk.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 5, 1885.
Ordinance No. 22.
Entitled an ordinance amending section 2 of Ordinance No. 19.
it ordained by the mayor and councilmen of the city of Arkansas City.
SECTION 1. That section 2 of ordinance No. 19 be amended to read as follows, viz.:
Banks: $5.00
Barber shops, first chair: $3.00
Each additional: $1.50
Hotels, boarding houses, eight rooms or less: $2.00
Each additional: $1.00
Hotel bath, first tub: $8.00
Each additional: $2.00
Halls and theaters: $10.00
Hydrant supplying sprinkling, ½ nozzle, first lot 25 feet: $6.00
Each additional lot, 25 feet: $6.00
Livery stables, sale stables, first hydrant: $25.00
Second hydrant: $6.00
Third or all additional: $4.00
Lumber yards, without hose: $10.00
Printing office: $5.00
Approved August 3rd, 1885.
Attest: JAS. BENEDICT, Clerk.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 5, 1885.
An Undesirable Personage Who Will Not Be Suppressed.
The deadlock in the city council still continues, the collective wisdom of our city fathers in the attempt to disentangle the snarl proving an utter mockery.
It has been suggested that if they meet less frequently and talk less, a less amount of friction might be created. It has even been intimated to this reporter that if he ceased publishing the proceedings of that honorable body, less attention would be directed to our city government, and less perplexity would distract the minds of our municipal Solons.
Last week the council held a stormy session, and all that resulted from their deliberations was placing matters in a worse shape than before. The occupation tax was referred to the equalization committee on the complaint of the insurance agents of the city, and the water ordinance was referred to the water works committee for revision, on the complaint that the tariff bore heavily on certain interests—livery stable men, hotel keepers, barbers, etc. This causes more delay, and in the meanwhile not a dollar finds its way into the city treasury.
Councilman Hight, also, created ill feeling in the mind of the mayor, by his indiscreet and injudicious devotion to retrenchment and reform. He bounced Night Watchman Stafford, whose pay is $25 a month, on the ground that his support was an unnecessary burden on an overburdened treasury. This officer had worn the star but two weeks, he has been vigilant and had made several arrests. As a matter of fact, the fines paid by the misdemeanants he handed in more than paid his salary for the time; so the burden of his pay could not rest down very heavily on the city treasury.
This seems to have disgruntled the mayor; he feels it as a personal affront. He is working without pay; he is ungrudging in his devotion of time and attention to his duties; and he very naturally thinks himself entitled to some slight indulgement at the hands of his brother officials. The citizen who pays the taxes (or is expected to pay them), and look on, knows that correct government cannot be obtained under the most expensive methods, and he is willing to wink at any trifling peccadillo that quiet and efficiency may be preserved. An old axiom says, “Notions thrive in spite of bad government,” and there is a saying in the law books, de minimis lex non curat, (the law takes no heed of trifles).
But the worst pill in our municipal pharmacopoeia, is the city attorney. He is a worse element of discord than a green apple to our internal arrangements. He is not wanted, and he will not take himself away. His demand is for specific charges, he declares he will not be suppressed by mere clamor. He seems to have succeeded in making himself odious to the entire community. Petitions have been circulated asking him to resign; a resolution to the same effect received the unanimous support of the council. But these delicate hints he treated with supreme scorn. The council, finding it had a tough customer to deal with, threw away reserve, and its next step was to declare the office vacant. This was supposed to be a sockdologer.
“Time was when the brains were out, the man would die.”
But this shot glanced off as harmlessly as the frigate Cumberland’s broadsides rained upon the rebel ram Merrimac. The vote of the council being unofficially reported to this disciple of Thomas, he laughed with intense enjoyment, and informed the mayor they had not done with him yet. He still affects to perform the duties of the office; and expresses his clear conviction that he is entitled to the pay.
At the council meeting last week, Mr. Hight inquired of the mayor if he had appointed an attorney to fill the vacancy. His honor replied he had not, as he was unwilling to burden the city treasury with two attorneys. He then declared his belief that the proceedings in ousting that much reprobated official were not in conformity with state, and were hence invalid. Mayor Schiffbauer’s understanding of this matter has been explained in our columns before. His reading of the state law creating our city charter is that in removing a city officer—other than the mayor, justice of the peace, and constable—written charges must be presented, and the officer against whom they are preferred, be heard at the bar of the council. This idea has probably been engendered by his honor’s readings in history. Our schoolboy imaginations are very vividly impressed with the proceedings in attainder of several British ministers; and the American constitution prescribes an elaborate form for the trial on impeachment of the president. But a strict construction of the provision warrants no such resort to stage effect. The offending official can be removed for cause, on a majority vote of all the members of the council.
Has not a cause been given? Incompetency. Has not another cause been set forth, an inherent cussedness, and a sort of true inward perversity, which set every man against him, and create such friction that the car of our city government cannot roll on with this extremely objectionable passenger aboard. Our British forefathers would duck a village scold, and in this country as well as abroad, a litigious, quarrelsome person can be restrained on a charge of barratry. “General cussedness” being deemed too indefinite a charge to bring against a city officer, a more direct and tangible cause was assigned, and for incompetency the office of city attorney was declared vacant.
Here comes in the deadlock. The irrepressible Stafford affects to ignore the authority of the power that created him, and the mayor encourages his recalcitrancy by refusing to fill the vacant office. The councilmen regard each other in perplexity. Boss Tweed’s embarrassing query, “What are you going to do about it?” comes home to them in full force. It will not do to give up, they all declare, in talking over their embarrassment, but no two seem to agree in the manner they ought to proceed. The TRAVELER has no suggestions to make, because the situation is too sensational for a reporter to desire to see changed. In Chicago a heavy snow fall last winter filled up the street and car tracks and seriously impeded commerce. Large bodies of laborers were set to work to remove it, but it was found that after all the shoveling was done the snow was still there. So with our inevitable city attorney. The people may abuse him to their fill, and the council dispose of him in every variety of way; but he bobs up smiling and serene after the most merciless vivisection, and seems rather to enjoy the torture of which he is made the victim. Why don’t the president appoint him minister to Siam? The mission belongs to this state.
Since the above was in type, the council at a regular meeting, last Monday, at the request of the city attorney preferred by the mayor, withdraw its charges against that official, on the condition that he tender his resignation. It was alleged that harsh measures had been passed, as an opportunity had not been afforded him to resign before the matter had been brought up in council and the office declared vacant. This method of solving a difficulty and removing friction being approved by the council, on motion the resolution was reconsidered and revoked, and the city attorney requested to hand in his resignation.
Mr. Stafford being called for, made a brief address, in which he said he was the victim of clamor; that a crusade had been engaged against him without definite charges being made, and all the proceedings against him adopted by that body were tainted with irregularity. But since it was insisted that his incumbency in office was the cause of irritation, and his withdrawal was demanded in the public interest, he was ready to sacrifice his own rights and step down and out on these conditions: That his pay be allowed him till the 17th inst., the end of a month in his engagement, and also that he be allowed his fees as counsel in the case of Ward against William J. Gray.
Mr. Hill said it would be more graceful in Mr. Stafford to resign unconditionally and trust to the magnanimity of the council.
Mr. Stafford said the gentleman had not attended council meetings as regularly as he (the speaker) had.
The mayor here interposed with a personal guaranty that Mr. Stafford’s salary should be paid to the 17th as demanded, and the fee he asked in the city marshal’s case, as the council was bound to protect its own officers, he had no doubt that body would allow. Whereupon the resignation was written out and tendered, as requested, and formally accepted by the council.
John Stafford, the night watchman, who has worn the star since he was declared discharged a week ago, was formally reinstated. Mr. Hight declared he had been too hasty, that his zeal had outrun his discretion, that he regarded it as one of the deadly sins to trench on the mayor’s prerogatives, that in future he would keep a watch on his lips, and uppermost in his soul was the saying of our dead hero, “let us have peace.”
The curtain was rung down at a late hour with the mayor and councilmen shaking hands all round, the city clerk mounted on the reporter’s table singing the doxology in long meter, and the TRAVELER reporter rushing furiously down stairs vociferating that his occupation was gone. It was a good old-fashioned love feast, and melted the hearts of the beholders.
Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.
An adjourned meeting of the citizens’ committee was held in the mayor’s office Tuesday morning, the mayor presiding. Dr. Fowler being called on said the business before the committee was to arrange a program of civic ceremonies to follow the ritual services of the Arkansas City Post, G. A. R. He read the program adopted by the veterans, which would occupy about forty minutes, and then left it to the committee to determine what services should follow.
Mr. Lockley inquired if any arrangements were to be made for a procession to the hall, whereupon R. C. Howard moved that the civic orders and the Arkansas City Guards be invited to join the veteran column. The line of march was designated as follows: From on Summit and Fifth Avenue, march west to Eight Street, south to 3rd Avenue, thence east to the hall. James Ridenour was designated grand marshal.
On motion a committee of three was appointed to solicit money to defray the expense of decorating the hall, consisting of Messrs. Ridenour, Lindsay, and Lundy. The Ladies’ Relief Corps to be invited to do the decorating.
A committee of the Ladies’ Relief Corps here entered the hall to learn what part they were expected to perform. On suggestion of Mrs. Ashton, president of the corps, a motion was adopted to invite the ladies of the city to assist in the patriotic work.
It was also resolved that the city clergy be invited to deliver ten minute addresses, also Col. Sumner and Judge Pyburn.
Mayor Schiffbauer was invited to preside over the services in the hall, and to notify the gentlemen who are to speak. The music will be furnished by Prof. Duncan, the singers to be selected from the church choirs.
On motion the committee adjourned sine die.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 19, 1885.
Charley Schiffbauer returned to town last Friday from a visit to his trading house at Gray Horse.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 19, 1885.
A Proposition to Erect Water and Gas Works Considered in a Citizens’ Meeting.
Agreeable to the call of the mayor, about one hundred of our citizens assembled at Highland Hall on Friday evening, to listen to the proposals of Theodore Plate, of St. Louis, and J. B. Quigley, of Belleville, Illinois, to construct gas and waterworks in this city, and to express their views on the same. Precisely at 8 o’clock, Mayor Schiffbauer called the meeting to order and proposed that James L. Huey be appointed chairman. This motion being approved, N. T. Snyder was then chosen secretary of the meeting.
Mayor Schiffbauer being called on to explain the object of the gathering, said he had been corresponding with the gentlemen above named for some time, and since their arrival in the city, at noon the previous day, had been put full in possession of the nature of their offer. They were men of ample means, fully able to carry out any undertaking with our citizens they might embark in, and experienced in the construction and conduct of gas and waterworks. They proposed to furnish the city both water and gas, and asked no aid in erecting the machinery. He (the speaker) had been favorably impressed with the offer made by the gentlemen, and he would describe it as well as he was able to the citizens present.
For the supply of water they propose to put in two duplex compound pumps, so arranged as to be run separately or together, and capable of raising one million gallons of water every twenty-four hours. These pumps will be run by two boilers, also to run separately or together, capable of running both pumps at their full capacity with easy firing. They agree to furnish 14,000 feet of standard iron water pipe, 2,250 feet of which is 8 inches bore, to be laid along Summit street, the size of the remainder of the pipe to be determined by the requirement. The stand pipe will be made of the best boiler iron, 8 feet in diameter and 100 feet high. The city is required to take sixty fire plugs at a yearly rental of $50 each.
The quality of the gas to be furnished by these gentlemen will be standard, or 16 candle power, and the city will be required to take thirty street lamps at a yearly cost of $30 each. The price of the gas to private consumers will be $2.75 per 1,000 feet for the first 5,000 feet daily consumption, and this price to decrease two cents per 1,000 feet until the daily consumption shall reach 55,000 feet, when the price will be and remain at $1.75 per 1,000 feet.
The parties ask fifteen days to file an unencumbered real estate bond in the amount of $20,000 in each franchise of the contract, and as a guaranty that the works shall perform the requirements of the test. They engage to throw a stream of water 50 feet high from any fire hydrants the council may select, from the standpipe pressure alone, the pumps not to run at the time of the test, and to throw water 85 feet high, with 65 lbs. of steam, independent of the standpipe pressure.
They further engage to have both gas and water works completed and ready for testing by the first of January next.
A pause followed this statement of the mayor, and the chair then asked for an expression of opinion.
Major Sleeth arose and said the great want of the community was pure water; but it was necessary first to determine where shall be the source of supply, before we build our water works. He would like a chemical analysis made of the water before it is adopted for use, in order that we may proceed with some certainty. Gas, he thought, was in advance of our present wants; we have enough of that commodity around already. He was pleased to see his fellow citizens assembled to deliberate on this matter, the city council had wrestled with it to slight purpose. He wanted to hear others speak.
Major Searing said the unfortunate experience of our neighbor cities in the construction of water works should teach us caution on the present occasion. In Wichita the mistake had been made of not getting elevation enough. He favored an elevation of at least fifty feet. Also, he would not have the main pipe less than 12 inches in diameter, and the distributing pipes should never be less than four inches.
Mr. T. H. McLaughlin wanted this work prosecuted with caution. The proposition before the meeting would cause an outlay of $3,000 a year, and it might not give a corresponding benefit. Other parties might be willing to furnish a water system for less than the offer made by these men.
Mr. A. D. Prescott favored competition, and did not approve of determining this matter hastily. Before we build water works, we must make up our minds where we are to get our water from. But he did not favor both propositions.
Mr. Plate being called for, said before he and his friend, Mr. Quigley, started for this city, they were under the impression that our water works were constructed. Mr. O’Neil had called several times at their office, who represented that he had built our water works, and he offered the franchise to build gas works for sale at a low price. This franchise allows till September 24th to begin their construction, and requires that they be completed by November 21st. He had been suspicious of the gentleman from the low price he asked for his franchise, and on arriving here found that he had misrepresented facts. He called the attention of those present to the fact that the proposition submitted to our citizens required no bonus, no expenditure of money to build the works from the city. The only privilege he and his partner asked was leave to put in the works and lay the pipes at their own expense, and to sell water and gas to consumers at the lowest price it could be afforded. They had put down the price of the plugs $10 below Mr. O’Neil’s offer. No profit was to be derived from furnishing a city of our present size, and they expected to make no profit for two or three years. But they proposed to erect works of adequate capacity to supply a city of 20,000 to 25,000 inhabitants, and if our city attained to any such size then our contract with them would be remunerative. But they declined to furnish water on the terms offered unless their gas proposition was also accepted. As a matter of fact, he believed the gas franchise given to O’Neil was still valid and could be held to, but he and his friend had no thought of undertaking any work that was not sustained by the good will of the people.
Several other speakers having urged deliberation, Mayor Schiffbauer inquired if in going as slow as was recommended, there was not danger of going down. We had paid a heavy penalty for slowness in the recent fire, and it was necessary to bestir ourselves if we would avoid another such a calamity. The contract he would make with these parties would bind them to supply a sufficient amount of good wholesome water, and we could safely trust to their judgment in locating their works. But no one is going to dig around and prospect and plat unless some assurance is offered them that their time and money will not be wasted. The machinery these men engaged to put up would furnish a barrel of water a day to every man, woman, and child, and then leave enough to put out fires.
Some mechanical details having been entered into by Mr. J. G. Danks and others, Mr. Quigley explained that the works he proposed to build, with a cut off from the main, and a pressure of fifty pounds, would throw a stream fifty feet. The pressure increased to 150 pounds would give a stream 192 feet high. He thought there would be no trouble experienced in procuring a supply of pure water, as in these western rivers there is always an undercurrent which is comparatively free from impurities. He understood there was a stratum of rock underlying this city, beneath which there was a constant flow of water. To test whether this would suffice for a supply, he would take three or four threshing machines and pump continuously several million gallons of water. If no exhaustion [?] was produced, he would consider that source adapted for the city use. The speaker explained his plans at some length, which it is not necessary to report here.
The mayor said as a number of our citizens was gathered to discuss the water question, he desired an expression of their will to aid the deliberations of the city council. After a long discussion of the matter, Messrs. Sleeth, McLaughlin, and J. G. Danks were appointed a committee to act with a committee of the city council, and combine in a report recommending a plan of action to the city council. The meeting then adjourned.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 19, 1885.
Violating a City Ordinance.
The Republican tells of W. H. Sawyer’s case (the laundryman), but hardly does him justice. His violation of the city ordinance, in regard to frame buildings within the city limits, came up in the council chamber on the 3rd inst. He had been arrested for putting up a considerable addition to a frame building on Central Avenue (just east of the alley), and he presented himself before the council to plead his case. He had bought the old frame store which stood where Herman Godehard is erecting his new and handsome store, and removed it to its present location in ignorance (as he claimed) of the ordinance. His present quarters being too restricted for his extensive business and the accommodation of his family, Mr. Sawyer thought to provide room enough for all purposes. He had cut his lumber, part of it was in place, and if he was not allowed to go on and finish his building, he would be put to serious loss. The question was asked him if any of the neighbors objected to his work; he replied that no complaint had reached his ears. Councilman Hill said he did not like to make the enforcement of any ordinance oppressive. If the neighbors did not object, the council might shut its eyes to the offense. His advice to the applicant was to pay his fine to the police judge (he having been arrested), and trust to being let alone in the future. To the surprise of all present, not a city father raised his voice to show the folly of such cecutiency.
The next day Mr. T. D. Ross ordered a bill of lumber of G. B. Shaw & Co., with intent to erect a frame livery stable on the same avenue near the Arkansas City Co.’s coal yard. He had previously asked leave of the council to build a stable and been refused; but he now declared that if one was allowed to disregard an ordinance, the same indulgence was due to another; and he proposed to place his stable where he wanted it.
It may be said in defense of Mr. Hill that he has been away from the city for some time, and was not familiar with the situation here. At least half a score applications have been made to the council by persons desiring to put up frame buildings, to make additions to their stores or dwellings, or violate the ordinance in some way. They have been refused on the ground that if dispensation is granted to one man, it must be extended to others; and there is no use passing a law if it is not enforced.
With this promise of immunity, Mr. Sawyer set his carpenter to work again; and the city marshal again pulled him. The promise made him by Mr. Hill that the council would shut its eyes to his offense had no force in law because one ordinance can only be revoked by the passage of another. Mr. Sawyer unwisely persists in going on with his work, and fines in the police court to the amount of $125 have been piled up against him. He has appealed his case to the district court, and a serious bit of expense will be the result of the false sympathy extended to him.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 2, 1885.
Messrs. Searing and J. G. Danks are entitled to the thanks of their fellow citizens for the faithful work they have put in on the water works committee. They attended every meeting, contributed intelligent counsel, and showed a conscientious regard for the trust they had assumed. Mayor Schiffbauer rendered just as faithful service, but he is a public official, and although his labors are unpaid, we have a right to expect that he will devote all his time to the city’s interest. Some people work for praise, others are sordid enough to look for pudding.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 2, 1885.
Charles Schiffbauer is back from his trading post at Gray Horse, and his benevolent countenance is to be seen on our streets again.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 2, 1885.
Meeting of Citizens To Determine the Question.
An Indifferent Crowd Who Have No Will To Express.
The citizens’ meeting on Friday to provide water works for the city, called by the committee appointed at a previous meeting, was slightly attended. At 8 o’clock, the hour designated, less than a score of persons were in the hall. Half an hour after about sixty had assembled, and the meeting was called to order by the appointment of J. P. Johnson for chairman and Frederic Lockley secretary.
The committee was called upon for the reading of its report. In the absence of Major Sleeth, chairman of the committee, Mayor Schiffbauer explained that at the former meeting of citizens, Messrs. Sleeth, Searing, and J. G. Danks had been appointed a committee on behalf of the citizens, to act with three members of the city council to be chosen at the next meeting of that body. He had appointed Messrs. Thompson, Dean, and Dunn, and the committee had added himself to the number. It was contemplated that visits should be paid to neighboring cities to inquire into their systems of water works; but as this would involve expense, and the methods in use supplying water in Winfield, Wichita, Wellington, and Newton were pretty well known to the committee, they had contented themselves with formulating a plan adapted to the needs of our city which they had embodied in a report. The reading of the same being called for, the mayor read as follows.
the citizens of Arkansas City.
GENTLEMEN: We, the committee to whom was referred the matter of water works, would respectfully submit the following report.
1st. In our judgment the supply should be obtained at the springs now used by the city for water supply; provided, that after being subjected to a thorough test, the supply shall be found adequate to meet all demands, and the quality to be pure and wholesome, and provided further, that the company securing the franchise will guarantee to exclude all surface matter from said springs.
2nd. That in case the supply at the springs shall be found to be inadequate, or that the surface matter cannot be excluded, then in our opinion, the supply should be obtained from a filter basin near the Arkansas River.
3rd. The system should be standpipe and holly combined; that is to say, the works to be so arranged that the standpipe can be shut off from the main and give direct pressure from the pumps into the mains.
4th. The standpipe is to be of iron, to be 25 feet in diameter, and sixty feet high, placed on a tower 50 feet high, built of stone laid in cement.
5th. There shall be two pumps, each capable of pumping one million gallons every 24 hours, so arranged as to be run either separately or together; and two boilers arranged the same as pumps, and each capable to run the pumps at full capacity with easy firing.
6th. In our opinion there will be required 5,630 feet of 12 inch main, running from the works, if situated where the present works stand, through Third Avenue east to Fourth Street, and from Third Avenue north through Summit Street to Ninth Avenue; 8,310 feet of 8 inch main to be placed in Sixth and Eighth Streets, running from Third Avenue north To Seventh Avenue and through Ninth Avenue, running from Fourth Street west to Tenth Street; 12,470 feet of 4 inch pipe to be placed in Fourth, Fifth, Ninth, and Tenth Streets, and running from Third Avenue north to Ninth Avenue, and from Tenth Street west to Eleventh Street, thence south to Eighth Avenue, thence east to Tenth Street.
7th. That in order to give proper fire protection for the territory covered by this plant, it will require 59 fire plugs to be placed along this system, which plugs we have located as per map, which can be seen at the city office. We therefore recommend that the city take 60 hydrants, and in lieu of the additional hydrant, the city cause to be contracted a watering and drinking fountain for the use and benefit of the public, which should be open and free at all times. Said fountain to be placed on Fifth Avenue, near Summit Street.
8th. We would further recommend that the city solicit bids for the construction of such a system of works, taking the number of hydrants as a basis, and that the successful bidder be required to furnish bonds to the city in the penal sum of $20,000 for the faithful performance of the contract, and guaranteeing that the work, when completed, shall be capable of throwing water from 5 hydrants at the same time from standpipe pressure alone a distance of 65 feet high; and by direct pressure from pumps, 100 feet high.
Your committee desire to state that as the city council made no appropriation to defray expenses, they have not made any effort to visit other works, and from the most reliable information we have been able to gather, we are of the opinion that the standpipe and holly system is the only feasible system for our city to adopt, and in the system we have herein suggested both these are combined.
The chair inquired what should be done with the report. A pause ensued. The secretary moved that the report be accepted, but he found no second to his motion. To remove the chilling apathy, Mr. Lockley explained that his motion was necessary to bring the report before the meeting for discussion, but it did not involve its adoption. The disposal of the report would be effected by a subsequent motion. This brought out a weak-voiced second to the motion. On the motion being put by the chair, not a voice was raised in support or disapproval.
Judge Kreamer in reproof of this deathlike apathy said he thought the meeting should take interest enough in the proceedings to express its will on the question before it. The committee had devoted time and labor to perform the duty assigned it, and now that its report was submitted, it was the business of those present to accept or reject, not to let the matter go by default.
The motion of the secretary being again put to the meeting, it was adopted by an emphatic vote.
Mayor Schiffbauer went over the report and explained its provisions in a detailed commentary.
Jacob Hight said he would like to know something about this funeral; it was inexplicable to him because he saw no corpse. He had listened to the report of the committee with interest; they had reduced the question of a water supply for the city to tangible shape, and he for one thanked them for their intelligent labors. A good and efficient system of water works was not only of interest at the present time, but it affected the welfare and happiness of our children and our children’s children. The proposition set forth in the report appeared to him reasonable and adapted to our wants, but he hoped to hear it discussed with becoming spirit. No city could prosper and present a good bill of health that was not provided with an adequate system of pure water. He was aware the city was not able to put in its own water works, and hence it must contract with other parties to supply the machinery. It was agreed by all that our want was a pressing one, and now was the time to do something definite and decisive toward the accomplishment of that end. The committee was to be commended for spending no money at the expense of the city treasury in running about the country.
A. D. Prescott was much gratified with the report; he agreed with the last speaker that it entitled the committee to the thanks of the people in whose interest they had labored. The question of expense was first to be considered, and he desired to know whether the outlay involved in the plan proposed could not be cut down. Any company that undertakes to build water works for a city, does so with a view to the profit to be made; and their charge would be based on the sum of money expended. He thought provision was made for an unnecessary length of 12-inch pipe. The size of the standpipe might also be reduced. He would like to hear some estimate of the probable cost of the system sketched in the committee’s report.
J. G. Danks said the main that was proposed to be laid might be larger than the present wants of the city; but the committee thought it best to lay pipes big enough to answer future needs and save the expense of tearing them up five or ten years from now to substitute others of larger capacity. An efficient water supply in case of fire must be provided at all cost. An 8-inch main might answer all purposes for the next five or six years, but if the city attains the growth we expect, at the end of that time it will be inadequate. Iron pipe laid down here would cost from $35 to $40 a ton. The cost of the tower, the standpipe, the engine, and pumps could only be learned from the bids to be sent in. He thought the total expense of the system proposed in the committee’s report would be about $50,000. Sixty hydrants were proposed, and for this reason, the rent of 40 hydrants would aggregate as much as the rent of the larger number. The first contract also sets the standard of rents; and if more hydrants should be required at any future time, the rent will be the same as of those already in use. And he believed the city could not be properly protected from fire with a smaller number.
Judge Kreamer moved as the sense of the meeting that the committee be authorized to advertise for bids, and report the result at a future meeting, which was adopted. Adjourned.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 9, 1885.
Mayor Schiffbauer and W. M. Sawyer went to Winfield yesterday to be present at the habeas corpus proceeding. Judge Dalton heard the case, and after a recess of two hours at noon, refused to grant the habeas corpus asked for, and committed the petitioner to the county jail until his fines are paid. The city ordinance under which the proceedings against Sawyer have been taken, his honor pronounced impregnable and iron clad.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 9, 1885.
Specifications Adopted to be Submitted to Bidders.
The water works committee met in the mayor’s office on Saturday evening, all the members present. The business of the meeting was to determine the best way to advertise for proposals, and after an informal debate it was decided that an advertisement inserted in some of the leading scientific and mechanical papers, would be most apt to engage the attention of those parties the committee desired to reach. Mayor Schiffbauer read the following as the form of advertisement to be inserted.
Sealed proposals, endorsed “Proposals for water works,” will be received until 12 o’clock noon on Monday, the 12th day of October, 1885, by the undersigned city clerk of the city of Arkansas City, Cowley County, Kansas. Specifications of the works will be forwarded on application to the city clerk. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids.
Mr. J. G. Danks suggested that the above notice be inserted in the following papers: Scientific American, American Machinist, Age of Steel, Mechanical News, which was approved by the committee. It was estimated that two insertions would cost about $25.
The specifications had also been prepared by the mayor, and were read to the committee as follows.
The city of Arkansas City, in Cowley County, Kansas, desiring to have constructed a system of water works, and having advertised for bids for the construction of the same, and knowing the necessity of bidders being informed as nearly as possible as to the wishes of the citizens in regard to their wants, the following has been prepared by the committee as a guide to contractors in which they have aimed to cover all points. If it shall be found that any points have been omitted that may be found necessary to be understood before bidding, the same can be ascertained by addressing the mayor or the city clerk, stating the information wanted, and any such correspondence will be promptly answered.
The following requirements should be strictly observed by bidders.
Two Compound Duplex Pumps will be required, each capable of pumping one million gallons of water every twenty-four hours; to be arranged so as to run either separately or together.
There will also be required two boilers, each capable of running the pumps at full capacity with easy firing, and so arranged as to be run either separately or together.
The tank to be of iron and of the dimensions of twenty-five feet diameter and sixty feet high, and to be placed on a tower fifty feet high, substantially built of stone and in cement.
There will be required five thousand six hundred and thirty feet of twelve inch main, eight thousand three hundred and ten feet of eight inch main, and twelve thousand four hundred and seventy feet of four inch main. All mains to be standard cast iron. The above mains have all been located by the committee and sketched on a map, which can be examined at any time at the mayor’s office.
The standpipe shall be so arranged that it may be shut off from the main and give direct pressure from the pumps into the main.
The water works when completed shall be subject to a test which shall consist of the pumping capacity of the pumps, the throwing of five fire streams through fifty feet of two and one-half inch rubber hose, and one-inch ring nozzle, from any five hydrants the city council may select, at the same time, a distance of sixty-five feet high from the standpipe pressure alone, and one hundred feet high from direct pressure. The city shall not be required to pay hydrant rent until after the successful operation of the test.
This is to be determined by the parties drawing he franchise. It is the opinion that an abundant supply of good, pure water can be obtained at the springs on the townsite, and if it is found that the supply should be found inadequate at this point, or that the water should prove unwholesome, then and in that case, the supply must be obtained from a filter basin near the Arkansas River, in which case there would be required one mile additional supply pipe.
The company securing the franchise will be required to execute a good and sufficient bond to the city, secured by unencumbered real estate in the penal sum of twenty thousand dollars, conditioned for the faithful performance of the contract and the successful performance of the required test.
The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids.
Fifty copies of the above were ordered neatly printed in circular form. The committee then adjourned.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 9, 1885.
Our City Fathers Have a Rocking Time Together.
The meeting of the city council, on Monday evening, was a lively one, and the session lasted four hours. The mayor re-appointed the committees in order to assign Mr. A. D. Prescott, the new third ward member.
The following bills were acted on.
Bill of S. P. Gould, $3.70; allowed.
Conn & McKee, 80 cents; referred.
F. Lockley, $29.55; referred.
C. M. Parsons, $21.88; referred.
W. Speers, $11.25; allowed.
F. B. Scott, $3.75; allowed.
Hackney & Asp, $25; rejected.
F. L. Thips [?], $4; one-half the amount allowed.
J. W. Beck, $2; allowed.
J. Holloway, $2.50; allowed.
A. E. Kirkpatrick $15.50; referred.
Murdock, $9.50; referred.
Arkansas City Coal Co., $27.75; allowed.
James Moore, $23.70; referred.
G. B. Shaw & Co., $101.83; allowed.
J. E. Beck, $5; allowed.
D. L. Means, $5.85; allowed.
Referred bill of G. W. Cunningham, $93.24; laid over.
Referred bill of Danks Bros., $54.32; allowed.
Kingsbury & Barnett, $5.30; allowed.
County bill of Ware, Pickering & Co., $17.85; approved.
County bill of William Cos, $44.25; referred.
County bill of Peter Pearson, $36; approved.
Rev. Mr. Buckner applied in behalf of his brother-in-law, Mr. Huse, for leave to put in scales, and build coal shed and feed bins between the skating rink and Braden’s Stable. Leave granted.
Similar privilege granted to George C. Maloney, to put in scales at W. L. Aldridge & Co.’s lumber yard.
A committee consisting of ex-Police Judge Kreamer, Amos Walton, N. T. Snyder, and Meigs, applied for assistance in the work of laying an oak flooring on the west bridge. Its present insecurity kept trade away from the city, and a pine floor was continually wearing into holes. At a meeting of citizens held in Meigs & Nelson’s office on Saturday evening, it was computed that an oak floor would cost $700, and the above named committee was appointed to collect the amount by enlisting subscriptions from our businessmen. About $300 had been subscribed; but all referred the committee to the city council for aid.
Mr. Dunn thought the expenditure of such a sum on a bridge that was likely to be carried away next winter, injudicious. The piling was loose and the whole structure in an insecure condition. He would rather see money spent in permanent improvement.
The mayor said the council had no shadow of authority to devote the public money to any such purpose. If the gentlemen chose to assume the responsibility, well enough. The council had voted $65 to the repair of the bridge on a similar occasion, and it could exercise a similar discretion again. He was satisfied that taxpayers would raise an objection.
Mr. Dean said the repair of the west bridge was more essential to our businessmen than mending the city streets. A large amount of trade was lost to our city because of its dangerous condition, and money voted by the council to put it in fit condition for travel would certainly be approved.
Mayor Schiffbauer remarked that the people of Arkansas City would soon find themselves without bridges, and they wanted stirring up to a knowledge of this fact. There is no law in the state to define the duty of county or township in the matter. Last year Senator Jennings introduced a bill in the legislature, requiring county commissioners to appropriate money towards building necessary bridges, and if the cost was over a certain amount to bill them entire. But the measure did not pass. Now that our city is set apart from the township, the council is without authority to devote money to such a purpose, the township won’t do it, and the county cannot. There is thus no way on God’s earth to build necessary bridges, or keep old ones in repair.
W. M. Sawyer presented himself to ask lenity of the council. He had been harassed and persecuted till life was a burden. The next day he had to go to Winfield again on a habeas corpus proceeding, with the prospect of going to jail, if his application was denied. These proceedings were costly, they took him away from his business, and drove him almost crazy with anxiety. He was there to ask the council to remit the fines that had been imposed, and give him leave to live in his house undisturbed. He had been committed to the county jail for non-payment of fines, being unable to pay them. He did not believe any gentleman present wished to send him to jail.
The mayor said after the council had instructed him to enforce ordinance No. 12, he had cautioned Mr. Sawyer to do no more work on his building. In a day or two the city marshal notified him that work was being done, and he served a notice on Mr. Sawyer restraining him from proceeding with his building. He was again informed by the same officer that workmen were engaged, and seeing that good faith could not be kept with him, he (the mayor) ordered Mr. Sawyer’s arrest, and the police magistrate committed him. His honor described the subsequent proceedings in Winfield, which facts are known to most of our readers.
The debate on this matter lasted over an hour. All the members expressed sympathy for the applicant, at the bad position he had placed himself in, but they saw no way to help him. He had persisted in his violation of the city ordinance, making it his boast that he could defeat the council, and the people were watching the issue with considerable interest. If an exception was made in his case, others would insist on the same indulgence, and the city laws would be brought into contempt.
Mr. Dean said the applicant was a crippled soldier, advanced in years, and entitled to their leniency. He desired that his fines be remitted, and no further proceedings taken against him. Let the people know this was an exceptional case, that a like dispensation would be granted no other offender, and no reproach should be brought on the council, and no citizen would ask that Mr. Sawyer be further interfered with.
Judge Kreamer obtained leave to speak. He said the council could not undertake the enforcement of its laws. When passed by that body, they are in the hands of the city officers to execute. He stood ready to complain against Mr. Sawyer and the police judge was bound to issue a warrant for his arrest. There was no other way to relieve Mr. Sawyer than to revoke the ordinance defining the fire limits.
It was agreed that property holders would protest against that proceeding.
Mr. Dean moved that all the fines entered up against Mr. Sawyer be remitted and further proceeding dismissed.
The mayor said the council had the authority to remit fines, but so long as the ordinance stood unrevoked, he should enforce it. The house must be removed out of the fire limits or he should order its demolition.
Mr. Davis said two men stood ready to build within the fire limits if they found that Sawyer came out ahead.
Moving the offending house being the only feasible way of getting out of the trouble, the mayor said he would contribute $10 toward the expense.
Mr. Dunn moved that the fire limits be reduced to the alleys east and west of Summit Street. No second was offered to Dunn’s, or Dean’s motion.
Mr. Davis moved that the fire limits be changed on Sawyer’s block. He could side up, plaster his rooms, and then the former boundary could be restored.
This was scoffed at as whipping the devil around the stump. The matter dropped here.
The gutter and curbing resolution was taken up. Mr. Dunn moved that stone crossings on Summit street at its intersection with Fifth and Central avenues be included in the work, which was adopted. The mayor was instructed to advertise for bids, the bids to be for all or a part of the work.
A building permit was granted T. B. Pickle to occupy one-third of the road while erecting a building on his lot in the burnt district.
F. B. Scott reported $438.30 water rent collected. He asked if extra pay could be allowed him for the work of collecting, but the council refused to allow it.
John Stafford asked that his pay as night watchman be increased from $25 to $50 a month. Refused.
The council adjourned at 11:30 o’clock.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 16, 1885.
Mayor Schiffbauer has advertised for bids to construct water works in several trade journals indicated by the committee, and also mailed specifications of the system decided on, to pump-makers and other fit parties.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 16, 1885.
The Citizens Reject Mr. Quigley’s Second Proposition.
The meeting of citizens held in Highland Hall on Thursday evening was called by the water works committee to learn their views on the proposition submitted by Mr. J. B. Quigley, of St. Louis. This gentleman was here some months ago with his partner, Mr. Platter, and then the pair submitted a proposition to build gas and water works for the city, owning the franchise, and charging $4,000 for the public use of the water and gas. That is, they agreed to furnish a water system, which was generally approved by those competent to form an opinion, on condition that the city pay $50 a year rental for 60 fire hydrants, making an annual tax of $3,000. They also offered to build gas works, and furnish consumers with an excellent quality of illuminating gas for $2.50 a thousand feet, the city being required to pay for 30 street lamps, at the rate of $30 a year each. This would be an additional charge of $900. They refused, for good reasons given at the time, and repeated by Mr. Quigley at the meeting on Thursday evening, to accept one franchise without the other.
The matter was debated with due deliberation at the former meeting, and the conclusion arrived at was that the city was not then ready to bear the burden of lighting the streets, and before the offer to build water works was adopted, they preferred to invite bids from other responsible parties. A committee was appointed to formulate a plan for the water supply, and advertise in the proper channels for proposals to construct the same.
The work assigned the committee was being intelligently and diligently performed, when Mr. Quigley, who happened to be in Hutchinson, and hearing that our citizens were still laboring on a water works system, inquired of Mayor Schiffbauer by telegram whether a modified proposition would be received. The latter expressed his doubt, in a reply, but invited the gentleman to come and make his offer. He arrived here on the Wednesday train, and that evening laid his proposition before that body. It may be briefly given as follows.
An iron standpipe, ten feet in diameter and 110 feet high. Two compound duplex pumps, each capable of raising 1,000,000 gallons of water in 24 hours. Two boilers capable of running the machinery with easy firing. The main to consist of 5,800 feet of 10-inch pipe, 3,200 feet of 8-inch, 6,200 feet of 6-inch, and 7,400 feet of 4-inch pipe. The machinery is guaranteed to throw water from five plugs 65 feet high by standpipe pressure alone, and 100 feet from pump power. Mr. Quigley asks 30 days to file a bond for $20,000 for the satisfactory fulfillment of his contract. The city will be required to take 65 fire plugs and a rental of $50 a plug per annum. All the mains to be standard condition, and to be extended 600 feet for every six consumers.
The committee was favorably impressed with the offer, but feeling that their instructions did not warrant them to act without authority, they thought it proper to call another public meeting and take the sense of the people. The meeting was held on Thursday evening, about 150 persons being in attendance.
All of the committee was there, except Major Sleeth, and several of the members set forth their reasons for recommending the acceptance of Mr. Quigley’s offer. They may be summarized as follows. The plan originally proposed, the details of which were in print for mailing to pump makers and contractors, involved too great an outlay, and would impose too heavy cost on the city. The standpipe of the dimensions given above, and the water mains graduated from ten to four inches, would suffice for a city of 30,000 to 40,000 inhabitants, and would certainly answer our wants for many years to come. It would be well to accept the offer now because there was the prospect of a dull winter before us; the erection of the machinery and the laying of the pipes would afford employment to scores of our workmen, and the evidence of progress and enterprise, made manifest by such a work, would give our city a good name abroad and be apt to attract capital and population hither. While to decline this offer and advertise for this would cause a delay of two months, the winter is a bad time to prosecute such an undertaking, and it was most likely that nothing would be done in the way of procuring a water supply till next year.
These statements were met by arguments from Messrs. Meigs, T. H. McLaughlin, Prescott, Cunningham, and others, that as the city had waited so long, the further delay of a few weeks would not be detrimental. Mr. Quigley had made his offer, but there might be others who were willing to do the work for less. It would be in conformity with business rules to put it up to competition and take the lowest bidder. Mr. Quigley’s present one was nearly $1,000 a year better than the offer he made before; under the spur of a little wholesome competition, he might find it to his interest to make a still better offer, and the delay involved would be fully justified by the possible advantage to be gained.
The above is the substance of the reasoning used on both sides, until to bring the matter to an issue. Mr. J. P. Johnson moved that the committee be held to their former instructions to advertise for bids, which was amended by G. W. Cunningham restraining that body from opening any bids before October 12th. Both amendment and the original motion were negatived by the meeting. Judge Kreamer then moved that Mr. Quigley’s offer be accepted, which was submitted to a rising vote. The chair and the secretary (James L. Huey and N. T. Snyder) counted noses and pronounced the vote a tie. It was then proposed that the vote be taken by ballot, but on Mr. Dean’s suggestion that so indeterminate an expression of public sentiment would have no weight with him as a councilman, but he should be left to the exercise of his own judgment, a motion to adjourn was entertained and the meeting broke up leaving the committee to act as they thought best in the matter. As their instructions were not modified by the citizens they called together to consult with, we cannot see that they can act in any other way than to go on and advertise for bids.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 23, 1885.
Among the arrivals at the Leland Hotel on Monday, were J. F. McMillen, of Winfield; Horace Arthur, formerly of Ponca Agency, but now living in Topeka; Dr. F. J. Dent, of Ponca; J. E. Finney, of Finney, Schiffbauer & Co., the licensed traders at Grayhorse; and Joseph Soderstrom, of Osage Agency.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 26, 1885.
Council Proceedings.
The city council convened in regular session last Monday with the following members present: Mayor Schiffbauer and Councilmen Prescott, Davis, Dean, Thompson, and Hight.
The allowance of bills occupied the attention of the August body first and the following action was taken on those coming up.
J. A. Stafford, special police, $2.00 allowed.
J. H. Hilliard, election judge, $6.50 allowed.
J. E. Parkins, bill for rock put on street, referred to street and alley committee.
Chicago Lumber Co., lumber for canal bridge, $2.83; allowed.
W. J. Gray, boarding prisoners, $4; allowed.
J. F. McMullen, legal service, $10; allowed.
County Bill of Chicago Lumber Co., pauper claim; approved.
County bill of W. Cox, pauper claim, $43.50; disapproved.
Conn & McKee, repairs, 80 cents; allowed.
A. E. Kirkpatrick, boarding prisoners, $14.50; allowed.
Thompson & Woodin, livery, $4.50; allowed.
F. Lockley, city printing, $29.55; allowed $23.65.
County bill of F. B. Hutchison, pauper claim, $30.27; approved.
Referred bill of Jas. Moore, work on streets; allowed $23.40.
Referred bill of C. M. Parsons, work on streets; not allowed.
H. O. Meigs asked permission to erect a residence on block 70, which was granted.
Pitts Ellis was granted permission to put in scales in front of the frame building now occupied by Druggist Steinberger.
W. A. Lee asked for permission to erect a wooden building at his implement yard, but was referred because it was in the fire limits.
The request of A. A. Newman and others to annex a certain portion of land belonging to the water power company to the city in order that the west Arkansas River Bridge might be in the city limits, was by motion referred to the street and alley committee.
On motion, Jim Moore, the street commissioner, was fired.
The city marshal was instructed to act in his stead until his successor was appointed.
The next thing that was brought up for consideration was the old eye-sore, Sawyer. This time it was because he had made such a stench in his neighborhood by allowing soap-suds water to accumulate in a hole at the rear of his laundry that life was a burden to his neighbors. Billy Gray was instructed to make the old man clean up.
The next good deed done was to discharge nightwatchman Stafford.
This completed the business of the evening and on motion they adjourned.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 30, 1885.
Charley Schiffbauer came up on Monday from Gray Horse, after spending two weeks at his store there.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 30, 1885.
BIRTHS/DEATH. Mrs. Frank Schiffbauer on Monday presented her liege lord with bouncing twins, both of the female persuasion; but one of them unfortunately was stillborn. The mother and surviving babe are doing well.
Arkansas City Republican, October 3, 1885.
BIRTH. Born to Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Schiffbauer, Tuesday morning, twins, of the feminine gender. Unfortunately one was still-born. The surviving babe and mother are improving.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 7, 1885.
Council Proceedings.
The city council met in regular session on Monday evening, at 7:30 o’clock; Councilman Thompson presiding, Mayor Schiffbauer being detained at home owing to the sickness of his wife. All the members were present except Bailey and Hill.
The following bills were acted on.
T. R. Houghton, $1.25; referred.
American Machinist Publishing Co., $12 for advertising, allowed.
C. R. Sipes, $5.50; referred.
Age of Steel, $3 for advertising; allowed.
W. D. Johnson, extra police duty, $2; allowed.
County bill of O. P. Houghton, $10.51; approved.
A communication from the Wichita Water Works Co., was read, offering for sale two boilers, abandoned because of their insufficiency for the needs of that city. Placed on file.
An offer was made by F. B. Scott, the water works engineer, through Mr. Prescott, to run the works and do all the repairing for $60 a month. Another offer was received from Edward Malone, to perform the same work for $40 a month. No action was taken.
Permission was granted J. C. Topliff to use the street for building material while erecting his double house next to the Hasie block.
A similar privilege was granted Edward Grady while building a brick store on Summit Street, corner of Third Avenue.
City Clerk Benedict asked permission to move the building on the rear of his lot (sold to Joseph Bittle) across Central Avenue to the rear of Judge Bonsall’s office. Granted.
The reply of the State Veterinarian was read to the application of Mayor Schiffbauer, for that expert to visit Arkansas City and suggest the means of suppressing the spread of contagious disease among horses in this city. He says application must be made to Governor Martin.
The report of the police judge for the last month was read and placed on file.
The subject of curbing and guttering Summit Street was introduced by Councilman Dunn. He said the grade must be established before this work is begun. The city clerk informed Mr. Dunn there was an old grade established, the record of which, he believed, was to be found among Judge Bonsall’s papers. It was agreed by the council that the grade should be 10 inches, from the centre of the street to the curb, instead of 18 inches as first designed.
Mr. Dunn, on behalf of the street committee, said the proposition to annex that portion of land between the city and the west bridge in order to bring that structure within the city limits, had been referred to the wrong committee. His committee was not ready to report on the subject.
City Marshal Gray was reappointed street commissioner to hold the office until his successor is appointed and qualified. A resolution was also adopted that ex-Street Commissioner Moore be instructed to make his report and deliver his records to his successor without delay.
The application of C. D. Burroughs that the city furnish pipe and water to a public watering place he proposes to build in front of his stores, was favorably considered.
Mr. Davis said he had spoken to the roadmaster of the Santa Fe road in reference to the repair of the culvert at the depot, and he had promised to place it in the hands of the section boss.
The council then adjourned.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 14, 1885.
The wives of Mayor Schiffbauer and Councilman Bailey have both had a dangerous time with their confinement, but we are gratified to report that both ladies are now in a fair way to recover health.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, October 21, 1885.
Water Works Committee.
ARKANSAS CITY, COWLEY CO., KANSAS, October 19th, 1885.
the citizens of Arkansas City.
GENTLEMEN: In the absence of Mr. W. M. Sleeth, chairman of your water works committee, I have been requested by a member of said committee to cause to be published the following statement.
We acted under your instruction and advertised for bids on the system of works adopted by your committee, giving 30 days notice, and the bids were to be opened at 12 o’clock noon, on the 12th inst.; when the time came no bids had been received, nor has any come to hand since, neither has any water works man appeared to make any offer in the matter. Therefore, we can only conclude that our duties have been performed and the whole matter again reverts back to where we commenced. Any further action on our part would be without instruction; we therefore recommend that the citizens make their further pleasure in the matter known to the city council. Hoping this mode of making our report will meet your approval, we remain yours to command. F. P. SCHIFFBAUER, For Committee.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, October 21, 1885.
Ordinance No. 24
An ordinance granting the right of way to the Kansas City and Southwestern Railroad Company upon and across certain streets and alleys in the city of Arkansas City, in Cowley County, Kansas.
it ordained by the mayor and councilmen of the city of Arkansas City, Kansas.
SECTION 1. There is hereby granted to the Kansas City and Southwestern Railroad Company the right of way to construct, operate, and maintain, the main line of its railroad and all necessary side tracks along and upon Third Street, in said city of Arkansas City, and through the corporate limits of said city, and across all alleys crossing said Third Street in said city, and across the following avenues and streets in said city of Arkansas City, to-wit: Thirteenth Avenue, Twelfth Avenue, Eleventh Avenue, Tenth Avenue, Ninth Avenue, Eighth Avenue, Seventh Avenue, Central Avenue, Fifth Avenue, Fourth Avenue, Third Avenue, Second Avenue, First Avenue, and Leonard Street.
SECTION 2. There is hereby granted to the Kansas City and Southwestern Railroad Company the right of way to construct, operate, and maintain the main line of its railroad, and all necessary side tracks along and upon First Street in said city of Arkansas City, and through the corporate limits of said city, and across all alleys crossing said First Street in said city, and across the following avenues in said city, to-wit: Thirteenth Avenue, Twelfth Avenue, Eleventh Avenue, Tenth Avenue, Ninth Avenue, Eighth Avenue, Seventh Avenue, Central Avenue, and Fifth Avenue.
SECTION 3. Said Railroad Company shall construct and maintain at its own cost, suitable crossings over its track for the passage of vehicles and teams, and for the ordinary use as a street or alley where the same crosses any of the avenues, streets, or alleys mentioned in this ordinance; said crossings to be full width of such avenue, street, or alley, and shall construct and maintain in like manner, proper culverts and water-ways where the same shall be needed, which shall be done under the direction of the city engineer of said city of Arkansas City.
SECTION 4. That said railway company shall save the said city of Arkansas City harmless from all costs, damages, and expenses for the payment of which the said city may become liable to any person or persons or corporation by reason of the granting of said right of way to said railway company, or by reason of the construction or operation of said railroad, or by reason of said railway company failing to construct suitable and proper crossings, culverts, and water-ways as herein provided, or by reason of said company failing to perform or comply with any other of the provisions or requirements of this ordinance. This section shall apply to Third Street only.
SECTION 5. Said railroad company shall accept the provisions of this ordinance in writing within sixty days from the date of its publication, and in such acceptance shall specify whether it accepts the right of way as granted by section 1 or section 2 of this ordinance, and after such acceptance, the right of way as specified in the other of said sections not so accepted, shall lapse and be and become void. Said railroad company shall not have the right to accept the provisions of both of said sections.
SECTION 6. Said right of way and use of streets, avenues, and alleys shall be and remain, and vest in said railroad company so long as the same shall be used for railroad purposes; and this ordinance, when accepted by said railroad company, shall operate and be binding as a contract between said city of Arkansas City and said railroad company as accepted.
SECTION 7. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication once in the Arkansas City TRAVELER and its acceptance by said railroad company.
Approved October 20, 1885. F. P. SCHIFFBAUER, Mayor.
Attest: JAS. BENEDICT, Clerk.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 21, 1885.
Mayor Schiffbauer presided at the council meeting yesterday, his first official act since the sickness of his family.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 24, 1885.
Council Proceedings.
The council met in regular session Monday evening. Members present were councilmen Thompson, Dunn, Dean, Hill, Hight, Bailey, and Prescott. C. G. Thompson, acting mayor, presided.
The allowance of a few minor bills occupied the attention of the honorable board for a short time when they passed on to other business. The following parties presented bills for curbing and guttering, which were opened and read: Duncan & Jones, F. Gray, Cornelius Mead, J. C. McGee, John Senthouse, J. E. Parkins, Dennis Harkins, J. E. Beck & Co., and J. W. Ruby, and by motion the same was referred to committee on streets and ordered to report Wednesday evening.
Ordinance No. 24, in regard to granting the right of way to the K. C. & S. W. Railway through the city was read. On motion the council decided to look over the route and take action Tuesday morning.
It was moved and carried that the city repair the south canal bridge.
The request of Mrs. Skinner to remit fine of W. B. Skinner was not granted.
On motion the council adjourned until next morning.
At 9 a.m. the council convened with Councilmen Hill, Davis, Bailey, Dunn, Hight, and Thompson present. Mayor Schiffbauer presided.
The ordinance, No. 24, was taken up, read, voted upon, and passed. This ordinance grants the right of way to the K. C. & S. W. Railway through the city on 3rd or 1st street.
On motion Mayor Schiffbauer was instructed to purchase a stove for the council chamber.
Adjourned until Wednesday evening.
Council convened with Mayor Schiffbauer, Councilmen Thompson, Davis, Dunn, Hight, and Bailey present.
The contract for guttering and curbing two blocks of Summit street and putting in crossings was awarded to C. Mead and he was given 90 days into which to fulfill his contract. His bond was $1,500.
Council adjourned.
Arkansas City Republican, October 24, 1885.
Mrs. Frank Schiffbauer, who has had such a severe sickness, shows signs of improvement this week. The REPUBLICAN hopes to be able to report the lady entirely well by its next issue.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 31, 1885.
A Citizens Committee.
Last Monday evening several of our leading citizens met in the office of Judge Pyburn, for the purpose of organizing a citizens committee, its object to be to protect and promote the interest of Arkansas City, in any way that would tend to help and sustain the rapid growth of the Border City. A. J. Pyburn was called to the chair, and M. N. Sinnott was elected secretary. A temporary organization was made and an adjournment was taken until Tuesday evening at the same place, when a permanent organization was made by electing A. J. Pyburn, president; H. D. Kellogg, vice president; M. N. Sinnott, secretary; N. T. Snyder, assistant secretary; W. D. Mowry, treasurer. A finance committee was also appointed consisting of the following: A. A. Newman, H. O. Meigs, and W. D. Kreamer. Also an executive committee as follows: G. W. Cunningham, Wm. Sleeth, Amos Walton, H. D. Kellogg, N. T. Snyder, T. H. McLaughlin, W. D. Mowry, A. D. Prescott, and F. P. Schiffbauer. Committee made an assessment of $5.00 on all members and it was also decided that any citizen of good standing could become a member by paying the same fee.
The following are the charter members.
Names selected by the committee: Chas. Sipes, Geo. Howard, Geo. Cunningham, Wm. Mowry, Rev. Fleming, F. P. Schiffbauer, A. J. Pyburn, H. O. Meigs, Jas. L. Huey, Wm. Sleeth, W. D. Kreamer, A. A. Newman, A. D. Prescott, Jacob Hight, T. H. McLaughlin, O. S. Rarick, Jamison Vawter, J. P. Johnson, H. D. Kellogg, Ed. Grady, O. P. Houghton, M. N. Sinnott, Geo. W. Miller, N. T. Snyder, Amos Walton, Jas. Ridenour.
Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.
Chas. Schiffbauer is building an addition to his residence in the first ward.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 4, 1885.
A Popular Movement to Advance the City’s Interests.
On Monday evening of last week, about a score of our prominent citizens held a meeting in Judge Pyburn’s office to consider the most practicable means of advancing the interests of this city. The views expressed were that in a rapidly growing country, where incoming population is apt to seek new channels, and business interests are created by the changing tide of affairs, it is necessary for every city that seeks growth and prosperity to be on the alert and lend its hand in shaping matters to its own advantage. It was agreed that to put the forces of a community to the best avail, it is necessary to have some organization to depute some number of men of good judgment and business acumen to watch the changes in the kaleidoscope of social life, and suggest means for turning them to proper advantage; to perform the duty of a picket guard in the army. In fact, holding themselves in an advanced position, and watching every movement that comes under their notice. As an initial step to the organization sought after, the meeting chose of the persons present, Messrs. A. A. Newman, A. D. Prescott, G. W. Miller, N. T. Snyder, and Amos Walton as an executive committee, with power to add to their number, and report to a public meeting to be held in the Opera house the following evening.
On Tuesday the Buckskin Border Band stationed outside that popular place of amusement, gave notice to the public that business was to be done by playing several choice airs in their usual artistic style. Several score of people gave heed to the summons, and by 8 o’clock there were about a hundred assembled. The meeting was called to order, Mayor Schiffbauer was chosen chairman, and our new postmaster, M. N. Sinnott, appointed secretary. Amos Walton, on behalf of the originators of the movement, was called on to explain the object of the meeting. He told what had been done the evening before, and handed to the secretary a list of names selected by the committee to add to their number, and said he would then ask the sense of the meeting on the choice made. The secretary read the following names.
C. R. Sipes
G. W. Cunningham
Rev. S. B. Fleming
A. J. Pyburn
H. O. Meigs
W. M. Sleeth
Jacob Hight
O. S. Rarick
J. P. Johnson
Ed Grady
Geo. Howard
W. D. Mowry
F. P. Schiffbauer
James Ridenour
Jas. L. Huey
W. D. Kreamer
T. H. McLaughlin
Dr. Jamison Vawter
Dr. H. D. Kellogg
O. P. Houghton
M. N. Sinnott
Mr. Walton said he commended the object of the proposed organization because it gave our citizens the benefit of the counsel and services of two dozen of our most experienced citizens (He wished to exclude himself from self commendation.) who would be on the lookout for opportunities to turn to the public good. The plan as he sketched it was for those two dozen sagacious men to mature among themselves whatever movements would advance the public good, and then call a public meeting to whom their plans could be unfolded and action taken on them. On motion the list of names read by the secretary was approved.
Several other speakers followed in like strain.
Frank Austin preferred to have the organization placed on a broader basis. It had been called a board of trade by some speakers, and he wanted it made one in fact. He wanted membership thrown open to all eligible persons, and stated times of meeting. To create a fund for any sudden use he would have an initiation fee and an annual subscription.
But this proposition was generally opposed on the ground that it was taking the organization out of the hands of those who framed it. The meeting having nothing further before it, adjourned.
At a subsequent meeting of the executive committee, on the 29th, an organization was effected by electing A. J. Pyburn, president; H. D. Kellogg, vice president; M. N. Sinnott, secretary; N. T. Snyder, assistant secretary; W. D. Mowry, treasurer. It was also decided to increase the membership by admitting any fitting person on payment of $5 initiation fee. The following committees were appointed.
Finance Committee: A. A. Newman, H. O. Meigs, W. D. Kreamer.
Executive Committee: G. W. Cunningham, W. M. Sleeth, Amos Walton, H. D. Kellogg, N. T. Snyder, T. H. McLaughlin, W. D. Mowry, A. D. Prescott, F. P. Schiffbauer.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 4, 1885.
City Council Proceedings.
Council met at 7:30 on Monday evening, Mayor Schiffbauer presiding. Councilmen Bailey and Hill absent.
The following bills were acted on.
A. E. Kirkpatrick, $1.50; allowed.
Murdock Bros., Wichita, $14; tabled.
G. B. Shaw & Co., $2; allowed.
Kroenert & Austin, $1.55; allowed.
William Gall, $2; allowed.
William Ward, $5.25; referred to water works committee.
Danks Bros., 75 cents; allowed.
C. R. Sipes, $21.13; referred.
Kingsbury & Barnett, $3.50; allowed.
Chicago Lumber Co., $9.30; allowed.
L. B. Turner, $5.25; allowed.
Various parties for laying water pipe, $10.75; referred to water works committee.
S. Thompson, $35; allowed.
D. L. Means, $4.92; allowed.
Referred county claim of S. F. Steinberger, $4.75; rejected.
Referred county claim of Dr. E. Y. Baker, $93; rejected.
Petition of W. G. Johnson, night watchman, asking for increase of pay, was read and laid on the table.
Petition of businessmen for the naming of streets and numbering of alleys, was read and referred to the committee on streets and alleys.
The contract of the city with Cornelius Mead for the guttering and curbing of six blocks on Summit Street, and the laying of four stone crosswalks on Summit Street and Fifth Avenue was read. The curbing and guttering to cost $37.75 per lot and the crosswalks 80 cents per linear foot; the work to be finished by April 1st.
Mr. Eldridge protested against the work as faulty in design and too expensive by one-third. Mr. Henderson joined in the protest, objecting to the use of flag stones and proposing cobble stones. Dr. Alexander was another protestant. The block between Central and Seventh Avenues was not half built up, and when the lots came to be improved, the guttering and curbing would have to be taken up.
Councilman Dunn, of the committee on streets and alleys, answered the various objections. The mayor said these protests came in too late to be of any avail. The resolution of the council to curb and gutter the blocks named had been advertised four consecutive weeks in the TRAVELER, the official organ of the city, and proposals for the work had been advertised the same length of time in the same paper. Not a protest had come in during all this time, and the natural inference of the council was that the property holders interested approved the work. The contract had now been let and the bond filed, and the objections made could not be regarded. The contract was approved.
A bond for $1,500 for the faithful performance of the work was read and approved. Cornelius Mead, principal, and Messrs. Searing and Frank J. Hess, sureties.
A resolution was adopted that the owners of scales on the blocks named, be notified to remove them far enough into the road to admit of the gutters being made.
By resolution F. B. Scott, engineer of the water works, was allowed $50 a month, on condition that he do all the work.
The report of the police judge for October was read, showing total receipts from fines and costs $63, of which the police judge retained $25, the officers making arrests received $13, and $25 was paid to the city treasurer. The report was accepted and placed on file.
Leave was granted Edward Grady to put in scales opposite his brick store on Third Avenue, and build coal sheds.
The council then adjourned.
The city council held a brief session on Monday morning and passed an ordinance granting a new right of way to the Kansas City and Southwestern road and repealing Ordinance No. 24. This new ordinance brings the road in on Thirteenth Street, which line it traverses to the canal, and then runs due west three miles, crossing the Arkansas River just below the dam, whence it is carried south to the line of the territory. From the point where the road turns south, a branch line will be run northwest to within a mile and a half of Geuda. It will then turn and run southwest to South Haven and then west to Caldwell. Surveyors to run the branch line started out from the city on Monday. The railway company also covenant and agree to run a switch along the canal to the flouring mills, and will file a bond to have the track laid by February 1st. The above ordinance was not given out for publication to afford time to the railroad company to furnish the bond. This puts the railroad in a more acceptable shape.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 14, 1885.
Rev. S. B. Fleming, Geo. Cunningham, H. O. Meigs, and T. H. McLaughlin were delegated by the Citizen’s committee to visit Caldwell the first of the week and ascertain the animus there relative to the extension of the K. C. & S. W. Railroad west from Arkansas City. Our commission found Caldwell’s railroad committee somewhat opposed to the proposed line; it preferred that the road run west from Winfield. Tuesday morning the council met in this city and passed the ordinance granting the railroad company the right-of-way through the city on 13th street. The ordinance was to have appeared in the Traveler, of last Wednesday, but when our committee ascertained the feeling in Caldwell, it telegraphed to withhold its publication, which was accordingly done by Major Schiffbauer. A committee from Caldwell came along with Arkansas City’s committee to Winfield to confer with the
K. C. & S. W. officials and learn their intentions. Wednesday morning Mayor Schiffbauer and A. A. Newman went up to Winfield to join the conference. Everything was amicably settled. Caldwell, on learning that the company was going west from Arkansas City, acquiesced, and our committee came home Thursday morning satisfied with what they had accomplished. Arkansas City, Geuda Springs, and Caldwell are now joined hand in hand, working for the same cause—the building of the Geuda Springs and Caldwell branch. ‘Tis well.
Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.
Mrs. F. P. Schiffbauer is convalescing quite rapidly now. She has grown strong enough in the last few days to take her meals with the rest of the family at the table.
Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.
Yesterday morning a railroad meeting was held in Judge Pyburn’s office. Mayor Schiffbauer stated that the object of the meeting was to hear what Mr. Wood had to say in regard to the Ft. Smith, Wellington & Northwestern railway. The latter gentleman is the general manager of the Arkansas Valley route, and stated that he was in favor of building the road from Ft. Smith to Arkansas City, if bonds to the amount of $4,000 per mile were voted to aid in its construction. He also stated that Ingalls, Peters, and Perkins were in favor of this route and had agreed to aid in procuring the right of way through to Arkansas City. A motion was made by Maj. Sleeth that we work up the necessary aid. We want the road and there is no doubt that everything will be satisfactorily arranged.
Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.
Another Fire.
Last Saturday evening shortly after 10 o’clock, the alarm of fire was given. We turned out as about a thousand other persons did, and saw the skating rink and Chas. Parker’s stone building reduced to ashes. The fire originated in the front end of the skating rink and in five minutes after the alarm was sounded the entire building was enveloped in flames and the roof fell in. From the rink building the fire spread to Parker’s. Willing hands were ready to do and die, if necessary, to prevent the fire spreading more; and by almost super-human efforts the frame building occupied by A. F. Huse as an office was saved, but his corn sheds were consumed. Braden’s livery stable was saved by very hard work. The bucket brigade did noble service, and had it not been for their efforts other buildings would have been destroyed. The general belief is that the fire was incendiary, and from the short time that elapsed between the sounding of the alarm and the falling in of the roof, it is quite evident that the building had been soaked in coal oil. Mayor Schiffbauer, who resides not quite two squares from where the fire occurred, was sitting at home reading and at the first cry of fire, he started. Just as he arrived upon the scene, the roof fell in.
The heaviest loss was sustained by those occupying the Parker building. The building was insured for $300 in the London, Liverpool and Globe, and it was worth twice that sum. Geo. Ford and Frank Knedler occupied the upper room of the building with their shop. Mr. Ford lost about $300 worth of tools and Mr. Knedler lost some. Parker & Rarick lost some stock and tools.
The rink was owned by L. H. Braden & Co., and was insured in the Pelican, of New Orleans, for $1,000. J. H. Punshon had about $150 worth of furniture stored in the building and all of it was burned.
A. F. Huse carried an insurance of $600 in the Washington. His loss will not exceed $400. The building he occupied belonged to A. A. Newman and was not insured.
Fortunately for Arkansas City the wind was not blowing. At one time it was thought that John Landes’ fine residence would be destroyed, but friends came to the rescue and saved it. Once more is a very strong argument presented in favor of waterworks.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, November 18, 1885.
Entitled an ordinance granting the right of way to the Kansas City & Southwestern Railroad Company upon and across certain streets, avenues, and alleys in the city of Arkansas City in Cowley County, Kansas, and Repealing Ordinance No. 24.
it ordained by the mayor and city council of the city of Arkansas City, Kansas.
SECTION 1. There is hereby granted to the Kansas City & Southwestern Railroad Company the right of way to construct, operate, and maintain, the main line of its railroad, and all necessary side tracks, along and upon Thirteenth street in said city of Arkansas City, and across the following avenues in said city, to-wit: Thirteenth avenue, Twelfth avenue, Eleventh avenue, Tenth avenue, Ninth avenue, Eighth avenue, Seventh avenue, Central avenue, Fifth avenue, Fourth avenue, Third avenue, Second avenue, and First avenue; with a right to diverge from said Thirteenth street at or near Central avenue, and across Central avenue, Fifth Avenue, Fourteenth street, Fourth avenue, and Fifteenth street in said city, and the right to construct either its main line or a switch diverging from said Thirteenth street along and upon the east bank of the canal and across Fifth avenue, Fourth avenue, Eleventh street, Third avenue, Second avenue, Tenth street, and First avenue in said city and across any and all alleys on either of said lines.
SECTION 2. Said Railroad Company shall construct and maintain at its own cost suitable crossings over its track for the passage of vehicles and teams and for the ordinary use as a street or alley where the same crosses any of the avenues, streets, or alleys mentioned in this ordinance; said crossings to be the full width of such avenue, street, or alley; and shall construct and maintain in like manner proper culverts and waterways where the same shall be needed, which shall be done under the direction of the city engineer of said city of Arkansas City.
SECTION 3. That said railroad company shall save the city of Arkansas City harmless from all costs, damages, and expenses, for the payment of which the said city may become liable to any person, or persons, or corporation, by reason of the granting of said right of way to said railroad company; or by reason of the construction or operation of said railroad, or by reason of said railroad company failing to construct suitable and proper crossings, culverts, and waterways, and maintaining and keeping the same in repairs as herein provided, or by reason of said company failing to perform or comply with any other of the provisions or requirements of this ordinance.
SECTION 4. Said railroad company shall accept the provisions of this ordinance in writing within twenty days from the date of its publication, and said right of way and use of streets, avenues, and alleys, shall be and remain, and vest in railroad company as long as the same shall be used for railroad purposes; and this ordinance, when accepted by said railroad company, shall operate and be binding as a contract between said city of Arkansas City, and said railroad company as accepted.
SECTION 5. That Ordinance No. 24, of the ordinances of said city, entitled an ordinance granting the right of way to the Kansas City and Southwestern Railroad Co. upon and across certain streets and alleys in the city of Arkansas City, be, and the same is hereby repealed.
SECTION 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication once in the Arkansas City TRAVELER, and its acceptance by said railroad company.
Approved November 16, 1885. F. P. SCHIFFBAUER, Mayor.
Attest: JAS. BENEDICT, Clerk.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 21, 1885.
To Be Constructed in Arkansas City
By The Inter-State Gas Company.
The Works to be in Operation Within Eight Months.
The Contract Let Last Wednesday Evening By the Council.
Last Monday evening the council met in regular session and owing to so much time being consumed in railroad talk, an adjournment was had until Wednesday evening for the purpose of once more tackling the water works question.
Monday Mayor Schiffbauer received a new proposition from the Inter-State Gas Company—for the putting in of water works in Arkansas City, and accordingly at the adjourned meeting Wednesday evening it was considered, amended to some extent, passed by sections, and then adopted unanimously by the members of the council. The ordinance is too lengthy to publish as a whole, but appended we give a synopsis.
The works are to be of the stand pipe system with direct pressure from the pumps. The stand-pipe is to be 115 feet high and 10 feet in diameter. It is to be set upon a stone foundation extending 22 feet into the earth. The masonry work rises two feet above the level of the ground, thus making a standpipe of 117 feet. There are to be three-and-one-half miles of street main laid, ranging from 4 to 10 inches in diameter. The mains are to be covered in every place by three feet of earth. When completed the works are to be capable of throwing water through a 2-1/2 inch hose with an inch nozzle 65 feet high from the stand-pipe and 100 feet from direct pressure. Two duplex pumps will be used with a capacity for pumping 1,000,000 gallons of water each every 24 hours. The water works company take our present system without any recourse on the city. Work is to be commenced within 30 days and everything is to be completed within eight months. The city was to take 50 hydrants at an annual rental of $60 per hydrant. In place of the city taking 50 hydrants for the extinguishing of fire, it will take 46 and construct four public drinking places. This is as good use as the city could put four hydrants to. All buildings are to be constructed of stone and brick; the machinery and material is to be of the best. The company also binds itself to have the stand-pipe full of water every evening between the hours of 8 and 11 o’clock, and if a fire should break out to put on immediately a full head of steam. The company agrees to stand all damages arising from the erection of their works. The works will be connected to the city office by telephone and other places designated by the council. The city has a right to purchase the works every five years. The franchise from the city is given for 21 years. Fifteen days are given the company to accept the contract as it now stands and fifteen more in which to file a $10,000 bond for the faithful fulfillment of it. The mayor and the council are to establish the water rates for private individuals.
The above is the substance of the proposition as near as we can obtain it. The REPUBLICAN thinks this is the best proposition the city has had yet. It is from the same company that Mr. Quigley represented when he was here. To some of our readers this will be a surprise, as there has been a lull in the water works question for quite awhile. We need the fire protection, and the matter is now definitely settled, we suppose.
Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.
Mayor Schiffbauer went up to Wichita Saturday and remained over Sunday.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 25, 1885.
A New Water Supply.
The city council a week ago adopted an ordinance to supply the city with water, which is published in this issue. The want of an adequate water supply is felt and acknowledged by all our citizens, but hitherto there has been no unanimity of sentiment in regard to the plan to be adopted. The offer made by Mr. Quigley, in behalf of the Inter-State Gas Company, of St. Louis, two months ago, was regarded as advantageous by a large number of our citizens, who favored the acceptance. But at a public meeting held to consider the matter, several of the heaviest taxpayers objected, preferring to submit the undertaking to public competition. An advertisement was accordingly inserted in three trade journals, of wide circulation, specifying the capacity and nature of the plan required and asking for bids. Not an offer was made, but this is attributed to the condition imposed in the advertisement that no bonds should be issued by the contractor to raise money to carry on the work. Mr. Quigley now comes forward a second time with the offer to find a supply of pure water, furnish machinery to raise and hold 1,000,000 gallons daily, and lay water mains enough through the city to supply all the inhabitants who desire to be furnished with water. A communication from this gentleman, who is now laying gas pipes in Hutchinson, addressed to Mayor Schiffbauer, led to a conference between the two at Wichita; the result of which was an offer sufficiently in detail to admit of the mayor submitting the proposition to the council.
At an adjourned meeting of that body held last Wednesday, all the members except Mr. Hill being present, the ordinance to which we call attention was read, and after mature consideration, adopted. Some few unimportant changes were made by the council in the plan submitted to them, which will most likely be accepted by the company. The ordinance provides that the Inter-State Gas Company shall file its acceptance in writing within fifteen days after the approval of the ordinance by the mayor, and also furnish a bond for $10,000 as a surety for faithful performance of the work. It is also conditioned that it assume possession and take charge of our present water works and have their new system in running order eight months from the date of their acceptance. And as far as we have the means of knowing, this action of the city council is generally approved by our citizens.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 25, 1885.
Excursions Over the New Line from Arkansas City to Beaumont.
Steel Rails and Oak Ties, and a Finely Equipped Road.
On Monday Mr. Henry E. Asp, on behalf of the managers of the Kansas City and Southwestern Kansas railroad, then within a few miles of Arkansas City, tendered Mayor Schiffbauer and the city council an excursion over the line to Beaumont and return. The mayor said he should like the invitation extended so as to include our principal businessmen. Mr. Asp said a general excursion to our citizens would be given as soon as the road was completed to the city, and arrangements could be made for the entertainment of a large number of guests, but at the present time not more than a score of excursionists could be provided for. This being the case, Mayor Schiffbauer invited the city council, authorizing each member to take a friend along, and also included in the invitation the railroad committee of the board of trade. This filled out the allotted number.
The following gentlemen composed the excursion party.
Mayor Schiffbauer, Councilmen Thompson, Bailey, Dunn, Dean, Davis, and Hight. (Councilman A. D. Prescott was unable to take part, through business engagements, and Councilman Hill was found superintending the construction of the road.)
The friends they invited and who were present for duty, were mine host Perry, J. Frank Smith, J. H. Hilliard, Frank Thompson, and City Clerk Benedict.
The railroad committee consisted of A. A. Newman, N. T. Snyder, Major Sleeth, G. W. Cunningham, W. D. Mowry, and T. H. McLaughlin. These with the present writer (nineteen in all) formed the invited party, Henry E. Asp accompanying them as host and guide.
At 7:30 on Tuesday morning, omnibuses were in waiting at the Leland Hotel to carry the excursionists to the end of the track, and the party being seated, a brisk drive of three miles carried them to an animated scene. The day’s labors had begun, upwards of 100 workmen being employed. A construction train of ten or a dozen cars was on hand, loaded with implements and material: ties, rails, fish-plates, bolts, spikes, shovels, and so on. The ties were of well seasoned oak brought from Arkansas, which were being unloaded by lusty arms, and thrown onto tracks, which was distributed along the grade. The train was standing on the foremost rails that were spiked, and in advance of this was a rail truck drawn by two mules, which recovered the iron from the flat car, and carried it forward over the loose rails, a force of men standing by the truck and laying the rail as fast as the ties were in place.
Track laying, in these days of railroad building, is reduced to an exact science. The ties are laid along the road bed under the direction of a foreman; another crew extends the nails, which is followed up by the spike-drivers. A sufficient force can lay two miles of track a day without extraordinary effort, and the onlooker has to maintain a steady sauntering pace to keep up with the workmen.
Some delay was caused on Tuesday morning by a disagreement between two foremen, which resulted in a fisticuff encounter. The aggressor in the unpleasantness was discharged, and his crew, numbering about thirty men, refused to work under another boss. They were all sent to Winfield to receive their pay, and a fresh force brought from there to take their place. This delayed the work about an hour and a half.
At 8:30 a.m. the whistle of the excursion train sounded about one-fourth of a mile along the track, and our party of pleasure seekers made good time walking in the direction of the cars. T. H. McLaughlin stumped along, with his one live leg, as agile as the best of them; but Councilman Davis, another mutilated war veteran, jumped into a vehicle to save a fatiguing walk. The track to Winfield is not yet ballasted, and the running time to that city was slow. The bridge over the Walnut is a substantial piece of work, being raised on trestles 45 feet above the stream, and the approaches being supported on solid masonry. The two miles of road south of Winfield cost $65,000.
At Winfield a brief stay was made to take on passengers, and here Mr. Latham joined the party, who was heartily greeted by his Arkansas City guests, and who spent the day in their company. From Winfield a good rate of speed was put on, the road being well ballasted and running as smoothly as a bowling green. The first station reached was Floral, nine miles from Winfield. This is a thrifty place, which has sprung into existence since the road was built, is well situated, and surrounded by a good country. Wilmot is 8-1/2 miles distant, and Atlanta, 7 miles along. Latham is in Butler County, also a railroad town, built on a broad creek, and already containing 400 or 500 inhabitants. Commodious stone stores are in process of erection, an extensive lumber yard is well stocked, and other business lines are well represented. At Wingate (between the two places last named) there is a flag station. Beaumont was reached about 11:30, the distance from Latham being 13 miles. Here the K. C. & S. W. Road forms a junction with the St. Louis & San Francisco road, and here the journey terminated. Several miles of the Flint hills were traversed in reaching here, a surface formation of brecciated and abraded rock, which proves that at some time in the geological periods this whole region was overflown. Dinner was ready for the excursionists when they stepped off at the station, their dining hall being a commodious room on the upper floor of that building, under charge of Noah Herring and his very excellent and capable wife. Two tables furnished room for the score of hungry guests, and a good dinner, promptly served, was in waiting to allay their hunger.
Here four hours was afforded to take in the town, and enjoy the fine scenery that surrounded it. A party of the most robust pedestrians, under conduct of Henry Asp, took a breezy walk over the hills into Greenwood County; where a fine panorama of scenic beauty lay spread before their gaze, with Eureka, in the distance, nestling in the valley, like a sylvan deity. Those less enterprising visited the post office, made acquaintance with store keepers, talked with the oldest inhabitant, and then played the games of billiards, pigeon-hole, and quoits. Major Schiffbauer, at the first named game, made some extraordinary shots in missing the balls he aimed at. At quoits G. W. Cunningham did great execution, bombarding with his rings an extensive region of country around the pin he professed to aim at.
Our narrative of this very enjoyable trip must be brought to a close, as space fails. At 4:30 the train started on return. Mr. Young, of Young, Latham & Co., the builders of the road, who came in on the Frisco train, joined the party. Winfield was reached at 7:30, where our friends belonging to that city, left us, and Ed Gray came on board, escorting W. H. Nelson (of Meigs & Nelson), who had been spending a day in the county clerk’s office, making a transcript from the tax list. Towards the close of the journey a vote of thanks to the officers of the road was proposed by Mayor Schiffbauer for their hospitality to the excursionists, and polite attention to them as guests of the day. This was heartily responded to by the party. The day’s labors of the track layers brought them 1-1/4 miles nearer the city. Omnibuses were in waiting to convey the tired travelers to the city, and by 9 o’clock they were deposited at the Leland Hotel, all clamorous for supper, but unanimous in declaring they had spent a delightful day.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 25, 1885.
Ordinance No. 26.
Entitled an ordinance to provide for the construction of and regulating the operating of Waterworks in the city of Arkansas City, Kansas, and for supplying said city and the inhabitants thereof with water for the extinguishing of fires, and other public and domestic purposes.
it ordained by the mayor and city council of the city of Arkansas City, Kansas:
SECTION 1. The Inter-State Gas Company, a corporation fully organized according to law, having its main office in the city of St. Louis, Mo., its successor or assigns, for and in consideration of the obligations hereinafter imposed on them by this ordinance, be, and they are hereby authorized to use the streets, avenues, lanes, alleys, and public grounds of the present and future limits of the city of Arkansas City, Kansas, for the purpose of laying down pipes for the conveyance of water in and through said city, for the use of said city and its inhabitants.
SECTION 2. That said Inter-State Gas Company, its successor or assigns, shall have the exclusive privilege of laying pipes for conveying water in said city for the use of said city and its inhabitants for the term of Twenty-one (21) years from the date of the passage of this ordinance, provided that the Inter-State Gas Company, its successor or assigns, shall commence work within one (1) month from the approval of this franchise, and have the said work completed and in successful operation within eight (8) months of such approval, and shall keep and maintain such system of water works with all future additions and extensions in successful operation thereafter during the term of this franchise, unavoidable accidents or delays consistent with ordinary precautions only excepted.
SECTION 3. That it is further understood and agreed that the water to be furnished by said Inter-State Gas Company, its successor or assigns, to said city or inhabitants, shall at all times be as pure and wholesome as any water produced from any well in said city of Arkansas City, or in the immediate vicinity thereof; and it is hereby further agreed that said Inter-State Gas Company shall procure the water supply at some point west of a line of 8th Street in said city.
SECTION 4. That said Inter-State Gas Company, its successor or assigns, shall elect within the corporate limits of the city of Arkansas City a complete system of water works, of sufficient capacity to furnish at all times, all the water necessary for use in said city, for the prompt extinguishment of fire, and for sprinkling and other public and domestic purposes, and shall at all times make all additions and extensions necessitated by the increased demands.
SECTION 5. That said Inter-State Gas Company, its successor or assigns, shall, at the most suitable place, erect the necessary buildings and appliances for such system of water works, and shall erect and put up a stand pipe of the dimensions of ten (10) feet diameter, and one hundred and fifteen (115) feet high; there shall be two (2) duplex pumps, of the most approved pattern, capable of pumping one million (1,000,000) gallons of water per day of twenty-four hours; also two (2) boilers of best construction, and so arranged and built that they may be fired and used separately or together, and each of sufficient power to run both pumps at the same time with easy firing, and provide everything found indispensable and desirable for a complete and successful plant of water supply.
SECTION 6. Starting out from these works, the Inter-State Gas Company, its successor or assigns, shall lay down and maintain standard iron mains of at least three and one-half (3-1/2) miles in length; said pipe to be of such dimensions as hereinafter set forth, and sufficient to secure at all times and at any and all places, within said three and one-half (3-1/2) miles, a sufficient water supply as well for public as domestic use, and the said Inter-State Gas Company, its successor or assigns, shall erect, without cost to the city, fifty (50) double discharge fire hydrants of such make and kind as the city council may designate, or any number above said amount, as may be ordered by the city, at such points and places as the proper authorities of the city of Arkansas City may designate, and shall connect such fire hydrants with the system of mains, provided, that whenever the additional hydrants so ordered shall necessitate an extension of the main beyond the three and one-half (3-1/2) miles, the number of hydrants so ordered, or the private consumption to be secured, or jointly, are sufficient to justify the additional outlay.
SECTION 7. That the size of the mains shall be as follows: Starting out from the works there shall be not less than 12 inch pipe extending to Summit street. There shall be 1,700 feet of 10 inch pipe laid in Summit street and connecting with the 12 inch main. There shall be 7,480 feet of 6 inch main laid as the city council may direct. The balance of the three and one-half miles, and any further extensions, to be of any size not less than 4 inches in diameter laid as the city may direct; all pipe to be of the dimensions stated, interior measure, and all mains to be of standard cast iron, and no mains to be laid at any time less than 4 inch interior diameter. The standpipe to be of boiler iron and to be placed on a solid foundation of masonry laid in cement.
SECTION 8. That the Inter-State Gas Company, its successor or assigns, shall at the request of any citizen without unnecessary delay, put down the necessary pipes and connect them with their system of mains to supply the property of said citizen with water for all domestic purposes under such conditions and at such annual rates as may be decided equitable and fair by the city council. But the Inter-State Gas Company, its successor or assigns, may make with large consumers, such as railroads, hotels, mills, breweries, factories, and others, special rates as they may deem proper. The cost of such connections to be borne by the respective citizens.
SECTION 9. The Inter-State Gas Company, its successor or assigns, are hereby bound to have all injuries to streets, alleys, and sidewalks caused by and in the process of laying and operating mains for water immediately repaired, so as to leave said streets, alleys, or sidewalks in as good condition as before such injury was done.
SECTION 10. The city of Arkansas City by its mayor and council for and in consideration of the obligations imposed on the Inter-State Gas Company, its successor or assigns, by the foregoing sections, hereby agree to and contract with the said Inter-State Gas Company, its successor or assigns, to accept the fifty (50) hydrants stipulated in section 5 of this ordinance for the use of the city of Arkansas City as soon as the same are erected, connected with the water mains and supplied with water; and from that day to pay the Inter-State Gas Company, its successor or assigns, the sum of sixty ($60) dollars U. S. Currency per annum, for each and every such fire hydrant above enumerated, as well as for every additional hydrant ordered in excess of said number during the term of this contract. Such payments to be made semi-annually on the first day of February and August of each year. And in case of failure to make such payments, the said city of Arkansas City, Kansas, shall issue orders upon her depository for the balance or amount due said unpaid under this ordinance, which said orders shall draw interest from date in the rate of eight (8) percent, per annum, provided, however, that the mayor and city council of the city of Arkansas City, Kansas, shall not be bound to accept such fifty hydrants for the use of the city before a thorough test is made to prove that the works erected by the Inter-State Gas Company, its successor or assigns, under this ordinance are in perfect working order and able to throw simultaneously four (4) streams of water from any four hydrants to be designated by the mayor and council, through one hundred (100) feet of two and one-half inch rubber hose and one inch ring nozzle at least sixty-five (65) feet high from standpipe alone.
SECTION 11. That at the expiration of three months from the time of making the test mentioned in section ten of this ordinance, the said Inter-State Gas Company further agrees to perform the additional test of throwing simultaneously four (4) streams of water from any four hydrants to be designated by the mayor and city council through one hundred feet of two and one-half inch rubber hose and one inch ring nozzle one hundred feet high by direct pressure from pump.
SECTION 12. The mayor and city council of the city of Arkansas City hereby further agree and contract with said Inter-State Gas Company, its successor or assigns, as soon as the bond of said company shall be filed and accepted, to donate and set over to the Inter-State Gas Company, its successor or assigns, the present water works, who shall operate the same until their system shall be in operation, together with all buildings, machinery, tanks, pipes, hydrants, etc., for the absolute use and disposition of said Inter-State Gas Company without recourse or expense to the city.
SECTION 13. In case the Inter-State Gas Company, its successor or assigns, should elect at any time to mortgage or issue bonds on the water works erected under this ordinance, the mayor and city council will at the request of the Inter-State Gas Company, its successor or assigns, retain from the amount to be paid by the city of Arkansas City for the number of fire hydrants as set forth in sections 5 and 8 of this ordinance, such sums of money as may be necessary for paying the semi-annual interest on such mortgage or bonds, and agree to pay such moneys over to the respective trustee or trustees of said mortgage if any, thereby guaranteeing the prompt payment of such interest. Provided, however, that at no time shall such mortgage or bonds be issued by said Inter-States Gas Company, its successor or assigns, on said works to exceed thirty thousand dollars of six percent, per annum.
SECTION 14. The city of Arkansas City reserves the right on and after the termination of this franchise to purchase the works of this company together with the extension rights belonging to the same upon giving the company six months notice in writing. The valuation to be determined by three disinterested persons: the city choosing one, the company choosing one, and the two chosen to select a third, and the valuation of the works by these appraisers. Or if they fail to agree, then, by a majority of them who shall define the sum to be paid by the city to the company as to the value of said works. And either party shall have the right to call in the testimony of not more than two experts. And in case of failure on the part of the city to purchase the works when so appraised, then the expense of said appraisement shall be borne by the city, and the contract between them and the company and this franchise shall continue for the period so passed over, and the city shall have the right to purchase said works at the expiration of each five years thereafter in the same manner.
SECTION 15. In contracting and operating the works, the company shall be liable at any time to any damage arising from injury to property or persons in said city, arising from the negligence of the company or its servants, and shall save the city harmless from any damages therefrom.
SECTION 16. The fire hydrants rented by the city shall be used for no other purpose than the extinguishment of fire, and a reasonable allowance for the flushing of sewers and gutters and the practice of hose companies; and to insure this it shall be a misdemeanor for any person not authorized by the city to open them.
SECTION 17. The city of Arkansas City agrees to pass and enforce such ordinance as may be necessary to protect the water company from the acts of any persons who shall carelessly or maliciously destroy or injure any portions of said works unnecessarily, by opening hydrants or otherwise, and from the acts of evil disposed persons during the continuance of this franchise.
SECTION 18. Whenever, from any cause, the company shall be temporarily unable to supply water to either the city or consumers, or in case the hydrants shall be closed for nonpayment of rental, all rents for the use of water shall cease to such parties during such period and if it be the fault of the company, the rebate for rental shall be for double the time the works are disabled. But this shall not apply to private service pipes if it can be shown that the main supplying them is in operation. All questions arising under the provisions of this section to be determined by the mayor and council.
SECTION 19. That said Inter-State Gas Company, its successor or assigns, in order to protect themselves against willful or unnecessary waste shall have the right to adopt meter measure for water in any case, and shall also have the right to make such rules and regulations for the use of water and the collection of water rents as they shall deem proper, subject to the approval of the city counsel.
SECTION 20. That the Inter-State Gas Company shall execute a good and sufficient bond in the penal sum of ten thousand dollars lawful money conditioned for the faithful performance of this contract. Such bond to be subject to the approval of the mayor and council.
SECTION 21. The following requirements shall be deemed a part of this contract.
1st. All buildings erected for the use of said works to be composed of brick or stone.
2nd. All material used in the construction of said works to be the best of their respective kinds.
3rd. All mains to have at least three feet of covering at all points.
4th. The works to be connected with the city office and fire department, and at other places as may be designated by the mayor and council, by telephone or some other electric alarm. And such communications to be in operation at all times.
5th. Standpipe to be full every night between the hours of 8 and 11 o’clock P. M.
6th. Full head of steam to be put on immediately upon an alarm of fire.
SECTION 22. The city reserves the right to cause to be erected not to exceed four watering and drinking fountains in lieu of four hydrants. Said fountains to be erected by said Inter-State Gas Company, its successor or assigns. Said fountains not to exceed in expense that of the hydrants to be erected in said city. And the city shall pay for said fountains the same rate per annum as for hydrants.
SECTION 23. In case the Inter-State Company, its successor or assigns, shall by unavoidable accident be temporarily prevented from a strict compliance with the terms of this ordinance, such non-compliance shall not work a forfeiture of this franchise, provided the Inter-State Gas Company, its successor or assigns, shall use due diligence and endeavor to remedy and correct such temporary obstruction. And any questions arising under this section, to be determined by the mayor and council.
SECTION 24. The Inter-State Gas Company shall file their acceptance in writing, and the aforementioned bond within fifteen days from the date of approval of this contract.
SECTION 25. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication once in the Arkansas City TRAVELER, and its acceptance in writing by the Inter-State Gas Company, its successor or assigns.
Approved November 25, 1885. F. P. SCHIFFBAUER, Mayor.
Attest: JAS. BENEDICT, Clerk.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 28, 1885.
An Excursion Over the K. C. & S. W., that Long Fought For Railroad.
Beaumont Found to be a Booming Metropolis (?),
Fast Growing in Opulence upon the Flint Hills of Butler County.
Early on last Tuesday morning, two omnibuses drew up to the Leland Hotel and took on board the following gentlemen, who had been invited by the managers of the K. C. & S. W., to take a pleasure trip over that road to the famous and booming Beaumont: Mayor Schiffbauer, Councilmen Hight, Davis, Thompson, Bailey, Dean, and Dunn, and their friends whom they invited, H. H. Perry, J. Frank Smith, J. H. Hilliard, Frank Thompson, and City Clerk Benedict; also, the railroad committee, consisting of A. A. Newman, N. T. Snyder, Major Sleeth, G. W. Cunningham, W. D. Mowry, and T. H. McLaughlin. Bro. Lockley, too, was among the honored ones, and was to chronicle the thrilling incidents of the trip, furnish intellectual food for the party, and report the impressive appearance, the “sights” and widely spread influence, of flourishing Beaumont. After a drive of about three miles, the gleeful party reached the end of the track, where over 200 railroad hands were busy at work, rapidly advancing the “iron bands” towards Arkansas City.
It was after 8 o’clock before they heard the distant whistling of the excursion train, towards which they at once started, and which they reached after a brisk walk of nearly a mile. Had it not been for Councilman Davis, who has only one natural leg to work with, they probably would have continued their journey on foot, and thus economized time. As it was, Mr. Davis was conveyed to the cars in a carriage to avoid the fatigue of walking. All having gotten on board, the train moved slowly up the track. They had a jolly, rollicking time.
Having arrived at Winfield, the passengers allowed the engine to rest a little, although it caused them much weariness to be delayed in a village of such few attractions when vivid pictures of enterprising Beaumont occupied their excited minds. Mr. Latham joined the party at Winfield, and when the train pulled out, the officers of the road suspended from the rear end of the last car a banner, bearing the inscription, “The town we left behind us.” From that railroad station onto the end of the journey, the train swept over the track at a rapid rate, passing through Floral, Wilmot, Atlanta, and Latham. Beaumont (a French word meaning “the fashionable world”) was reached at 11:30 a.m., and the party evacuated the cars and proceeded at once to the central part of the city. On either side, as they walked up main street, tall and magnificent buildings met their view, and the hearts of the rustic excursionists almost ceased to beat on account of the grandeur they beheld. Councilman Dunn had purchased a bran new hat that morning, and in trying to pass in under one of the lofty awnings, it was completely crushed. [N.B. This incident occurred before the drugstore was visited.] They found that the city consists of fourteen houses, which have been standing for 14 years, and the inhabitants number about 75. This is conclusive evidence that the town is still booming. When one of the natives was asked why he did not move to a better locality, he proudly pointed to the barren flint hills, and, with Kansas enthusiasm, maintained that Beaumont was the garden-spot of the world. After dinner, which was served in the spacious dining hall of Noah Herring, some of the party, for amusement, played at billiards and pigeon-hole. Bro. Lockley and Geo. Cunningham leveled down the flint hills and bombarded the town pitching horseshoes. Some of them went into one of the two drugstores in the place and consulted the “holy record” in order to procure some remedy for their ailments. The druggist showed them a full “soda pop” barrel, the greater portion of whose contents they consumed.
While in the drug store they made the following invoice of the stock it contained.
1 small stove: $2.00
1 old keg: $0.00
1 old box: $0.00
1 counter: $10.00
10 boxes of candy: $10.00
1 pail of tobacco: $4.00
2 boxes of nuts: $.50
1 barrel of whiskey: $8.00
TOTAL: $34.50
The excursionists returned to Arkansas City at about 9 o’clock p.m., full of joy and “soda water.” There will be another excursion over this road soon and everybody here will then have a chance to see Beaumont.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 28, 1885.
The Constitution and By-Laws Adopted.
Believing in the necessity of an association of citizens to give tone and energy to their efforts in securing the advantages which the position of the city offers to commerce, trade, and manufacturers, as well as to promote unity of action and to cultivate a more intimate and friendly acquaintance among the businessmen of the city, and to maintain a commercial exchange to promote uniformity in the customs and usages of merchants, and to inculcate principles of justice and equity in trade, and to facilitate the speedy adjustment of business dispute, to acquire and disseminate valuable commercial and economic information, and generally to secure to its numbers the benefits of co-operation in furtherance of their legitimate pursuits, and to use our influence, energies, and means for the furtherance of all enterprises that we believe will add to the prosperity of our city, and that these ends may be obtained by the establishment of a board of trade; we, the citizens of Arkansas City, do therefore agree to form such an association, and to be governed by the following constitution and code of by-laws.
ARTICLE 1. The officers of this Board of Trade shall consist of a president, two vice-presidents, ten directors, two secretaries, and a treasurer, who shall constitute its board of managers. They shall be chosen semi-annually, on the second Monday of January and July of each year. Their election shall be by ballot and they shall hold their office until their successors are duly elected and qualified.
ARTICLE 2. This association shall hold semi-annual meetings on the second Mondays of January and July at half past 7 o’clock, p.m. But special meetings may be called by order of a majority of the managers whenever they may deem it proper, and upon the written application of not less than ten members, the managers shall call said meeting at the time so requested.
ARTICLE 3. The managers shall meet steadily on the first Thursday or every month for the transaction of such business as may come before them and at the annual meeting shall present to the association a report of the proceedings of the past year.
ARTICLE 4. There shall be appointed semi-annually, by the managers, a committee of arbitration to consist of five members, two of whom may be rejected by the parties submitting the case and their places supplied by two other members to be appointed by the managers. The chairman of said committee shall be designated by the managers at the time of its appointment.
ARTICLE 5. The duties of the committee of arbitration shall be to arbitrate and decide all disputed accounts and contracts and all controversies of a mercantile character which may be brought before them by the members, the parties having previously signed a bond for such an amount as the committee may require to abide by the decision of the same. The assistant secretary shall serve as clerk of the committee of arbitration. Any member who does not abide by, and comply with, the decision of the committee, shall be expelled from this association by order of the managers.
ARTICLE 6. There shall also be appointed by the managers, at the regular semi-annual meetings, a standing committee on railroads and steamboats, to consist of five members, to whom shall be referred all matters relating to the transportation of merchandise and passengers to and from the city. They shall semi-annually and whenever they deem it expedient make reports to the managers or board all such subjects relating to the various railroad and steamboat lines connected with our city, with such recommendations for the action of the managers or board as they may deem advisable.
ARTICLE 7. There shall be appointed by the managers at their regular semi-annual meetings a standing committee on manufactories, whose duties it shall be to look to the interests and welfare of the city at all times, with the view of securing any and all manufacturing interests possible within our city, and to whom shall be referred any matters tending in that direction that may come to the knowledge of any member of the board, and said committee shall make out and submit at least once during their term of office, a full and detailed report of their labors, and submit the same to a regular meeting of the board.
ARTICLE 8. The secretary shall keep a list of all the members of the association and also an accurate report of the transactions of the managers at their monthly meetings and of the annual meeting of the members. The assistant secretary shall attend the sittings of the committee of arbitration, record their decisions, give notice to said committee when their services are required, render a copy of their verdict to the parties in the case, collect the fees of arbitration and all other moneys due the board, and pay the same over to the treasurer, read the minutes of the last meeting at the monthly meetings of the directors and annual meetings of the directors, and report the proceedings of the committee of arbitration at each meeting of the managers.
ARTICLE 9. The treasurer shall receive from the secretary all moneys belonging to the board, shall disburse the same upon order of the secretary when approved by the president or one of the vice-presidents, and shall report the receipts and expenditures at each monthly meeting of the managers and annual meetings of the association.
ARTICLE 10. The funds of the association shall at all times be subject to the control of managers.
ARTICLE 11. Any individual a resident of Arkansas City, Kansas, may become a member of this association on payment of five dollars in advance. Annual assessments, not exceeding $5.00, may be made and any refusal to pay such assessments for 60 days, upon written notice, shall be considered as a withdrawal from the association and the name of the party shall be stricken from the same.
ARTICLE 12. The by-laws and constitution of this association shall not be altered or amended, except at a special meeting called for that purpose by order of a majority of the managers, a written or printed notice of which meeting and the proposed alteration shall be transmitted by the secretary to each member of the association.
ARTICLE 1. This association shall be known as the Board of Trade, of Arkansas City, Cowley County, Kansas.
ARTICLE 2. Its place of business shall be Arkansas City.
ARTICLE 3. The president, or one of the vice-presidents, shall preside at all meetings of the board and also of the managers. A quorum of the board shall consist of not less than fifteen members and a quorum of the managers of not less than four directors together with the presiding officer, but in the absence of the president and all the vice-presidents, a president protem may be chosen.
ARTICLE 4. The president, or, in his absence, either of the vice-presidents, shall have the power, on any emergency, to call a special meeting of the board, but the business to be acted upon at such special meeting, shall be given in the notice of said meeting, and no other acted upon but by unanimous consent.
ARTICLE 5. Every person desirous of becoming a member of this association shall be proposed at a stated meeting; and if five or more negative votes shall appear against any candidate, he shall not be admitted as a member. Nor shall his name again appear before the board for membership until after the expiration of six months from the date of such rejection. On becoming a member, he shall sign the constitution and by-laws. No application to be acted upon less accompanied by a membership fee of five dollars.
ARTICLE 6. The monthly meetings of the managers shall be held on the first Thursday of every month at the chambers of the board, at such hour as may be ordered by the president, written notice of which meeting shall be given to each member of the board.
ARTICLE 7. Any member who shall refuse or neglect to sign the constitution and by-laws of the association, may be expelled by the vote of three-fourths of the members present. But a notice of said motion shall be served on him, by the secretary, previous to said meeting. Any members failing to attend any regular meeting, having been notified of such meeting being called in writing by the secretary, may be expelled upon a majority vote of all members present. And any member failing to attend for three consecutive meetings of said board, after having been notified as required, shall be declared expelled from the association, Provided that sickness or wholly unavoidable causes of his absence, may work a reasonable excuse.
ARTICLE 8. Any member who may wish to withdraw from the association shall give written notice thereof, together with his reasons therefor. But no member shall be permitted to withdraw, unless he shall have paid his yearly subscription.
ARTICLE 9. In addition to the admission fee of five dollars, an annual assessment, to be fixed by the managers, shall be collected by the secretary, and by him deposited with the treasurer.
A. J. PYBURN, President.
H. D. KELLOGG, 1st Vice-President.
WM. M. SLEETH, 2nd Vice-President.
M. N. SINNOTT, Secretary.
N. T. SNYDER, Assistant Secretary.
A. D. MOWRY, Treasurer.
A. J. PYBURN, Chairman.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 9, 1885.
Mayor Schiffbauer went to Little Rock, Arkansas, on Friday, to look after railroad matters in the interest of the city.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 9, 1885.
City Council Proceedings.
City council met in regular session, on Monday evening, A. D. Prescott in the chair. Councilmen Hill and Thompson were absent.
The following bills were presented.
Searing & Mead, $441.34, allowed.
Fred Lockley, $17.63, referred to committee on printing.
E. D. Eddy, $11.25, referred to finance committee.
G. W. Miller & Co., $2.25, allowed.
F. P. Schiffbauer, $43.10, allowed.
J. M. Moore, $27.25, allowed.
D. L. Means, $5.50, allowed.
County bills:
Five bills from Peter Pearson for the burial of indigent persons and paupers, itemized as follows.
For coffin and interment of J. A. Matinek [?]: $23.50, referred to finance committee. The same for Mrs. Ed. Tyner, $17, allowed. The same for Mrs. M. Ish, $17, referred to finance committee. Ditto Mrs. M. Donnelly, $17, referred to finance committee. Ditto for Will Law and child, $22.25, approved.
Bill of A. H. Kirkpatrick for board to John Huldorney, injured in a stone quarry, $9.30, approved.
The mayor and clerk were instructed to execute a quit claim deed to W. S. Houghton for some city lots.
J. C. Topliff, in behalf of O. Stevenson and M. S. Houghton, complained of the feeding of teams on Fourth Avenue, declaring it a nuisance and asking that it be abated. Petition placed on file, and city marshal instructed to look into the matter.
A telegram from Mayor Schiffbauer, dated from St. Louis, was read, notifying the council that the Inter-State Gas Company had accepted the franchise to build water works for Arkansas City, and asking that the time of their formal acceptance be extended till the next regular meeting of the council, owing to a misconception of the terms of the franchise. Application granted.
Edward Grady asked leave to erect an office on Third Avenue in connection with his coal scales. Allowed.
Mr. Hight asked that stone crossings be laid on Summit Street at Central Avenue, and Mr. Davis said that in justice to taxpayers, the same should be done at Third Avenue. Messrs. Bailey and Dean objected on the ground of the expense. The work would cost $500, and the bills would have to go unpaid till June. They were unwilling to run the city in debt to that amount. Mr. Hight’s motion was lost, a majority of the whole council not sustaining it.
G. W. Miller complained of the obstruction caused by building materials at the burnt district. Pedestrians could not pass and his business was injured to the amount of several hundred dollars a month. The city marshal was instructed to have a sidewalk opened.
James Ridenour and E. L. McDowell said parties were in town soliciting trade through circulars, and taking the cream of the jewelry business at this holiday time. These people contributed nothing in support of the treasury, and their competition was ruinous to legitimate trade. Mr. Prescott said there was an occupation tax of $35 a week imposed by city ordinance on persons who sell by sample. He inquired of the city clerk if this tax had been paid. Mr. Benedict said no money had been paid to him by the parties in question. The city marshal was instructed to arrest them for violation of a city ordinance, and carry them before the police magistrate to be dealt with.
There being no further business brought up, the council adjourned.
Arkansas City Republican, December 12, 1885.
Chas. Schiffbauer came home from St. Louis on the new railroad in 24 hours, a distance of more than 500 miles.
Arkansas City Republican, December 12, 1885.
“Maj.” Chas. Schiffbauer returned Tuesday night from a trip back east. During last week he was in Indianapolis and witnessed the funeral procession of Thomas A. Hendricks. From Indianapolis the “Major” visited Washington, D. C., and saw President Cleveland. Unfortunately, for the latter he had his head turned aside when the former was feasting his eyes on the August body of the last Democratic president. The “Major” is now as happy as a clam at high tide.
Arkansas City Republican, December 12, 1885.
Mayor Schiffbauer went down to Little Rock Friday last in the interest of the Kansas and Arkansas Valley Railroad, which runs from here to Fort Scott.
Arkansas City Republican, December 12, 1885.
Council Proceedings.
Council met in regular session last Monday evening and as Mayor Schiffbauer was away, A. D. Prescott was chosen to preside.
After the action upon some minor bills, the council proceeded to take up and discuss the business coming before it.
A telegram from Mayor Schiffbauer, who stopped in St. Louis while en route to Little Rock, was read, stating that the Inter-State Gas company had accepted the franchise for putting in water works in Arkansas City, but asked that the time for acceptance be extended until the next regular meeting of the council. The council granted the request.
Edward Grady was granted permission to put up an office on third avenue in connection with his coal scales.
The petition asking that stone crossings be laid on Summit street at Central and 3rd avenue was not allowed.
The city marshal was instructed to open up a sidewalk along the burned district where buildings are going up upon the complaint of G. W. Miller.
Jas. Ridenour and E. L. McDowell made a statement to the effect that traveling salesmen were in the city soliciting trade from circulars, which was very detrimental to the jewelry business. These persons had not contributed a cent to the city treasury as provided for per ordinance and the city marshal was instructed to look after such violations.
On motion the council adjourned.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 16, 1885.
Charles Schiffbauer has returned from a trip to Washington and other eastern points. He was the first through passenger to this city over the Frisco road.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 16, 1885.
Mayor Schiffbauer returned on Saturday from a visit to Van Buren, Arkansas, representing the Arkansas City board of trade, in inquiring into the Kansas and Arkansas Valley Route railway project.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 16, 1885.
The Kansas and Arkansas Valley Route Considered by the Board of Trade.
The board of trade held a meeting in Judge Pyburn’s office on Monday afternoon to listen to the report of Mayor Schiffbauer on his return from Arkansas. His honor reported his visit entirely satisfactory. The railway project is in the hands of responsible men, the incorporators being Elisha Atkins, F. Gordon Dexter, C. W. Huntington, and J. H. Thomas, of Boston; E. H. Winchester, of New Hampshire; R. T. Wilson, of New York; John G. Fletcher, John D. Adams, George W. Hughes, and Henry Wood, of Little Rock; and Jesse Turner, of Van Buren, Arkansas. The capital subscribed is $8,000,000, and the parties above named are earnest in their intention to build the road. A bill has been prepared for introduction in Congress, asking the right of way through the Indian Territory. The route as given in the bill, indicates a point on the eastern line of the territory, at or near Fort Smith, then through the territory, on the north side of the Arkansas River “to the northern boundary line of said territory at or near Arkansas City.” The road will then be carried on to Wellington and ultimately to Colorado. A strip 100 feet wide is asked in the territory, for which liberal compensation will be paid; the passenger rate is set at three cents a mile, and power is reserved to Congress to fix the freight rates. Mr. Schiffbauer from conversation with several of the incorporators satisfied himself of their good faith toward this city, and received their assurance that the southern members in congress will give the measure almost unanimous support. During the discussion of the matter by the members of the board of trade present at the meeting, the opinion was generally expressed that a road placing this city in direct connection with New Orleans, and giving us access to the timber forests of Arkansas was one for this city to aid with all the means in its power. We understand that Mr. Ingalls will present the bill in the senate, directly after the holidays, and the delegation from this state will be requested to render it support.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 23, 1885.
An Amended Water Works Proposition Adopted.
A Busy and Protracted Session.
City council met at 7 o’clock on Monday evening, the mayor presiding, all the members present, except Capt. Thompson.
The following bills were acted on. [NEXT FOUR LINES 99% OBSCURED.]
Pickle & Perrine, $13.00; allowed.
F. Lockley, $17.63; allowed.
E. D. Eddy, $11.25; allowed.
County bills.
Mary Terrill, board of paupers, $15.00; approved.
Peter Pearson, burial of paupers, $50.50; approved.
S. F. Steinberger, $6.00; approved.
The following petition was read to the council.
ARKANSAS CITY, KANSAS, December 15, 1885.
the Hon. Mayor:
We the undersigned citizens of Arkansas City respectfully request that city ordinance No. 3 be so amended as to read that all auctioneers of dry goods, hardware, boots and shoes, clothing, hats and caps, furnishing, fancy goods and notions, agricultural implements, wagons and buggies, jewelry, groceries, drugs, and all other goods carried by legitimate business houses of this city shall pay a license of $25 per day. We pray the honorable Mayor and council to act immediately on this matter in the interest of the businessmen of Arkansas City.
Ridenour & Thompson
Youngheim & Co.
Mrs. W. M. Henderson
John Gallagher
O. P. Houghton
S. Matlack
J. W. Hutchison
N. T. Snyder
And many others.
The matter was debated at considerable length. Councilman Dunn said he was desirous to act for the best interests of the city, to protect the rights of the buyer as well as those of the seller. He believed in free competition; low prices were a benefit to the consumer though they might cut down the profits of the merchant. He was not a buyer of cheap auction goods himself, but he was acquainted with some who were, and he mentioned several cases where a large saving was effected in the price of goods.
Mr. Dunn was in favor of keeping peddlers and auctioneers in wagons off Summit Street. They gathered large crowds around them and impeded travel. But the petition just read he thought was directed more particularly against men who came here to sell bankrupt stock. They paid the taxes imposed by the city, and he didn’t know how you could get at them.
Mr. Prescott said it was a question in his mind whether the council could stop their operations.
Mr. Hill said the law will not allow you to impose a license of $25 a day; it was oppressive.
The mayor said this class of merchants can evade any kind of tax you choose to impose. The man who puts up goods at a certain price and comes down to the views of his customers; who offers an article for sale at $1, then falls to 75 cents, 50 cents, and finally sells it for two bits, is not an auctioneer in the eyes of the law, and the courts have many times so decided.
On motion the petition was referred to a special committee to be chosen by the mayor. His honor named Messrs. Hight, Prescott, and Dunn. The two first named asked to be excused, and gave their reasons.
The mayor stated, “Everybody else would be in the same fix; I guess the committee is good enough as it stands.”
A petition numerously signed was next read asking that a substantial bridge be built over the Water Power Co.’s canal on the grade made necessary by the railroad track on Central Avenue; also to have the railroad company grade that avenue so as to make a convenient and safe crossing over their track.
Mr. Hill being called on to express his views said the bridge asked for ought to be 36 feet wide and the road through the swamp should have a width of 40 feet. A large amount of material would be needed to fill in, and he didn’t know where it was to be obtained; certainly not within a reasonable distance. He would have a wide avenue opened through the swamp, and a sluice hole made to let the water off. It was necessary the swamp should be removed. The city is growing; and here is a fever hole diffusing infection. The level of the Arkansas River is seven feet lower, and the swamp could be drained into the river by means of a ditch.
Mr. Prescott. “What would be the cost of such a ditch?”
Mr. Hill. “The cost would not exceed $250.”
After an informal debate, the petition was referred to the committee on streets and alleys.
Mr. Hight said the people on Central Avenue want cross walks. The council was familiar with the bad condition of the road there, and the crossings asked for were needed. Labor and material are cheap now, and the work could never be done more advantageously. He moved that four crossings be put in.
Mr. Bailey. “What is the matter with Fourth Avenue? Why can’t the people there have crossings?”
Mr. Prescott said a number of property owners living on Eighth Avenue were willing to lay sidewalks in front of their lots, but they first desired to have a grade established.
Mr. Dean remarked that every time a survey was made, a different level was reached. The present county surveyor might establish one grade, but his successor would give a different one. The matter went over without motion.
Mr. Hill wanted the road leveled in the fourth ward in front of the schoolhouse. He would cut down the knoll and fill the hollow. Referred to the road commissioner.
Mr. Hight objected to the ordinance defining the fire limits as ironclad in its provisions; it allowed no discretion to the council. When a person wants to put up a small frame building, there was no authority to grant permission.
Mr. Prescott asked how reducing the fire limits to the alleys would do?
Mr. Hight said that would admit of barns being built in the rear of valuable stores, and endangering their safety.
Mr. Prescott said that bringing in the fire limits to within 30 or 40 feet of the alleys will allow lot owners on Sixth and Eighth Streets to erect frame buildings in front of their lots. Referred to the ordinance committee.
The Mayor said that while in St. Louis recently, he had called at the office of the Inter-State Gas Co., to learn whether they had accepted the franchise offered them to furnish water works for Arkansas City. He saw Mr. Putter, and that gentleman objected to several provisions contained in ordinance No. 26. The section in regard to hydrants was not specific, too many fire alarms were requested, and the bonds to be given for the faithful performance of the work were made perpetual. The company had prepared an ordinance for submission to the city council, revoking the former one, substantially alike in character, except that the size of the pipe had been cut down. Three and a half miles of pipe are to be laid; the company agreeing to put in two supply pipes of 18 inch capacity from the works to the main on Summit Street. Then they agree to lay 1,700 feet of 8 inch pipe, 2,380 feet of 6 inch, and the remainder not to be less than 4 inch. Fifty hydrants will be furnished of a specific cost, and the rest of the contract is in harmony with the published ordinance.
The proposal being read it was submitted to a searching discussion. Messrs. Hill, Dean, Dunn, and Prescott did not like the cut in the size of the pipe; it left too much of the four inch variety.
The mayor said the proposal of the company was before them to do with as they pleased; he understood it to be their wilfulness. There was no use in the council amending it because the company would accept no modification; it must be approved or rejected as it stands. Having been read over the first time and the changes from the published ordinance noted, it was then read a second time by sections and adopted, and then adopted as a whole. The votes on the final passage being: ayes—Bailey, Davis, Hill, Hight. Noes—Dean, Dunn, Prescott.
Mr. Hill, in explaining his vote, said he was not satisfied with the proposition; he thought a cheaper service could be obtained. But he felt assured that if it was rejected, we should be burdened and impoverished with our present system for another year. He also has regard for the faithful labors of Mayor Schiffbauer in endeavoring to procure an adequate water supply, and since that gentleman was confident in his belief that the company we were dealing with would give us a better service than their proposition set forth, he would defer in his judgment, and hence he had voted aye.
The council adjourned at 10:45 p.m.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 30, 1885.
Mayor’s Election Proclamation.
First ward: Office of Illinois Coal Co., North Summit Street.
Second ward: Office of Thompson & Woodin, East Fifth Avenue.
Third ward: Office of J. H. Hilliard, West Fifth Avenue.
Fourth ward: Office of the City Livery Stable, West Central Avenue.
First ward: S. J. Rice, J. P. Eckles, and W. D. Kreamer as judges; and A. E. Kirkpatrick and M. B. Vawter as clerks.
Second ward: L. E. Woodin, J. J. Clark, and Chas. Bryant as judges; Oscar Titus and Dell Plank as clerks.
Third ward: James Benedict, M. C. Copple, and John Love as judges; F. Speers and Frank Thompson as clerks.
Fourth ward: S. C. Lindsay, A. A. Davis, and D. E. Sifford as judges; Alexander Wilson and Wm. Blakeney as clerks.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 2, 1886.
And now Mayor Schiffbauer comes forward with a proposition from a member of the Inter-state Gas company, stating that if our citizens will take stock in a $40,000 hotel to the amount of $20,000, he will take the other $20,000. The Inter-state Gas company is the firm that has the contract for putting in our water works.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.
Mayor Schiffbauer left town on the Frisco train yesterday, his destination unknown to this deponent.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.
Charlie Schiffbauer came up from his trading post at Gray Horse a few days ago to get acquainted with his family.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.
How to Suppress Immorality.
The council on Monday got into a discussion on the morals of the city. Mr. James Hill said that Judge Gans and District Attorney Asp had complained to him of irregularities between the sexes, and several young girls being enceinte. He wished to know whether our police force lacked in number or efficiency; and if it was not strong enough to prevent flagrant immorality, the quality needed improving. He wanted better men employed. Mayor Schiffbauer said it was somewhat unreasonable to invest one man with the functions of city marshal, road commissioner, and night watch, and expect him to hold vigilant supervision over all the doings of the city. Mr. Dunn said there was a [THREE FRENCH WORDS THAT I CANNOT MAKE OUT WRITTEN IN ITALICS—looked like maison de joie] between his house and Mr. Dean’s, where girls plied their vocation, and they were so quiet over it that the neighbors were ignorant of the character of the inmates. But this he thought a lesser evil than the miscellaneous intercourse between young men and young girls, which he believed was carried on to some extent, and the adoption of an ordinance to restrain the evil may be looked for.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.
Our City Fathers Perplexed With An Empty Treasury.
Council met at 7 o’clock on Monday evening, Mayor Schiffbauer in the chair; Councilmen Bailey and Hight absent.
The following bills were acted on.
Thompson & Woodin, $6, allowed.
Parker & Rarick, $1, allowed.
Sundry persons, work on water main, $2.62, allowed.
H. T. Sumner, drafting contract and board, $5, allowed.
Referred bill of the Republican, $8 for printing for justice’s court, was laid over, and clerk instructed to require of attorney general whether the city was authorized to pay for such work.
County bills: H. Godehard, $4.49, groceries for a pauper family, approved.
The bills of Dr. Baker for medical care given and medicines to pauper families, formerly rejected by the council, were again brought up. The mayor said Dr. later had protested against this renunciation of services rendered in good faith, and would be willing to take a portion of the amount.
The bill for services to Jacob Chinn, $29, was cut down one-half; services to Mrs. J. B. Matlack, $26, the same reduction; services to Mrs. Harper and child ($80), held over for two weeks, in order that the claimant might explain.
S. C. Smith asked the use of one-third of the road at Summit street and Sixth avenue, for building addition [?? NOT SURE OF LAST WORD]; he also asked leave to grade up that corner, the city to pay the expense. The former was granted, the latter referred to the street committee.
A further application by the same person, that he be allowed to [REST OF THIS PARAGRAPH GARBLED].
Messrs. Dean and Dunn objected to the [?WORD?] being made with earth, they preferred gravel for the purpose. Mr. Hill said if the applicant would dump his surplus dirt in the slew, at the price named, it would be wise in the city to buy it of him. To fill in and make a road to the canal would cost $500. Mr. Young had offered to contribute from his own pocket to the expense, he (Mr. Hill) would also give his mite. The cost would be $500, and he and Mr. Young would give $100 of the sum. The remainder could be raised by subscription. To bring the matter fairly before the council, he offered the following resolution.
Resolved, That the city council appropriate a sufficient sum from the city treasury, to grade a roadway along Fifth Avenue west from Summit Street to the canal, and build a bridge there.
The mayor said the question of bridging the canal was now under consideration by the street committee of the council.
Mr. Dunn, in behalf of the committee, recommended that the canal company be ordered to build a bridge on Central Avenue, and that the railroad company be required to make crossings.
Mr. Hill inquired where the people who crossed the bridge would go to. There was a grade of eight feet at that point, and trestles were to be put up raising the track eight feet higher.
Mr. Will Mowry asked leave to make a statement in regard to a conversation he had held with Mr. Hill, which brought out an explanation by the latter.
A long and informal debate ensued, in which the respective merits of Fifth Avenue and Central Avenue as an approach to the depot were discussed.
Several amendments to Mr. Hill’s resolution being offered, but not seconded, that gentleman asked leave to withdraw it and substitute the following.
Resolved, That the city furnish the necessary means to grade a road to the new depot and build a bridge across the canal; provided that the canal company pay the appraised value of one of their ordinary bridges, the mayor to appoint a board of appraisement.
Mr. Dunn said there was no money in the treasury to perform this work. The cost of grading and bridging had been estimated at $900. His plan was for the city to appropriate $200, and collect from the lot owners on Fifth Avenue, what money they are willing to give. Turn this over to the railroad company, and let them do the work.
Mr. Hill said the Kansas City and Southwestern people, being too poor to operate their road, it had been turned over to the St. Louis and San Francisco company. We were now dealing with a management whose headquarters was in St. Louis. If the council could convince those people that it was a wise thing for them to expend their money in grading a road down to the railroad track, this proposition would do well enough. But the chance of success he thought slim. He did not favor offending them with any such demand, but would reserve his powder for bigger game. A handsome depot had been built, the best on the line, and a turntable laid down; we now want a roundhouse built capable of holding all the engines on the road. The speaker told of a syndicate in Winfield, who had clubbed together to buy a section or two of land a few miles south of the city, with a view to make a town there, and play off against this city. If Arkansas City could give the railroad company a good tank and other appliances, they would be apt to treat us with the same liberality. There were many necessary things to ask them without a demand for $500 to build a road with. The city ought to build this road, if we have to let our washing bills go unpaid.
Mr. Dunn said it would be well for the city to give $200 to the people of any avenue who will make a grade to the depot.
Mr. Prescott favored raising the appropriation to $300. The account would then stand in this shape: $300 given by the city, $100 by Messrs. Young and Hill, $150 by the canal company, leaving $350 to be raised by property owners. This money he thought could be collected, and Mr. Hilliard has offered to carry round the subscription paper.
This being put as an amendment to Mr. Hill’s resolution, was adopted and the resolution (thus amended) was also adopted.
The question of laying some sidewalks along Fifth Avenue next came up. Mr. Hill asked what was the regular routine in such a proceeding.
The mayor said the sense of the lot owners must be obtained, and if those representing the larger share of abutting property approved, the city would then advertise for bids.
Mr. Thompson wanted the sidewalk extended across the city, from depot to depot, on both sides of the street, and the flagging to be six feet wide.
Mr. Sipes [? WORD HARD TO READ...COULD BE DUNN ?] said he had planted shade trees on his sidewalk which were now a good size and
taken out and lowered, he thought it only reasonable the city should bear the expense.
Mr. Will Mowry again complained that a pathway for pedestrians around the burned district was still blocked and should be left open. The street commissioner had been instructed at a former meeting of the council to have this done, but the blockade had not been removed.
The city marshal said he had opened it once, but it had been closed up again. The only way to keep a pathway clear was to move all the material shoved away.
Ordinance No. 28 was then read and adopted; also a resolution to extend the boundaries of the city.
Council adjourned at 9:30 o’clock.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.
Ordinance No. 28.
Got bits and pieces of this.
Whereas, Those parcels of ground lying adjacent to the city of Arkansas City, and commonly known as View Hill addition, Swarts addition, McLaughlin’s addition, and Hess addition to the city of Arkansas City have been laid off into town lots, streets, and alleys, and where plats thereof have been filed in the office of the Register of Deeds of Cowley County, State of Kansas.
be it ordered by the mayor and councilmen of the city of Arkansas City, Kansas:
SECTION 1. That all such portions of View Hill, Swarts, Hess, and McLaughlin additions to the city of Arkansas City as are surveyed and laid off into town lots, streets, and alleys, and the same is hereby annexed to the city of Arkansas City and made to all intents and purposes contemplated in the law under which said city is incorporated a part of said city.
SECTION 2. That the additions taken into the city by this ordinance be, and the same are hereby attached to the several wards for municipal purposes in the following manner, to-wit:
All that portion known as McLaughlin’s addition to the first ward.
All that portion known as View Hill addition to the second ward.
All that portion known as the Hess and Swarts addition to the fourth ward.
SECTION 3. That all ordinances in force in the city of Arkansas City shall be in force and extended over the territory above described.
SECTION 4. This ordinance to be and remain in full force and effect from and after its publication once in the Arkansas City TRAVELER.
Approved Jan. 4th, 1886. F. P. SCHIFFBAUER, Mayor.
Attest: JAS. BENEDICT, Clerk.
On December 29, 1885, Mayor Schiffbauer had an “Election Proclamation” printed. Could not read it in that issue. However it was reprinted in January 6, 1886, issue.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.
Mayor’s Election Proclamation.
WHEREAS, on the 28th day of December, 1885, at a called session of the Board of Education, of Arkansas City, county of Cowley, and state of Kansas, the following proceedings were had and entered of record among the proceedings of said Board of Education.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the city of Arkansas City, Cowley County, Kansas, that it is necessary in order to raise sufficient means to purchase a new site for school building, and for the erection of a new school building thereon, and for the purchase of necessary furniture for furnishing same, and, as the purpose of funding the outstanding indebtedness aside from bonded indebtedness of Central or West school building, that it is necessary to issue the bonds of said city of Arkansas City for this purpose, and in amount as follows: For the sum of $5,000 [? Looks like $5,000 ?], for the purpose of funding the said indebtedness against said Central or West school building; and for the sum of $11,000 for the purpose of purchasing site, erecting building, and furnishing same as above mentioned. Said new school building to be located in second ward of said city of Arkansas City. That said bonds be issued in denominations of One Thousand Dollars each, and bearing interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum, payable semi-annually, and said bonds to become due and payable sixteen years from date of issue, and the city shall reserve the right to pay one bond each year payable at the fiscal agency for the state of Kansas, in the city of New York.
Therefore, be it resolved, That the mayor of the city of Arkansas City, Cowley County, Kansas, be, and is hereby requested to call an election in accordance with the law in such cases made and provided, of the qualified electors of said city for the purpose of taking the sense of said city upon the foregoing resolutions.
By order of the Board. J. P. WITT, President of the Board.
ALEX WILSON, Clerk of Board.
December 28th, 1885.
Now, therefore, I, Franklin P. Schiffbauer, mayor of the city of Arkansas City, county of Cowley, and state of Kansas, in pursuance of the above foregoing proceedings, and by virtue of the statutes in such cases made and provided, do hereby proclaim and make known to whom it may concern, that on Monday, the first day of February, A. D., 1886, there will be held in said city an especial election upon the proposition as set forth in the foregoing proceedings of said Board of Education. Said election to be conducted in the same manner as provided by law for the election of city officers, except that the returns shall be made to the Board of Education for the purpose of taking the sense of said city upon the question of issuing such bonds. The ballots to be used at such election shall be in the following form, to-wit: Those voting for the proposition shall have written or printed thereon, the following words, “For the bonds for school purposes,” and those voting against the proposition shall have written or printed thereon the following words, “Against the bonds for school purposes.”
The following places are hereby designated as voting precincts for said election in the different wards: First ward at the office of Illinois Coal Co., North Summit street; second ward at the office of Thompson & Woodin, East Fifth avenue; third ward at the office of J. H. Hilliard, West Fifth avenue; fourth ward at the office of the City Livery Stable, West Central avenue. And I hereby appoint the following named persons to act as judges and clerks of said election: First ward, S. J. Rice, J. P. Eckles and W. D. Kreamer as judges, and A. E. Kirkpatrick and M. B. Vawter as clerks. Second ward, L. E. Woodin, J. J. Clark, and Chas. Bryant as judges; Oscar Titus and Dell Plank as clerks. Third ward, James Benedict, M. C. Copple, and John Love as judges; F. Speers and Frank Thompson as clerks. Fourth ward, S. C. Lindsay, A. A. Davis, and D. E. Sifford as judges; Alexander Wilson and Wm. Blakeney as clerks.
Given under my hand at my office, in said city of Arkansas City, this 29th day of December, 1885. F. P. SCHIFFBAUER, Mayor.
Arkansas City Republican, January 23, 1886.
Chas. Schiffbauer and family moved down to Gray Horse Wednesday.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.
Charley Schiffbauer came up from Gray Horse on Sunday, to spend a few days in the city.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 10, 1886.
Ordinance No. 29.
To amend Ordinance No. twelve (12) relative to the fire limits.
it ordained by the Mayor and Council of the city of Arkansas City, Kansas, that
Ordinance No. Twelve (12) be amended as follows.
SECTION 1. Whenever any person or persons shall desire to erect, or cause to be erected, a building on that part of blocks seventy-nine (79), eighty (80), eighty-one (81), and eighty-two (82), west of the alley running north and south through said blocks, or on that part of blocks sixty-seven (67), sixty-eight (68), sixty-nine (69), and seventy (70), east of the alley running north and south through the blocks.
SECTION 2. Said person or persons shall make application to the mayor and council for a permit to erect or move such building, stating fully the size and height of the building, the purposes for which it is to be used, the number of the lot or lots and block on which the building is to be placed.
SECTION 3. If the request is granted by the mayor and council a written permit signed by the mayor and city clerk shall be given applicant, and a record of the same shall be kept by the city clerk, for which permit the clerk shall receive from the applicant in each case a fee of the sum of 75 cents.
SECTION 4. No person or persons shall erect a building on any of the lots or blocks described in this ordinance until they shall have complied with the terms of this ordinance and shall have received a written permit as above stated.
SECTION 5. Application for a permit may be received at any regular meeting of the council, but no application shall be accepted or rejected until the next regular meeting of the council following the meeting at which the application was received.
SECTION 6. The penalty for a violation of this ordinance shall be the same as the penalty now in force for a violation of Ordinance No. Twelve (12).
SECTION 7. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances, conflicting with this ordinance be, and the same are hereby repealed.
SECTION 8. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its publication in the Arkansas City TRAVELER. F. P. SCHIFFBAUER, Mayor.
Attest: JAS. BENEDICT, Clerk.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 10, 1886.
Mayor Schiffbauer returned home last week from a visit to St. Louis, and was confined to the house a few days from a cold and fever.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 10, 1886.
Our Municipal Fathers Settle Down to an Evening’s Solid Work.
The city council met in special session on Monday evening, all present but Capt. Thompson. In the absence of the mayor, Councilman Prescott was called on to preside.
The following communication from Mayor Schiffbauer was read by the City Clerk.
“Feeling indisposed and unable to attend your session this evening, I would respectfully recommend the passage of the ordinance, to be submitted to you this evening, in reference to auctioneers, but would beg to suggest that it be made a requisite therein that the applicant shall have resided in the city six months prior to making application for license as auctioneer.”
The judgment held by the Chicago Lumber Co. against Creswell Township amounting, with interest and costs of suit, to $673.48, was again taken up. The clerk read a communication from Mayor Schiffbauer recommending that the claim be not paid for the following reasons.
1st. The judgement is against Creswell Township, and not against this city.
2nd. No demand was ever made on the city for the payment of this claim, and the law plainly says no claim against the city shall be considered by the council, unless the same be presented in proper form, itemized, and verified under oath.
3rd. This judgment was taken by default and if the city was an interested party should have been notified and allowed to set up a defense.
4th. The township tax levy of 1884-1885 and part of Creswell Township was collected and paid into the township treasury, and if the city is liable for 3/5 of this judgment, then she must also be entitled to 3/4 of these taxes from Creswell Township.
5th. In my opinion Creswell Township should pay off all judgments against her and if she has any claims against the city, let her present them, when in proper form, and allow the city to bring in any set off as counter claims they may have, and bring about a settlement of their differences. I have suggested this to the officers of Creswell Township at various times but without result. Creswell Township seems to labor under the impression that the city has no rights which the township is bound to respect, and that the township should dictate to the city in all matters. In my opinion this idea is erroneous.
The claim in its present shape was rejected, and the clerk instructed to notify the township trustees of the fact.
The petition of property holders on Thirteenth Street was again read.
the Honorable Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Arkansas City, Kansas, in
Common Council Assembled.
GENTLEMEN: We property holders on Thirteenth street of said city beg and petition your Honorable body to immediately take such legal steps as may lay in your power to procure for us damages done to our property abutting on said street, caused by the building of the Kansas City and Southwestern R. R. on the said street.
The right of way being granted to said R. R. Co. by your Honorable body, we deem it only right and proper that you procure for us the damages claimed by us, to our property.
Signed. Amount Claimed.
W. P. Wolfe $ 600.00
A. H. Johnson 500.00
Thomas Watts 1,500.00
D. R. Cooper 400.00
C. R. Sipes 100.00
Alex. Wilson 500.00
J. C. Topliff, for Virg. Walton 500.00
J. T. Shepard 1,800.00
C. S. Acker 200.00
E. A. Barron 500.00
I. H. Bonsall 200.00
G. W. Herbert 600.00
Jerry Logan 500.00
Thomas Croft 250.00
Daniel J. Kennedy 400.00
C. F. Snyder 1,000.00
Ge. W. Bean 700.00
H. G. Bailey 600.00
W. A. Nix 250.00
John Hand 400.00
F. B. Lane 400.00
E. Warren 500.00
W. S. Houghton, by Topliff 1,000.00
Nat Banks 150.00
Edith & Roy Chamberlain 700.00
Mr. Hill being called on in behalf of the railroad company, to explain, said the late severe weather had temporarily suspended all outside work, and the contractors had not yet been able to finish their work. Until the slopes were smoothed off and the cross walks properly laid, it would not be easy to determine what damage to the abutting property had actually been done. The claims set forth in the petition just read were equal to the entire value of the property; and he supposed the petitioners acted on the principle, which governs in all such cases of getting all they could. He did not admit that any real harm had been done to Thirteenth street lot owners. Free access was given to their houses by all vehicles, the grade at all places admitting of safe and easy turning. The fact of the railroad track being there might be assumed as a constructive damage; but to prove in court that real and tangible injury had been done would be a difficult undertaking.
Mr. Bailey asked whether the railroad company at any time intended to pay damages to the people of Thirteenth street.
This question brought a lengthy explanation from the gentleman interrogated, the object of which was to prove that no injury had been done. He was confident that not a man on Thirteenth street would sell his property for one dollar less price than before the railroad was built through that thoroughfare. He had asked the parties interested to wait till the work on the street is finished, but if they insisted on pressing their claims, now was as good a time as any. The city or the council, he would remind the gentleman, was not responsible for a dollar of the damages; the claims lay solely against the railroad company.
Mr. Bailey said he knew such to be the case.
After some further talk the petition was laid on the table.
Mr. Postlethwaite stated to the council that his son, on complaint of Kingsbury & Barnett, had been fined $3 and costs by the police justice, for selling newspapers on the street. He was not aware there was any city ordinance prohibiting such a practice, and he asked that the fine and costs be remitted.
Justice Bryant being called on said he construed the ordinance against peddlers as applying to this case, and had imposed the fine accordingly. But his mind was not clear that the offense charged was really a violation of the city ordinance, and he would like to have the opinion of the council in the matter.
Mr. Hill said he had had experience in a number of cities, but he had never known a previous case where the crying of newspapers on the street was prohibited.
Mr. Dunn said other cities encouraged the industry of newsboys, founding homes for them, and in other ways providing for their support and comfort.
Judge Bryant informed the council that Mr. Kingsbury insisted that the payment of an occupation tax protected him from such competition.
Mr. Dunn said the occupation tax was levied to provide a revenue for the city, and was by no means a protective tariff. Selling newspapers on the street was an educational agency, and should not be discouraged.
On motion the council ordered the fine and costs remitted.
Ordinance No. 29, to amend ordinance No. 12, in regard to the fire limits, was read and passed.
Ordinance No. 33, defining auctioneers’ licenses, was read and laid over till next meeting.
Councilman Hight again urged the passage of an ordinance against prostitution and gambling.
Justice Bryant said frequent complaints were made to him of these offenses being committed in the city, but he was powerless to deal with them for want of an ordinance affixing a penalty.
On motion a special committee consisting of Messrs. Hill, Dunn, and Dean was appointed to consider and report the ordinance.
Mr. Odell offered to the council a letter received from Capt. Couch, representing the need of money to support him while in Washington urging the passage of Representative Weaver’s Oklahoma bill; also a petition to Congress asking the passage of this measure was submitted for signature by the council.
Mr. Hill said the writer of the letter should have some assistance from this city. He was working in the interest of the city, in endeavoring to procure the opening of the territory to white settlers, and he was entitled to our recognition and aid. He was in favor of the council passing a resolution requesting the board of trade to take up a collection in his behalf.
Mr. Davis said he was not prepared to give anything in such a cause. He mentioned the case of one Stephens sent by this city some years ago to work in the interest of a certain bill, and his chief employment while in the National Capital was to lounge about the hotel bar-rooms and consume bad whiskey.
Mr. Hill said he had heard of a man seating himself in a barber’s chair to be shaved, and the barber, instead of complying with the wish of his customer, cut his throat. But this had not put a stop to the business of barbering. Stephens’ bad example and betrayal of trust should not discourage all further attempts to procure useful legislation from our lawmakers in Washington.
The resolution as proposed by Mr. Hill was adopted, and the council attached there signatures to the petition.
On motion of Mr. Dunn, the city clerk was instructed to report at the meeting of the council the names of those who have paid the occupation tax and the dog tax.
The council then adjourned.
Arkansas City Republican, February 20, 1886.
Mayor Schiffbauer has been sick for 10 days past.
Arkansas City Republican, February 20, 1886.
F. Lockley and family have moved into the Chas. Schiffbauer residence on Summit Street.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.
Mayor Schiffbauer is still confined to his bed with lung fever, and his medical attendants pronounce him a very sick man. The last day or two, he has shown some signs of improvement.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.
Last Wednesday G. B. Shaw & Co., loaded up a dozen teams with lumber for Branham & Schiffbauer’s trading post at the Osage agency, and on Saturday the same firm sold a bill of lumber to Oliver Stevenson, who is about to build a residence in the first ward.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.
A Resolution to Annex Territory, and a Plan to Restore the West Bridge.
On Friday Mayor Schiffbauer received the following petition. ARKANSAS CITY, Feb. 19, 1886. To his honor F. P. Schiffbauer, mayor of the city of Arkansas City, Kansas:
The undersigned members of the council of Arkansas City respectfully request your honor to call a special meeting of the council this evening (Feb. 19th) for the purpose of taking some action in regard to the repairing of the bridge across the Arkansas River west of town, and annexing certain territory to the corporate limits of the city of Arkansas city.
JACOB HIGHT, Councilmen.
To which acting Mayor Thompson responded as follows.
ARKANSAS CITY, KANS., Feb. 19, 1886.
I hereby call a special meeting of the council of the city of Arkansas City, in pursuance to the above call. C. G. THOMPSON, Acting Mayor.
At 7:30 o’clock the same evening the council convened, all the members except Dean and Bailey were present. Mr. A. A. Newman, in behalf of himself and others, asked that the council memorialize the district judge to annex certain territory to the corporate limits of the city. On motion the following resolution was adopted.
Resolved, That notice is hereby given to whom it may concern, that on the 15th day of March, A. D. 1886, the city council of Arkansas City, county of Cowley, and state of Kansas, shall in the name of said city present a petition to the Hon. E. S. Torrance, judge of the district court of Cowley County, state of Kansas, praying for an order declaring that the following territory lying adjacent to the limits of said city of Arkansas City, described by metes and bounds, as follows, to-wit:
The property owned by the Arkansas City water power company, commencing at a point twenty (20) feet north of the southwest corner of the northwest quarter of section twenty-five (25), township thirty-four (34), range three (3) east, extending thence west three (3) rods to the north line of the right of way of the Arkansas City water power company’s canal; thence in a westerly direction along the north line of said canal about one hundred and fifty (150) rods to the east bank of the Arkansas River; thence southerly about ten (10) rods to a point where the north line of the public highway, extending east and west through the center of said section twenty-five (25), intersects the east bank of said Arkansas River; thence westerly across said river about 840 feet to the northeast corner of lot No. Four (4), section twenty-six (26), township thirty-four (34), range three (3) east; thence west twenty (20) rods; thence south sixteen (16) rods; thence east about twenty (20) rods to the west bank of the Arkansas River; thence easterly across said river about eight hundred and forty (840) feet, to a point on the east bank of said river two hundred (200) feet south of the north line of lot two (2) of said section twenty-five (25); thence east across said lot three hundred (300) feet; thence east along the south line of said highway to the city limits, about one hundred and forty (140) rods, containing seven and one-half (7-1/2) acres more or less; and thence north forty (40) feet to the place of beginning; making the same a part of the corporate limits of said city of Arkansas City, and made to all intents and purposes, contemplated in the law, under which said city is incorporated, a part of said city, and that this notice shall be published for three (3) consecutive weeks in the Arkansas City TRAVELER immediately hereafter.
The council then adjourned.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.
On the adjournment of the council, a citizens’ meeting was held in the same chamber to take immediate steps toward repairing the west bridge. The meeting organized by appointing W. D. Kreamer chairman and James Benedict secretary.
Mr. Hill moved that the chair appoint a committee consisting of members of the city council and of the board of trade to prepare a plan and estimate of the cost of repairing said bridge, which plan and estimate shall be submitted to the council for their approval. The motion being adopted the chair appointed as such committee Messrs. Hight, Hill, and T. L. McLaughlin, with instructions to make a report as soon as possible. Adjourned.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.
(Published in the Arkansas City TRAVELER, Feb. 24th, 1886.)
Ordinance No. 30.
Entitled an Ordinance to suppress gaming and gambling houses in the city of Arkansas City.
Be it ordained by the Mayor and Council of the city of Arkansas City, Kansas:
SECTION 1. That any person or persons who shall play at roulette, faro, keno, chuck luck, three card monte, poker or dice, or any other gambling game or game of chance, where money or any other property is staked, in the city of Arkansas City, shall upon conviction thereof, be fined in any sum not less than ten dollars ($10) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100) for each and every offense, and shall stand committed until such fine and costs are paid.
SECTION 2. That any person or persons, keeping, owning, or conducting a house, tent, shanty, booth, or any other place in the city of Arkansas City, where roulette, faro, keno, cards, or gift enterprise, by whatever name it may be known or called, gambling device or game of chance is practiced or allowed to be practiced or carried on in the corporate limits of said city, shall upon conviction thereof be fined in any sum not less than ten dollars ($10) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100) and shall pay the costs of prosecution, and shall stand committed till such fine and costs are paid.
SECTION 3. That all ordinances and parts of ordinances, conflicting with this ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed.
SECTION 4. This ordinance to take effect and be in force after its publication once in the Arkansas City TRAVELER.
Approved Feb. 16th, 1886. F. P. SCHIFFBAUER, Mayor.
Attest: JAS. BENEDICT, Clerk.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.
(Published in the Arkansas City TRAVELER Feb. 24th, 1886.
Ordinance No. 31.
An ordinance to suppress houses of prostitution in the city of Arkansas City.
it ordained by the Mayor and Council of the city of Arkansas City, Kansas:
SECTION 1. That from and after the passage of this ordinance any man or woman, living alone in tavern or hotel, or in apartments, or living in said city of Arkansas City, who shall entice prostitution, or who shall follow the calling of a prostitute for gain in said city, shall upon conviction thereof be fined in a sum not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100) or less than ten dollars ($10).
SECTION 2. That each and every keeper or inmate of a house of prostitution in the city of Arkansas City, shall upon conviction thereof, be fined in a sum not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100) nor less than ten dollars ($10).
SECTION 3. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the publication once in the Arkansas City TRAVELER.
Approved Feb. 16th, 1886. F. P. SCHIFFBAUER, Mayor.
Attest: JAS. BENEDICT, Clerk.
[Note: There were a lot of missing newspapers for some time after this. MAW]
Arkansas City Republican, April 3, 1886.
James Colyer and Thos Blair were arrested for running drays without license Tuesday. Judge Bryant fined each $2 and costs; total each $6. In this case Mayor Schiffbauer remitted the fine.
Arkansas City Republican, April 10, 1886.
Mayor Schiffbauer is still quite sick.
Arkansas City Republican, April 24, 1886.
Wm. Gray was reappointed City Marshal Monday evening last by Mayor Schiffbauer. Johnnie Breene was appointed assistant, and James Benedict City Clerk. The appointments were promptly confirmed by the council.
Arkansas City Republican, April 24, 1886.
Two of the “boys in blue,” who have been stationed here for some time, drank and became drunken Saturday night last. They were arrested by Marshal Gray and placed in jail overnight. They were released the next morning by the order of Mayor Schiffbauer.
Arkansas City Republican, May 8, 1886.
The Jubilee.
Yesterday was a gala day in Arkansas City. Our friends from the eastern townships along the State Line road had been invited to come to our city and partake of the hospitality of our citizens, and assist in the celebration. It was a grand celebration, indeed. It surpassed anything we have ever had in commemoration of July 4.
Yesterday was a beautiful day. Bright and early our merchants and citizens began the decorations of their stores and homes. Everybody decorated. After one o’clock the visitors began arriving. About 3:30 the delegation from Cedar and Spring Creek Townships came in a body. They were met by the bands of the city and escorted along our main thoroughfares, and citizens falling in the procession to the Opera House, where a most sumptuous feast awaited them, which was prepared by the ladies of Arkansas City. After one and all had eaten heartily, they adjourned to the streets. At 7:30 a grand procession was formed, everybody falling in. After the procession came the pyrotechnic display and the firing of anvils and then our citizens and their guests repaired to the opera house to give vent to their enthusiastic feeling.
The vast assemblage was called to order at 8:30 by Maj. Sleeth and the following gentlemen responded to toasts.
Rev. J. O. Campbell, “Cowley County and her Railroads.”
A. A. Newman, “State Line Railroad.”
Rev. S. B. Fleming, “The Campaign.”
F. P. Schiffbauer, “Arkansas City.”
Arthur Smith, “Cedar Township.”
A. L. Andrews, “Spring Creek Township.”
Robt. Howe, “Maple City.”
Dr. H. D. Cooper, “The long-haired Men from the Irish Flats.”
Ike Harkleroad, “Silverdale Township.”
Rev. W. W. Harris, “Creswell Township.”
Dick Courtright, “Rock Creek.”
Amos Walton, “Ignoramus.”
Rev. J. P. Witt, “Winfield telegrams.”
A. D. Prescott, “The Missouri Pacific R. R.”
Col. Sumner, “That Spoon hook.”
Mr. Neal, of Wellington, “The Ft. Smith, Wellington & Northwestern.”
Wm. Jenkins, “The Waterloo of Cowley County.”
Mr. Manahan, of Cedar, “Blessed are the Peacemakers.”
James Hill made the final response, choosing his own subject.
At the close of the exercises, our guests were taken care of for the night. The most enthusiastic and friendly feeling exists in southern Cowley. Never before in our existence have we ever seen as many happy souls as there are now in the townships of Cedar, Spring Creek, Silverdale, and Creswell, and the city of Arkansas City. One cause has bound our hearts together and soon the link will be more welded by the bands of steel.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1886.
Fine Stock Farm.
Albert Dean, of Bitter Creek, being in town a week or two ago, called at this office to pay his subscription, and invited ye local to pay a visit to his farm when he took an outing. The newspaper man treated himself to a drive there a few days since, and on entering the gate found himself surrounded by a fine stock farm 400 or 500 acres in extent, securely fenced and cross-fenced. He has planted 140 acres in corn, and his fat herd of beeves puts to shame those cattle raisers who leave their animals to rustle for themselves through the winter season. His granary is the most commodious and best appointed of any to be seen hereabout. He has a feed mill in one end with shafting enough to attach elevators to raise all his grain into bins placed on the second floor. Power is supplied by a large wind mill, which pumps sufficient water for the use of the stock and for all other purposes. Near the granary he has a Fairbanks scale (of 4,000 lbs. capacity), upon which he drove and weighed, for our benefit, a couple of his two-year-old steers. One weighed 1,272 lbs., and the other pulled up the beam at 1,087 lbs. Such a result from farm stock raising is a lesson to our cattle men that they must go and do likewise. This quality of cattle finds ready sale at $3.85, to $4.00. A return of $50 for a steer is some encouragement to go ahead. A few weeks ago Mr. Dean sold forty head of three choice cattle to Branham & Schiffbauer to slaughter for the Osage Indians. He also showed us his noted stallion (owned one-half by M. S. Hasie), which measures 18 hands and weighs nearly 1,000 lbs. Mr. Dean’s farm is a credit to his judgment and enterprise, and we are glad to learn that, notwithstanding depressed markets, it pays a fair profit on the capital invested. We hope to see his example more generally emulated.
Arkansas City Republican, May 15, 1886.
Dr. Cooper, who from first to last was in the thickest of the fight in Cedar Township, was the guest of Mayor Schiffbauer while attending the jubilee last week. The Doctor is in the front rank both professionally and socially, has scores of friends in Cowley County, and we are glad to see him meet with the success he so richly deserves.
Arkansas City Republican, May 22, 1886.
The House Passes the Kansas & Arkansas R. R. Bill Saturday.
WASHINGTON, MAY 15 On motion of Perkins of Kansas, a bill was passed authorizing the Kansas & Arkansas Valley railroad company to construct a railway through the Indian Territory.
The above is taken from the report of the proceeding of the house of Saturday. The bill has long since passed the senate. All there remains to make Arkansas City sure of the Ft. Smith road is Cleveland’s signature. Saturday afternoon Mayor F. P. Schiffbauer received the following telegram from H. Wood, of Little Rock, Arkansas, and the general manager of the Kansas & Arkansas road.
“Our bill passed the House today. H. WOOD.”
As soon as this glorious news became noised around on our streets, everyone of our citizens congratulated his neighbor. Enthusiasm was visible upon every countenance.
The passing of the bill means a great deal for the future welfare of Arkansas City. It will give us what no other city in Kansas has, viz: Two roads to the Southern States. There is not a shadow of doubt but what the road will come to Arkansas City, provided the bill is signed by President Cleveland. For more than 100 miles northwest of this city bonds have been voted in the snug sum of $4,000 per mile, to build the northwestern extension of the Kansas & Arkansas Valley road. A proposition has been submitted in Bolton Township to vote aid, and we are told that if the bonds are voted, grading will commence soon after the election. Several hundred men are now awaiting orders at Ft. Smith to commence work.
Arkansas City will soon eclipse any city in the southwest, Wichita not excepted. Arkansas City is now at the head of the procession, and don’t you forget it!
Arkansas City Republican, May 22, 1886.
Council Proceedings.
The city council met Monday evening in regular session. Present: C. G. Thompson, C. G. Thurston, A. A. Davis, A. D. Prescott, J. Hight, C. Dean, and O. Ingersoll.
The allowing of bills occupied the attention of the council first.
Bill of Dunkel, work on streets, $30.75, referred to committee.
Bill of W. Ritchie & Co., $17.50; referred.
A. F. Huse, coal bill, $12.70; allowed.
Thompson & Woodin, livery, $5.50; allowed.
Chicago Lumber Co., $2.25; allowed.
W. H. Speers, $9.40; referred.
W. J. Gray, $3.80; allowed.
A. E. Kirkpatrick, board, $5; allowed.
W. Ward, $1.50; allowed.
F. P. Schiffbauer, expenses, allowed $79.35.
Ware & Pickering, $1.50; allowed.
Harnley & Allton, $5; referred.
Jennings & Troup, $12.50; laid on table.
Maggie Graves, $10.65; not approved.
Petition of lot owners in block 71, 72, 163, 164, and 165 to lay sidewalks on west end of lots, was granted, provided that it be laid 6 feet wide and 5 inches thick, and to be done in 90 days.
The ordinance annexing the strip of land to the city limits and taking in the west Arkansas River Bridge was passed, Judge Torrance having granted permission.
The report of the committee on building a bridge across the canal on 7th Avenue was read and accepted. The city clerk was ordered to issue scrip to the amount of $211.66 in payment thereof.
Jacob Smith offered his business lot at the corner of 8th Street and Central Avenue to the city for $800. The lot is to be used as a site for the city building. It was accepted.
W. A. Ritchie submitted plans for the city building, but no action was taken upon them.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, May 22, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
F. P. Schiffbauer went up to Wichita yesterday.
Arkansas City Republican, May 29, 1886.
Council Proceedings.
Monday evening the city council met. Present: Mayor Schiffbauer, Councilmen A. D. Prescott, O. Ingersoll, A. A. Davis, C. T. Thurston, C. G. Thompson, and J. Hight.
The following bills were allowed.
G. W. Crane, books, justice of the peace, $9.50; referred to committee on printing.
W. J. Gray, board prisoners, $4.60; allowed.
W. M. Jenkins, legal services, $32.40; referred to committee.
Jennings & Troup; allowed.
W. J. Ritchie, surveyor, $17.50; allowed.
J. Dunkel, street commissioner, $30.75; allowed.
W. H. Speers, lumber, $9.30; allowed.
Harnley & Allton, $5.00; allowed.
The Arkansas Valley Democrat was declared the official paper of the city.
The request of Wm. Rose to build an addition to his shop in the fire limits was referred to building committee.
W. E. Moore and others petitioned for sidewalks and the necessary crossings from the Monumental Hotel and to the residence of Mr. Moore and the city granted.
Ordinance No. 34 was read and passed by sections and then as a whole. This ordinance relates to city building.
Ordinance No. 35 was then read. It was in regard to the granting of the franchise to Archie Dunn and A. B. Johnson for the construction of a street railway upon the streets of Arkansas City. By motion the ordinance was laid upon the table until the next meeting.
L. B. Davidson was granted permission to use one-third of the street for the building of the cracker factory.
On motion the council adjourned.
Arkansas City Republican, May 29, 1886.
H. C. Bates, accompanied by his son, John, made a visit to Arkansas City last Friday, and while there made the acquaintance of Mayor Schiffbauer, who kindly ordered a rig and conveyed the gentlemen through the principal streets of that city. Messrs. Bates were highly pleased with the reception rendered them, and are profuse with their praises of Arkansas City. Independence News.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, May 29, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
J. M. Offield while in the city from Sedalia, Missouri, was shown around by Mayor Schiffbauer. Mr. Offield informed us that he traversed the canal from the Arkansas to the Walnut, and was surprised at the great...REST OBSCURED BADLY...GATHER HE WAS MOST IMPRESSED BY THE CANAL AND THE RAILROAD BUILDING UP HERE.
Arkansas City Republican, June 5, 1886.
To be put in Arkansas City by the Inter State Gas Company.
Guaranteed to be the Best in the State.
Our City to be the Western Headquarters for the
Inter State Gas Company.
Ten Miles of Main to be Laid, and More if Necessary. Now We Boom!
Per the courtesy of Mayor Schiffbauer and L. B. Andrews, a REPUBLICAN representative was shown the plans and specifications of the new water works now being put in in our city by the Inter State Gas Company, of St. Louis.
At their office at the residence purchased by the company from Chas. Hutchins, the plans were shown us. To our vision was first exhibited the drawings of the pump and boiler house. It is located at the spring. The building is to be 35 x 70 feet, the pump house being two stories high upon a basement wall of 12 feet. The boiler house will be only one story. The upstairs of the pump house is to be utilized by the company as offices, being divided into them, viz: drafting room, and general and private offices. The building is to be of stone and brick handsomely finished with coppered steel cornice and roofing.
From the pump house a 10 inch main will be laid to Summit street, and on that street 8 inch main will be used from 3rd Avenue north to 9th Avenue. On 9th Avenue from 5th Street to 11th Street six inch main will be laid. On 4th Avenue from 5th Street to Summit, the same sized main will be laid. On 5th, 6th, 8th, and 9th Streets from 3rd Avenue to 9th Avenue, four inch main will be laid. From 7th Avenue to 9th Avenue, four inch main will be put down on 11th Street. The mains are to be extended into Leonard’s addition on 4th, 5th, and 6th Avenues, and wherever else it may be desired. The company, until the works are completed, will put a hydrant into your residence for the cost of services. This is a very liberal offer and many of our citizens are taking advantage of it. The water rates will be published in a few days.
J. B. Quigley and L. B. Andrews have charge of the construction of the works here and they inform us work will be pushed rapidly until completion. The former gentleman will remove his family here and take up his residence.
A large force of hands are excavating at the spring for the boiler and pump house and in a few days, Mr. Andrews tells us, he will have the basement walls ready for the building.
Five plugs are to be located so as to afford the best protection to the city.
The Inter State Gas Company, so far, are more than carrying out their contract with the city. They are giving a much better system of water works than intended. Arkansas City has improved so rapidly that they find it necessary in order to keep up with our growth. Besides the western headquarters are located here. Don’t forget this. How we boom!
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 5, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Chas. Schiffbauer and wife of Gray Horse, Indian Territory, have been in St. Louis for several days past. Mr. Schiffbauer arrived in Arkansas City today. Mrs. Schiffbauer is visiting in Kansas City.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 5, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
J. Foster and M. H. Shibley, of Van Buren, Arkansas, are in the city prospecting. Messrs. Foster and Shibley are two of Van Buren’s most prominent citizens. They were shown over our city by Mayor Schiffbauer and it is quite likely they will make some large real estate investments in Arkansas City. The canal was shown them, and they were very much impressed at the excellent power it affords.
Arkansas City Republican, June 5, 1886.
Decoration Day,
As it was Observed in Arkansas City by our Patriotic Citizens Yesterday.
The City Artistically Decorated. Business of All kinds Suspended During the Afternoon.
Yesterday occurred the observance of Decoration Day. In the morning the business houses of the city and many residences were decorated in honor of the departed heroes. Promptly in the afternoon at 1 o’clock each merchant in the city closed his place of business and commenced to assist in the exercises of the day.
At 1:30 the formation of the procession began on West 5th Avenue. The secret orders of the city met at their lodge rooms and marched to the place apportioned them in the procession. By 2 o’clock the procession was formed and entered upon its solemn march to the resting place of those who laid down their lives upon their country’s altar as a sacrifice, that the stars and stripes might continue to float proudly at the head of our nation.
The procession was headed by Mayor F. P. Schiffbauer and wife, followed by the Buckskin Border Band, Knights of Pythias, car with cenotaph, Prof. Duncan’s choral club in car, Grand Army of the Republic, car of 36 uniformed children, the Woman’s Relief Corps, Bolton Township band, pedestrians, citizens on horseback and in vehicles, and Mechanics’ band. The march was south on 8th Street to 3rd Avenue, then east to Summit, then north on Summit to 7th Avenue, and thence to Riverview Cemetery. It is estimated that there were 2,000 people in line, the procession being about one mile in length. Arriving at the beautiful grove on this side of the cemetery, the cenotaph was placed in the shade of the trees, and the usual services of the G. A. R. Post observed. Comrade Geo. E. Hasie made a pleasing and able address, enunciating the principles of the Grand Army of the Republic, explaining the origin of Decoration Day, and telling of the manner in which ancient nations paid tribute to their fallen heroes. Mr. Hasie is a fluent orator. His delivery is exceptional, his voice clear and vigorous. The REPUBLICAN compliments the Post upon securing so able an orator for the occasion.
From the grove the large crowd who came to pay tribute proceeded to the cemetery, where the grave of each gallant son who died for his country was decorated with garlands of flowers by the uniformed children, the ladies of the W. R. C., the G. A. R. Post, and their friends. At the close of the exercises all departed for their homes, glad of their deeds of the day.
The music rendered by the Buckskin Border Band was par-excellence and was equal to any we have heard in Southwestern Kansas. The Mechanics’ Band also rendered good music, as did the Bolton Township band. The organization of the two latter bands is but recent, but their playing is good.
Capt. C. G. Thompson was the marshal of the day, assisted by G. W. Miller and John Daniels.
Place a man on horseback to make him look handsome. As an example, we cite the attention of the public to our assistant marshals.
The fine appearance of the K of P boys was spoken of by one and all, and it was deserving.
Prof. Duncan’s choral club sang several beautiful songs at the grove and cemetery.
Arkansas City Republican, June 12, 1886.
Council Proceedings.
The council met in regular session Monday evening. Present: Mayor Schiffbauer, Councilmen Prescott, Hight, Thompson, and Thurston. The following bills were allowed.
Bills of C. Mead, $522.72 for crossing and sidewalks, and $124.58 for curbing and guttering. Referred to street and alley committee.
Bill of Danks Bros., $4.75; allowed.
Bill of C. R. Sipes, $13,85 for sundries; allowed.
T. Fairclo, $4.50, oil; allowed.
Parker & Rarick, $2, shackles; allowed.
G. W. Cunningham, scrapers, $20; allowed.
J. Dunkle, street commissioner, $15; allowed.
Hilliard & Keeler, livery, $28.10; allowed.
W. M. Jenkins, legal services, $17.40; allowed.
G. W. Crane, justice books, $9.50; allowed.
Petition of G. W. Miller et al., to prohibit auctioneers from selling on Summit Street, was read and by motion referred to ordinance committee.
Report of police judge read and ordered placed on file. Also report of street commissioner.
Report of Engineer Wingate on improvements on 5th Avenue read and city clerk order to issue $330 of city scrip to pay the city’s portion of the costs.
Ordinance No. 30, defining auctioneer’s license, read and by motion referred to the committee on public improvements. On motion the council adjourned.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 19, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Capt. C. G. Thompson and Mayor Schiffbauer visited Wichita yesterday. They came home today at noon.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 19, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Mayor Schiffbauer tells us while up at Wichita yesterday afternoon there was a heavy rainfall. He also saw three run away teams on main street.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 19, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
F. P. Schiffbauer went up to Wichita this afternoon.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 26, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Amos Walton and F. P. Schiffbauer of Arkansas City are in the city. They report that city on a regular boom, and also state that the report circulated that the dam at that point had washed out was untrue; all the damage, if it could be called such, was a small amount of brush washed out of place in one spot. Wichita Eagle.
Arkansas City Republican, June 26, 1886.
Council Proceedings.
The city council met Monday evening. Present: Mayor F. P. Schiffbauer; councilmen A. D. Prescott, Jas. Hill, O. Ingersoll, C. G. Thompson, A. A. Davis, C. Dean, C. Thurston, and J. Hight.
Bill of Thompson & Woodin, Livery, $19; allowed.
Bill of Isaac Knight, labor on bridge, $1.50; allowed.
A. F. Huse, coal $133.50; allowed.
E. B. Wingate, repairing bridge, $1,547; allowed.
Petition of the Knights of Labor asking that the Inter State Gas company give employment to our own citizens, referred to committee on public improvements. A. A. Davis was appointed said committee.
Report of committee on curbing and guttering the street received and read. Moved that the report be compared with specifications and committee report at next meeting.
On motion the bill of C. Mead for putting in street crossings was allowed.
The request of certain citizens to remove fences off the street was by motion referred to street and alley committee.
On motion the mayor was instructed to sell city bonds to be issued for the erection of a city building, at not less than par value.
Ordinance No. 35 was then passed.
The petition in regard to auctioneers was read and moved to be taken up at next meeting.
On motion the council adjourned until next Tuesday.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 3, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schiffbauer returned from their eastern trip yesterday evening.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 3, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
Mayor Schiffbauer went to Wichita this afternoon.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 3, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
L. R. Norton, friend of Mayor Schiffbauer, is in the city from Chicago.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 10, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Mayor Schiffbauer is putting in some excellent licks for the Kansas City & Pan Handle.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 10, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Mayor Schiffbauer, Amos Walton, President Reece, and Director Harkness of the Kansas City & Pan Handle road went up to Liberty Township last night and held an enthusiastic railroad meeting. They inform us no trouble will be experienced about carrying the bonds.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 10, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
Chas. Schiffbauer and Johnnie Florer came up from Kaw Agency this evening to join a tea (?) Party at the residence of his Honor, Mayor Schiffbauer.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 10, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 17, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Mayor Schiffbauer went up to Winfield this morning with the Pleasant Valley K. C. & P. H. Railroad petition all signed up by the required number of tax-payers. He will lay it before the board of commissioners, who will take the proper action upon it. There will be about seven miles and a half of road in Pleasant Valley. But $15,000 are asked for in bonds.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 17, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Mrs. Chas. Schiffbauer and niece came in on the Santa Fe from Kansas City yesterday and will return to Gray Horse this week accompanied by Mr. Schiffbauer.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 17, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Chas. Schiffbauer was taken with violent cramping of the bowels this morning, and is confined to his bed at the present writing at the residence of his brother, F. P. Schiffbauer.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 17, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Mayor Schiffbauer received a telegram from his wife, who is visiting down in Arkansas, stating that she was very ill. He left on the afternoon train.
Arkansas City Republican, July 24, 1886.
As a Liar.
As a liar the Winfield Courier is entitled to the whole bake shop. The article on the Chicago, Kansas & Western, in the daily of the 14th, is a tissue of lies from beginning to end. The facts are that Arkansas City did not go to old man Reece until the businessmen of Burden, who have been looking up a connection with the Missouri Pacific railroad, had the arrangements for the building of the Kansas City & Pan Handle railroad from Reece to the State Line via Arkansas City completed, and suggested to them that they ought to become interested in the movement. The map of Kansas showed at a glance that the building of this road from Reece via Latham & Burden to Arkansas City was almost an air line and would give direct connection with Kansas City and St. Louis via the Missouri Pacific; also that it would be a very easy line built because of the level country through which it runs. Their people then became interested; and the mayor of Arkansas City, Frank Schiffbauer, and Amos Walton were made directors of the road, it being insisted upon that six of the ten directors should be Missouri Pacific railroad men, two at Burden and two at Arkansas City.
To show the fallacy of the position of the Courier, we quote as follows.
“Now any sensible man would decide at once that their Pan Handle road will never be built simply because no man with money would invest in such a wild scheme and no railroad company would expend three millions of dollars to build a road over such a country where the grading would be such a tremendous expense, when there is no prospect that the business of the road will ever pay six percent on one-tenth of the money.”
Everyone in Cowley County knows that no easier line to build could be found in Cowley County than the proposed line of the Kansas City & Pan Handle. Here is the milk in the cocoanut.
“If there was a reasonable probability that this road would be built, Winfield would “be tooth and toe nail” for it because it would surely come to Winfield as that it ever reached Silver Creek and because it would be of advantage to the townships along the line.”
The Courier admits that if it came to Winfield, it would be an advantage to the townships along the line. Now if the road connects the townships along the line with Kansas City, St. Louis, and the Pan Handle of Texas, it would seem that the said townships can live through it, even though it does miss Winfield. Again, we quote:
“What inducement would the paltry sum of fifteen to twenty thousand in bonds each from six townships not aggregating $100,000, scarcely $1,000 a mile, be to the building of a hundred miles of such road, costing $20,000 to $30,000 per mile?”
Our readers will remember when the Courier, not three years ago, insisted that railroads could be built for $6,000 to $8,000 per mile through Cowley County, and now when the K. C. & P. H. proposes to build for $2,000 per mile, they say it “ain’t enough money.”
It is well known that Winfield’s scheme is to vote every dollar the different townships can vote so as to tie them up so they can’t vote any assistance to any road that don’t point to Winfield.
The Kansas City & Pan Handle road does not ask for the limit the townships can vote; but simply asks for a fair amount and propose to put up the balance themselves and build the road. Another point is that the majority of the directors are Missouri Pacific railroad men, and as is well known, that road has wanted for some time to get into Cowley County to compete with the Santa Fe for our business.
There is no intention on the part of the road to defeat the D. M. & A., in Sheridan or any other township, but they do propose to build this road, and the friends of this road in Sheridan Township will also vote for the D. M. & A., Winfield to the contrary, notwithstanding. Burden Eagle.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 31, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Frank Schiffbauer and wife came home from Arkansas Saturday night.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 31, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
A terrible cyclone visited the country along the Santa Fe out by Lakin, July 18th. Today Mayor Schiffbauer received a circular from a committee of the citizens of Lakin asking for aid.
The circular says: “We have had some fifteen of our buildings completely lost by that destroying element. The majority of the buildings destroyed are homes of our poor people, who are entirely destitute, and the loss has been so general throughout the entire community that those who are usually able to help those in distress are now unable to more than lend temporary aid to the sufferers’ wants by reason of their individual losses. Not only the houses of many of these people have been carried away by the storm, but also nearly all their household goods and clothing, leaving many in utter destitution, and many of them wounded and bruised, so they must be cared for until they are able to care for themselves. All kinds of clothing for men, women, and children and bedding would be acceptable to these destitute people, as well as cash contributions; all of which can be forwarded to the committee appointed by our citizens to receive and disburse the same among our needy.”
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 7, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Mayor Schiffbauer and A. B. Johnson went up to Winfield Saturday. Down at the S. K. Depot after the mayor had taken the train for the east, Mr. Johnson was approached by the red headed Visitor ninny, who asked where Mr. Schiffbauer was going. Mr. Johnson replied that “if he had considered it any of his business, he would have asked him where he was going.” This made the Visitor man very wrathy and he grew saucy. Mr. Johnson politely informed him that if a stranger had acted as impudently to another stranger as the red headed man had to him in the county where he came from, he would have been spread all over a 10 acre field in double quick time. This enraged the red headed man more than ever and he immediately flew to his sanctum and “writ up” an abusive article against Mr. Johnson. Mr. Johnson acted gentlemanly and it would have been a proper thing for him to do to have boxed the Visitor’s man’s ears.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 7, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Council Proceedings.
The council met last evening. Present: Mayor Schiffbauer; Councilmen A. D. Prescott, C. Dean, O. Ingersoll, A. A. Davis, C. G. Thompson, Jas. Hill, C. T. Thurston.
Bill of P. Brazier, dirt, $2; allowed.
Bill of T. Fairclo, oil, $5; referred.
Bill of Daniel Bros., storage, $4; allowed.
Bill of L. E. Woodin, $3.50; allowed.
Bill of O. P. Houghton, blankets, $3; allowed.
Bill of W. G. Gray, boarding, $2; allowed.
Bill of J. Dunkle, street commissioner, $20; allowed.
Bill of H. T. Sumner, Legal, $10; referred.
Bill of Hicks & Mitts, work, $5; allowed.
Bill of J. Danks, repairs, $11.90; allowed.
Bill of F. Lockley, printing, $81.02; allowed.
Bill of C. McIntire, printing, $23.19; allowed.
Mayor Schiffbauer appointed C. P. Jeffries city attorney, at a salary of $300.
Ordinance No. 38, in regard to tax levy of 1887, was then read and adopted, followed by the adoption of ordinance No. 39, fixing the salaries of the city officers. City Clerk’s and City Attorney’s were the only ones changed. The first was increased from $15 to $30 per month; the latter from $200 to $300 per year.
Ordinance No. 40 in relation to public heath, was adopted.
Petition of druggists asking that their occupation tax be lowered to $35; referred.
Petition of I. H. Bonsall to erect building, granted.
Bids for painting west bridge laid on table.
County bill of Dr. C. S. Acker of $65 reduced to $50 and approved.
Report of committee on draining slough read and accepted; and city clerk was instructed to make lease on canal property land for the right of way for drain and to procure a warranty deed for right of way through the Crocker place, 100 feet wide, for $400.
J. C. Topliff complained that hitching posts on 4th Avenue were a nuisance and asked that they be removed. Complaint referred to City Marshal.
Report of Police Judge for the month of July showing the amount of $265 paid into the city treasury in the way of fines, accepted and placed on file.
City engineer was ordered to advertise for bids for the draining of the slough. The drain is to be 10 feet wide at bottom, two to one on slope. Bids to be opened in 10 days.
On motion council adjourned.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 7, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Mayor Schiffbauer has succeeded in disposing of the $11,000 worth of city bonds, voted for the city building, at three and a half cents above par, or at $1.03-1/2 for every dollars worth of bonds voted. By the transaction, the city gains about $400. There are very few cities in Kansas where their city bonds will sell at 3-1/2 cents above par.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 7, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Directors’ Meeting of the New Road.
R. R. Phelps and E. A. Henthorn, of Burden; Mayor Schiffbauer of Arkansas City; W. S. Reece and L. V. Harkness, of Reece; together with J. H. Richards and W. P. McNair, directors of the Reece, Burden, and Arkansas City extension of the Missouri Pacific held an important meeting in this city yesterday. This enterprise is now well on its feet and its speedy construction, we are informed, will soon follow. It traverses a fine section and practically links Arkansas City and Burden by another line to Kansas City. The Kansas City and Pan Handle evidently is no paper road, but one which will prove a very important link in the Missouri Pacific system and the Eagle congratulates the committees in interest.
Wichita Eagle.
The above shows that Messrs. Richards and McNair, of the Ft. Scott, Wichita and Western road are interested in the Kansas City and Pan Handle.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 11, 1886.
Winfield’s Frauds and Follies.
Mayor Schiffbauer, one of the best informed advocates of the K. C. & Pan Handle railroad, and a director of the company, has been making an active canvass of the various townships in Cowley County, where the bonds are to be voted on, and reports a favorable feeling everywhere he has been. Quite naturally he has been posting himself on all matters relating to this enterprise, and also on the rival scheme concocted by Winfield parties. He produces the charter of the Chicago, Kansas and Western R. R. Co., which was set before the people as a Santa Fe project, and the proposition subsequently withdrawn because that company disclaimed all connection with it. This is quite a curiosity in the way of railroad literature. It provides for 19 lines of road running all over the state, making an aggregate length of 2,400 miles, and requiring a capital of $48,000,000. But the most notable part of the business is the fraud perpetrated in the preparation of this charter. The state law requires that a railroad charter shall be signed by five directors, three of whom shall be residents of Kansas. Mr. Schiffbauer points out that this instrument is signed by only two directors of the company, the other three names appended to the charter not being those of directors. The acknowledgment is also taken by a notary whose commission had expired three months previously; and another irregularity pointed out in the taking the acknowledgment outside of the county for which he was appointed.
This element of fraud enters largely into all the railroad projects got up by Winfield parties to head off this city. It will be remembered that the L. and S. W. scheme, hurriedly put together at a Saturday meeting attended by half a score lawyers and bankers of Winfield, started out with the irregularity of submitting a petition to Commissioner Guthrie for signature, asking the chairman of the board to call a meeting to consider the proposition before the names of any taxpayers were obtained; and after the proposition had been submitted and rejected at an election, the damaging admission was made that no survey had been run, no estimate of the cost given, and the route designated was so circuitous and impracticable that its rejection at the polls was a real blessing in disguise. Frank Schiffbauer, in handling this very assailable matter, gets in a number of his keen thrusts, and leaves the operators in these crooked schemes in a very damaged condition.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.
The meeting in Liberty on Monday evening was well attended, and the people were treated to the same strong argument by Col. Birch, Mayor Schiffbauer, and Amos Walton. Bill Hackney was there and tried to controvert some of the statements made, but every point advanced was sustained, and the Winfield wind bag subsided with a far away look.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.
The railroad meeting in the Opera House on Saturday evening was not largely attended, but the speakers advanced cogent arguments in support of their position, and were listened to with interest. Col. Burch, of Chicago, W. S. Reece, and Mayor Schiffbauer were the speakers, who are interested in the building of the Pan Handle road to this city. They made a strong showing of the advantages to be derived from the increased facilities of transportation and travel that it will afford, and the stimulus it will give to commercial enterprise and manufacturing industry. They impressed upon their hearers a sense of their heartiness in the undertaking, and convinced the most irresolute that the road will be built if the aid they ask toward the work is granted. The meeting was pleasant and instructive to all who took part.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.
The Vote on the Bonds.
The result of the bond election in the five townships on Saturday was satisfactory to the Pan Handle people, although we have no victory all along the line to record. To Harvey there was a local difference about the location of the depot, in consequence of which want of harmony the bonds were defeated.
Silver Creek voted the aid asked with gratifying alacrity. Sheridan voted down the proposition, while in Liberty the bonds carried. In Pleasant Valley the bonds were rejected by a majority of 47.
This was the result of the election Saturday, but it does not correctly express the sentiment of the people toward the railroad proposition. In Harvey the citizens the same evening pledged themselves to give the right of way through their township and $5,000 in money. The defeat in Sheridan was due to the fact that $15,000 was asked, while that township is tied up within $10,000, which is the limit of additional indebtedness it can incur. The citizens pledged themselves in writing to vote that amount on the submission of a new proposition.
The victory gained in Liberty for the Pan Handle was in spite of the most persistent efforts of W. P. Hackney and his co-workers to defeat them, and the result is memorable as being the first time this big gun of Winfield was ever overthrown by that community. It seems as if the braggart Bill was losing his grip.
In Pleasant Valley another election is to be held, at the request of a number of voters; but success is not so material there as Silverdale comes in with an offer to give $10,000 in bonds and half that amount additional in cash if the route is deflected southward, so as to traverse that township and leave Pleasant Valley to the right.
Those who have been waging the campaign in the interest of the Pan Handle bonds, Mayor Schiffbauer, Amos Walton, Major Burch, and others, express themselves entirely content with the work done on Saturday, and are confident in their statements that the road will be built to this city.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.
The Debt of Gratitude We Owe to Two Fellow Citizens.
The old Latin adage is, “the prize to him who has won it.” [COULD NOT MAKE OUT THE LATIN WORDS...VERY HARD TO READ]
In felicitating our citizens on the successful result of the late township elections to vote bonds to the Pan Handle road, let it be remembered that the merit of the victory is mainly due to Frank P. Schiffbauer, our popular and progressive mayor, and our efficient ex-commissioner, Amos Walton. These gentlemen show a special fitness for this kind of missionary work, in holding the religious belief that the locomotive is the true pioneer of civilization, and in their readiness to seize the salient points of an audience. On the platform, Frank Schiffbauer is an effective public speaker. His personal magnetism wins the confidence of an audience, and his candor and unreserve go home to their bosoms. He makes no pretensions to oratory, is not always grammatical, and presents some verbal combinations that would send a cold shiver through the frame of a rhetorician. Yet he has a happy selection of words; is always clear and forcible; can enforce his argument with happy illustration, and shrivel up the sophistry of an opponent with unsparing ridicule. His power of grouping facts and figures is remarkable, his mental armory having every weapon in place, and its equipment complete. With this intellectual endowment he combines enterprise, enthusiasm, and audacity. In a stormy debate he keeps his head cool, is quick to perceive the weak place in an antagonist, and is most at his ease when most vigorously contested. In a railroad bond campaign, in a water supply enterprise for the city, in any project for local advancement, his judgment is uniformly good, and his pertinacity may be trusted to override all obstacles.
Amos Walton is a valuable coadjutor. He is one of the early settlers, has a property interest in the county, is thoroughly acquainted with its wants, and is always forward in every useful public movement. As a speaker he is not engaging. His movements are constrained and awkward, his voice not modulated, and he is just as apt to turn his back as his face to the audience. But he always commands attention. He is known to be astute and long-headed, his understanding of his subject is always thorough; and whenever he presents a matter, it is always illustrated with new and striking ideas. It takes him some little time to warm to his work, but he holds the attention of his hearers as he goes along, and his argument, though given without elocutionary force, has due weight on the reasoning faculties, and never fails of effect.
These two men, as doughty paladins, espoused the cause of the Kansas City and Pan Handle bonds, and although they were met at every town by the most effective speakers from Winfield, and had the false statements of the press of that city to embarrass them, presented their claims with such prevalence and effect that they signally triumphed in their undertaking. In two townships the bonds were voted; in two others, although unsuccessful at the polls, subsequent guaranties were given of a right of way and satisfactory financial aid; and in case of Pleasant Valley remaining obdurate, the offer is made by Silver Dale to furnish the aid asked in order that the building of the road may be secured. Honor to whom honor is due, and when the people of Arkansas City figure up the advantages they have derived from the railroad enterprises that are wending their way hitherward, it will be only just that they accord a large share of credit to the mayor of their city and their ex-county commissioner for the valuable and efficient service they have rendered in bringing about this consummation.
Arkansas City Republican, August 27, 1886.
Mrs. P. F. Thomas, of the 4th Ward, Taken Down with Fever and Her Husband
Goes Crazy and Refuses to Allow a Doctor to See Her.
For several days the citizens of the 4th ward have been considerably stirred up over the actions of P. F. Thomas toward his wife.
Some two weeks ago Mrs. Thomas was taken with an attack of fever and her husband refused to allow any physician to attend her, claiming that there was nothing the matter with her and that he could give her all the medicine that was needed. Thomas has some land north of the city, which he is cultivating. He has been in the habit of taking his two older children out to the field with him, daily, and keeping them until he returns in the evening, leaving a younger child, some two or three years of age, at home with its mother. Yesterday after Thomas had gone, the child got out of the house on the porch and fell off, lying on the ground and crying the greater portion of the afternoon. Finally, a neighbor, a gentleman, heard the cries of the child till he could stand it no longer, so he visited the house and investigated. There he found the sick woman lying in bed in a swoon. All his efforts to revive her were fruitless; and accordingly he called to his assistance other neighbors. Dr. Reed was called and he revived the swooning woman, but gave her no medicine for her attack of fever.
When Thomas came home he found several persons there and he was terribly enraged, and cursed and raved like a madman, driving them away by his actions. Affairs got worse. The children kept running to the neighbors and asking them to come and attend their mother, and every time one would answer the summons and go, Thomas would not allow them to touch his wife.
Mrs. Thomas, up to this morning, has lain in bed for two weeks with fever and never in that time having the bed clothes changed nor getting up from her bed. This morning the neighbors became determined that the woman should not lie there and die without an effort to save her life by medical treatment. The city authorities were notified and the officers went out and took Thomas in charge at about two o’clock this morning; and Dr. Geo. E. Westfall was sent to take charge of the case. He reports the woman in a very bad condition; but with proper treatment, she will recover.
Thomas is about 55 years of age; his hair and beard are silver white. He is very restless and has somewhat of a fierce, wild look. It is reported that he has twice before been in the asylum and was cured. Mrs. Thomas is only about 25 years of age, she having married Thomas when she was in her teens. Three children are the result of their marriage, the oldest being about eight years of age.
Mayor Schiffbauer ordered our officials to take Thomas to Winfield and put him in charge of the Sheriff.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1886.
A couple of the laddies, J. H. Flood and Jerry Adams, appeared before the council at the last meeting, to ask that the hose reels to be provided for their use be of the strongest make, and hose light. Mr. Flood, being asked how much hose would be necessary for the city, said one cart would carry 750 feet. If only one cart was supplied, he thought 1,000 feet would be enough; but if two carts were provided, then 1,500 feet should be purchased. He preferred cotton to rubber hose as being lighter, and less liable to become unserviceable from frost. Mayor Schiffbauer displayed a specimen of rubber hose of very light make, which the manufacturer warranted to stand a pressure of forty pounds to the inch, and which was generally approved by the council. The fire boys held a meeting last evening to organize, but we go to press before their proceedings could be learned.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1886.
Recommendations of Mayor Schiffbauer to the Council.
At a special meeting of the city council, held on Monday evening, Aug. 30th, the following communication was read.
the commission council of Arkansas City, Kansas.
GENTLEMEN: I find, upon examination of the records, that a meeting of the council held July 19th last, Acting Mayor Thompson appointed a committee consisting of Messrs. Wingate, Davis, and Thurston, to investigate and report on the feasibility of draining the slough west of the city. The report of this committee is herewith attached. I further find that on Aug. 2nd the city clerk was ordered to secure the right of way, and that at the same sitting the city engineer was ordered to advertise for bids to excavate a ditch for draining the slough, said ditch to be ten feet at the bottom with 2 to 1 slope. The bids to be opened and considered in ten days.
Now I submit that this system of draining said slough will entail a heavy expense, and become an onerous burden on the taxpayers of the city.
I also hand you herewith an approximate estimate of the cost of the plan proposed, and also the cost of the tile system of drainage, which will answer every required purpose; and this with an eye single to the health and pecuniary interest of the citizens and taxpayers of the city.
From the committee’s report you will see that Messrs. Hill, Newman, and Sleeth offer to give the right of way free of cost; but from the engineer’s diagram, you will find that the survey runs where the right of way will have to be purchased or condemned.
Why a right of way 100 feet wide and a ditch 10 feet wide at the bottom should be wanted for the purpose stated, I am at a loss to understand, when it is a conceded fact that a six inch drain would carry off all the water accumulating in said slough.
You are, therefore, asked to give this matter your candid and careful consideration, and let your action tend to the advantage of your constituents.
All of which is respectfully submitted. F. P. SCHIFFBAUER.
Cost of right of way: $1,080.00
Cost of excavating: $2,640.00
Cost of fencing: $432.29
Cost of bridge: $500.00
TOTAL: $4,652.29
To this will be added a yearly expense for the maintenance of the bridge and the erection of other bridges as the needs of the city require, and for their maintenance for all time.
2,436 feet of the 10 in. tiling at 20 cents: $487.20
Laying the same at 10 cents: $243.60
TOTAL: $730.80
The right of way for this would be freely given, as there would be no obstruction; no fencing would be required, no bridging would be necessary, and in this item alone a great saving would be secured to the taxpayers.
The matter was debated awhile by the council, and laid over till the next meeting.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 4, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Council Proceedings.
The city council convened in special session last evening. Present: Mayor Schiffbauer; Councilmen Thompson, Thurston, Prescott, Ingersoll, and Dean.
Ordinance 43 was taken up and passed. It was in regard to building sidewalks on 5th Avenue from depot to depot.
Ordinance 44, in regard to closing billiard halls and amusements, was next considered upon and adopted.
Ordinance 45, relative to the protection of property from fire, in regard to keeping gunpowder, gasoline, etc., was read and adopted.
Ordinance 46, relating to the salaries of city marshal and police officers fixing their salary without fees for arrest, was adopted.
The ordinance relative to fixing protection for the water works was read and laid over.
The fine imposed upon Reuben Porter by the city, for giving a dance to raise revenue with which to construct a colored church building, was remitted when he informed the council to what ends the proceeds were to be used.
The council appropriated $10 to convey Ella Ulch, a pauper, back to her home.
The matter of draining the slough was brought up and a recommendation in regard to it was read by Mayor Schiffbauer. The subject was referred and will come up at a future meeting. On motion adjourned.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 18, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Council Proceedings.
The council met last evening. There were present Mayor Schiffbauer; Councilmen Thompson, Prescott, Dean, Ingersoll, and Hight.
The first business of the evening was the action upon some bills.
The matter of the Geuda Springs, Caldwell & Western road was laid over.
A motion was made and carried that the city purchase 500 feet of cotton and rubber and cotton hose each. The contract for furnishing hose, carts, suits, etc., was awarded to the Hamilton Rubber Co. The hose will cost 90 cents per foot delivered here. Mr. Quigley, representing the water works company, offered to put in certain extensions of pipes at half service for two years. The offer was accepted. On motion the council adjourned.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 18, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Mayor Schiffbauer, the doughty representative of the Kansas City & Pan-Handle railway, informs us that his project is being pushed with a vim. In Spring Creek Township, where Reece is, an election to vote bonds to the enterprise occurs on the 5th of next month. Petitions in Clay, Logan, Little, Walnut, and Glenco Townships, Butler County, are all signed up calling the elections. In Cowley County, the elections in Sheridan and Omnia Townships have been called for the 19th of next month. This completes the route. Should the elections all result in the voting of bonds, work on the construction of the road will be immediately commenced and pushed to completion as rapidly as men and money can do it.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 25, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Council Proceedings.
The city council met in regular session last evening. Present: Mayor Schiffbauer; councilmen C. G. Thompson, J. Hight, C. Dean, O. Ingersoll, and A. D. Prescott.
A long list of bills was acted upon and as they were of minor importance, we omit their publication.
C. Mead asked that scrip be issued him for curbing and guttering, as certain lot owners were delinquent. On motion the request was granted.
On motion W. J. Gray, City Marshal, was granted a four day lay-off from official duty.
C. G. Thompson was appointed chief of the fire department on the recommendation of hose companies 1 and 2.
Tom Saymens, street auctioneer, asked his license to be reduced. It was referred to the ordinance committee by motion.
The petition of J. C. Topliff to vacate the alley at the rear of S. Matlack’s residence was reported unfavorably on by the committee. The report was accepted.
J. L. Huey asked permission to erect a coal office on the rear of the Leland Hotel lots and was by motion rejected.
Jos. Bittle requested that he be allowed the privilege of building a cesspool at the rear of his block; and the matter was referred to the sanitary committee.
On motion the resignation of J. Dunkel as street commissioner was accepted.
Police Judge Bryant made his report for the month of August, which was accepted. It showed $497 of fines collected and paid over to the city treasurer.
Uhl & Giele offered to put down the basement wall on the city building to 7 feet in depth for $125; their offer was accepted.
C. D. Burroughs asked permission to erect a wooden building at the rear of the Monumental Hotel, which was granted.
F. J. Hess petitioned for the use of a portion of 5th Avenue for building purposes, which was granted.
Several other petitions were presented, but were of small importance.
On motion council adjourned.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 25, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Schiffbauer have gone to St. Louis.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 2, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Chas. Schiffbauer is in the city.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 6, 1886.
Mayor Schiffbauer is in Butler County, doing citizens’s work toward the success of the bond election shortly to be held there.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 13, 1886.
If Frank Schiffbauer cannot tell from time to time whether he is a republican or democrat or a greenbacker, how will he know what measures to advocate if he should be elected to the legislature? These political whirligigs won’t do, a man must have the force of his convictions and be impelled by that force. First know that you are right and then go ahead.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 16, 1886. From Saturday’s Daily.
This afternoon in the city offices, the Democratic delegates of this district convened and nominated F. P. Schiffbauer for representative. He was the choice on the first informal ballot. Ed Green and Geo. R. Westfall were also brought before the convention. The vote was Schiffbauer 23; Green 7; and Westfall 2. The nominee is a bitter pill for the straight Democracy to swallow.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 16, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
The nominating of F. P. Schiffbauer by the Democrats, for representative from this district, reminds us very forcibly of the old story about the woman going out into the wood and praying for a man. When an owl interrupted her “divine worship” with his plaintive “oo,” she replied, “Anything, oh Lord, in the shape of a man.” Our readers can draw their own inference.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 16, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
We heard how Mayor Schiffbauer became a Democrat explained by a Silverdale man, who is dyed a deep red in Democracy and has been one so long that his spinal column has been transformed into a barbed wire. Recent disclosures have been made which show that the revered and time honored statesman, Sammie J. Tilden, was the proprietor of a pill factory somewhere in the east. It is very reasonable to suppose that this great man manufactured nothing but “Democratic blue mass pills,” and our very efficient Mayor must have obtained one, by means unknown to us, and swallowed it. The effect of the pill is just beginning to be noticeable. It has been only two months since Uncle Sammie’s pill factory was discovered by us western folks. If this be the case, Mr. Schiffbauer must be only a probationist in the Democratic ranks. Right here then the question arises: “What will Mr. Schiffbauer be when the effects of Uncle Sammie’s pill will have worked off?”
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 16, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Hon. Frank Bacon.
Last evening Hon. Frank Bacon addressed the Democracy of this vicinity. Hon. Frank is the people’s candidate for congress from this district and he came down with the intentions, we suppose, of taking the people by the seat of the pants and pulling their votes into the ballot box on November 2 for him. The Hon. Frank is also the candidate of the Democracy and spoke here under their auspices. This ever thoughtful party was very elaborate in their preparations for this “grand rally.” They even went so far and opened up their hearts so widely as to secure the Mechanic’s Band to dispense soothing syrup strains of music. They also engaged the large and commodious storeroom—100 x 25 feet—of J. L. Howard, which was freshly plastered but the day before. We are informed Mr. Howard gets the post office at Cale for this great service to the party. The aroma given off from the plastering and the dust arising from the dry lime as the audience walked over it was simply bewildering. It served its purpose though. The smell of their favorite “medicine” was completely killed off. The effect was better than the eating of cloves. And as Mr. Bacon is of the meek and lowly kind, he said naught of his shabby reception and niggardly treatment. At about 8 o’clock the venerable Judge McIntire escorted Mr. Bacon from the hotel—$2 per day house—to the temple in which he was to orate. They were followed by right-bower Schiffbauer, in this campaign only, and left bower Thompson, and crowd of boys. Arrived without accident upon the improvised platform, the band fell over a few bars of Democratic music, which had been left down the evening before, and then Mr. Bacon was introduced to the few assembled by Mayor F. P. Schiffbauer. Mr. Bacon made a very short speech. He told his hearers how the poor people of this district were suffering for homes down in the Indian Territory. He gave a regular re-hash of one of Capt. Couch’s old Oklahoma speeches, with which our readers are familiar. He never advanced a new idea. He never said he would work for the opening of Oklahoma if elected. His speech was made up principally of quotations of what renowned men had said upon the subject of Oklahoma. This showed that he possesses no mind of his own and that his knowledge is not limited beyond being a well-read man. In congress he would not even command attention. He is a poor speaker; has no eloquence at all. His diction is extremely poor. From the beginning to the ending of his speaking, he stood flat-footed upon the platform with his heels placed closely together and he did not move from that position during his address. Only once or twice did he raise his hand to gesture. Such speaking is exceedingly wearisome and quite a number of the audience showed their disapproval by getting up and going out before half of his speech was delivered. Amos Walton addressed all who remained at the conclusion of the address. He made a much better speech than Mr. Bacon and the audience showed their appreciation of the change of orators by frequent applause. It would have been better for Democracy if Amos had been nominated for congress and Bacon for probate judge. Taking all in all, the rally last evening was a grand failure. The audience at first would not exceed 125 persons and before the speaking was over, it had dwindled down to about 60 or 70. We are safe in saying that Mr. Bacon will run behind the ticket.
P.S. Mr. Bacon never said one word about the big time he and Jeff Davis had at New Orleans over the Independence bell.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 16, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
A Protest.
That politics make strange bedfellows, was never more fully exemplified than in the action of the late Democratic convention in nominating F. P. Schiffbauer for representative. Of course, the rank and file of the Democracy, who are expected to do the voting, were not consulted in the matter, nor indeed were the leaders, if the party has any in this district.
Never were the earmarks of the “ring” more closely discernible than in this little piece of political strategy. Democrats will naturally ask: how long has Mr. Schiffbauer been a Democrat and what service has he ever rendered to the party to thus entitle him to be placed at the front over men, who for long years, through good and evil report, have fought its battle?
No one ever heard of Mr. Schiffbauer being a Democrat until he announced himself in the last issue of the Democrat, before the convention, as a candidate for representative. Did he say in that announcement that he was a Democrat; that he endorsed the doctrines of the party and would pledge himself to their support and maintenance? No, indeed, that announcement in the light of his past record, may be read between the lines and simply says to the Democracy: “I want to go to the legislature; it is true I am a Republican, if I am anything; but I am in bad odor with that party. I can’t get their nomination and I want yours. I make you no pledges; but if it should turn out to be to my interest and to the interest of the “Republican ring,” of Arkansas City, my masters, to be a Democrat, I will be one; otherwise, I will not.”
Was he present at the convention to tell the Democracy that he had forever renounced and abjured his allegiance to the Republican party and hereafter he would stand as the champion of the Democracy and Democratic principles? No. He very suddenly discovered that he had important business in St. Louis on that day. It would be extremely awkward to have to stand up in a Democratic convention and be catechized and required to make pledges to support a party that he had all his life ridiculed and abused. And again when he should want to return to the Republican fold, it might be difficult for him to explain any pledges thus publicly given.
But, the question is, will the Democracy of this district ratify the bargain and sale, for such it was and is? Will they allow a small minority of their party, backed, or rather led, by one of the most unscrupulous of unscrupulous rings, to foist upon them, as their candidate and leader, this man whose past political and business record is of the most shoddy and unsavory character? I think not. I think I know too well the stuff that Democrats are made of to believe that they will suffer themselves to be thus led captive, to be made a cat’s-paw of, to accomplish the selfish ends and designs of men who have always delighted in abusing them and the principles they love and cherish.
I have much more to say on this subject and shall say it without stint, Mr. Editor, if you will permit me to be heard through your columns. No Democrat in this district shall stultify himself and his party by voting at the polls for this candidate if the facts in the case will prevent him from doing so. DEMOCRAT.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 16, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
“Nigger in the Wood-pile.”
“Frank P. Schiffbauer has made the best Mayor that Arkansas City ever had, and if elected representative, the district will have a good man that will do good service for the people he represents.” Democrat.
The above item shows a great change of spirit by our cotemporary. It has not been more than a year ago that the Democrat charged Mr. Schiffbauer with selling the city out to one O’Neil on the water works question. Politics, indeed, do make strange bedfellows. If Mr. Schiffbauer did then what the Democrat charges, what is it he would not do, if occasion afforded, if he should happen to be elected to the legislature?
As far as the REPUBLICAN is concerned, we prefer working for a man who does not bear such an unsavory reputation. If Mr. Schiffbauer was such a bad man then, according to the Democrat, how can he be such a good one now, according to the Democrat, you know?
Arkansas City Traveler, October 20, 1886.
SKIPPED ITEMS RE MAYOR SCHIFFBAUER RUNNING ON DEMOCRATIC TICKET AGAINST L. P. KING...[WHO BY THE WAY MADE A COMMENT ABOUT HAVING FOUR BROTHERS-IN-LAW IN ARKANSAS CITY.] Editor blamed Schiffbauer for his political recreancy, and duly cautioned him that the favorable opinion he had won as a faithful municipal officer would be withdrawn now he has bobbed up as a political aspirant on the other side.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 20, 1886.
A Solid Democrat Tells Why He Cannot Support Frank Schiffbauer.
ED. TRAVELER: I suppose a dyed-in-the wool democrat has a right to indulge in a friendly talk with a republican journalist. I am not a reader of your paper (which I readily allow to be “valuable”), but I perceive by an extract given in my own paper, the Democrat, from your columns, that you are still lending generous support to Mayor Schiffbauer, notwithstanding he has joined the ranks of the democracy and is running in opposition to your own party candidate for the legislature. “Frank Schiffbauer,” you say, “as mayor of the city—alert, clear-headed, and continually striving after the public interest, is a man whom all parties can cheerfully support.” This is handsomely said; and I admire the candor which leads you to stand by a man whose useful and intelligent services as mayor of Arkansas City win the commendation of all. Now he aspires after political honors, and allies his fortunes to the opposite side in his endeavor to gain position. The fact that you do not abate your friendship for the man is an evidence of your consistent devotion, and shows that the quality of your friendship is durable and lasting.
But let me caution you against assuming for others the partial feeling that animates your own breast. Who told you that all parties could or would cheerfully support Frank Schiffbauer in his race for the legislature? As a consistent democrat I cannot, and I find on inquiry among my neighbors that many of my fellow partisans feel as I do. He is too recent a convert, we have no evidence of his sincerity, and the causes that brought about his change of convictions have not been placed on record. We know that the republican candidate, Hon. L. P. King, is not acceptable to a large share of the voters of your city because he is not an Arkansas City man, and because he is suspected of affiliation with Winfield interests. At the convention which nominated him, your city delegates cast a solid vote against him, and his selection was due to the townships composing the representative district. This caused some dissatisfaction, and produced an antagonism which favored the choice of an Arkansas City man by the democracy. I am not informed of the secret work which led to the selection of our worthy mayor, of what guaranties he gave to the delegates of his fidelity to their principles. But on the surface it appears all too sudden. His name was taken up by the convention without inquiry, and his letter of acceptance gives no assurance of the political course he will adopt. I want to move, on surer grounds. With you, Mr. Editor, I accord due credit to F. P. Schiffbauer’s alertness, but there is such a thing as a man being too alert, and moving around with a celerity that a slower going man cannot follow.
Frank Schiffbauer as mayor of the city has won my approval; but as a democratic candidate for the legislature, is placed in a false position and has forfeited my confidence. This is plain talk, and honestly expresses my own feelings and the feelings of quite a number of my neighbors. A DEMOCRAT. BOLTON TOWNSHIP, Oct. 18, 1886.
[Note: Skipped further editorials re Schiffbauer, Bacon, others in this issue. MAW]
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 23, 1886. From Saturday’s Daily.
A perusal of the back files of the Democrat would prove interesting just now on Mayor Schiffbauer’s record. Say about the time Judge Pyburn and he ran for the office of Mayor. It was about this time that the Democrat alluded to Mr. Schiffbauer as a thief, etc. The Democrat has a wonderful swallower. It will swallow anything no matter how bitter or choking it may be, so long as it is labeled democratic.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 23, 1886. From Saturday’s Daily.
“The Republican’s comments on Frank Bacon’s speech are too dirty and low to notice.” Democrat.
And yet you did notice it and recognized every word of it as a great big truth. Our comments were not low and dirty. Talking about dirt and filth, neighbor, we would refer you to the columns of your own journal. For instance, we would direct your attention to that little squib which tells what Frank Schiffbauer said of us. It is the very essence of obscenity.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 23, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
The Representative Question.
The coming political fight in this county is warming up considerably. The pot is fast beginning to boil. The principal contest has narrowed down apparently to which candidate for representative of this district will be elected. Our readers are aware who those are before them seeking the office. The Republican nominee is Hon. L. P. King; the Democratic nominee is F. P. Schiffbauer. The former is of Beaver Township; the latter of this city.
Many of our Democratic readers, who reside in this city, accuse us of a lack of patriotism for Arkansas City because we do not support Mr. Schiffbauer, claiming that Mr. King is a Winfield man and the latter a true blue Sandhiller. We deny this allegation, and of all who have made it, have demanded proof. As yet, not one could furnish it. Some assert that Mr. King does his trading in Winfield. We know this to be false. We have seen Mr. King a number of times buying provisions at our stores and the Daniel Bros., the blacksmiths, inform us that they have been doing all his work in their line for three years past. The truth of the whole matter is, this is a trumped up charge. In fact, it is a Democratic campaign lie made out of whole cloth and one which that party has sprung on every nominee of the Republican party since there has been a rivalry existing between Arkansas City and Winfield. We think it is about time they give us something new. That old taunt is too tame and won’t wash down with the voters of this district. On the other hand, we assert Mr. King to be a strong Arkansas City man. He realizes that if this town is benefitted, he will be also. With this in view he has always labored for his constituents. Right here, we can hear some good old Democratic campaigner remark: “He didn’t do us any good in the legislature; he didn’t even get us a bridge law; we want to send someone there who will do Arkansas City some good.” Well, we reply, he did do us some good in the legislature, and did us no harm. Will you be kind enough to tell us of some one legislator from this district who ever did as any great good since this district has been organized? There never was but one and that was Dr. Leonard. If Mr. King had been a legislator then, he probably would have accomplished the same end for us as Dr. Leonard. The gist of the whole thing then is simmered down to the bridge question. If our memory serves us well, we believe Mr. King in the last legislature made an exceedingly strong fight on this question. Many of our readers are not aware of the facts in the case, and so we repeat them. During the early part of the legislature, Senator Jennings introduced a bridge bill, which it was thought would suit us if it could be made a law. Mr. King refrained from introducing a bill at the time because from a conference of a committee of our prominent citizens he learned that Jennings’ bill would do, and he and they thought best not to antagonize it by introducing another. The bill passed the house, but was defeated in the senate. By the time the fate of this bill was known, the session of the legislature was so far advanced that it was useless to introduce another bill, and it would have been folly to have done so. At the special session Mr. King introduced a bill, which a committee of the city sanctioned as the proper thing, and worked hard for its passage; but it too was defeated. The reason why is very simple. Senator Jennings, Mr. Greer, and Mr. Maurer worked diligently against it. The first is our senator; the remaining two, representatives from districts in this county. We ask who could accomplish the passing of our bridges on the county when the entire remaining delegation from Cowley County was against him? There is no man who could have accomplished the task undertaken by Mr. King.
In regard to sending a man from Arkansas City to the legislature who will do us some good, we will say that by sending Mr. King from this district, more good will be accomplished than by sending Mr. Schiffbauer. The Republican nominee is equally as brilliant, if not a great deal more so, than the Democratic nominee. Then why should the Republicans of Arkansas City disrupt their party by voting for a man who has been in every political organization known, except the prohibition, and has no fixed political principles governing him. He has been in the Republican party; he has been an Independent; he has been in the Labor party; and now he is in the Democratic, so he tells us. Perhaps he is by this time a full fledged “Irishman’s flee,” and will rest content until after the election. Quite likely then he will hop over to the prohibitionists. Again, should the Republicans of this city vote against Mr. King and elect his opponent, a chasm would be created between Arkansas City and the townships of the district. At present the townships and this town are in harmony, and we must keep them so. It is conceded that this district is Republican; and should Schiffbauer be elected, it would be by Republican votes. In the Republican nominating convention, the delegates from the county, excepting Bolton Township, were solid for King and against the gentleman brought out by the city. We might sometime in the future desire to ask for railroad bonds from the townships which are urging Mr. King forward very strongly, and then we would be told to get our favors at the hands of the Democracy. Republicans, we cannot afford to allow this breach to be made. It behooves us all to get out and labor for Mr. King’s election or else we will kill the goose that lays the golden egg. Our prosperity today is principally due to the aid which the surrounding townships have extended us.
Further, if Mr. Schiffbauer should by a chance be elected, what could he do for Arkansas City in a Republican legislature? He would be sent there as a Democrat. His principles would not be in accordance with the powers that be and therefore he would gain no recognition. Mr. King, as before, would be placed on many important committees from the fact that he is a Republican and could there serve Arkansas City, his district, and the State to a greater advantage. Besides, his first term experience would place him on any equal footing with the majority of his brother legislators. In conclusion, we say to Republicans, work and vote for Hon. L. P. King for representative.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 23, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
The Republicans of this district might as well throw up the sponge. Jake Kreamer has gone to work to elect Mr. Schiffbauer representative. We are told Jake says he is promised the janitorship of the new city building for his labors. Jake’s services come high, but some people must have them.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 27, 1886.
Our first ward correspondent hits the nail on the head. There is a lack of confidence in the moral integrity of Mayor Schiffbauer, and this fact alone disqualifies him for the office he seeks. No word of suspicion is breathed against L. P. King, and he is the man to send to the legislature.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 27, 1886.
Why He Won’t Do.
ED. TRAVELER: I seem to be in the same box with yourself, in having a personal fondness for Mayor Schiffbauer, and yet not daring to vote for him. I like his broad gauge style, his level headedness, his audacity, and his aptitude for business. I readily accord that he has made a good mayor, and if our city should continue to grow and prosper and become opulent, Frank P. Schiffbauer must always be remembered as one of its early builders. This much is only due to our excellent friend.
But I do not like the misgivings in regard to the correctness of his intentions that I hear uttered on every hand. His ambition to represent this district in the legislature is not attributed to correct motives. It is thought he has a number of axes to grind, and that he is moved less by a desire to benefit his fellow citizens than in advancing his own fortunes. I will not repeat all the talk I hear about subsidies paid him by this corporation and that for public services rendered, because it is likely the facts to sustain imputations are not at hand, and if the suspicions are groundless, their publication would be injurious to an innocent man.
But there is told enough on the street, and by men who have known the Schiffbauer boys much longer than I have, to satisfy me that they do not enjoy the public confidence, and this is bad for a man who seeks political office. Where there is smoke, there is fire, is an old adage, and quite applicable in this case.
I can’t help thinking that Mr. Schiffbauer was guilty of a little trick in going before the democratic convention in a clandestine sort of way, and procuring the nomination before many of his republican friends knew of his intention. The first public intimation of his flop over was published in the Democrat one day, and the next day his nomination for the legislature was made. This looks as much like fixing up things that it carries the air of suspicion along. Furthermore, even if he should be elected, he will form one of a small and insignificant minority in our law making body that will have no influence, and his active qualities will be neutralized by the misfortune of his being on the wrong side.
To sum up. He does not possess the confidence of his fellow citizens; he is too unstable, veering around on expediency, or as the breath of public opinion directs; and he can accomplish no good for his constituents—whatever aims he may promote for himself, because of his being on the wrong side in politics.
For these good and sufficient reasons, I shall give my vote for L. P. King. He at least is stable and consistent. We know where he stands today, and we have a moral assurance that he will occupy the same position while in the performance of his duties. He may not be brilliant, but he is honest, diligent, and always attentive to the wants of his district. His merit lies in being a safe man, and such an one is the man to support at the polls. In the townships he is sure of a large majority, and it will be to the interest of republicans in the city to vote the same way. FIRST WARDER. ARKANSAS CITY, Oct. 25th, 1886.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 27, 1886.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 30, 1886. From Saturday’s Daily.
The Democrat advises its readers to vote for Schiffbauer because he will represent Arkansas City, if he should be elected. If we know anything about matters, the voters of this district do not want a man in the legislature that will represent only a portion of it. They want a man who will represent the district entire. It sounds strange though, to hear the Democrat say now, “Vote for Schiffbauer for representative,” when two years ago it said “vote against Schiffbauer for mayor because he sold the city out to O’Neil.” Does placing Mr. Schiffbauer on the Democratic ticket make an honest man of him?
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 30, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
There is an old but truthful saying that sometimes you can best get rid of a man in office by placing him in another. This seems to be the case with Mayor Schiffbauer, judging from the men who are seeking his election to representative. Many claim Mr. Schiffbauer makes a good mayor; we think it poor policy to spoil a good mayor to make a poor representative, especially when there are so many valuable city franchises to be bestowed in the near future upon someone.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 30, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
F. P. Schiffbauer is a political will-o-wisp. He has led his following into all parties, except the prohibition. Like Mr. Schiffbauer, they have dodged around until they have settled for the time-being in the Democratic camp. Mr. Schiffbauer is also very ambitious. He desires to hold public office, no matter whether there be any salary attached or not. Men who are so desirous of office are the ones to keep out. They are not to be trusted. As a rule, they have too many axes of a personal nature to grind.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 30, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Some Democrats claim that if F. P. Schiffbauer should be elected representative, he will accomplish great good in regard to our bridges. Let us see. Some time ago the West Arkansas River Bridge was taken into the city limits, so that the burden of its repairs would not fall so heavily on the shoulders of our merchants. What has he done for the bridge? He has never ordered any repairs, although it has needed them several times. As usual, the merchants have had to go down in their pockets and have the bridge made passable. Mr. Schiffbauer’s bridge record is not very bright, and it will be made no brighter by sending him to the legislature.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 30, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Our contemporary, the REPUBLICAN, continues to pour forth its pot-house slang and abuse on the democratic candidates. Democrat.
Hush, Charles. You know the above is untrue. We have slanged no one, and don’t intend to. We have only referred you to the inconsistency of the course your journal has pursued. You told your readers that Mr. Schiffbauer two years ago sold the city out on the water works franchise. You have never taken that charge back, although you say now Mr. Schiffbauer is such a good man. Explain, Charlie, how you can flop so suddenly. You are certainly as great a political acrobat as Mr. Schiffbauer.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 30, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Frank Schiffbauer is the man of all men in the county who has stood by the people and thwarted no action or move that was elevating in design and principle, and that led to the advancement of the public good. We recognize in him a leader with no other purpose than laboring for laws that will place the employer and employee on a more equilibrium basis.
We would refer our cotemporary to the Knights of Labor of this city on the labor question. They can tell some interesting facts. How Mr. Schiffbauer said to them: “Boys, elect me mayor, and I will see the water works franchise is granted to no one but who will employ home laborers.” The boys had faith in his promises. They did as he asked. They fulfilled their part of the agreement. Did Mr. Schiffbauer fulfill his? No. Ask the Knights of Labor and their reply will be “No.” We all know the franchise was granted to the Inter-State Gas Company. We further know that our home laborers, although asking for work and needing it badly, were denied. That the Inter-State Gas Company brought in laborers to lay the mains and do all the work that the laborers of Arkansas City could do. When Mr. Schiffbauer’s attention was directed to this state of affairs by a petition from the Knights of Labor, what did he do? Nothing. He completely went back on the boys that had put him in power, and they won’t forget him. Oh, yes; Mr. Schiffbauer always stands by the people, as long as there are any personal gains to be obtained.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 30, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
The Democrats will have their wind-up rally Monday evening, November 1, in Highland Opera House. The following personages will deliver addresses: Col. Forsyth, Amos Walton, Miss Ella Kelly, and F. P. Schiffbauer. This is a sleek scheme of the Democracy to ring in an entertainment of this kind on the eve of election. They will make some startling (?) charges, no doubt, thinking the opposition will have no chance to answer. But the voters are not to be misled by any such proceedings. They have their minds made up.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 30, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
As Mayor of this city, Mr. Schiffbauer has established a reputation that the foul and slimy attacks of the REPUBLICAN can never tarnish. Democrat.
Yes, Mr. Schiffbauer has a reputation as a Mayor of Arkansas City, but it is not a good one by any means. The Democrat two years ago helped to establish his record. It branded him every foul name known to its vocabulary. Mr. Schiffbauer’s record reads about as follows.
Elected mayor of this city by the labor vote, per agreement, to give them work, which he did not do nor try to. He imposed a city attorney upon us for months who by his ignorance was detrimental to the city’s interest because he was a relative of his “honor.” He caused us to have our present system of water works, which we will find in the future that they will be a burden on us in order to secure protection from fire. As it is now, it costs $3,000 annually to protect the business portion. By the time fire plugs are scattered all over the city, at the exorbitant price stipulated in the franchise, in order to protect residences, we will be paying about $9,000 annually for water works, which should not cost more than two thirds that sum. Under Mayor Schiffbauer’s reign, we have houses of ill fame, running in full blast in the upstairs of a number of our business houses. They pay once in a great while a $10 fine. We also have numerous “joints” running in the city in full blast under Mr. Schiffbauer’s reign. Oh, he has a record not to be tarnished. There is no doubt of it. It is a grand one, but one that will not do to appear in public print.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 3, 1886.
A Light Vote Cast and a Close Run.
Cal. Swarts Leads the Ticket—and Miss Kelly Close on his Heels.
The canvass of the county officers has been quite animated in this county during the past month, and there has been a wasteful expenditure of breath in the endeavor to land support to this candidate or the other. In this city but slight interest was aroused, as all classes were busy with their various pursuits, and the appeals of the ins and outs fell generally on unheeding ears.
Cal. Swarts, being a home institution, was supposed to have great weight with his fellow townsmen, and his election as county attorney was set down as a dead certainty. The appeals of his democratic rival for support were, therefore, of slight avail, and no popular rivalry was aroused over the contest.
Amos Walton made a stout fight for the probate judgeship, and diligently worked the county for aid to send him there. But Capt. Tansey was popular with the boys in blue, whose votes count in a close contest, and as he was well supported in Winfield and in the rural districts, it was considered that the ex-commissioner was waging a losing fight.
S. F. Overman had the worst fight in being pitted against a woman. He is a quiet citizen, competent as a schoolman, and very properly aspiring to the superintendency as a prize open to any person to whom the people may award it. On the opposite side was an ambitious schoolmarm who claimed the office in virtue of her sex, and swore by the great horn spoon she would have it let what would stand in the way. Her claim was regarded as reasonable by the republicans, and they offered to place her name before the convention if she would abide by the result. But woman in her willful moods is not bound by rules, and Miss Kelly avowed her intention to keep the course whether the nominee of the republicans or not. They dropped so impracticable a candidate, and the prohibitionists took her up, and from them by an easy movement she fell into the arms of the democrats.
The representative canvass was made lively by the intrusion of Frank P. Schiffbauer into the democratic fold. With untiring energy and vaulting ambition, he combines a lack of moral restraint that makes him a troublesome rival to encounter. L. P. King, the republican candidate, was wanting in his opponent’s alertness and elan, but he possessed the solid qualities of honesty and moral aplomb, and this was expected to give him strength at the polls.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 3, 1886.
The Unterrified Have a Love Feast and Comfort Each Other.
That democratic rally on Monday evening drew a large crowd together, but most of those in attendance seemed to regard it as a free entertainment, and were coming and going during the entire evening. The Arkansas City Band gave some fine music, which was the best part of the evening’s proceedings. Judge McIntire was called to the chair, which shows that
are the sport of circumstances when
seem the sport of men.
A year or so ago this same venerable journalist presided at a meeting called to sit down upon and utterly extinguish Frank P. Schiffbauer, and now we find him lending his benign countenance to aid this ambitious young man’s advancement.
The first person called on to speak was a Winfield man, Col. Forsythe, the democratic candidate for county attorney, who made a heavy political argument condemning monopoly in favor of a revised tariff and lauding democratic principles generally. The gentleman’s talk was thoroughly orthodox, but terribly prolix, and his points were not well made. He told about a Minnesota or Dakota farmer, with his wife and family, freezing to death on their beds during a blizzard, charging this tragedy upon republican maladministration. If he had gone on and charged the Charleston calamity, where that city was wrecked by a cyclone and scores of its inhabitants killed, to democratic misgovernment, he would, at least, have shown the merit of consistency. Such wearisome talk as this Winfield orator inflicted on his audience does not make votes, and it is a wonder that politicians seeking office have not arrived at a knowledge of the fact.
Mayor Schiffbauer was the next speaker, who is always entertaining, whether or not he has rhyme or reason. He impressed on the minds of his hearers that he was a candidate for a seat in the legislature, and he gave a list of the laws he should endeavor to have passed in the interest of the 60th district. He forgot to mention that having ranged himself on the wrong side in politics, he would, if elected, belong to an insignificant minority; that he would have no influence in the committee room, and on a division in the house his vote could be thrown away. Mr. King he spoke of in the most disparaging terms, but that gentlemen being the choice of the voters of this district, the opinion entertained of him by a rival aspirant for legislative honors probably does not disturb his rest o’nights.
Having used up Mr. King, the vivacious speaker next turned his attention to the editor of the Republican, whom he vivisected and phlebotomized in a merciless and unrelenting manner. Our honorable mayor shows readiness and aptitude at this style of controversy, and his lively sallies were keenly enjoyed by a portion of his audience. He then turned his more kindly nature toward the audience by speaking in the most commendatory tones of the democratic county ticket, and then gave up his place on the platform to
an ambitious aspirant to the office of probate judge. But Amos came in at an unfortunate time. The two preceding speakers had exhausted the patience of the audience, and when Mr. Walton began to unfold the iniquity of levying a tax of $2 per 1,000 feet on foreign lumber and taxing the poor man’s salt, those stale diatribes acted on the crowd like the reading of the riot act, and he soon emptied half the benches.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 6, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
The Election.
Yesterday in Arkansas City was an unusually quiet one for election day. Drunks were few and far between, although representatives of the rival candidates were out in full force. The vote in the city was hardly a half of a full vote. Scratching was the principal feature of the voting. Cal. Swarts received the largest number of votes in the city, and will likely do the same in the county. The principal fight was on representative, and Mr. Schiffbauer, the Democratic nominee, who usually has a walk-away in the city, had his majority cut down to 66 votes. This was due largely to the laboring men of the city voting against him. They worked faithfully for his defeat, and assisted very materially in accomplishing it in the district. The following is the vote in the city.
For Governor: Martin, 75; Moonlight, 73.
For Associate Justice: Valentine, 85; Whitelaw, 71.
For Congress: Perkins, 80; Bacon, 70.
For Representative: King, 70; Schiffbauer, 82.
Clerk District Court: Ed Pate, 81; Roberts, 69.
Probate Judge: Tansey, 62; Walton, 90.
County Attorney: Swarts, 86; to fill vacancy, 80; Forsyth, 64; to fill vacancy, 63; Henry Asp, 1.
County Superintendent: Overman, 71; Kelly, 89.
Judicial Amendment: Against, 71; For, 72.
For Governor: Martin, 83; Moonlight, 90.
Associate Justice: Valentine, 90; Whitelaw, 83.
Judicial Amendment: Against, 80; For, 20.
Congress: Perkins, 80; Bacon, 84.
Representative: King, 70; Schiffbauer, 100.
Probate Judge: Tansey, 70; Walton, 104.
Clerk: Pate, 91; Roberts, 82.
County Attorney: Swarts, 92; to fill vacancy, 93; Forsyth, 82; to fill vacancy, 78.
Superintendent: Overman, 70; Kelly, 99.
For Governor: Martin, 51; Moonlight, 63.
Associate Justice: Valentine, 53; Whitelaw, 62.
Judicial Amendment: For, 50; Against, 65.
Congress: Perkins, 53; Bacon, 62.
Representative: King, 30; Schiffbauer, 81.
Probate Judge: Tansey, 40; Walton, 76.
Clerk: Pate, 50; Roberts, 64.
County Attorney: Swarts, 58; to fill vacancy, 58; Forsyth, 58; to fill vacancy, 58.
Superintendent: Overman, 40; Kelly, 77.
For Governor: Martin, 122; Moonlight, 75.
Associate Justice: Valentine, 125; Whitelaw, 72.
Congress: Perkins, 122; Bacon, 75.
Representative: King, 100; Schiffbauer, 83.
Clerk: Pate, 126; Roberts, 72.
Probate Judge: Tansey, 107; Walton 89.
County Attorney: Swarts, 131; Forsyth, 71.
Superintendent: Overman, 114; Kelly, 92.
The prohibition vote was small. In the city entire it amounted to between 30 and 40 votes.
Martin 361
Moonlight 301
Valentine 353
Whitelaw 301
Against Amendment 346
For Amendment 208
Frank P. Schiffbauer 346
L. P. King 280
Amos Walton 359
W. E. Tansey 270
Miss Ella Kelly 357
S. F. Overman 200
Calvin L. Swarts 366
C. I. Forsyth 180
For Governor: Martin, 83; Moonlight, 65.
Associate Justice: Valentine, 85; Whitelaw, 68.
Judicial Amendment: For, 20; Against, 120.
Congress: Perkins, 82; Bacon 66.
Representative: King, 88; Schiffbauer, 52.
Probate Judge: Tansey, 71; Walton, 76.
Clerk: Pate, 82; Roberts, 67.
County Attorney: Swarts, 79; Forsyth, 68.
Superintendent: Overman, 72; Kelly, 72.
For Governor: Martin, 150; Moonlight, 83.
Associate Justice: Valentine, 123; Whitelaw, 82.
Judicial Amendment: Against, 136; For, 86.
Congress: Perkins, 151; Bacon, 82.
Representative: King, 146; Schiffbauer, 76.
Probate Judge: Tansey, 142; Walton, 90.
Clerk: Pate, 154; Roberts, 80.
County Attorney: Swarts, 150; to fill vacancy, 149; Forsyth, 81; to fill vacancy, 2.
Superintendent: Overman, 109; Kelly, 116.
Cal Swarts will be elected county attorney by a handsome majority. Arkansas City gave him a substantial compliment by her solid vote for him yesterday.
Bolton Township shows the scratching proclivities of voters. It gave Tansey, Republican, 24 majority; and Schiffbauer, Democrat, 24, a difference of 48 votes.
The Republican nominee, J. F. Martin, was defeated yesterday in the 59th district by the Hackney-Courier gang; and John Eaton was elected by a majority of 45 votes.
F. M. Vaughn was re-elected trustee of Creswell Township by nine majority over N. W. Kimmel.
Amos Walton polled a larger vote in Arkansas City than John A. Martin. Amos ran ahead of his ticket.
Come to think of it, we would just as leave be called a pauper and narrow contracted across the chest as being a defeated candidate.
Miss Kelly, from the best reports obtainable, will be the next superintendent of public instruction of Cowley County. Her majority is estimated from 500 to 1,000.
Bolton Township elected the following officers:
J. A. Scott, trustee; John Sturtz, clerk; C. G. Furry and W. S. Voris, justices of the peace; J. C. Preston and S. Christy, constables.
S. I. Perring was elected trustee of Silverdale Township yesterday; Joel Lewis, treasurer; E. Scott, clerk; Justice of the peace, Ed Powers, and constables, Jack Paugh and Wm. Miller.
John Shroeves was elected trustee of Spring Creek Township; J. F. Thomas, clerk; A. Woods, treasurer; Josiah Johnson, justice of the peace; Charles Gilkey and Eugene Tooman, constables.
Creswell Township elected the following officers.
Trustee, F. M. Vaughn; clerk, E. F. Green; treasurer, G. W. Ramage; justices of the peace, J. B. Guyer and W. Allen; constables, W. C. Guyer and B. Somerville.
Amos Walton, for probate judge, gave Capt. Tansey a mighty close run, but it is conceded by Democrats the last named has gotten there by a small majority. Mr. Walton carried this city by 80 majority. He and Miss Kelly ran ahead of their ticket. It begins to look as if Arkansas City was mighty close to being captured by the democracy.
Returns of the district are not all in yet, but we feel safe in saying Hon. L. P. King’s majority over Mr. Schiffbauer is in the neighborhood of 100. Bolton Township and Arkansas City were the only places that gave the Democratic nominee majorities; in the two, the majority was 90, Creswell gave King a majority of 70; Beaver, 35; Silverdale, 32; Spring Creek, 10; Liberty, 30; Grant, 26.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 6, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Mr. Schiffbauer, Independent candidate for the legislature, two years ago, and Mr. Harkleroad, Democratic, combined, had a majority over Mr. King, Republican, of 98 votes in the city and in Creswell Township. Tuesday Mr. King in his re-election received a majority of 19 votes in the city and township.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1886.
59th District. Jas. F. Martin, 821; John A. Eaton, 942. Eaton’s majority: 91.
60th District. L. P. King, 1,076; F. P. Schiffbauer, 935; T. V. McConn, 67. King’s majority, 141.
61st District. J. D. Maurer, 1,015; A. M. Newman, 583. Maurer’s majority: 482.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 13, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
The Official Footings.
L. P. King, 1,076; F. P. Schiffbauer, 935; T. V. McConn, 67.
King’s plurality, 141; majority over all, 64.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 1, 1886.
$100,000 Expended in Furnishing the Vital Element.
A Contract with the City Honestly Carried Out and Well Performed.
The Reservoir, the Pumphouse, the Standpipe, and the System of Mains Described.
When the proposition of Messrs. Plate and Quigley, representing the Inter-State Gas Co., of St. Louis, to furnish this city with a water supply was before our citizens, the assurance was given by those gentlemen, and Mayor Schiffbauer confirmed their declaration, that, if the franchise was given them to build a water works system, a more extended service would be provided and more money expended than the instrument framed by the city council called for. After long deliberation and the starting of many objections, the charter to build a system of water works was granted the above company, and early in the summer season they set about their undertaking. A site for the standpipe was purchased on Fourth Avenue (near Eighth Street) and the fit place for the erection of the pumphouse being designated at the springs, on the west side of town, the work of excavating the rock and walling in a reservoir was promptly set about. The system of water mains was designated in the city ordinance; a 10 inch pipe from the pump house to the standpipe; an 8 inch pipe laid along Summit Street, and the two parallel streets immediately east and west, extending from Third Avenue to Ninth; and 6 inch pipes laid transversely through the city along the intermediate avenues. Fifty fire plugs were also to be set up, at points designated by the city council, for each of which an annual rental of $60 is charged, aggregating $3,000 a year.
But while this system of pipes was being laid, this city took on a boom, and the building industry was plied so vigorously, that an extension of the water service became an immediate necessity. To meet this want a supplementary charter was granted, providing for the laying of three miles more of main pipe and the setting of 50 additional hydrants, at the above named rental, with the provision that the free use to the city of one-half of these additional hydrants shall be given for two years. The pipe to make this extension is now arriving, and will be laid this fall, weather permitting. The main on Summit Street will be carried south to the cracker factory, and that on Fourth Avenue east to the Santa Fe depot. The service will be extended laterally two streets east and two west, that is, from Sixth to Fourth Street, and from Eighth to Tenth; and transversely to Third Avenue on the south, and to Eleventh Avenue on the north. The mains so far as laid were subjected to an “overpowering pressure,” which developed all the weak places. The defective pipes were replaced with others, and now the street service is in effective condition.
is built on a rock, and is designed to last through succeeding generations. Its exterior is a model of compactness, solidity, and symmetry. It has a frontage of 32 feet, facing westward, and a depth of 64 feet, being built on the walls of the reservoir. In the engine room two steel boilers are erected, made by the Pond Engineering Co., of Dayton, Ohio, having a total length of 18 feet, and a depth of 552 inches. Each is perforated with 32 flues. By means of a Lowe heater, the water is poured into these boilers at a temperature but a few degrees below boiling heat, thus economizing fuel, and rendering but thirty minutes working of the pumps per day necessary to supply the ordinary wants of the city. The consumption of coal is but 500 lbs. A day. Adjoining the boiler room on the west is the pump house, a handsomely designed apartment, 32 feet square, elaborately finished with frieze work around the walls, the ceiling paneled with heavy moulding, the latter tinted and gilt. The spacious doors are surmounted with transoms, which admit the light through cathedral glass; and handsome fresco painting adorns the ceiling and walls. The wood is grained as cherry and varnished. The floor is laid with cement and cut diamond shape in imitation of stone. In this room are two pair of Blake compound duplex pumps, with a capacity of drawing 2,000,000 gallons in 24 hours. This is far in excess of our present wants, but the whole system is adapted to a city population of 40,000 people. The upstairs apartments are unfinished, but they are being fitted up for an office 15 by 30 feet; and two roomy and elegant bed chambers. They are approached by a well built stair case, with handsome newels and banisters. The entire building will be heated by steam. Admirable taste has been displayed in designing this building; the exterior impressing the eye with its compactness and solidity and the interior pleasing the taste with its elegance of detail.
The lots owned by the Arkansas City Water Co., have a frontage of 100 feet and a depth of 132 feet. This will be enclosed with ornamental iron railing, and the surface raised eight feet to a level with the building. Upon this will be spread a coat of black mold, and blue grass sown to produce a lawn. Gravel walks will divide the herbage into parterres, fountains will keep the grass green, and shade trees will be planted to add to the scenic effect. Mr. Quigley has frequently said that he intended to make his pump house and grounds an ornament to the city, and his taste and liberality will certainly redeem his promise.
It is known to our readers that this enterprise is now distinct from its parent institution. The Inter-State Gas Co., being organized as a home company, with its officers and directors resident in this city.
The sum of $100,000 has been expended in providing this water supply; and its cost to the city for fire protection is $1,500 a year. This is an onerous tax, but the choice was between that or nothing. But the risk of loss by fire being so much reduced, a vigorous kick again at the present rates of insurance should be made by property holders to bring underwriters who have risks here to make an equitable reduction in their taxes.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 8, 1886.
A Woman Shot.
A shooting scrape took place in the second ward, near the Santa Fe depot yesterday morning. A report that a woman had been murdered took the mayor, the city marshal, and Dick Courtwright to the spot, and on entering the house where the drama was enacting, the officials found a man with a pistol in his hand, a woman lying on a bed with a bullet hole through her body, and a second woman contemplating the scene. A crowd followed the officers, but at the request of the inmates they were cleared out, and Courtwright guarded the door from further intrusion. All declared that the shooting was accidental. Drs. J. Vawter and Robison were promptly in attendance, who on examination found the ball had entered the left breast just below the nipple and ranging downward has passed out of the back, then perforated a pillow, passed through the head board, and struck the wall. When picked up particles of bone were imbedded in it, which came from a fractured rib. This “didn’t mean to do it” story was spoilt by a young man who informed Mayor Schiffbauer that he was present at the shooting and attempted to take the weapon from the shootist’s hands. The parties were man and wife, named Mason, intemperate in their habits and living unhappily together. The man was arrested, and the injured woman properly cared for. The wound is a serious one, but is not regarded as fatal.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 8, 1886.
A Method Suggested for Meeting the Pressing Want.
The inclement season is upon us, and our city officers tell of severe suffering already existing in our midst. Thousands of men who have been working on the Southern Kansas grade in the Territory, many of them accompanied by their families, will have to find shelter and other employment as the various contracts give out, and already a number have come in through sickness or other causes. These people can find no vacant tenement to occupy, and some of them are entirely without means. Their resort is to the city for aid, and no funds are provided for their relief. The only resort is to send them to the county poor house, which is a degrading way of treating indigent persons who are willing to work for their own support.
Last winter the attention of the council was occupied at every session in auditing bills for coal and other necessaries furnished to relieve pressing and immediate want. The mayor would explain the urgency of the case; some widow with a cold hearth and empty cupboard and her children crying for bread. Or the husband and father may be sick, and medical attendance and the care of nurse are needed. Mayor Schiffbauer would follow up his statement with the declaration, “When a mother comes to me with the story that her babies are suffering for fuel and food, I haven’t the heart to refuse her, and if the council will not pay the bill, I will.” Sometimes our city fathers felt themselves constrained to disallow these bills, and the city almoner paid them from his own pocket. Mayor Schiffbauer says his charity cost him $300 last winter, and he will regard himself as fortunate (or obdurate) if he gets through the present winter with no greater outlay.
talking this matter over a day or two ago with City Clerk Benedict, and the
marshal with his assistant, Frank Thompson, they urged the necessity of
establishing a city hospital where the sick can be cared for at less cost than
attends our present want of system. They mentioned the case of McGibbon, a
grader now sick and on the hands of the city, the bill for whose care amounts
to $100. Another indigent patient, named Shoal, who was boarded and nursed at
the Central Avenue Hotel, incurred a public expense of $150. A Mexican died at
the Leland Hotel some time ago, who was long under the care of the doctor, and
the bill presented to the council for this care was $80. These bills are
referred to the appropriate committees, they come up again to be scaled down,
they are then approved and sent to the county commissioners for their
consideration. Yet costly as this business is, the beneficiaries receive but
perfunctory and inadequate care, and much suffering is endured which might be
In another column the sad story is told of a poor wretched woman with two helpless babes taking refuge in a cellar, and dying unattended at a time of extreme peril, leaving a new born babe survivor. Such a terrible reproach to the city, and yet there are hundreds of kind hearted ladies in our community who would cheerfully have administered to her wants, if they had only known of the destitution of their friendless sister. There is no need for such want where willing hands are ready to afford relief, and it is a duty incumbent on all alike to see that such a tragedy is not repeated.
Destitution in our city is likely to be severe and widespread this winter, and now is the time for adequate provision to be made to meet it. It is not fair to cast the burden on the city officers, this is a service in which all should bear a part. The ladies of the various aid societies in our city are assiduous in hunting up cases of destitution, and are equally prompt in supplying aid. But their machinery is ineffective for dealing with distress on a large scale, and they have not the means at hand to extend charity to any large amount. They need the cooperation of their husbands and businessmen generally, who can comprehend the nature and extent of the exigency they have before them, and who are able to provide the means to deal with it effectively.
A lady correspondent makes this useful suggestion: “In my family enough old garments could be gathered up to clothe two or three persons comfortably, and I am sure that in hundreds of other households as much serviceable clothing could be gathered. My idea is to engage some storeroom where these supplies could be received, and invite their donation through the pulpit and the city press. I believe there are charitable ladies enough in this city willing to devote a portion of their time to the custody of these goods and to there distribution to the suffering and needy. No expense need attend this charitable work, and with the use of proper business methods, it might be made to work a great deal of good.”
The suffering likely to be endured in this city the present winter from poverty and sickness we have heard discussed in several households; and we trust that the energy and business ability of our wives and mothers will be applied to the useful and urgent work that lies before them.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 18, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Mayor Schiffbauer informs us that Pan Handle surveyors are out, looking up the route from Reece to Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 18, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
H. Brenner has sold his post tradership at Kaw Agency to Robt. Puckett. And now Branham & Schiffbauer, at Osage, have sold to Mr. Brenner.
[Note: The next article points out Mayor Schiffbauer. It is followed by another pertinent article about jointists wherein Schiffbauer is not named. MAW]
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 22, 1886.
A Slight Overhauling of the Social Abominations in our City.
The violation of the prohibition law and the demoralization that is spreading through our community in consequence of the flagrant disregard of law are topics that engage every tongue. Some of our citizens who profess to speak from personal knowledge, declare that we have dives now open in our city, which are the centres of dissipation and debauchery, as unblushing and menacing to the public welfare as ever existed in the border towns of this state during their palmy days. The evil has long existed; it has been recognized as a public scandal; it has been cited in other localities as a reproach to our city. But these lawbreakers have been allowed to pursue their unholy callings unchecked; they have derived their support from lawless characters who naturally gravitate to such sinks of iniquity, until this dangerous element has acquired force and cohesion; and now the better class of our citizens have a work of purification on their hands, which will require resolution and unity of purpose to consummate.
The question is naturally asked, what is our city government about that this bad state of things is not corrected? Our mayor is not lacking in enterprise and astuteness; our police force has been strengthened lately in order to deal efficiently with the hard cases who make this city their resort; and the machinery of the courts is certainly competent to deal out justice to offenders. But complaint is made that Mayor Schiffbauer is remiss in the performance of his duty; that he is unreserved in his condemnation of the prohibition law—believing it the legislative work of purists and fanatics—and openly scoffs at all attempts to provide for the efficient administration of our city affairs. He is naturally interested in the method of raising a sufficient revenue, and meeting all demands on the city exchequer. His talk to all his friends is that the income to be derived from high license far exceeds the amount that can be raised by the occupation tax; the use of liquors as a beverage cannot be abolished, and it is the sheerest absurdity to close the saloons and yet allow the traffic to go on under gauzy disguises. With this feeling in his mind the mayor seems to forget that he is merely an executive officer; that the laws are made by another power, and that it is his duty to administer them fairly.
The members of the council appear to be affected with a similar indifference. In a recent meeting of that body, Councilman Hill called attention to the lax manner in which offenders were dealt with by the city magistrate, trifling fines being imposed where heavy penalties are prescribed in the city ordinance. Judge Bryant, being present in the council chamber, explained that he was acting under orders from some of our municipal officers, and felt himself hampered in the performance of duty by some sort of circular combination closed around him. This officer seems to forget that he is elected by the people, and that his responsibility is solely due to them. Of this fact he was admonished by the councilman from the first ward, who to strengthen the magistrate’s hands, offered a resolution that when dealing with habitual offenders against certain city ordinances, the police just be instructed to impose the full penalty prescribed. But not a second could be obtained to the resolution.
In another column briefly reporting the trial of a jointist, named Gant, in Justice Lindsay’s court, a whole array of suggestive developments was made which our citizens may peruse with profit. This young man had been keeping a clandestine bar on an upper floor on Summit Street for five months, and during this time he had given in the way of fines (or hush money) $512. Councilman Thompson visited his saloon every month, with the regularity of a landlord receiving his rent, collected his little bill ($100 it appears in this case), and the saloonist supposed this gave immunity to his illicit trade. Nine joints are reported in the city, which pay a monthly bonus or divvy of $50 to Capt. Thompson. These transactions are entered in no book, but we have Judge Bryant’s statement that the $50 fine is paid over to him in each case, and by him covered into the city treasury; the odd $2 being divided between himself and the collector as a sort of balm to the conscience.
How many houses of ill fame (under their various disguises) are running in this city, we have no official record. These scurvy establishments are under the management of Marshal Gray, who also makes his monthly rounds, and collects $10 from every courtesan he meets. This, we are also to suppose, finds its way into the city treasury, through the hands of the police justice.
It will be remembered that when Judge Bryant entered on his duties nearly two years ago, he incurred the severe displeasure of the mayor and our city council because he failed to make his collections pay the expenses of his office. Swashbuckler bravos might incarnadine the town, and in the mere exuberance of imbibed spirits, fire their revolvers at random. Judge Bryant’s mulct would be a dollar and costs. Young men of a sportive turn of mind could have lots of fun at a very trifling expense. His judgement was impugned by his censors, but his friends urged in defense that he had a heart as big as a quarter of beef. Councilman Davis, having less regard for sentiment than the speedy redemption of outstanding city scrip, put his sole foot down on “this monkey business,” as he termed it, and peremptorily ordered the police judge to cinch every mother’s son that came before him.
Sources of city revenue are more abundant now, and Judge Bryant’s office pays a snug little subsidy to the city. But what assurance have we that all the fines professedly paid, into his hands, find their way into the city treasury? The jointists, the prostitutes, and the gamblers, an immaculate class of which the city may be proud, are all willing to pay liberal charges if this will secure them immunity from disturbance. Such an arrangement seems like compounding a felony; but if the wages of sin are to be paid in coin, certainly it should be honestly applied to public uses.
But this whole method of dealing with law breakers stands condemned on the face of it. It is too much like a family arrangement. Our city officers are not paid to encourage evil doers by dividing profit with them, and evidently they are ashamed of the business by their endeavors to hide their dealings from the public view. The effect is baleful and is daily growing worse. It is the duty of the city council to make diligent quest into this matter, to inform themselves why these contraband liquor dealers, these lewd women, and these festive spirits on the green are not rigorously hunted up, effectually rooted out, and their carnal houses abolished. Let the city be purged of its present infamy. According to our understanding of the matter, every member of the city government owes it to his good report to deliver himself from this disgraceful condition of things.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 22, 1886.
A Jointist Property Dealt With.
Justice S. C. Lindsay, on Monday, disposed of the state case against Frank Gant, by fining him $300 and costs and sending him to the county jail for 60 days. This very stylish young man has been keeping a joint over the old Occidental Hotel for the last four months, during which time he claims he has paid upwards of $400 to the city in the way of fines, or hush money. Capt. Thompson would visit him every month, and collect a contribution, for which no receipt was given, but it was understood that it protected him from arrest. His crooked business becoming known to County Attorney Swarts, this official, on the 14th inst., made complaint to ‘Squire Lindsay, and the following day he was arrested by the Sheriff. The trial came off on Saturday, a jury being summoned to try the case. By arrangement with the prosecuting officer, two of the four counts were withdrawn and the accused pleaded guilty to the other two. What made the case dead against him, was his dispensing his contraband beverages to Sheriff McIntire, he not knowing his customer. His confession of guilt rendered the services of the jury unnecessary, and the long string of witnesses subpoenaed by the prosecution were not called on to testify. And another annoying circumstance in the case, he had paid his monthly fine to Capt. Thompson the very morning he was taken in. Justice Lindsay dealt out to him the cold letter of the law. The young man seemed to be flush with money, and made light of the fine and the $70 costs; but going to jail for two months was repugnant to his delicate susceptibilities, and he protested vehemently against the severity of the court.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 25, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
The Security Investment Company is a new real estate firm with office quarters in the room at the rear of No. 33 drug store. The company is composed of F. P. Schiffbauer, president; B. F. Childs, vice-president; H. D. Kellogg, treasurer; James Benedict, secretary; and C. G. Thompson. The capital stock is $25,000.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 29, 1886.
The Security Investment Co., chartered under the state laws, has commenced business in this city. Its office is on Fifth Avenue, in the rear of Kellogg & Chapel’s drug store. Following are the directors: C. G. Thompson, James Benedict, H. D. Kellogg, B. F. Childs, and Frank P. Schiffbauer. They loan money, buy securities, deal in real estate, and take life and fire insurance. The officers and directors are well known in our midst, have ripe business experience, and are sure to win success.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 29, 1886.
Mayor Schiffbauer returned to town on Sunday evening from his trip to Gray Horse, accompanied by his brother Charles and wife. Charles was associated with Mr. Branham in a tradership at Osage agency, and himself kept a branch store at Gray Horse. But some changes have recently taken place. Mr. Brenner, recent trader at Kaw, having sold his interest to D. R. Puckett, bought out Branham & Schiffbauer. Charles accordingly gave up his Gray Horse store and came to town, preferring to take his chances in a more active and stirring field. He will rest awhile, however, before embarking in business.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 29, 1886.
A Friendly Talk with the Police Judge and City Marshal.
The Easiest Way to Get Money Into the Treasury.
There is some feeling in the minds of several of our city officers, aroused by the article reflecting on their doings, contained in our last issue. Judge Bryant, whom we will mention first, takes exception to the portion that he feels reflects upon his honesty. He has lived many years in this community, he says, filling various relations in life, and this is the first time that any suspicion has been cast on his up-right dealing.
Not intending to deal out reproach where wrong doing was not proved, we requested his honor to point out the passage in the offending article which he understood to do him injustice.
He produced a copy of the TRAVELER, and after a careful hunt through its columns, pointed out the following paragraph.
“Sources of city revenue are more abundant now and Judge Bryant’s office pays a snug little revenue to the city. But what assurance have we that all the fines professedly paid into his hands, find their way into the city treasury?”
This he regarded as an allegation of dishonesty; an intimation that he might withhold to his own uses a portion of the money that came into his possession, and hence a gross and unwarranted injury.
We read the passage after the police justice, laying stress on the adverb “professedly.” “There is no reflection in this,” we remarked to the offended justice, “the fines (or this hush money) are professedly paid into your hands, but does this money really come into your possession?”
This stirred up City Marshal Gray, who was standing by listening to the colloquy. “You do not wish to intimate that I keep back any money, do you?”
“Gentlemen,” said the writer, “we must understand one another before we go any further in this business. I intimate no wrong doing, I allege no offense. As a newspaper man speaking in the interest of the citizens, I inveigh against this loose and irregular way of punishing misdemeanants. The marshal has no right to collect fines, no member of the city council has a right to usurp the justice’s functions.”
Judge Bryant: “Can’t I delegate the city marshal to act as my deputy?”
The writer: “No, sir; you are elected by the people to the office of police judge, and you cannot delegate your duties or responsibilities. If complaint is made to you that any man or woman is violating a city ordinance, it is your business to issue a warrant, have the offender brought into court; and if proved guilty, inflict a fine. The city marshal is not competent to convict an offender and assess a fine; and in all cases where this is done, he acts illegally and is liable to impeachment.”
Both Judge Bryant and Marshal Gray explained that they were under orders to collect money in this way, as the easiest method of dealing with offenders, and the most profitable to the city.
This writer (addressing the police justice): “Judge, from whom do you receive orders?”
His Honor hesitated, then candidly answered: “Well, the mayor.”
This writer: “You recognize the mayor as your official chief?”
Judge Bryant: “Well, not exactly.”
This writer: “Neither do the people of Arkansas City. You are elected to perform your functions, as the mayor is elected to perform his duties; and any attempt at dictation by one officer to another, is an act of usurpation, which should be resisted. The marshal holds an appointive office, and is naturally ready to comply with the commands of the power that gives him life. But he is also responsible for his acts, and he is not justified in obeying an improper order.”
The above conversation occurred in the police courtroom, and a crowd of idlers gathered about the colloquists.
Said one, “Do you suppose you could root out all the loose girls, if you were to raid them every once in awhile?”
This writer admitted his belief that it could not be done. But he would use proper efforts to restrain the evil, and punish by trial and conviction and not by levying blackmail.
“If you close the joints,” said another, “how are you going to support the city?”
This is Mayor Schiffbauer’s very practical argument, and it is evident he has infused his views into all the members of our city government, and into the minds of those who lounge about the city offices.
The question cannot be answered by a sentiment. Salaries are to be paid, the use of the hydrants also paid, the interest on the city indebtedness met, and the sinking fund laid away; and those who are present at the reading of the bills against the city at every meeting of the council know that there are a thousand and one expenses to meet. Five hundred dollars a month turned in by the police magistrate to the city treasurer helps matters along wonderfully. Orders issued by the city clerk are promptly met by the treasurer; there is no kicking by unpaid claimants and the mayor and council have an easy time.
But the system is wrong; it is illegal and iniquitous, and we are sowing the wind to reap the whirlwind. By colluding with lawlessness and riot, we are fostering a class in our city that will entail more mischief and expense than the city magistrate can reimburse during his whole term of office.
The advance in real estate comes in most opportunely to help our city fathers out of their financial difficulty. In the spring of 1885 the assessor’s rolls (in round figures) showed taxable property to the amount of $325,000; last spring the valuation was increased to $655,000. The city taxation is as follows.
For general purposes 12 mills
Bond fund 9 mills
Bridges 4 mills
Hydrants 5½ mills
Internal improvements 4 mills
Sinking fund 2 mills
School district 12 mills
School bonds 5 mills
This ought to pay the salaries and meet all other incidental expenses, and we have no doubt would, the money being judiciously disbursed. With these figures before us, we say there is no need to continue the present unlawful and degrading practice of colluding with law-breakers, and the TRAVELER, in behalf of an indignant and scandalized people, demands that the mode of dealing with offenders be reformed.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 29, 1886.
Mayor Schiffbauer started for St. Louis on Monday, his errand there being to buy furniture for the new city hall. The building will hardly be finished before the middle of next month.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 1, 1887. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Schiffbauer have arrived in the city from Osage Agency, Indian Territory, and will reside here. Mr. Schiffbauer has disposed of all his territory interests.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 1, 1887. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Chas. Schiffbauer tells us he had worn out two pairs of boots, one of shoes, and one of mocassins, tramping over town looking for a house to rent. No empty houses in Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 15, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
Chas. Schiffbauer purchased the Hugh Ford property in Leonard’s addition this morning for $2,000.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 22, 1887. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Mayor Schiffbauer has been delegated by the council to go to Topeka next Monday to meet with the delegates from all over the state and endeavor to secure needed legislation in behalf of cities of the second class. There are several laws which discriminate against cities of the second class. One of the most prominent which will receive attention is the law of assessment. The delegates desire that this law be changed so that lots, etc., in cities of the second class will be assessed annually instead of every two years, claiming that many additions are platted and lots sold while the property is assessed as farm property and taxes paid accordingly, when the assessment should be made as town lots. Assessments should also be made annually on account of the rapid increase in the valuation of lots. In this manner, the burden of taxes is hoped to be reduced in cities of the second class.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 29, 1887. From Saturday’s Daily.
Major Sleeth was appointed a delegate by the Business Men’s Club, at the meeting last evening, to go to Topeka Monday to attend the convention of delegates from cities of the second class. Mayor Schiffbauer has been delegated to go by the council.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 29, 1887. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Maj. Sleeth and Mayor Schiffbauer went to Topeka last evening to attend the meeting of the representatives of cities of the second class.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 29, 1887. From Thursday’s Daily.
Major Sleeth and Mayor Schiffbauer have returned from their trip to Topeka.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 29, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
From Mayor Schiffbauer we glean a brief report of what the convention, composed of delegates from cities of the second class, did at Topeka, the first of the week. A bill was prepared to assess the property annually all over the state. Another was gotten up for the annexation of more territory to cities of the second class. The council has the right to annex any acre property after 30 days notice. The owners should they desire can appeal to the county commissioners. Another was in regard to sewerage, allowing cities of the second class to establish sewer districts and to put in sewer systems, the cost to be taxed up to abutting property owners. The fourth bill prepared was in regard to the assessor; making him city enumerator and allowing him to register all legal voters in the city and at the conclusion of his work turn his books over to the city clerk. The above bills were examined and sanctioned by the house and senate committees and will be introduced and most likely made into laws.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 29, 1887.
Council Proceedings.
The council met in regular adjourned session Saturday night. Present: Mayor F. P. Schiffbauer, Councilmen Prescott, Thurston, Hight, Dean, Davis, and Ingersoll.
The allowance of bills was the first business which came up.
Bill of Tyler Desk Co., furniture, $335.10, allowed.
Bill of R. R. Co., $22.65, allowed.
Bill of Arkansas City REPUBLICAN on motion was referred back to printing committee with instructions to consult the city attorney.
Mr. Quigley asked for the franchise to establish a sewerage system and read an ordinance which he had prepared. It was taken up by sections and passed. Final action was postponed until next meeting in order that the council could become better informed upon the subject.
J. W. French asked for permission to use one-third of 5th Avenue in front of where he was building.
On motion adjourned.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 12, 1887.
AN EVEN $100,000.
A New Hotel Building to be Built in the Canal City and to Cost the Above Sum.
For some time past a scheme has been brewing among our businessmen to erect a $100,000 hotel building on the lots at the corner of 5th Avenue and 8th Street. It has now assumed definite shape and is ready to be made public. The enterprise is being pushed by F. P. Schiffbauer and J. B. Quigley and others. It is proposed to organize a stock company of $100,000 with the entire capital stock paid up. Over $50,000 of the stock was subscribed for yesterday and Mr. Schiffbauer informs us that he believes the required amount will be taken before Saturday night. He is pushing the enterprise with great energy and hopes to have the building done by the 1st day of January, 1888, and ready to accommodate the traveling public.
The proposed building is to be four stories high, stone, ruble work, and 120 x 150 feet with frontage on 4th Avenue and 8th Street. The site will consist of seven lots. The interior of the building is to be of the finest finish and supplied with all the modern conveniences known to the inventive genius of mankind. In style and architecture the structure will surpass any in the state of Kansas. In fact, it will be one of the most complete hotels in the west.
Work will be commenced on the building as soon as the necessary preliminary arrangements can be entered into and finished.
We are already supplied with one magnificent hotel, the Gladstone, costing some $60,000, but the projectors of the above scheme claim that it will be impossible to accommodate the public entire. Our city is growing rapidly and this year its boom will exceed that of any other city in the valley. Its present population will be doubled by the first of January next. Our boom has but barely begun.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 12, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
Council Proceedings.
The council met in regular adjourned meeting. Present, Mayor Schiffbauer; Councilmen Thompson, Prescott, Davis, Thurston, Hight, Hill, and Ingersoll.
The allowance of bills was the first business transacted and they were of minor importance.
The application of J. B. Wood for janitor of city building was read and placed on file.
A petition was presented, numerously signed by our citizens, asking that all auctioneers be relegated to one block east or west of Summit Street. It was ordered placed on file.
J. P. Farrar’s proposal to paint the roof of the city building for $60 was read and laid on the table.
The Committee on Public Improvement was ordered to look after shutters for the city building.
Ordinance No. 62, relating to occupation tax, was adopted. Ordinance No. 63 was read and laid over. Ordinance No. 64 was read and passed. This related to annexing new territory to the city. Ordinance 65 was read and referred to city attorney to be remodeled.
The referred bill of Wagner & Howard was allowed.
The vote of Monday was canvassed. There were 780 for and none against. On motion adjourned.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 26, 1887. From Saturday’s Daily.
From a private letter to Mayor Schiffbauer from W. V. Reece, president of the Kansas City & Pan Handle road, we glean the following: The prospects for the building of the road in early spring are good. “You have heard it said that big bodies move slowly and the Missouri Pacific is a big body. As soon as it is anything like fine weather, I will drive down and see you. In fact, I am holding myself in readiness to take engineers over the route between Reece and Arkansas City. I believe the steel rails for the road have been ordered.” The Pan Handle is materializing.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 26, 1887. From Tuesday’s Daily.
The council passed an ordinance last evening making it a finable offense for the owners of buildings wherein whiskey is sold. This is as it should be. If the jointist is fined, the man who rents him the building should be treated in the same manner. We would recommend that parties who visit houses of prostitution, as well as prostitutes, should be fined also.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 26, 1887. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Council Proceedings.
The regular meeting of the council occurred last evening. Present, Mayor Schiffbauer, Councilmen Ingersoll, Prescott, Thompson, Davis, and Hill.
The proposition to put iron shutters on the jail by Danks Bros., was read and on motion laid over till next meeting for consideration.
J. C. Topliff asked for quit-claim deed to lot 1, block 103; it was referred to city attorney.
The question of a market place was by motion referred to the sanitary committee to report next meeting.
Ordinance 65, an ordinance in regard to the sale of intoxicating liquors, was then read and by motion was passed and adopted.
The city attorney was ordered to go to Winfield and investigate the titles to city lots.
In the matter of the claim of Mr. Allison for damages, Mayor Schiffbauer and city attorney were appointed to investigate the same.
The city clerk was ordered to advertise for bids for the construction of sidewalks on 5th Avenue.
D. G. Carder was granted permission to occupy the usual space of the street for building purposes.
Councilman Davis asked that a culvert be put in at the foot of West Central Avenue. Referred to street and alley committee.
On motion the present janitor at the city building was retained.
On motion the council adjourned.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 5, 1887. From Monday’s Daily.
John Carney and family, of Kansas City, have located in our city. Mr. Carney is the brother-in-law of Chas. Schiffbauer. He is a traveling man for English Bros., of Kansas City, and will make Arkansas City his headquarters.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 5, 1887. From Tuesday’s Daily.
F. P. Schiffbauer, 160 acres in Bolton Township, to John Chandler, of Kansas City: $12,000.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 5, 1887. From Tuesday’s Daily.
From Mayor Schiffbauer.
EDITOR REPUBLICAN: Please give space to the following extraordinary document, and also to the truth as to the cause that lead the city council to order me to contract for the work.
To F. P. Schiffbauer, Mayor of Arkansas City.
You are hereby notified that you will be enjoined from making any contract or contracts for sewers in said city as we deem the same to be unauthorized by law.
By order of Committee in City Government. Feb. 25, 1887.
Now, please inform me from whence the committee derive their authority which they claim to think they possess to dictate what the city shall do? For their education please state that the council is still managing the city affairs and have made no application to anyone for the appointment of guardians. But are still on deck to perform their duties. The council was busy for several weeks agitating this question and then acted upon the petition of a majority of the property owners affected thereby. The council requested any and all to be present and be heard, and those present were solicited to give their views; but not a clam opened up. Where, oh where, were these noble, eleventh hour men?
Allow me to further state they need spend no money or time to enjoin me from contracting, for I have already contracted. The pipe is purchased and shipped and they can enjoin only the contractor, Mr. Quigley, from proceeding with the work. This will entail heavy loss on him and will result in a heavy damage suit against the city. But, this is a sample of the opposition I have met on every corner. As a result, our city is kept back. I think it time a halt was called in this stumbling block business, especially when it all emanates from one man. If anyone thinks there is any money in this franchise, they can get Mr. Quigley’s contract from him and $1,000 of his money to take it off his hands. In conclusion, I will say I have only carried out the order of the council and have acted upon the opinion of the city attorneys as far as law points are concerned. Respectfully Submitted.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 12, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
Arkansas City, March 10th, 1887.
Hon. F. P. Schiffbauer: Dear Sir: In obedience to your request we have investigated all cases of scarlet fever of which we could get any knowledge, and beg leave to submit the following report.
Thus far there has been but two cases of genuine scarlet fever, and they were in the families of T. J. Mitts’ and Mrs. Lupton. We would suggest to parents that they do not allow their children to visit those families in which the epidemic has appeared. But we do not think there is cause for unnecessary alarm, or just reason for withdrawing their children from school. We believe that if the above precautionary measures are taken, our city will be spared the danger of this dread disease. GEO. R. WESTFALL, M. D., C. R. FOWLER, M. D.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 12, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
Council Proceedings.
The council met in regular adjourned session last evening. Present, Mayor Schiffbauer and Councilmen Thompson, Prescott, Ingersoll, Haight, and Davis.
The allowance of some minor bills was attended to first.
D. L. Means, et al., asked that grade at corner of block 137 be changed; referred to city engineer.
Gamile & Southerland asked for an appropriation of $125 on city work. Granted by motion.
Tom Saymens asked the city to refund part of auctioneer’s license and the suit against him to be withdrawn. Granted.
W. P. Wolfe, et al, asked that a hook and ladder outfit be purchased as a company was organized.
The school board asked the mayor to call an election to vote bonds to the amount of $15,000 to build an addition to Central school building. On motion it was endorsed by council.
Ordinance No. 66, repealing No. 37, liquor ordinance, was passed.
Ordinance No. 65, relating also to liquor ordinance, was debated and laid over.
Ordinance No. 67, for payment of firemen, was adopted. Fireman to receive $1 for each fire attended. Firemen are exempt from poll tax.
On motion the mayor and clerk were instructed to re-issue the bonds of the city to the amount of $11,000 and take up original bonds for same bonds.
A culvert was ordered in on West Central Avenue.
The police Judge reported $380 paid into the city treasury. Approved.
The prisoner in the city jail was ordered released.
On motion adjourned.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 19, 1887. From Thursday’s Daily.
Yesterday the entire capital stock was subscribed for the new hotel. This morning the site for the immense structure was being cleared off, ready to begin work. The Water Company’s house was moved off and Mayor Schiffbauer will move his residence in a few days. Tomorrow night the company will be organized and by next week everything will be in its proper working order.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 19, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
Lot 16 in block 95 was bought by Mayor Schiffbauer this morning for $1,500.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 26, 1887. From Saturday’s Daily.
Materializing—The New Hotel.
Last evening in the rooms of the Business Men’s Club, the stockholders of the new hotel convened. The meeting was called to order and Maj. L. E. Woodin chosen chairman; J. O. Campbell, secretary. The committee reported that stock to the amount of $100,000 had been subscribed and the enterprise was thoroughly talked over. Seven directors were chosen for the first year as follows: J. B. Quigley, P. Schiffbauer, J. O. Johnson, A. D. Prescott, and H. P. Farrar. The sense of the meeting was to file their charter immediately and to begin work of construction and push it. The name is the “Inter-Ocean Hotel Co.,” and as stated above, the capital stock is $100,000, to be all paid up and put in the building. The site consists of seven lots at the corner of 8th Street and 4th Avenue. The building will be 132 x 150 feet and four stories high above basement. When completed the “Inter-Ocean Hotel” will eclipse any in the west.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 26, 1887. From Monday’s Daily.
Frank Miller, who has been working on the S K road down in the Territory, was seriously hurt Saturday. With other workmen he was riding on a hand-car or truck, on which iron is conveyed to the front, when he became dizzy and fell off, backward. He was on the front end of the car and he fell beneath the wheels, the front one passing over his leg. The car was thrown from the track. The injured man was picked up and brought to this city sometime Saturday night on the construction train. He was laid on the depot platform, where he remained until about 10 o’clock Sunday morning, when Mayor Schiffbauer was notified. He secured Dr. C. R. Fowler and went down. The injured man was taken into the depot and as there was no hospital here to receive him, he was taken to the county infirmary at Winfield on the afternoon train. Dr. C. R. Fowler accompanied him and he and Dr. Pugh, of Winfield, attended the badly injured man. His hip was broken and his leg severely cut and bruised. Both physicians remained with Miller until 2 o’clock this morning. It seems rather out of place that Cowley County should have to take care of the Santa Fe’s army of wounded. All injured and sick workmen who have become unable to attend to duties, while at work on the Territory extension, have been brought to this city and left. And as a consequence the city or county has had to put up for their maintenance.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 26, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
The City Election approaches and it is in order for the voters of Arkansas City to put honest and thorough businessmen up for office. The time is here to begin action. But 10 days intervene between now and election day. The REPUBLICAN has remained quiet upon this subject, preferring this election to allow the voters of the city to designate who they want.
For the office of Mayor, J. L Huey has been spoken of. He has been urged by his friends so strongly to run for the office that he has finally consented to do so. It is useless for the REPUBLICAN to tell of Mr. Huey’s qualification and general fitness for the office, for there is not a reader of our paper but who is perhaps perfectly acquainted with Jim Huey’s many virtues. He has been with Arkansas City for many years; he is public spirited, always lending a liberal hand in originating and establishing industries; he has the interest of the city at heart fully as much as the most patriotic citizen; no man can blacken his record with an accusation of dishonesty, nor claim that he is versed in ways that are dark.
Mr. Huey’s opponent in the race, we are informed, is to be F. P. Schiffbauer, our present mayor. This is the third time Mr. Schiffbauer has aspired to fill the office of Mayor, he having already served four years in this capacity. The REPUBLICAN has always been opposed to third termism, even when the brave and gallant General Grant had third term aspirations for the office of president. The people of this grand and glorious union rose up and said we do not want a third term president; we do not want to continue a man in office for life; it is contrary to the spirit of American institutions; stand aside and give some other man a chance. Now, Mr. Schiffbauer has had a bully good time in the Mayor’s office for four years, and he should stand aside and give some other man a chance. Unless this be done, it would be better to dispense with holding city elections every two years. Have them every four, six, or eight years and dispense with the evils attending these local contests. Let us try a change.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, April 2, 1887. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Over $500 has been subscribed, we are told, by a party who aided in raising it, for the purpose of securing Mr. Schiffbauer’s election as mayor.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, April 2, 1887. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Editor Republican: Please allow us space to correct the statement which appeared in today’s Traveler; that the Johnson Loan & Trust Company had subscribed $50 towards paying the expenses of the Schiffbauer ticket. This statement is false, as this company has not paid or subscribed one dollar toward this, or any other campaign fund nor so far as I know has any person connected with our institution. A. D. PRESCOTT, Secretary.
Arkansas City Traveler, Friday, June 17, 1921.
1877: Dr. H. D. Kellogg was elected mayor.
1878: James Benedict, mayor.
1879: James I. Mitchell, mayor.
1880: Dr. A. J. Chapell, mayor.
1881: Dr. H. D. Kellogg, mayor.
1882: F. P. Schiffbauer, mayor.
1883: James L. Huey, mayor.
the year 1884 the city was made a second class city. In December that year the
city was divided into four wards. There were then eight councilmen elected, two
from each of the four wards.
Geo. W. Cunningham was the mayor at that time. He is now a resident of
Kansas City, Missouri.
[In the election that year F. P. Schiffbauer, a candidate for mayor, demanded a recount of the votes cast at the election on May 2. The city attorney, C. T. Atkinson, ruled that the city council had no authority to order a recount.]