[From Wednesday, November 3, 1886, through December 8, 1886.]

FREDERIC LOCKLEY, Editor and Proprietor.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, November 3, 1886.


A New York Syndicate Negotiating for its Purchase.

A recent Tahlequah (Indian Territory) dispatch says: AF. W. Stuart, a sort of advance guard for a New York syndicate, has just arrived here to feel the Cherokees in regard to a sale of the Cherokee strip. He says several more of the syndicate will be here in a day or so to attend the Cherokee Council, which meets next Monday, and lay their proposition to buy before us.@

AThe syndicate I am working for,@ said Mr. Stuart, Awill offer as much as $3 per acre for the whole 6,000,000 acres comprising the strip, and have the money to pay for it as soon as a clear title can be made them to the same. Most of it, of course, will be used for grazing and raising stock, as only a small portion would be fit for agricultural purposes. We want the refusal of the strip, by all means; if Congress will consent to let the Cherokees sell it and if the Cherokees want to sell it.@

This will bring up a gigantic proposition before the Cherokee Council, and it is hard just now to tell what action will be taken. The company that now has this strip leased him a standing offer of quite a large amount for it whenever the Cherokees want to sell, and the chief says he has had other propositions of $2 and $3 per acre for this strip by responsible syndicates, so it will be seen that should the Cherokees, by consent of Congress, agree to sell, they would likely realize more than $3 per acre, for competition would not be lacking. At $3 per acre the strip would bring something over $18,000,000. Some of the Cherokees are of the opinion this would be the best way to dispose of this strip while they are offered such a good price, for they will dally along with it maybe five or ten years longer and then be forced to take the government price of $1.25 an acre for it. They also argue that the money derived from this sale would be a heritage for their people for all time to come, invested in interest bearing bonds of the government, and live on the interest. Then they could have a per capita payment every year of about $500,000 and never touch the invested fund. Others, however, are in favor of making the sale and dividing it as a whole per capita, then giving to every Cherokee man, woman, and child $1,000 a head; that this amount will fix them all in good shape to live, and that the 5,000,000 acres they now occupy will be large enough for all time to come for them and their posterity. A large portion of the Cherokees, however, are known to oppose a sale of this country, bitterly, under any cicumstances, thinking it would lead to disastrous results; that the strip would not be large enough to make a territory, and that more would have to be given up, and that the country they now occupy will be engulfed and their tribal relations destroyed, which they love above all else. Then they say if they can get so much now, certainly while lands are becoming scarce all the time, especially for grazing purposes, they can realize double the price after a while if they have to sell, and are willing to trust that the United States government will never force them to sell at government price, nor will ever want to take it from them at any price without their consent; that it will be a home for them and their children when they need it, as wise statesmanship ordered it should be by their forefathers. The fast increasing population of their people will make the settlement of the strip by the Cherokees necessary by the time another ten or twenty years roll around. However, the big question will be raised, and the vast amount of money in it will make it of interest not only to stockmen and syndicates, but to all concerned. Those who oppose selling at all are in favor of leasing the strip again, for grazing purposes only, until they need it for occupation themselves, which they think will not be many years away.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, November 3, 1886.


The annual report of Commissioner Atkins devotes a good share of space to the condition of the five civilized tribes and the attempt of the boomers to encroach on their lands. Speaking of the employment of the military to keep trespassers out of the territory, the commissioner says:

AIt is not reasonable to expect that this government will never tire of menacing its own people with its own army. Therefore, it becomes vastly important that these five civilized tribes should co-operate with the government in establishing peace and quiet within their borders.@

The mode of co-operation suggested in the message is a partition of the lands in severalty, alloting 160 acres to each head of a family and eighty acres to every minor child. The surplus that remains over the commission would have sold to actual settlers, at a just price, the proceeds of which sale he would devote to improving the condition of the tribes. He would then naturalize the red men, and with this good start in life leave them at liberty to work out their destiny. The language of the message is: ALet these Indians assume all of the responsibilities of citizens of the United States, with its laws extended as a protecting aegis over them, and the day of their fear and apprehensions of marauding whites will be forever ended.@

The opening of Oklahoma to white settlement is not favored by the commissioner. He favors delay and yet another preliminary step in the appointment of another commission to visit the Cheyennes and Arapahoes, the Wichita and Kiowas, the Comanches and Apachese, in the territory, ascertain their views with reference to their removal to lands east of ninety-eight degrees. This is mixing things up fearfully, and we cannot see what statesmanship is displayed, in making the determination of the title of the Oklahoma country dependent on the decision of a few blanket tribes on the question of their removal from plain to forest land, which kind of talk strikes us as solemn trifling, and seeing that the head of the Indian bureau has no more useful suggestions to make, it would be well to count him out, and see what congress will do with the question.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, November 3, 1886.

From Our Exchanges.

UDALL RECORD: S. C. Smith, of Winfield, Wm. B. Norman, of Udall, and J. A. Irwin, of Cambridge, have been appointed commissioners to condemn the D. M. & A. right of way through Cowley County. They will commence the work in the near future.

WINFIELD TELEGRAM: The Southern Kansas is doing an immense cattle business and the capacity of the road is taxed to the utmost. Ten thousand head of cattle are awaiting shipment at Kiowa.

INDIAN CHIEFTAIN: The small boy and the possum are now hustling one another to see who shall get the lion=s share of the persimmons.

WINFIELD COURIER: A couple that were married here last week kind of reversed the general rule. They first fixed their house for house-keeping, then went to it and got supper; after supper went over to the preacher=s and were married, going back home in time for breakfast.

WINFIELD VISITOR: Last Thursday Lew Cottingham, of Richland Township, met with a very serious accident while riding on horseback. His horse stumbled and fell with him, breaking his leg just above the ankle. Dr. Stine set the broken member and reports the patient getting along as well as could be expected.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, November 3, 1886.


Cor. 4th Avenue and Summit Street, Arkansas City, Kansas.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, November 3, 1886.

John Kroenert announces his large stock of groceries in our columns; and the rapid disposition he makes of them to families at home and to consumers at a distance is visible to all observers. The Diamond store has long been a favorite with the public, and under its present able and enterprising management we look to see its business increase.


JOHN KROENERT, (Successor to Kroenert & Austin), Wholesale and Retail Grocers, and dealers in Hides, Game, Furs, And County Produce.

I now offer to the public the most extensive stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries in the city which I am selling at the lowest prices to families and consumers.

Dealers, contractors, and stockmen can procure their supplies at the Diamond Store at St. Louis and Kansas City prices. Call and see for yourselves. Free delivery inside the city limits, and telephone connections.


Harry C. Dent calls attention in our advertising columns to his new and carefully selected stock of drugs and patent medicines, and his very elegant display of toilet articles and druggists= sundries. Mr. Dent is an experienced pharmacopist, and he is adopting the means to make his business a success. [AD ALREADY TYPED UP.]


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, November 3, 1886.

We publish the dissolution notice of Ridenour & Thompson. James Ridenour will shortly move into his new and elegant store in the Johnson Loan & Trust Co.=s building, where he will display a stock of watches and jewelry commensurate with the wants of this growing and prosperous city. W. S. Thompson is also replenishing his stock with a liberal hand, having the approaching holidays in his mind=s eye. Now he has more room to display his goods, he is putting his increased facilities to good avail.

Dissolution Notice.

The partnership heretofore existing between James Ridenour and W. S. Thompson was this day dissolved by mutual consent. All parties indebted to said firm will please call and settle their accounts with W. S. Thompson at the old stand.


Arkansas City, Nov. 1st, 1886.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, November 3, 1886.

We commend the taste and enterprise of E. L. McDowell, the popular jeweler in the Bittle Block. He is putting to good avail the improved opportunities for business afforded by the prosperous condition of our city. His shelves and show cases bear testimony to his liberal purchases and taste in selection. He also makes unstinted use of printer=s ink, his correct maxim being to let the people know when he has a good thing.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, November 3, 1886.

ED. TRAVELER: I desire to correct some misstatements that have been made in the newspapers in regard to the tragic death of the late T. H. Lupton. Among the causes assigned for the unfortunate man=s suicide, inharmonious domestic relations are given. This causes acute pain to the survivors of the family, and us, beside, entirely without foundation. There was entire harmony existing between the deceased and his wife and daughter, and as an attending physician, I was struck with the delicate attentions bestowed upon one another. The truth is, the physical condition of the deceased was such that he was not accountable for his acts. Symptoms of an approaching softening of the brain were apparent, his entire nervous system was in a morbid condition, and despondency with fits of mental alienation were the result. To relieve Mrs. Lupton and daughter of the sting inflicted by these false newspaper reports, I am induced to ask of you the insertion of this letter.


Arkansas City, Nov. 2nd, 1886.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, November 3, 1886.

Notice. All persons who are and have been members of the United Brethren in Christ, in the city, are hereby requested to meet at the Y. M. C. A. Hall, next Sabbath evening, Nov. 7, at 7 o=clock, for the purpose of organizing a class of the aforesaid church.

REV. T. W. WILSON, Pastor.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, November 3, 1886.

Paints, colors, and paint brushes must be sold to make room for Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, etc. See prices.

H. S. HEAP, Commercial Block.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 3, 1886.

Dissolution Notice.

The partnership heretofore existing between W. D. Mowry and C. C. Sollitt, under the firm name of Mowry & Sollitt, has been dissolved. W. D. Mowry will collect the debts due the said house and C. C. Sollitt assumes all liabilities.


In pursauance of the above notice all persons indebted to the above named firm are urgently requested to settle their accounts at once, and this they will regard as only a proper return for the accommodations that have been extended to them.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 3, 1886.

A Fine Chance.

For sale in this city a handsomely fitted up bakery, confectionery and restaurant, all new. Fine location and doing good business. Good reason given for selling. Enquire of Rothenhoefer & Co., bakers and confectioners. Chapel Block, Summit Street, near Central Avenue.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 3, 1886.

For sale or trade for stock: A farm of 80 acres; 7 miles east of Arkansas City, 1 mile north of State Road. Enquire of L. H. Francisco, or at Traveler office.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 3, 1886.

R. Rosenburg is about again after a severe struggle with typhoid.

The TRAVELER office is given up to plasterers, and they are holding high carnival.

G. W. Cunningham left for New York last week, his trip being partly on business, but mostly for pleasure. He will return accompanied by wife and sister.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 3, 1886.

The Danks Bros. are building a new engine of 15 horsepower for Henderson=s planing mills. Business in both of these manufacturing establishments is pressing, and increased facilities are an urgent necessity.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 3, 1886.

One day last week a party of Arkansas City capitalists, consisting of Frank J. Hess, Major Searing, and F. W. Farrar, made a flying trip to Wichita, and during their stay there made a purchase of half the city. Frank Hess figures up his profits from the operation at $40,000. Enterprise wins.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 3, 1886.

The new M. E. Church, in Geuda Springs, was dedicated last Sabbath, Rev. Dr. Earp, president of the Winfield Methodist College, presiding in the morning, and Rev. James Hill, of Arkansas City, giving an afternoon discussion. Quite a handsome sum was subscribed toward paying off the indebtedness.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 3, 1886.

D. W. Burns, who is working Joseph Disser=s farm, on Saturday brought in some specimens of his potato culture. The varieties were Irish Cap [? Cup], Peachblow, and Mammoth Beauty. Our friend Burns is from Irish and Dutch stock, but his skill as a potato miser [? Miner] show that the Irish element predominates.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 3, 1886.

Prof. Bryan and D. C. Anderson met with a dangerous upset a few days ago. They were driving in the Bittle addition when their horse became unmanageable, and taking control of the outfit, made a complete wreck of the buggy and dumping the inmates, shook them up considerably. The horse escaped with a few slight scratches.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 3, 1886.

Mr. S. C. Smith returned on Saturday, from his monthly visit to his home in Jamestown, New York. He is accompanied by his daughter, Mrs. Partridge, who with her child, Nettie, spent several months here the early part of the year. Mrs. Partridge, as we understand, will assist in the management of the St. James Hotel, when opened.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 3, 1886.

George A. Druitt, proprietor of the European Restaurant, has enlarged his premises to meet the demand of his increasing trade. He has added to the rear a commodious kitchen, and the apartment he formerly used as a kitchen has been renovated and fitted up for a dining room. His former dining room will be divided up, a portion to be retained for an oyster parlor and the remainder added to the store. Mine host Druitt is going ahead rapidly.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 3, 1886.

The seats purchased for the second ward schoolhouse went astray on their road hither, being misdirected to Arkansas City, Arkansas. Some telegraphing from this point brought the furniture here, but its arrival was delayed till Saturday last. Workmen were busy Monday and Tuesday putting the desks in place, and this morning the school has assembled in that building to enter on their studies.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 3, 1886.

The city council held a secret session last Friday to adopt ordinances granting franchises to build and operate a street car line, and also to put in city gas works. The secrecy of the proceeding created considerable comment, and fears were expressed that our city fathers would grant such liberal terms as would be irksome to our citizens. But these seem to think they have a good thing before them. If any good comes of the locked up business, due praise will be accorded them; but if their judgment is astray, they may look out for no end of cussing.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 3, 1886.

Messrs. E. Graham, C. W. Dix, C. H. Cannon, and Dr. I. Pile, the party of Nimrods who invaded the Indian Territory to spread slaughter and devastation among the savage prey, returned home a few days ago invigorated with their pilgrimage. They drove as far as the North Canadian, camping some days in Oklahoma. They say no campers are there away from the line of the railroad, and those engaged on that work will have to leave when it is completed. We have not seen anything of the game they brought down, but undoubtedly it will be brought in by a train of freight wagons.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 3, 1886.

It will be well for our citizens to lock their stable doors before their harness is stolen. Ira Barnett, Peter Pearson, and T. H. McLaughlin have been visited by barn thieves, the two first losing a single harness each and the last named a double harness. The robbery from Mr. Barnett was perpetrated at broad day light, a young son of Mr. Barnett, seeing a gray haired, elderly man enter the barn and come out with a harness thrown over his shoulder, but the youth supposing the stranger=s visit to be legitimate, made no opposition. It is supposed that these depredations have been committed by one of the campers down by the Walnut.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 3, 1886.

DIED. On Friday Mr. B. Davidson received a telegram informing him of the death of his son, David, a remarkably precocious child of eleven years. He was staying with Mrs. Davidson at the home of his grandmother in Pleasant Hill, Missouri, where he was taken down with brain fever, with a fatal result. Mr. Davidson was overwhelmed with grief at the news, and took the Santa Fe that afternoon to be present at the funeral. He has rented a house in this city and has been expecting his family to join him, but the child=s sickness detained Mrs. Davidson, and now she is prostrated with anxious watching by his bedside, and this overwhelming grief. The afflicted parents have the sincere sympathy of their many friends in this hour of severe trial.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 3, 1886.

We are pleased to see Fred Rothenhoefer on the street again. The afflicted young man has come out sorely worsted from his encounter with grim Death, and will, no doubt, be enfeebled for some months to come. He has made up his mind to return to his former home in Cincinnati, as soon as he recovers strength enough for the journey, being impressed with the belief that he has not the constitution to resist the malarial influences of this country. It will be remembered that a brother came here to nurse the youth at the worst period of his sickness, but after a brief stay here was glad to return, feeling the same symptoms that had prefaced his brother Fred=s sickness. The convalescent is a bright youth, of pleasing manners and good aptitude for business, and we regret the necessity of his departure from this city.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 3, 1886.

J. A. McCormick returned from Fort Scott last Thursday, where he has been subpoenaed as a witness in the J. C. Withers trespass case. This was a suit entered by the government last June to secure damages against the defendant for grazing his cattle on the Cherokee Strip, which the authorities of that nation had leased to the Oil Cattle Company. Withers had been notified of his trespass, and Bert McCormick, on behalf of the above named company, had offered to graze his cattle at a nominal price, in order to avoid trouble. But Withers was full of boomer notions, declared that the Cherokee had no right to the strip, and asserted his right to the use of the public domain. He was ejected, and the case came up in court to be tried by jury. A verdict was found in favor of the government, which throws the defendant in for the costs as well as the damages, which were assessed at $200. This virtually settles a question of long standing as to the right of non-citizens to graze cattle on Indian lands, and will serve as a wholesome admonition to small cattle owners.



Arkansas City Traveler, November 3, 1886.

DIED. Ralph Sterling, infant son of Rev. J. G. M. Hursh and wife, born October 9th, 1886, departed this life Friday, October 29th, after the brief earthly stay of 20 days. Rev. Hursh was absent from home at the time the infant died, being invited to lecture before the students of Bethany College (Lutheran), in Lindsburg, McPherson Co.

[Note: Had a time with last name...It is either Hursh or Hurah.]


Arkansas City Traveler, November 3, 1886.

Peter Pearson has put a new delivery wagon on the street.

P. L. Snyder & Co., have their coal wagon propelled by a powerful roan horse, whose avoirdupois is 1,450 pounds.

Real estate is booming again; $75,000 worth of the property changed in this city on Saturday.

The vote on the Rock Island bonds in Sumner County, on the 25th ult., was carried by a majority of 732.

In Independence on Friday Scranton & Farley=s livery stable burned, together with 15 horses, and a large quantity of hay.

Will Prettyman started on Sunday for the Osage country, where he proposes to take a number of pictures and fill up his intervals with hunting.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 3, 1886.

The city schools opened on Monday, and the young folks mustered in goodly numbers after their long summer vacation. The first day was spent in getting to rights and settling down to work, and now their studies are being diligently persecuted.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 3, 1886.

M. S. Beymer has sold out his store to Messrs. Huse & Spray, with intention of getting into the real estate business. Both gentlemen composing the new firm are judicious businessmen and popular with the community, and will no doubt succeed in this new venture.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 3, 1886.

Dr. Breen, the ear and eye specialist from Wichita, again announces his stay in our city, the Leland Hotel being his headquarters. His credentials as an M. D. having been disputed, the doctor has placed his diploma from the Georgetown (D. C.) College, and his permit to practice medicine in Illinois granted by the state board of health, in the TRAVELER office. These credentials are on exhibition for any who may wish to see them.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 3, 1886.

The new coal firm of P. L. Snyder & Co., last week made the big sale of 6,000 bushels of corn and oats to the Fairmount and the Saginaw Cattle Companies, to each company 3,000 bushels. On Saturday 15 freighters= wagons were loaded at their warehouse, each placarded with P. L. Snyder & Co.=s name, and about noon they started out for the territory to deliver the grain near the Pawnee agency. Upwards of a hundred wagons will be required to haul the entire order.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 3, 1886.

Geo. E. Hasie returned last week from eastern Colorado, where he is interested in a very promising townsite enterprise. He owns a number of mineral prospects in that section, from which he shows a variety of ore specimens that are said to assay well in silver. His eye was arrested by some choice agricultural land in the neighborhood, to which he thought to call attention by organizaing a town company. The preliminaries were perfect and the patent applied for, and the publicity given to these proceedings has attracted a number of settlers, who have made their locations contiguous to the proposed town. Mr. Hasie is many sided, full of business projects, and endowed with a level head. In the near future we can see our fellow townsman mayor of the opulent city of Hasie, in our neighbor state, supreme in her councils, and commander-in-chief of her army and navy.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 3, 1886.


A Light Vote Cast and a Close Run.

Cal. Swarts Leads the Ticket--and Miss Kelly Close on his Heels.

The canvass of the county officers has been quite animated in this county during the past month, and there has been a wasteful expenditure of breath in the endeavor to land support to this candidate or the other. In this city but slight interest was aroused, as all classes were busy with their various pursuits, and the appeals of the ins and outs fell generally on unheeding ears.

Cal. Swarts, being a home institution, was supposed to have great weight with his fellow townsmen, and his election as county attorney was set down as a dead certainty. The appeals of his democratic rival for support were, therefore, of slight avail, and no popular rivalry was aroused over the contest.

Amos Walton made a stout fight for the probate judgeship, and diligently worked the county for aid to send him there. But Capt. Tansey was popular with the boys in blue, whose votes count in a close contest, and as he was well supported in Winfield and in the rural districts, it was considered that the ex-commissioner was waging a losing fight.

S. F. Overman had the worst fight in being pitted against a woman. He is a quiet citizen, competent as a schoolman, and very properly aspiring to the superintendency as a prize open to any person to whom the people may award it. On the opposite side was an ambitious schoolmarm who claimed the office in virtue of her sex, and swore by the great horn spoon she would have it let what would stand in the way. Her claim was regarded as reasonable by the republicans, and they offered to place her name before the convention if she would abide by the result. But woman in her willful moods is not bound by rules, and Miss Kelly avowed her intention to keep the course whether the nominee of the republicans or not. They dropped so impracticable a candidate, and the prohibitionists took her up, and from them by an easy movement she fell into the arms of the democrats.

The representative canvass was made lively by the intrusion of Frank P. Schiffbauer into the democratic fold. With untiring energy and vaulting ambition, he combines a lack of moral restraint that makes him a troublesome rival to encounter. L. P. King, the republican candidate, was wanting in his opponent=s alertness and elan, but he possessed the solid qualities of honesty and moral aplomb, and this was expected to give him strength at the polls.


It was near midnight before the vote polled in the city was canvassed. Below we give the result on the member of congress and the city officers.


For Congressman: Perkins 80; Bacon, 70.

For Representative: King, 70; Schiffbauer, 82.

For Clerk of District Court: Pate, 81; Roberts, 69.

For Probate Judge: Tansey, 71; Walton, 104.

For County Attorney: Swarts, 85; Forsyth, 67.

For Superintendent of Schools: Overman, 71; Miss Kelly, 85 [?].


For Congressman: Perkins, 88; Bacon, 79.

For Representative: King, 70; Schiffbauer, 100.

For Clerk of District Court: Pate, 91; Roberts, 82.

For Probate Judge: Tansey, 71; Walton, 104.

For County Attorney: Swarrts, 92; Forsyth, 104.

For Superintendent of Schools: Overman, 75; Miss Kelly, 99.


For Congressman: Perkins, 53; Bacon, 69.

For Representative: King, 30 [? 80]; Schiffbauer, 81.

For Clerk of District Court: Pate, 50; Roberts, 64.

For Probate Judge: Tansey, 44; Walton 76.

For County Attorney: Swarts, 58; Forsyth, 59.

For Superintendent of Schools: Overman, 40; Miss Kelly, 77.


For Congressman: Perkins, 122; Bacon, 75.

For Representative: King, 109; Schiffbauer, 83.

For Clerk of District Court: Pate, 126; Roberts, 72.

For Probate Judge: Tansey, 107; Walton, 89.

For County Attorney: Swarts, 131; Forsyth, 71.

For Superintendent of Schools: Overman, 114; Miss Kelly, 92.

The prohibitionists cast but a trifling vote.


Frank P. Schiffbauer .......... 346

L. P. King ........................... 279

Amos Walton ..................... 369

W. E. Tansey ...................... 284

Miss Ella Kelly ................... 357

S. F. Overman ..................... 280

Calvin L. Swarts ................. 366

C. I. Forsyth ........................ 280


Arkansas City Traveler, November 3, 1886.

Murdered in a Wagon.

An Anthony dispatch, dated the 29th, says: ALast night just after dark near Carwin, in this county (Harper), about twenty miles southwest of this place, Lee Moshier, a young man about 19 years of age, shot A. T. Lawler, a married man about thirty-five years of age, with a shot gun, killing him instantly. Lawler, Moshier, and a lad named Robt. Arner, were traveling in a wagon on their road to the territory. Lawler and Arner sat in front, the former driving, while Moshier sat behind with a gun in his hands, when Moshier suddenly shot Lawler from behind. Such is Arner=s story. No cause can be assigned for this deed, as the parties were mere acquaintances, and had had no dispute. Both Arner and Moshier are now in custody to await the coroner=s inquest.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 3, 1886.

Grandmothers= Party.

On Saturday evening Mrs. Lockley, living in the first ward, gave a grandmothers= tea party. The principal guests were Mrs. Morse, mother-in-law to Mrs. Carrie Morse, aged 90 years; Mrs. Eddy, mother to E. D. Eddy, on a visit to her son=s family, but who left the city yesterday to stay awhile with another son, Mr. George Eddy in Leavenworth. This bright old lady has attained the patriarchal age of 80 years. Mrs. Sherburne, mother to Joseph H. Sherburne and to Mesdames Eddy and Morse, was another member of the party, but this lady was a comparative juvenile, being under seventy years. Mrs. Jerome Steele, also a grandmother, but brisk and debonair, was another of the party, and the hostess herself is also a grandmother. Mrs. E. D. Eddy and Mrs. Carrie Morse were also present, but these ladies may be classed as juveniles. The more ancient sisters kept pace with the younger folk in vivacity and small talk, speaking of themselves as girls, and deprecating their unconstrained behavior. It was a notable gathering, and when the party broke up, the old ladies, with the exception of Mrs. Morse, who begins to feel the burden of ninety winters, walked home as briskly and in as good spirits as a bevy of city belles.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 3, 1886.

About two months ago W. H. And C. F. Beerhalter, brothers, late of Wichita, opened a jewelry manufacturing establishment in O. J. Dougherty=s drug store, and appeared to do a prosperous business. But unfortunately, W. H. Beerhalter, the senior member of the firm, was the victim to intemperate habits, and when under the influence of liquor, was apt to become violent and quarrelsome. Early last week he conceived some dislike for his brother and partner in business, and for three days carried a revolver with the avowed intention of shooting him. On Thursday last he drank rather heavily, and his evil passions arising, he quarreled with Harry Dent, the present proprietor of the drug store, menacing him with his revolver, and then turned his artillery on his brother. They managed to stand him off without bloodshed, and he left the store. He went to the First National Bank and checked out $150 of firm deposit, and absconded, carrying with him a gold watch belonging to C. L. Kloos, left for repairs, and, as C. F. Beerhalter informs us, about $200 worth of jewelry stock from the safe. He leaves a wife and four children in the city unprovided for, whom C. F. will send to their friends in New Jersey.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 3, 1886.

A Threatened Explosion.

A woman who lives over in Arkansas City by the side of the Frisco R. R., where there is a heavy grade, says that she hasn=t slept any for the last six months, except when she goes to meeting.

She says that everytime a freight train starts for St. Louis and gets just in front of her door, the pesky old engine stops and refuses to go a step further; and when the engineer and fireman begin to put on more steam, the nasty old thing just paws the earth, puffs, snorts, and spits coals of fire as big as goose eggs all over her front yard.

Although this kind of a matinee has become somewhat monotonous, she thinks that she could get along very well if the engineer and fireman didn=t get mad during the performance.

Just as soon as the engine gets stuck, every engineer and fireman on the line for two miles up and down the road become raving mad and cuss each other until the air becomes so completely impregnated with sulphur that the chickens in the neighborhood have all disappeared.

The lady avers that she is willing to stand her chances in the presence of half a dozen freight engines, but when a lot of railroad men begin to spit fire and the blue blazes of profanity sizzle out of the pores of their body, she takes the children and goes down into the cellar, expecting every minute that the whole calamity will be blown into eternal smithereens and knock the bottom steam out of the real estate market in Arkansas City. Geuda Crank.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 3, 1886.

Heavy Cattle Firm Collapsed.

We regret to hear of the failure of the extensive cattle raising firm of Hewins & Titus. Their fine stock farm in Cedar Township has long been noted for its stud of blooded horses and excellent appointments, the best judgment and liberal hand having been used in fitting it up for a successful prosecution of the business. They also have two or three cattle ranches leased in the territory. Mr. Hewins has been in the cattle business in this vicinity the past twelve years, and during a greater portion of this time Mr. Titus has been associated with him as a partner. During the palmy days of cattle raising, this firm was among the most extensive operators, its dealings being marked with an adventurous dash which struck the more cautious minds as hazardous, but generally resulted successfully. One shipping season, about four years ago, Hewins & Titus are said to have cleared $150,000 from their operations. But during the last two years they have undergone a severe drain in the shrinkage of values and winter losses. Last fall they placed 12,000 through cattle on their ranches in the territory, this large herd having been purchased in Texas the spring preceding. They reached their new pasture in poor condition, and the winter blasts made sad havoc with the unprotected animals. At the round-up last spring only 1,500 head could be found; the rest had succumbed and been food for the coyotes. Such a loss, succeeded by demoralized markets, would test the endurance of the most substantial cattle firms, and to such causes the financial collapse of Messrs. Hewins & Titus is to be attributed. What terms of settlement will be accepted by their creditors we have not been informed.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 3, 1886.

Partner Wanted. In a clothing, hat, and furnishing business in Arkansas City, Kansas. The store has been newly fitted up, and is doing a good business. Best business stand in the city. A capital of $3,000 to $5,000 needed. Address Lock Box 49, Wichita, Kansas.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 3, 1886.


The Unterrified Have a Love Feast and Comfort Each Other.

That democratic rally on Monday evening drew a large crowd together, but most of those in attendance seemed to regard it as a free entertainment, and were coming and going during the entire evening. The Arkansas City Band gave some fine music, which was the best part of the evening=s proceedings. Judge McIntire was called to the chair, which shows that

Men are the sport of circumstances when

Circumstances seem the sport of men.

A year or so ago this same venerable journalist presided at a meeting called to sit down upon and utterly extinguish Frank P. Schiffbauer, and now we find him lending his benign countenance to aid this ambitious young man=s advancement.

The first person called on to speak was a Winfield man, Col. Forsythe, the democratic candidate for county attorney, who made a heavy political argument condemning monopoly in favor of a revised tariff and lauding democratic principles generally. The gentleman=s talk was thoroughly orthodox, but terribly prolix, and his points were not well made. He told about a Minnesota or Dakota farmer, with his wife and family, freezing to death on their beds during a blizzard, charging this tragedy upon republican maladministration. If he had gone on and charged the Charleston calamity, where that city was wrecked by a cyclone and scores of its inhabitants killed, to democratic misgovernment, he would, at least, have shown the merit of consistency. Such wearisome talk as this Winfield orator inflicted on his audience does not make votes, and it is a wonder that politicians seeking office have not arrived at a knowledge of the fact.

Mayor Schiffbauer was the next speaker, who is always entertaining, whether or not he has rhyme or reason. He impressed on the minds of his hearers that he was a candidate for a seat in the legislature, and he gave a list of the laws he should endeavor to have passed in the interest of the 60th district. He forgot to mention that having ranged himself on the wrong side in politics, he would, if elected, belong to an insignificant minority; that he would have no influence in the committee room, and on a division in the house his vote could be thrown away. Mr. King he spoke of in the most disparaging terms, but that gentlemen being the choice of the voters of this district, the opinion entertained of him by a rival aspirant for legislative honors probably does not disturb his rest o=nights.

Having used up Mr. King, the vivacious speaker next turned his attention to the editor of the Republican, whom he vivisected and phlebotomized in a merciless and unrelenting manner. Our honorable mayor shows readiness and aptitude at this style of controversy, and his lively sallies were keenly enjoyed by a portion of his audience. He then turned his more kindly nature toward the audience by speaking in the most commendatory tones of the democratic county ticket, and then gave up his place on the platform to


an ambitious aspirant to the office of probate judge. But Amos came in at an unfortunate time. The two preceding speakers had exhausted the patience of the audience, and when Mr. Walton began to unfold the iniquity of levying a tax of $2 per 1,000 feet on foreign lumber and taxing the poor man=s salt, those stale diatribes acted on the crowd like the reading of the riot act, and he soon emptied half the benches.

Judge Miller appeared as the spokesman for Miss Kelly, who at the last moment had telephoned to this city that she was sick and could not come. The gentleman is a fluent speaker and inimitable story teller, and kept what remained of the audience in good humor for at least twenty minutes, telling amusing stories of his experiences as a political candidate and how he had foresworn all ambitious hopes in that direction. He urged the young men to vote for Miss Kelly, promising them prosperity in their love suits, an approving conscience, and worldly prosperity.

When the speaker closed the audience precipitately retired, fearing lest yet another speaker might have a design against them.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 3, 1886.

Rose Valley Items.

(The following items were written by the scholars of School District No. 34.)

A literary society was organized at the Rose Valley schoolhouse Friday evening. L. F. Abernethy was elected president; Mr. J. Cos [? Cue ?], vice-president; Miss Alto Maxwell, secretary and treasurer; and S. G. Philips, critic.

Miss Lulu Hunter, who has been sick for some time, is slowly improving.

Mr. L. F. Baxter has been making hay this week. Hay making is late with some of our farmers.

Howard Maxwell has removed to town to attend school. He with one or two others will keep Abach@ this winter.

Miss Alice Baker, who has been staying at Mr. McMaine=s, and the Misses Annis and Minnie McMaine, have left us and will attend school in town.

Mr. S. F. Maxwell=s barn is completed and the carpenters have begun work on an addition to his house.

October 26, 1886.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 3, 1886.

Reported Prairie Fires.

Advices from the Indian Territory, the first of last week, were to the effect that destructive prairie fires were sweeping over millions of acres of rich pasture land, the area burnt extending from Vinita on the north to Muscogee on the south, and on both sides of the

M. K. & T. Road as far as the eye could see. It was further reported that large numbers of cattle were burned to death, and also immense quantities of hay, baled and loose, the destruction of fodder being so complete that cattlemen would be compelled to drive their cattle elsewhere to save them from starvation. This looked gloomy enough for the parties affected, but later word comes from Tahlequah, on the authority of C. S. Shelton, a stockman, who had journeyed to that city by way of Vinita and Muscogee, declaring the story of this extensive prairie fire all a hoax. He says only small burns have been made, and those in the vast expanse of pasture that meets the eye are hardly discernible. Mr. Shelton reports plenty of grass on the range, and that cattle will go into winter with better prospects for grass and more of it this winter than for years.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 3, 1886.

DIED. The long and dangerous sickness of Theo Fairclo terminated fatally on Friday, and the remains were buried the following day in Riverside Cemetery. The drug store has been closed since, and we are not informed what disposition will be made of the estate.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 3, 1886.


From the factories of Studebaker Bros., Quaker City and Columbus. Also a car-load of the Celebrated

Studebaker Wagons.

We are agents for the best


And the Celebrated


Hay Ties of Best Steel.

Come and see our stock at our new place in the Eagle Block, South Summit Street.



Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, November 10, 1886.


The report we published last week of a New York syndicate negotiating with the Cherokees for the purchase of the Strip aroused the old feeling of resentment at the threatened repetition of land monopoly in its worst form. The disptach, dated from Tahlequah, set forth that an agent of this combination of eastern moneybags, was then in the capital of the Cherokee nation, with the tempting offer of $18,000,000 for the entire Strip, comprising 6,000,000 acres. Such a magnificent real estate transaction would be paralyzing to all home enterprises and if carried into effect, would transform a broad belt of land bounding this section of country, into alien territory, held by men who have no local interest in common with our own people, and whose hold upon the soil would be an instrument in their hands of oppression and rapacity. But we have the assurance of Senator Plumb that power is not vested with the Cherokees to make any such disposition of their soil. AThe government,@ he says, Ahas an option to purchase, which it will not waive in behalf of private parties, and no sales will be permitted by congress except to the government, and that for the sole and only purpose of resale to actual settlers in 160 acre tracts.@ Such an assurance is authoritative, and will calm the uneasiness in the minds of many that has been raised.

It would not be exactly correct to say that the day of land monopoly is past, but there is truth in the declaration that the prevailing sentiment of the age demands a greater approach to fairness than has heretofore been observed in parceling out the common heritage. Any such land transaction as that intimated above would be reactionary and in disregard of public policy, and would serve as a strong provocation to violence and agrarianism. The heavy vote cast for Henry George, in New York, whose sole recommendation to the labor class is his liberal land theories, shows there is a spirit abroad which will not endure trifling. ALand for the Indians@ is the problem now put before our statesmen to solve, and that the task may not grow entirely beyond the powers of those charged with it, it will be well to guard zealously against any further monopolizing concentration.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, November 10, 1886.

From Our Exchanges.

WINFIELD TELEGRAM: We noticed that some of the ladies were industriously peddling prohibition tickets at the polls on Tuesday, and it was a very wary voter who did not pass through their hands.

CALDWELL JOURNAL: The excitement over the finding of silver ore is increasing more and more every day. New ore and rock have been found in several different places that show up in good shape and our citizens are inspired with a greater degree of confidence that silver abounds in large quantities all around Caldwell.

Dexter is now moving to incorporate as a city.

DEXTER EYE: Yesterday two drummers from Kansas City took dinner at the Commercial House and thought they would play a little joke on one of our grocerymen, and had their dinner charged up to Mr. Bibler. The hotel man came in and collected seventy cents of Mr. Bibler, who paid it like a man. He then took possession of their grip sacks and an overcoat, which they had left in his store, and pawned them for a dollar, so that Bibler got his money back with good interest and lots of fun.

WINFIELD VISITOR: Capt. J. B. Nipp left on the Santa Fe last night for Ashland, Kentucky, to visit his mother, whom he has seen but once in 17 years. That=s a long time to be away from the dear old mother and the Captain will enjoy his visit.

WINFIELD VISITOR, THE 6TH: Winfield loses several citizens by this morning=s early Santa Fe train. Mr. George H. Crippen and family and John Wells and family and Dan Sizer all start for San Diego. The best wishes of the Visitor attend them.

CEDAR VALE STAR: One of the bears from Senator Hewin=s park escaped last week, and is still at large. Children who are going to the woods these days had better look out, as bruin is fond of nuts and wild grapes too.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, November 10, 1886.

I have removed to Summit Street, two doors north of Central Avenue Hotel, where I deal in fresh fruit and vegetables; also second-hand goods and old metal. JOHN GABEL.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1886.

Ladies= Newmarket and short wraps in great variety, at O. P. Houghton=s.

Baltimore oysters received fresh every day at Rosenberg=s.

Insure your property with Lowe, Hoffman & Barron.

Ladies= oil grain shoes--nice wear, at O. P. Houghton=s.

O. P. Houghton has in stock high cut school shoes, very comfortable wear for children.

If you want to sell your farm, plce it in thhe hands of Meigs & Nelson.

Home made candies of the best quality and always fresh at Rothnhoefer=s.

For all kinds of school supplies go to E. D. EDDY=S.

A new line of curtains, in choice colors at the Green Front.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1886.

Fresh fish and spring chickens at the City Meat Market.

6 per cent money at Lowe, Hoffman & Barron=s.

Abstracts furnished by Lowe, Hoffman & Barron.


Arkansas City Traveler, Novembr 10, 1886.

For Sale. Two good show cases; also part or entire stock of millinery goods. A bargain is offered. Enquire at TRAVELER office.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1886.

Please Correct.

ED. TRAVELER: In your last week=s report of my brother=s absconding from the city, you fell into one or two errors of statement. You talk about his drawing a revolver, in one of his violent moments, and menacing both myself and Mr. Dent with the weapon. This is sensational, but it never happened. You also say that he leaves a wife and four children in the city unprovided for. Here your information is again astray, because the partnership heretofore existing between my brother and myself is undissolved, and his wife is entitled to one-half of the profits of the business. This provides a sufficient living for herself and family, hence she is not suffering from want.

By inserting the above correction, you will oblige yours truly.




Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1886.

Telephone your orders for coal to Arkansas City Coal Company.

E. D. Eddy received a heavy consignment of holiday goods yesterday.

Dr. Jamison Vawter returned on Thursday from a pleasure trip to his old Kentucky home.

The windows of the St. James Hotel are being glazed with handsome plate glass.

The person who borrowed Dickens= Old Curiosity Shop of Dr. Mitchell is requested to return it.

Major Woodin and wife drove to Gray Horse on Thursday to visit their son; they returned home Monday evening.

Those fifteen business buildings that were to have been erected in Winfield this fall will have to be added to the list of good intentions.

Rev. T. W. Woodrow (Universalist) will preach in Highland Hall on Sunday next, at 11 a.m., and 7:30 p.m. Cordial welcome to all.

James Ridenour is filling his shelves and show cases with his new and elegant stock of watches and jewelry, and expects to make his opening on Saturday.

Mrs. M. S. Hasie and daughter returned from their holiday trip on Monday evening. They encountered a flurry of snow at Cairo, Illinois.

Robert H. Smitth, of Wichita, former partner of S. D. Stover, the popular boot and shoe man, of this city, was in town on Thursday taking in the sights.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1886.

S. B. Adams, of the first ward, brings us a sample of second growth crab apples, gathered in his orchard, which shows the sustaining and stimulating effects of Kansas soil.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1886.

The Visitor says: AArkansas City owes half its progress within the last year to free advertising done by Winfield papers. Such unsolicited kindness is heartily appreciated by the beneficiaries.@


Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1886.

The next free lecture of the Y. M. C. A. Course will be delivered in their hall on Friday evening, the 12th inst., by Hon. James Hill, his subject AThe Successful Man.@ All are invited.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1886.

There will be religious services held after the Evangelical Lutheran method of worship on next Sunday, in the Y. M. C. A. Hall, at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. All persons of the Lutheran faith are cordially invited. The services will be conducted by Rev. J. G. M. Hursh, of this city. [NAME DEFINITELY APPEARS TO BE HURSH, NOT HARAH AS I HAVE BEEN SHOWING AT TIMES. MAW]


Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1886.

Jerome Steele and family broke up housekeeping in the fourth ward on Monday. The house was sold some time ago to H. O. Meigs, Mr. Steele to retain possession until the middle of November. He has rented dwelling rooms in the Summit block, and Mrs. Steele will leave town tomorrow to spend the holidays with friends in New York and Florida.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1886.

Mr. S. M. Strohm, brother to J. W. Strohm, arrived in the city on Thursday from his home near Carlisle, Pennsylvania. He was accompanied by his niece, Miss Nettie Strohm, who has been away from her parents for five years, and has grown so much during the interval, that they had some difficulty in recognizing her. The young lady will take up her abode in this city.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1886.

Geo. A. Hand, master of transportation of the Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific railroad, was among the passengers to the city on Monday. He left the same evening, but purchased eleven city lots during his brief stay. He was so impressed with the favorable chances of real estate investment here, that he declared if he had $50,000 at his command, he would put it all into Arkansas City sand.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1886.

Lafe Merritt, who formerly ran the Cheyenne Transporter with such merit and success, and was suppressed under some political exigency, now re-enters the newspaper field as editor of the Cashier, published in Cash City, Clark County, the columns of which show his enterprising diligence as a news gatherer. Lafe has gone into a venturesome undertaking, but we heartily wish him success.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1886.

Henry P. Wiggins, of Portsmouth, Ohio, is the prescriptionist who fills the position in E. D. Eddy=s drug store lately vacated by Chas. Swarts. Mr. Wiggins is an experienced pharmacist, being a graduate from the College of Pharmacy in Cincinnati, and having had charge of the drug department in the Ohio state insane asylum nearly two years. This gentleman is a late addition to our city population, and he expresses an intention to abide with us permanently.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1886.

John Landes brings to the TRAVELER office a bag of corn meal manufactured by the roller process. After the long delay occasioned by the lengthening of the canal, a force of water is now flowing through the channel, and sixteen hours per diem is allowed the Roller Mills company to run their machinery. The capacity of their flouring mill is 250 bbls. a day, running full time, and the meal mill is good for 80 barrels a day. The company has been buying wheat quite actively through the fall and now has 30,000 bushels of that cereal to go on.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1886.

As we intimated yesterday morning Jennings & Troup served a temporary restraining order on the county commissioners, notifying them to not give to the F. E. & W. V. R. R. the bonds of Walnut Township. The order was granted by Judge Torrance in Chambers on a showing that the company hadn=t kept their contract with the township. The stipulation required a line of road to be built from the north line of the township to the corporate limits of Winfield, which would have given them five miles of track. The matter will have to come up for final hearing before Judge Torrance, when the order will either be made perpetual or dissolved. Winfield Visitor.


Arkansas City Traveler, Novembr 10, 1886.

Major L. E. Woodin, the chairman of the republican county convention, conducted the canvass on business principles and the very day after the election closed up all accounts and paid every dollar. Rarely or never has the business of a campaign in this county been conducted so successfully and satisfactorily. It is due to Woodin=s strong and persistent efforts that Arkansas City and territory did so exceedingly well for the whole ticket. Will T. Madden attended to the business here with the same fidelity and success and deserves high compliments. The same may be said of A. E. Henthorn, at Burden, and each and all of the committeemen as far as heard from. They all worked loyally for the whole ticket. Winfield Courier.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1886.

D. L. Means received another carload of wagons on Monday.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1886.

City Marshal Gray and his assistants appear in handsome new uniforms.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1886.

Mrs. Silver gave up her proprietorship of the Monumental Hotel yesterday; she will start another hotel business in Hoyt=s gymnasium.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1886.

On Saturday Post Commander P. A. Lorry organized a post of the G. A. R. In South Haven. He mustered in 36 charter members.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1886.

Fred C. Newman, of Osage City, and George W. Newman, of Emporia, came in on the noon train yesterday and left the same evening.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1886.

A. A. Newman is about to build another two-story brick adjoining Summit Street. Ed Perrine is digging the foundation.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1886.

J. D. Hollenbeck a few days since bought two lots in the fourth ward, and now other investors are hunting him to relieve him of his purchase at a liberal advance.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1886.

Will Thompson displays on his show case an elegant silver plate card receiver with mirror, with his name engraved, a present from the manufacturing house to which he had sent a holiday order.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1886.

Johnson & Co., announce their heavy fall and winter stock, which they are now selling at the lowest prices. Square dealing is their motto, by which means public confidence is gained. Their business is steadily increasing, which shows that purchasers known where they are well treated.

BIG AD. GOLDEN EAGLE CLOTHING STORE. Headquarters for CLOTHING.Gent=s Furnishing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Valises, etc. Having great confidence in the future of Arkansas City and prospects for a GOOD FALL and WINTER TRADE, We have purchased largely all the above named goods and are prepared to make you very low prices. Our business is good; grows better every month, which teaches us that


Is the Highest Business Intelligence.

J. O. Johnson & Co.,

Sherburne Block Opposite Highland Hall, Arkansas City, Kansas.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1886.

T. J. Crowell, foreman of the Badger Lumber Co.=s yard in this city, will leave for Harper in a few days to take charge of the company=s yard there. Mr. Crowell during his employ in Arkansas City has shown energy and intelligence, and his promotion may be regarded as an evidence of his worth. We wish him success in his new field of action.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1886.

On Wednesday last a delegation consisting of R. W. Campbell, G. W. Nix, Geo. E. Coonrod, E. G. McGill, Rev. J. O. Campbell, and S. E. Pollock, representing the Y. M. C. A. of this city, left this city for Ottawa, to take part in a state convention to be held in that place. Two hundred and fifty delegates were present, and we understand that the reports read from various parts of the state were of an encouraging character, and the business transacted was important and profitable. Four of the above named gentlemen returned yesterday; the other two (Rev. J. O. Campbell and S. E. Pollock), will return tomorrow.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1886.

Complaint having been made to the telephone company at Kansas City that the service here was not satisfactory, Charles Masten, their foreman of construction, has been sent here to reconstruct the exchange and remodel the whole business. The office will be removed to the Johnson Loan and Trust Co.=s building, where a new section of switch board will be put in and a new cable box with 100 wire cable. Mr. Masten is accompanied by six assistants who will replace the present poles with new ones and hang fresh wires. This work will probably consume six weeks. The material is all here.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1886.

Miss Kelly made an unprecedentedly good run at the polls, and this lady is to be congratulated on the splendid success she achieved. The result is to be attributed, first, to the intensely active canvass she made, and next to the sympathy she won for her sex. A worthy young lady burdened with the support of a family and struggling to achieve success in life appeals to the sympathies of the most obdurate. We do not recognize such pleas as valid, since public office should be bestowed on those most qualified to perform its duties; but when to such moving appeals are added untiring energy and unquestionable fitness, there is no wonder that the public choice fell on the lady candidate, and we are willing to believe that her merits and attainments will justify the selection.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1886.

Silver Excitement in Caldwell.

The Caldwell Times devotes a two column article, with a scare head half a column long, to the alleged silver discoveries in that city. But a perusal of the article shows that the treasure has not yet been arrived at. Intense excitement prevails there; everybody is talking silver, and specimens of supposed mineral ore are in everybody=s hands. But there is no mention that any underground explorations have been made, any mineral ledge arrived at, or any assay made of what fragments of rock have been found. The opinions of two or three mining experts are given; but three are based solely on conjecture. A Mr. McLean, a successful Arizona miner, pronounced the indications favorable for silver; and a Col. Smith, one of the Argonauts of >49, who has made a fortune by mining, is quoted as saying that Caldwell was on the eye of a boom that would surpass all former experience. But this kind of loose talk does not prove the presence of metal. The name of a Mr. Bennett is given, who secured a claim before this excitement was raised, which he now holds at $180,000. It would be wise for him to come down a little in his figures. The Times writer is uninformed on the subject of silver mining, and he talks about people picking up the shining particles as a business avocation. From which harmless delusion he sagely infers that rich deposits of silver are to be found beneath the surface. There is so much hullaballoo in his report, and such a meagre statement of fact, that the impartial observer is impressed with the conviction that the silver find in our neighbor city is a mere ten days= wonder, and that it will take but a few days to demonstrate the fact that this is another case of all cry and no wool.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1886.

Senatorial Inquiry.

It will be remembered that in the United States senate last session a committee was appointed on a resolution introduced by Mr. Platt, of Connecticut, to inquire into the facts of the wholesale removal of Indian traders, with a view to ascertain what pecuniary losses have been inflicted on them, and whether they had any valid claims against the government for indemnity. The brief summer recess, however, and the recent elections, prevented the senators coming out, but the clerk to the committee, Mr. A. C. Paul, who is also private secretary to Senator Platt, was authorized to prosecute the inquiry. The gentleman arrived here on Sunday evening, and remained in the city two days. In a brief visit to the TRAVELER office he said he had secured very important testimony and expressed himself well satisfied with the result of his labors.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1886.

Notice. C. Atwood, hereby informs his former customers, and as many new ones as may favor him with their patronage, that he will move his stock of groceries and queensware, on or about the 15th next, to South Room in the Summit Block.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1886.


He Absolves Himself By Taking the Reader Late Into His Confidence.

ED. TRAVELER: I do not understand why the city papers are so indifferent to the new cracker factory that has lately been started in this city. The common talk on the streets is the necessity of encouraging trade industries, as a sole dependence on the farmers surrounding us is insecure, because of the liability to a failure of the crops. What is wanted here is the successful establishment of shops that will employ hundreds of work-people, whose wages will go into the hands of our tradesmen and be a safe and constant dependence. A canning factory, a broom factory, a pork packing house, and many other industries that make use of the crude material raised here, would be of far greater value to our city then real estate operators, and as I understand the duty of the press, it is incumbent on you city editors to talk up such matters. The ambition of our people now reaches after a division terminus, with the roundhouse, repair shops, and hundreds of railroad employees. This will be of great advantage, if obtained, but I cannot see that newspaper agitation will have any weight in determining the matter. The selection remains with the railroad managers, and to add to the advantages of this city a spirit of self help must be shown by our people.

The cracker factory just started is provided with the most modern and best designed machinery, it is being run successfully, as I understand, and the quality of the goods turned out, is surpassed by no other maker in the trade. Is not this something for a home journalist to glory in, and do you not confess to being derelict in your duty in ignoring it so completely? This is given merely as a friendly hint, and I do not ask the publication of my letter.

Respectfully, A CITIZEN.


The above letter comes to us anonymously, but as the writer charges us with an apparent sin of omission, which may have seemed derelict to other minds than his own, we will overlook our friendly censor=s anonymity, and briefly state the reason of our alleged neglect.

While the cracker factory building was in course of erection, this writer would note at intervals the progress of the work, and when the house was enclosed and the machinery being put in, he gave more extended notices thinking that the enterprise had assumed a character of greater public interest. In due time the plant was all in place, and the useful process of mixing the dough and baking the crackers successfully started. Having attained this tangible shape, and taken position as a home industry, this writer thought the proper time had come to give it a good write-up, and herald to his outside readers the valuable addition made to our city activities. He mentioned this intention to Mr. Davidson, the superintendent of the establishment, and asked a spare half hour of him to gather a few facts in order to render his article exact and instructive. But that gentleman did not seem to think kindly of the offer; he pleaded the full employment of his time and the inconvenience of making such an engagement.

Mr. Davidson does not seem to set a high estimate on the merits of printer=s ink. This paper is circulated extensively through the county, it goes to every cattle camp and Indian agency in the northern part of the territory, and small packages are sent to a number of post offices in various parts of Kansas. A column notice offered gratuitously, was certainly a service to be prized, and the spirit of cold indifference with which it was received gave natural umbrage to the newspaper man. His impromptu reply was, AI am also busy, but I find time to attend to necessary duties.@ After some little urging, on the suggestion of the journalist, Mr. Davidson consented to give up a portion of the following Saturday afternoon to the desired interview.

When the designated hour arrived, the writer presented himself at the factory, where he found the superintendent busy at work with his employees. He accosted the gentleman, and waited first a reasonable time for him to make leisure, then an unreasonable time, but no notice was taken of his presence. It was a cut direct, and self respect compelled him to leave the building, with the object of his errand unaccomplished. This will explain to our correspondent why the TRAVELER, in this particular case, has departed from its hitherto invariable rule of devoting special and kindly attention to home manufactures.


To the above charge of discourtesy, we also desire to complain of what we regard as unfairness. In the counting room, on one occasion, we were shown some handsomely lithographed stationery, letter heads, and bill heads profusely ornamented, and printed at heavy cost in Chicago. There was also a large amount of work done in one of our home offices, which elicited from this writer the remark, AI see you have some use for home talent; in giving your orders I trust you will not forget the TRAVELER office.@ Mr. Davidson=s rejoinder was, AThis is not a tithe of what we shall want, and, of course, you will get your share.@ But not an order from that establishment has come to this office, and the TRAVELER is so completely ignored that we do not even send a copy of our paper there.

Such partial conduct, besides being an injustice, is unwise. All distributing and producing agencies in a city are bound together by a common interest; they prosper alike as the place grows and flourishes, and they dwindle and decay should retrogression set in. In Kansas, pre-eminently, where so large a share of growth is derived from the westward flow of population, one main factor of progress and advancement is the newspaper. It is constantly heralding to the world the marvels of human enterprise and achievement within the state; telling of its unsurpassed resources, its prolific soil, and its untiring march along the path of progress. Is not so useful a service to be recognized? Is not the newspaper that is true to its mission to be regarded as one of the most useful agencies in our social system, and fairly sustained that its capacity for aiding the public weal may be unimpaired? We ask this not in the spirit of mendicancy, in no appeal to the charitable, but as a due return for services by which all are more or less benefited. By this token, we condemn the narrow policy of the cracker factory business management, because it is invidious and unfair on the face of it, and tends to alienate an agency which, under proper treatment, would prove highly serviceable.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1886.


The Whirligig of Time Brings About Its Own Revenges.

The democrat who takes a partisan view of the county election may rejoice over the defeat of Mr. Irwin for the commissionership, and the election of Mr. Hardwick as his successor. But we would inform such a rejoicing politician that there are few republicans in Arkansas City who do not share his satisfaction. Mr. Irwin as a private citizen may bear an unblemished character and be altogether estimable. But as a county officer he does not fill the measure of the requirement. It is true he is elected by the votes of one district, and his implied duty is to exercise his functions in every proper manner to advance the interest of his constituents. But he is expected to be fair over it, to use discreet judgment, and never to overstep the bounds of decency. His partial action in behalf of Winfield, when a matter affecting that city and Arkansas City was before the board, has been so uniform and undisguised, that the people here have grown to regard him as an official enemy, and the declaration recently made by a city contemporary that Winfield owns two of the commissioners, is readily accepted by many as a true saying.

To sustain this damaging allegation, one has but to refer to the time when a score of our most prominent citizens presented themselves in the commissioners= room with a petition that a proposition be submitted to the voters of several townships to issue bonds in aid of the projected State Line railway. The jealousy of sundry Winfield parties was aroused at this enterprise, and Bill Hackney was put forward as champion bulldozer to defeat the project. We have told the disgraceful story before, and will not, on this occasion, repeat all its details. The forensic bully set himself up as the mouthpiece of two members of the board, and by his ribald abuse and profanity degraded their proceedings to the level of a fishmarket. Then was the time for Chairman Smith to have called the brawler to order, and if he refused to subside at the summons, to have complained against him as a disturber of the peace. But the chairman failed in his duty, and then it became incumbent on his fellow member to clear himself from complicity in such riotous conduct by protesting against its continuance. No self-respecting man will transact public business when an unauthorized person arrogates to himself his functions, and outrages justice and decency by such riotous proceedings as marked that session of the commissioners= court. And because Mr. Irwin sat consenting by, conniving at wrong doing and uttering no word of reproof, the people of Arkansas City pass condemnation on him as an unfit man for the office he fills, and extend welcome to his successor without regard to his politics.

Commissioner Smith=s turn will come next, and offended justice has a like rebuke in store for him.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1886.

The Southern Kansas Grade.

Charles Hale was in town on Saturday, from the Southern Kansas grade in the Territory, to procure supplies for his camp and take along a mowing machine. He and his brother, Frank, are working for C. Stubblefield, who has a contract to grade ten miles of track some distance south of the Cimarron. The grade lies along a ridge dividing Chisholm=s Creek from Deer Creek, composed of rich alluvial soil and easily worked. The Hale Bros. have six teams there and their party consists of nine men. Prairie chickens abound, and many of their meals are made flavorous with this delicious game. Deer are to be seen occasionally, bear tracks are frequently visible, and panthers are within the reach of those who covet adventurous sportsmanship. The grass is green and in good condition, and Charles takes a mowing machine with him to cut fodder for his animals. The brothers expect their engagement to last into February. The track is laid to the Willows, the present rate of track laying being 1 2 miles a day. The grade to the Cimarron is nearly completed, and the graders are moving southward to start on fresh contracts. There are some heavy cuts and fills to make and quite a number of bridges to build; some of the so-called creeks being deep channels worn by rain torrents, which are dry most part of the year. The material for this bridge work has been delivered in this city, and will be sent forward on the construction train as fast as wanted. Oklahoma is entirely free of boomers, but there are enough families in the country accompanying the graders to make a good sized city as soon as settlement is permitted.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1886.

State and County Vote.

The official canvass of the vote of Cowley County was completed by the county commissioners, with the assistance of Deputy Clark Gray, on Friday evening, and below we give the footings of the vote cast for every county candidate. The work was made laborious by the extensive scratching of the ballots that was resorted to; but Ed Gray has a singular aptitude for figures, and his expertness facilitated the canvassing board in arriving at a result.


For Probate Judge: W. E. Tansey, 2,915; Amos Walton, 2,442; B. F. Wood, 309. Tansey=s majority: 473.

District Clerk: Ed. Pate, 3,375; C. E. Roberts, 2,107; Louis E. Brown, 112. Pate=s majority: 1,268.

County Attorney: Cal. L. Swarts, 3,317; C. L. Forsyth, 2,193. Swarts= majority: 1,124.

Supt. Of Public Schools: S. F. Overman, 2,183; Miss E. S. Kelly, 3,348. The lady=s majority: 1,168.

Commissioner 3rd Dist.: J. A. Irwin, 723; W. P. Hardwick, 848; Yates Smith, 26. Hardwick=s majority: 126.


59th District. Jas. F. Martin, 821; John A. Eaton, 942. Eaton=s majority: 91.

60th District. L. P. King, 1,076; F. P. Schiffbauer, 935; T. V. McConn, 67. King=s majority, 141.

61st District. J. D. Maurer, 1,015; A. M. Newman, 583. Maurer=s majority: 482.


E. W. Perkins, 3,971; Frank Bacon, 2,126; J. W. Forrest, 141. Perkins= majority: 1,075.


The following majorities were given for state officers.

Associate Justice, Valentine, 986.

Governor, John A. Martin, 913.

Lieut. Governor, A. P. Riddle, 1,116.

Secretary of State, E. R. Allen, 1,729.

Treasurer, J. W. Hamilton, 908.

Auditor, Tim McCarthy, 1,506.

Attorney General, S. B. Bradford, 926.

School Supt., J. W. Lawhead, 988.

The vote in this county on the proposed constititional amendement was: For, 2,462; Against, 2,385. Majority in favor: 77.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1886.

Shipment of Stock.

Col. W. J. Pollock, accompanied by his daughter-in-law (Eugene=s wife) and child, came to town on Saturday, and remained here two or three days on a visit. On Tuesday he shipped twelve cars of cattle from his ranch on the Salt Fork to St. Louis, a portion of the stock coming from his own herd, and the remainder being owned by Burke & Martin, who have sub-leased from the Aurora Cattle Co., of whose business Col. Pollock is part owner and manager. He and his son=s wife also left town yesterday to spend some time at their home in Illinois. He describes his herd as in fine condition and his crop of calves exceptionally abundant; the product being 400 calves from 600 cows. This successful effort in stock raising is due to proper provision made for the cows, sufficient grain and hay having been fed them through the winter, and sheds to shelter them during the worst periods. This must strike the reader as the correct method. If the present rule of stockraisers, which banishes all she cattle from their pasture, is to be generally adopted, how is the supply of beef for the wants of the country provided? Col. Pollock=s judgment and enterprise have created a model ranch; substantial and commodious buildings for all necessary uses, ample grain fields, and provided care of stock at all times. It is to be regretted that his generous outlay of money has not been representative, but it=s a long lane that has no turning. There is a tide in the affairs of men, and these sorely depressed cattlemen who have the constancy and bank account to tide them over the present ebb, will find the shoals and narrows that now impede their course made navigable by the inflowing current, and then they can float over halcyon seas to a prosperous harbor. We have drawn from Shakespeare for our imagery, but it makes pleasant reading, and has beside the solid merit of sound prophecy.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1886.


The Austin Bros. Become Pioneers in a New Trade Departure.

The enterprising firm of Austin Bros., inaugurate a new departure in the commercial operations of this city. Their=s will be the first house opened in Arkansas City devoted exclusively to the jobbing trade. This is an outcome of the real estate boom that has prevailed in this city the past summer and fall, trebling and in some cases decupling property values, raising some of our citizens to affluent circumstances, and bringing in investors and businessmen from all parts of the country. The impetus thus communicated to the trade of the city has assumed a permanent character, and with the extension of railroad communi-cations, diversification of trade and manufacturing industry is looked for.

This new jobbing firm is composed of Frank Austin, formerly of the leading grocery house of Kroenert & Austin, of this city, and his brother, H. M. Austin, for many years financial manager of the extensive wholesale grocery house of Bitman & Taylor, of Leaven-worth. Frank Austin has been for six years a resident of this city, showing enterprise as a merchant and winning the confidence of all by his upright and honorable dealings. His knowledge of the grocery business was also gained in the above named Leavenworth house, for whom he traveled a number of years, thus gaining a widely extended trade acquaintance, and business methods which have been so useful to him in the business with which he was lately connected.

Mr. Frank Austin says he and his brother were influenced in selecting this city for their enterprise because they can see growth and prosperity for its portion. They command ample capital for the undertaking, and possess the same facilities for the purchase of goods as are enjoyed by the trade association. They propose to carry a $30,000 stock, and at the present writing are receiving their goods and are filling up their warehouse. Mr. Frank Austin, with his wife and child, will leave for Leavenworth today, and he will extend his trip to St. Louis about one week from now; he will return home with his brother. Then the two will apply themselves to building up a prosperous business. Mrs. Austin will remain with her friends in Leavenworth till the holidays are over. These gentlemen have the experience and business equipments to carry on their adventurous undertaking, and in their interest as well as for the good of the city, we heartily wish them success.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, November 17, 1886.

Books for Our Old Vets.


KANSAS, Nov. 9, 1886.

This Branch of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers is at the present time providing for the welfare and comfort of nearly 1,000 members, while a large number of applicants are still awaiting admission, and suitable buildings and accommodations will be in readiness for fifteen hundred at an early date.

No appropriation having been made by the government for providing a library for the use of the members, a great number of whom are debarred from many out door recreations, by reason of their physical infirmities, it appears to me a fitting time to appeal to your sympathy and generosity on behalf of these AWards of the Nation,@ for the donation of a book or books, periodicals, or any literary matter, the perusal of which would add to their entertainment or instruction. An inscription, over your autograph, would confer a great pleasure on the readers and may recall many pleasant reminiscences of the past.

Packages may be addressed to the Home and if forwarded by express, at its expense.

Very Respectfully.



Arkansas City, Ks.




Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, November 17, 1886.

In view of the damaging influence of liquor upon the people of Alaska, the United States Government has taken notable action in prohibiting its introduction there for medicinal, mechanical, and even for scientific purposes.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, November 17, 1886.

The Territory of Montana will send to the Eastern markets this year not less than 250,000 head of cattle and it is thought the number may reach 275,000. From seventy-five to one hundred car loads of these are being shipped daily.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, November 17, 1886.

The proposed constitutional amendment, increasing the number of judges of the Supreme court to five, lengthening their terms and nearly doubling their salary, has been defeated by an overwhelming majority. The necessity of more judges is recognized as necessary to transact without wearisome delay the increased judicial business of the state, but the majority of voters disapprove this constant tinkering with the constitution, preferring to have a convention called to adapt the organic law of the state to the present requirement. The defeat of the amendment disappoints the ambition of many aspiring lawyers.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, November 17, 1886.


Preliminary Inquiry Into Commissioner Atkins= Report.

We made brief mention in our issue last week (having time to do no more) of the visit to this city of Mr. C. A. Paul, of Illinois, private secretary to Senator Platt, of Connecticut. It will be remembered that a resolution passed the senate during the last session providing for the appointment of a committee from that body to inquire into the wholesale removal of licensed Indian traders, and to learn whether any of these deposed tradesmen had valid claims against the government for damages. In a talk with this editor, Mr. Paul said the senatorial committee would not come out this fall. The session of congress had lasted late into the summer, and then the November elections had found them employment during the recess. And in two or three weeks congress meets again. His errand, therefore, was to take informal testimony in order to ascertain what truth there was in the complaints that have gone up to Washington.

The day after Mr. Paul left this city, Mr. W. R. Little, late trader to the Sacs and Foxes, came into our sanctum to pay long arrears on his paper and explain his seeming delinquency. He was one of the long list of extradited victims, and the hand of the oppressor had been laid heavily upon him. His license had been renewed from year to year, his record was without blemish, and he supposed the president=s avowed devotion to civil service guaranteed him security in his position. He had provided himself all the necessary facilitiesChome, store, barn, corn cribs, and so on; he kept a good stock of goods on hand; and trusted them out to Indians and cattlemen, an unavoidable practice at the Indian agencies.

Some time ago (a year and a half, as we understand) Indian Commissioner Atkins visited the Sac and Fox, accompanied by a friend, who either had the license to trade there or had been promised that privilege. This latter entered into negotiations to buy Mr. Little out, but his stock of goods being somewhat depleted, on the commissioner=s suggestion, he filled up, sending heavy orders for flour, provisions, and groceries to this city, which goods to this day remain unpaid. Having involved himself financially to be in condition to make the promised sale, he was shortly after dumbfounded at the commissioner=s protégé backing squarely down from his offer and he being refused a renewal of his license.

The next move in this sweet scented business was an order received by the agent at Sac and Fox to notify Mr. Little to take his belongings out of the territory and himself away, under pain of arrest as an unauthorized intruder. But the agent had more humanity than the government he served, and seeing that utter ruin would follow the strict enforcement of this harsh edict, he gave the trader some time to collect what debts he could, and dispose of some portion of his stock. For this leniency he was severely rebuked by his superior in office, and sternly admonished that a failure to perform his duties promptly would lead to his own dismissal. This brought the trader=s creditors on the ground; his stock, through their intervention, was sacrified at one-fourth of its value and the money it brought was divided among them. Our Aoffensive partisan@ then put his wife and children in his wagon, and leaving the earnings of his past life behind, he started out to rustle with the world, not only penniless but bankrupt. His wagon and team he sold to take his wife and children to her former home, and he finally accepted some unremunerative employment in the western part of Kansas, where he takes unspeakable joy in his proud heritage of American citizenship.

And this is by no means an isolated case.

Mr. J. L. Wey, now of this city, formerly of the firm of Hemphill & Wey, extensive Indian traders to the Cheyennes and Arapahoes, is just as completely ruined, and the loss inflicted on him and his former partner is much heavier. These gentlemen had their residences and store, quarters for a dozen employees, hide house and press, and other improvements aggregating in value $40,000. Their stock of goods was worth still more, and their accounts with cattlemen and Indians footed up to nearly $10,000. Without a word of warning, men from Mississippi were licensed to do the trading with these two tribes of Indians, and Messrs. Hemphill & Wey, for the egregious sin of their republicanism, were compelled to leave, not saving enough of their property to meet the demands of their creditors.

The same venomous treatment was meted out to Joseph H. Sherburne, formerly trader at Ponca, and he only saved himself from ruin by being Aseized with@ real estate property outside the territory. His comfortable house, his commodious store, his corn cribs stored with 5,000 bushels of corn, his stock of goods, and debts owing him by the Indians were all left worthless on his hands because of his offensive partisanship.

The experience of Bishop & Matlack, late traders to the Pawnees, and of T. M. Finney, trader to the Kaws, has been precisely similar. Not a charge of crookedenss has been brought against these worthy and upright men, their record is not marred with a single scratch. They enjoyed the fullest confidence of the Indians and their removal was opposed with earnest protest. But what weight had fitness, integrity, and deserving, against the clamors of hungry Southrons who, having gained the possession of power, now asserted their full right to enjoy the spoils of office?

The stories of all these abused and despoiled citizens, at the request of Mr. Paul, were repeated to him, and he being impressed with their candor and honesty, did not withhold the declaration that the senate committee could work up a strong case. He took copious notes of the statements made to him, and when the senate committee sets about preparing its report, a number of these disgraced traders will be summoned to Washington to testify.

The Russo-Turkish war of a few years ago was inaugurated by the principalities revolting against the rapacity of the tax-gatherer. The collection would be farmed out to court favorites, who traveled from farm to farm, taking up free quarters wherever they chose, fixing their own levy, and in many cases leaving their victims without enough to support them till the next harvest. Mr. Finney and Mr. Wey tell of a similar treatment meted them. Some democratic journalist, or a nephew of the commissioner, or some political henchman would be put off with a license to trade with some tribe of Indians. He had no money, no business experience, and no intention of purveying to the aborigines. But armed with this instrument, he would present himself before the victim he designed to exploit, and after showing him the ruin brought home to his doors, would propose to divy with him, he putting up his license against the trader=s capital and experience, or he might propose a stipend to be paid him quarterly out of the business.

It is the popular belief that governments are instituted to protect the citizen in his rights. But Secretary Lamar and Commissioner Atkins have found another purpose in the administration of affairs. The former=s use of official power is to find public employment for all the needy neighbors, political supporters, and family relations, and the latter hitches every Tennesseean that applies to him at the national crib. There is no mock sentiment about it. To the victors belong the spoils, and as the south is now in the ascendant, to its gaunt and famishing sons must the spoils of office be awarded.

When the senate committee again gets hold of Mr. Atkins, and confronts him with some of his despoiled victims, he will be ready to call on the rocks to cover him. And what a deeply interesting chapter this trader business will make in the forthcoming presidential canvass.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, November 17, 1886.

AD. I Sell the BEST OYSTERS And at the lowest price in Town.

My Stock of STANDARD GROCERIES Is Full and Complete.

Purchasers are invited to call and judge for themselves.

The Highest Price paid for GAME AND FURS.


Summit Street and Fourth Avenue


Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.

Night Commercial School To Begin November 21, 8 p.m., downstairs, Bittle block. Commercial law, book-keeping, penmanship, arithmetic, correspondence, orthography, grammar, German and French.



Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.,

Notice. Dr. Mitchell desires to inform his friends that he has removed from G. Ingersoll=s to his own residence on Central Avenue, one block east of the Central Avenue Hotel.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.

CARD. I desire to inform my friends that I am now associated with C. L. Newton, in the grocery business under the firm name of Newton & Vaughan, and I respectfully ask those who have bestowed their favors on me in the past, when in the employ of others, that they will continue the same now that it will tend to my own advantage.


Arkansas City, Nov. 16.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.


Office and yard South Summit Street.


Telephone your orders.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.

The track of the Southern Kansas road was laid as far as Salt Fork last evening.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.

Telephone your orders for coal to Arkansas City Coal Company.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.

Mr. George A. Druitt has been seriously ill for some days now with typho-malaria.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.

M. S. Morehouse & Co., from Emporia, have opened a drug store in Summit Block, and are already doing a nice business.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.

J. T. Little, of Cumberland, Maryland, and D. E. Shafer, of Freesburg, the same state, are in the city, the guests of Mrs. J. G. Danks.

B. W. Norwood, of Kentucky, arrived in the city on Monday evening. He will spend a week or more here looking round for a chance of investment.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.

The new school in the third ward opened on Monday, the furniture being in place, and all preparations made. Miss Mary A. White, sister to Mrs. Dr. Parsons, is the principal.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.

Capt. C. W. Burt was in town yesterday, having been on his ranch the last three weeks. He has been stocking up his ranch for the winter and reports his herd in fine condition.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.

Arkansas City Post of veterans will hold a meeting with the Women=s Relief Corps next Saturday evening, and they write their friends to be present and enjoy a social time.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.

At a special meeting of the school board on Monday evening, the contract for furnishing the city schools with coal was let to A. F. Huse. The consumption through the winter is five to six car loads.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.

In the First Presbyterian Church next Sabbath evening, Rev. S. B. Fleming will give the second of a series of discourses on ALabor,@ the handicraft of the carpenter being his special subject of consideration.

Twenty joints in Wichita were raided by the sheriff Thursday night and the jointists arrested. Eighteen pleaded guilty and were fined $100 and given thirty days in jail.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.

The four new stores composing Eagle and Summit blocks, are all rented and three of them occupied. The remaining store is being fitted up for C. Atwood as a grocery, who will move in there next week.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.

A number of heavy real estate transfers have been made since our last issue, and the demand continues, unabated. Prices are advancing daily, and the real estate dealers are gathering a profitable harvest.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.

Charley, a twelve year old son of T. H. McLaughlin, was accidentally shot in the neck by a playmate of his own age, who thought the weapon wasn=t loaded. The wound is not considered dangerous although the ball has not been extracted.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.

Rev. J. O. Campbell started for Sterling, Kansas, last evening to assist in organizing a Y. M. C. A., in that city. He will return tomorrow accompanied by Weidensall, of the international committee, who rendered such effective service in this city last spring.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.

Last week, Geo. A. Druitt bought of Peter Pearson his former furniture stand, paying $9,000 for the house and lot, and Mr. Pearson purchased the two lots adjoining on the north for $16,000. Next spring he will put up a furniture store and factory on the site.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.

Dr. F. Quimby, formerly of Ponca, but now on the grade at the North Canadian, came to town yesterday. He drove from the North Canadian to the Salt Fork in a day and a half, and from thence he came in on the construction train.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.

E. Troup of the Fifth U. S. Cavalry, Capt. Price commanding, broke up camp on Chilocco Creek, where they have been stationed during the summer and fall, and left on Monday for Fort Riley. Another troup of the same regiment is ordered here, and is expected to arrive in a few days.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.

The projected building boom in Winfield having fizzled out this fall, the Courier now requests us to wait till the spring time comes. AEverything points assuredly,@ it tells us, Ato the steadiest, solidest, and strongest prosperity in all branches in this city next spring.@ The good time is always coming.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.

A couple of roughs had a pugilistic encounter on Central Avenue yesterday, in front of Bailey=s livery stable. One of the combatants got the other down, and the prostrate man discharged his pistol, but whether with deadly intent or not was in dispute at the time. City Marshal Gray and his assistant Breene came up a few minutes after the altercation, but the men were missing and no one seemed to know anything about them.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.

GEUDA HERALD: [MARRIED.] Will D. Carey, formerly paymaster on the Geuda Springs, Caldwell & Western R. R., now one of the proprietors of the large roller mills of Arkansas City, was in town last Sunday with Mrs. W. D. Carey, formerly Miss Eva Dodd, of Winfield. You kept very quiet about it William, but you won one of the most estimable ladies in Winfield in the meantime, and we wish you all the success possible.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.

Ike Harkleroad may be classed among the successful cattle raisers of this city. On his ranch near the Kaw Agency he has 600 or 700 choice cattle, many of them graded, of the short horn variety, who show their improved breed and the effects of excellent pasture in their prime condition and the weight they have attained. His best beeves will turn the scale at 1,500 to 1,600 pounds, and a number of calves, as choice specimens of the bovine race as ever gamboled on the green, will weigh 800 lbs. Ike is justly proud of his stock, and boasts of having as good Christmas beef as will adorn many shambles in the eastern cities. Bower & Wood have bought 25 of his herd, and we hear he has other sales on hand.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.

F. G. Patton came into our office a few days ago to pay his subscription and tell of the successful sale of his farm. He owned 40 acres 1 2 miles northwest of the city, which he bought of Bill Hackney about two years ago for $400. He spent $200 on a small house for his family, and set about making a living out of the soil. But he found it a mere sandhill, and he went to work at carpentering. Last week he sold it to Geo. Newman, of Emporia, for $5,000 cash. He regards this as a good joke on the Hon. W. P. Hackney, and wishes us to inquire of that gentleman whether he still holds to the belief that the combined wealth of Arkansas City is insufficient to buy a gunnysack. He owns some lots in this city, and will build a house here for his occupation.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.

The truth of Horace Greeley=s oft repeated saying, AYou cannot publish a nonpareil newspaper in a long primer town,@ is again illustrated in the experience of J. H. Berkey, at Geuda Springs. He started out to give the people of that health resort a live paper. He has a readiness at writing, a genuine vein of humor, and untiring industry. One railroad has been built to that town and another is expected shortly. This raised the expectations of property holders who thought they were about to be visited by a boom. The moment seemed auspicious for starting a live newspaper to help the town along. Our friend Burkey purchased material to furnish a good office, and he sent the Crank a turning. The necessary support not coming from home patrons, he dusted [?] around through the country in search of help; this expended his energies, and the necessary patronage was not secured. As a last resort he picked up and removed to Kansas City, where he certainly has a broad enough field to bustle in, and where we heartily hope he will achieve success.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.

Smoke Grand Opera cigars; for sale by H. C. Dent.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.

Laura Dainty at the opera house this evening.

Go and hear an elocutionary treat at the opera house this evening.

Laura Dainty gives her elocutionary entertainment under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A. She should be greeted with a large house.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.

Maj. C. Hood, of Emporia, was in town yesterday, looking over choice properties for investment.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.

Maj. H. B. Denman, of Washington, D. C., was among the distinguished arrivals in town yesterday.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.

All of the 9th grade scholars at the first ward schoolhouse were transferred to the High School, which fills it to overflowing.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.

Dr. Hamilton has lit out. The world renowned healer is snuffed out. The wiles of Cupid were too much for the aged sinner.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.

Miss Ella Kelly, republican candidate for county superintendent of Cowley County, received 1,900 majority, the largest ever in the county. Atchison Champion.

Correct, except that the lady was not on the republican ticket.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.

Aleck Wood has returned to his former love and is again to be found at the City Meat Market. He dissolved partnership with Fred Bower some months ago, thinking to better his condition; but now finds he gave up a good thing, and has resumed his former business relations. The firm name is again Bower & Wood.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.

Our astute evening cotem, mentioning the departure of Mrs. Jerome Steele and child, for a winter outing, sends them to Lockport, Florida. This shows that our brother quill=s geography is badly mixed. We had always supposed that Lockport was a flourishing canal and railroad city in New York State.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.

Peter Pearson can now be classed among our home manufacturers. He has just turned out a really handsome set of upholstered ware, consisting of sofa, divan, and fauteuil, very tastefully finished, in mahogany frames. He proposes to keep an upholsterer steadily employed on new work.

[Fauteuil is an arm chair.]


Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.

John Danks was summoned home last week by a dispatch informing him of the dangerous illness of his mother. He took the next train for Cincinnati, but on arriving there found his aged relative unconscious and she died the next day. A postal received by Mrs. Danks informs her that he will be back here tomorrow.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.

The Caldwell papers are still booming their alleged silver deposits, but we can learn nothing from their windy statements upon which to form a judgment as to their existence. The last issue of the Times is filled with headlines, Mexican legends of undeveloped treasure in the Arkansas valley, and wind--but a word about the production of precious metal. The nearest the writer comes to it is in this statement: AThe first shipment was made by Mr. Sam Mitchel on Monday morning last and the people are waiting in breathless anxiety to hear of the result. Few, however, doubt but what the metal will at least yield $60 or $70 per ton, while the more sanguine think it will yield from $100 to $175 per ton.@ Sanguine expecta-tions in mining adventure are so often disappointed, that we wait to hear the product of this shipment before we lose our breath. If this idle talk is kept up much longer, the suspicion will be justified that it is a mere dodge to gull bats [?].


Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.

Go to H. C. Dent for fine plush toilet sets.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.

DIED. Died, at the residence of his parents in the fourth ward, on Sabbath morning, Nov. 14th, Sylvester N. Copple, aged six years seven months and fifteen days. Little Vessie was the only child of Mr. M. C. and Mrs. Addie Copple. The funeral discourse was preached at the home of his parents, by Rev. S. B. Fleming, at 10 a.m. on Monday, after which the remains were laid to rest in the Parker Cemetery, east of the Walnut.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.

Telling Tales Out of School.

The Visitor is a thorough faced Philistine among the Winfield journals. It is constantly blurting out some disagreeable truth concerning the city, which meets the eyes of those living at a distance, and takes the gloss off the boasts of those whose aim is to keep up appearances. A day or two ago it made the damaging admission that trade is distressingly dull at the county seat, and freely confessed that neighboring towns, naming Wichita, Wellington, and Arkansas City, are more prosperous. On inquiring the cause of this retrogressing, the writer assumed that its affairs were conducted on too strictly moral a principle. AI am beginning to entertain doubts,@ he says, Awhether a town can be legislated into heaven.@ If the laws were less strictly enforced in that burg, and greater attractions offered to those willing to spend their money there, he thinks that Winfield would regain its former activities, and become as flourishing as its neighbors. But such talk is severely reprobated by the Courier, which denies that there is any slacking off in business of that city, and avows a disposition to place its brogans square across the neck of every croaker. When the newspapers of one town get into as delicate a controversy, it is enough fun for outsiders to stand still and look on.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.

From Our Exchanges.

WINFIELD TELEGRAM: Deputy County Clerk Gray is so near up to his eyes in work he has to talk politics on the run. Ed is a very large end of that office, and would be a good fellow generally if it wasn=t for his politics. It is funny how wicked a fellow can be in his politics, and yet be pretty good in other respects.

CALDWELL JOURNAL: Last Tuesday evening as Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sherer were about to retire for the night, they looked in the bedroom of Mrs. Rachel Yates, Mrs. Sherer=s mother, as was their usual custom as Mrs. Yates was an old lady of 69 years and a confirmed invalid who they knew could live only a little longer. As they approached the bed, they heard her gasp for breath and a few moments later was dead.

WELLINGTON PRESS: It will be remembered that the Press spoke yesterday of a gentleman being here to examine our salt prospect, that he carried away a favorable impression. In a letter received by Wm. Gelino from M. V. B. Holmes this morning, we learn that the salt find was what the gentleman came here to see and that alone. Samples of the brine are not only to be tested here, but also to be sent east; and if entirely satisfactory, the salt will result in a greater boom for the city than would have been accomplished had we discovered coal.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.



Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.


The News Dished Up To Our Centennial Forefathers.

Mr. E. F. Shindell brings in interesting relics of the past century in the shape of two newspapers, one bearing the date April 8, 1728; and the other Mar. 12th, 1770. The one of older date is named the New England Journal, measures twelve by eight inches, and contains all told, four columns of reading. This was in the reign of the first George, following immediately after the golden age of Queen Anne and the essay style of the Spectator, the Tatler, and the Rambler, made illustrious by the genius of Addison, Steele, and Johnson, still survived. The New England Journal professed to record Athe most remarkable occurrence, foreign and domestick.@ (Foreign being first mentioned.) But the appliances for gathering news in this wide field were miserably ineffective, or the newspaper men of that time remiss in their duties. This issue gives one column to an essay on the advantages of scholarship; double that space to a digest of foreign news; a marine register takes up three inches of space; and the remainder of the paper is given to advertisements. Such notices as these, common enough to the eyes of our great grandfathers, coming from the latitude of Boston, have an uncanny look to the present generation.

[Two examples given from newspaper.]

A very Likely Negro Woman who can do Household work, and is fit either for Town or Country Service, about 12 Years of age, to be sold. Inquire of the Printer hereof.

A very Likely Negro Girl, about 13 or 14 Years of Agen, speaks good English, has been in the Country some Years, to be sold. Inquire of the Printer hereof.

The age to which these time stained newspapers carry us back, was not stimulated by the use of steam, and invention was not as universal as now. People lived slowly, their wants were few, and the mental food they consumed was of a somewhat solid character. . . .


Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.

Winfield Tragedy.

DIED. At an early hour on Saturday morning a tragedy was enacted in Winfield which hurried one victim into the grave and endangered the life of another. The parties involved were Frank Lockwood, a gay and dashing Lothario, late passenger conductor on the Santa Fe railroad, and Lillian Quinn, a dining room girl at the Brettun House. The intimacy between the man and the woman had been of an improper nature, and when she found that shame was likely to result, she consulted several doctors as to the means of avoiding exposure. But she found no one willing to undertake the task. On Friday night Lockwood visited Winfield, and put up at the Brettun House; the room assigned him was across the corridor from another chamber occupied by Lillian and a fellow waitress. But Lillian passed the night with Lockwood, and shot him while he slept. The pistol reports were heard, and those who entered the apartment were horrified on beholding the woman extended on the floor lying in a pool of blood, and Lockwood was lying diagnonally across the bed, unconscious and breathing with difficulty, with a bullet sent into his brain, which entered the skull just over the left eye.

Nothing in the room was disturbed until the coroner (who was sent for) arrived, together with Sheriff McIntire and Deputy Harrod. A jury was empaneled and then the body of the girl was removed. Lockwood was also straightened in his bed to make his position easier, and administered to by Dr. Emerson. He recovered consciousness after awhile and at this writing (Tuesday) is still living. The ball is embedded in his brain, but no probing has been made. It is doubtful whether he will survive. An inquest was held on the body of the girl, and a verdict of died by a revolver shot from her own hand returned. The remains were consigned to a grave in Potter=s field, the landlord of the Brettun, C. L. Harter, giving his former employee a respectable funeral. Lockwood has a wife and four children.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.

Reading Matter for the Soldiers= Home.

At the request of Comrade P. A. Lorry, commander of the Arkansas City post of veterans, we publish in this issue an appeal from the governor of the Military Home at Leavenworth for reading matter for the veterans. These disabled patriots have the long winter months before them, and no adequate provision made by the government for their entertainment in doors. Books, magazines, and other periodicals are asked for to store the tables in their commodious reading room, and furnish food for their minds. Our more mature readers will remember that during the war when the armies of the nation were confined in winter quarters, the Sanitary Commission made a similar appeal to the country, which was promptly and generously responded to. In every town and village in the loyal north, the clergyman or some other public spirited citizen, would assume custody of the literary contributions sent in, and the result of this beneficence was a miscellaneous library, of greater or lesser extent, sent to every regiment and military post in the field. This afforded profitable and enjoyable occupation for the boys in blue, and substituted intellectual improvement for gaming and other vicious indulgences of camp life.

That this appeal may be properly responded to, Commander Lorry asks through our columns that useful literary matter in any shape be sent to the TRAVELER office to be forwarded thence to the Soldiers= Home. Unbound magazines will be extremely serviceable, but all kinds of useful reading matter will be welcome. Let our readers look over their library possessions and select whatever they may be willing to surrender for this purpose.



Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.

New Jewelry Store.

The long talked of opening of Ridenour & Beecher=s jewelry store will take place tomorrow. This enterprising firm have one of the nicest business rooms in the city, and with the improvement that is going on around them, it will not be many months before they will be in the heart of traffic. They have certainly laid themselves out to do a leading jewelry business. Their counters are elegantly carved and finished, and the show cases and other appointments in modern and most approved style. Their cases are resplendent with the most intrinsic stock of watches and jewelry ever brought to this city. Solid gold cases in every design, for gentlemen and ladies= wear, three dozen watch chains, solid and massive, and ladies= chains in every style. Rings, plate, and filligree, are with every choice stone known to the capidary [? COULD NOT FIND SUCH A WORD IN DICTIONARY] broaches and other jeweled adornment, we have not space to enumerate. In the line of plated ware the finest artist work is displayed, and the liberal provision made of these choice goods seems almost reckless. They are from the factory of Reed & Barton, Taunton, Massachusetts, and all warranted quadruple plated. The cases show a store of spoons till you can=t rest; napkin rings, sugar shells, silver rings, and other articles we cannot stay to enumerate. On the shelves enclosed in cabinets are tea sets in the most elaborate designs, and contrivances for culinary preparations which the skilled designer has idealized into the domain of art.

This elegant store with its rich and tasteful contents, is another evidence of the advance made by our community in ease and opulence, and credit is due this enterprising firm for their liberality in procuring such a stock, and the taste and skill they have shown in their selection.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1886.

DEXTER EYE: A severe cutting scrape occurred on lower Grouse last Tuesday evening in which Wood Williams severely cut Ansom Huchison in the right breast. It appears that they have had some trouble before over a dog. And this evening Ansom jumped on him as he was returning from a literary, when Williams stabbed him as before described. Williams= trial came off Thursday, and he was bound over in the sum of $200 to appear at the next term of court.



Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, November 24, 1886.


AThe land of the world is the common heritage of humanity and belongs to humanity in common, that is to the state. No individual can own land, though he may occupy it and use it, but he must pay the state for the use of it.@


ABut the question of the ownership of land has another phase than the monopolizing confrontation it admits of. As human nature is constituted, a man=s best energies are not brought out, unless their exercise is devoted to his own profit. In Russia, where the communistic system prevails, the direct poverty exists and drunkenness is universal. Under the Muscovite system, a dozen or more heads of families are assigned to a piece of land who farm it under the direction of a president, who is quite apt to be dissipated and incapable. They build their houses, plant and sow, and perform other mechanical details with the listlessness of human machines. We find a nearly similar state of things (except the drunkenness) existing among the Indian tribes in the territory. The land being in common, and all its natural productsCthe timber, rock, coal, and other mineral, the property of all, the utmost jealousy exists lest one man should take more than his individual share. Chief Bushyhead in his recent message to the Cherokee council, dwells with marked emphasis on the necessity of Aprotecting the rights of all.@

In treating on the public domain, he says: AThe land of the Cherokee nation, including its grass, timber, water, stone, and mineral resources, are as much the common property of the people as are its buildings and trust funds and should be as zealously guarded, and made conducive to the common welfare . . . .@


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, November 24, 1886.

The Cherokee council, in session at Tahlequah, has spent some time in reading and interpreting the report of the commission appointed to appraise and condemn the right of way for the Southern Kansas railroad through the territory. The Cherokees are not satisfied with the prices allowed, and will, without doubt, appeal to the United States court for redress. A resolution is now before the council protesting against the charter which authorizes the building of the road, as contrary to existing treaties, and providing for its submission to the United States supreme court for a ruling. The members of the court are confident of being sustained, and an appropriation of $10,000 will be made to pay the expenses. There is talk of employing B. F. Butler and Roscoe Conkling as attorneys.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, November 24, 1886.

Kansas leads all the states in the number of miles of railroad built during the present year. Dakota stands second and Texas third.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, November 24, 1886.

From Our Exchanges.

GEUDA HERALD: W. M. Berkey has bought the old water works at Arkansas City and contemplates putting them here. This would be a good scheme to have water put at your door at very small cost.

LARNED REPUBLICAN: The graders on the D. M. & A., are still working toward Larned, and will arrive here by the 1st of December if not before.The grading is all completed through Stafford County to near the Pawnee line. Track-laying is not completed to the city of Stafford yet, and has been suspended for thirty days from the lack of rails. They are now coming at the rate of two car loads a day, but the company think it best to suspend the work till the other rail can be repaired and then rush it right through.

STAR AND KANSAN: What the Cherokees have feared has come to pass. Silver has been found in paying quantities in their territory below Caldwell; and though a company of troops have been ordered from Fort Reno to keep out eager prospectors, it will require more troops than there are in the United States service to keep those lands from being taken possession of by the miners, as was the Deadwood region, should the deposits prove extensive enough to cause a rush thither.

WELLINGTON MONITTOR: L. W. Bishop and Moat Gatliff are preparing to launch a new morning daily under the name of the Republican, on this much afflicted community.

ASHLAND HERALD: Word came that John Hurst was shot today at Deep Hole, whether accidental or otherwise we cannot ascertain. Hurst is a brother-in-law to James Sawtel, the proprietor of the Deep Hole store. After Hurst was shot, Sawtel went to get his pony to come to town for a physician, when he fell behind the pony and it kicked him in the face, breaking his jaw and mashing his whole face and seriously injuring him.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, November 24, 1886.

Mahlon Bond, who sold his farm lately and left this country with his family to spend awhile in his former state (Indiana) writes:

Tangier, Park Co., Ind., Nov. 18th, 1886.

FRIEND LOCKLEY: I arrived here with wife and children on the 4th inst., in good shape. I drove overland over good roads, with plenty of feed for the animals. Passing through Central Illinois I found they had harvested good crops there, the corn, wheat, oats, potatoes, and hay all being up to average in quality and good in quantity. Corn is selling at 25 cents a bushel, wheat at 67 cents, and Irish potatoes at 40 cents. I have made this removal on account of my wife=s health, and being footloose thought we should all enjoy a trip home. But there are only A few places where the fertility of Kansas soil is matched, and the stir and growth of the population are not to be found here. Very truly, MAHLON BOND.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 24, 1886.

Ad. Newton & Vaughan have just received a fine assortment of Canned Goods, Bulk and Bottle Pickles, Chow-Chow, Catsup, and other table delicacies. Also Arkansas City candy fresh from the factory.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 24, 1886.

For Sale. The stock, fixtures, and good will of the oldest millinery establishment in Arkansas City. A good opening for the right party. Satisfactory reasons for selling. Will rent store till spring if desired. MRS. W. M. HENDERSON.

Third door south of St. James Hotel.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 24, 1886.

BIRTH. Born on Thursday last, the 18th, to the wife of John Hammond, a daughter.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 24, 1886.

R. H. McNamara, of the Arkansas City Water Co., is suffering from a severe attack of malaria.

Corn is being shipped from Caldwell and Mulvane to this place at thirty-five cents per bushel.

The Post Offices throughout the country were closed from 10 o=clock to 1 on Monday as a tribute of respect to the deceased ex-President [Arthur].

Rescue Hose No. 2, of this city, will give a ball in the Opera House on Thanksgiving evening, and are making arrangements for a first-class entertainment.

Bert McCormick was in town on Monday as prosecuting witness in a crooked horse deal in which he was made the victim. But the case was postponed till next Monday.

Mrs. Wadsworth, at the Star Restaurant, just south of the St. James Hotel, will give a bounteous Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow, to which she invites her patrons and friends. No extra charge.

N. E. Stevens, of the Leavenworth Times, was in town the early part of the week, hunting up business for his paper. He represents Leavenworth doing well, and the Times keeping up with the procession.

And now Bill Hackney is getting tired of Winfield, and is looking around for a more hopeful field of enterprise. He probably has leisure now to shoot snipe over the deserted sand hill, a recreation he has long been promising himself.

Will McConn adopted the name of ATraveler,@ for his new journalistic venture in Iuka, and now Jasper Carter starts the Kansas Traveler in Howard, Elk County. We trust our youthful namesakes will travel the right way.

DIED. John Donnell, a U. S. Prisoner in the county jail for selling whiskey, bound over by Commissioner Bonsall three weeks ago, died Friday last of typhoid. His mother, who lives at Chautauqua Springs, has been notified by the sheriff.

G. W. Cunningham returned to the city on Saturday evening, accompanied by his wife and sister. George has been absent about three weeks, but the ladies enjoyed a holiday trip of nearly two months.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 24, 1886.

It now looms up that the Caldwell silver mine joins a hundred acre tract of C. M. Scott, of this place, who will be made rich if there is any rich in it. And Arkansas City takes a hand in it as she does in anything that pays.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 24, 1886.

Commissioner Bonsall is doing a rushing business with offenders in the territory. On Monday he had a dozen men brought before him charged with hunting out wood, all of which he held for trial, and has also committed a number of contraband liquor dealers. During the last two weeks he has issued fifty warrants.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 24, 1886.

W. D. Keown, of Guelph, was in town on Friday, and dropped into the TRAVELER office to pay the printer. He came here from Illinois two years ago, and is so pleased with his location that he also subscribed for three other copies, to be sent to friends in his former state. Mr. Keown believes in diffusing the light.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 24, 1886.

Messrs. Wright & Tilton, contractors on the Southern Kansas railroad, were in town on Monday. Mr. Wright has several heavy contracts in other parts of the state which engage his attention, and Mr. Tilton directs the work in the territory. His force is now at work some distance south of the Cimarron.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 24, 1886.

Dr. C. D. Brown carries a very ingenious device on his buggy, known as an odometer with a small bell attached, that rings every mile he travels. It is fastened to the hind axle of the buggy with a pin in one of the spokes of the wheel that strikes the odometer at every revolution. The works tally the revolutions on the same principle that the two hands of a clock tally the time of day.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 24, 1886.

The opening of the new schoolhouse in the second ward has not fully relieved the demand for seat room. In the fourth ward there are 510 scholars and the former seating capacity of the school would accommodate but half that number. But by boarding over the west staircase and enclosing a portion of the spacious hall, a room has been improvised to hold sixty scholars. The surplus school population is disposed of by sending them to other wards.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 24, 1886.

Judge Miller, of this city, will deliver the next lecture in the free course of the Y. M. C. A., on Friday evening, the 26th inst. His subject is AHash,@ and he dishes it up to his hearers in appetizing style, ranging from the days of Adam to the present time. The Judge is a pleasant speaker, a successful raconteur, and his lecture is certain to be a feast to all. It is well spoken of by the press of those cities where it has been delivered, and we feel an assurance that it will earn the commendation of the newspapers of this city.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 24, 1886.

WINFIELD VISITOR, the 23rd. We can chronicle no improvement in the condition of Frank Lockwood. Two times Sunday night his watchers gave him up as dying, but yesterday morning he rallied and gradually grew better all day. At 11 o=clock last night he was sleeping well. He ate one raw egg and drank two glasses of milk yesterday. His mind is wandering and he does considerable talking but does not realize what he is saying. The doctor will not express an opinion, and his friends and relatives are prepared for the worst.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 24, 1886.

If the price of lots continues to increase, taking a fresh jump every few days, and if people continue to come in to share the benefits of our abounding boom, how are we to provide houses for all who need them? Every building industry is fully engaged, there being six jobs for every workman, but they cannot begin to keep up with the demand, and winter is close at hand, wherein no outside man can work. Scores of families are now seeking homes, with none vacant in town, and the inadequate hotels are full and running over. This would be a good field for two or three building societies to start in.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 24, 1886.

Will D. Mowry started yesterday to rejoin his wife and child in Southern California. He sold his interest in the drug business of Mowry & Sollitt some time ago with a view to his removal, and now feels himself footloose to go and come as he pleases. Mrs. Mowry writes encouragingly to him in regard to the improvement in her own health, and the climate that has proved so beneficial in an extreme case, naturally attracts him to a longer sojourn. We much regret to part with Will, and this feeling is shared by his hosts of friends, because he is a first rate citizen, a genial companion, and by the strictest rule of moral measurement, a square man.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 24, 1886.

The article in our last week=s issue commenting on the ruin wrought upon republican traders in the territory, that room might be made for democratic summers who are in search of an easy living without having capital to start a business, aroused intense anger among the tradesmen conjected on, and no end of profanity was indulged. One trader of Osage, however, more candid than his brethren, made the admission that such newspaper writings were hurtful because they contained too much solid truth. When the matter is brought up in the Senate next session, it will be fun to see the fur fly.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 24, 1886.

Sickness is prevalent in the city, and the doctors are kept going day and night.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 24, 1886.

C. W. Oldroyd, of Ottawa, Kansas, brother to F. B. Oldroyd, has been spending two weeks in the city and returned home yesterday.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 24, 1886.

Arthur Coombs is now engaged in Harry C. Dent=s drug store. He is will known to our citizens, and is esteemed for his diligence and obliging manners.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 24, 1886.

Miss DeKnight, formerly teacher in the Chilocco School, returned last week from her trip to St. Louis, and is now staying in the city.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 24, 1886.

There will be a dinner and supper given by the ladies of the Christian Church at the St. James Hotel, on Thanksgiving. Proceeds to go to the church. All are cordially invited.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 24, 1886.

Col. A. S. Berry, of Newport, Kentucky, and Maj. Kensinger, of Covington, friends of the Danks Bros., were on a visit here last week, and formed a portion of the hunting party that went to the territory on Thursday.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 24, 1886.

Coal dealers cannot keep up with demands of their customers, their orders being delayed because of the pressure of business on the railroad lines. The commercial wants of the town are increasing daily.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 24, 1886.

A Prince in Disguise.

On Monday we had the honor of a visit from an African prince, no less a personage than the son of King Dahomey being our visitor. On entering our sanctum we took him for Billy Wilson, the jovial son of Africa, who has dealt in second hand goods, and served as porter in Mowry & Sollitt=s drug store. He was bedizened with a profusion of ribbons and medals, and put a stop to unbecoming levity by informing us of his illustrious lineage. Being a descendant of the above named puissant ruler, he was sent at an early age to this country to acquire an education, and learn the art of rule in approved Dahomey fashion. In some unexplained way he lost his royal name and title on the college records, and was entered as plain Billy Wilson, which name still adheres to him. But he is heir apparent to his father=s throne, and is only awaiting an adequate money remittance to equip himself as a true prince, and set out for the dark continent to enter on his kingly rule. Who says we have not greatness among us?


Arkansas City Traveler, November 24, 1886.

Local editors on morning papers often take chances in writing up accounts of public entertainments, marriages, and other social events before they occur; their narratives are put in type, and the foreman dumps them into the forms without a thought of the consequences. But sometimes the song that is praised is not sung, the lecture commented on is not given, or the wedding elaborately reported, is not solemnized. The Leavenworth Standard, a few days ago, was made a victim of this previousness. The cards were out for a fashionable Awedding,@ and the evening came when two loving hearts were to be made one. To do justice to this great society event, the Standard reporter wrote his account of the wedding in the afternoon when he had ample time, and the next morning it appeared with a profusion of headlines. But there is many a slip between the cup and the lip. The expectant bridegroom was held up by a footpad on his way to his bride=s home, he resisted, and was shot in the breast. Instead of a clergyman, a doctor was summoned. Now the Standard is made the butt of its rivals, and newspaper previousness is the subject of exasperating homilies.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 24, 1886.

A Family Jar.

The Winfield Courier and Visitor have been having a parrot and monkey time the past week over the declension of business in that city. People are leaving there in search of more favorable locations, real estate is a drug in the market, and building industry is at a standstill. The Courier has long attributed this dullness to the strict enforcement of the prohibitory law, which drives the revelers away and other communities profit by their profusion. But the Visitor ascribes the dull times to the lack of enterprise in the merchants, who make no effort to secure outside business, and charge excessive rates to home consumers. This is resented as a libel by the evening paper, and the controversy is kept up to a wearisome length, in which personal abuse figures conspicuously. This is a family matter in which outsiders have no right to chin in; but the TRAVELER has long held to the view that the arrogance of the Courier and the so-called Millington ring has had much to do in arraying a hostile feeling against that city. Even in prosperity it is well to preserve a tone of moderation, but the Courier and those who supported the mischievous course, forgot the possibility of a rebound, and now they are tasting the fruits of their egregious folly.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 24, 1886.

Business Mention.

Geo. E. Hasie & Co., are now devoting themselves exclusively to their wholesale grocery business, their capacious warerooms being filled with a heavy stock of standard groceries, provisions, grain, and sundries. Teas, spices, cigars, and the finer lines of goods are stowed in their commodious counting room. These gentlemen have won an enviable name in this community for enterprise, business judgment, and fair dealing, and their expansion from the retail to the jobbing branch, is evidence that they are bound to progress with the times. Their former retail business is now called the Star Grocery, and its conduct is entirely apart from the jobbing department. Messrs. Hasie & Co., are progressive businessmen, and a successful issue to their enterprise may be regarded as one of the certainties.


The drug store vacated by the death of Theo Fairclo has been leased by M. H. Snider and Col. Neff, who are now busy going through their stock with a view to fillng it up to completeness. They retain Al. Worden as prescriptionist, who has long been identified with the business. This new drug firm is popular and will commend a good business.



Arkansas City Traveler, November 24, 1886.

S. D. Stover comes out with a new ad today offering an entirely new stock of boots and shoes to the public and at prices that compare with the lowest.


When you need anything in the BOOT AND SHOE LINE, -GO TO-

STOVER=S, Who can suit you in Fit Style and Price.

His stock is all NEWLY SELECTED, and made expressly for his trade.

Farmers see our MEN=S $2 KIP BOOT.

A full line of Rubbers and Arctics.


Bittle Block, S. W. Corner Summit Street and Central Avenue.



Arkansas City Traveler, November 24, 1886.

Steinberg, the king clothier, announces his heavy stock of winter goods, adapted to the wants of all and within the means of all purchasers.



Leading in the Greatest Variety of Men=s and Boys=


At Prices Which Astonish THE Natives.

Call in and be convinced. No trouble to show goods.

Steinberg & Co., the King Clothiers,

Under Highland Hall. Arkansas City, Kansas.


Our city trade is extending in a southerly direction, and the new stores going up add to the business attractions of that section. We notice that the new grocery house of Newton & Vaughan is doing a nice business, fresh goods being received daily, and readily disposed of. These are both young men, but full of energy, and they are bound to succeed.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 24, 1886.

BIG AD. We Have Just Received A CAR LOAD.

Elegant Buggies, Carriages, PHAETONS AND SPRING WAGONS

From the factories of Studebaker Bros, Quaker City and Columbus.

Also a car load of the celebrated Studebaker Wagons.

We are agents for the best CORN SHELLER and the Celebrated VICTORHAY PRESS. Hay Ties of Best Steel. Come and see our stock at our new place in the Eagle Block, South Summit Street.

I. X. L. Implement House



Arkansas City Traveler, November 24, 1886.

BIG AD. Now I Dalks Mit you.

Petter you breaks up dot oldt dable und chairs for ginddlin wood, und get a new ones frum dot Beeter Bierson=s esdablishment, on dot Gommershal plock, pyder Lelandt house und Newman=s schdore between. Dot blace got more dables und chairs, und pedsteads, und pureaus, und bicture frames, und goffins, und udder dings, dan all dose sheep John vurnidure vellers on dot town gombined py shiminee cripes. I pet you a new hat--yaw, zwei, drei hat. Vat you you say, ain=t it?


Gommershal Plock Vurnidure Emborium. Argansas Ciddy, Gansas.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 24, 1886.

City Market.

Corrected November 24, 1886.


Hay per ton: $4.00

Baled Hay: $6.00

Corn per bu.: $.30 @ $.35

Wheat per bu.: $.65

Oats per bu.: $.30

Potatoes per bu.: $65

Hogs per cwt.: $3.25

Chickens per doz.: $1.75 @ $2.00


Flour per cwt.: $2.00 @ $3.00

Corn meal per cwt.: $1.20

Sugar, granulted, 12 lbs.: $1.00

Coffee, 6 lbs.: $1.00

Butter per lb.: $.25

Lard per lb.: $.10

Chickens, each: $.20

Eggs per doz.: $.25

Ham sliced per lb.: $.20

Bacon sliced per lb.: $10

Beef, prime roast per lb.: $.10

Sirloin steak per lb.: $.10

Round steak per lb.: $.10

Boiling pieces per lb.: $.06 & $.08

Apples per pk.: $.25 @ $.35

Wood per cord: $5.00


Canon City: $8.00

Osage Shaft: $5.50

Pittsburg: $5.50

Weir City: $5.50

Anthracite: $15.00


Arkansas City Traveler, November 24, 1886.

New Jewelry Store.

The long talked of opening of Ridenour & Beecher=s jewelry store took place last week. This enterprising firm have one of the nicest business rooms in the city and at the rate improvement is going on around them, it will not be many months before they will be in the heart of traffic. They have certainly laid themselves out to do a leading jewelry business. Their counters are elegantly carved and finished, and the show cases and other appointments in modern and most approved styles. . . . [SOUNDS VERY MUCH LIKE THE SAME ARTICLE PRINTED THE WEEK BEFORE!]


Arkansas City Traveler, November 24, 1886.

The Caldwell Silver Excitement.

Col. Neff has given up his live stock operations for awhile to try his hand at mining enterprise. Last week, in company with J. H. Punshon, he went to Caldwell, and the pair prospected around there awhile to learn for themselves what merit there is in the mineral bearing rock whose assumed richness is sending our neighbors crazy with delight. They found outcroppings extensive, which proved the existence of ledges, and from these croppings they hammered off a number of specimens, some of which they have submitted to the test of an assay. The specimens they have submitted to our inspection are of sedimentary formation and extend over a wide area. The rock is composed of limestone and sillicate, and laminated, showing successive deposits during the formative era. Between the lamina of almost barren rock there is an infusion of ore matter, which contains gray copper in good quantity, and particles of solid dark metal which we take to be free silver. This ore matter is loose, irregular, and brocciated, and could be worked at little expense. Col. Neff estimates that $10 ore would pay the cost of mining and reduction, while ore that yields $20 to the ton, if found in large quantity, would soon return a fortune to the owner. It is free milling, lies near the surface, and in a region where labor is cheap and abundant, and not remote from the eastern market. The colonel has sent a number of specimens, selected, as he says, for their average quality, to a government assayer at Denver to test, and now awaits his report. As we judge this ore, its sole merit depends on the dark metal which can be selected from the crushed rock with the fingers. It is too hard for galena, and to our unscientific eye has all the appearance of silver.

A company has been formed, consisting of some Caldwell people and several mining experts from Colorado, who have leased 80 acres of land, the consideration being $5,000 and 20 percent of the yield. These men are going at the work of development in a proper way, sinking a shaft, with the intention of running drifts and opening a mine, if they find ore deposits to justify the outlay.

The Caldwell papers report intense excitement over these mineral discoveries, thousands flocking in from all directions, and crowding over the line into the teritory in their eager search for treasure. This has aroused the apprehensions of the Cherokees, who suspect a fraud in this prospecting business to cover up a fillibustering invasion of their lands. Two companies of troops have been sent there to keep intruders off, but if silver exists there in considerable quantity, no force of arms will suffice to keep the irrepressible miner out of the inhibited country, and the history of the Black Hills will be repeated. A very short time will tell the story.

A prospector from Wellington, who has looked carefully over the ground, says: AThe general appearance of the formation was that of ore-bearing rock. The metals were found in it as the result of a sedimentary deposit when the stone was a pulpy mass. The work of the prospector would come in in tracing the formation back to where the main body of ore could be found in some range of hills or mountains. He thought that the quartz and lime formation in which the traces of silver and gold were discovered, extended northward through the county, passing in one place quite near the city.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 24, 1886.

A cosy little place for a meal is the Star Restaurant, kept by Mrs. L. E. Wadsworth, two doors south of St. James hotel. This lady has had long experience in the hotel business, and can prepare a meal with the skill of a professional cook. Her tables are nicely served, and a home like air pervades the place, which gives zest to the appetite.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 1, 1886.


Arkansas City as Viewed Through Other Spectacles.

[Emporia Republican.]

AAbout two years since I spent a few days in Arkansas City, and upon my return home I gave, through your courtesy, an account of what I saw there. Its enterprise and snap and brilliancy surprised me. I was astonished at this visit. The boom there is perfectly marvelous. One day last week, one house sold $1,760 worth of goods, and every day the sales are large. Block after block of business houses have been erected during the present year, and every store room is rented. There are not nearly enough dwelling houses. Many families live in tents, which, after dark, present a pretty appearance with the light appearing through the canvas. A grand hotel is about completed. It is built of handsome stone, and after the most improved modern plant. The cost will be about $70,000. Without doubt it is a noble building and a beautiful ornament. It would take too much of our space to enumerate the elegant business house and private dwellings that now beautify this so-called gate of the south. MarginsCwhy, they are marvelous. Properties have exchanged hands within a few weeks at from four to fourteen hundred percent profit, and this, they say, is but the first letter in the schedule of advance. The expectation of the people both there and in the trains is that a year from now the population will be 25,000. Building lots on side streets, which, but a few years since, sold for a few dollars, now command from six hundred to a thousand dollars; and if Jay Gould should build his road from the south, Arkansas City will tie with Kansas City, notwithstanding the latter=s great start of it. It is said that New England capitalists have millions invested in Kansas City, and that, therefore, the struggle for pre-eminence over the west will be a desperate one. But the commercial and natural advantages of Arkansas City, with even one trunk line from the south, would defy the competition of Kansas City. We, as Kansans, want all that this garden of the world owns. Kansas is the >focal point of men at home and abroad.= We rejoice with Arkansas City, and wish it all its outlook seems to promise. Its present is wonderful. Its future will be the phenomenal phenomenon. Emporia, beautiful Emporria, rich Emporia, where is thy enterprise? Shall we become inland from want of pluck and energy?@ H. MACKAY.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 1, 1886.


An Indian Boy=s Moral Reflections by the Way.

[We publish the following letter by request, making no change from the manuscript, except using our own punctuation, to avoid confusion. The writer is a bright Indian boy, who was selected for the Hampton school because of his aptitude for learning. Ed.]

Chilocco Indian School.

Hampton Trip.

DEAR FRIEND STUDENTS: I am glad to see you all again; and make my heart glad too. I hope you want to learn about books and works too. When I see what you are doing here, it makes me glad to know that you want to learn. Well students this is good for us to learn and after awhile, when we go home to our people, we can teach them what we know. Now, boys and girls, we must try hard to learn your lessons and obey your teacher. If you do well in your lessons your teachers will love you very much, and they will say that is a good boy or that is a good girl.

Now I want to tell you about the Hampton school in Virginia, just a few words to you students. You know I left Chilocco school in August for Hampton, Virginia. It was Tuesday afternoon we left here, after dinner. We went to the depot in Arkansas City. We waited for the train about a half hour. Then the train started. I was very glad to go on the train and so was the other boys too. We got to Newton at supper time. Here we changed cars and ate our supper. We had canned meat and bread and water for supper. Then we got on the train again. In the night the train passed through Topeka and the other little towns. We passed Leavenworth at four o=clock in the morning. It was just getting light. The train stopped a little while in the depot and then moved on to Kansas City. We got to Kansas City and went to a hotel for lunch. After lunch we changed cars again, and passed little towns once in a while and we ate dinner on the train, and Rush and I cut the canned meat and bread and we passed around bread and meat and we had coffee this time, and we had a good time indeed. We got to St. Louis about sundown. We saw many steam boats at St. Louis, and the other boys glad to see so many steamboats. We ate our supper at a hotel in St. Louis.

St. Louis is a big place and a big bridge across the Mississippi river at St. Louis. And we got on the train it was Wednesday evening and this time we got some sleep on the train and we slept all night. The next day, Thursday, we didn=t get any breakfast. In the afternoon we passed little towns once in a while, and about the afternoon we got to Columbus and went to a hotel for lunch. After supper we changed cars and passed little towns once in a while. One passenger lit a lamp and he said we were going in a tunnel or a mountain hole and we went in the mountain hole about ten times and then we come to Pittsburg in the morning and we cross the big bridge. Pittsburg is a big dirty city. It looks as if it was on fire. This is all for this evening. Next Friday evening I will tell you more.



Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 1, 1886.

A Lawrence (Kan.) Dispatch says:APetitions are being widely circulated here, throughout the state to attach >No Man=s Land= to Kansas. It is influentially backed, and will create much interest in the Legislture this winter, and will be one of the most prominent measures urged by the Kansas delegation before Congress. The land adjoins Kansas on the southwest, and lies within the territorial limits of the Indian Territory, though no tribes of Indians lay any claim to any portion of the land. The status is different from Oklahoma. There is enough of it to make five large counties. The object is to bring the territory under control of our laws, as at present no such thing as government is known in that country. The country is filling up rapidly with an energetic class of people. Much of it is good land. It will be an addition to Kansas worth having. The scheme had its origin at Emporia, the home of Senator Plumb, and it is fair to be presumed meets with the approbation of the Chairman of the committee on Public Lands.@


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 1, 1886.

The Oklahoma Boomers.

RED FORK, INDIAN TERRITORY, Nov. 23. Captain Hayes of the Fifth cavalry came in last evening from the Sac and Fox agency and the southwest, where he has been moving the Oklahoma boomers off the forbidden land. He states that the Indian department concluded to locate the Comanches, Cheyennes, Arapahoes, Kewanees, and Wichita east of the 98th degree of longitude, which embraces Oklahoma. This will settle that part of the country as being open to white settlement.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 1, 1886.

The Wichita Nation, discussing the sale of the Cherokee strip to a syndicate of eastern capitalists, says:

ACol. Boudinot, the brainiest Cherokee of them all, touching the sale of the Cherokee strip to a syndicate, declares that the Indians cannot sell to anybody but the United States. The said syndicate offered the Indians $3 per acre for the land but the government can pay only $1.25 and sell to actual settlers at the same price. If the government would buy this land even at $3 per acre, there are thousands of men who would be willing to take it at that price, and it would be better for the people of the country that it was bought at that price than not at all. Of course, many poor people who could pay $1.25 would be shut out at $3, but then there is no reason why the government should not open Oklahoma and a large slice of the Indian Territory besides, to settlement at $1.25; and with this and the Cherokee strip at $3 per acre, a million landless families could get farms. Allowing immense tracts of good arable land to be idle in the name of the Indians, who never work the lands but have to be fed by the government, is sheer nonsense. A government should be exercised in the interest of the people, and it certainly cannot be to the interest of the people of the United States to allow large tracts of the most fertile lands to lie idle.@


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 1, 1886.


$100,000 Expended in Furnishing the Vital Element.

A Contract with the City Honestly Carried Out and Well Performed.

The Reservoir, the Pumphouse, the Standpipe, and the System of Mains Described.

When the proposition of Messrs. Plate and Quigley, representing the Inter-State Gas Co., of St. Louis, to furnish this city with a water supply was before our citizens, the assurance was given by those gentlemen, and Mayor Schiffbauer confirmed their declaration, that, if the franchise was given them to build a water works system, a more extended service would be provided and more money expended than the instrument framed by the city council called for. After long deliberation and the starting of many objections, the charter to build a system of water works was granted the above company, and early in the summer season they set about their undertaking. A site for the standpipe was purchased on Fourth Avenue (near Eighth Street) and the fit place for the erection of the pumphouse being designated at the springs, on the west side of town, the work of excavating the rock and walling in a reservoir was promptly set about. The system of water mains was designated in the city ordinance; a 10 inch pipe from the pump house to the standpipe; an 8 inch pipe laid along Summit Street, and the two parallel streets immediately east and west, extending from Third Avenue to Ninth; and 6 inch pipes laid transversely through the city along the intermediate avenues. Fifty fire plugs were also to be set up, at points designated by the city council, for each of which an annual rental of $60 is charged, aggregating $3,000 a year.

But while this system of pipes was being laid, this city took on a boom, and the building industry was plied so vigorously, that an extension of the water service became an immediate necessity. To meet this want a supplementary charter was granted, providing for the laying of three miles more of main pipe and the setting of 50 additional hydrants, at the above named rental, with the provision that the free use to the city of one-half of these additional hydrants shall be given for two years. The pipe to make this extension is now arriving, and will be laid this fall, weather permitting. The main on Summit Street will be carried south to the cracker factory, and that on Fourth Avenue east to the Santa Fe depot. The service will be extended laterally two streets east and two west, that is, from Sixth to Fourth Street, and from Eighth to Tenth; and transversely to Third Avenue on the south, and to Eleventh Avenue on the north. The mains so far as laid were subjected to an Aoverpowering pressure,@ which developed all the weak places. The defective pipes were replaced with others, and now the street service is in effective condition.


is built on a rock, and is designed to last through succeeding generations. Its exterior is a model of compactness, solidity, and symmetry. It has a frontage of 32 feet, facing westward, and a depth of 64 feet, being built on the walls of the reservoir. In the engine room two steel boilers are erected, made by the Pond Engineering Co., of Dayton, Ohio, having a total length of 18 feet, and a depth of 552 inches. Each is perforated with 32 flues. By means of a Lowe heater, the water is poured into these boilers at a temperature but a few degrees below boiling heat, thus economizing fuel, and rendering but thirty minutes working of the pumps per day necessary to supply the ordinary wants of the city. The consumption of coal is but 500 lbs. A day. Adjoining the boiler room on the west is the pump house, a handsomely designed apartment, 32 feet square, elaborately finished with frieze work around the walls, the ceiling paneled with heavy moulding, the latter tinted and gilt. The spacious doors are surmounted with transoms, which admit the light through cathedral glass; and handsome fresco painting adorns the ceiling and walls. The wood is grained as cherry and varnished. The floor is laid with cement and cut diamond shape in imitation of stone. In this room are two pair of Blake compound duplex pumps, with a capacity of drawing 2,000,000 gallons in 24 hours. This is far in excess of our present wants, but the whole system is adapted to a city population of 40,000 people. The upstairs apartments are unfinished, but they are being fitted up for an office 15 by 30 feet; and two roomy and elegant bed chambers. They are approached by a well built stair case, with handsome newells and banisters. The entire building will be heated by steam. Admirable taste has been displayed in designing this building; the exterior impressing the eye with its compactness and solidity and the interior pleasing the taste with its elegance of detail.

The lots owned by the Arkansas City Water Co., have a frontage of 100 feet and a depth of 132 feet. This will be enclosed with ornamental iron railing, and the surface raised eight feet to a level with the building. Upon this will be spread a coat of black mould, and blue grass sown to produce a lawn. Gravel walks will divide the herbage into parterres, fountains will keep the grass green, and shade trees will be planted to add to the scenic effect. Mr. Quigley has frequently said that he intended to make his pump house and grounds an ornament to the city, and his taste and liberality will certainly redeem his promise.

It is known to our readers that this enterprise is now distinct from its parent institution. The Inter-State Gas Co., being organized as a home company, with its officers and directors resident in this city.

The sum of $100,000 has been expended in providing this water supply; and its cost to the city for fire protection is $1,500 a year. This is an onerous tax, but the choice was between that or nothing. But the risk of loss by fire being so much reduced, a vigorous kick again at the present rates of insurance should be made by property holders to bring underwriters who have risks here to make an equitable reduction in their taxes.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 1, 1886.

Books for our Old Vets.

Two weeks ago we published an appeal from Gen. A. J. Smith, governor of the Soldiers= Home at Leavenworth, addressed to P. A. Lorry, commander of the Arkansas City post of veterans, asking for a donation of books, magazines, and other reading matter for the use of the inmates of that institution. The nation seems to have made every reasonable provision for the creature comfort of its disabled defenders, but it has neglected to provide for their mental wants. ANo appropriation having been made by the Government,@ Gov. Smith says in his circular appeal, Afor providing a library for the use of the members, a great number of whom are debarred from many out door recreations, by reason of their physical infirmities, it appears to me a fitting time to appeal to your sympathy and generosity in behalf of these >Wards of the nation,= for the donation of a book or books, periodicals or other literary matter, the perusal of which would add to their entertainment or instruction.@ Commander Lorry knowing the value of printer=s ink, requested the publication of this appeal in our columns, with the further request that donations of books, magazines, pictorial papers, and other useful literary matter be sent to the TRAVELER office, where they will be boxed up and forwarded to their destination.

In answer to this appeal we acknowledge a liberal donation of bound volumes, Harper=s Magazines, and illustrated papers from Mrs. Joseph H. Sherburne, also a goodly package of similar reading matter from ye editor=s wife. But our contribution box is not filled, and we renew our request to those having reading matter they are willing to devote to such a use, that it be delivered at this office by Monday next, in order that all may be forwarded in one shipment.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 1, 1886.

Tom Nicholson, of Dexter, and Eugene Bogardus, son of Captain Borgardus, were in town yesterday.

Will McDowell is confined to his house with malaria.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 1, 1886.





Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 1, 1886.

AD. JNO. W. KREAMER, Attorney-at-Law.


Arkansas City, Kansas.

Practices in all courts--State and Federal.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 1, 1886.

AD. GEO. E. HASIE & CO., Wholesale Grocers.



Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 1, 1886.


Abstracts examined and collections made. Arkansas City, Kansas.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 1, 1886.


Men=s clothes renovated and repaired.

Paints, oils and other grease stains removed without injury to the garment.

One door north of Central Avenue Hotel. Arkansas City, Kansas.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 1, 1886.


New Rooms and good table.

House well located and well patronized.

Terms: $1 a day; $4.50 per week.

Arkansas City, Kansas.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 1, 1886.


Star Livery and Feed Stables.

Passengers carried to all parts of the country at reasonable prices.

Special attention given to boarding stock.

Stable on Fifth Avenue, Arkansas City, Kanss.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 1, 1886.


Portraits enlarged from photographs in crayon, ink, or water color. Strictly first-class work.

Gallery in Commercial block, Arkansas City, Kansas.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 1, 1886.


I have just fitted up this popular restaurant in modern style, and added an ice cream parlor for ladies and families.

FIRST-CLASS MEALS AT ALL HOURS.NEW ROOMS AND NEW FURNITURE FOR LODGERS. Centrally located, and easy of access to strangers.

LUNCH at all hours.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1886.

Mrs. L. E. Wadsworth will today remove the Star Restaurant from North Summit Street to the house lately occupied by the Misses Tuthill as a millinery store, corner of Summit Street and Central Avenue. Mrs. Wadsworth is encouraged by the success that has met her enterprise as a caterer; and hence her removal to more commodious quarters.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1886.

Dr. Jamison Vawter has removed to W. D. Mowry=s house on North Summit Street.

E. D. Eddy has opened out an immense stock of holiday toys and a delightful time is in store for thousands of our young folks.

Samuel Newell, president of the Arkansas City Bank, arrived in town on Monday evening. He is bland and benevolent as ever.

C. S. Conover, drug clerk in the employ of Morehouse & Co., in the Eagle block, left for Winfield on Saturday, to fit a regular position in the drug store of Bert Greer.

Mrs. Gans, of Mansfield, Ohio, sister of Mrs. N. S. Martin, is on a visit to that family, and will spend the holidays here. Mrs. Gans was among the early residents of Arkansas City.

G. W. Cadders [? REALLY CANNOT READ LAST NAME ?] formerly of this city, but now in the clothing business in Dexter, has been spending a few days among his Arkansas City friends. He is accompanied by his bride. [Last name could be Calders...just don=t know.]

J. Frank Smith has been confined to the house for some days past with a severe attack of tonsilities. He is now recovering and we trust, will soon be fit for duty again.

DIED. We are requested to express the thanks of the parents and friends of little Harry Garrett, who died in the first ward, on Thursday, to Mrs. H. P. Standley, for her handsome donation of flowers to decorate the coffin.

E. L. McDowell announces his large and elegant stock of watches and jewelry, bought for the holiday trade, and offered at the lowest prices. Mac is to be found at the Bittle block and is always ready to show his goods.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1886.

The name of the St. James Hotel has been changed to the Gladstone Hotel, the owner, Mr. S. C. Smith, probably thinking the great English statesman a bigger man than this chosen member of the seven champions of Christendom.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1886.

Salisbury & Co., the noted boot and shoe dealers, formulate the mottto of success in their trade, in the words: AThe best goods and low prices.@ This is certainly a policy that draws, and their heavy sales afford evidence of the fact.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1886.

C. P. Jeffries, our efficient city attorney and rising lawyer, formed a legal co-partnership with Judge Pyburn, and has removed his office to the Judge=s rooms over the First National Bank. This makes a strong law firm, which will be sure to control a leading business.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1886.

Lloyd & Robbie Ruby came home from the Winfield College on Saturday, with their college course uncompleted. Lloyd has taken a position in the cracker factory and the younger boy has re-entered the High School.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1886.

Samuel Danks, another of the Danks Brothers, is expected here on a visit to the family the present week. He will be accompanied by Mrs. Little, wife of J. K. Little, who has been a guest of the above named family. Mr. and Mrs. Little will go into housekeeping in Archie Dunn=s home.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1886.

The collection raised in the United Presbyterian Church on Thanksgiving morning amounted to $486. It was given as a thank offering and the purpose to which this money shall be applied will be designated by the congregation. The pastor was a liberal donor, and the congregation were probably stimulated by his example.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1886.

The city cooler was made vociferous on Sunday night with the yelling of a festive cowboy, confined there for too liberal indulgence in the ardent. His call was for AOscar@ to come and take him out, but the person appealed to failed to come to his deliverance. Those living within three blocks of the penal abode were greatly annoyed with the inebriate=s untiring lungs.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1886.

C. W. Ramage was in town on Saturday with a handsome and unusually fine specimen of the owl species. He called it a snow owl, its plumage, black and white, and its weight 5-2 pounds. He shot the bird in his corn field, slightly laming a wing, and then caged it as a curiosity. It now rests with Oscar Titus=s monkey faced owls.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1886.

Mr. Howell, who has a farm about four miles northwest of the city, instead of sending his hogs to Kansas City to be slaughtered, and then buy his hams, lard, bacon at three or four prices, set to work to cure his own pork, and for the past few weeks he has been in the pork packing business. He is putting down about 200 choice porkers, and will have a storehouse full of provisions to sell through the winter. His spareribs were sold by Bower & Wood.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1886.

Homer C. Deets= handsome barber shop, in the basement of the Johnson Loan and Trust Co.=s building, has received its last touches at the hands of the joiner, and now only needs the painter=s brush to render it fit for occupancy. In the rear he has fitted up a commodious bath house, with an ample supply of hot and cold water; the heating arrangements being a small boiler, and tank. A. J. Raymond is in charge of this bath house, and his polite attention will make him popular with patrons.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1886.

The Arkansas City Bank has been chartered as a corporate institution under the state law, and will re-organize for a fresh start on January 1st. The incorporators are Samuel Newell, Gen. L. Whitman (of New York), James L. Huey, Chas. Hutchins, and Frank J. Hess. The intention of the officers is to build next spring on the Leland Hotel corner a three-story and basement bank, the full size of the lot, 25 by 132 feet, in a style of solid elegance that will be surpassed by no similar building in the state. The business of this banking institution has kept pace with the commercial growth of the city and county; a spirit of judicious accommodation being its recognized policy, and the competence and financial standing of its owners and officers above question. Sound banks are a vital necessity to business prosperity, and Arkansas City is favored in the ability of its banking houses.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1886.

DIED. Richard J. Garrett, formerly of Illinois, came Aout west@ with his family, consisting of wife and four children, and found employment as a grader on the Southern Kansas extension. He proceeded to Otoe, where his family lodged in a tent, and he had his eldest boy, a lad of twelve years, worked several months for support of the family. But change of climate together with the expenses of tent life, affected the health of these newcomers, and the two older boys were taken sick with malarial fever. There being no medical attendance obtainable, and the sick children growing worse, Mr. Garrett brought his family to town. But here a new difficulty confronted him: there was not a vacant tenement to shelter his family. After a fruitless and discouraging search for a house, Mrs. Hardway, in the first ward, was prevailed on to take the afflicted family to her home and provide for them in their extremity. Henry, the oldest boy, grew worse and died on Thanksgiving day; the other little sufferer, eighteen months younger, will probably recover. The parents are respectable people, who show refinement of manner, and this dread visitation of death, poverty, and remoteness from friends falls upon them with crushing weight.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1886.

Jonn [? Jona] Drury was in town yesterday and reports business lively in Maple City.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1886.

Bower & Wood, of the City Meat Market, are enlarging their premises to make room for their increasing trade.

Summit Street was thronged yesterday with farm wagons laden with corn, apples, hogs, and other produce.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1886.

Frank K. Grosscup came in from Lawrence Saturday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Gooch.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1886.

E. D. Eddy has increased his establishment by engaging Miss Rose [? Rosa ?] Morse, as saleswoman, and Walter Wilson as bookkeeper.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1886.

W. S. Thompson has furnished ten clocks to the school board; six for use in the second ward school and the remainder for the fourth ward.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1886.

Wanted. A good girl for general housework. Liberal wages will be paid to a competent person. Inquire of Mrs. J. H. Sherburne, corner of Fifth Avenue and Fifth Street.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1886.

C. H. Andrews, assistant engineer to the Water Co., returned from St. Louis on Saturday. Mr. Quigley, who is on a visit to the same city, will delay his return for a week.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1886.

Mrs. Geo. A. Druitt, who has been confined to her bed for three weeks with typho-malaria, is still very low, but her condition yesterday showed some signs of improvement.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1886.

The plasterers have been holding high carnival in the TRAVELER office for the past two weeks, and they were succeeded by the carpenters. Those inlay neighbors have got through with their labor, and now we are afflicted with painters. We dread to ask what will be our next visitation!


Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1886.

A party of Maine tourists came to the city last week to spend a while with their friends, and then, we understand, they will journey onward to California. Their names are Capt. Robinson and daughter, and Harry Beedy of Phillips; and Mr. Rogers of Rangeley, Maine.

Yesterday the party, accompanied by some city friends, took a trip by the cars to Ponca, to witness the Indian dance, and will return by the 5:55 train this afternoon. They express themselves much delighted with their visit.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1886.

We are indebted to F. B. Scott, engineer to the Arkansas City Water Co., for a good share of the information contained in the article describing our new water system. Mr. Scott was formerly in the employ of the city as manager of its sick and afflicted water works, and to his untiring care and skill, we are indebted for their long impending paralysis being deferred. He was chosen by Mr. Quigley for the position he now holds, and that gentleman=s endorsement may be accepted as a guaranty and sworn voucher of his fitness.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1886.

Arkansas City is to be favored with a new democratic organ, with Amos Walton for publisher and editor. It seems a strange infatuation that a prosperous citizen who owns a good farm, and has a knowledge of law as a professional resort, should voluntarily assume the drudgery of journalism, with its scant returns and many risks. But the hopefulness that is native to the human breast makes light of discouragement; man never is but always to be blessed. Our friend, Amos, has done good service to the county, is a staunch democrat, and certainly deserves well of his party friends. We look for a lively newspaper at his hands, and hope to see him make it a success. His office will be in the Bittle block and he promises to have his first number out during the present month.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1886.

Fine perfumes and cigars at H. C. Dent=s, Fourth Street and Summit Street.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1886.


I desire herewith to express my heartfull gratitude and sincere thanks to the many friends who ministered so kindly and tenderly in my sore bereavement in the death of my beloved wife, and also to the community generally for the tender regard shown in this my greatest earthly affliction and loss. WYARD E. GOOCH.


A Great Woman Gone.

DIED. Our community was greatly pained on Saturday morning to learn of the death of Harriet H., wife of Wyard E. Gooch. The deceased lady was on the street the day preceding in her customary health, and retired to bed with no premonition of her approaching doom. But at 10 o=clock she was seized with nausea and vomiting, and Dr. Acker was summoned, who administered remedies. The paroxysm abated after awhile, and she fell into a slumber. Friends came promptly to her aid; her sister, Mrs. A. A. Newman taking her place by the sufferer=s bedside. Later in the night, her nausea returned and she suffered severely from the straining it produced. Palliatives were again administered, which afforded relief, and the patient sank into unconsciousness from exhaustion. Her sister, feeling the sick woman=s hands growing cold, inquired if she was warm enough. A frank affirmative was given in reply, and then she relapsed into a comatose condition, from which she could not be aroused. At 5 o=clock she breathed her last.

Mrs. Gooch was extensively related in town, being a sister to R. A. Houghton, Theron H. Houghton, and Mrs. A. A. Newman; O. P. Houghton is also a family connection. Her friends numbered all of our early city population, and many later residents; her ingenuousness and vivacity in her unmarried days rendering her company attractive; and the sterling womanly qualities developed during her married life, endearing her to all who came within her path. This sudden bereavement falls with crushing weight on her husband, whose household was adorned with a true and loving wife, and a delightful friend and companion. The sincere, but unavailing sympathy of hosts of friends remains with him in this hour of trial and desolation.

The funeral services were held in the First Presbyterian Church at 2 o=clock p.m., the day following, Rev. S. B. Fleming preaching the funeral discourse, assisted by the city clergy. The music, which was very appropriate, and beautiful, being furnished by the Episcopal choir. The chancel was tastefully decorated with elaborate floral designs. All the city seemed to turn out to pay respect to the dead, the attendance being much too large for the capacity of the building. The last sad view of the remains being taken by the relatives and friends, the body was replaced in the hearse, and the cortege, which extended half a mile, was formed. The interment was made in Riverview Cemetery; and many a weeping eye surrounded the grave of that most exquisite of nature=s handiwork, a good woman.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1886.

Keeps Up With the Procession.

Since the removal of the post office from its former location, W. S. Thompson has been renovating and painting in order to put on his best looks for the holidays. This work of brushing up is completed, and now he has in display a choice of stock of gold and silver watches, ladies= jewelry, silver plated ware, and time pieces of all kinds as was ever exhibited in the city. In his show cases, the glittering assortment of watches, ladies= and gentlemen=s chains, broaches, rings for all uses, and the thousand and one ornaments which taste demands and ingenuity designs, is charming to the gaze. On his shelves is a choice collection of plated ware from the Rockford Silver Plate Co., of Rockford, Illinois, and the manufactory of James W. Tuffts, of Boston, which for artistic excellence and durable quality can hardly be excelled. Our friend Thompson is not to be outdone by the progress of the times, but keeps right up with the procession, and stands in the front rank.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1886.

From Our Exchanges.

WINFIELD TELEGRAM: Some crank wants Winfield to be wicked so that she can do some business. What=s the matter with murders, suicides, miscegenations, seductions, drunks, knock-downs, etc.? Do you want to get some brimstone and start a small edition of hades to do business on? Go to

CEDAR VALE STAR: The track of the D. M. & A. has reached Peru, 8 miles from Sedan, and will be to the latter place before this paper is issued again, or by the first of December. We now feel confident the cars on our second railroad will reach Cedar Vale by New Years.

STAR AND KANSAN: The Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas railroad is graded from Kiowa southwestward into the Indian Territory for a distance of 57 miles.

BURDEN EAGLE: A meeting of the directors of the Kansas City and Pan Handle railroad company was held in this city November 24, at which the president was authorized to sign the contract for the construction of the road from Reece to Arkansas City. The contract was given to T. J. Prosser, of St. Louis, who has built all the Missouri Pacific extensions in Kanas for the past three years, and work will be commenced as soon as the survey is completed and the line located, which will be done within the next thirty days.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1886.



Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1886.

An Elephant on Their Hands.

The Winfield people are making a vigorous effort to relieve themselves of the Methodist college monetary burden, and have succeeded in removing the immediate pressure. A few weeks ago a deficiency of $20,000 in the annuity fund was urged on their attention, and no provision made to meet it. The trustees took the matter in hand, and in a series of resolutions adopted, demanded the payment of the annuity as it fell due, on pain of the removal of the college. Such a step would have been ruinous to Winfield=s credit, so to avert such a calamity, the leading men started a fund with liberal contributions, and last Friday at a public meeting the remainder of the $20,000 was raised. This was such a relief to the feelings of those present, that Athe wildest excitement prevailed,@ according to the report of the Winfield Visitor, Aafter which the crowd arose and sang the doxology, APraise God from whom all blessings flow!@

But after this overflow of enthusiasm, a wet blanket was thrown over the crowd by the further statement that $10,000 more of the money to be raised on the building was needed, which must be subscribed without delay. There is such a thing as paying too much for a good thing.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1886.

Cowley County Teachers= Association.

Third monthly session will be held at Burden, December 4th, 1886.


1. First Two Years= Work in Language.



2. The Application of Analysis to Fractions.

Paper: J. H. CAMPBELL.

Discussion: H. G. NORTON.

3. How to Cultivate in Children a Taste for Poetry.


Discussion: IDA BYERS; J. C. PAGE.

4. The French in American History.

Paper: J. C. SNYDER.

Discussion: L. WILLIAMS.

5. A Review of Education in Ancient Times.

Paper: J. C. WEIR.

Discussion: E. B. WAGGONER.

6. Interest Manifested in Schools by Parents.

Reports from Teachers= Session opens 9:30 a.m. Teachers will choose each of the topics as they are more interested in and discuss them.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1886.

Condemnation Notice.

TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that we the undersigned commissioners, appointed and duly authorized to lay off a route along the line of the Kansas and Arkansas Valley Railway in Cowley County, Kansas, will on the 17th day of January, A. D. 1887, commence at the Southwest corner of the NW 4 of section 31, township 34, range 4 east, in Cowley County, Kansas, and proceed to lay off along the line of said Kansas and Arkansas Valley railway, a route for such proposed railway, upon such location as may be desired by said company, not exceeding one hundred feet in width, except for the purpose of cuttings and embankments it shall be necessary to take more for the proper construction and security of said railway through as much of said county as may be desired by said company, and also such land as may be deemed necessary for side tracks, depots, workshops, water stations, material for construction (except timber), right of way over adjacent lands sufficient to enable such company to construct and repair its roads and stations and right to conduct water by aqueducts, and the right of making proper drains, to have the same carefully surveyed and ascertain the quantity of land necessary for said purposes, out of each quarter section or other lot of land through which said route, side tracks, etc., is so located, and to appraise the value of such portion of any such quarter section or other lot of land and assess the damages thereto; and when we shall find that such portion of such quarter section or lot belongs to different owners, will we appraise the value and assess the damage of each such owner=s interest.

And will also proceed and lay off the following described land, for yards, side tracks, depots, and workshops for said railway company, to wit: Commencing at a point 287.8 feet east of the southwest corner of the NW 1/4 of section 31, township 34, range 4 east, extending thence east along the center line of said section to right of way of Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad 25.765 chains; thence north 3.88 chains, thence west 23.765 chains, thence south 3.88 chains to point of beginning, containing 10 acres more or less. All in the NW 1/4 of section 31, township 34 south, range 4 east, Cowley County, Kansas. Also commencing at a point 287.8-10 feet east of the southwest corner of the SW 1/4 of section 31, township 34, range 4 east, Cowley County, Kansas; extending thence east along the center line of said section to right of way of Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad 25.765 chains, thence south 5.82 chains, and thence west 25.763 chains, and thence north 5.82 chains to point of beginning containing 15 acres, more or less, all in the SW 1/4 of said section 31, township 34 south, range 4 east, making in all twenty-five acres more or less, for the use of said railway company for yards, side tracks, depots, and shops.





[Note: Hard to read! May have some figures wrong. MAW]


Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1886.





Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 8, 1886.

From Our Exchanges.

BURDEN EAGLE: W. P. Hardwick, Commissioner elect from this district, has removed his family from Dexter and taken up his abode in the Harvey Smith house on east Fifth street, this city. Mr. Hardwick is an excellent businessman and a good citizen, and Burden receives him with a hearty welcome. He is now engaged in purchasing grain and hogs.

MULVANE RECORD: There are ties enough in the material yard in Mulvane to lay between 40 and 50 miles of track, and steel enough for about 21 miles. Enough of this will be used to make the track from Norwich to Spivey, and the balance will be used to build east. Material yards will be established at Spivey for the western extension. About sixty men are at work in the yards here at present.

GEUDA HERALD: Our town was well canvassed yesterday in the interest of Arkansas City grocery dealers. W. J. Flood was here taking orders for Kroenert=s house, Ed Knowles in the interest of Austin=s, and Mr. Smith from Hasie=s.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 8, 1886.

LEON [? Not sure of first name] QUILL: The contract is let for building the Kansas City & Panhandle railroad from Reece to Arkansas City, to T. J. Prosser, of St. Louis. And work will commence in the next 30 days.

CEDAR VALE STAR: The stock yards at this place are lamentably deficient in size. Shippers have to keep their stock in private corrals from the time they reach here until the cars arrive to load them into, because of the railroad stock yards being so small. It is to be hoped that the matter of enlarging the yards will receive immediate attention.

HAVANA VIDETTE: We had occasion to cross the track of the D. M. & A. Road the other day, and are compelled to announce it the most shoddy affair we have seen in Kansas. In fact, it is scarcely equal to Sherman=s railroad building in Georgia, a part of which was built at night. Some of the ties are 3 inches apart at one end and 24 at the other, and some are 3 feet apart at both ends. Besides this, the grade is wholly inadequate to a first class road. We are told that where the water is sometimes 6 and 8 feet deep, there is only about 4 or 5 grade. Evidently it was gotten up for speculation.

WINFIELD COURIER: An examination of the peach buds show them to be yet in perfect condition and so little advanced that there is not much danger of them being injured by the severity of an ordinary winter. At this time last year the buds were so far developed that fruit growers predicted they could not stand the winter, and the crops were probably killed early in the winter. The prospects are good for a big peach crop next year.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 8, 1886.

The Crescent jewelry store has enough additional workmen to execute all kinds of watch repairing and engraving promptly, and yet wait on you courteously while making your holiday purchases.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 8, 1886.

Bear in mind that Frank J. Hess has duplicate tax rolls. You can save a trip to Winfield by paying your tax at his office. It only costs you 50 cents.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 8, 1886.

I have just secured the services of Mr. J. T. Little, of Cumberland, Maryland, a watchmaker of 15 years= experience. The Crescent jewelry store is now prepared to do good work and do it promptly, notwithstanding the usual holiday rush. E. L. McDOWELL.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 8, 1886.

J. K. Finley and Mr. Biggs of Emporia spent several days in town last week.

Sam. D. Stover took a flying trip to Wichita on Sunday.

Oscar Titus is again confined with his old ailment, malarial fever.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 8, 1886.

William Gall, the architect, left town on Monday for Chicago, to be absent about a week.

A. C. Davis, of the law firm of Davis & Davis, of St. Louis, Missouri, spent a few days visiting relatives at this place, last week.

Mrs. J. Frank Smith has sent in several unbound volumes of magazines, for use in the Soldiers= Home.

The Leland Hotel has again changed hands, Stinson & Scott having bought out John D. Ward.

Justice Kreamer has removed his office to the Johnson Loan and Trust Co.=s building.

Mrs. G. W. Miller and family returned home yesterday from a two months= sojourn with friends in Missouri.

The number of visitors recorded for last month (November) at the Y. M. C. A., was 400; this is the largest register since the Association has been organized.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 8, 1886.

H. Lovald, merchant tailor, has opened a store on Central Avenue, one door east of the hotel, and in our advertising columns solicits the patronage of our citizens.


Is prepared to make fine suits in the LATEST STYLES.

Repairing nealy done and satisfaction guaranteed. Give me a call. First door east of the Central Avenue Hotel.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 8, 1886.

Severe colds are prevalent in the city, and the attendance at our public school is thinned by the sickness of the scholars.

Police Judge Bryant has amended his former error of not collecting enough to pay the expenses of his office. Last month he gathered in the snug little sum of $574.

Mr. I. N. Jones, of Clinton, Missouri, an experienced job printer and good businessman, has been engaged in the TRAVELER office, and is commended to the favorable notice of our patrons.

E. D. Eddy is in the fashion, having a severe cold and sore throat, and being almost sick abed, although he persists in being about and attending to his business.

The next lecture of the home talent free lecture course will be given by Rev. J. P. Witt, at the Y. M. C. A. Hall, Friday evening, Dec. 10th. He will discuss the AGenius of Goodness.@

The McDowell Bros. Have improved the arrangements of their market, so as to give themselves considerable more room without any addition to the building.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 8, 1886.

Jennings J. Clark has utilized his space on the drop curtain in the Opera House by putting in his card as agent for Adams express. Jen is always suave and accommodating, and under his management this popular company thrives.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 8, 1886.

T. M. Finney, at the City Book Store, has an elegant work of art, in the shape of a marine album, which combines beauty of illustration with luxury of binding, and is an object of desire as a Christmas gift.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 8, 1886.

Mr. Edward S. Hutchinson, of Philadelphia, was in town last week, on his first visit to Southern Kansas. The people of the east, he said, in common with himself, have no idea of the stir and growth of this region.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 8, 1886.

Richardson & Arnold=s Union Square Company is playing a second engagement of a week in the Opera House. Davy Crockett was presented to a crowded house on Monday evening, the box office being closed early because of the want of standing room. This is another evidence that low prices meet the popular demand.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 8, 1886.

Cal L. Swarts visited our sanctum a few evenings since, accompanied by S. E. Fink, lately of Mansfield, Ohio, but now doing a law business in Winfield. We found Mr. Fink a companionable, intelligent gentleman, and greatly enjoyed half an hour=s social chat with our visitors.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 8, 1886.

Prairie fires are burning in every direction. A big fire swept nearly everything east of Big Beaver, burning all of E. M. Hewins= hay on his range in the Osage reservation. On Bitter Creek several ranges have been burned, and on Chilocco creek it is turned east of the Santa Fe railroad and the state line.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 8, 1886.

C. M. Scott sold five head of fat hogs to Ira Barnett that averaged 392 pounds each. He received 8-1/4 cents. At the same time Mr. Scott shipped 25 head (one car) of fat steers to St. Louis, that averaged 1,155 pounds each here, and 1,086 in St. Louis. They brought 3-1/4 cents and netted him about $30 each. They were sent over the Frisco line.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 8, 1886.

U. S. Commissioner Bonsall held court in the council chamber yesterday, examining into the complaint against two Osages, named Frank and Pete Corndropper, and two pale faces for selling whiskey to Indians. There was a large delegation of Osages present, and the testimony, which was given through an interpreter, seemed to elicit considerable interest.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 8, 1886.

In our mention of the Thanksgiving dinner given by the Y. M. C. A., of this city, we failed to give credit to Mrs. L. H. Miller, who has her millinery rooms in the McLaughlin building, and who spread a table at her own cost, and waited on her guests with grace and assiduity. This was a laudable display of liberality, and the members of the Y. M. C. A., whose cause she so efficiently aided, desire us to express their hearty thanks to the lady.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 8, 1886.

Our next door neighbor, D. L. Means, the implement dealer, has strengthened his force, by associating himself in partnership with Edward H. LeFevre, from Sterling, Illinois. This gentleman was attracted to Arkansas City by the fame of its prosperity and progress, and the result of his visit was the prosperous business enterprise he has embarked on. Mr. LeFevre is an experienced businessman, pleasant in address, and diligent by force of habit, and we predict for the firm (of which he forms part) a prosperous future.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 8, 1886.

A Woman Shot.

A shooting scrape took place in the second ward, near the Santa Fe depot yesterday morning. A report that a woman had been murdered took the mayor, the city marshal, and Dick Courtwright to the spot, and on entering the house where the drama was enacting, the officials found a man with a pistol in his hand, a woman lying on a bed with a bullet hole through her body, and a second woman contemplating the scene. A crowd followed the officers, but at the request of the inmates they were cleared out, and Courtwright guarded the door from further intrusion. All declared that the shooting was accidental. Drs. J. Vawter and Robison were promptly in attendance, who on examination found the ball had entered the left breast just below the nipple and ranging downward has passed out of the back, then perforated a pillow, passed through the head board, and struck the wall. When picked up particles of bone were imbedded in it, which came from a fractured rib. This Adidn=t mean to do it@ story was spoilt by a young man who informed Mayor Schiffbauer that he was present at the shooting and attempted to take the weapon from the shootist=s hands. The parties were man and wife, named Mason, intemperate in their habits and living unhappily together. The man was arrested, and the injured woman properly cared for. The wound is a serious one, but is not regarded as fatal.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 8, 1886.

Night School.

The register of the night Commercial School shows the number of enrollment to be seventeen; this is a good opportunity for young men of business to acquire a commercial education. Messrs. Abernethy & Jeanneret are conducting the school, and their useful enterprise should be encouraged.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 8, 1886.

The Gladstone Hotel.

The Gladstone Hotel is approaching completion, and will probably be opened in time to give a Christmas dinner. This handsome stone building is situated on North Summit Street, corner of Seventh Avenue, is L shaped, and has a frontage of 54 feet with a depth of 125 feet. It consists of three stories and basement. The owner is Mr. S. C. Smith, a retired ship carpenter of Jamestown, New York, who happened into this city during a western tour, and being impressed with our lack of hotel accommodations, conceived the idea of supplying a want so badly needed. He purchased the site for his proposed building, and then set about making his own plans. Early in the spring he broke ground, and when the excavation was completed, set about laying up solid and durable walls that are fit to last through succeeding generations. Frank Uhl & Co., of Winfield, performed the stone work, and also laid the brick used in the flues and chimneys, the rock being taken from the different quarries in our immediate neighborhood. Through the hot summer months the massive walls were upreared, and early in the fall the building was enclosed with a roof.

The design is an admirable one for hotel purposes, space being economized, and architectural effect secured. The basement is a spacious, well lighted apartment, which will be used as a billiard hall, and ample space set off for sample rooms. A barber shop will be furnished, and in the rear a laundry will be established. The ground floor is reached in front by circular stone steps, which form the approach to the office, facing south and east, and lighted by a profusion of windows, the lower sash composed of heavy plate glass, and the upper sash illuminated with what is called ondoyant glass (from the French l=oude, a wave), the surface being crinkled and wavy, and the coloring as fresh and varied as the rainbow. This office is lofty and spacious, 30 by 40 feet, finished in excellent taste, and when furnished will merit the appellation of first class.

Adjoining this to the west, is the dining hall, 30 by 50 feet, and capable of seating 100 persons. This is uniform with the office in finish and appointments, and impressed the beholder with its air of elegance. In the rear of this is the kitchen, fitted up with the most improved cooking and culinary apparatus, the range being of immense proportions, its cost $400.

An elegant winding staircase, which will soon be supplemented with an elevator, leads from the office to the upper floors. Corridors, on both stories, traverse the length of the building, which open into the bed chambers, forty-eight in number, all handsomely finished, spacious, and well lighted. The reception parlor fronts eastward, commanding an extensive view in all directions (except westward); the bay windows facing three ways, and adding greatly to the elegance of the apartment. There are also suits of rooms for the accommodation of families.

When we visited the hotel on Monday, the work of furnishing the upper floors was in progress. One thousand yards of carpet, purchased of A. A. Newman & Co., was being sewed by four nimble seamstresses, which as fast as turned out of the sewing room were laid by workmen. Three car loads of chamber furniture were being unpacked, and distributed in the various rooms. This was of antique oak, ash, and walnut (solid wood); plain but handsomely finished. Communication from all parts of the house with the office is maintained with the improved style of electric call bell, purchased in Philadelphia, and steam pipes with radiators supply heat to the entire building. Water closets and bath rooms are provided for every floor. Ornamental iron piazzas running the entire length of the building will be added in the spring.

The above is a brief and incomplete description of the Gladstone Hotel, which will be hailed by the traveling public with delight, Aas a want long felt,@ and the enterprise and business judgment of the owner are to be commended in supplying the city with an improvement so important to its commercial interests.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 8, 1886.



Arkansas City Traveler, December 8, 1886.

Roll of Honor.

Of the Rose Valley School, District No. 34, for November. Willie Phillips, Charlie Phillips, John Sankey, Willie Maxwell, John Cue, Elbert Maxwell, Frank Requa, James Phillips, Eddie Purdy, Edgar McMaine, Turner Sankey, David Maxwell, Robert Pollock, Wes. Pollock, Samuel Pollock. L. F. Abernethy, Teacher.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 8, 1886.


A Method Suggested for Meeting the Pressing Want.

The inclement season is upon us, and our city officers tell of severe suffering already existing in our midst. Thousands of men who have been working on the Southern Kansas grade in the Territory, many of them accompanied by their families, will have to find shelter and other employment as the various contracts give out, and already a number have come in through sickness or other causes. These people can find no vacant tenement to occupy, and some of them are entirely without means. Their resort is to the city for aid, and no funds are provided for their relief. The only resort is to send them to the county poor house, which is a degrading way of treating indigent persons who are willing to work for their own support.

Last winter the attention of the council was occupied at every session in auditing bills for coal and other necessaries furnished to relieve pressing and immediate want. The mayor would explain the urgency of the case; some widow with a cold hearth and empty cupboard and her children crying for bread. Or the husband and father may be sick, and medical attendance and the care of nurse are needed. Mayor Schiffbauer would follow up his statement with the declaration, AWhen a mother comes to me with the story that her babies are suffering for fuel and food, I haven=t the heart to refuse her, and if the council will not pay the bill, I will.@ Sometimes our city fathers felt themselves constrained to disallow these bills, and the city almoner paid them from his own pocket. Mayor Schiffbauer says his charity cost him $300 last winter, and he will regard himself as fortunate (or obdurate) if he gets through the present winter with no greater outlay.

In talking this matter over a day or two ago with City Clerk Benedict, and the marshal with his assistant, Frank Thompson, they urged the necessity of establishing a city hospital where the sick can be cared for at less cost than attends our present want of system. They mentioned the case of McGibbon, a grader now sick and on the hands of the city, the bill for whose care amounts to $100. Another indigent patient, named Shoal, who was boarded and nursed at the Central Avenue Hotel, incurred a public expense of $150. A Mexican died at the Leland Hotel some time ago, who was long under the care of the doctor, and the bill presented to the council for this care was $80. These bills are referred to the appropriate committees, they come up again to be scaled down, they are then approved and sent to the county commissioners for their consideration. Yet costly as this business is, the beneficiaries receive but perfunctory and inadequate care, and much suffering is endured which might be avoided.

In another column the sad story is told of a poor wretched woman with two helpless babes taking refuge in a cellar, and dying unattended at a time of extreme peril, leaving a new born babe survivor. Such a terrible reproach to the city, and yet there are hundreds of kind hearted ladies in our community who would cheerfully have administered to her wants, if they had only known of the destitution of their friendless sister. There is no need for such want where willing hands are ready to afford relief, and it is a duty incumbent on all alike to see that such a tragedy is not repeated.

Destitution in our city is likely to be severe and widespread this winter, and now is the time for adequate provision to be made to meet it. It is not fair to cast the burden on the city officers, this is a service in which all should bear a part. The ladies of the various aid societies in our city are assiduous in hunting up cases of destitution, and are equally prompt in supplying aid. But their machinery is ineffective for dealing with distress on a large scale, and they have not the means at hand to extend charity to any large amount. They need the cooperation of their husbands and businessmen generally, who can comprehend the nature and extent of the exigency they have before them, and who are able to provide the means to deal with it effectively.

A lady correspondent makes this useful suggestion: AIn my family enough old garments could be gathered up to clothe two or three persons comfortably, and I am sure that in hundreds of other households as much serviceable clothing could be gathered. My idea is to engage some storeroom where these supplies could be received, and invite their donation through the pulpit and the city press. I believe there are charitable ladies enough in this city willing to devote a portion of their time to the custody of these goods and to there distribution to the suffering and needy. No expense need attend this charitable work, and with the use of proper business methods, it might be made to work a great deal of good.@

The suffering likely to be endured in this city the present winter from poverty and sickness we have heard discussed in several households; and we trust that the energy and business ability of our wives and mothers will be applied to the useful and urgent work that lies before them.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 8, 1886.


A Neglected Wife Gives Birth to a Child and Dies of Want and Exhaustion.

DIED. One of those painful accidents happened in this city last week which the charitable care of the community fails at all times to avert. A Mrs. Parker, whose husband seems to render her no support, having two young children, a boy 2 2 years old and a girl babe of 13 months, and who was again about to become a mother, rented an underground apartment in the first wardCa miserable cellar 8 by 10 ft., and exposed to the icy north wind, wherein she and her children made their abode. How long this poor neglected creature had inhabited this noisome den we are not informed, but on Friday night last (the coldest we have experienced this winter), she gave birth to a child, and the next morning was found dead from exhaustion and exposure. Strange to say the babe survived, and is now being cared for by some good Samaritan, whose name we have not learned. The deceased woman was respectably connected, and on her miserable death becoming known, a sister put in her appearance from Butler County, who carried the corpse away to bury it, and put the new born babe out to nurse. The children were temporarily disposed of by G. F. Gray, the owner of the tenement where the woman died, taking charge of the boy, and Mrs. Salmon assuming care of the little girl. The above facts we gather from Mr. Randall, deliverer for Houghton & Upp, who visited the place while the corpse lay unattended, and who describes the sight as one fit to sicken humanity.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 8, 1886.

Coming Down Easy.

Our silver excitement is now tempered down to the night beat, and all foolishness and stories without the slightest foundation are utterly disregarded. We do not want to, neither have we printed one line in the Journal but what was the truth, and will not in the future deal in any wild fancies. We have given the assays just as they were given by the assayers; and in all things have we been sure that every line could be substantiated before it has been given to the public through our columns.

We do not believe in creating a boom that will have no foundation. It is not necessary. We have everything in our favor for one of the best towns in the state without trying to humbug strangers. If our silver turns out in paying quantities, it will only add to the rapid growth of our city, and if it does not, we will never miss it as the advantages that Caldwell has can be seen by every stranger and they do not hesitate in investing in our prosperity.

Whether silver will be found in paying quantities or not is to be found out in the future. There are companies formed, backed by plenty of wealth, sanguine that there is plenty of ore here to pay for working and are going ahead with their preparations for mining. If the rock does not produce silver, it will make the finest cement in the world, and already companies are being formed for the purpose of manufacturing cement and in a few weeks work will be commenced in this direction. Caldwell Journal.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 8, 1886.


The Caldwell Silver Excitement Flattened Completely Out.

We mentioned a week or two ago the prospecting labors of Col. E. Neff and J. H. Punshon. These two fellow townsmen, hearing the roseate reports that came from Caldwell of the argentiferous discoveries made there, and how assayers= certificates gave $200 or $300 to the ton of rock, quietly provided themselves with a hammer apiece and a good stout sack, and stealthily slipped off to see if there was a fortune in store for them. Arrived on the so-called mining grounds, they took counsel with no one, but walked off a mile or two from town, to where they found a mass of float lying loosely around, and to this they devoted their attention. It did not strike them as treasure-laden ore, still they were not be discouraged by their own judgment. The crazy excitement of eager hundreds around them, the favorable reports given by the assayers, and the unquestioned evidence of metal in the yellow stained rock, influenced their belief that silver might exist there, and accordingly they soon filled their bag with the most promising specimens.

This much done they returned home to put the value of their discovery to the proof. The pieces of rock were shown around and every variety of opinion expressed on their merit. The formation of the rock was not favorable to a silver infusion, it being mere detritus of comparatively recent deposit, spread over a wide surface and no evidences of volcanic action. A thoughtful engineer would ask, where is the matrix? The rich store house of nature, where her treasure is hived and hence distributed in hidden recesses? To such an inquiry no one could give answer, but all could point to the strange looking gangue [?], having lime and silicate for its ingredients, and infused by a copper wash, staining it a rich green, and charged in some instances with small particles of metal. Nature is prolific of vagaries, and why might not this be a departure from her ordinary methods, and a new illustration of chemical action which mineralogists would have to adopt into their science?

Said the Colonel in a burst of confidence to this writer: AThose idle statements given in the Caldwell papers of this dirt carrying $200 or $300 of silver, you and I understand to be all bosh. But it may contain some small amount. $10 to the ton would pay the expense of working, and $20 would yield a handsome profit. I wouldn=t ask a better thing. There=s enough of it to satisfy the most avaricious, and I can find just such rock as this all around Arkansas City. I propose to send four average specimens to Denver for assay, and possess my soul in patience until I get the return. If the rock is barren, that=s an end of it for me; but if it contains pay ore, you=ll see the child off with his pick and shovel and skirmishing among the rocks like a veritable mineral sharp. A silver outcry added to our real estate boom would send this place a killing.@

The specimens were despatched to Denver the next day with the assayer=s fee enclosed, and in due time his certificate was received setting forth that the rock was barrenCno gold, no silver, no leadConly a trace of copper. The experience of other prospectors in the same field must have been similar, for we find the Caldwell papers unwillingly admitting that of silver and gold their rocky acres contained none, but they believe that somewhere in that locality there exists a coal mine.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 8, 1886.

Cherokee Live Stock Association.

The cattle Inspectors for the Live Stock Association are: Will Larkin, Kansas City, Missouri; J. M. Jones, St. Louis, Missouri; Steve Franklin, Chicago, Illinois. These gentlemen have authority from members of the Association to stop any and all cattle in their brands, unless accompanied by a bill of sale from the owners. Mr. J. M. Jones, whose home is at Attica, Sumner County, visited this place last week for the purpose of calling on shippers and members of the Association. From him we learn that he has recovered about $1,603 worth of cattle during his stay in St. Louis this summer.