How To Prepare Your Own
3D Stereo Images for Red/Blue Glasses
- Scan in, or otherwise aquire the original image. On old stereo scope
slide this will be one image of both the left and the right images together
on the cardboard carrier. The Mode of the Image should be Greyscale.
- "Select" the left image and use Edit/Copy to copy the selection
to the clipboard.
- Use File/New to create a new, blank image in Photoshop or other editor.
(the commands here are for Photoshop)
- Change the Mode of the new, blank image to RGB.
- Use the Window/Channel command to open the Channels control window.
Select the Red Channel and display the Red channel. ie. Click on the little
eye and also on the square area to the right. Use Edit/Paste to place the
left image into the Red Channel.
- "Select" the right image and use the Edit/Copy to copy the
selection to the clipboard.
- Select both the Green Channel and the Blue Channel of the New Image.
Click on the little eye and the square for both Channels. This is acomplished
by holding down the shift key during the selection. Use the Edit/Paste
to place the right image into both the Green Channel and the Blue Channel
simultaenously. (if not supported by your software, you can paste to each
channel seperately.
- Look at the resulting image, (with RBG all turned on) with the colored
glasses, red on left eye.
As you can see from the above steps, the objective of the process is
to get the left image into the red channel and the right image into both
the green and blue channels. If anyone has success using this process please
send be your URL of the resulting image and I will list them here.
Bill Bottorff
Bill Bottorff
3103 Bee Caves Rd. #100
Austin, TX 78746
512-328-4747 work
512-327-5484 home
512-328-4766 FAX
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