Jan 20, 1881 - Courier - A STATE INSTITUTION. In his message to the legislature, the Governor states that there are, according to the census returns, 134 feeble minded or idiotic persons in the State, of whom 66 are under 21 years old; that thus far the State has made no provision for this class of unfortunates; that a school for such is no longer an experiment, but that in other States thousands of such have been brought from this almost hopeless state to a condition that enables them to care for themselves; that they cannot be educated except in an institution especially fitted for the purpose; and that it is the duty of the State to provide such an institution. Seizing upon this recommendation, Senator Hackney has prepared a bill to organize and establish such an institution at Winfield, which provides 1st, that $50,000 be appropriated for the purpose; 2nd, that it shall be located on a healthy site within two miles of the Winfield courthouse, the site to embrace at least twenty acres, with a clear title without expense to the State; 3rd, five commissioners to select the site; and 4th, cause to be prepared full plans and specifications for the building, which shall be three stories high and have capacity to accommodate two hundred persons; 5th, Cowley stone to be used in the construction.
Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.
Senator Hackney has presented to the senate a bill to establish the 18th Judicial District, composed of the counties of Butler, Sedgwick, Kingman, Harper, and Barrbour. This is an important measure and ought to pass at once. Both the 13th and the 9th districts are overcrowded with cases that cannot be reached for want of time, and this will reduce the area of both and will help the ends of justice and save a large amount of expense to litigants in all these three districts as well as to the counties. Another of his bills is to establish the Institute for feeble minded persons at Winfield.
Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885. The contract for the construction of the asylum for imbecile and idiotic youths near this city was let last Thursday to John Q. Ashton of Arkansas City and J. E. Conklin of Winfield, the latter furnishing all the stone and brick. The entire amount of the appropriation, $25,000, will be exhausted in the work, and of course, our people will be active participants in the exhausting process. Winfield Telegram.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 22, 1885. J. Q. Ashton informs us that the Winfield Telegram was mistaken in regard to any Winfield man having any share in the contract to build the imbecile asylum. Mr. Ashton has the entire contract. Last Saturday he filled out his bond, none but Arkansas City men going on it. Mr. Ashton is getting numerous monuments of his skill as a mechanic, all over Cowley County, in the shape of public buildings.