Albert Augustus Newman was of English and New England Colonial ancestry. His grandfather, Ebenezer Newman, was born at Billerica, Massachusetts, in 1791, son of a Revolutionary soldier, and spent the greater part of his life on his farm in Maine. He died in 1857. His wife, Judith Dowse, was born at Billerica, and also died at Weld, Maine. Augustus G. Newman, father of Albert Augustus, was born at Weld, Maine, in 1821, was a merchant, and died in 1893. Several times he came to Kansas as a visitor. He was a Republican and held local offices in Maine, and was an active member of the Free Will Baptist Church. He married Caroline Beedy, who was born in Maine in 1821 and died in 1895. All three of their sons became prominent in Kansas: Albert A.; G. W. Newman, who developed a large dry goods house at Emporia; and F. C. Newman, who became president of the Citizens National Bank of Emporia. His sisters were Mary (Newman) Haywood and Hattie (Newman) Purington.
Albert Augustus Newman was educated in common schools and high school in Maine, attended the Maine State Seminary at Lewiston, and at the age of nineteen enlisted, in 1862, in the Tenth Maine Infantry. He was transferred to the Twenty-ninth Maine Infantry and served in many battles of the war, including Antietam and Chancellorsville, and was with Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valley campaign. Albert A. Newman married at Weld, Maine, in 1869, Miss Mary M. Houghton, and on September 6, 1919, they celebrated their golden wedding anniversary. Mrs. Newman at the age of 81 still occupied the old home at 301 North B Street, a substantial house which Mr. Newman built in 1873. They had three children: Earl Granville; Albert L.; and Pearl N. (Hase).
This story is about Albert A. Newman, his relatives, and friends: the Ainner circle@ that ran Arkansas City in its infancy. Daniel Beedy was an uncle; the McLaughlin brothers were his foster brothers; R. C. Haywood was his brother-in-law; the Houghton brothers were his brothers-in-law. S. P. Channell was either a relative or a close friend.
An article written by Mrs. Albert L. Newman for the book entitled Between the Rivers, compiled by Ruth Norris Berger and Bess Riley Oldroyd, supplies information about the events that happened shortly after the Civil War to A. A. Newman.
Albert Augustus Newman, age 19, withdrew from Maine State Seminary at Lewiston and enlisted in the Union Army. He came under fire in some of the great battles, and even on his first day of service was ordered to go gather his equipment from one of the dead Union soldiers in a nearby field. He marched up the Shenandoah Valley with Sherman=s gallant men. He tells in his war diary while wintering in Vicksburg of scouting the district for apples and selling them to the other soldiers. He thus manifested early his merchant instinct.A
After coming out of the Army, A. A. Newman, and his foster brother, T. H. McLaughlin, went to Fayetteville, Tennessee, and operated a dry-goods store. But when it became known in the village that they were >Damn Yankees,= they were ordered to leave. Mr. Newman, who was a Mason, was allowed to leave in an orderly manner, but his partner was not. When McLaughlin heard he was to be >tarred and feathered= and ridden out of town on a rail, he climbed out a back window of their living quarters over the store and escaped in the middle of the night.A
In 1868 Mr. Newman made his way to Emporia, Kansas, to open another general store. A brother, George W. Newman, 21 years old, took over the store in 1870 when >A. A.= was attracted to the Indian lands of southern Kansas, and the Indian Territory.@ [G. W. Newman turned the store at Emporia into the city=s largest department store; another brother, Fred, became president of Emporia=s Citizen National Bank.]Much of the early history of Newman, family, and friends is lost to us inasmuch as the period from 1870 to early 1876 is not covered by the local newspaper, Arkansas City Traveler. Starting with the January 26, 1876, issue, the Traveler issues were sent to the Kansas State Historical Society, which had them microfilmed. We have had to rely on other area newspapers and oral history to bridge the gap of information for the early settlers of Arkansas City, Kansas.
From other newspapers and different sources, the following information relative to the arrival of Newman, family, and friends is gleaned.
The following early settlers are covered: Newman, Haywood, McLaughlins, Houghtons, and Channell.
The saga of Newman and his circle ends with the coming of the Schiffbauer Brothers in this book. It will be continued in the next book.
Walnut Valley Times, El Dorado, Kansas, Friday, March 11, 1870.
Emporiaites. A. A. Newman, father and brother, together with a number of others, passed down the Valley on a prospecting tour this week. They admired El Dorado, of course.@Walnut Valley Times, Friday, March 18, 1870.
We understand that the Newman outfit took a claim near Creswell whereon to build a mill. Milling is a big thing in the Walnut Valley.@Arkansas City Weekly Traveler, August 24, 1870.
We in the Walnut Valley have heretofore suffered great inconvenice for lack of a flouring mill. There is no gristmill south of Cottonwood. The price of flour has been high in consequence. But our farmers generally preferred to pay it, rather than haul grain fifty or a hundred miles to mill. Now however a change is at hand. A wealthy and enterpris-ing firm has fully contracted to begin work on a sawmill and gristmill at this point. The water power on the Walnut River is one of the very best in Kansas: sufficient to run four stones the year round. The contract provides that the mill be completed October 1871.@Walnut Valley Times, December 9, 1870.
Cowley County. From the Arkansas Traveler of November the 30th, we take the following: >Mr. Beedy is here, and has commenced work upon his waterpower. We shall soon have running at this point the best saw-mill and grist-mill in Kansas. Mr. Beedy is a mill-wright of extensive means, and of many years experience. He has built mills on many rivers, from Maine to Oregon. Our people need not entertain the slightest doubt about the matter. Beedy & Newman mean business.@Mrs. Albert (Mate) Newman said that the mill was built with the grain-receiving bin higher up on the bank of the river. The grain slid by gravity down chutes to the grinder. The mill, therefore, was built on the east side of the Walnut River, where Kansas Avenue intersects the river. The dam extended to the west.@
Winfield Messenger, November 1, 1872.
Ad. Grinding. The Arkansas City Water Mill, on the Walnut, is now in successful operation. Custom grinding at all hours. Shelling and bolting without extra charge.
Beedy & Newman, Proprietors.
Winfield Courier, July 17, 1874.
The contract for furnishing the wild Indians of the Territory with flour for the year ending June 30th, 1875, was awarded at Washington June 11th to J. W. Sleaven of Kansas City for $2.40 per hundred. This flour must be sent over the railroad to Wichita and transported in wagons to various agencies south of here. At this rate the government could afford to pay about $8.00 per hundred for flour in this county.
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1874.
Item from the Traveler. Fish. Since the raise of the Arkansas, large shoals of cat and buffalo fish can be seen on the rocks near, and under, Newman=s Mill. We never saw so many before. The boys amuse them-selves by trying to drop large stones on them as they swim by.@Arkansas City Weekly Traveler, January 26, 1876.
Ad. Dry Goods! A. A. NEWMAN & CO., Arkansas City, Kansas.A
Our Fall Purchase of Dry Goods, Clothing, etc., has arrived, and we now offer, at challenging prices, the best line of Dry Goods, Clothing, Carpets, Silks, Hats, Caps, Boots, and Shoes ever put on the market in Southern Kansas.A
Our trade is not confined to Arkansas City alone: we are willing to compete with or duplicate the prices of Wichita, Leavenworth, or Kansas City. If you don=t believe it, come and see. Our stock of Dry Goods embraces all the latest patterns in prints, and the very best Dress Goods. We have a fine assortment of Farmers, Boys, and Girls Boots, Shoes, and Rubbers. Also, Ladies= and Gents= Sewed Boots and Slippers. In Hats and Caps we have every variety, from the Cheapest to the Finest and Most Fashionable Styles. Buck Gloves, Mittens, Muffs, and Comforts. White and Colored Shirts and Underwear. Flannels, Muslins, Sheetings, Jeans, etc. Prints Seven Cents per Yard! Every variety of Gents= and Boys= Clothing, with prices to suit any. WE CAN GIVE YOU A FULL SUIT FROM $5 TO $50.@Arkansas City Weekly Traveler, January 26, 1876.
Ad. Cowley County Bank, Arkansas City, Kansas. A. A. Newman, Presi-dent. W. M. Sleeth, Vice President. H. P. Farrar, Cashier. Does a General Banking Business. Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. Domestic and Foreign Exchange Bought and Sold. School Bonds a Specialty. Collections promptly attended to. Directors: A. A. Newman, Wm. M. Sleeth, T. M. McLaughlin, M. O. Meigs, R. C. Haywood.@Arkansas City Traveler, July 26, 1876.
[A letter dated January 4, 1876, sent to the Lawrence Standard, by AObserver,@ was printed in this issue. It is felt that AObserver@ was the Traveler editor, C. M. Scott. A portion of the letter is herewith given.]
On the first day of the new year, Channell & Co. broke ground for a new stone house and every day since except Sunday the men are at work with plows and scrapers cleaning out the cellar; even the water laying in pools from the late rain is not frozen over, the prairies all around covered with wheat fields looking as fresh and green as in early spring. One can scarcely realize that it is now mid winter, that season of the year so faithfully described by the poet Burns in two or three of his pieces commencing:>
As cold November=s surly blast,As January winds were blowing cold,
When biting Boreas fell and doure,
Sharp shivers through the leafless bower.=
ABut such is the fact. I am sitting in my office, writing without a fire. I see men on the streets and around town at work with their ordinary clothes on and some in their shirt sleeves: stone masons and carpenters working away as if it was inded the spring. To say the least, it looks odd to me.
In my last letter I informed you that Newman & Co. were building a fine brick store room 25 by 100 feet. The fine weather or some other cause has struck S. P. Channell & Co. with the same fever, so that they are now at work digging out the basement, to erect a new brick store room alongside of Newman=s, 25 by 100 feet, same style and finish; and from the way that Houghton & McLaughlin look across the street and see those two splendid brick stores going up, I shouldn=t be astonished if they caught the fever also, and by spring another new brick store will go up on the opposite corner. >Example is a wonderful teacher.=A
Pitch in gentlemen, the investment is a safe one, in the opinion of a casual OBSERVER.@Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.
Ad. Channell & Haywood=s. More goods given away for less money than at any store in Cowley Co. Groceries, Stoneware, and Woodenware, Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Grainite Water. Agricultural implements of every kind! AA carload of Studebaker Wagons just received.@Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.
Ad. HOUGHTON & McLAUGHLIN. Have the largest stock of Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Clothing! And Notions, in the Walnut Valley, which they will sell for the next Sixty Days! Cheaper than any House in the Falley for Ready Pay. We will trade for Cash, Wheat, Oats, Corn, Furs, and Hides, Cattle, Horses, or Mules. We are going to sell!A
Our stock of groceries, as usual, is complete, fresh, and cheap!@The Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876, contained a report given by T. H. McLaughlin, District Clerk, Arkansas City Schools, outlin-ing three terms of school. The first term began September 6, 1875, was held sixteen weeks, and closed December 24, 1875. The second term began January 8, 1876, and would continue for twelve weeks, closing March 25, 1876. The third term would begin April 4, 1876, continue twelve weeks, and close June 24, 1876. The Board announced tuition fees for persons residing outside the district would be $1.00 per montth, in advance, unless other arrangements were made with the Board.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.
Mr. Newman and J. L. Stubbs returned from the Pawnee Agency last Monday, well pleased with their visit.@Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.
For Sale or Trade at a Bargain: The livery stable, known as the Woolsey Barn, on Sixth Avenue. Water at the door. Barn in good repair. Anyone wishing to engage in the livery business cannot find a better location. Inquire of S. P. CHANNELL.@Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.
For Sale: 221 acres of land 2-1/2 miles southeast of Arkansas City, well watered; twenty acres in wheat. Also 8 good residence lots, fenced, and trees set out, just south of Col. McMullen=s brick residence; one house and lot on Sixth Street, and my large stock of furniture, which will be sold cheap. Inquire of L. McLAUGHLIN.@Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.
Our Mayor, O. P. Houghton, James Benedict, and R. F. Smith make regular trips to Winfield, once a week, now.Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.
Scales. Houghton & McLaughlin have purchased C. R. Sipes= hay scales, and moved them on the corner near their store.Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.
Sold Out. R. A. Houghton has sold his half-interest in the dry goods store to A. A. Newman. Rube says it don=t pay to sell goods on close figures, and then have a man run off every now and then owing him a hundred dollars.@Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.
Cowley County Bank. A. A. Newman, President, W. M.Sleeth, Vice President; H. P. Farrar, Cashier and Secretary. Stockholders Meeting: W. M. Sleeth, T. H. McLaughlin, R. C. Haywood, H. O. Meigs, and A. A. Newman elected Directors for the year.@Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.
Houghton & McLaughlin are sending vast quantities of wheat to Wichita every week. The firm does an immense trade for the border, and deal largely in grain.@Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.
Work continues on Newman=s and Channell & Haywood=s block; it will cost near $7,000 when completed.@Arkansas City Traveler, March 15, 1876.
A correspondent for the Traveler, known as AObserver,@ made the following comments concerning some local firms.
Some 2,000 bushels of wheat were shipped from our town in one day by Houghton & McLaughlin.A
One firm in this cityCChannell & Haywood (and they are not Grange agents, either)Csold during the past summer and fall 25 wagons, 85 plows, 42 reapers and mowers, 45 cultivators, 3 threshing machines, 10 wheat drills, 6 seeders, 15 sulky rakes, 2 sorghum mills, 10 fanning mills, besides a large number of small farming implements. It is no uncommon sight to see 40 or 50 farm wagons in our town in a day.
And every once in awhile, our merchants send large amounts of flour into the Indian Nation to feed the noble red man and his interesting family. In one week, Channell & Haywood, the firm above alluded to, sent over 20,000 pounds of flour to the Sac & Foxes. Newman & Co., the same week sent 25,000 pounds on an 800,000 pound contract with the Osages.@Arkansas City Traveler, March 22, 1876.
A. A. Newman purchased the entire stock of Sherburne & Stubbs last week, and moved all but the groceries to his store room. We learn that R. A. Houghton purchased the groceries of Mr. Newman and intends keeping a grocery store. He has engaged Mr. S. J. Mantor to take charge of the groceries.@Arkansas City Traveler, April 15, 1876.
Mr. Newman and Silas Parker visited the noble nomads of the far West, at the Kaw Agency this week.@Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.
We noticed two wagon loads of new furniture coming in last Saturday for L. McLaughlin. He can furnish a full outfit of parlor and kitchen furniture.@Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.
New Houses. More new houses are under construction in this place now than we have seen since the second year of its settlement. Newman and Channell & Haywood are building two two-story store rooms, with 50 feet front by 100 feet deep, of brick.@Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.
O. P. Houghton is building a two-story brick.@Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.
Ad. Steamboat is Coming! And R. A. Houghton & Co. are on hand with the largest stock of staple and fancy groceries, provisions, stoneware, etc., you have seen in the city. Tobaccos and Teas a Specialty! Our stock of Teas is the largest ever brought to this market, and will be sold lower than ever before, and cheaper than any house in the Valley. Drop in and see us. Store at J. R. Sherburne=s old stand, one door south of City Hotel, and opposite the Cowley County Bank.@Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.
The store room of A. A. Newman is crowded to overflowing with his new stock of goods, and the tongues and heels of the proprietor and three clerks are almost constantly in motion. They have everything in the dry goods line, at prices lower than ever, new hats, new shoes, new dress patterns, new clothing, and all the new spring and summer goods are piled up to the ceiling. Call in before the goods are put on the shelves or stowed under the counter if you want to see a model stock.@Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.
Newman & Co. Sold $500 worth of goods last Saturday.@Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.
Clocks. Houghton & McLaughlin have a fine assortment of wooded and metal frame clocks, which are curiosities as well as ornaments and valu-able time pieces.@Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.
The dam at Newman=s Mill has been washed around on the west side so that the whole current of the river passes through the break. They are at work on it, and expect to have it repaired soon. With the Walnut River Bridge being gone, things look desolate about the mill at present.@Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1876.
A crib has been put in at Newman=s Mill, and they will grind soon. The crossing is bad and dangerous at the ford at Newman=s Mill.@Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.
A wagon load of fish was left on dry land when the bank washed out from the dam at Newman=s Mill, last Sunday. Mr. Newman has charge of the Water Mills on the Walnut once more, and will see that all who come with grists are accommodated.@Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.
Mr. Newman has charge of the Water Mills on the Walnut once more, and will see that all who come with grists are accommodated.@Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.
S. P. Channell left last Monday for Philadelphia to take in the Centennial Exhibition, in charge of his wife and baby, two ladies, one child, four Saratoga trunks, three bandboxes and baskets, besides parasols, shawls, etc. We sympathize with him at the times of changing cars, and when the demands for cold tea, hot coffee, and the numerous little wants are made known.@Arkansas City Traveler, July 5, 1876.
Channell & Haywood were awarded the contract to supply ten plows, ten sets of harness, and other articles to the Kaw Indians.@Arkansas City Traveler, July 5, 1876.
Channell & Haywood=s new store room will be completed, and the goods moved in within the next two weeks. Mr. Newman expects to move in his new room this fall.@Arkansas City Traveler, July 5, 1876.
40 Head of two-year-old cattle for sale by Houghton & McLaughlin.@Arkansas City Traveler, July 12, 1876.
An announcement was made in the paper that C. R. Mitchell and O. P. Houghton had started a real estate agency. [Story in C. R. Mitchell article.]
Arkansas City Traveler, July 19, 1876.
O. P. Houghton is building a granary, 20 by 30 feet, with a capacity for over 3,000 bushels of wheat.@Arkansas City Traveler, July 19, 1876.
Houghton & McLaughlin intend putting 335 acres in wheat this fall.@Arkansas City Traveler, July 26, 1876.
Channell & Haywood=s new building will be formally opened next Fri-day night, and a jolly good time will be had. Come one, come all.A
As is generally known by this time, a harvest dance will be given in Channell & Haywood=s new building next Friday evening, July 28. All persons who take pleasure in tripping the light fantastic toe should avail themselves of this opportunity to enjoy the good social times guaranteed. Numbers can be purchased of Billy Gray for only seventy-five cents each.@Arkansas City Traveler, July 26, 1876.
Notice. At last! The Arkansas City Water Mills are now prepared to do custom grinding. All work done in short order, and satisfaction guar-anteed. Bring in your grists. A. A. Newman.@Arkansas City Traveler, August 9, 1876.
We are informed that Mr. A. A. Newman has offered to build the piers of the old bridge four or five feet higher if the township will bear the expense of putting a new bridge across. This is an offer our people cannot afford to ignore, as the expense on their part will be slight--a mere song, in fact--compared with that of building a new one entire. Considerable of the iron and other material of the former structure can be utilized with little work, thus throwing a large portion of the cost on Mr. Newman. Our businessmen should not remain blind to their interests any longer, but see to it that the bridge is built, either through the voting of bonds or private subscriptions, as its absence only serves to drive trade to Winfield. It can hardly be called policy to save at the spigot and lose at the bung.@Arkansas City Traveler, August 16, 1876.
Newman received thirty ponies from the Territory last week.@Arkansas City Traveler, August 30, 1876.
The store room of Channell & Haywood is now completed and the goods will be moved in this week. It is one of the neatest stores and comprises one of the largest stocks of hardware to be found in the Southwest.@Arkansas City Traveler, August 30, 1876.
R. A. Houghton returned from Caldwell last week. We noticed his storeroom full of customers last Saturday, and concluded that Rube has all he can attend to at home.@Winfield Courier, September 2, 1876.
Item from Arkansas City Traveler. Arkansas City has the most enterprise, the wealthier merchants, and one newspaper well supported by her businessmen. Her merchants advertise extensively, and are drawing a large trade which naturally belongs to Winfield. One firm, A. A. Newman & Co., have the government contract to furnish Pawnee Agency with 750,000 pounds of flour, delivered at the Agency. This, besides aiding our wheat market, will furnish employment for a large number of teams. The distance is ninety miles.@Arkansas City Traveler, September 6, 1876.
Flour Contract.
Mr. A. A. Newman has been awarded another contract to supply the Pawnee Indians with 30,000 pounds of flour. The contract is not so large this time, but more are expected.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 13, 1876.
Indian Contracts Awarded to Newman, Channell, and Haywood,
To the Amount of $40,000 and Over.
We learn by letter that the bids of A. A. Newman, Haywood (of Channell & Haywood), and McLaughlin (of Houghton & McLaughlin), for flour and transportation to the different Agencies south of us have been accepted as follows.A
For Sac and Fox Agency, delivered there in indefinite quantities, at $2.48 per 100 lbs., and the following quantities to be delivered at the respective agencies:A
For the Kiowa, 220,000 lbs. at $3.29.For the Wichita, 80,000 lbs. at $3.29.
For the Pawnees, 200,000 lbs. at $2.23.
For the Cheyennes and Arapahoes, 260,000 lbs. at $2.97.
For the Osages, indefinite quantity, at $2.19 per 100 lbs.
This will give a cash market for wheat at our very doors, freighting for a number of teams, and employment to many men, and build up for the town a busi-ness greater than known before.A
Mr. Thomas Lannigan, of Fort Smith, Arkansas, has the contract for beef, and will purchase largely in Cowley and Sumner counties. His contract is for beef on the hoof, at $3.73-1/2 for 3,000,000 lbs.; Wichita, 550,000 lbs.; Osage, 500,000 lbs.; Pawnee, 1,500,000 lbs., at $3.56.@A
With the prospect of the Walnut Valley Railroad, the steamboat that is now on its way, and the general prospects for good crops, we look forward to a bright dawn of the future.@A
The Traveler of September 20, 1876, reported that Messrs. Newman, Haywood, and McLaughlin were awarded a contract for flour at St. Louis, Missouri, by the Board of Indian Commissioners.@Arkansas City Traveler, September 27, 1876.
O. P. Houghton sold Houghton & McLaughlin=s half-section farm in Bolton Township last week for $2,500. It has 250 acres broken, and ready for wheat.@Arkansas City Traveler, September 27, 1876.
Mashed Up. S. P. Channell and H. P. Farrar had a mash up in their buggy as they left town Thursday evening, to attend the steamboat meeting at Theaker=s. The particulars were something like the following. They started out about dark, and going down the slope near Dr. Leonard=s, the king bolt of the buggy broke, letting the fore wheels from under the front, and throwing the occupants on their heads to the ground. Mr. Channell had one rib broken, and Mr. Farrar was bruised. Silas Ward was riding horseback a short distance ahead, and when the horses were running, could not get out of the way quick enough, and was struck in the back with the buggy pole, and landed on his head. His horse then jumped in a post hole; and it, too, elevated its heels in the air. For a second, three men and one horse were wrong end up and in a bad condition, but finally all settled down with no serious injury, except Mr. Channell, who probably laughed more at the fun then all the rest.@Arkansas City Traveler, October 4, 1876.
Work continues on Newman=s upper story of the brick building.@Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1876.
Mr. Newman has purchased an immense stock of goods this fall, that he expects to trade for wheat. He says he has a suit of clothes for every man in town.@Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1876.
Cash for Wheat. Newman, Haywood, and McLaughlin want 20,000 bushels of No. 3 and 4 wheat at once, for which they will pay the cash.@Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1876.
Fort Sill. J. M. Jordon started for Fort Sill last Friday with a load of flour to deliver on Newman=s contract. Silas Ward went with him. He expects to remain in the Territory to work.@Arkansas City Traveler, October 18, 1876.
Newman has blocked the sidewalks and half the streets with his new goods.A
Houghton & McLaughlin have goods, trunks, groceries, and everything piled sky high in and about their store.A
Freighting. Newman, McLaughlin, and Haywood have fifty teams freighting between this place and the Indian Agencies in the Territory. Two or three trips pays for a new Kansas wagon.@Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1876.
S. P. Channell sold his interest in the hardware store to R. C. Haywood last Monday.@Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1876.
O. P. Houghton started to Cheyenne Agency, Monday morning, in a light wagon. Rev. Fleming accompanied him.@Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1876.
Persons with teams, wanting employment, can find it by calling on Newman, Haywood, and McLaughlin at this place.@Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1876.
The crowd at Newman=s store is astonishing. They have worn a hole through the floor where they go in and out, and it is so crowded that goods have to be handed out to customers.@Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1876.
The largest sale of merchandise ever made in this place was on last Saturday. Newman, and Houghton & McLaughlin retailed $500 worth each, and in the evening Mr. Newman sold $1,000 worth at wholesale.@Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876.
A yoke of oxen were driven in town last Saturday and offered for sale. As the owner was leading them along, E. B. Kager asked S. P. Channell: AWhat will you give for those oxen?@ ASixty-five dollars.@ Kager stepped over to where they were and bought them for $60.00; and then turned them over to Mr. Channell, making $5.00 on the sale. Mr. Channell then traded them to Al Woolsey for a mule team, giving some boot, and Woolsey sold them to Mr. Logan for $70.00. The trades all took place in a few hours. Beesness!@Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876.
The firm of Channell & Haywood is this day dissolved by mutual consent. R. C. Haywood will in the future conduct the hardware business, and collect all accounts and pay all indebtedness of the late firm.@Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.
The Indians are making sad havoc on the pecan trees in the Territory. They cut the trees to get the nuts. Pecans sell from $2 to $3 per bushel, when offered by the Indians. R. C. Haywood has sixty bushels.@Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.
A. A. Newman bought 1,700 bushels of wheat last Friday, and paid the cash for it. He purchased 1,500 bushels of J. G. Titus, who is to haul it from Winfield.@Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.
A gentleman asked A. A. Newman what he would take for his house the other day. He said $800. >Make out your deed,= the gentleman remarked. >Well, but, ah, are you in a hurry?= >Yes.= Newman responded, >I guess I don=t want to sell.=@Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.
Dr. Kellogg, S. P. Channell, and T. H. McLaughlin are the School Board of District No. 2. The first is Director. The second is Treasurer. The last is Clerk.Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.
The man who run his face for $52 at Houghton & McLaughlin=s, under the promise to do freighting, sold all the property he could and started for Texas last week. Wm. Berkey started soon after and succeeded in hav-ing the proper papers served that will hold him until he pays the debt.@Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.
Skates. R. C. Haywood has a large number of different patterns of skates, ready for this winter. Buy a pair and join the party that is to skate from this place to Winfield, the first freeze up.@Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.
Dressmaking. Mrs. R. A. Houghton begs to inform the public that she is prepared to do dressmaking and all kinds of plain and fancy sewing. Work-room at Mrs. Godehard=s millinery store.@Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.
J. K. >Polk= Stevens traded his farm of 150 acres to S. P. Channell for about $1,800. Polk contemplates moving into the Indian Territory and starting a ranch.@Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.
Mr. Newman started for Cheyenne Agency and Fort Sill this morning, in a carriage. He will be absent about two weeks.@Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.
The average market price of wheat at this place is from 55 to 75 cents per bushel; Newman, Haywood, and McLaughlin are buying.@Arkansas City Traveler, December 20, 1876.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Channell, Sunday, December 17th, a daughter. Weight nine pounds. Dr. Hughes was the attending physician.@Arkansas City Traveler, December 20, 1876.
The Bridge Proposition. Next Saturday the people of Creswell Township will be called on to determine whether the Township shall issue $2,000 in bonds to rebuild the bridge across the Walnut River, at or near Newman=s Mill. The petition presented to the Township officers shows one hundred and fifty-four voters in favor of the project, and anxious for the bridge.A
There is no doubt but that the bridge is almost an actual necessity, and would not only benefit the farmers both east and west of us, but would add materially to the interests of the town, and the only question to be decided is whether the people of the Township are willing to pay for it. We have experi-ence; the drawbacks of a toll bridge, and those who denounced the ferry. The majority seem to oppose both, more especially since responsible parties have agreed to replace it, in a substantial manner, for $2,000.@Arkansas City Traveler, December 20, 1876.
Festival to be held at Newman=s new building, on Christmas night, Monday, December 25, 1876. Everybody and his wife are expected, and cordially invited to come. Besides the Christmas tree, there will be a charade acted by the ladies and gentlemen of Arkansas City; a Yankee kitchen in >ye olden style= with pumpkin pies and baked beans one hundred years old, fresh and nice, and a supper of modern times, with all the luxuries of the order, and oysters from the Walnut. Now, young ladies, remember leap year is drawing to a close, and only a few days are left, and you should not lose the last chance you may have for four years to come. Who knows what fate may have in store for you, or what the fish pond may produce? And everybody should remember that but few of us will be on hand to attend the next Centennial festival, and make the most of this opportunity.@Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 3, 1877.
Another grocery is to be opened in Pearson=s building soon after R. A. Houghton & Co. move to their new quarters.@Arkansas City Traveler, January 3, 1877.
Sold Out. A. A. Newman sold his entire stock of dry goods to the old re-liable firm of Houghton & McLaughlin last week, and the goods are being moved to the latter=s store until Newman=s building is completed, when Houghton & McLaugh-lin will occupy the new room and continue as before (in spite of Indian raids, grasshoppers, or Nick himself), to be the AOld Reliable@ green front store, known all over Southern Kansas as the cheapest place to buy any and all kinds of dress goods, dry goods, clothing, groceries, queensware, notions, furs, carpets, etc. They have been here from the first, and will remain to the last. Mr. Newman will now devote his whole time to his mill and Indian contracts.@Arkansas City Traveler, January 3, 1877.
Bridge. We learn that Mr. Newman gave a bond agreeing to complete the Walnut River Bridge for $2,000. He expects it to cost him $2,500, but is willing to pay the additional $500 rather than not have a bridge.@Arkansas City Traveler, January 3, 1877.
R. A. Houghton will remove his grocery store to the room formerly occupied by A. A. Newman, and open up another fresh lot of the best brands of sugar, coffee, tea, tobacco, flour, and all kinds of eatables.@Arkansas City Traveler, January 3, 1877.
After the entertainment at Newman=s building, on last Wednesday evening, several persons lost some knives and forks. If they are found by any to whom they do not belong, please return them to the post office.@Arkansas City Traveler, January 10, 1877.
R. A. Houghton made cash sales last Monday to the amount of over $100. He is now occupying the room one door north of the post office.@Arkansas City Traveler, January 10, 1877.
The large stock of goods of A. A. Newman & Co., some $10,000 worth, re-cently purchased by Houghton & McLaughlin, is now being removed to the Green Front, until the new brick store is ready for them on the opposite corner.A
This, with their own stock of goods, has so crowded their store as to make it almost impossible to get around, and in order to dispose of them before spring, they offer better bargains than any other house this side of Emporia. This firm was well named >Old Reliable,= having commenced here at the first settlement of the town six years ago, occupying a small room in the building now owned by L. C. Wood, and doing mostly their own hauling.A
Business began to increase on their hands so rapidly that they were obliged to have an addition to the building, in all 50 feet long. This store was occupied three years, when, their business still further increasing, they were obliged to build the present large business house, known as the >Green Front,= with several store-houses to hold their immense stock of goods, and now for the fourth time they are compelled to look for larger quarters.@Arkansas City Traveler, January 10, 1877.
The supremacy and power of mind over matter were strikingly illustrated during last Sunday=s services by the undivided attention which A. A. Newman=s dog, >Bob,= paid to Mr. Fleming=s remarks. He has evidently been the object of much careful training at home, and knows how to listen respectfully, though his exploring propensities will sooner or later lead him into difficulty.@Arkansas City Traveler, January 17, 1877.
The store house of Houghton & McLaughlin, south of the >Green Front,= has been turned into a meat shop. Henry Endicott, proprietor.@Arkansas City Traveler, January 17, 1877.
A. A. Newman has the entire contract for furnishing flour to the Pawnees, Cheyenees, etc., having purchased Houghton & McLaughlin=s, and R. C. Haywood=s interests.@Arkansas City Traveler, January 17, 1877.
Busines was quite lively in town last Saturday, notwithstanding the day was very unpleasant. Houghton & McLaughlin=s store was crowded all day, making it almost impossible to get in or out.@Arkansas City Traveler, January 24, 1877.
Notice to Bridge Builders. Sealed proposals will be received by the Board of Township Officers at the office of T. McIntire until Thursday, March 1st, 1877, at 12 o=clock m., for the purpose of building the superstructure of a bridge, of either iron or wood, across the Walnut River, at or near Newman=s mill: the bridge consisting of two spans, one ninety-four feet and six inches; and the other forty-five feet and six inches in length. Plans and specifications, with bonds for the completion of the bridge, must accompany each and every bid. The Board reserving the privilege of rejecting any and all bids. AT. McIntire, Trustee; W. D. Mowry, Clerk, Wyard E. Gooch, Treas.@Arkansas City Traveler, January 31, 1877.
R. C. Haywood has purchased the blacksmith shop formerly owned by A. O. Porter, and later by T. C. Bird. We believe Haywood will endeavor to give satisfaction.@Arkansas City Traveler, January 31, 1877.
C. M. Scott, while idly experimenting with a loaded shot gun, on last Wednesday morning, blew a hole through the partition between the post office and R. A. Houghton=s grocery, resulting in no further damage, however, than a general scare for a minute or two.@Arkansas City Traveler, February 28, 1877.
Houghton & McLaughlin will continue the grocery trade in their old store building after they remove to Newman=s brick.@Arkansas City Traveler, February 28, 1877.
Some thief or thieves stole a rope from Theo. Houghton=s oxen, and appropriated two of A. A. Newman=s poorest ponies last week.@Arkansas City Traveler, February 28, 1877.
Look Out. Last week two ponies were stolen from A. A. Newman=s pasture, and a bridle taken from E. B. Kager. Monday evening Charles Roseberry=s mules were loosened rather suspiciously, and a saddle and bridle was found near the rock ford of the Arkansas. Parties have been seen loitering about, with no apparent business, and a few evenings since, someone tried to break into Journey Breene=s house. Dr. Jones took up a pony that was wandering about his place, lately, which had evidently escaped from the rider as the bridle and saddle found near the ford indicate. It is rather early for horse stealing yet, but as soon as the grass is sufficient to afford feed, it will be well enough to keep a look out.@Arkansas City Traveler, February 28, 1877.
Mr. A. W. Berkey traded his farm to Houghton & McLaughlin for $2,200 worth of dry goods and will open a store in Salt City this week. His stock will be about a $3,000 one, and will be a great benefit to the residents of Salt City.@Arkansas City Traveler, March 7, 1877.
Walnut River Bridge. A contract was made last Friday by T. McIntire, Trustee; Wyard Gooch, Treasurer; and W. D. Mowry, Clerk of Creswell Township, with Mr. J. A. Bullene, agent of the Missouri Valley Bridge Co., of Leavenworth, for a wrought iron arch span of 100 feet, and a combination Queen Truss span of 50 feet, over the Walnut River at Newman=s mill, to be completed on or before the second day of June, 1877. The bridge is to be 150 feet long, built in two spans, and have one roadway twelve feet wide in the clear, to be constructed on the Arch and Queen Truss bridge plan, for which the Township Trustee, for and on behalf of Creswell Township, agrees to pay $2,000 in ten years, ten percent, township bonds, and $200 in township warrants payable; one-half on February 1st, 1878, and one-half February 1st, 1879; binding them-selves in the penal sum of $1,000 for the faithful performance of every article of agreement.@Arkansas City Traveler, March 14, 1877.
One of Godfrey=s horses fell from the little bridge near Newman=s Mill last week. The harness was cut and the animal dropped into the creek, and it made its way out.@Arkansas City Traveler, March 21, 1877.
Five carpenters all busy finishing Newman=s store room.@Arkansas City Traveler, March 21, 1877.
S. P. Channell has been appointed a Notary Public for Cowley County.@Arkansas City Traveler, March 28, 1877.
A good team, harness, and wagon for sale for cash, on time, on first mortgage security. R. A. Houghton.@Arkansas City Traveler, March 28, 1877.
Bids received March 26, 1877, for breaking 800 acres of prairie at Pawnee Agency, Indian Territory, to be completed by the 15th of June. The work was awarded to the lowest bidders: Frank Ward, 200 acres; M. E. Garner, 200 acres; R. A. Houghton, 200 acres; T. R. Houghton, 200 acres.@Arkansas City Traveler, March 28, 1877.
A crystal wedding was held at Mr. L. McLaughlin=s last Monday evening at which many of our prominent citizens attended.@Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1877.
Notice is hereby given that the Board of Creswell Township will issue to the Missouri Valley Bridge Co. on the 1st day of May, A. D. 1877, bonds to the amount of two thousand dollars ($2,000), for the purpose of building a bridge over the Walnut River near Newman=s Mill.@ T. McIntire, Trustee; Wyard E. Gooch, Treasurer; W. D. Mowry, Clerk.@Arkansas City Traveler, April 11, 1877.
O. P. Houghton had about eighty rods of fence destroyed by the prairie fire east of the Walnut, last Thursday.@Arkansas City Traveler, April 25, 1877.
T. H. McLaughlin returned from his Eastern trip last Saturday, having found the market to suit him in New York and Boston. He made a large purchase just in the nick of time, before the late advance caused by the European war, and promises to sell lower than ever. The goods will be here by next week.@Arkansas City Traveler, April 25, 1877.
Those wishing the chains for the Marsh Harvesters can get the same by calling on me. And anyone wishing repairs for Harvesting Machines, must give their orders now, in order to be sure of them by harvest time. R. C. HAYWARD.@Arkansas City Traveler, April 25, 1877.
Cash for Groceries. On and after April 30th, we will give no credit for groceries. Will take all kinds of country produce in exchange.HOUGHTON & McLAUGHLIN.@
Arkansas City Traveler, May 9, 1877.
Haywood sold three mowing machines to the Osage Agent this week.@Arkansas City Traveler, May 9, 1877.
Houghton & McLaughlin. Almost from the beginning of Arkansas City, the firm of Houghton & McLaughlin has been a familiar household word with the people of Cowley and Sumner counties. Other firms have started, changed hands, and finally gave way to the grasshopper and Indian panics, yet the >Old Reliable Green Front= has pursued its onward course, until now we find them occupying a building one hundred feet long, on one side of the street, filled with dry goods, clothing, and every conceivable article of apparel, while on the opposite side is their grocery and queensware department, almost as large. Their trade is by no means confined to this county alone, but reaches far to the western border and almost to Texas. During the year 1874, their trade with the Osage Indians alone, for four months, amounted to $30,000; and since then, they have been parties to a contract with the Kaws, Osages, Pawnees, Cheyenne & Arrapahoes, Wichitas, Caddoes and affiliated bands, Kiowas, and Comanches. Having the advantage of buying largely, they buy cheap; and selling a large quantity of goods, they can afford to sell at a smaller margin. Last week their spring stock arrived, and it is now displayed on their avenue shelves. To all who have not seen them, or made a visit to the new store, it will pay to go.@Arkansas City Traveler, May 9, 1877.
Worth Remembering. We have divided our stock of goods, moving all but the groceries, queens, and glassware to the new brick store, and hereafter no groceries leave the old green front until settled for with cash or ready pay. >Please make a personal application.= Respectfully, HOUGHTON & McLAUGHLIN.@Arkansas City Traveler, May 16, 1877.
The bridge across the Walnut is to be completed by June 2nd. Work on the piers has begun and the material for the iron span is at Wichita. Mr. Bullene, of Leavenworth, has the contract.@Arkansas City Traveler, May 30, 1877.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Houghton, a daughter, on Thursday, May 27th.@Arkansas City Traveler, May 30, 1877.
Mr. Bullene, of Leavenworth, contractor for the Walnut River Bridge, came down last Thursday. June 2nd is the day specified that it shall be completed, but the recent high waters will detain them.@Arkansas City Traveler, June 6, 1877.
O. P. Houghton was taken suddenly ill last Friday with a severe cramp and chill, and was considered dangerously sick for awhile.@Arkansas City Traveler, June 13, 1877.
Houghton & McLaughlin are going to put a grocery over the Arkansas. A feed stable would pay there now.@Arkansas City Traveler, June 13, 1877.
Contract for Freight. Houghton & McLaughlin have been awarded the con-tract for transporting Indian goods from Wichita to the Pawnee and Kaw Agencies. Edward Fenlow received the contract for hauling the goods for the Osages, and those for the Sac and Fox and their stations was awarded to D. C. Blossom, of Muscogee, Indian Territory.@Arkansas City Traveler, June 20, 1877.
Houghton & McLaughlin have a branch store on the south side of the Arkan-sas River.@Arkansas City Traveler, June 20, 1877.
Work upon the bridge piers at Newman=s Mill has been resumed and will be pushed forward to completion as rapidly as possible. If everything progresses favorably, we may expect to have the bridge in position by the middle of July.@Arkansas City Traveler, June 20, 1877.
Rough. Theoron Houghton had quite a time getting back to town from the Pawnee Agency, where he had been breaking. It took him ten days to make the trip, and he had to leave his team at that. M. T. Bonar started a little ahead of him, and reached and forded the Red Rock; but when Theoron arrived, an hour later, the waters had risen so that he could not ford. The serious part was that Bonar had no provisions with him and after sticking it out five days in sight of each other waiting for the waters to subside, Theoron returned to the agency and Bonar started west for the cattle trail. Nothing has since been heard of him. A party of men went in search of him on Monday and have not yet returned.@Arkansas City Traveler, June 20, 1877.
The bridge has gone, but Houghton & McLaughlin have a full line of groceries and a full assortment of staple dry goods in their new store, near the old bridge on the south side of the river. Farmers, you can get your Harvest Supplies without crossing the river.@Arkansas City Traveler, July 4, 1877.
The Eldorado Times says: >Tom Bonar, of Grouse Creek, is lost in the Indian Territory, and a party of men are hunting for him.= Can=t be. Tom=s feet are so large that he could be trailed to California. The Times must mean that the Territory is lost to Tom Bonar.@Arkansas City Traveler, July 11, 1877.
Newman paid $1.57 cash for 86 bushels of old wheat lately.@Arkansas City Traveler, July 11, 1877.
The work on the bridge across the Walnut is delayed for want of lime.@Arkansas City Traveler, July 11, 1877.
New firm. Houghton & McLaughlin sold their entire stock of groceries to L. McLaughlin yesterday, who will continue business at the Green Front.@Arkansas City Traveler, July 18, 1877.
Mr. Haywood desires to thank his friends for the patronage he has received, and retires from business with the best of feelings towards all.@Arkansas City Traveler, July 18, 1877.
Mr. Channell invites all his former patrons to try him again, and assures all he will sell as cheap as anyone in Southern Kansas. S. P. Channell purchased the hardware store of R. C. Haywood yesterday, and is now ready to serve all in need of anything in his line. Mr. Haywood will devote his time to collecting accounts due him, for awhile.@Arkansas City Traveler, July 25, 1877.
The bridge pier on the Walnut washed out last week. It will be rebuilt by Mr. Newman.@Arkansas City Traveler, July 25, 1877.
The chandelier of Houghton & McLaughlin=s store fell to the floor and was demolished yesterday.@Arkansas City Traveler, July 25, 1877.
Ad. Having bought Houghton & McLaughlin=s store south of the old bridge, will keep on hand a general stock of staple dry goods, boots, shoes, and groceries, which we will sell at the lowest possible price for cash. Call and see me. Frank Waldo.@Arkansas City Traveler, July 25, 1877.
Houghton & McLaughlin At The New Brick Corner. Have a large stock of dry goods, notions, ribbons, hats, caps, boots, shoes, clothing, and carpets than any other two houses in Cowley County.A
Our facilities for buying are equal to any concern in the State. We bought our entire spring stock on a market from 10 to 25 percent, lower than any other house in this county, and we propose to give our customers the benefit of our great bargains. Each line of goods in our stock is more complete than the same line of goods in any other house in the county, and we guarantee better prices. Come and see, and satisfy yourselves. Houghton & McLaughlin.@Arkansas City Traveler, July 25, 1877.
A. Chamberlain has purchased the furniture store of L. McLaughlin, and will conduct the business hereafter. Mr. Chamberlain is a licensed auctioneer, and in connection with his store, will have an auction every Saturday afternoon. Bring in what you have to sell.@Arkansas City Traveler, July 25, 1877.
During the high water last Wednesday, the west pier of the Walnut River Bridge was washed away.@Arkansas City Traveler, July 25, 1877.
Mr. Bullene, representing the Missouri Valley Bridge Company of Leaven-worth, was at this place last week, and wanted part payment on the Walnut River Bridge. The township officers refused to deliver any part of the bonds until the bridge was completed according to contract. Mr. Bullene has been delayed from building the bridge on account of the piers not being ready and has sustained some loss, but the bonds will not be transferred until the bridge is completed.@Arkansas City Traveler, July 25, 1877.
Mr. Channell has engaged a large space in the paper this week to tell the people what he has in the hardware line. He will go north soon to replenish his stock, and when it arrives, he will have one of the largest supplies of wagons, machines, and farming implements to be found anywhere in the Southwest. Mr. Channell always bore the reputation of selling the best hardware for the least money, and his many friends will be glad to learn that he is again in business.@Arkansas City Traveler, August 8, 1877.
Work on the pier of the Walnut River Bridge has been going steadily on for the past week. Mr. Buzzi has the contract and is doing good work. Stones two feet wide by four feet long and one foot thick are frequently put in the pier. The abutment on the east bank is also being rebuilt, and both piers being rip-rapped and built four feet higher. Mr. Gooch is overseeing the work during Mr. Newman=s absence.@Arkansas City Traveler, August 8, 1877.
Messrs. Newman and Haywood have been at Lawrence, looking after the letting of Indian contracts. We have not yet learned if they secured the award, but hope it will be let to someone that will buy the wheat in Cowley County. This year will be a risky one for wheat speculators. If the war continues in Europe, wheat will be high priced; if the war lags or ceases, it will be moderate. Parties bidding should figure on large margins.@Arkansas City Traveler, August 15, 1877.
Bids for supplies for the Indians were opened at the Central Superintendency at Lawrence Monday and contracts awarded.A
Berry Bros. & Finney, Arkansas City, 2,700 bushels corn, 58 cents.A
A. A. Newman, of Arkansas City, 130,000 pounds of flour at Pawnee Agency, Indian Territory, $3.15; 440,000 pounds at Kaw Agency, Indian Territory, $2.40. Lawrence Journal.@Arkansas City Traveler, August 22, 1877.
Lamp Burst. Early Monday evening, Mr. Gates went to the door of Chan-nell=s Hardware Store for the purpose of buying something, and found the door locked and the inside of the store in flames. While it was being talked over how they could get in, T. H. McLaughlin came to the rescue, and planting himself back on his patent leg, gave such a kick that would shame a mule, and sent the whole pane of glass in the door in a thousand and one pieces. This made an opening large enough to get in and out of very easily, and in a few minutes the lamps were lowered and carried out, and the flames smothered. The cause of the disas-ter was from a lamp bursting. The only damage done was the breaking of the lamp and scorching of a plow handle and the floor. The oil from the lamp had spread over the floor, and had it not been discovered soon after, the building would have been endangered. Only a few persons were present at the time, but among them we noticed two or three candidates.@On August 29, 1877, C. M. Scott, editor of the Traveler, commented that seven years ago last Wednesday, the first edition of the newspaper was sent from the roofless shanty on the corner where Newman=s two story brick now stands.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 29, 1877.
The following is the score of the game of base ball played August 23rd, between the east and west sides of Summit Street, one of the players being A. A. Newman. [Note: Baseball was made into two words at that time.]A
East Side: R. Houghton, C. Cline, J. Sherburne, A. A. Newman, Geo. Allen, J. Leonard, F. Swarts, J. Clark, and A. M. Johnson.A
West Side: J. Kronert, A. Davis, Will Mowry, H. Ward, H. Bacon, W. Alexander, Ed. Horn, Will Peed, and P. Woodyard.A
Umpire: R. C. Haywood. The East Side won: 25 to 20.@Arkansas City Traveler, September 5, 1877.
While the men engaged in building the middle pier of the Walnut River Bridge were hoisting stone last week, one of the guy ropes broke and let the derrick fall. As it struck the pier, the wheel caught the arm of Richard Work, a colored man generally known as >Tobe,= and cut it severely. Tobe was knocked off the pier into the river, and did not come to the surface for some time.@Arkansas City Traveler, September 5, 1877.
R. A. Houghton sold his interest in the grocery store to M. E. Welsh last week. The firm wil be Mantor & Welsh, who will continue to give bargains in groceries, queensware, etc. R. A. Houghton will open a clothing store in the two-story building recently moved to Summit Street opposite the Traveler office in the spring.@Arkansas City Traveler, September 5, 1877.
250 head of stock hogs for sale, or will trade for wheat. A. A. Newman.@Arkansas City Traveler, September 26, 1877.
S. P. Channell has returned from Kansas City, where he went to witness the different tests of farming implements and machinery.@Arkansas City Traveler, October 3, 1877.
The piers for the Walnut River Bridge are completed. The next thing now to be built will be the approaches.@Arkansas City Traveler, October 3, 1877.
Haywood has the contract for Government freighting to Pawnee Agency.@Arkansas City Traveler, October 3, 1877.
Rube Houghton paid Caldwell a visit last week.@Arkansas City Traveler, October 10, 1877.
One of the most comfortable and convenient carriages to be seen is Channell=s phaeton that arrived last week.@Arkansas City Traveler, October 10, 1877.
The men to erect the Walnut River Bridge will be here in about a week. One of the members of the Missouri Valley Bridge Company was here last week, to see about the erection of the bridge across the Walnut. It will be made to span the river in two weeks.@Arkansas City Traveler, October 10, 1877.
The new goods of Houghton & McLaughlin have began to come in, and will be received during the week. They have the greatest variety of prints of the best quality to be seen in any store in the Southwest--Wichita not excepted. For comfort and warmth, they have heavy quilts for $1.75, and winter clothing cheaper than ever.@Arkansas City Traveler, October 10, 1877.
Rube Houghton offers the use of his new building, situated between Al. Horn=s and E. R. Kager=s place of business, for any entertainment the young folks want. Especially for a hop.@Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, October 31, 1877.
Born, to Mrs. And Mrs. A. A. Newman, on Tuesday morning, a son, which accounts for the unusual happiness of Mr. Newman.@Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1877.
Pine Lumber. I have added pine lumber to my stock of Hardware, lately purchased at Wichita, and will be pleased to furnish the same to anyone wishing to build at Wichita prices--freight added. Call and see me before purchasing elsewhere. S. P. Channell.@Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1877.
Mrs. T. H. McLaughlin, who has been visiting relatives in Texas for sev-eral weeks, returned Friday evening, accompanied by Miss Mattie Newman, sister of Mrs. Haywood, and A. A. Newman, of this place.@Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1877.
Off For A Hunt. O. P. Houghton and several others are going down on the Salt Fork to hunt antelope and turkeys. Both are reported very numerous. O. P. is one of the happiest men living when he is poking a double-barreled shot gun behind the gills of a turkey gobbler, or making fifteen feet leaps after a wounded antelope. He is said to be a good marksman, but we can=t help thinking of the 14 shots it took to bring down a squirrel while on a trip to Osage Agency some time ago.@Arkansas City Traveler, November 7, 1877.
The contractors of the Walnut River Bridge now want a guarantee from a number of our prominent citizens that the bonds will be issued to them before they will erect the bridge.@Arkansas City Traveler, November 7, 1877.
Mr. F. P. Schiffbauer, of Wichita Agency, came up last week to spend a few days with us. He has been with the Indians at the Agency about six years, and converses freely in many Indian tongues, besides German and English. He may locate with us, and we hope he will, for he is an exemplary young man of excellent business qualifications.@Arkansas City Traveler, November 14, 1877.
Married. On Tuesday, November 13, 1877, at the First Presbyterian Church, by Rev. S. B. Fleming, Mr. F. P. Schiffbauer, late of Wichita Agency, Indian Territory, to Miss Mollie Williams, of this place. Notwithstanding the night was dark and stormy, with the probabilities of a heavy rain, the church was filled with ladies and gentlemen, many being compelled to remain standing during the ceremony. After the congratulations were extended to the happy couple, a few in-vited friends repaired to Mr. Godehard=s restaurant, where a bountiful feast of good things awaited them, and time sped swiftly and pleasantly until the >wee sina hours beyant the twa.= The many friends of the newly wedded couple join in wishing them a prosperous and happy journey >up the dusty slopes of life,= with no clouds to mar the serenity of their matrimonial sky.@Wichita Beacon, November 14, 1877.
Frank Schiffbauer and Miss Mary Williams, both of Wichita Agency, Indian Territory, were married yesterday in Arkansas City. Miss Williams is the daughter of the Agent at Anadarko, and Frank was the Agent=s clerk. Frank is a fine specimen of the Kansas boy who has finished his education among the Indians. He is free hearted and energetic; has fine business qualities; and successfully aided in carrying on the Agent=s business. He will go into business in Arkansas City. Mr. and Mrs. Schiffbauer have our best wishes as they paddle their canoe down the stream of time, whose banks we hope will always be lined with flowers for them.@Arkansas City Traveler, November 14, 1877.
Fred. Newman, brother of A. A. Newman, is visiting his relatives at this place.@Arkansas City Traveler, November 21, 1877.
Messrs. C. And F. P. Schiffbauer bought the entire stock of groceries owned by L. McLaughlin at the Green Front yesterday, and will continue the business at the old stand. On account of taking an inventory of stock, the store will be closed today and tomorrow. The boys come to us highly recommended, are energetic, thorough-going businessmen, and will doubtless be favored with a large share of the public patronage.@Arkansas City Traveler, November 21, 1877.
C. & F. B. Schiffbauer would respectfully call the attention of the public to the fact that we have bought out the stock and stand of L. McLaughlin, at the >Green Front,= consisting of groceries and queensware, and will be pleased to form the acquaintance and patronage of all good customers of that stand, and as many new ones as we can get. Having dealt extensively in goods at Wichita Agency, our facilities for buying are good, as we have always bought from first hands and first-class houses. All we ask is a trial to please our customers, and we will risk selling to them again. Come and see us, one and all. Business transacted in Caddo, Comanche, Wichita, Pawnee, German, and English languages; or, if you are deaf, we will make signs, which we understand perfectly. Don=t forget the place--the >Green Front,= on Summit Street, opposite Houghton & McLaughlin.@Arkansas City Traveler, November 21, 1877.
A heavy grist was turned out at Newman=s Mill this week.@Arkansas City Traveler, November 28, 1877.
The eastern approach to the Walnut River Bridge is nearly completed.@Arkansas City Traveler, November 21, 1877.
Twenty-six Buildings Under Way. A Building Association was forned a few weeks ago, and entered into by twelve parties, agreeing to build a house each. Since then fourteen more have declared their intention to build. The original twelve were: S. P. Channell, W. M. Sleeth, A. A. Newman, L. H. Gardner, O. P. Houghton, Gardner Mott, H. P. Farrar, Silas Parker, J. L. Huey, R. C. Hayood, James Wilson, and C. R. Sipes. The additional fourteen are: J. C. McMullen, Thomas Baird, J. Dodwell, Mrs. Dean, C. C. Wolf, E. J. Fitch, Mr. Ray, Wm. Speers, T. A. Gaskill, D. Logan, J. T. Shepard, Kendall Smith, Jas. Benedict, and David Finney. Mr. Gaskill has his house almost enclosed, and the foundations and preparations are being made for several others.@Arkansas City Traveler, November 28, 1877.
Channell=s new house goes up this week. He has the lumber on the ground.@Arkansas City Traveler, November 28, 1877.
The eastern approach to the Walnut River Bridge is nearly completed.@Arkansas City Traveler, December 12, 1877.
Houghton & McLaughlin shipped yesterday to the Pawnee Agency six loads of bacon, which will make Mr. Pawnee full and happy for a time.@Arkansas City Traveler, December 19, 1877.
Theoron Houghton is the last happy father of a twelve pound boy.@Arkansas City Traveler, December 19, 1877.
One of the pleasantest affairs ever witnessed in Arkansas City was the mask party given by Mrs. Haywood last Friday evening in honor of her sister, Miss Mattie Newman. The house was filled with gentlemen and ladies dressed in every conceivable manner, some wearing the most ridiculous and mirth-provoking costumes imaginable, and with one or two exceptions, they were so completely disguised as to be utterly unrecognizable by their most intimate friends. After unmasking, which was an occasion for considerable merriment, the company amused themselves with music, parlor croquet, and other games for an hour or two, when they were served with an excellent supper.@Arkansas City Traveler, December 26, 1877.
Houghton & McLaughlin announced a grand clearing sale at the New Brick Corner. Goods to be sold at actual cost, for cost only, for the next sixty days. A list of goods was given: $4,000 worth of elegantly made and latest style cloth-ing; 200 men=s caps; 1,000 yards Cassimeres and Jeans; 500 yards waterproofs; 2,000 yards wool flannels; 4,000 yards dress goods; 400 yards of carpet; 100 suits of underwear; 75 shawls; ladies= cloaks; felt skirts; 20 Honey Comb and Marseilles Quilts; white blankets; and an endless variety of notions; Alpacas 18 to 85 cents per yard, gray twill all wool flannel, 30 cents per yard; white flannel, 16 cents per yard; bed ticks, 8 cents per yard and upward; men=s suspen-ders, 15 cents per pair; hats, 40 cents; caps, 30 cents; two-button Kid Gloves, 65 cents per pair; trunks and leather bags.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.
The father and mother of A. A. Newman came all the way from Maine to visit their children.@Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.
Work began on the bridge across the Walnut last week, and it will be ready to cross on in a few days.@Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1878.
If England does take a hand in the Eastern war, what a time there will be. Wheat will go up, corn will be more in demand, pork will advance, but Houghton & McLaughlin will continue to sell dry goods at the same low rate.@Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1878.
The bridge across the Walnut at Newman=s Mill is complete, but the approach on the west side has not been made yet. The piers are about four feet higher than they originally were, and seem high enough to be out of danger, but the structure of the bridge is very light and should be well tested before accepting it.@Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1878.
A number of young and married folks assembled at the residence of T. H. McLaughlin on Tuesday evening of last week, and passed a merry time. McLaughlin has got into the habit of making a success of everything he undertakes, let it be business or pleasure, and with the help of the amiable lady of the house, nothing was left undone that could in any way minister to the enjoyment of their guests.@Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1878.
Social Dance. One of the most pleasant parties of the winter was held at Newman=s hall on Monday evening, under the direction of two or three good citizens of this place. Music was furnished by C. R. Sipes, James Steiner, and Ret Berkey, and the floor managed by I. H. Bonsall and S. P. Channell. A good number were present, and the company enjoyed them-selves exceedingly. It was the best selected audience we have seen in Arkansas City since the good old days of long ago, and the secret of it was there was no distinction made on account of surrounding circum-stances. A similar party once every two weeks would add greatly to the social enjoyment of the place.@Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.
The Walnut raised 12 feet Saturday night, and took out about ten feet of the dam at the mill. Whole trees forty feet in length floated down the river. The approach on the west side of the bridge is made of sand, and will be carried off when the first flood comes, unless it is stoned up on both sides.@Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.
R. A. Houghton sold his house to Mr. Stanton of Oskaloosa, Iowa, last week, for $700. R. A. Houghton goes into J. A. Stafford=s house, and Stafford goes into Col. McMullen=s house, which Mr. Stafford pur-chased for $2,500; it is the best dwelling house in this locality.@Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.
Houghton & McLaughlin have a few more horses and mules for sale for cash, or on time with good security.@Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.
Newman=s Mill is grinding every day, making the best flour of any mill in the Southwest. The bridge across the Walnut is finished, a wide road has been made in front of the mill, and is easy of access from every direction. Bring in your grists if you want good flour.@Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.
Bridge Completed. The approach to the Walnut River Bridge was com-pleted last Friday, and teams are now crossing every day. The piers were built about four feet higher than they were, and a good bridge with iron stringers placed on them. No matter whether the river is full to the banks, the public are now assured of safe crossing.@Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.
Thomas Mantor has charge of R. A. Houghton=s clothing store while Rube is absent in the country.@Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.
A. A. Newman was awarded the contract at the Pawnee Agency for 65 head of cows, 12 yoke of oxen, 525 bushels of corn, 375 bushels of oats, some pine lumber, and 200,000 shingles. Schiffbauer Bros. were awarded the contract for salt and brooms.@Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878.
A. A. Newman sold 8,000 lbs. of boneless shoulders and smoked hams to James Boice of Lake City, Colorado, for eight cents per pound, and Schiffbauer Brothers furnished him a large quantity of eggs at five cents per dozen. These hams will go up the mountains on pack mules.@Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878.
On Sunday morning about one-third of the west pier of the Walnut River Bridge was discovered to have been washed out. Mr. Newman and James Huey, the Township Trustee, immediately engaged four teams and had them work all day Sunday hauling rock to throw in above the pier to save it. It does not interfere with crossing, and will be permanently repaired when the water lowers.@Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.
R. C. Haywood returned from New York State last Monday. He reports an immense emigration to Kansas.@Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.
Mr. M. E. Welch sold his interest in the grocery store of Pierce & Welch to Mr. L. McLaughlin last week, and then started on a trip for his health to Illinois. His family will remain here. (Mr. Welch arose from his bed Saturday evening, March 9th, while wild with fever, dressed himself, and walked uptown. He was taken to John Williams, and was prostrate for some time.)Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.
O. P. Houghton lost a yearling mule in a very singular manner last Friday. The gate between Mr. Houghton=s property and the adjoining timber is one of sliding bars, and it would appear that the mule had approached and attempted to look over the two posts at one end of the gate, but got its head between them, thus seriously interfering with its accustomed ease of locomotion. On trying to extricate itself from this awkward posi-tion, the animal=s head became more firmly fastened, and no one coming to the rescue, the poor brute choked to death.@Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.
Pierce & McLaughlin=s and the Traveler office buildings are being repainted.@Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.
The contracts for breaking at Pawnee Agency were awarded last week, as follows: W. H. Sims, 250 acres at $1.70 per acre; W. A. Metcalf, of Maple City, 150 acres at $1.74 per acre; Theoron Houghton, 280 acres at $1.87-1/2 per acre, including sharpening of plow. The prices bid were very low; proving the scarcity of money and hard times. Just think of a man going sixty miles to break prairie at $1.70 per acre!@Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.
S. P. Channell sold his hardware store to Agent Williams last week, and will give possession in May or June. Mr. Channell is a man of many friends, and all regret to have him quit business. Before returning to the duties of his office at Wichita Agency, A. C. Williams purchased the fine farm of Rudolph Hoffmaster, situated on the State line, four miles south of town: a very desirable fruit, grain, and stock farm.@[Note: Two of Agent Williams= daughters had recently married and were living in Arkansas City: Mrs. Frank Schiffbauer and Mrs. J. A. Stafford.]
Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.
With two setts of burrs running all day and nearly all night, Newman can hardly keep up to the rush he has for his four X flour, and yet he manages to accommodate all who come with grists to grind.@Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.
The Green Front and Pierce & McLaughlin each have a neat silver mounted cigar case filled with the best of smoking material.@Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.
There are no vacant rooms in Newman=s brick block on the corner, and had there been a half dozen more, they would have been all occupied. It is well planned, well built, and guarded against fire by a fire wall and iron roof on the top. Newman understands erecting buildings.@Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.
Another new farm implement is a harrow made entirely of iron. One can be seen in front of Channell=s store, and about forty in his cellar.@Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.
A part of Houghton & McLaughlin=s clothing has arrived. They have a fine selection.@Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.
Wanted: 50 domestic cows with calves by their sides. Cash will be paid for the same. A. A. Newman.@Arkansas City Traveler, April 10, 1878.
Ads. Schiffbauer Bros. want corn. Pierce & McLaughlin pay the highest price for butter, eggs, and potatoes.@Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.
R. A. Houghton will move his clothing to the store one door north of his present place of business, and before the close of the week will have a fine lot of fresh groceries that he expects to sell cheaper than he ever sold before. Rube has many friends, and will have a good trade.@Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.
In the course of ten days Pierce & McLaughlin will open a large and well assorted stock of gent=s and boys= clothing, boots, shoes, and furnishing goods, at prices to suit.@Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.
R. A. Houghton will move his clothing to the store one door north of his present place of business, and before the close of the week will have a fine lot of fresh groceries that he expects to sell cheaper than he ever sold before. Rube has many friends, and will have a good trade.A
In the course of ten days, Pierce & McLaughlin will open a large and well assorted stock of gents= and boys= clothing, boots, shoes, and furnishing goods, at prices to suit.@Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.
The friends of Thomas Mantor will be glad to hear that he is again in business, and will hunt him up to trade with him again. He can be found at the new grocery store of Houghton & Mantor.A
New Grocery. Rube Houghton and Thomas Mantor, under the firm name of Houghton & Mantor, have opened a new grocery in the second building south of E. D. Eddy=s, and are offering goods cheaper than can be bought in any adjoining town in the Southwest. They have a fine lot of teas and coffees, and sugar that can=t be beat in quality or price.A
Ad. R. A. Houghton and T. L. Mantor. For several months past we have turned our attention exclusively to the clothing trade. In addition to our stock of clothing, we intend to sell groceries. We can do it, for cash, and make a fair profit. Our stock of clothing is new, having been received only last week, and our groceries can=t be beat. Store located two doors north of the post office.@Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.
Five wagons loaded with salt from East Saginaw, Michigan, drove up to Schiffbauer=s grocery last Sunday, and we have noticed equal amounts left at H. Godehard=s, Pierce & McLaughlin=s, Hoyt & Speers, and Houghton & Mantor will soon have a like amount--and this, too, when salt just as good can be manufactured at Salt City, within nine miles of this place. Someone should engage in the busi-ness, as it would surely pay.@Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.
Lafayette McLaughlin traded his one-third interest in a brick building in Emporia for the building known as L. B. Kellogg=s law office, and forty acres one mile north of town (part of the Coberly tract).@Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.
Reuben A. Houghton, the popular grocery man, sold the two-story building adjoining Al. Horn=s shoe shop to Artemus Ward Patterson, last week, to be occupied as a saloon. A. W. Patterson has purchased some of the finest chromos of Dr. Loomis= stock, and will adorn the room in style.@Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.
We have quite a number of good improved farms which we will sell at a bargain. Call soon. Houghton & McLaughlin.@Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.
Anyone wanting a $90.00 sewing machine for $35.00, nearly new, on time, with good security, discount for cash. Inquire at O. P. Houghton.@Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.
There were 27 persons on Speers= and Walton=s steamboat, >Arkansas Traveler,= last Tuesday week. They were conveyed to the river in a wagon, and from the ford at Harmon=s went to the large island about three miles below the mouth of the Walnut. The trip was enjoyed by all. A. A. Newman and R. A. Houghton unfortunately were tipped from the small row boat into the river while attempting to get on the boat.@Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.
Having purchased the entire stock of hardware, etc., from S. P. Channell, we would respectfully call the attention of our friends to the fact that they can buy farming implements, hardware, etc., at the old stand. Schiffbauer Bros. & Co.@ [Note: Schiffbauer Bros. moved their stock into the room formerly occupied by S. P. Channell. Further activities of this firm will be given in next book.]Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878.
Small Pox. O. P. Houghton received word from his wife in Sumner, Maine, this week, that their youngest daughter, Cora, was down with small pox, con-tracted on the train while traveling East.@Arkansas City Traveler, June 19, 1878.
At the recent opening of bids for Indian supplies, in New York City, Mr. A. A. Newman obtained the contract for 1,000,000 pounds of flour, and R. C. Haywood has the contract for furnishing wheat and corn, to be delivered at the several agencies. This will make a good market for wheat and corn at home.@Arkansas City Traveler, June 26, 1878.
Newman=s Mill is grinding again and running on full time. They have been held back by back-water from the Arkansas.@Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.
The floor of the bridge over the Walnut River is becoming exceedingly shaky, and should be attended to immediately. It will soon be unsafe for teams to cross, as many of the boards are loose or nearly worn through.@Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.
Ad. 50,000 bushels of wheat wanted at Newman=s Mill. No wheat bought unless in good condition.@Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.
H. P. Farrar and S. P. Channell started for the East last Saturday morning: Mr. Farrar for the State of Maine; Mr. Channell for the province of Canada. They expect to return in a couple of months, with their families.@Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.
Mr. A. A. Newman returned from the East last Friday night, where he has been for the past six weeks looking after his flour contracts for the several agencies in the Territory. He reports that times are not much better there than here, and complaints of the stringency of the money market are as loud and frequent there as in the West. Mr. Newman=s contracts call for 1,216,500 pounds of flour, as follows: Cheyenne & Arrapahoe Agency, 600,000 lbs.; Wichita Agency, 100,000 lbs.; Kiowa & Comanche Agency, 300,000 lbs.; Ponca Agency, 150,000 lbs., Sac & Fox Agency, 66,500 lbs. He also has the contract for freighting Indian supplies from Wichita to the Ponca Agency, a distance, probably, of 85 or 90 miles. The awarding of the above contracts to Mr. Newman will create a good home market for a large portion of the wheat raised in Cowley and Sumner counties, and he says he will pay cash for what he buys and for the freighting also. This is business, and we guarantee our farmers a better market here than they can get by hauling their grain 60 or 70 miles to Wichita, or by paying 20 or 25 cents per bushel to have it hauled.@Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.
O. P. Houghton arrived at Revere, Massachusetts, on Sunday, 31st of last month, and wrote that though his child was yet alive, there were little hopes of her recovery. In addition to this affliction, his wife has been taken with the same dreadful disease--small pox--and is lying very low. This is sad news, and our friend has the heartfelt sympathy of our entire community in this trial. That his wife may be spared to him and her family, is the wish of their many friends here.@Arkansas City Traveler, July 14, 1878.
We are glad to state that the wife and child of O. P. Houghton are almost recovered, and that if no more of his family are taken sick, they may be expected home in the course of a week or ten days.@Arkansas City Traveler, August 7, 1878.
R. C. Haywood went to Osage Agency last Sunday, and will return the latter part of this week, when he will commence buying wheat.@Arkansas City Traveler, August 7, 1878.
R. C. Haywood went to Osage Agency last Sunday, and will return the latter part of this week, when he will commence buying wheat.@Arkansas City Traveler, August 7, 1878.
Mr. C. E. Udell, of St. Louis, has been in town for the past week. He is sent by the Government to inspect the flour furnished by Mr. Newman to the agencies below. The flour is to be delivered in monthly installments, and Mr. Udell, or some other gentlemen, will make monthly trips to inspect the flour.@Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.
A. A. Newman has been confined to his home with fever for several days past.@Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.
Mr. Baker and Beede returned to their homes at Lowell, Massa-chusetts, last week. Mr. Howard is here yet.@Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.
The string from Newman=s block to Benedict=s upper story is the conductor of the telephone. You can put your ear at one end and your mouth at the other and hear everything that is said.@Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878.
No custom grinding. Owing to the fact that Mr. Newman has a very large Indian contract to fill, and already has every available space filled with grain, no custom grinding will be done for a few days. Notice will be given when they begin to grind again. Grimes & Woodyard will have their steam mill ready before many days, and can accommodate a great many customers.@Arkansas City Traveler, August 28, 1878.
N. J. Dixon has purchased the interest of R. A. Houghton in the pioneer store at Caldwell, and becomes successor to the late firm of Dixon & Houghton.@Arkansas City Traveler, August 28, 1878.
Haywood has been paying 60 cents per bushel for wheat delivered at Osage or Pawnee Agency.@Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.
As Lippmann=s log team with six yoke of oxen attached was crossing the log bridge near Newman=s Mill, yesterday, the bridge gave way, and upset the wagon in the creek, and pulled one steer in with it. The boys cut the bow of the one that was hanging by the neck, and saved the rest from being pulled in. Mr. Lippmann thinks he will sue the township for damages.@Arkansas City Traveler, September 25, 1878.
The small bridge near Newman=s Mill has been repaired so that teams can cross with safety.@Arkansas City Traveler, September 25, 1878.
An accident of quite a serious nature happened to Mr. A. A. Newman last Monday morning, at his flouring mill on the Walnut. It would appear that Mr. Newman was superintending the loading of some teams. While standing with his back to the pile of 100 lb. sacks of flour from which the loads were being taken, the stack toppled over upon him, crushing him to the ground. He was quickly rescued from his perilous position and was laid upon the mill floor. An examination was made and very luckily nothing more serious was discovered than several bad bruises and a severely sprained ankle. He was, however, so badly shaken as to be unable to stand for several hours and could not be brought to his home until late in the afternoon. At this writing he is progressing favorably.@Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.
O. P. Houghton and S. P. Channell returned from the East last Friday afternoon, with their families.@Arkansas City Traveler, October 9, 1878.
Dissolution of Co-Partnership. Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between O. P. Houghton and T. H. McLaughlin, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, O. P. Houghton continuing the business of said firm; and T. H. McLaughlin has the collecting of all notes and accounts due the firm.@Arkansas City Traveler, October 9, 1878.
Notice. L. McLaughlin, having purchased J. H. Pierce=s interest in the late firm of Pierce & McLaughlin, together with the accounts, would respectfully call the attention of his friends to the fact that they can buy groceries, boots, shoes, earthenware, etc., at the old stand, one door north of the Post Office. As I have bought the accounts of Mantor & Welch and Pierce & Welch, they can be settled with me before the 1st of November; after that date they will be left with an attorney for collection.@Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878.
Al. Newman gets about on crutches since his ankle was strained by the flour sacks falling on him.@Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878.
Mrs. Newman, with her two children, Pearl and Earl, returned from a protracted visit to Maine last week, accompanied by her sister, Miss Hattie Houghton, who is gladly welcomed back by the many friends she made on her former visit to this place.@Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1878.
Those flour sacks fell over again last week at Newman=s Mill, and broke a man=s ribs. They are now piled up for another local.@Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.
Rube Houghton made $1,000 Monday night, or at least he thought he had, when he was made aware that he was the father of another boy.@Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.
In a few weeks, the TRAVELER office will be moved to the basement of Newman=s brick on the corner.@[Note: C. M. Scott resigns as editor and manager of the TRAVELER; and Dr. Nathan B. Hughes becomes publisher on November 6, 1878.]
The December 4, 1878, issue of the Arkansas City Traveler, now published by Dr. Nathan Hughes, had an ad for S. P. Channell and T. H. McLaughlin, showing they were handling a real estate, loan, and collection agency. This issue also reported that M. E. Welch was now clerking for L. McLaughlin. O. P. Houghton also ran an ad stating he would pay the highest market price for all kinds of furs at the Brick Corner.
The July 30, 1879, issue of the Arkansas City Traveler stated: ACharles H. Searing purchased A. A. Newman=s Mill last Saturday, and will hereafter run the same. He will supply the flour necessary to complete Mr. Newman=s contract for the Indian Agencies.@
Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1880. Editorial Page.
An Exhibit of the Transactions of the Board of
Creswell Township for the Year 1879.
To the Citizens of Creswell Township:
Your township officers having completed their duties for the past year, and having been relieved from further service deem it their duty to make a full and complete report of the state of your township at the time they entered upon the duties assigned them, and also the status at the expiration of their term of office.
The debt of the township at the time we entered the office was in bonds as follows:
Bonds for building Walnut River bridge, $5,000.
Bonds for building Arkansas River bridge, $7,500.
In scrip as follows:
Issue of Chamberlain: $ 171.00
Issue of T. McIntire: 1,724.00
Issue of Jas. L. Huey: 406.71
Total: $2,301.71
Having published a statement of the indebtedness of Creswell Township after our first meeting, we had reason to expect that the public would want to know in what manner the debts were contracted, and whether public officers had a right to create debts to such an amount, and involve the township for years to come.
The debts were created in the usual manner for the requirements of the township up to the election of Mr. T. McIntire. We give the following figures in regard to the amount of debt created during that administration.
$1,955 was issued for building a bridge across the Walnut River at Newman's mill, and on the approaches thereto as follows:
To the Missouri Valley Bridge Company, 4 orders, $50 each, 200; 4 orders, $125 each, $500, due in one year; 4 orders, $700, due in two years.
Same company, payable out of delinquent road tax fund, 3 orders, amount $100.
Same company, payable out of same fund, 7 orders, amount $275.
To A. A. Newman, for extra work on Walnut River pier, 7 orders, $100.
To Cap. Nipp for filling approach on the east to the Walnut River bridge, $50.
To A. A. Newman, extra work on the Walnut River bridge, $5.
To Cap. Nipp, filling approach to Walnut River bridge, $25.
In regard to the building of the Walnut River bridge, the facts are that a vote was taken for the purpose of issuing bonds to build a bridge over the Walnut River, at Newman's mill. The vote carried, but it was discovered by the parties interested that the township could not legally issue over $500 in bonds. The contract which had been previously made to build a bridge was then changed so as to pay $500 in bonds and the balance in township orders, and said change recorded in township books. The township board taking the vote on bonds as authority to them to build a bridge, certain parties agreeing to take part of the orders at par for cash of the Bridge Company.
The present board finding these transactions on the books deemed the last contract entirely illegal; that the township board had no right whatever to make such a contract, or to bind the citizens in payment of such contract, or to issue any township orders in payment of such a debt so contracted, and believing that the parties knew such a contract and payment in orders to be illegal from the fact that they made a previous legal contract in the manner prescribed by law for the purpose named.
In view of these facts the present board considered it their duty to refuse payment of this scrip until it was made a legal debt under a decision of law.
It having been confidently asserted that our action was repudiation, and morally wrong, we are perfectly willing to leave it with the citizens of the township to say whether the parties who knowingly, and because it suited their own purpose, entered into an illegal contract, or the parties who have sworn to do their duty and to pay only legal debts, are most in the wrong.
Report for the past year as follows:
Amount of scrip issued by board, A. Walton, trustee, $864.32.
Scrip paid off as follows:
Issue of A. W. Berkey, Principal $4.15; Interest $.80. Total: $4.95.
Issue of Chamberlain, Principal $170.00, Interest $35.55. Total: $205.55.
Issue of T. McIntire, Principal $404.20, Interest $38.11.
Total: $442.31.
Issue of Jas. L. Huey, Principal $387.21, Interest $21.03. Total: $408.24.
Issue of Amos Walton, $864.32, all paid.
There was a portion of indebtedness, acquired under Chamberlain, not fully shown in the books and interest on bonds not figured. With these exceptions we have made a fair exhibit of the books paying every dollar of indebtedness created by ourselves and $1,060.95, made by others.
By order of the board.
A. WALTON, Trustee.
R. J. MAXWELL, Clerk.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1880.
Township Treasurer's Report.
Mr. Editor: My term of office as Township Treasurer having expired, I deem it my duty to make a full statement of all the business transacted by me during my term of office, which is as follows:
Cash received of W. E. Gooch, former Treasurer: $113.86
Cash and vouchers received of T. R. Bryant, County Treasurer: $1,772.65
Cash received of A. Walton on sale of house: $48.85
Total amount received: $ 1,935.36
Cash paid on scrip issued by Berkey: $4.15
Interest on same: $.80
Total amount received $4.95
Cash paid on scrip issued by Chamberlain: $170.00
Interest on same: $35.55
Total amount received $205.55
Cash paid on scrip issued by T. McIntire: $404.20
Interest on same: $38.11
Total amount received $442.31
Cash paid on scrip issued by J. L. Huey: $397.21
Interest on same: $20.93
Total amount received: $418.14
Cash paid on scrip issued by A. Walton: $858.44
Interest on same: $1.90
Total amount received: $860.34
As there has been a great deal said about repudiation and my refusing to pay certain scrip issued to the Missouri Valley Bridge Company, now in answer to which I will say if my refusing to pay said scrip for the lack of funds is repudiation, then I will have to plead guilty to the charge. The record will show that there has never been any levy made for the payment of said scrip; therefore, I deemed it to be my duty to pay the debts for which the levy was made, and have paid all the debts contracted by said Board amounting to the sum of $860.34 as follows:
$230.40 for material and work done on the Arkansas River Bridge.
$154.74 for material and work done on the Walnut River Bridge.
$475.20 for the incidental expense of the Township.
$1,070.95 for scrip issued by former Trustees that remained unpaid, including $428.16 issued to the Missouri Valley Bridge Company.
All of this is cheerfully submitted for the consideration of the taxpayers of Creswell Township, Cowley County, Kansas.
S. B. ADAMS, Treasurer.
February 16, 1880.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 27, 1880.
On Tuesday evening of last week, a gathering of old settlers was held at the residence of T. H. McLaughlin, in honor of Mrs. Meigs and Mrs. Bowen, who have been visiting their friends in this vicinity. They returned to their homes in Harper County last Saturday.@Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1880.
Miss Delia Newman, of East Wilton, Maine, arrived in this city yesterday, and proposes making an extended visit with her relatives, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Newman.@Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1880.
Mr. Pratt and wife, of Minneapolis, are visiting the family of A. A. Newman. They contemplate remaining throughout the winter months, Mr. Pratt=s health necessitating a change from the cold climate of Minneapolis.@Arkansas City Traveler, December 22, 1880.
The public are invited to notice the great bargains which O. P. Houghton=s closing-out sale offers to all, either by paying cash or trading stock, produce, etc. Mr. Houghton has been one of our best businessmen for the past ten years and is well known by all. While we regret that his health necessitates a change of occupation, we trust he will remain in our midst, and his many patrons can in no way better serve their own interests than by calling at the Green Front as soon as possible.@Arkansas City Traveler, April 27, 1881.
Article re Water Works in Arkansas City.
Messrs. O. P. Houghton, W. E. Gooch, and Maj. Sleeth have already laid the water into their residences. . . .@Arkansas City Traveler, June 15, 1881.
O. P. Houghton traded the one-half of the Cowley County bank site to Messrs. Farrar and Sleeth for a house and two lots in the northwest part of town.@Arkansas City Traveler, June 22, 1881.
R. A. Houghton returned from the Territory last Thursday, where he had been for some time attending to the rounding up of his stock. [He failed to recover 40 head.]@Arkansas City Traveler, June 29, 1881. AMrs. T. H. McLaughlin is visiting her old-time friend, Mrs. H. O. Meigs, at Anthony, Harper County, Kansas.@
Arkansas City Traveler, September 7, 1881.
Mr. Bowen, an old-time resident of this city, is in town with his family upon a visit to Mr. and Mrs. T. H. McLaughlin.@Arkansas City Traveler, December 21, 1881.
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Newman, of Weld, Maine, arrived in the city, last Friday, to pay a visit to their son, A. A. Newman, and other relatives and friends in this vicinity. They were accompanied by Miss Annie Haywood, of Fredonia, New York, a sister of our townsman, R. C. Haywood.@Arkansas City Traveler, January 4, 1882.
A little social gathering was held at the residence of Wyard E. Gooch, Saturday evening, Dec. 24th, the prominent feature of course being a Christmas tree, which was generously loaded with costly and elegant, as well as worthless, yet comical, presents for the assembled guests. Wyard E. Gooch received a hand-some gold watch, as also did Tom Mantor. Miss Alma Dixon packed an elegant celluloid toilet set home, while Sara Reed rejoiced in a beautiful Atlas, and John Gooch in an unabridged Webster=s dictionary, all of which were the Christmas gifts of A. A. Newman, by his agent, Santa Claus, Esq.A
Through the same medium, Mrs. R. C. Haywood received a very elegant pair of diamond set earrings, and Mrs. A. A. Newman a beautifully set diamond ring and brooch. Mr. A. A. Newman was jubilant in the acquisition of a neatly packed parcel, which, upon examination, revealed the well picked backbone of a turkey, an evident recognition of his love for the bird. His exuberant joy, however, was somewhat modified upon Santa Claus handling him an elegant walnut paper and magazine stand. Many other choice presents were donated by Santa Claus, who being present, had the pleasure of presiding at one of the most eminently social gatherings of the Holiday season.@Arkansas City Traveler, January 18, 1882.
The well known and popular grocery firm of McLaughlin Brothers has dissolved, Mr. Lafe McLaughlin retiring. The business will henceforth be conducted by T. H. McLaughlin at the old stand, and on the same general principles which secured the firm=s successes in the past and will, we doubt not, bear a like result in the future. Mr. McLaughlin has been one of the prominent businessmen of Arkansas City from the very first and is far too well known to need any commendation at our hands.@Arkansas City Traveler, January 25, 1882. AWe had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Bisbee, father-in-law of O. P. Houghton, last week. Mr. Bisbee is a typical New England farmer, and our Western life is a revelation to him, but the country he expresses himself charmed with.@
Arkansas City Traveler, February 8, 1882.
A. A. Newman is slightly under the weather with a cold.A
W. E. Gooch has been invalided for several days with a bad cold.@Arkansas City Traveler, March 22, 1882.
R. C. Haywood put up household furniture, stoves, carpets, etc., for auction sale.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 12, 1882.
The consideration in the deed of Haywood=s Arkansas City lots is $8,100. There are 19 lots conveyed to Menage, of Minneapolis, Minnesota.@Winfield Courier, April 12, 1882.
R. C. Haywood made the city a short call last week. He left Saturday, for Minneapolis.@Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1882.
R. C. Haywood, well known in Winfield and Arkansas City, has lately, says the Commonwealth, made quite a fortune out of real estate in Minneapolis, Minnesota.@