Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.


The secretary of the interior, last week, received a telegram from the cattle men at Dodge City, Kansas, complaining that the Cherokee Stock Association, who have leased a strip of land in the Indian Territory, traveled by the established cattle trails between Texas and Kansas, have closed the trail with wire fences and offered armed resistance to the progress of cattle droves. The secretary instructed Inspector Benedict to go at once to the region of disturbance and take active measures to open and keep open all established trails found closed.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.

Under date of June 27, General Hatch issued the following general order: It has become the duty of the troops of this district under the authority of the general commanding the department of the mission to enforce the proclamation of the president issued Feb. 12, 1880. This proclamation requires the removal of all unauthorized persons who have intruded upon the Indian Territory and the prevention of such intrusions by others. The commanding officers of troops in the field in this district are charged with the above duty. Capt. Henry Carroll, 9th cavalry, now in camp on the Cimarron River is assigned the territory south of the boundary line of the old Cherokee strip and between the 96 and 98 meridians. Capt. Frank P. Bennett, 9th cavalry, whose camp will be on Thompson Creek, is assigned the territory included between the Kansas state line and the southern boundary of the Cherokee strip and west of the 96 meridian. All unauthorized persons will be removed at once. Persons resisting removal will be arrested and turned over with as little delay as possible to the United States commissioner at Caldwell, Kansas, or to the United States Marshal. In the performance of this duty, commanding officers of troops in the field will be guided by the provisions of sections 2150 and 2151. Revised statutes of the United States. [Boomer file]


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.

Coffey County is all stirred up over propositions for two new railroads through it. One is the long-talked-of-so-much from Topeka to the Rich Hill coal fields, called the St. Louis & Emporia Railroad. Guess Joel Moody, of Mound City, hatched out this idea. Bond propositions through Coffey County, in which LeRoy, Burlington, and Ottumwa are all interested, are getting rife.

The other is known as the Kansas City & Southwestern Railroad; incubated by James Hill, of Arkansas City, and adopted by Chicago fresh meat shippers in refrigerator cars. This line is a movement to secure the entry into Kansas of the Chicago & Alton system; a very good thing, by the way, but it should be coaxed in through Topeka, instead of through Kansas City. This scheme has local subsidies secured and certain through Cowley County, through the two townships of Butler County that it proposes to cross, and is now laboring for a county election on bonds in Greenwood County, and also at the same prices in Coffey. If Greenwood County is generous to it, and to its self as well, then Burlington will be a point on the line. From there the plan is to divide the territory as near centrally as practicable by running between the Southern Kansas Railroad line and the Paola & LeRoy section of the Missouri Pacific, swinging in at Paola, where it would cross the Fort Scott & Gulf Road, go east to the state line, and then northerly along near the state line, entering Kansas City where the Chicago & Alton does, on the east side of town. Commonwealth.

We do not endorse all of the above.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.

The cattle men, who are driving their herds up from Texas to Kansas and Nebraska, complain loudly of the treatment received at the hands of bands of Kiowa and Comanche Indians in the Territory. They are constantly demanding pay of the drivers, and there is no putting them off, so the blackmailing operation has to be submitted to. The cattle men think the government should warn the Indians off the trail and punish them for their depredations.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.


An Eagle correspondent giving an account of the Fourth at Wellington closes as follows.

AWhile in a crazy drunken condition, Ed Minor shot a revolver and the ball entered the heart of a nine-year-old daughter of J. H. Perry, of Geuda Springs. Death came so sudden and unexpectedly that her mother thought she had fainted. Before the truth was known, the guilty man had passed on, firing promiscuously as he went, and not until late at night was he apprehended in the Morgan bawdy house, where he had halted after the day=s debauch.@


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.

THE MARKETS. Eggs 10 cents, butter 10 cents, chickens, $1.50 to $2.00 per dozen and old hens $2.00 to $2.40 per dozen. Potatoes 50 to 75 cents; Hogs $4.00 to $4.50 per cwt. Mixed corn, 30 and for white 32 cents. Wheat sells at 65 cents per bushel for old and 55 cents for new.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.

No. 339 carries off the prize organ at O=Meara & Randolph=s.

The best $3.50 calf boot in the city at O=Meara & Randolph=s.

Wanted. A situation as clerk in a store of any kind. Good education and well fitted in every way. Address, Clarence Brown, City.

Laborers are scarce and command big wages now-a-day. Joe Conklin offers $2.00 a day, in another column, for hands to work in his stone quarry.

Wanted. By a competent young lady, a position in this city as bookkeeper or amanuensis. Inquire at this office or address post-office box 496, Winfield.

Board of County Commissioners has been in regular quarterly session since Monday. Very little business other than adjustment of county road cases has yet been reached.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.


The party who created a disturbance at the Fireman=s Ball on the evening of the 4th of July, at the Opera House, very much regrets that he caused anything to mar the pleasure of the occasion.

AThe Chicago and St. Louis Produce Exchange@ was opened in rooms over the post office yesterday by Mr. E. W. Prussing, from Mexico, Missouri. Mr. Prussing is a son-in-law of M. J. Wells, of Burden.

The Gas Works were shut down Monday for the purpose of putting another coat of cement on the cistern and getting ready for permanent business. The company is well pleased with the test and everything seems to work smoothly. Light will be turned on Saturday night.

The first issue of the Geuda Springs News made its advent upon the journalistic sea last Thursday. It starts off with a healthy appearance, and will be a benefit to Geuda, though, with two papers in that place, we hardly think the editor will become a bloated bond-holder very soon.

The man who owns one of the fertile quarter sections of land in Cowley County is in possession of a fortune this year. When the immense crops, now in almost certain prospect, are garnered in, the Cowley farmer will have to wear weights on his feet to keep from stepping over the moon.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.

Mr. I. H. Phenis, of Windsor Township, was in the city Saturday and told us of a very strange disease which has killed sixty-five head of his hogs and is still preying on the flock. He at first supposed the disease was cholera and treated the hogs accordingly, but could give them no relief. The hogs would begin to cough, become sluggish, and in about a week die. The symptoms were nearly the same as in cholera, but Mr. Phenis determined to investigate the matter. He held a postmortem over several of the victims and found all the interior organism apparently healthy excepting the lungs, which were decayed, feverish, and bloated. This fact convinces him that the disease is lung fever, but he has as yet discovered no remedy. His loss is now about seven hundred dollars and he will pay a big reward for a cure. The disease has appeared only among the hogs of Mr. Phenis, and prompt action with a speedy cure may stop the plague entirely.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.

In watching the other day one of the latest improved self-binders as it fell the golden wheat, we were forcibly reminded of the vast superiority and saving of toil in farming now and a few years ago. If we were set back a quarter of a century in farm machinery, we could not raise more than half as much corn, nor save more than half the wheat raised in Cowley County. Now, a boy can plow three acres per day, and a man and two boys can put ten acres of wheat in shock every day in the week. The man does the shocking one boy drives the binder, and the other boy rides by his side and whistles Yankee Doodle to keep both from getting lonesome. Horse and team power has largely superseded human muscle in doing farm work.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.

During the celebration at Wellington, while in a crazy, drunken condition, Ed. Minor shot off his revolver and the ball entered the heart of a nine-year-old daughter of J. H. Perry, of Geuda Springs, as she stood on the veranda of the Hotel De Barnard. The shot was fired from the street over the shoulder of the debauch, to let off some of his bravo. The death of the little girl came so suddenly and unexpectedly that her mother thought she had fainted. Before the truth was known the guilty man had passed on, firing promiscuously as he went, and not until late at night was he apprehended in a bawdy house, where he had halted after the days devilishness. What a sad blot on the name of our sister city!


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.

The beautiful grounds and residence of Col. J. C. McMullen were thrown open Tuesday evening by the Woman=s Christian Temperance Union for a social. The lawn was animated till a late hour by a large crowd who turned out to enjoy ice cream, cake, etc., with the balmy atmosphere and pleasant surroundings of the home of Mr. and Mrs. McMullen. It was a very enjoyable occasion and profitable to the ladies of the Union. The Courier Cornet Band was present and discoursed charming music. The band shows great enterprise in lending its assistance on such occasions.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.

J. B. Rowe, one of the substantial, industrious young men of Windsor Township, had the great misfortune to lose his pocketbook last Monday in this city, containing two hundred and ninety dollars in money and a ninety dollar note. The manner of its disappearance was very mysterious. He was using it, put it in his pocket, and after walking less than a block, missed it, but no trace could be found.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.

We publish in another column the quarterly statement of the Winfield Bank. It shows total resources of nearly three hundred thousand dollars and deposits of $221,777.99. This is a wonderfully strong showing. The Winfield Bank is fast taking the lead among the financial institutions of the state. [DID NOT COPY STATEMENT.]


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.

Lewis Myers, of Tisdale Township, brought in as a starter from his orchard, twelve bushels of beautiful, ripe peaches Monday and marketed them for three dollars per bushel. They went off like hot cakes. The demand for peaches is very large and prices good. Those appearing on the market, home grown, are of splendid quality.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.

A meeting of the businessmen and all interested will be held at the office of Doane & Kretsinger on the eve of July 11th at 8 o=clock to consider the best means to build an armory for the Battery and for other purposes. By request of Citizens.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.

Doctress E. A. McCoy, from the east, has located permanently in Winfield for the practice of her profession. The location of her office, with her business card, will appear next week. She is a pleasant, intelligent-appearing lady, with experience.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.

Tannehill, Kansas. Mr. Lee: The wheat sown with the Blunts Press Drill I bought of you is the best I ever raised. My binder could not tie it and cut a full swath; many heads had five kernels to the mesh. Arthur Seeper.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.

The Walnut Township Republican Primary for electing delegates to the county convention of July 12th will be held on Thursday, July 10th, at the usual place of voting.

John Mentch, Chairman, Republican Township Committee.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.

The bull fight at Dodge City on the 4th proved a drawing card, but of the fight itself there seems to have been but little disposition on the part of the men or animals to make a respectable showing.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.

J. L. Horning sold his elevator Wednesday to Samuel Steel and F. L. Branniger. He will retire from grain and concentrate his energies on his many other business enterprises.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.

Sharp shooters, attention! $10.00 cash prize given for the best score of 8 shot during this week at shooting gallery corner 8th and Main Streets. 8 shots for 25 cents.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.

Music. Miss Themi Taylor will give instructions in music, including thorough bass, at her rooms over Wright=s Millinery store. Terms reasonable.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.

Bacastow & Crampton made 160 gallons of ice cream on the 4th of July and sold it all out by 10 o=clock at night.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.


A. P. Johnson discoursed on temperance in Silverdale Township last Sunday.

Miss Mary Yeoman, of Vernon Township, has gone to Ohio on a visit to relatives.

Miss Anna Hunt has been visiting friends in Cherryvale during the past week.

Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.


Mayor Emerson was detained from the council meeting Monday evening by sickness.

Mr. and Mrs. George Case, of Douglass, spent several days of last week with relatives here.

Frank Berkey and L. B. Joliff, now of Kingman, came over to enthuse at Winfield on the Fourth.

Miss Jennie Lowry spent several days of last week, including the Fourth, with friends in Arkansas City.

Judge T. H. Soward shook up the anti-prohibitionists of Udall last Sunday with a rousing address on the temperance issue.

John Keck bought the interest of his partner, J. B. Scofield, in the livery business of the firm and is now going it alone.

Al Wilkinson, editor of the Cambridge News, was over to view the hub Saturday, for the first time since he left here four years ago.

Profs. B. T. Davis and A. H. Limerick addressed the people at Seeley and the Blue schoolhouse, in Ninnescah Township, last Sunday.

L. L. Beck turned the business of Police Judge over to Justice Buckman, Saturday, and lit out for the Democratic caucus at Chicago.

Edward Bryant was incarcerated in the county bastille Saturday for stealing a watch from Mrs. Dale at the Indiana Boarding House on South Main.

Mr. J. Isennagle, of Ninnescah Township, brought us in Monday a handsome specimen of his Amsden June peaches. They are ripe, plump, and luscious.

Miss Maude Benedict, the bright little daughter of Mrs. Wm. Benedict of Arkansas City, has been spending a few days with her young friends in this city.

R. O. Copeland, formerly a salesman in the Winfield Jewelry House, came down from Hutchinson last week to spend the Fourth with his parents and friends.

Mr. C. J. Brane, of Pleasant Valley, has left us some of his early budded peaches, ripe, mellow, and pretty. He has one of the most valuable orchards in the county.

Mr. J. S. Hill, of Pleasant Valley, will leave soon for a two month=s visit in Canada. His wheat is all secure, his corn Alaid by,@ and he is in good shape for a little recreation.

Forrest Rowland left Saturday for Cherryvale, where he will open up a store similar to the one he ran here. Forrest is a worthy young man and has the industry to succeed anywhere.

Mr. W. W. Andrews, of this city, has a splendid showing of fruit of different kinds this year. He has added to our display samples of his Early York peaches and AMiner@ plums, which are beautiful.

Mr. and Mrs. John Tomlin entertained fifteen or twenty couples of young folks last Thursday evening in honor of their nieces, Misses Anna Waugh and Kate Patteson, of Kansas City, who are visiting here.

Mr. W. D. Roberts brought us in some samples of AYellow Harvest@ apples from his orchard Tuesday. They were fine, large, and of splendid flavor.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.


Mrs. Ordway has closed her studio for a summer vacation. She goes to Chicago this week, intending to return about Sept. 1st with additional equipments in the painting line. Her friends in Iowa will come in for a share of her time.

Mr. J. W. Pierce, of Beaver, brought in Saturday a mammoth exhibition of the productiveness of that township in a stalk of corn planted May 10th. Its body was large around as a man=s wrist and exceptionally tall. The butt of it would make a good club.

Professor Farringer has made a sale of his Main street property and will leave for new fields in a short time. It seems to us that the Professor has gained a strong foothold here and will make a mistake in leaving. We regret very much that he has decided to go.

The County Commissioners released Charley Fisher, who had served out in the county jail a fine for contempt of court, Wednesday, and Sheriff McIntire took him to Wichita in the afternoon to stand trial for stealing a horse in Sedgwick County, some three years ago.

Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bliss and Mrs. E. P. Hickok have returned from the Ottawa Sunday School Assembly. Mrs. Hickok passed the Chautauqua Normal Course and received a diploma. She takes great interest in all matters pertaining to church and Sunday School work.

Rev. H. M. Barker, pastor of the Baptist Church in Wellington, will occupy the pulpit of the Baptist Church of this city next Sunday, in exchange with the pastor, Rev. J. Cairns. Mr. Barker is said to be a very eloquent young man and we hope our citizens will do themselves the honor to hear him.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.

P. H. Albright left Sunday afternoon for a six week=s visit in the East, stopping over to view the Democratic drama at Chicago. During his absence, H. H. Albright, of Sedan, will have charge of the real estate business of P. H. Albright & Co., in this city, assisted by the corpulent and clerical Grant Stafford.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.

Mr. W. C. Kier, a prominent merchant of Sterling, Illinois, spent a day or two of last week visiting his niece, Mrs. P. P. Powell, of Walnut. He viewed the many signs of prosperity as exhibited on the Fourth and was highly pleased with the bright aspect of things in our county. He may yet conclude to locate in Winfield.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.

Dave Long, R. B. Rudolf, and Irve Randall start today by wagon for a prospecting tour to Clark County, one hundred and fifty miles west. They will camp on the way and we expect to see them return rivaling Judge Bard in corpulency. E. H. Nixon, Ben Cox, and others will start next Monday by rail in quest of the reported Abonanzas@ in that county.




Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.

Mr. J. O=Meara, W. H. Dawson, S. L. Gilbert, C. C. Black, J. B. Lynn, and H. L. Wilson are among the revelers in the Democratic, two act farce at Chicago; and not a solitary Republican along to protect them from the wiles of that wicked city! Tearfully is asked the solemn question: Will they ever return, or will they all be swallowed up in the inevitable vortex of Democracy?


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.

MARRIED. We are in receipt of a beautiful wedding card announcing the marriage at Hopkins, Missouri, on the evening of the 3rd inst., of Mr. M. A. Bates and Miss Minnie Carpenter. AMit@ has many friends in Winfield, who, though somewhat surprised at this sudden deed, wish him all the joy and prosperity possible in his new relation. Even newspaper men are subject to cupid=s dart.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.

Chas. Patterson, the turf man late of Indianapolis, is meeting with great success in training horses at the Fair Grounds, and says the track is one of the best he ever saw. He brought ALong John@ down to a gait of 2:45 before he was sold; drove ANellie Burden@ a 2:57 clip without a slip. This is the little mare that won the Green race at the Fair last fall. He is training some ten or twelve horses for parties in this city.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.

J. C. Maxwell, a prominent attorney of Robinson, Illinois, and a classmate of Frank Crampton, has been spending a few days with Frank and looking over the country. Mr. Maxwell thinks of locating in the West, and after visiting the country along the line of the Ft. S. & G., Frisco and S. K. R. R.=s, he thinks Winfield and Cowley County beats them all. Mr. Maxwell is a gentleman of capital, and should he conclude to locate with us, we would be glad to welcome him.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.

Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Mann will leave the last of this week for a six weeks trip to the lakes and through the east. J. S. will lay in his fall supply of clothing and gents furnishings during his absence. No one is better prepared to enjoy a recreation trip than J. S. Mann. His trade this year has been greater than ever before. His establishment, through judicious advertising and fair dealing has gained a place in the confidence of our people which must indeed be gratifying.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.

E. C. Seward has been farming on a small scale this year. He went out Monday, on the theory that Aeconomy is wealth,@ to cut his oats patch in the east part of town. His ponderous form swung the cradle around the patch two or three times when E. C., sweating and panting, laid his form under a handy peach tree, where shade was about the size of a man=s hat; but his condition was desperate. He finally recovered sufficiently to seek the quietude of his home, send a man out to perform the Aeconomy@ task, and is now laid up for repairs. The sight of E. C. endeavoring to imitate a Ahorny-handed son of toil@ caused all passers-by to stop and gaze in wild-eyed astonishment.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.

The City Council.

The city government transacted the usual routine of business at their regular meeting last Monday evening. The committee on streets and alleys were ordered by the council to erect two watering fountains, with troughs, on side streets.

The acceptance of the railway franchise by the Winfield Street Railway Company was filed.

Building permits were granted to A. H. Jennings and Jennings & Crippen.

The following bills were allowed and ordered paid:

Black & Rembaugh, printing, $31.75.

A. B. Arment, curtains for council chamber, $4.50.

Albro & Co., for hydrant wrenches, $3.75.

Albro & Dorley, storage room for hose carts previous to contract with Col. McMullen, $20.00.

Judges and clerks of election, $11.00.

L. C. Scott, room for election, $2.00.

City officers salaries, $129.90.

E. F. Sears, crossings, $28.16.

J. C. Fuller, for rent of council room, quarter ending July 1st, $30.00.

J. C. McMullen, rent fire department building for June, $25.00.

Wm. Moore and Sons, stone for crossings, $30.99.

A. H. Glanden, crossings, $17.44.

Following bills were referred to finance committee:

C. Ferguson, team and carriage for conveying visitors, $3.00.

C. C. Pierce, same, $3.00.

Scofield & Keck, same, $3.00.

Vance & Colling, same, $3.00.

Winfield Water Company, hydrant rent to July 15, 1884, $1,809.06.

Following bills referred to County Commissioners for payment:

M. L. Read=s Bank, house rent for Mrs. Quarrels for 6 months, $24.00.

McGuire Bros., pauper claim, $16.35.

Police Judge=s report for March and April was referred to finance committee.

City Treasurer=s report for quarter ending June 15th, also referred.

Cost bills of E. S. Bedilion in two cases, city vs. Chas. Phenix and city vs. R. B. Waite, were referred back to District Clerk for correction.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.

A County Dinner.

The writer was so fortunate as to be one of a party of Winfield folks who enjoyed the hospitality of Mr. Hahn, of Vernon Township, last Sunday. Aside from the Winfield people, there were some thirty friends from Oxford and neighbors present. It was a regular old-fashioned county dinner, spread out under the trees and embraced everything in the eatable line that the arts of cookery have discovered. It was a splendid dinner, and drew forth the compliment of a two hour=s sitting from all present.

Mr. Hahn owns one of the finest farms in the Arkansas Valley. His corn crop last year was over seven thousand bushelsCthis year it will be fully as large. He has just finished harvesting one hundred and ninety acres of splendid wheat from which he expects to thresh over five thousand bushels. One forty acre field will yield forty bushels per acre. He is most comfortably fixed in the way of buildings, surrounded by trees and orchards, and is more than satisfied with his four years= experience in Cowley. He says he lost the best forty years of his life by not coming west sooner. On a low estimate the profits of his farming operations for this year will reach seven thousand dollars. The generous hospitality extended to our party by Mr. and Mrs. Hahn and the many friends and neighbors present will long be a matter of pleasant recollection to the Winfield party.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.

Expense Account

As the public may have a curiosity to know how the Fourth of July executive committee spent their money, we furnish herewith a Astatement.@ The receipts from subscriptions, sale of privileges, etc., were $961.75. The expenditures were:

Entertaining old soldiers: $65.31

Telegraphing: $9.85

Music: $155.50

Races, greased pole, and other amusements: $148.50

Battery: $100.00

Powder and ammunition for same: $42.05

Fire-works, torches, and oil: $165.50

Paid Mrs. Gougar: $25.00

Police: $30.00

Carriage for speakers: $10.00

Express on fire-works: $11.85

Rent for Fair Grounds: $100.09

Printing: $50.00

Miscellaneous: $2.50


[Figures do not add up to total given! I added it up...amount should be $916.15.]

This leaves a balance in the treasury of $46.19, at present. There are several bills yet to pay, however, which will reduce the amount to about $25.00. This sum will be put into the new armory building scheme.




Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.

Fourth of July Celebration: Fully Fifteen Thousand People Present.

RECAP. On the evening of the 3rd the old soldiers gathered in large numbers at the

G. A. R. headquarters and marched to the tune of AOld John Brown@ to the beautiful Fair Ground Park. Here they found tents already pitched and everything in readiness for them to chase the festive bean around the camp fire and retell the thrilling stories which will never grow old to the comrades-in-arms. Regular old-fashioned Ahard-tack@ had been supplied in abundance and a happy reunion was had that night by the boys who wore the blue. After supper, headed by the Burden, Courier, and Juvenile bands, a torchlight procession marched into town. By sunrise Friday morning people from all sections began to pour in. . . . As we watched the old pioneers as they came into town in their handsome turnouts, we noticed on their countenances pictures of gladness and independence which can=t be beaten anywhere in this broad Union. . . . At ten o=clock Col. Wm. Whiting and Capt. H. H. Siverd, with a score of assistants, formed the procession and the march to the Park was taken up. The procession was headed by the Burden Band, led by Frank McClain. . . . Tony Agler, with his clown suit and goat teams, trick ponies, and other things of his own get-up, was attractive in the procession. Tony takes great pains in training his Apets@ and shows commendable enterprise in turning out with them on all public occasions. St. John=s battery was prominent in the procession, and awakened the echoes by booming of cannon from Thursday evening until well along in the next day. The members of the Battery worked faithfully and well for the success of the celebration. The Robinson and Telegram Fire Companies made a splendid appearance in the procession. The paraphernalia was all beautifully decorated with red, white, and blue, and the Robinson Fire Company represented the Goddess of Liberty with one of the prettiest little misses of the city, Nina Nelson, gracefully seated on their hose cart amid the drapery. O=Meara & Randolph had a representation of their boot and shoe business, accompanied by plantation music from darkies. A feature which attracted wide attention and showed great enterprise was the stone display of Mr. Schmidt from his quarries near town. A large, wide-framed wagon was loaded with fine specimens of stone and men were at work all day sawing it up and distributing the smooth blocks among the people. Oration was delivered by Hon. J. Wade McDonald, who reviewed the progress of the Union from its birth to the present day. Then came dinner followed by an address by Mrs. Helen M. Gougar, the famous lady orator of Indiana.

Then came the amusements. The trotting race, mile heats, best three in five, purse $90, was won by ABasham,@ owned by Mr. Wells of Burden over Billy Hands= ANellie H.@ The running race, quarter mile heat, between the Blenden mare and a lately arrived horse, was won easily by the former, purse $60. Andy Lindsey of Winfield got $5.00 for climbing to the top of the greased pole. Another ambitious boy preceded him, but on reaching the top slid down without the money, supposing it was in the hands of a committee and all he had to do was to climb the pole. the crowd soon turned his disappointment into gladness by making up the five dollars. The wheelbarrow race, by blindfolded men, some six or seven taking part, furnished much amusement and was won by Allen Brown, a colored man of Winfield. It proved the uncertainty of Agoing it blind.@ The greased pig, after a lively chase, was caught by Phenix Duncan, a colored boy. The festivities of the day closed with a flambeaux procession with Roman candles, etc. The Gas Company turned on a full head both Thursday and Friday evenings and the sixty bright lamp posts, with the stores illuminated with gas lights gave the city a brilliant appearance. the Firemen=s Ball at the Opera House was largely attended.

Credit was extended to Messrs. J. C. Long, Jas. H. Vance, D. L. Kretsinger, J. P. Baden, A. T. Spotswood, R. E. Wallis, Wm. Whiting, C. C. Black and Fred Kropp for the success of the celebration.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.

[Neighboring Correspondents.]


Mr. Geo. Caton has put a small addition to his house.

Harvest is over, the corn is laid by, and the farmers are happy.

Mrs. Frank Wallace, of Arkansas City, was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gilleland, last week.

J. H. Gilliland and family have gone to Geuda Springs for a pleasure trip and also for the benefit of their health.

Our organ for the S. S. has at last arrived; although rather small, it is a beauty of its kind and excellent in its tone.

We are glad to note the recovery of Mrs. Chas. Galloway after a severe spell of sickness of over a month=s duration.

R. King had his wheat cut with Mr. Higgins= new self binder. Mr. King had a large crop of wheat this season on which he expects to make a good profit.

Miss Lillie Gilliland, who has been teaching a select school at this place closed it on last Wednesday, with a picnic, dinner, and a little entertainment in the afternoon. Those present report an excellent time. Although laboring under many difficulties, Miss Gilliland has had a very successful term of school.

We had the pleasure of attending an exhibition at Maple City given by Mr. Ketchum at the close of a very successful term of school. The program was excellent and all the actors did well. Despite the warmth of the evening, and the fact that the house was filled almost to overflowing, all were well pleased with the entertainment and left feeling that they were the happier for having been there.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.


The weather is oppressively hot and lemonade and cream are fast becoming the staff of human comfort.

Court is ended. Judge Torrance, Frank Raymond, and Senator Hackney, whose pleasant faces had almost become familiar among our citizens, left Sedan Tuesday as court adjourned. This has been a long and wearisome term and it failed to reach any civil business at all.

Just here Jasper wants to take off his hat and make the bow of a new made lawyer to his Cowley county friends. Through the courtesy of the counsel he was permitted to make the opening argument in the Bacon and Hendricks cases, before being admitted to the bar. But on Tuesday, after a short examination, he was permitted to step forward and enroll his name as one of the legal fraternity. He desires to return his sincere thanks to all those kind friends who have done so much to encourage him in the struggles and embarrassments so unavoidable in a student=s life.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.


Mr. Lucas is attending Normal.

Messrs. Downs, Ford, and J. E. Johnson are shelling corn by steam.

Mr. James Lord had his finger quite seriously hurt in the corn sheller.

Doctor Downs spent last Sabbath at home with his parents in Hutchinson.

Mrs. Marshal, of Newton, Kansas, visited her aunt, Mrs. McHenry, a short time ago. Mr. Marshall must think bachelor life lonely, for he came for her sooner than anticipated.

Mr. John Davis, of Wichita, was the guest of Mr. W. B. Hoyland, last week. It brings pleasant memories of happy lodge meetings to see old time brothers and sisters. Come again, John, and stay long enough to see all your friends.

Mrs. J. J. Johnson returned last week, from her visit to Ohio. She had an excellent time among dear ones, and found all in shipshape at home on her return.

A great many of the Salemites spent the glorious Fourth in Winfield, and report a fine time excepting the dust. they praise the music and the good things they had to eat, but came home so tired. My 4th was celebrated at home, with my mother for company, and the sewing machine singing the Asong of the shirt@ for music and myself the musician. A nice fried chicken and other things of the season entertained us at dinner time.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.


Warm and getting warmer.

Wheat is all harvested in this locality.

Health good in the neighborhood and news scarce.

Mr. and Mrs. Garlinghouse, parents of Mrs. J. D. Maurer, are visiting with her this summer.

Madame Rumor says one of Winfield=s prominent men will come to Dexter to get his bride. Now guess.

BIRTH. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Roll Maurer, a boy; weight 11 2 pounds. Roll is doing as well as could be expected.

DIED. Death has again entered the family of Mr. Bibler and taken away his infant child, aged five months. It was buried Sunday. Mr. Bibler buried his wife about five months ago. Many friends sympathize with him in this sad bereavement.

The Fourth was celebrated in the grove near Dexter. Everything passed off quietly and pleasantly. We noticed Hon. James McDermott on the grounds. Mc. has many warm friends in this community and his presence is always heartily welcomed.

L. B. Bullington was quite surprised on last Sunday by a large and happy throng of relatives coming in with well filled baskets and pails, it being his birthday. About forty persons partook of the good things prepared for the occasion. The day was spent pleasantly with instrumental and vocal music, drinking lemonade, etc. May he have many happy birthdays in the future is the wish of the writer.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.



Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.



Wheat harvest is over and one of the heaviest crops ever known has been garnered. Corn promises an excellent yield.

The contract for building the bridge across the walnut, at Harmon=s ford, was awarded, last Saturday, to the Canton Bridge Company, of Canton, Ohio.

The base ball game between the Geuda Nine and the Arkansas City Actives, on the 4th of July, was won by the latter on a score of 15 to 14. Both clubs played well.

Mr. Wm. Wright, who has taken quite an extended trip through Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, and Illinois, returned a few days ago. While some sections of these states have good crops, nowhere could he discern such evidences of prosperity as in Southern Kansas.

Beaver, too, has been heard from. Into our office, Thursday, came Mr. C. R. Windell, who resides up the Arkansas some ten miles, and reports that from his vines he has plucked nine dozen fine cucumbers, and from his corn field four dozen fully formed roasting ears. Let us hear from some other townships.

The other townships have been heard from, but Bolton, so far, excels them all. J. D. Guthrie brought into our office, Wednesday, a branch from an apple tree. The branch measured exactly twelve inches in length, and contained four clusters, each cluster having four apples, each measuring about 4 2 inches in circumference. They are of the June variety, and while this is probably one of the heaviest laden twigs, Mr. Guthrie assures us that the entire tree is bending beneath the load of fruit and that every limb will have to be supported.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.


Inform your correspondents that the correct name of this post office is Burden, and not Burdenville.

School District No. 30, Sheridan Township, organized a temperance society at their schoolhouse Sunday, June 22nd, with forty-two members.

Capt. H. H. Siverd and Lou Zenor, of Winfield, came over last Friday, visited Torrance and Cambridge, then came back and took dinner with the editorCbut they won=t do it again.

Mr. Zenor is not a very voracious feeder, but Capt. Siverd can eat more than a hound pup. They did not find much to eat, however, is the reason we say they will not come again. The neighbors failed to come up to the scratch that day.

Dr. Crabtree returned last Sunday evening from a few days visit to Medicine Lodge. He saw enough of that city to last him for some timeCin fact thinks a little of it would go a long way in a life time. This way of even clerksCpretty harmless clerks in a dry goods store being obliged to carry a mountain howitzer strapped around their waists and being obliged to put out the light every night to keep the cowboys from snuffing the wicks with a pistol ball may do well for Medicine LodgeCbut Doc. thinks it unpleasant.

Mr. Sam Tull has just returned from a visit of several weeks to friends in Fairland, Indiana. He reports crop prospects very bad. Corn and wheat do not begin to compare with Kansas crops. Mr. Tull also comes home with a higher regard for the prohibition law of our State than he ever entertained before, and knows that prohibitionists can look to no other party than the Republican for aid. We believe with him that it only requires a visit to the saloon towns of other States to give a person enough of anti-prohibition to last them a long time.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.


Our Winfield correspondent states that the county will be short of teachers this fall. Let this fact be known and an immigration of pedagogues will ensue, calculated to astonish the natives.

Instead of Kansas being the object of charity like it was ten years ago, it is now the banner state in the Union of corn and wheat. Just importance must be attached to the thrift and intelligence of her people, when we think of these great changes.

Monday afternoon, we accompanied Dr. Knickerbocker in his nice rig to Seeley. The country between the two places is beautiful, and seemed to be one vast garden spot, almost choked with its abundant fruition. The location of Seeley is very pleasant; it being situated on a rolling prairie and within three-quarters of a mile of the Walnut River. The houses are neat and tasty, and indicate the thrift and good sense of their owners. The schoolhouse, a fine stone building, is an object of special pride to the town, as the citizens consider the education of their children the greatest blessing which they could bestow upon them. Seeley also has some excellent businessmen, who carry a good line of goods according to their respective branches of trade.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.


Mr. Northley, who has been stationed at the Santa Fe depot in Winfield for some time past, took charge of the freight and cash departments of the depot in this city yesterday.

The south bridge was broken through last Saturday evening while attempting to cross it with a steam thresher. A force of men were soon at work, and in a few hours the bridge was in shape for travel.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1884.

We understand that the businessmen of that cowboy=s paradise, Caldwell, have petitioned Commissioner Price to reverse his decision that all freights for the Indian Territory should come to Arkansas City in the future instead of to Caldwell. In this petition the voracious gentlemen of the town of prostitutes and whiskey set forth that the roads to Arkansas City are in a bad condition and all fenced up; that Caldwell offers superior advantages for that class of trade; and that the Indians and Indian agents were especially desirous that this change should not be made. This would all be true if it were not for the fact that it is purely a malicious lie, prompted by jealousy. The roads to Arkansas City are as good as any from the Territory, and are not fenced up. Arkansas City is by far a better business point than Caldwell or any other town near the Territory. There are some branches of business peculiar to Caldwell, it is true, to which Arkansas City is a stranger. We have no saloons running at full blast day and night; we have no gambling halls; nor does Arkansas City boast of a class of women reveling in a life of shame. We do not turn the Sabbath day into a horse racing and Bacchanalian sport; our citizens do not get drunk and murder their wives; our city officers do not become so familiar with crime, and so imbued with a devilish spirit, that they needs must turn bank robbers and assassins. Ours is a respectable, law-abiding, intelligent, and enterprising community, with an influence for good. What is Caldwell? It is a town where the liquor interests have always been supreme; where saloons, gambling houses, and houses of ill-fame are recognized as legitimate industries, and from which the city obtains its principal revenue. We hardly think the petition from Caldwell will carry much weight with Commissioner Price. It is pretty safe to say the freight will come to Arkansas City.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.

Special Order of Sale...Recap. Sheriff G. H. McIntire, by order of District Court in the case of William B. Grimes Dry Goods Co., plaintiff, vs. William D. McClintock, defendant, beginning July 21, 1884, will offer for sale in a certain frame building situated on lot No. 7 in Block No. 163, Winfield, the following property: a certain large stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, and General Merchandise, taken as the property of William D. McClintock.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.


300 ponies for sale, including some fine mares and colts. D. Fitzgerald, Geo. Ordway.

I want ten thousand bushels of choice peaches and will pay good prices. J. P. BADEN.

We will give $25.00 to any person that will find any corn starch in our Ice Cream.


C. H. Doomes, of Chicago, has opened a studio over McDonald=s store, 3rd room. He does portrait work in oil, crayon, and pastel, making portraits direct from life or from photographs. The public are cordially invited to call and examine his work at any time.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.

AD. WANTED. 10 QUARRYMEN! WILL PAY Two Dollars Per Day For Good Workmen. Inquire at the Company=s office at the Brick Yard, or at the Quarry north of Union Cemetery. J. E. CONKLIN, President W. S. B. & T. Co.


Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.

FOR SALE. One large fine carriage or work horse, one fine milk cow (fresh), three good calves (weaned), two fine sows with pig, fifteen fine shoats, one two-horse carriage, one fine set double carriage harness, one single phaeton, one set single harness. This property will be sold for cash or on time to suit purchaser.



Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.


The anti-prohibition papers find a victory for saloons in the late decision of the Kansas Supreme court to the effect that the county attorney must swear positively to the charge in the information against the violator of the prohibitory law instead of from information and belief, in order to make the information sufficient to authorize the issue of a warrant and a trial of the prisoner.

Well, we do not like the decision and do not believe it is correct because it renders the conviction of well known violators more difficult. It will be an additional reason that additional legislation should be had to aid in the enforcement of the law, but is not an argument against the law itself or against the principle of prohibition. But it is not a very serious obstacle to enforcement. The decision is that the information must be verified by the prosecuting attorney or some other person who shall state under oath that the charges therein are true. The case in point was reversed and remanded to the district court for completing the verification and re-trial.

It is quite usual for county attorneys causing the arrest of violators of the law, to state on oath, that the charge made is true. Generally, the facts and circumstances presented to them, in a criminal case, justify this kind of an oath. If, however, a county attorney cannot make the required oath, it is very easy for him to have some other person verify the complaint, who has some knowledge of the facts charged. If the county attorney cannot make the oath, and no one will volunteer to do so, all that is required to institute a prosecution is the filing of a complaint on information by a county attorney upon hearsay and belief, and before any arrest is made thereon, to issue subpoenas and obtain the affidavits or depositions of the witnesses endorsed upon the complaint, and when sufficient facts are disclosed by such affidavits as to justify the arrest, the warrant may be issued and the defendant be required to answer the charges alleged on probable cause, supported by oath.


Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.

THE WINFIELD MARKETS. Eggs 10 cents, butter 12 2 cents, chickens, $1.50 to $2.00 per dozen and old hens $2.00 to $2.40 per dozen. Potatoes 50 to 75 cents; Hogs $4.00 to $4.50 per cwt.; mixed corn, 25, and for white, 28 cents. Wheat sells at 60 cents per bushel for old and 55 cents for new.


Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.

Wanted. Private room in a quiet family, for family with two little ones. Inquire of H. H. Siverd.

A camp meeting will be held under the management of the Episcopal Methodists, in the grove of T. S. Green, ten miles up the Walnut, beginning Friday, July 18th.


Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.


Arkansas City will hereafter be the terminal point for the delivery of Indian supplies for the Territory, a point gained over the petitions of that cow-boy paradise, Caldwell.

Wanted. A good girl to do general housework in a small family, for which the best of wages will be paid. Apply at once to Mrs. Roy Millington, east 9th Avenue, opposite schoolhouse.

There will be a meeting of the Republicans of Walnut Township at Manny=s stone building on Thursday, July 12th, at 2 p.m. for the purpose off organizing a Blaine and Logan campaign club. S. E. BURGER, Ex-Com.

An enthusiastic temperance meeting was held at Sheridan Schoolhouse, in Sheridan Township, last Sunday afternoon, at which James Grimes, of Parsons, and Prof. A. H. Limerick and D. C. Beach, of this city, addressed the people.

The committee of ladies appointed by the Cemetery Association to solicit contributions with which to build a windmill and tank and lay pipes for watering the grounds were out Wednesday of last week and secured the necessary amount.

The Woman=s Christian Temperance Union held a very interesting gospel temperance meeting in Riverside Park last Sunday afternoon. Prof. B. T. Davis, conductor of the County Normal Institute, ably addressed the large crowd present.

There will be a temperance meeting next Sabbath night, at New Salem. An address will be delivered by Rev. C. P. Graham, and the subject will be illustrated by means of a very instructive and impressive chart recently published by the AChristian Union,@ in the interest of temperance.


Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.

In another place appears the official statement of M. L. Read=s Bank prior to opening as the First National. It makes the wonderful showing of over two hundred and ninety thousand dollars in deposits. This is the greatest proof of the prosperous condition of our county.

Read=s Bank Statement.

Statement of the Condition of M. L. Read=s Bank, of Winfield, Kansas, as the Close of Business, June 24th, 1884, when AThe First National Bank of Winfield, Kansas,@ was Organized out of Read=s Bank.


Loans and Discounts: $182,451.11

Banking House, Safe, Fixtures, and Furniture: $12,500.00

Real Estate (exclusive of homesteads and all other real estate owned by M. L. Read & M. L. Robinson individually): $77,575.00

Current expenses and taxes paid since March 21st, 1884: $1,913.14

Cash: $86,768.75

Sight Exchange: $64,740.38 [TOTAL CASH/SIGHT EXCHANGE: $151,508.98]

TOTAL RESOURCES: $425,948.23


Capital: $75,000.00

Deposits: $293,663.25

Surplus: $50,668.78

Undivided Profits since March 21st, 1884: $6,616.28


We, M. L. Read and M. L. Robinson, owners of M. L. Read=s Bank, Winfield, Kansas, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of our knowledge and belief.



CorrectCAttest: W. C. ROBINSON,




COUNTY OF COWLEY, )ss. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 28th day of June, A. D. 1884. J. WADE McDONALD, Notary Public Cowley County, Kansas.

My commission expires March 3rd, 1888.


Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.


Cowley County raised this year 57,083 acres of wheat, and we can safely estimate, from what has already been threshed, that it will average at least twenty-five bushels per acre, making 1,427,075 bushels. This is an immense quantity, but will lack a considerable of supplying the home demand, making it absolutely unprofitable to ship any whatever out of the county, excepting in the shape of flour. The large foreign and Indian contracts which must be filled by our mills will consume a quantity of wheat about as follows.

Bliss & Wood=s mill (bushels): 600,000

Landis, Beal & Co.=s mill: 400,000

Searing & Mead=s mill: 300,000

V. M. Ayres= mill: 300,000

Other mills in and adjacent to county: 400,000

TOTAL BUSHELS: 2,000,000

By this it will be seen that, providing all the wheat in the county remains at home, about six hundred thousand bushels must be shipped in for home consumption. By holding their wheat, our farmers will, instead of getting the shippers price, get the advance which our millers would have to pay, in freight, in importing a supply. Most of the millers of the county are preparing to run night and day in order to fill their immense contracts, and their demands will make a change in the wheat market as soon as the wheat is in condition for storage. We can, at least, depend on the home market always equaling that of Kansas City, and perhaps Chicago. A little tenacity will bring a good reward.


Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.

Our Democratic contemporary exhibits unequaled brass in asserting that three tons of whiskey and beer were shipped into Winfield for use on the Fourth, in the fact of the fact that not a drunk man, not a degrading or disgusting performance was noticed during our celebration of that day. In such a vast crowd, this is remarkable, and is either positive evidence of the untruthfulness of the Telegram=s statement or that this whiskey and beer was such a poor excuse as to be as harmless as picnic lemonade. Three tons of whiskey and beer certainly should have furnished at least two or three plain drunks. All such statistics amount to nothing against the prohibitory law in the eyes of an observing public, though, however untruthful, they tend to injure the fair name of the Queen City abroad and to retard the influx of intelligent, well-to-do, law-abiding people.


Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.

The Waubaunsee News has found another source of wonder in the famous waters of the Saratoga of the West. AThe Geuda Springs Herald says that >there are two Taylor sisters at each Winfield, Arkansas City, and Geuda Springs, in no way related to one another.= It certainly must be that the Geuda Springs water produces remarkable effects upon the sisters in that latitude or there could have been some discovery of relationship. Ever since Bob Mitchell told that terrible yarn about the R. R. Co. making him an offer of a round million for those springs, that water down there has been playing thunder, and now it has produced that dreadful result of producing sisters in no way related to one another. We hope the good people of Cowley and Sumner will resolve, in Mass Convention, to keep the women away from those Springs.@


Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.

Chancellor Lippencott, of the State University, at Lawrence, delivered a very able and interesting lecture on educational matters at the Baptist Church, Wednesday evening of last week. He reports three hundred and sixty-five students enrolled at the University and that a grand work is being done. . . .


Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.

The Santa Fe company last Wednesday put a passenger coach on the accommodation train running on this branch. It is what is known as a combination coachCtwo-thirds passenger and one-third baggageCand is one of the finest owned by the company. This step will give satisfaction along the entire line, and is mainly the result of the efforts of Messrs. Kennedy, of Winfield, and Ingersoll, of this city, who have been working to this end for many months. We believe this company will make money out of this change, and it certainly will be vastly more convenient to the traveling public. A. C. Traveler.


Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.

A fire caught in James Kirk=s corn and feed mill Monday afternoon from cinders which had been taken from the engine. The alarm had hardly been given before our fire companies were on the ground and had the blaze extinguished. The damage was only a few dollars, but had we been without waterworks, the result would certainly have been very disastrous.



Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.

The Grocery Store of Hughes & Cooper was broken into Monday night and fifty or a hundred dollars in razors, pen-knives, cigars, hams, etc., taken. No trace has yet been found of the burglars. This is the first burglary which has occurred in Winfield for many a day.


Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.

The members of the Courier Cornet Band have ordered beautiful new uniforms. They will be blue with gilt trimmings and plumed caps, and will cost between three and four hundred dollars.


Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.

Gen. A. H. Green has established his real estate office in the rooms over Best=s Music Store.


Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.

Early peaches are in the market in abundance and bring $1.00 to $2.00 per bushel.


Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.


Allen Johnson came home from St. Louis Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Mann got off for the east Monday afternoon.

E. H. Nixon left Monday for a prospecting tour into Clark County.

Mrs. A. H. Limerick is off for a visit of some length at the old home in Wisconsin.

Mrs. W. A. Freeman and children will spend several months among relatives in Iowa.

J. B. Lynn is overflowing with enthusiasm over the National Democratic Convention.

Frank Lockwood and lady are absent for a month=s visit with his mother in York State.

Julius Goldsmith now holds forth as a salesman in J. P. Baden=s dry goods department.

Mrs. M. Crocker, of Lyons, is spending a few weeks in this city with her aunt, Mrs.

G. L. Rinker.

Mrs. Geo. Bruce of Cherryvale is visiting her parents, brothers, and sisters in this city, the Hudson family.

M. L. Robinson and family left yesterday afternoon for several months sojourn among the mountains of Colorado.

James Grimes, of Parsons, Grand Worthy Chief Templar of the I. O. G. T. of Kansas, spent a few days of last week in the city.

W. A. Lee has bought the F. M. Freeland lot on corner of Manning Street and Ninth Avenue for four thousand dollars.

Mrs. James Simpson left last week for a lengthy visit with a sister in Harper County, leaving Jimmy to revel in the entertaining pastime of Abatching it.@

MARRIAGE LICENSES. John McBrain and Ida E. Corzine are the only matrimonial victims for the past week, excepting a Aconfidential@ couple, according to Judge Gans= record.


Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.


D. A. Swift, formerly at the New York Store, assisted by the sprightly Moore Tanner, will have charge of J. S. Mann=s Clothing establishment during the absence of the proprietor.

Chas. E. Fuller left Sunday for a two weeks= vacation around the northern lakes and in the East. During his absence Ed. McMullen will manipulate the sheckle department of the Winfield Bank.

Mr. I. H. King, of Montfordville, Kentucky, has been spending a few days with his old friend, Mr. W. T. Gaddie, of Beaver Township. Mr. King is a strong Republican and prohibitionist and will very likely locate in Cowley.

Miss Laura Hendricks left Tuesday for a visit to her grandparents in Pleasant Hill, Missouri. The little lady was put in the care of several Winfield people who were going eastward, to insure her safe delivery at the desired place.

DIED. Mrs. D. Berkey was called suddenly to Kansas City last week by an accident which befell her son, John, and the dangerous illness of his baby. The baby died Sunday and John is but slowly recovering from a broken limb.

Joe Finkelburg left Tuesday for a month=s recreating tour through the East. Joe has been putting in some hard licks in the Mammoth clothing establishment of Eli Youngheim, and is in shape to enjoy this trip to the utmost.

Dr. T. B. Taylor, of this city, is expected to deliver a lecture in the Baptist Church next Sunday evening at the usual hour of services, on AThe Psychology of the Temperance Question.@ The seats will be free, and all are cordially invited.


Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.

The card of Dr. S. R. Marsh appears in this issue. He has taken rooms over the post office and located permanently in Winfield. He is a graduate of an Eastern Eclectic Medical College and thoroughly versed in everything pertaining to his profession.


OFFERS his professional services to the citizens of Winfield and vicinity in the practice of medicine and surgery. Office over the P. O. where he may be found at all hours day or night when not professionally engaged.


Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.


J. B. Lynn comes forward in this issue of the COURIER with a big announcement of slaughtered prices. J. B. came home with a determination to Amake Rome howl,@ and is starting out in a way to suit everybodyCthough the profit to himself is sacrificed.

[Did not copy ad.]

Rev. H. M. Barker, the Baptist pastor at Wellington, filled the pulpit of the Baptist Church in this city last Sunday, in exchange with Rev. J. Cairns. He is a young man of fine appearance, much ability and eloquence, and gave our people two splendid sermons.



Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.


B. S. Henderson, of Sedan, was in the City Saturday. The Knights of Pythias of that place have been playing Damon and Pythias and Mr. Henderson was desirous or arranging with our Lodge for a presentation of this drama here, which may be accomplished.

Frank F. Leland and Ben W. Matlack vied with the Noble Red Man and chased the festive mosquito in the wilds of the Territory the latter part of last week. They visited Ben=s cattle ranch on Bitter Creek and Arounded up@ the herd and everything else in that vicinity.

Mrs. S. G. Gary is enjoying a visit from her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. James Dever, of Iuka, Illinois. Mr. Dever is suffering from asthma and having heard so much of the efficacy of our balmy atmosphere, concluded to visit it as an experiment. He may locate permanently.

Miss Ida Johnston has returned from Toronto, Canada, where she has been attending school during the past year. Her return is heartily welcomed by her many young friends here. Mr. D. C. Irwin, a cousin of Miss Ida, accompanied her home and will spend the summer in Winfield.

T. H. Aley and Jim Utt were over from Otter Township Friday, and reported that the appearance of the D. M. & A. engineering corps in the vicinity of Cedarvale has created quite a stir. It is said that the Cedarvale depot was located the other day on Ed. Hewins= place, just south of the town.

Miss Jessie Millington started Monday for a visit of several months with the Saint family in Albuquerque, New Mexico. J. Ex. Saint and family, with a number of others, have arranged to tent among the Sandia mountains during the month of August, enjoying the balmy atmosphere and romantic scenery.

Mr. Sid Cure, of Walnut, was taken suddenly ill while reading the report of the committee on credentials in the Republican Convention Saturday. He came near fainting and was assisted to a seat by several persons near him. He had been feeling unwell for several days and the close condition of the room overcame him.


Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.

J. P. Baden has been making things lively in mercantile quarters during the past week, and is showing us his inducements in extraordinary shape in the COURIER and through the poster medium. He is bound to clear out the bulk of his stock before removal to the McDougall building, which will occur about August 1st.

AD. $5,000.00 Saved to the People of Cowley Co.

$30,000.00 WORTH OF DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES TO BE SOLD AT ACTUAL COST Until August first to save expense of moving. Call early while our stock is complete.



Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.

S. S. Linn has left in the COURIER office a bunch of English AMellinot@ clover. It is the first we have heard of in the county and was sown by Mr. Linn as an experiment. It is a perennial, honey-producing clover, and grows very rank, with large branch roots like a tree. The stalks left us are over five feet high. Ten acres of this clover would keep an immense swarm of bees, and it is said to make excellent stock forage.


Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.

DIED. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thompson, of this city, were called upon by the angel of death, on Wednesday of last week, to part with their only daughter, little Bernice, three years old. She was a very sweet child and the blow falls heavily upon the parents. Mr. Thompson had accompanied the remains of his nephew, F. G. Willson, to Illinois, when he was called home by telegraph to the bedside of his sick child.


Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.

Winfield will be represented at the Minneapolis Reunion by the following persons, so far as we have been able to ascertain: C. Ferguson, J. E. Snow, R. Amrine, L. B. Stone, A. R. Wilson, M. G. Troup, J. B. Schofield _____ Smith, T. J. Harris, N. A. Haight, A. G. Wilson, Thos. Thompson, S. C. Smith, and S. Cure. Delegations from other sections of the county will congregate in this city and all take a special train Sunday morning.


Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.

Mrs. Henry Harbaugh, of Pleasant Valley, has favored us with a number of the most beautiful Amsden June peaches. The Henry Harbaugh farm is famous for its magnificent orchard. Mr. Harbaugh is one of the farmers who went to work improving with fruit and forest trees as soon as he opened up his farm, in 1870, and he is now beginning to reap a handsome reward. Everything about his place shows systematic labor, and it attracts much comment from all who see it.



Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.

Strayed Hogs. In driving from Platter=s farm, or from Southern Kansas stock yards, six head of hogs. Anyone finding any of above hogs will be suitably rewarded by notifying Bertram & Pugh.


Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.

Between Arkansas City and Geuda about five miles from the former place, there is a growing field of corn of 250 acres averaging between eight and nine feet in height. It belongs to Messrs. Hilton, Clark, and Cullison.


Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.


What was Done at its last Quarterly Session, Beginning July 7th.

A careful examination of the assessors= enumeration of inhabitants of the county was made and the Board found that the population of the county was 26,137.

The J. A. Elliot, H. J. Sandfort, N. R. Penny, E. B. Stowe county road petitions were laid over to the October session of the Board.

Philo Kent was allowed $35 damages in J. B. Taylor county road.

The viewers= report in H. Ireton county road was adopted and damages awarded.

J. Hollister was allowed $35 damages in location of the D. W. Pierce county road; also damages $35 allowed Solomon Schamahorn in W. S. Rigdon county road.

Henry Branson, John Maurer, and W. W. Underwood were appointed viewers on A. W. Kavanaugh county road.

Bond of incoming County Treasurer was placed at $100,000.

In the matter of the appeal of Dennis Hawkins from the action of the County Superintendent in organizing district No. 141, the action of the Superintendent was sustained.

Viewers= report on vacation of E. S. Bliss county road was adopted; report in the Z. B. Myers section line road, rejected.

F. M. Vaughn, J. B. Tucker, and Elihu Parker were appointed viewers on the A. Harvey county road.

The T. L. Salmon county road was rejected.

W. J. Orr, A. B. Graham, and J. C. Monfort were appointed viewers on the John H. Cox county road.

M. B. Rowe, J. H. Smith, and Sylvester Wilkins were appointed viewers on the a. W. McCaw county road.

Road petition of J. S. Rash was rejected.

W. R. Bedell, A. Kinely, and J. S. Mohler were appointed to view the Henry Dyer county road.

A. J. Thompson, J. S. Hunt, and John Keck were appointed to view the John Mentch road.

A. L. Jones road rejected for want of proper description.

Josiah Winters, E. R. Shook, and John Himelick appointed viewers on W. H. Carrell county road.

Sam Endicott, T. H. Brown, and A. G. Felton, viewers on Geo. W. Ford county road.

Offer of Frank J. Hess for lots in Arkansas City sold to County accepted.

A. J. Tompson, A. H. Jennings, and J. P. Short appointed viewers on J. W. Bryan county road.

Henry Branson, John Maurer, and W. W. Underwood appointed viewers on the Kavanaugh road.

J. W. Parker section line road rejected, description being indefinite and no affidavit that petitioners were householders.

Section line road of B. Shriver granted.

J. F. Martin section road ordered open.

The petition of C. H. Mabry to vacate a certain county road was rejected.

Road of Josiah Winters appointed and damages allowed I. B. Todd $10.

Petition of H. G. Fuller for vacation of a small part of Fifth Avenue in Winfield was withdrawn without action.


Viewers= reports in E. James, M. L. Robinson, Moffitt and David Tonkinson county roads, were approved.

J. W. Tull, Jos. Shaw, and Henry Wilkins appointed viewers on A. J. Fowler county road.

F. M. Savage road laid over for further explanation.

Henry Branson, John Maurer, and W. W. Underwood were appointed to view R. J. Mead county road.

Weimer road rejected by consent of all parties.

The resignation of M. N. Sinnott as Trustee of Creswell Township was accepted and Elihu A. Parker appointed to fill vacancy.

Several tax receipts held by R. B. Waite and C. M. Scott on real estate were declared invalid, the sales having been wrongfully made.


Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.

Death of Mrs. Chas. F. Bahntge.

DIED. The angel of death, with ever mysterious hand, has entered one of our beautiful, happy homes, and taken away its light and warmth. The spirit of Mrs. Chas. F. Bahntge, without a moments warning, took its flight last Saturday night at 12 o=clock, leaving a fond, devoted husband, a sweet, innocent little boy of four years and many relatives and friends bathed in tears and bowed down with grief. Mrs. Bahntge had been suffering for some weeks from an affection similar to the fatal Bright=s Disease, but seemed to be improving, and expressed the brightest hopes before retiring Saturday night. The summons came in convulsions while she was yet asleep and life went out without even a parting word with loved ones. The commodious, convenient new home, whose architect reflected the wife=s every wish and desire, was just nearing completion, and the family were looking forward with high anticipation to the crowning of their felicity with a home which should be the acme of their delight. How uncertain are the hopes of frail humanity!

Mrs. Bahntge was a native of Maysville, Kentucky, and in her twenty-eighth year. Mr. Bahntge and she were married nearly six years ago, and the union was a continual halo of happiness. The husband is wrapped in sorrow which reaches the innermost recesses of his being.

The body was laid away in the Union Cemetery from the residence Sunday evening, Revs. Kirkwood and Kelly officiating. Mrs. W. V. Kates and Miss Bert Morford were the only members of the family of the deceased, present. Death was so sudden and unexpected that it was impossible to notify others in time to reach here. Mrs. T. Morford, the mother, arrived from Galena, Kansas, Tuesday. Many were the kind words of sympathy extended the bereaved ones from their large circle of friends, but consoling words are inadequate to alleviate the pangs of such a loss. The funeral procession was among the largest and most impressive which has ever moved to Union Cemetery.


Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.

Opened for Business July 14th, 1884CThe First National Bank of Winfield, Kansas.

Elsewhere will be found the legal publication of the comptrollers certificate authorizing AThe First National Bank of Winfield Kansas,@ to open and carry on the business of Banking under the National Banking Law.

The stockholders of our First National Bank are the owners and employees of M. L. Read=s Bank and it will succeed to the business of this old and reliable Banking House and will be officered and managed by the same parties who have for the past twelve years so successfully managed the affairs of that remarkably prosperous institution. The Directors of the First National Bank of Winfield at a meeting on the 15th day of June, 1884, elected the following officers: M. L. Read, President; M. L. Robinson, Vice-President; W. C. Robinson, Cashier; George W. Robinson, Assistant Cashier; and Chas. F. Bahntge, Teller. The thorough knowledge obtained by these gentlemen during their large and varied banking experience in our county and their well known conservative management of all their affairs added to their already immense property interests will go to establish and swell the influence of our First National Bank and place it amongst the first institutions of its kind in the state. With pride and satisfaction we welcome the First National Bank as a further earnest of the substantial character of our financial institutions, and we bespeak for it a prosperous and profitable future.


Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.

Temperance Rally in Sheridan.

A temperance rally will be held at the Quier schoolhouse, in Sheridan Township, next Sunday. It will commence at 10 o=clock a.m. and continue all day. A picnic dinner will be a prominent feature, so take your well filled baskets. Hon. T. H. Soward and Rev. H. D. Gans, with others, will be the speakers. Good shade will be prepared.


Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.

Sealed Proposals.

The Board of Education of the City of Winfield will receive sealed proposals for the erection of a school building according to the plans and specifications to be seen at M. L. Read=s Bank, The Board reserving the right to reject any and all bids. All bids to be in by August 1st, 1884.


Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.

Udall Sentinel Items.

The only thing that is not affected by the heat is the pesky fly and the insidious chigger.

Preparing the ground for winter wheat will soon be the order of day among our farmers.

Take care of the children. Cholera morbus and cholera infantum are stalking around in the land, and death is their companion.

S. B. Johnson was showing us a curiosity Tuesday evening in the shape of a chicken with four legs, four wings, two bodies, and one head. The chicken was dead, but was preserved in alcohol.

Monday afternoon W. F. Austin, while cutting a stick with his knife, made a slip, cut down his left thumb into the palm of his hand, and cut off the end of one of his fingers. The cut is a bad one and will probably lay him up all summer.


Tuesday, while E. Shull, living six miles northwest of Udall, was in town with a load of corn, one of his horses, a fine mare, valued at $150, fell down very suddenly and died. The horse will be quite a loss to Mr. Shull, especially as the animal was not yet paid for.

DIED. Victor Thompson, formerly a resident of this county and a brother-in-law of Marion Fitzsimmons, of Udall, was instantly killed in Shasta County, Colorado, by the caving in of a mine on the 23rd of last month. He had sold his property, and in a few days would have been en route for his old home had this sad catastrophe not happened.


Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.


A delegate convention of the Republicans of Cowley County convened in the Opera House, Winfield, on Saturday, July 12th.

The convention was called to order at 11 o=clock a.m., by D. A. Millington, chairman of the county committee; and the object of the meeting was stated by J. R. Sumpter to be the selection of seven delegates and seven alternates to represent Cowley County at the State Republican Convention to be held at Topeka, July 16, 1884.

On motion of F. S. Jennings, Hon. W. P. Hackney was chosen temporary chairman and on motion of Ed. P. Greer, C. T. Atkinson was elected temporary secretary. It was moved and carried that the chair be instructed to appoint all committees.

On motion of T. H. Soward, a committee of five on credentials should be chosen.

On motion of Rev. P. B. Lee, amended by T. H. Soward, a committee of five on resolutions should be appointed.

On motion of S. E. Burger, a committee of five on permanent organization and order of business should be selected.

The chair then appointed the following committees.

Credentials: Sid Cure, Al. Mowry, J. A. Cochran, J. F. Martin, Captain Stuber.

Resolutions: P. B. Lee, J. O. Campbell, L. H. Wells, T. H. Soward. S. E. Burger.

Permanent organization and rules: ___ Armstrong, W. White, Evans James, J. R. Sumpter, Jas. Utt.

On motion of I. H. Bonsall, the convention adjourned to meet at 1:30 p.m.

The convention reconvened at 2:15 p.m

The report of the committee on credentials was read and adopted.

The following is the report.

BEAVER. Delegates: George Easkley, J. R. Sumpter, Dr. Marsh. Alternates: None.

EAST BOLTON. Delegates: R. L. Baliat, Allen Mowry. Alternates: None.

WEST BOLTON. Delegates: C. R. Mitchell, D. P. Marshall, C. G. Furry.

Alternates: John Annis, J. D. Guthrie.

CEDAR. Delegates: James Utt, Joseph Reid, M. L. Houser. Alternates: None.

CRESWELL. Delegates: C. T. Atkinson, A. B. Lankey, Rev. J. O. Campbell, I. N. Bonsall, G. W. Ramage, H. P. Standley, J. B. Tucker, Ira Barnett, O. S. Rarick.

Alternates: C. L. Swarts, S. E. Maxwell, Rev. N. I. Buckner, F. M. Vaughn, Jas. Ridenhour [?], John A. Smalley, J. P. Musselman, W. D. Mowry, J. P. Breene.


DEXTER. Delegates: H. R. Branson, Ed. Nicholson, D. A. Mandeth, L. G. Patterson.

Alternates: S. H. Wells, W. G. Seaver, R. C. Maurer.

FAIRVIEW. Delegates: M. C. Headrick, J. H. Curfman, W. White, M. L. Burten.

Alternates: None.

HARVEY. Delegates: J. S. Rice, S. Sweet. Alternates: None.

LIBERTY. Delegates: J. A. Cochran, Mr. Marks, ____ Boyd. Alternates: None.

MAPLE. Delegates: Charles Gilkey, J. J. Shrivers. Alternates: None.

NINNESCAH. Delegates: A. J. Werden, P. M. Smith, St. Clair McKinsley.

Alternates: None.

OTTER. Delegates: J. H. Aley, J. P. Hosmer, J. Stockdale.

Alternates: J. H. Burges, J. B. Graves, A. C. Stockdale.

OMNIA. Not Represented.

PLEASANT VALLEY. Alternates: Z. B. Myers, D. S. Sherrard. Alternates: None.

RICHLAND. Delegates: S. W. Phenix, T. D. Givler, J. Cottingham, T. R. Carver.

Alternates: A. Stone, H. H. Hooker, D. C. Stephens, G. P. Grover.

ROCK. Delegates: S. P. Strong, Charles Holmes, Clen Bradshaw. Alternates: None.

SHERIDAN. Delegates: D. R. Wilson, M. N. Armstrong, ____ McClary, W. H. Frunk.

Alternates: D. A. Roiner, B. Hanna, J. Burt, E. C. Johnson.

SILVER CREEK. Delegates: J. W. Henthorn, Nathan Brooks, T. J. Rude, Harvey Smith.

Alternates: None.

SILVERDALE. Delegates: P. Andrews, M. J. Scott. Alternates: None.

SPRING CREEK. Not Represented.

TISDALE. Delegates: J. Walker, W. R. Bradley, A. Cairns.

Alternates: N. Sparrow, H. McKibbin, W. C. Douglas.

VERNON. Delegates: J. W. Millspaugh, Oscar Wooley, J. F. Martin, P. B. Lee, W. L. Holmes. Alternates: None.

WALNUT. Delegates: W. P. Hackney, F. S. Jennings, R. I. Hogue, S. Cure.

Alternate: John Mench [?Mentch?].

WINDSOR. Delegates: Evan James, R. F. Roberts, W. S. Koons, H. F. Hicks.

Alternates: James Lundy, James Rowe.

WINFIELDCFIRST WARD. Delegates: H. H. Siverd, B. Kelly, J. C. Long, H. D. Gans, Jno. A. McGuire, W. R. McDonald, Ed. P. Greer.

Alternates: J. S. Hunt, J. Cairns, D. A. Millington, J. W. Arrowsmith,

A. Gridley, A. H. Jennings, W. J. Wilson.

WINFIELDCSECOND WARD. Delegates: Spence Miner, G. H. Buckman, L. B. Stone, To B. Myers, C. Trump, T. H. Soward.

Alternates: S. H. Myton, D. E. Douglass, John Forgesy, A. B. Taylor, H. Brotherton, W. J. Kennedy. [Forgesy?? Forgerty?]

The committee on organization and business reported the following.

The committee on organization and order of business report as follows: That the temporary organization be made the permanent organization of this convention.

Report of committee on organization and order of business.

Report of committee on credentials.

Election of seven delegates, seven alternates to the state convention.






Report adopted.


The following gentlemen were selected from the different townships to carry out the object of the resolution.

Beaver, J. R. Sumpter; Bolton, J. D. Guthrie; Cedar, Alec Groose; Creswell, C. T. Atkinson; Dexter, S. H. Wells; Fairview, Wm. White; Liberty, Justice Fisher; Maple, Ed Morse; Ninnescah, A. J. Worden; Otter, A. A. Mills; Pleasant Valley, D. S. Sherrard; Richland, Capt. Stueber [?Stuber?]; Rock, S. P. Strong; Sheridan, Barney Shriver; Silver Creek, H. Smith; Spring Creek, I. N. Darnell; Tisdale, Hugh McKibben; Vernon, Oscar Wooley; Walnut, S. E. Burger; Windsor, R. F. Roberts; Winfield 1st ward, W. J. Wilson; Winfield 2nd ward, T. H. Soward; Harvey, R. S. Strother; Silverdale, J. J. Estus.



Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.

[Neighborhood Correspondents.]


Chautauqua is turning off her usual crop of law students among whom are some of our oldest teachers and physicians. Let the folks guess.

If your correspondent don=t go to Jonesburg to live as it is vaguely hinted is his intention, he will be happy to contribute soon again from Sedan.

I would like to hear from AMark@ again betimes, for with all his cranky proclivities and his insane devotion to the K. L. A. C., he is a splendid fellow, a loyal friend, and a valuable citizen.

Cedar Vale has a band, and with a full set of good instruments and the encouraging smiles of the village lasses (one of whom, by the way, gave AJasper@ an unusual palpitation about last Wednesday), they will succeed.

As I left Sedan, the guzzlers were rejoicing in the report that the latest Supreme court decision, nollied all prosecutions in whiskey cases when the county attorney entered the complaint in person. I hardly believe this, inasmuch as that element is always grasping at some phantom of deliverance.

Just here I don=t want to identify myself against woman=s suffrage, but for these queens of bangs and frizzes, who can read a man a letter which checks his growth for 9 months, or stop a cavalry charge by shaking their apron at them, I have very little regard, and the first one that enlists the assistance of my red headed mother-in-law and invades the felicity of my Cowley cabin, will find that ABetsy@ and I can Apaddle our own canoe.@

Your correspondent is reveling in the fat of the devoted roasting-ear patch in eastern Cowley. With all the splendid record as a prosperous locality this township enjoys prospects today far in advance of anything in its history. Corn, cattle, hogs, weeds, and grass seem to form the predominating features of this country, and if it were not for the Almighty suffrage convention which bids fair to take our wives and mothers out of our business and make senators out of them, our hope of a prosperous and continued life would be complete.


Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.


Cambridge is to have a restaurant soon.

M. B. and W. E. Rowe visited Burden Tuesday.

Samuel Greenlief made a flying trip to Winfield Friday last. [Greenleaf?]

D. Ramage is building a new house on his farm on South Prairie.

Bell Crawford is spending the summer in Winfield with his grandparents.

Mrs. Weaverling has just returned from a three weeks visit in Missouri.

Peter Croco, of Winfield, was the guest of Norman Crawford last week.

Mr. Utley is digging himself a well. A good many wells have failed this season.

The corn in this section is looking fine, but a good rain would be very acceptable.

G. W. Rowe spent Friday in Grenola, also Drane Foster and Ben Rowe visited Burden.

Miss Hattie Utley, of South Prairie, who is attending the Normal, spent the 4th at home.

Dave Wyant and family of Grenola spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. Darnell.

Miss Maude Leedy left Tuesday for Eureka, where she will spend the rest of the summer visiting friends.

Jeff Williams, of Independence, Missouri, has been a guest of W. E. Rowe the past week. He was looking up a location for a stock ranch, but he has come too late to find it in this county. He was highly pleased with the country, as everyone is that sees it.


Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.

Treasury Department.


WHEREAS by satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned it has been made to appear that The First National Bank of Winfield in the City of Winfield, in the County of Cowley, and State of Kansas, has complied with all the provisions of the Revised Statutes of the United States required to be complied with before an association shall be authorized to commence the business of Banking.

Now, therefore, I, Henry W. Cannon, Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that The First National Bank of Winfield, in the City of Winfield, County of Cowley, and State of Kansas is authorized to commence the business of Banking as provided in Section fifty-one hundred and sixty-nine of the Revised Statutes of the United States.

In testimony whereof witness my hand and seal of office this 9th day of July, 1884.

[SEAL.] H. W. CANNON, Comptroller of Currency.

No. 3218




Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.


To the following named owners of land, and to all other persons whose land may be affected by the proceedings herein mentioned:

YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT Charles A. Bliss, Benjamin F. Wood, and E. Spencer Bliss have presented to Hon. E. S. Torrance, Judge of the District Court of Cowley County, Kansas, their petition in writing, setting forth all statements required by law, and asking to have condemned to them the right to build and construct to a height two (2) feet higher than its present height, and to forever maintain at such height, their mill dam across the Walnut River, said dam being located on the north half of the northeast quarter of Section No. 29, in Township No. 32, South, of Range No. 4 East, in cowley County, Kansas, to thereby raise the water in the channels of the Walnut River and Timber Creek, above said dam, the purpose of raising said dam as aforesaid being to provide water power additional to that now owned and used by the petitioners above named and obtained by means of said existing dam, wherewith to run and operate the machinery in a large flouring and grist mill and grain elevator owned and operated by said petitioners and located upon the tract of land aforesaid; that pursuant to the prayer of said petition the said Judge has appointed the undersigned as Commissioners to meet at the place where said dam is proposed to be raised, on the Twenty-sixth (26th) day of August, 1884, and then and there to inquire touching the matters contained in said petition. And you are further notified that the undersigned Commissioners will meet at the place where said dam is proposed to be raised, on the Twenty-sixth (26th) day of August, 1884, and then and there inquire touching the matters contained in said petition, and examine the point at which said dam is proposed to be raised, and the lands and the real estate which will probably be injured by raising said dam to the height petitioned for, and hear the allegations and testimony of all parties interested, and make a separate assessment of damages which will result to any person by raising said mill dam to the height petitioned for, and its maintenance forever. And in case such work shall not be completed on that day, said Commissiones will continue the same from day to day until finally completed.

The numbers or descriptions of the tracts of land owned by non-residents of said county which will be affected by raising said dam as aforesaid, together with the names of the respective owners thereof prefixed thereto, are as follows, to wit:

B. B. Vandevender, part S. W. 1/4 and part S. E. 1/4 Sec. 21 ad part S. W. 1/4 Sec. 22;

John Sickles, part S. W. 1/4 Sec. 21;

J. B. Corson, part N. E. 1/4 Sec. 20;

The Southern Kansas Railroad Company ;art. N. W. 1/4 Sec. 28, all in Township 32, South, of Range 4 East;

L. Farr and J. Addison Rucker, part S. W. 1/4 Sec. 31, Tp. 31, S., of R. 4E.;

M. M. Wells, part S. W. 1/4 Sec. 21;

Elizabeth Taylor, part S. W. 1/4 Sec. 17 and part S. E. 1/4 Sec. 18; and

Elijah Taylor, part N. E. 1/4 in Sec. 18, in Tp. 32, S., of R. 4 E.



Witness our hands this 8th day of July, 1884.





McDonald & Webb, Attorneys for Petitioners.


Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.

RECAP. MIRONDA L. ELA, Executrix of the Estate of William A. Ela, Deceased, July 10th, through District Court, notified persons having claims against estate to file them within one year from July 10, 1884.


Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.

AD. FINE DRAFT STALLIONS. Mr. S. Allison has built a new barn and moved his fine draft horses, which he has been keeping at Sol. Smith=s stable, to his own place in the Baptist Church addition in the southeastern suburbs of the city, where they are at any time ready for service.


Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.



Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.



Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.

Announcement. We are authorized to announce the name of Albert P. Johnson as a candidate for the office of County Attorney subject to the action of the Republican County Convention.


Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.


Albert P. Johnson is announced this week as a candidate for the Republican nomination for county attorney. He is a native of Madison County, Arkansas, and is yet a young man, only 29 years old. He was only six years old when the late civil war broke out and therefore did but a small amount of fighting, but his father was colonel of the 1st Arkansas Union Infantry and made a good record; was at one time Lieut. Governor of Arkansas and at another time secretary of state; was elected to Congress from an Arkansas district, but was counted out. Albert P. Johnson was educated at the best schools of that state and graduated from the Arkansas State University with the honors of the degree of A. B. at the age of 21. He had studied law, during this time, and was then admitted to the bar in his state. Not being satisfied with his attainments, he then took a course in law studies at the law school of the State University of Michigan, whence he graduated in 1878, came to this city, and engaged in the practice of law, where he has been well known for the last five years as a careful and successful attorney. He sustains a good record as a citizen and Republican and is abreast of the progress of the age. He has the elements of future usefulness and fame and if he should be elected, he will make a careful, industrious, able, and efficient officer.


Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.


Henry E. Asp will be a candidate for County Attorney before the Republican County Convention, which meets August 23rd. He is now engaged with nearly his whole time and talents in securing the building of a railroad direct from Kansas City to and through this county. He will succeed if it is in the power of energy and perseverance to do it and success in this enterprise means competition and lower freights to and from this county; higher prices for our wheat, corn, pork, and all that our farmers can produce for the markets; lower prices for coal, salt, iron, lumber, and all they have to buy; enhanced prosperity and wealth to them and all that these terms imply. It means work for the laboring man and his team at enhanced prices; it means more building, more improvements, more demand for the labor of our mechanic and better prices; it means a revival of trade and prosperity to our merchants and manufacturers; greater population to our towns and cities with home markets for our country produce, it means the establishment of new manufacturing interests; new sources of wealth, more culture, refinement, and happiness to our people, and he is now engaged in a nobler work than running for any office, county, state, or national.

Two years ago he was urged by so large numbers of influential friends to become a candidate for representative that his success was assured, but he declined. Often has he been urged under the most favorable circumstances to become a candidate for other offices, but he has invariably declined all except that of county attorney, an office which is in the line of his business profession and in the line of his ambition for future success and usefulness and for which he is peculiarly fitted. Four years ago he very nearly received the nomination to that office by the spontaneous act of the people against a most popular candidate supported by many influential friends. Since then he has grown largely as a lawyer. He has read, studied, and practiced, and his bright talents, indomitable industry, and hard work have made him one of the most careful, accurate, painstaking, energetic, and brilliant young lawyers of the State.

If he is elected, he will do his whole duty ably, conscientiously, carefully, judiciously, and efficiently. With stainless moral character and a high sense of honor and justice, he will honor his party in his nomination and his county in his election.

Occupied so fully as he will be all through this canvass with the work above described, he will not be here to buttonhole you on the streets and solicit your support every time you come to town, he will not go through the county calling upon you in your fields and hindering your work by long talks about his candidacy, complimenting your wives, daughters, and sons, and kissing your babies, but he will be doing much more and better for you in another field.

We think he does not need to play these arts in this county and among this people. We believe that he is so well known, so highly appreciated, and so popular in this county that he will be tendered spontaneously the nomination by the unanimous vote of the convention.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.

It is announced on reliable authority that the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe will take full charge of the Atlantic & Pacific on the first of August.


Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.

The national debt is $101,000,000 less than one year ago, and congress has done nothing to discourage the expectation that in a year hence it will be $100,900,000 less than it is now.


Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.

THE WINFIELD MARKETS. Eggs 10 cents, butter 12 2 cents, chickens, $1.50 to $2.00 per dozen and old hens $2.00 to $2.40 per dozen. Potatoes 50 to 75 cents; Hogs $4.00 to $4.60 per cwt. Mixed corn 30 and for white 32 cents. Wheat sells at 60 cents per bushel for old and 55 cents for new.


Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.


R. J. Rex came in from Colorado Monday.

Damon and Pythias, the first drama extant, at the Opera House Friday night.

Arkansas City is taking the preliminary steps toward organizing as a city of the second class.

The Expository, a Baptist monthly edited by J. A. Campbell, was issued from Winfield this week.

W. A. McCartney and father left yesterday for Clark County to catch some of the bonanzas reported in that section.

N. B. Folson, traveling agent for the Chicago Interior, was in the city this week in the interests of that paper.

There will be a meeting of the Directors of the Union Cemetery Association at Dr. Graham=s office on Friday evening next.

Blackberries were never larger or more prolific than this year and are in the market in abundance.

We have just made a purchase of the new style white granite ware, and we will sell our present stock at cost for cash. Bryan & Lynn.

About twenty-two names have been signed to a petition requesting the institution of a Grand Army Post in the prosperous little village of Udall.

City Marshal Herrod has issued a notice of his intention to rigidly enforce the ordinance against the throwing of sweepings, waste paper, dirt, and filth into the streets and alleys. This is a step in the right direction.

The Southern Kansas Holiness Association commenced a camp meeting last Friday in T. S. Green=s grove up the Walnut. It is conducted by M. L. Haney, from Illinois. number of our young folks went out last Sunday. It holds over next Sunday.

We present this week our annual serial story, running through five issues of the COURIER. It is not a love story; it is a story which will be read for the money there is in it. Our readers will readily distinguish in its construction the Aearmark@ of Deputy Treasurer Wilson. [NO! I AM NOT ABOUT TO COPY THE SERIAL!]


Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.

The descendants residing in Cowley County and vicinity of Elder John Strong, who settled in Massachusetts in 1630, are requested to hold a picnic in Riverside Park at Winfield on Wednesday afternoon, July 30. Mrs. Dr. Perry, Mrs. C. A. Strong, Mrs. E. M. Albright.


Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.

ADamon and Pythias,@ the wonderful historical tragedy on which the order of Knights of Pythias was founded, will be presented at the Opera House Friday evening by a noted Chicago troupe, under auspices of the Knights of Pythias of Winfield. No one can afford to miss hearing this beautiful drama.


Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.

The Arkansas City Democrat gives an account of another of those horrible tragedies which are so often transpiring in the Territory: AMr. J. R. Rightwood just came in from the Oklahoma country and informs us that on last Thursday morning two men who have been camped for a week or more on the west side of the Cimarron River were discovered about eight o=clock on the morning of the above date murdered and fearfully mutilated, and their camp plundered of everything that could be carried away. One of the unfortunate victims was found one hundred yards from camp with about twenty-five bullet holes through his body, and his head chopped off and placed on a stump a few feet away. The other was found in one of the wagon boxes and evidently made a desperate struggle for life, as the box was riddled with holes, and his double barrel shot gun lay shattered to pieces by his side. He evidently received his death wound at short range, as his face was powder burnt beyond recognition, and a large gaping wound showed that the gun had been placed near his head when fired. From indications it is supposed to have been Indians, as moccasin and pony tracks were thick, and from the trail the party made as they went west, down the river, it is judged that they numbered upwards of fifty. From papers found on the bodies of the murdered men, it was found that their names were John L. Lawrence, of Oskaloosa, Jefferson County, this State, and Thomas E. Mayberry, of Boonsborro, Arkansas.


Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.

Winfield has recently been troubled with burglars for the first time in several years. We mentioned last week the burglarizing of Hughes & Cooper=s grocery, and last Friday night the work was renewed in Horning & Whitney=s hardware establishment with efforts at a larger haul. The entrance was effected by prying open a back window. Tools were secured from the tin shop and an effort made to break open the safe. They succeeded in drilling almost through the door to the lock-bar, with the evident intention of getting into the safe by breaking this bar, when something seemed to upset their nerves and they dropped the tools and lit out. Appearances indicated that the parties weren=t schooled in safe cracking. Billy Whitney, being absent from the store, had not made the usual bank deposit on Thursday and the safe contained about five hundred dollars. Several hard looking strangers have been loafing around town lately whose means of livelihood seem very dark, but no conclusive evidence has yet been found. The mere fact of an able-bodied man being without visible means of support these busy times is sufficient to brand him as a bad character and his movements should be closely watched.


Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.

The writer spent a day in Burden recently. We hadn=t been there for some time and were pleased to note the substantial advancement that sprightly little city is making. A number of large stone business houses and neat residences are being erected, and the place shows much general thrift and confidence. The new bank building of G. B. Shaw & Co., would do credit to a city twice the size. Burden contains a number of formerly Winfield people, among whom are Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Tolles, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rowland, Mr. and Mrs. John Ledlie, and J. G. Crawford, all prosperous and happy. When one gets out over Cowley County, sees her beautiful, lively little cities, large, well-stocked and well-cultivated farms, the impression comes forcibly that she is a mighty big institution, and worthy the praises which are universally accorded her.


Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.

The most becoming things sometimes get us into troubleCthe insignias of the Plumed Knight not excepted. Several of our young gentlemen attended the camp meeting up the Walnut last Sunday and two of them, whose names, just for luck, we will call Ben. and Ed., had their heads bared of adornment by some of the country boys, who are always ready for a little fun at the expense of Acity chaps,@ in a way that didn=t invite resistance. Twenty glasses of lemonade were the compromise, and the alacrity with which our boys, after several hours of bareheaded patience, Aset =em up@ was pleasing to all beholders. The next time they venture away from home, no outward distinguishment whatever will accompany them.


Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.

DIED. Tom Richardson, of Wellington, was in the city Monday and told us of the bleeding to death in a few moments, Sunday, of Jim Gregson, a prominent farmer of Sumner. Mr. Gregson was out in the hog lot and in some way excited the viciousness of a large male hog. The animal flew at him and imbedded its teeth in the leg above the knee. The man with him rushed to the house, a hundred yards distant, for bandages, but when he returned Gregson was too weak to speak and soon expired in a pool of blood. The wound struck a main artery, but had some of the victim=s clothes been torn up and the leg tightly wrapped above the wound, life could have been easily saved.


Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.

DIED. Mrs. Lavinia Mason died Sunday night at the home of her sister, Mrs. C. H. Greer, in this city. Mrs. Mason was in her sixty-fifth year and had scattered along her journey seeds of charity and Christian faith which will last for all time in the memories of those who knew her. She was stricken some three years ago with paralysis and gradually declined to the end. She passed to the eternity for which she had been preparing, with a heavenly belief seldom equaled, for thirty-nine years, leaving a record of deeds nobly done. The reflections from such a life are the sweetest incentives of the world.


Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.

Wonders never cease, says the A. C. Republican. One day last week, John Isom, who lives below town, came into the office and saw J. D. Guthrie=s twelve-inch branch with sixteen apples upon it and remarked that he probably could excel even that. It takes something of a credulous mind to believe that sixteen apples will grow on a branch one foot long, but last Monday Mr. Isom completely eclipsed any other exhibition of fruit reported in the county. He left on our table a branch six inches long, of a winter variety, containing fourteen well developed and perfectly formed apples.


Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.

DIED. Again has death taken away a household treasurer, and bleeding hearts are made to wonder why sorrow is the accompaniment of joy in the story of life. Little Mable, the sweet three-year-old daughter of Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Green, passed away Monday night. The Doctor left the little one far from a dangerous condition that evening at seven o=clock to visit a patient at Magnolia farm, and returned to find life going out in heart spasms. The loss falls with inestimable weight upon the parents. They have the deepest sympathy of many friends.


Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.

The Normal Institute closes Friday. The enrollment for the past few weeks has been one hundred and forty-seven. A vote on the political status of the Institute was taken one day last week and resulted in eighty-four for the Plumed Knight, eighteen for Cleveland, and three for Independent Prohibition. The session has been full of energy and enthusiasm throughout and its good results will be very perceptible this winter in the public schools of Cowley.


Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.

DIED. John Edward, the two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Colleasure, of this city, died Monday. The funeral took place from the residence Tuesday at 11 o=clock. The messenger of death has darkened many homes in our city in the last few days.


Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.

The holder of No. 339 on the Organ of O=Meara & Randolph will present it and carry off the prize; it is the successful ticket.


Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.

Proceedings of the City Council.

The city government convened in regular session Monday evening and disposed of the usual amount of business.

The Committee on streets and alleys was granted further time to report on construction of watering fountains.

The following bills were ordered paid.

Jos. O=Hare, postage, express, etc., $1.00.

A. H. Glanden, closings, $15.40.

E. F. Sears, crossings, $14.25.

The Committee on Finance recommended payment of livery bills, $15.00, for transporting visitors around the city; also payment of bill of Winfield Water Company off $1,809.66 for rental of hydrants up to July 15th, 1884. The reports were adopted and warrants ordered drawn, with the stipulation that the Water Company should only e paid out of the first money collected for the purpose paying the hydrant rentals.

Report of Finance Committee approving reports of City Treasurer and Police Judge were adopted.

Bill of Frank W. Finch, boarding city prisoners, $10.50, and Black & Rembaugh, printing, $78.75, were referred to Finance committee.

City Clerk=s statement for quarter ending June 15th was ordered published.

Bill of Whiting Bros., $1.00, meat furnished pauper, was recommended to County Commissioners for payment.

Councilmen McGuire and Crippen and City Attorney O=Hare were appointed to determine the metes and bounds of certain adjacent territory with the necessary resolutions taking it into the corporate limits of the city of Winfield.

City Treasurer was instructed to pay judgment against city in case of Carpenter vs.

C. C. Pierce et al.

A resolution compelling certain derelict property owners on Main Street to lay the gutters previously provided for by the county, and asserting the right and intention of the city, unless it was done by owners, to construct the same and assess cost against the property. This is a proper step and should be enforced at once.

A resolution requiring property owners to keep their gutters free of rubbish will now be in order.


Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.

Cowley at the State Convention.

Recap. On the morning of the first day of the convention, Judge Torrance had strength enough to become the nominee for Associate Justice, but question of his ineligibility arising and their being doubts in the minds of many on the question, the Judge thought it best to withdraw from the race. His forces then went to Attorney-General Johnson, giving that gentleman the nomination.

Cowley lent substantial aid to Sedgwick in assisting to secure the nomination of Dr. Allen for secretary of state.

Among the Avisiting statesmen@ from Cowley were Capt. J. S. Hunt, M. G. Troup, Henry E. Asp, Geo. H. Buckman, and Rev. Fleming, of Arkansas City.

While waiting for the reports of committees, loud calls were made by the convention for speeches from Hon. Geo. R. Peck and Senator Hackney. Mr. Peck responded in a very appropriate manner, after which the convention unanimously requested Mr. Hackney to Acome to the front.@ He did so, and in a manner that the democratic party and Governor Glick will long remember. It was a magnificent speech, and reflects great credit upon the Senator; but best of all, it drew the fire from every little Democratic gun about the State Capital. Mr. Hackney had a hundred invitations to deliver campaign speeches over the state before he left the city.


Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.

County Auditor.

The population of the County having reached over twenty-five thousand, the statute provides for an additional county officer, an Auditor. He is appointed by the district court and his duties are to examine and pass upon the legality of all bills against the county. He must cite in each instance the section of the statute under which the contract or account is authorized to be made. The salary is fixed at one thousand dollars a year. At the session of the Board of County Commissioners last week they found that the population of the county was 26,137, and on Monday Judge Torrance appointed M. G. Troup, Auditor. Mr. Troup filed his bond ($50,000) immediately; it was approved, and he took possession of the office. Mr. Troup brings to the office a large experience in county affairs and legal ability second to none in the county. His competency is unquestioned. While the COURIER and Mr. Troup have had several tilts in the past, it has always been ready to recognize his ability and many excellent qualities.


Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.

Adjourned Term of the District Court.

An adjourned term of the District Court was held Monday. When a county has twenty-five thousand inhabitants, it is entitled to an Auditor, whose duty it is to audit all bills against the county before passed on by the County Commissioners. Cowley=s last census brought us to and over this point, and on Monday Judge Torrance appointed M. G. Troup to the position of County Auditor. The salary is one thousand dollars per annum. The Judge also called a grand jury. It will sit about September and its good results will no doubt be many. In the case of H. R. Darrough vs. L. B. Stone, County Treasurer, a judgment was rendered for the defendant. A motion for a new trial was overruled. A. T. Gunsaullis vs. Ella Gunsaullis, divorce decreed on ground of abandonment. Edgar Smith vs. T. A. Wilkinson et al, judgement for plaintiff. Hattie Hutcherson vs. Jesse Hutcherson, divorce decreed and plaintiff restored to her maiden name, defendant to pay all costs.


Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.

Winfield affords a splendid opening for a canning factory. No better fruit country, for its age, lies out-doors, and the fall crop of peaches will be simply immense, and a good amount of other fruits will be gathered. The crop of garden vegetables was never excelled. A canning factory, while not taking a large outlay of money, would certainly pay a large reward to anyone establishing it. Men of means who are looking out for profitable investments should investigate this matter at once.



Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.

Blaine and Logan Meeting. The Republicans of Fairview Township are invited to attend a meeting at Akron schoolhouse on Saturday evening, August 2nd, at half past seven, for the purpose of organizing a Blaine and Logan Club. Speakers will be present and address the meeting. Wm. White, Vice President County Club.


Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.

Vernon Township. The Republicans of Vernon Township are requested to meet at the Warden [?Werden?] schoolhouse on Friday evening August 1st, at 8 o=clock, for the purpose of organizing a Blaine and Logan Club for the township. Speakers will be present.

Oscar Wooley, Vice President County Club.


Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.

Liberty. The Liberty Township Republican primary meeting will be held at the Rose Valley schoolhouse on Thursday, August 21, at 2 o=clock p.m. J. A. Cochran, Chairman, Township Committee.


Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.

Republican Primary Election. The Republicans of Walnut Township will hold a primary election at the usual place of voting on the 16th day of August at 2 p.m. of said day to elect delegates to the county convention. Jno. Mench, [?Mentch?] Chairman Com.


Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.


Mrs. Dr. Kirkwood is very ill.

Mr. D. Palmer is confined to his home by sickness.

Ed. G. Burnette is erecting a neat residence on west 12th avenue.

S. A. Cook is having a tussle with rheumatism and compelled to use crutches.

DIED. Louis Spangler died in Pleasant Valley last Thursday. He was in his forty-eighth year.

P. W. Zook has been very ill with malaria fever, but is now improving and will soon be out.

Robertson & Sherrard go to Harper this week to fence the new fair ground there with their celebrated slat fence.

Jas. Cowser and son, of Elmwood, Illinois, are building a house on the farm of J. W. Snyder, one mile west of Constant.

Miss Nettie Anderson and Lettie Albert of Constant are visiting friends and relatives in the north part of the county.

Austin George has left us two stalks of his corn, raised just north of town, which are over ten feet high and in full roasting ear.

F. M. Freeland has bought a quarter block out on East 8th Avenue, and will erect thereon a good residence immediately.


Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.


We have received a copy of the Lamar Daily Rustler, Sam E. Davis, editor. It appears to be of the Republican persuasion.

MARRIED. Frank Williams, one of the proprietors of the Commercial Hotel, and Miss Mary Lanigor were married the latter part of last week.

E. M. Reynolds and family have returned after a very enjoyable visit among relatives and friends in Iowa and other eastern states.

Master John Ballard has returned from school in the state of New York, and his mother Mrs. Emerson, is happy. So is the Mayor.

D. Rodocker brought us, Saturday, a sample seedling peach of his own raising which was equal in size, flavor, and quality to the best budded fruit.

Charley M. Leavitt was in the Terminus Tuesday manipulating a case before U. S. Commissioner Bonsall, in which Territory marauders were the defendants.

James Grimes, Grand Worthy Chief Templar of Kansas, assisted by a number from the Winfield Lodge, instituted a strong Good Templar Lodge at Burden last Friday night.

Capt. J. B. Nipp, County Treasurer elect, disposed of his stock at Arkansas City last week, has bought property in Winfield, and is preparing to take up his permanent residence here at once.

Dr. T. B. Taylor was prevented by personal sickness from delivering his lecture on the APsychology of the Temperance Question,@ announced for last Sunday evening at the Baptist Church.

M. N. Sinnott, of Arkansas City, was appointed and has entered upon the duties of Deputy County Clerk. Though a Democrat, he is a good penman and accountant and will, no doubt, fill the position to the satisfaction of all.

U. A. Buckingham turned up in Winfield, last week, with his family, after nearly two years sojourn in the east. He was accompanied by J. F. Hahn and family and both will remain in our city. ABuck@ says there=s no place like the Queen City.

Mrs. Mary E. Forbes sends us in an agricultural monstrosity this week. It is a bean stalk, bearing a multitude of pods, grown together in bunches of from two to four: a sort of collection of twins and triplet. Such productions in any other county but Cowley would be wondered at.

W. C. Root was in the city last Thursday shaking hands with his friends. He is again going into the boot and shoe business, perhaps at Clay Center, and was endeavoring to enlist his old helpmeet, R. E. Brooking, but R. E. is so bound to his rural possessions that he can hardly make up his mind.

While at Topeka last week, the writer together with Geo. H. Buckman, had the pleasure of meeting Mr. and Mrs. Will Garvey, in their beautiful new home. They have a very pleasant house, lately completed. It is large, roomy, and splendid finished and furnished and is surrounded by blue grass and flowers.

MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following have taken the matrimonial route to happiness since our last issue, as appears by the Probate Judge=s record.

Frank Williams and Mary Lanigor.

Chas. Cansey and Rosetta Queer.

Ora Dakan and Phoebe Beeson.

Marmaduke Wilderman and Edith Stores.

Chas. W. Story and Libbie Carter.

Edward Picket and Cora Stafford.


Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.

Mr. John W. Snyder, father of Rev. J. H. Snyder, who has been visiting here during the past month, left Tuesday evening for his home in Illinois. This is his third trip to Cowley County and the fact of his having invested in two of our fertile farms would indicate that he is favorably impressed with the garden spot of the Great Southwest.


Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.

Mr. George Crippen, the leader, informs us that open air concerts by the Courier Cornet Band will be a regular Saturday evening source of entertainment to our people during the remaining summer. They will play from the post office square. Their new uniforms will arrive in a few days, when the band will make a fine appearance.


Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.

Eli Youngheim has rented a building and will open a clothing store in Arkansas City soon. Eli=s reputation as a clothier is so wide that he will have no trouble in establishing a good trade at the Terminus. The store will likely be in charge of Joe Finkelburg. We don=t know of a better example of wheat industry, keen judgement, and fair dealing can do than is offered in Eli Youngheim. His advancement since starting out in Winfield has been wonderful.


Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.

Obituary Notice.

Mrs. Alice D. Bahntge, who died in this city on the night of the 12th instant, was the youngest daughter of Theodore and Ameline Morford. She was born at Maysville, Kentucky. In her early youth the family removed to Augusta, in the same state; and a few years later moved westward, setting at Joplin, Missouri. While a resident at Joplin, she was united in marriage to Mr. C. F. Bahntge of this city; and thenceforth, for the remainder of her life, here was her home. One son was born by her, who yet survives, too young to understand his irreparable loss. Her death was very sudden. She had not been well for several weeks, but seemed to be improving rapidly. Full of bright hopes for her future life here, she went to sleep, and two hours later she passed, without awaking to consciousness, into another world.



Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.

New Salem Pencilings.C@Olivia.@

Mrs. Edgar returned from her visit to Grenola.

Mr. Nichols has been quite ill, but is around again.

Rev. Wesley and family have returned from their visit.

Miss Jennie Thornton is now in the home of Mrs. Pixley.

Mr. Henthorn of Burden was in Salem insuring property on Wednesday.

Mr. Sheddin has been suffering wonderfully from a felon on his finger.

Miss Fahey, of Winfield, was the guest of Mrs. Lucas and boarders on Sunday last.

Mr. Buck is having a well drilled and J. E. Hoyland is also having one drilled.

Mr. W. C. Root, of Cherryvale, spent a day with Mr. Brooking and family recently.

Miss Ettie Johnson is entertaining two lady friends from Lawrence, Kansas.

Mr. and Mrs. Dan Reid have gone rusticating, and left their boarders to the kind care of Mrs. Miller.

Mr. DeWitto [?DeWitte?] (and family?) have moved into the new hotel building, but the sign has not yet been put up for the benefit of the public.

Col. Jackson has been very ill, but with the aid of Dr. Downs and excellent nursing, he is able to ride out. Suffering from wound received in the war.

The poor little babies of Mesdames Miller, Doolittle, Hoyland, and Vance are all ailing. This hot weather and cutting teeth do not go well with the little darlings.

Mr. McMillen employed the steam thresher of Messrs. Downs and Ford, and had his threshing done in a hurry. Messrs. Vance, Sutton, and others have also threshed.

Messrs. J. E. Johnson and John Davis, of Wichita, will open up a store in Salem e=re long. Can tell in my next, perhaps, what kind of goods they will carry. Hope the boys will be well patronized, as they are deserving.

Mr. Frank Pixley is visiting home folks in Salem. He expects soon to go back to his Uncle=s home in Lawrence. Success attend you, Frank, in your studies and may you reach the goal your kind Uncle wishes you to is the wish of your friend.

Dr. Downs has traded off his horse and single rig and now goes flying, almost, with his little mules and covered buggy. He can exercise his lungs by singing: AGet out of the way, you=re all unlucky, clear the track, etc.@ Well, a Doctor needs a quick horse if anyone does.

A Salemite mowed the grass in the graveyard and the boy that was taking the rake met with quite an accident, as the horse ran off and dumped him. He was not so badly hurt as at first supposed. He did not speak that night, but is around now, seemingly as well as ever.

Two strange gentlemen have arrived lately and they way they went to work mowing off their lot and getting lumber on it the moment the contract was made shows they are the kind to go into a new town. Have a little cottage up ready to receive the wife that is coming soon from the eastern home.


Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.

Teachers Examination. There will be an examination of candidates for Teachers Certificates, at Winfield, beginning at 8 o=clock a.m., July 30th. A. H. Limerick, Co. Supt.


Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.

Lost. Between the K. C. Depot and COURIER office, a gold chain cuff button, AE. K.@ engraved on one side. Finder please leave at this office and claim reward. Ed. L. Kingsberry, Arkansas City.

Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.


Wanted. 80 acres of land stirred with sulky plow. Will pay $1.25 per acre. Land 2 miles north of Winfield. S. E. Burger.

For sale on a year=s time, 40 Texas brood mares, bred to a first-class Percheron Norman Horse. Call on S. Esslinger, office of Winfield Bank President.

Lost. Pocket book containing $323.00 and papers with H. P. Lacy and S. E. Esslinger=s names. Will pay $50 reward. Leave at Harter=s drug store. S. E. Esslinger.

For sale. Seventy-five well bred Texas mares with colts by their sides, also 40 head high grade cattle. Part time, with good security. At Big Beaver Creek, 44 miles east and 2 south of Maple City. E. D. Carter.

C. H. Doomes, of Chicago, has opened a studio over McDonald=s store, 3rd room. He does portrait work in oil, crayon, and pastel, making portraits direct from life or from photographs. The public are cordially invited to call and examine his work at any time.

[Think I had this earlier with wrong name...Doomes is correct!]


Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.

Recap. S. D. Pryor, Plaintiff=s attorney, District Court case, Alonzo Howland, Plaintiff, vs. George H. Sprague and Carrie L. Sprague, Defendants. Judgment asked for $121.98 plus costs on mortgaged property.


Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.

AD. PROFESSIONAL NURSE. Permanently located at Winfield, Kansas. Ladies who desire to be successfully treated for local and general weaknesses, will please call upon Mrs. E. A. McCoy at the Central Hotel. Go to the Parlor upstairs. Office practice only. Hours 9 a.m. to 12 and 1:30 to 5 p.m. Consultation and medicine, $1.50. Treatments, $2.00.


Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.

Commissioners= Proceedings, July, 1884 session.

[Listing names only.]

REGULAR JURY. T. J. Anderson, J. W. Aley, J. W. Browning, H. J. Donnelley, Jonas Seedy, R. R. Longshore, Wm. Mercer, Samuel C. Kelly, George Russell.

SPECIAL VENIRE. Joseph Abrams, C. G. Bradberry, George Esterly, J. M. Jarvis, Warren Wood, R. N. Huff, D. S. Beadle, E. B. Gault, J. F. Carter, Z. B. Myer, J. M. Midcalf, A. DeTurk, T. F. Axtel, Adin Post, J. S. Pickering, I. H. Bonsall.

TALESMEN. David Doty, H. Zimmerman, James Tweedle, Samuel Welch, Alex McCartney, Charles Cunningham, Lafayette Wells, Ransom Ckinin, J. W. Jackson, M. S. Teter, Noble Caldwell, Samuel Bard, Samuel Smedley, M. M. Scott, B. F. Wood, E. F. Blair, Wm. Trezise, John Waters, Lewis Meyers, S. E. Burger, J. J. Plank, J. P. Short, A. H. Doan, H. C. Loomis, D. Rodocker, J. O. Mack, D. W. Frew, H. W. Stubblefield, Sampson Johnson, Daniel Hunt, W. J. Hodges, W. P. Hostetter, F. M. Freland [?Freeland], Joseph Davis, S. H. Jennings, H. Baxter, R. B. Mitchell, H. B. Wakefield, T. A. Blanchard, S. Cure, J. C. Monfort, Jr., D. Robertson, John Ross, John Mentch, J. W. Arrowsmith.

PAUPER CLAIMS. Houghton & Kirkpatrick, Jas. Armstrong, Ware & Pickering, H. R. Rude, M. N. Sinnott, Richard Courtright, Samuel Thompson, J. N. Harter, T. W. Wood, Emily Wooden, L. S. Downs, S. B. Gailey, J. H. Sparrow, J. B. Lynn, S. B. Park, J. W. Jenkins, McGuire Bros., C. H. Staten, R. H. Moore.

[Skipped the rest...road viewers, chainmen, etc.]

Cases wherein costs were spelled out for different people as witnesses, etc.








Total allowed: $6,820.15


Winfield Courier, July 31, 1884.

Announcement. We are authorized to announce Mr. Ed. Pate of Silver Creek township as a candidate for the Republican nomination for District Clerk.


Winfield Courier, July 31, 1884.


Mr. Ed Pate of Silver Creek Township is a candidate for the Republican nomination for District clerk. He is a native of Kentucky but was brought up and educated in Lawrence County, Indiana. Before he was sixteen years old, he enlisted in the Union army and in the 52nd Indiana regiment he made the record of a brave soldier, fighting the battles of his country for the two last years of the war. He was seriously wounded at the taking of the Mobile forts, but he stuck to his regiment until honorably discharged at the close of the war. His experiences then made him a warm and active Republican and such he has ever remained. He has been a prominent and valuable citizen of this county for the last eleven years and the people of Burden and Silver Creek Township have honored him with important positions and hold him in the highest esteem. The bright young city of Burden is not represented in the offices of the county and she asks that her favorite citizen shall be recognized in the convention. Mr. Pate is well educated, writes a fine hand, is an experienced bookkeeper, and has all the qualifications to fill the office he seeks, with ability. He is a gentleman and is popular wherever he is acquainted.


Winfield Courier, July 31, 1884.

COUNTY ATTORNEY. We hear the objection raised against the nomination of Henry E. Asp for county attorney that he is a railroad attorney. If it were a fact that he is in the employ of some existing railroad now operating in this county and intended to continue in such employ, the objection might have some weight; but in that case, he would not be a candidate for county attorney. However, such is not the case. His present railroad attorneyship, if such it may be called, is simply a temporary work against the existing railroads in this county in an effort to work up a competing road, which is certainly working in the interests of the people of this county. This work will be soon completed so far as he has to do with it and while its interests and that of the county are identical, he does not expect to be in any kind of railroad employ beyond a month or two more, when his time and talents will be turned to the canvass and to his ordinarily legal business or that of the county. The fact that he is now devoting himself to the interests of the county, instead of being an objection to his candidacy, is one of the strong reasons why he should be nominated and elected. There is absolutely no good reason why he should not get the nomination. He is an energetic worker, an able lawyer, true and loyal in every particular. The democrats might have reason to object to his nomination for if nominated, he will surely beat their candidate and be elected by a large majority.


Winfield Courier, July 31, 1884.

THE WINFIELD MARKETS. Eggs 10 cents, butter, 12 2 cents, chickens, $1.50 to $2.00 per dozen and old hens $2.00 to $2.40 per dozen. Potatoes 50 to 75 cents. Hogs $4.70 to $5.00 per cwt. Mixed corn, 30, and for white, 32 cents. Wheat sells at 60 cents per bushel for old and 55 cents for new.


Winfield Courier, July 31, 1884.


The approaching grand jury is making certain parties squirm already.

Hogs took a boom yesterday and went up to $4.90 and $5.00 per cwt.

The Colored Methodists of Arkansas City will give a big barbecue in that place tomorrow, August 1st. Most of the colored people of Winfield will go down.

The People of Sheridan Township will hold an all day temperance rally in Owen Shriver=s grove, in that township, on Sunday, August 10th. Everybody will take their baskets and have a regular picnicking time.

The Republican primary convention of Ninnescah Township to elect delegates to the county convention will be held at the Blue schoolhouse on Saturday, August 16th, at two o=clock p.m. Geo. S. Cole, Chairman, Township Committee.

Our attention has been called to the fact that the Adams Express Co. was not the one prosecuted and convicted for violating the prohibitory law at Garnet, some weeks ago. It was the AAmerican Company.@

The people of New Salem will give an ice cream festival at the Schoolhouse on the night of the 7th of August, in the interests of the M. E. Church. Also, will have cake, lemonade, and a variety of confectioneries. Music by the Burden band.

Cowley is showing her fruit productiveness grandly this year. Mr. Leonard Stout, of Ninnescah Township, left in the COURIER office, Saturday, a lot of his Red June apples. They were large, smooth, and mellow: as fine as any country can produce.

The Annual Camp meeting for the promotion of holiness will be held in Melville=s Walnut Grove on Badger Creek near the Walnut River, five and a half miles southeast of Winfield, commencing on the 6th of August and ending on the 13th. M. L. Hanes, of Illinois, will conduct the meeting.

Winfield Courier, July 31, 1884.


J. P. Baden=s Immense Mercantile Stocks All Under the Same Roof

In the McDougall Block.

[Note: Ads, etc., before this, I believe said AMcDougal@....???]

J. P. Baden and his large corps of clerks have been busily engaged this week in removing the North End store to Aheadquarters@ in the McDougall Block and are now almost straightened out. The magnitude of J. P. Baden=s business can be more fully realized now that he has his stocks all under the same roof. On entering his establishment now you at once pronounce it the largest mercantile house in Southern Kansas. Its arrangement is very Acitified.@ Every department is to itself with a special salesman in charge. The first room contains, systematically arranged, everything in the line of dry goods, notions, boots and shoes, etc., while in the back room, fronting on 10th Avenue, is the clothing and gents furnishings. The room south of this and the cellar of this wing are the produce departments. The second large building contains the large and superior stock of groceries, queensware, glassware, etc. Between the main buildings is a large archway in which is the cashier=s desk. Kansas doesn=t possess a larger or a more complete establishment than J. P. Baden=s AHeadquarters,@ and every citizen of the county should feel proud of it. Mr. Baden has worked up by his wonderful energy, judicious advertising, and honorable dealing, a reputation and business worthy the personal pride he takes in them. He is known all over the country as the largest produce shipper in the west, and the benefit he has been to Cowley in creating a profitable market for her garden produce, poultry, eggs, etc., is incalculable. Everyone should take a look through Baden=s Headquarters. Nearly 28,000 square feet in one building covered with salable wares isn=t to be seen in every city of the west. Winfield is gradually taking on metropolitan airs and in a few years will not take a back seat for even Kansas City.


Winfield Courier, July 31, 1884.

The writer hereof made a visit to Udall Monday, which same visit will be remembered by Will Higgins, of the Sentinel, and his estimable lady, at least until after the monthly grocery bills come due. He took supper with them. However, the Sentinel is meeting with a hearty support from the businessmen of that thriving village, so we hope he will be able to recover from the disastrous visitation before the next new moon, when we expect to go up again. The town is full of life, bustle, and activity. The merchants and grain buyers are doing a rushing business and new ones coming in. In our opinion, Udall will in a short time be one of the most important villages in the county. George Frazier, one of our old citizens, is the leading grain man there and his stories of the amount of grain shipped during the year would seem a little fishy if told by anyone but George, and backed up by =Squire Norman. It is that they ship more than any station between Wichita and Arkansas City, Winfield excepted.




Winfield Courier, July 31, 1884.

A case was before the Probate Judge last Thursday which, if well-founded, is a very dark spot on the fair name of Cowley. W. M. Campbell, of Bolton Township, was charged with the heinous crime of raping his fourteen-year-old daughter. He was bound over to the District Court on bond of three thousand dollars. The particulars of such a case never appear to public gaze excepting at the expense of innocence and decency. Mr. Campbell protests against his guilt, and we hope, for the county=s sake, that, before a fair and impartial jury, he will prove his innocence. It is hard to believe that one could be found in Cowley County, whose people are noted for morality, refinement, and all that got to make the highest citizenship, who would stoop to commit so damnable a deed.


Winfield Courier, July 31, 1884.

The semi-annual meeting of the Ladies Library Association was held last Tuesday and elected six directors, as follows: Mrs. Whiting, Mrs. Bullene, Mrs. D. A. Millington, Mrs. I. W. Randall, Mrs. Kate Wilson, and Mrs. Geo. Rambaugh [?Rembaugh?]. Those directors holding over are: Mrs. W. H. Shearer, Mrs. M. J. Wood, Mrs. J. S. Mann, Mrs. A. T. Spotswood, Mrs. G. W. Miller, Mrs. W. R. Kirkwood, Mrs. H. E. Dawson, and Mrs. F. W. Finch; the president, Mrs. C. S. Van Doren, and the secretary, Mrs. N. J. Lundy. The Association is in a flourishing condition.


Winfield Courier, July 31, 1884.

The city government is considering the question of buying a patent street grader. A Kansas City firm has had one here this week on trial. It is a big improvement on the scraper plan, gradually grading and leveling to the center without holes or ridges. It could soon make a vast improvement in our streets and at one third the usual outlay. Nothing is so creditable to a city as smooth, beautiful streets; and with a little systematic work, Winfield can soon have them.


Winfield Courier, July 31, 1884.

Our representatives at the Minneapolis Soldiers Reunion came home feeling that they had enjoyed the grandest vacation of their lives. They are all enthusiastic over the good time and exciting scenes. The rode through in the same car with the next governor of Kansas, John A. Martin, became personally acquainted with him, and learned many new features of his greatness as a Kansan and a man.


Winfield Courier, July 31, 1884.

The new town of Kellogg, in Vernon Township, this county, is beginning to assume shape. The Southern Kansas Railroad has put in several hundred feet of switch track and will erect a depot soon. The lumber is on the ground for a store building. Mr. D. D. Kellogg owns the land on which this new town is located. Its object is to furnish better shipping facilities for the farmers of that vicinity.



Winfield Courier, July 31, 1884.

DIED. At Arkansas City one day last week, Miss Eliza Maxey, aged sixteen, was fatally shot in taking a rifle from a tent. Not thinking of danger, she caught the gun by the muzzle and pulled it toward her. As usual in such cases, the hammer caught on some obstruction, the gun was discharged and sent the No. fifty rifle ball through the girl=s body. She died in a day or two afterward.


Winfield Courier, July 31, 1884.

Mr. Hogue, of the firm of Hogue & Mentch, of the Winfield Nursery, called this week. He was looking after the interest of the Nursery. He says they have an extra fine stock of trees and will have two or three men here in three weeks to take orders for fall and spring planting. Parties will do well to hold their orders and secure home grown stock.

Douglass Tribune.


Winfield Courier, July 31, 1884.

The Republicans of Dexter Township will raise today at Dexter a Blaine and Logan flag-pole. They have received from Chicago a large, beautiful bunting flag and will raise it in style and with enthusiasm. W. P. Hackney and T. H. Soward will be present and make rousing speeches.


Winfield Courier, July 31, 1884.

Agent Kennedy informs us that the Santa Fe will sell round trip tickets from Winfield to the Topeka State Fair in September, including one admission to the Fair, for four dollars and fifty cents. The Santa Fe is certainly giving a rate this year which will enable everyone to take in our State Fair.


Winfield Courier, July 31, 1884.

Splendid representations of the prolificness of the Grouse Valley were brought to us by Fred W. Fay, of Dexter Township, in a stalk of corn twelve feet, ten inches high, and a bunch of millet over six feet high.


Winfield Courier, July 31, 1884.

The gas works are now running for all time and a brighter, better light was never produced. With the sixty lamp posts and most of our store buildings lit up, the city presents a really brilliant appearance.


Winfield Courier, July 31, 1884.

All persons indebted to me are requested to call at my store and settle either by cash or note. J. B. Lynn.


Winfield Courier, July 31, 1884.

MARRIED. Last Tuesday evening, July 22nd, 1884, at the residence of Mrs. Agnes Holtby, aunt of the bridegroom, Mr. Marmaduke Wildman and Mrs. Edith Stevin solemnized their vows in the bonds of holy wedlock. Rev. Frazee, of Tannehill, Cowley County, Kansas, officiated. Notwithstanding the fact that the thermometer was indicating 101 degrees in the shade with mercury will on the ascendency, this plucky couple, during the recital of the ceremony, appeared as cool as an ice berg in a northern sea. However, it was plainly evident that while the clergyman was engaged in the arduous and solemn duty of cementing their hearts for the purpose of throbbing in unison, that these vital organs were recording time after the quadruple methodCmaking four beats to the measure and measuring as rapidly as possible. The bridegroom and bride are both foreigners, being natives of Greenbank, Ontario Province, Canada. Mr. Wildman came to this section of the state about five months ago and followed the star of empire westward to Pratt County, where he secured himself a claim. The constitution and bylaws of the neighborhood in which his claim is located being unpleasant and unhealthy for bachelors, Duke notified Queen Victoria of the fact and her majesty at once sent him one of her prettiest, most charming, and vivacious young ladies in the personage of Miss Edith, who arrived on the previous Saturday noon=s train. Wildman is a young man of frugal and industrious habits and possesses the requisite vim, push, and energy to subdue the wild and weird wilderness of Pratt and make it a blossom with roses. Having taken out his naturalization papers and thereby severed his allegiance with the lion=s dominions, he will now make an honorable, respectable, and valuable citizen of these United StatesCfor of such is the Kingdom of Pratt. His many friends wish him and his estimable bride a joyous, happy, and prosperous future. MARK.


Winfield Courier, July 31, 1884.

Sheridan Township News.C@C.@

School district 30 seems determined to keep up with the times. They are building a new schoolhouse and have advertised the old one for sale. The new house will be a beauty in design and finish, 26 x 36 in size, to be completed after the latest style, and so be orna-mented with a fifty dollar bell. The district is successfully running a Sunday School and have in connection with the school organized a temperance union, which promises good results. This is decidedly a temperance community and ex-Governor St. John has many friends and admirers here would like to see him elected president, were such a thing possible; but as there is not a shadow of a chance of his election, they will vote for the Republican nominee, as the next best thing for prohibitionists to do. Sheridan Township will send delegates to the county convention favoring the nomination of Ed. Pate for District Clerk. Ed. is an old Soldier and an old citizen of the county; a good fellow and a fine scholar. He has the respect of all who know him and would make a No. One officer if elected.


Winfield Courier, July 31, 1884.

Raising the Dam.

The District Court has been petitioned by Messrs. Bliss & Wood to have condemned the right to raise, and forever maintain, their dam two feet above the present height. Since the health of the city is at stake, would it not be well to discuss this question? First, at the time of the great flood of six years ago, the waters of the river passed through the center of the city, between the courthouse and Main Street. Since that date the dam has been raised some three feet, a high railway embankment has been built on either side of the river, thus preventing a flood from passing on through the bottom lands. A strong embankment has been built on the east side of the mill, preventing the water from passing around as it used to do. With the water thus confined and the dam raised two feet higher, making five feet above the original dam, a repetition of the great flood would greatly damage or destroy the eastern portion of our now beautiful city. Will the COURIER call a special meeting to discuss this important question? Your Reader.


Winfield Courier, July 31, 1884.

Another Old Inhabitant Gone.

DIED. Mr. H. B. Lacy died Monday afternoon and was buried Tuesday from the Baptist Church, Rev. Cairns and Kirkwood conducting the ceremonies. Mr. Lacy was in his sixty-first year and one of the oldest pioneers of Kansas and Cowley County. He came to the state in 1856 and to Winfield in 1870. His was a checkered career, and before softening of the brain, some ten or fifteen years ago began to debilitate his intellect, was a man of much possibility. No one would think as they saw him moving around in the vocation of later years that he was a classical scholar, but he was, and even in his older days his knowledge of Latin and Greek was still keen. In 1859 he represented Doniphan County in the legislature and was at one time quite wealthy. Ever since Winfield was inhabited Mr. Lacy has been its most familiar object. His removal is like taking away an old landmark.



Winfield Courier, July 31, 1884.

Woolen Manufacturers.

Gale and Wilber are at present engaged as the agents of a large manufacturing establishment in Indiana in buying all the wool raised in this and adjoining counties. The company are well pleased with the grade of wool and will hereafter draw their largest supply of raw material from this section. One of the greatest needs of Cowley County is a woolen mill to manufacture all of this wool instead of sending it away. Cowley County and adjacent territory are raising sheep extensively and with a woolen mill here the business would be greatly increased. Men of means should investigate this matter at once. The county offers big inducements for such an institution.


Winfield Courier, July 31, 1884.

The following resolutions were presented and accepted at the regular meeting of Winfield Lodge No. 18, A. O. U. W., on Friday evening, 25th inst.

WHEREAS, It has pleased Divine Providence to call from the earth little Mable, daughter of our worthy P. M. W., C. C. Green;

Resolved, That we, the members of Winfield Lodge No. 18, A. O. U. W., hereby tender the sincere sympathy of this lodge with our Brother and family in their great affliction.

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the records of this lodge, and also a copy be furnished each of our county papers for publication.

A. B. Snow, S. G. Bishop, Lewis Conrad, Committee.

Winfield Courier, July 31, 1884.

Republican Primary Election. The Republicans of Richland Township will hold a primary election at the Summit schoolhouse, on Wednesday, August 20th, at 2 o=clock p.m. for the purpose of electing delegates to attend the county convention held at Winfield the 23rd of August. J. R. Cottingham, Chairman of township committee.


Winfield Courier, July 31, 1884.

The Normal Institute closed its six weeks= session Tuesday with a pleasant social under management of the AB@ grade. Quincy Roberts presided, and speeches were made by Rev. J. Cairns and Prof. C. T. Atkinson, with other exercises, after which all passed the evening in social intercourse. It was one of the pleasantest gatherings we have seen in a long time. Winfield will seem deserted when the hundred and fifty teachers disperse, which will occur Saturday, after the examination for certificates which is now taking place.


Winfield Courier, July 31, 1884.


Henry Hicks, of the Cambridge News, was in town Tuesday.

M. L. Garrigus and lady leave Sunday for Indiana to remain.

Will Parker was taken Sunday with a congestive chill and is yet very sick.

Winfield Courier, July 31, 1884.

Mrs. P. P. Powell and children have been spending a few days with relatives in Cherryvale.

V. M. Ayers and John Landis, millers of Arkansas City, visited the county metropolis Tuesday.

Leland J. Webb has been appointed Major General Commanding of the Sons of Veterans of Kansas.

Prof. C. T. Atkinson, a member of the examining board, is assisting in the teachers examination this week.

Eli Youngheim has been opening an immense invoice of new goods this week, the first for the early fall trade.

H. B. Schuler arrived yesterday and entered the Winfield bank stocks in which institution he purchased some time ago.

Misses Nellie and Wina Barnard, two of Wellington=s fairest belles, spent Sunday in this city, the guests of Miss Anna Hunt.

Rev. Merryfield, of Newton, general missionary of the Baptist Church, spent Sunday in the city, a guest of Rev. Cairns.

Ray Oliver=s team got the best of him Tuesday evening and threw himself and lady visitors out, but fortunately no injury was sustained.

Charlie McIntire, wife and babies, of the Arkansas City Democrat, came up Saturday and spent Sunday with George. He sports a Blaine hat.

Mr. John Walck is putting a large addition to his residence on east 9th Avenue and when finished, will have one of the desirable homes of the city.

Misses J. A. Stamper and H. Brown, from Decatur, Ill., left yesterday for Wichita, after visiting a few days in this city with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Oliver.

Winfield Courier, July 31, 1884.


Chas. E. Fuller returned Tuesday from a three weeks= pleasure trip through the East. The dark hint that Charley had matrimony in his eye is banished.

M. J. O=Meara came in Tuesday from his purchasing visit in Boston, Chicago, and other Eastern Marts, and boots and shoes are following thick and fast.

O. C. Ewert [?Ewart] of the Farmer=s Bank, returned Sunday from Medicine Lodge, where he has been looking after the Medicine Valley Bank, in which he is interested.

The lawyers say that Capt. Siverd is one of the quickest acting and most effective witnesses ever put on the stand. For further particulars, inquire of Frank Jennings.

Joe Finkleburg will open a large clothing store in Arkansas City Saturday, under the firm name of Eli Youngheim & Co. Joe will make things hum at the Terminus.

Jim Quinnis= house, in Sheridan Township, was considerably torn up by lightning during the rain storm Saturday night. The family was badly stunned, but none seriously injured.

Capt. H. H. Siverd delivered a temperance address last Sunday at the Sheridan schoolhouse in Sheridan Township. The Captain=s logic and fiery oratory greatly warms up an audience.

Henry Goldsmith went out to Medicine Lodge last week and invested in a lot on which he will erect a business house. It will probably be occupied by Julius Goldsmith with a clothing stock.

Thos. C. Thompson, of Vernon, comes forward this week with more evidence that Cowley is a grand fruit county. He has left us a branch on eight inches of which are twenty-two finely shaped Genaton apples.


Winfield Courier, July 31, 1884.

The following parties appear on the records of the Probate Judge as having committed matrimony during the past week. MARRIAGE LICENSES.

Jesse Smith and Mary A. Marshall.

Liman W. Easterman and Mary A. Foster.

Frank P. Woodley and Kattie Kirkpatrick. [?Katie?]


Winfield Courier, July 31, 1884.

Henry Phenix [?Phenis?] has left us a sample of his corn, raised on the Walnut just south of town. It is a mammoth stalk containing two mammoth well-filled ears. In but few sections was the corn damaged by the late dry spell. The rain of Sunday was very timely and general and insures our corn crop.


Winfield Courier, July 31, 1884.

J. E. Parkins and family have removed to Arkansas City. Mr. Parkins severed his connection with the Winfield Stone, Brick and Tile Company and will pursue his business as contractor and builder in his new home. He is a man of skill and energy and will be a valuable addition to the Terminus.


Winfield Courier, July 31, 1884.

Mr. N. G. Davis, one of A. T. Spotswood=s assistants, left us Tuesday a number of beautiful early Ohio tomatoes raised in his gardens just south of town. Mr. Davis, though his industrious boys, is gardening extensively and has marketed an immense amount of Atruck@ this season, all of superior quality.


Winfield Courier, July 31, 1884.

John J. Davis and Earnest Johnson will start soon into general merchandising at New Salem. They were both among the earliest graduates from the Winfield High School, are industrious and intelligent young men, and will make a success of this enterprise. They are arranging to handle the grain of that vicinity.


Winfield Courier, July 31, 1884.

Chas. Steuven, Sid Cure, M. J. Stimson, L. B. Stone, J. E. Snow, and A. G. Wilson, part of our delegation to the National G. A. R. Encampment at Minneapolis, have strayed in, feeling weary and worn, but with glowing stories of handshakes with Gens. Logan, Sherman, and other AOld War Horses,@ and of the glorious time enjoyed all around.


Winfield Courier, July 31, 1884.

=Gene Wilber left Tuesday on a business trip to Indiana. In addition to running a five hundred acre farm and stock, he has engaged in handling wool for an eastern manufacturing establishment. He is a first-class judge of wool, a first-class businessman and citizen, and will get for Cowley County wool growers every cent there is in the product.


Winfield Courier, July 31, 1884.

W. W. Painter, of Vernon, was damaged over five hundred dollars one day last week by fire. He had raked rubbish from some of his land and threw it into a gulch near the railroad. A spark from an engine fired it and, being before the recent rains, everything was so dry that it spread very rapidly. It burned his meadow, his straw stack, several acres of mulched potatoes, considerable hedge fence, and did other damage. Before the late rains the prairie grass would burn readily.


Winfield Courier, July 31, 1884.

Perry Haney, while digging a well last Friday on R. R. Longshore=s place, in Sheridan Township, struck a layer of stone in which was discovered peculiar ore. Specimens were brought to town, examined by a jeweler, and found to contain gold and silver. The COURIER has been calling our wonderful agricultural wealth and productiveness, ACowley County=s gold mines,@ but we wouldn=t object to chronicling the advent of a regular bona fide gold mine. But this Alead@ is so small that it will not be likely to interfere with our often-expressed belief that every fertile farm in Cowley is a mint of money to the man who judiciously manages it.



Winfield Courier, July 31, 1884.



Winfield Courier, July 31, 1884.


Notice to Contractors. The Board of Education will receive sealed proposals for the erection of a school building according to the plans and specifications to be seen at Read=s Bank, on and after August 5th, 1884, all bids to be in by August 10th, 1884. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids.


Winfield Courier, July 31, 1884.


Cowley County ) s.s.

W. J. McLain, of lawful age being first duly sworn upon his oath says that in shooting for prize at the shooting gallery of J. F. Burk in the city of Winfield, Kansas, he was shooting wholly for himself and that the said J. F. Burk had no interest in the prize money won by him in shooting as aforesaid neither had anybody else any interest in any way in the money so won; that any statement made that he, the said W. J. McLain was interested in the shooting gallery aforesaid and was shooting for the gallery or anyone connected therewith or was paying the prize money won by him back to the said Burk or any connected with him are wholly without foundation and untrue.


Subscribed and sworn to before me this 28th day of July, A. D., 1884. G. H. Buckman, Notary Public.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.

Announcement. We are authorized to announce the name of W. E. Tansey, of Vernon Township, as a candidate for the office of District Clerk, subject to the action of the Republican County Convention.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.


The announcement of Capt. W. E. Tansey for District Clerk appears in another column. Mr. Tansey is as well qualified for the position as anyone in the county, is a good penman and accountant, an old soldier, and a good citizen. If elected, he will honor the position and should he receive the nomination, will receive the hearty support of his party. He filled the positions of Justice of Peace and Police Judge in this city for several years in a first-class manner, proving his qualifications for any position he might be called on to fill.





Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.


There is always a class of men who seem to know of no other way to advance the interests of a favorite candidate than to throw mud at his opponent. There are in the field two candidates for the Republican nomination for county attorney, Mr. Asp and Mr. Johnson, and the friends of both are warm in the contest. Some advocates of Mr. Johnson have been circulating yarns against Mr. Asp all over the county. In one locality he is charged with trying to defeat the D. & M. railroad and that lie told by the Dexter Eye among others, is expected to carry the southeast part of the county for Mr. Johnson. In other localities he is charged with such other things as it is supposed will injure him in such localities. We have heard of four or five different stories which have been told in different places, not one of which are true. His character as a citizen and an attorney stands as high as that of any attorney in the county and those who are most intimately acquainted with him, esteem and honor him the most.

So far as we have heard, his friends have not considered it necessary to make charges against his opponent, but rely on the excellent character, industrious habits, legal abilities, energy, and valuable services of their favorite to commend him to the Republicans of this county. He is young in years yet, though ripe in attainments, and will yet make a bright record in the history of our state and country. When this contest is over, the men who are throwing mud now will deny ever having said anything against him, and will then admit that all we have said about him is true. We favor his nomination because we feel that the county needs just such a man as he is for county attorney for the next two years and because we feel sure of his election if nominated.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.

Monthly Meeting of the Horticultural Society.

The Cowley County Horticultural society met in regular monthly session August 2nd.

President J. F. Martin appointed Messrs. Short and Mentch committee on fruit on exhibition.

Capt. Ashby, from Chanute, committee from State Society to collect fruits for New Orleans Exposition, stated that the committee had received samples of all fruits that had matured to date. He stated that would visit our county fair, and would furnish jars and material to any person who had any extra specimens to furnish to the state society for the exposition.

Committee on fruits on exhibition reported as follows.

Your committee would find the following fruits exhibited. By S. C. Sumpter, 20 varieties of apples, among which are Maidens Blush, Genatin, Early Pennock, Johnathan, Domanie, Lowell, Dutchess of Oldenburg, and other varieties not sufficiently matured to class or name. The display by Mr. Sumpter is very fine and from one of the best orchards in the county.

By Jacob Nixon. Hales Early and Early Rivers Peaches and Cooper=s Early White apples.

By F. A. A. Williams. Fine apples, name unknown.

By Frank Brown. Nice specimens of peaches.

By R. B. Thirsk. Splendid specimens of native plums nearly as large as the Wild Goose and of fine flavor. We regard this plum as worthy of propagation.

By J. P. Short. Splendid lot of Hales Early peaches.

By S. C. Sumpter. Two varieties of sweet potatoes.

By President Martin. Nutmeg Melons.

Adjourned to meet 3rd Saturday in August.

J. F. Martin, President. Jacob Nixon, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.

The Indians make some curious combinations in learning the English language. For instance, a corn cob is Awood-corn,@ ground coffee is Ameal coffee,@ an alarm clock a Abuzz clock,@ lamp, Alittle fire,@ all the same as sun. Sun is a very short word in our language, but in the language of the Nez Perces, it is AWin-na-ten-a-tu-a-hah.@ A wagon seat is, wagon chair; a rubber coat, Aa rain coat.@ The North star, Acold star.@ AYoweds,@ is cold. AYekess,@ is warm. AWere-ent@ is rain. AHow-hat-guts@ is wind. So we might say:

AWinnatenatuahah is yekess today.@



Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.


NOTICE is hereby given that the co-partnership heretofore existing between G. T. Bacastow and F. L. Crampton, under the style and firm name of Bacastow & Crampton is this day dissolved. F. L. Crampton will conduct the business at the old stand, second door north of the Central Hotel and will pay all debts and liabilities of said firm, and is authorized to collect all claims and demands due said firm. All parties owing said firm must immediately call and settle as our books must be squared up.



[Note: Courier quite often had ABackastow@ rather than Bacastow.]


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.

Recap. Sheriff=s Sale Sept. 8, 1884, of real estate to be sold by Sheriff McIntire. Plaintiff, S. M. Jarvis; Defendants, John N. Sicks and Nancy JU. Sicks.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.

Recap. Sheriff=s Sale September 8, 1884, of real estate to be sold by Sheriff McIntire.

Plaintiff, R. R. Conklin. Defendants, Wm. W. Whiteside, Amanda M. Whiteside, and Fred R. Foster.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.

Recap. Sheriff=s Sale September 8, 1884, of real estate to be sold by Sheriff McIntire.

Plaintiff, R. R. Conklin. Defendants, Rebecca A. Withrow, Emily E. Withrow, Amanda F. Withrow, and Eby D. Withrow.

Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.

Recap. Sheriff=s Sale September 8, 1884, of real estate to be sold by Sheriff McIntire.

Plaintiff, David Hood. Defendants, Elijah W. Burge, Phalby Burge, and William Reynolds.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.

Recap. Sheriff=s Sale September 8, 1884, of real estate to be sold by Sheriff McIntire.

Plaintiff, R. R. Conklin. Defendants, Eliphus W. Hanning, Carolina Hanning, and Wesley McEwen.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.


Anyone having wool for sale should notify us at Rock, Kansas, and we will give it our immediate attention.

We are manufacturers= agents and buy direct for them.



Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.

Recap. McDonald & Webb, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Elmer S. Covel, suit for divorce effective September 17, 1884, from defendant, Jane Eliza Covel.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.


Judge E. S. Torrance has laid off his ten acre lot, in the east part of the city, into quarter blocks, and has placed them into the hands of Curns & Manser, for sale.

The location is a very desirable one being high and overlooking the city, fronting north on 12th Avenue. Now is the time to procure the most beautiful site for a home in Winfield. Parties desiring such should call at once on CURNS & MANSER, Real Estate Agents, Winfield, Kansas.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.

BLOODED BUCKS FOR SALE. I have for sale, direct from Canada, at Bobbitt=s stable, on 9th Avenue, 19 Shropshire Downs, 22 Lincolnshires, and 61 high grade Merinos.



Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.

The Richland primary meets on Friday, the 15th of this month, at Summit schoolhouse at 2 o=clock. It was announced for the 20th, but has been changed to the 15th on account of the district convention at Burden meeting on the 20th. Remember the date, Friday the 15th.






Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.

AD. M. L. READ, President. CHAS. F. BAHNTGE, Teller.

M. L. ROBINSON, Vice President. W. C. ROBINSON, Cashier.

GEO. W. ROBINSON, Assistant Cashier.

The First National Bank,

No. 3218,



Succeeds M. L. Read=s Bank.

Stockholders: M. L. Read, M. L. Robinson, W. C. Robinson, George W. Robinson, and Charles F. Bahntge.

Paid Up Capital, $50,000.00.



Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.



JAS. F. MARTIN: President.

J. L. HORNING: Vice-President.

ED. P. GREER: Secretary.

A. H. DOANE: Treasurer.

D. L. KRETSINGER: General Superintendent.

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Jas. F. Martin, Ed. P. Greer, J. L. Horning, A. H. Doane, D. L. Kretsinger.

FINANCE COMMITTEE. Chas. C. Black, P. B. Lee, A. T. Spotswood.

DIRECTORS. A. H. Doane, A. T. Spotswood, C. C. Black, J. B. Schofield, S. S. Linn, Ed. P. Greer, D. L. Kretsinger, H. Harbaugh, J. F. Martin, J. B. Nipp, J. L. Horning, Harvey Smith, S. P. Strong, P. B. Lee, K. J. Wright, J. O. Taylor, H. C. McDorman.


The Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Association will hold its Second Annual Exhibition at Winfield, Kansas, September 23 to 27, 1884. This Association comes before the public with more attractions and better facilities than any like Association in the State. It is a well established fact that our grounds are the largest and best in the State, our buildings, stables, and stalls ample and commodious, thus affording the exhibitor more comfort, pleasure, and money than any Fair Association in the State.

Our Premium List is very large and so arranged as to suit the agriculturist, the stock raiser, the fruit grower, the mechanic, the machinist, the artistCin fact every man, woman, and child; and the premiums offered are open to the world, except when mentioned in the list.

Horsemen will readily note the fact that the attractions and large premiums offered in our Speed Department will call out the best horses in Kansas and adjoining States; also that our track is second to none, and is the acknowledged best half mile track in the State.

Special rates for the exhibitor and visitor has been obtained from all railroads entering Winfield. The Officers and Directors of our Association have left nothing undone for the accommodation of everybody, be they exhibitor or visitor, and would therefore extend a general invitation to the people of Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Iowa, and Illinois to visit the Cowley County Fair. Aside from the grand attractions and display at the Fair, we will show you Winfield, the Queen City of Southwestern Kansas; we will show you Cowley, the banner agricultural and stock raising county of Kansas, a visit you will never regret, except that it be, you did not locate with us.


The Cowley County Fair offers more and larger premiums to the farmer and stock raiser than any other county fair in the State.

Farmers of Cowley, do not forget to attend your County Fair. You cannot spend a few days to more profit or interest to yourself than by so doing.

Ladies, bring your jellies, preserves, fine sewing, and everything in the household line to the Fair. The ladies= department last year was magnificent. Let us beat it this year.

Any person who desires this premium list in book form, with the constitution and by-laws and rules and regulations, can get it by addressing a postal to Ed. P. Greer, Secretary, Winfield, Kansas.

Visitors to the Cowley County Fair will find plenty of shade and water for their teams, and a nice blue grass lawn on which to spread your dinners. No other fair grounds in the State afford such free accommodations.

Every man, woman, and child should make it a point to visit their Fair. It will do you good to see your neighbors and to see what they are raisingCnot forgetting, however, to bring along some exhibit of your raising or manufacture.

The success of Cowley=s Fair last year was a matter of wonder all over Kansas. From everywhere came reports of the wonderful productions of our county, carried by those who visited it. It was the best advertisement we have ever had.

Let each and everyone be an exhibitor at the Fair this fall. If you have some good corn, big pumpkins, good hogs, cattle, or horses, bring them to the Fair and help to make it the grandest exposition of material prosperity ever seen in any country.

The Cowley County Fair wants an exhibit from every farm in the county. No matter how small or what the article may be; bring it as a production of Cowley County. Compare it with that of your neighbor. Take items and learn a lesson that will improve your exhibit next year.

The entry books will be open at the COURIER editorial rooms in Winfield, August 25th, and remain open until September 20th, after which the Secretary will be at his office on the grounds. All articles for exhibition must be on the grounds by 6 P. M. Tuesday, September 23rd, at which time the entry books will close.

The prices for admission to the Fair will be as follows:

Single ticket, adults: $.25

Children, 5 to 15 years: $.15

Double team: $.25

Single team or saddle horse: $.15

Season tickets: $1.00

Season tickets, with vehicle: $2.00

The Cowley County Fair Association wants to see farmers of the county attend the Fair with their big pumpkins, big squashes, big potatoes, big cabbage, big corn, big hogs, big colts, big calves, in fact with a sample exhibit of everything raised on a farm. Please don=t forget to bring your good looking wives and big fat babies.

The Association will furnish exhibitors with stalls and pens at the following prices:

Speed stables, 10 x 12: $5.00

Stallion stables, 8 x 12: $4.00

Box stalls, 6 x 10: $3.00

Herd pens: $2.00

Cattle stalls: $1.00

Hog and sheep pens: free.

A part of the beautiful park next to the grounds will be reserved for those who desire to come with their wagons and families and camp during the Fair. Such must provide themselves with season tickets. Persons from a distance will find this a most pleasant way of taking in the Fair. Last year there were upwards of fifty families camped within the grounds.

The Cowley County Fair will have a place for everything and everything will be in its place, thus offering the visitor a satisfactory sight of one of the grandest exhibitions in the way of an agricultural Fair ever witnessed. An army of able and obliging assistants will take pains in answering all questions and giving such information as the visitor may require.

The Cowley County Fair is wholly and truly a county institution. Its stockholders are Farmers and businessmen of Cowley County, whose interests are identified one with the other, and seek through this organization to bring the whole people of Cowley County together at least once a year in a grand exhibit of the resources and wealth of the county.

The above list comprises persons from almost every locality in the county. The forty shares remaining can be subscribed for by anyone who desires. $25 upon each share to be paid within thirty days after subscription and the balance of $25 on each share on the 1st day of October, 1884. Each stockholder receives a ticket which admits his family to the grounds at all times and a Astockholders= badge@ which gives him all the privileges of the grounds. Every farmer interested in the material welfare of our county should report his name to the Secretary of the Association as a subscriber to the capital stock at once. The investment is a good one and the cause worthy the highest encouragement.

The Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Association is not an individual concern. Its stockholders number over a hundred and fifty of the leading farmers and businessmen of the county. Its capital stock is $10,000, divided into 200 shares of $50 each. One hundred and sixty of these shares are now taken and paid for and the money expended in purchasing the grounds, erecting buildings, stalls, pens, fencing, amphitheatre, and improving the finest race track in Kansas. Everything is paid for. The profits of last year were over $1,800, every cent of which was put on the grounds in additional improvements. There are forty shares yet to place. They will be taken before Fair time and the proceeds used in putting up a main exhibition building between the two wings already erected and in other needed improvements. It is especially desirable that this stock be taken by the farmers of the county, for upon them, most of all, will the future success of Cowley=s Fair depend. The grounds were purchased for $75 per acre. They are worth today, without the improvements, $150 per acre, so in the rise of land alone the stockholder has doubled his money. There is no doubt but that this stock will be most desirable property, aside from the immense public benefit of the Association to the agricultural and stock interests of our county. Had the profits of last year been paid to the persons who were then stockholders as dividends they would have received over 30 percent interest on their investment. But they preferred to strengthen the Association and let the money remain in its treasury.

The following is a list of the stockholders of the Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Association:

R. E. Wallis, Sr.

R. E. Wallis, Jr.

J. W. Millspaugh.

W. P. Hackney.

A. H. Doane.

D. L. Kretsinger.

James F. Martin.

H. Harbaugh.

J. S. Mann.

Henry E. Asp.

A. E. Baird.

Q. A. Glass.

A. B. Arment.

H. Brown.

W. J. Wilson.

John Lowry.

M. L. Read.

M. L. Robinson.

J. L. Horning.

Sol. Burkhalter.

P. H. Albright.

J. B. Lynn.

W. J. Hodges.

C. C. Black.

J. B. Schofield.

J. M. Keck.

G. S. Manser.

S. G. Gary.

A. T. Spotswood.

J. P. Baden.

W. S. Mendenhall.

E. B. Weitzel.

G. W. Robinson,

W. C. Robinson.

James H. Bullene.

L. B. Stone.

Jacob Nixon.

S. W. Phenix.

John Stalter.

N. J. Thompson.

J. P. Short.

I. W. Randall.

William Overly.

S. P. Strong.

Isaac Wood.

C. H. Cleaves.

Hughes & Cooper.

Hendricks & Wilson.

F. W. Schwantes.

E. D. Taylor.

W. W. Limbocker.

William Carter.

J. B. Corson.

D. F. Moore.

G. B. Shaw & Co.

D. B. McCollum.

R. F. Burden.

J. C. Roberts.

George Wilson.

R. J. Yoeman.

J. B. Nipp.

P. B. Lee.

W. W. Painter.

L. Barnett.

J. H. Curfman.

John Holmes.

S. S. Linn.

E. B. Nicholson.

G. P. Waggoner.

H. C. McDorman.

George W. Miller.

Harry Bahntge.

L. C. Harter.

W. Webb.

A. C. Bangs.

A. J. Thompson.

E. M. Reynolds.

G. L. Rinker.

David H. Dix.

Harvey Smith.

T. P. Carter.

Hogue & Mentch.

F. M. Friend.

J. T. Brooks.

J. O. Taylor.

Z. B. Myers.

S. H. Myton.

D. S. Sherrard.

E. J. Wright.

Vermilye Brothers.

J. T. Nicholson.

J. N. Harter.

Ed. P. Greer.

J. C. McMullen.

R. B. Noble.

R. B. Pratt.

H. G. Fuller.

F. L. Branniger.

L. F. Johnson.

J. W. Browning.

J. H. Watts.

Warren Wood.

Alexander Fuller.

John Bowers.

J. D. Maurer.

J. E. Conklin.

T. H. Soward.

R. E. Sydall.

J. B. Evans.

Nathan S. Perry.

D. R. Laycock.

J. R. Sumpter.

C. G. Bradbury.

J. C. Long.

F. S. Jennings.


Not sure if previous list had the ASpeed Ring@ so am copying it.





All premiums for trotting and pacing, best three in five, in harness, and will be conducted under the rules and regulations of the National Trotting Association, unless otherwise specified.

Purses will be divided, 60 percent to first, 30 percent to second, 10 percent to third horse.

Four entries and three starters required in all trotting and pacing races, and all entries shall close at 12:30 prompt, each day.

In heats where eight or more horses start, the distance will be 150 yards.

Heats in each day=s races may be trotted alternately.

A horse distancing the field, or any part thereof, will receive but one premium.

Horses will be called at 1 o=clock P. M., and started at 1:30 promptly.

If, owing to bad weather, or other unavoidable cause, the Association shall be unable to start one or more of its races on or before 3 o=clock P. M., on the last day of the meeting, such races will be declared Aoff,@ and the entrance money therein refunded.

Entrance fee TEN PERCENT of the purse, and must be remitted when the entry is made.


All running races to be governed by the Racing Rules of the American Running Turf, excepting that an entrance fee of ten percent of purse will be charged, and four entries and three starters required, and no money for walk-over. Purses divided, 70 percent, to first, and 30 percent to second, with the following weights, except specified;

Two-year-olds, 86 pounds.

Three-year-olds, 96 pounds.

Four-year-olds, 110 pounds.

Five-year-olds, 115 pounds.

Six-year-olds and over, 118 pounds.

Three pounds allowed for fillies, mares, and geldings.

Entries in all running races shall close at 12:30, prompt, each day.

Class OCSpeed Ring Department.





No. 1, TROTTING, green horses. Premiums: $35

No. 2, RUNNING, half-mile dash. Premium: $35

Ladies driving: Special.


No. 3, PACING, 3 minute class. Premium $100

No. 4, RUNNING, half mile, 2 and 3, catch weights. Premium $100

No. 5, TROTTING, 3 minute class. Premium $100

Boys= and girls= riding. Special.



No. 6, RUNNING, 1 mile. Premium $125

No. 7, PACING, 2:40 class. Premium $125

No. 8, TROTTING, free for all, citizens= purse. Premium $250

Ladies riding. Special.


No. 9, RUNNING, novelty race, catch weights. Premium $160 [?]

($25 to 1/4 mile, $35 to 2 mile, $50 to 3/4 mile, $50 to mile post, 5 to enter and 4 to start.)

No. 10, consolation, half-mile heats. Premium $75

(Open to all trotters and pacers, who had started and not won a purse during the meeting.)

No. 11, optional, one mile. Premium $50

(Cowley County buggy horses, owners to drive with their own buggies.

$30 to first horse out; $15 to second; $5 to third. No entrance.)


WEDNESDAY, September 24.

Half mile heats, 3 in 5. Premium $35 to 1st, $25 to 2nd, $10 to 3rd.

THURSDAY, September 25.

Five mile race: the winner to be presented with a gold badge valued at $25.

SATURDAY, September 27.

On this day Mr. Page or Mr. Buck, the champion Bicyclists of the State, will ride a ten mile race against a horse for a purse of $200.


The following special premiums are offered by the citizens of Cowley County. Parties wishing to compete for them must enter articles same as in other class, and must also comply with the instructions and requests named in the premium.

President J. F. Martin will have charge of this department, make assignment of articles, and appoint the necessary judges.


$15.00. For the best display of products from a single farm, by any farmer in Cowley County. $10.00 to 1st; $5.00 to 2nd.


$10.00. For one or more sheaves of wheat taken from within five feet of the top of the stack, five days before the opening of the Fair. Judgment to be on the best condition of the straw and berry.


($5.00) Rocking Chair. For the best display of Preserved Fruits, not less than five varieties, in glass jarsCthree or more to enter.


$2.50 For the Largest Pumpkin raised in Cowley County.


Boys= saddle, worth $5.00, for graceful riding by any boy under 12 years of age.

Ladies= riding whip, worth $5.00 for graceful riding by any girl under 12 years of age.


$5.00. For the largest Ear of Corn, by weight; must be entered on the first day of the Fair and weighed on the last day. Open to the world, and all corn entered to belong to J. L. Horning.


$5.00. For the best hand-made Sunbonnet, any style or material, by a girl under 16 years of age; $3.00 to 1st, $2.00 to 2nd.


$5.00. For the best Five Pounds of Butter, in one pound rolls. Premium butter to be the property of A. T. Spotswood.


$5.00. For the best hand-made Misses= White Apron, by any girl in Cowley County under 15 years of age; $3.00 to 1st, $2.00 to 2nd.


$5.00. For ten Irish Potatoes entered on the 1st day of the Fair and weighed on the last day. Heaviest weight, $3.00; second weight, $2.00. All potatoes entered for this premium to be the property of A. H. Doane & Co.


$30.00. For the bushel of corn grown in Cowley County weighing 70 pounds and containing the least number of ears. Must be entered on the 1st day of the Fair and judged on the last; $15.00 to first, $10.00 to second, $5.00 to third. All corn entered for this premium to be the property of P. H. Albright.


$15.00. For best Spring Colt sired by ALilac@: $10.00 to first, $5.00 to second.


$15.00. For best colt sired by his horse; $10 to first, $5.00 to second.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.

THE WINFIELD MARKETS. Eggs 10 cents, butter 15 cents, chickens, $1.50 to $2.00 per dozen and old hens $2.00 to $2.40 per dozen. Potatoes 50 to 75 cents; Hogs $4.70 to $5.00 per cwt. Mixed corn, 35 and for white 32 cents. Wheat sells at 65 cents per bushel for old and 55 cents for new.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.


Mr. D. Palmer is just out after a severe tussle with malaria.

F. P. Schiffbauer, wife and child, of the Terminus Sundayed in Winfield.

Miss Minnie McLean, of Kansas City, is spending a few days with Mrs. Joe Conklin.

Sam. Myton expects to finish his magnificent new business block by the first of September.

Fred Barron now occupies the building back of the Winfield Bank, with his sewing machine stock.

Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.


The Board of County Commissioners rented fifty acres on the poor farm to Joe Mack, for wheat, at $3.00 per acre.

Wilkinson & Co., now occupying the new building of S. H. Jennings, next to L. M. Williams= drug house, with their cigar factory.

Mrs. Julia L. Conklin, the mother of the Conklin Brothers, after an absence of two years in Kansas City, is visiting her children.

Miss Cora Sloan occupies the cashier=s desk in J. P. Baden=s mercantile establishment.

The Republican primary for Fairview Township will be held at Akron Saturday afternoon, August 15th, at 4 o=clock p.m. J. L. Foster, Chairman, Township Committee.

The Colored Methodists of Arkansas City will give a big barbecue in that place tomorrow, August 1st. Most of the colored people of Winfield will go down.

The Republican Primary for Vernon Township will be held at the Werden schoolhouse on Thursday, August 21st, at 3 o=clock p.m. J. B. Evans, Chairman, Township Committee.

Dr. T. B. Taylor has been very low for several weeks. He has had two congestive chills and his condition was deemed critical a few days ago, but he is now improving.

Miss Anna and Master Fred Dunham, cousins of the writer, arrived Monday from Roca, Nebraska, and will visit some time with their sister, Mrs. Frank W. Finch, and other relatives.

There will be a Republican caucus held at Akron schoolhouse August 16th, 1884, at 4 o=clock p.m., for the purpose of electing four delegates to the county convention.

J. W. Douglass, Chairman.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tincher, of Chanute, spent Sunday in the city with their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Hendricks. Mr. Tincher is a member of that jolly fraternity, the commercial drummers.

Mr. J. F. Martin found, some time ago, some ladies= jewelry between Winfield and the west bridge. The owner, by calling at this office, describing the same and paying for this notice, can secure it.

Mr. G. S. Manser showed us a remarkable sample of the county=s apple productiveness Saturday, in a branch raised by Johnny Jones, of Rock Township. It was twelve inches long and contained fifteen mammoth apples.

Lost. Between Winfield and Arkansas City, on Friday last, an account book containing a chattel mortgage for $250 and a lot of notes and blank notes. A liberal reward will be paid for their return to J. B. Nipp.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.

Mrs. H. P. Mansfield has purchased a number of lots in the new Harper County town, Attica, and went out Saturday to superintend the erection of a building to be used by her sons, Harold and Richie, for a drug store. Attica is only two or three weeks old, but is going up like a rocket, with prospects of permanent advancement.



Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.

Last year two dead horses were planted on the banks of the river just south of Winfield and caused a very unpleasant odor and a like offense was committed last week by dumping a scavenger=s=s cart near the South Bridge. Now let it be understood that the offense must not be repeated. All persons should have more regard for the health of the community then to spread filth and putrefaction along the public roads. This is a reform that will be enforced.



Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.

Winfield has recently been overrun with street fakirs. These persons, as every reasoning person must know, sell the shoddiest kind of goods, yet men will crowd around and patronize them. The person who purchases their goods not only gets Astuck@ every time, but he is putting immense profits into the pockets of men who pay no taxes. . . .


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.

Capt. Ashby, of Chanute, visited Cowley last week to procure specimens of fruits for the Kansas exhibit at the New Orleans Exposition. He was sent by the State Horticultural Society and the State Board of Agriculture. The Cowley County Horticultural Society noised his presence around among its members and as fine a display as any county can produce was on the table at the Society=s regular monthly meeting Saturday, at the COURIER office. Everything in horticulture which could be procured at this season was represented grandly, and Capt. Ashby took away a fine lot of specimens. He says that Southern Kansas leads the State in peaches and must make a reputation this year for the deficient sections. Cowley, Sumner, and Sedgwick, he says, are way ahead in peaches, and make showing in all kinds of fruit that would rival many of the oldest counties of Kansas. The specimens will all be credited to the respective counties sending them.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.

Mr. M. L. Read has favored us with a branch about eight inches long, bearing fourteen beautiful budded peaches, raised in the grounds of his residence. Mr. Read=s grounds are yielding splendidly this year of different varieties of fruit and his flowers and shrubs are worth walking many blocks to see. These grounds, with their fountains, lovely blue grass, artistically shaped evergreens, etc., form a complete picture and are the result of much personal attention. The air of perfection about Mr. Read=s beautiful home is very noticeable.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.

The Republicans of Maple Township will hold a primary election at the Centennial schoolhouse on Saturday, August 16, at 2 o=clock to nominate two delegates to the district convention to be held at Burden on Wednesday, August 20th. Also to nominate three delegates to the county convention to be held at Winfield on Saturday, August 23. By order of the Township Central Committee. E. J. Cole, Chairman.



Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.

DIED. Mrs. H. B. Quier, aged 29 years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Saunders of this city, died last Thursday at her home in Tisdale Township. She had been ill about a week with typhoid fever and had rallied sufficiently to be around, when a relapse came in a congestive chill and took her off in a few hours. She was a Baptist and highly respected in her neighborhood. She left a sorrowing husband and five children.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.

Mr. Hawkins brings us from his Vernon Township orchard one of the handsomest apples we have ever seen. It is called ABlemless Orange@ is as round and smooth as if it had been turned in a lathe. He also left us an apple from Mr. J. W. Millspaugh=s orchard, which was very fine. It was a Akeswich.@ Vernon has some of the best orchards and the most enthusiastic horticulturalists in the county.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.

Dr. J. F. Hendy, President of the Emporia Presbyterian College, filled the Presbyterian pulpit of this city last Sunday. His sermon in the evening was based on AA Shipwreck of what might have been a noble life,@ illustrating the bright entrance and dark exit of King Soloman. It was a smooth, incisive, practical sermon.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.

The executive Board of the Fair Association met Monday and decided to sell three dining-hall privileges at seventy-five dollars each and ten refreshment stand privileges at forty dollars each. One dining hall and several refreshment stand privileges have already been taken. Only the number designated will be sold and those to the first applicants.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.

The Courier Cornet Band appeared on the street Tuesday evening in their beautiful new uniforms and furnished our people some of their classic music. Their uniforms are the

APlumed Knights,@ navy blue with handsome gilt trimmings, and make a fine show. No band in the west can now excel the Courier Cornet Band in efficiency or equipment.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.

The Annual Camp-meeting for the promotion of holiness will be held in Melville=s Walnut Grove on Badger Creek near the Walnut River, five and a half miles southeast of Winfield, commencing on the 6th of August and ending on the 13th. M. L. Haney, of Illinois, will conduct the meeting. A large tabernacle has been secured.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.

On the 25th of August the Winfield Catholic School will open, under the direction of Mrs. McAtee. Mrs. McAtee is a graduate from the Normal School of St. Louis and has taught in the Public High School of that city. Applicants desiring admission to this school must apply to the Pastor, Rev. John F. Kelly, on or before the 20th of August.

Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.

Cairns & Reynolds have furnished a windmill for the Union Cemetery and the trenches for a system of waterworks are being dug this week. This will be a big improvement and will soon show itself in the changed appearance of the cemetery. About three hundred dollars has been subscribed by citizens for this purpose.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.

In using a common hoe drill with a press attachment behind it, in trashy land, the hoe is in the way in getting the trash off. In using the Blunts Press drill, the runners Are like a corn planter runner and slide over the trash, leaving it where it was found instead of harrowing it up like a hoe drill. W. A. Lee, Agent.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.

Abe Steinberger has sold his Howard Grip to J. R. Hall, who will turn it into a Simon-pure, square-toed Democratic sheet. Abe says in his valedictory that he will remain in Howard. It will seem strange to think of Abe as anything but a newspaper man.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.

Fultz is becoming the most popular variety of wheat among Cowley farmers. It yields more and stands the winter better than any other variety. The Little May, which was at one time leader, has taken a back seat.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.

Lost. A large pocket-book, containing money and papers, in the southeast part of Winfield, on Monday. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving the same at the COURIER office. H. H. BAIR.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.

Lost. Between Winfield and New Salem, a black satin parasol with pale blue lining and deep chenille fringe. Finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving the same at this office.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.

J. P. Baden is now rivaling St. Louis in everything. The immense new sign in front of his Headquarters is very beautiful and metropolitan.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.

The first load of deadly, night blooming watermelons made their appearance last Thursday and they are now plentiful.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.


J. C. Long leaves the last of this week on a business trip to Boston.

Frank Lockwood is again at home after an absence of some weeks in York State.

Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.


Mrs. Geo. H. Crippen has been quite ill for the past few days, but is now much better.

Frank McClean, the musical man from Burden, visited the county=s capital Tuesday.

J. C. Fuller and family left Tuesday to spend several months in the mountains of Colorado.

T. F. Axtel has leased his Pleasant Valley farm to L. Holcomb and gone to New York for an extensive visit.

George Williams and J. M. Harcourt were down from Rock Wednesday shaking hands with the boys all around.

Dumont Anderson came down from Leavenworth Saturday, and is spending a few days with his parents in this city.

Mayor Bolinger of Grenola, was in the city Friday. He thinks we have the best town on the Southern Kansas railroad.

Col. Hallowell was in the city Tuesday shaking hands with his many friends here.

Mrs. J. G. Pierson, of Pleasant Valley, left Tuesday afternoon for a month=s visit with her father in Springfield, Illinois.

A. B. Sykes, the COURIER mechanical manipulator, spent Saturday and Sunday with his Awife=s folks@ in Sumner County.

Theo. Rosvelt was arrested at Silverdale Tuesday, for stealing a revolver from W. B. Huff. He is in jail here awaiting trial.

Rev. R. M. Overstreet, D. D., of Emporia, will fill the pulpit of the Walnut Valley Presbyterian Church next Sabbath at eleven o=clock a.m.

Mr. W. S. Brown, for some months past a salesman in S. H. Myton=s hardware establishment, left Monday for Illinois, to remain till fall.

Mrs. James Irwin, of Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, is visiting Winfield and is the guest of Mrs. J. A. Cooper. She is highly delighted with Winfield.

Mrs. Ed. Burke, nee Miss Bonnie Anderson, left for her home at Leavenworth yesterday evening, having spent several weeks in this city with her parents.

Mr. Robert Campbell, Superintendent of the Metropolitan police of Indianapolis, came in last week and visited a few days with his sister, Mrs. B. McFaddan.

BIRTH. J. S. Foster, assisting W. H. Dawson in the Marble Works, was blessed last Friday with a bounding boyCa first clas young Republican who yells for Blaine.

Judge H. D. Gans will address the people of Floral at the Baptist Church in that place on the temperance question Sunday afternoon August 17th at 3 p.m. All are invited.

Thos. McDougall [?McDougal?] spent a part of last week viewing his property interests in this city. His investments in Winfield are large and paying well, in charge of Curns and Manser.

Miss Neva Wooden, a bright young lady and daughter of Major Wooden, of Arkansas City, is visiting with J. W. Hall. She is one of the instructors in the Indian school at Ponca.

Sol. Burkhalter disposed of sixty-one Texas and Indian ponies last week at an average of twenty-one dollars apiece. Sol. has sold over a hundred and sixty head of ponies since spring.

Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.


Prof. M. L. Ward, President of the Ottawa Baptist University, spent Monday in this city with Rev. J. Cairns. He reports the University in condition to start its fall session very prosperously.

Mrs. Alice Bishop started Monday for a month=s visit with relatives in Chicago and Bloomington, Illinois. Her sister, Miss Mary Berkey, will have charge of the telephone office during her absence.

John Goodrich has sold his grocery store interests in Cedarvale and was looking up a location this week in the western counties of the State. He spent several days of last week with his Winfield friends.

Judge T. H. Soward delivered the address for the colored people at their barbecue celebrating their emancipation, at Arkansas City, last Friday. A big crowd was present and a pleasant time enjoyed.

County Clerk Hunt is full of business. The action of the State Board of Equalization in raising our assessment eleven percent makes him a month=s extra work. He has to raise every item in the country separately.

Irve Randall is getting to be a regular Aland monopolist.@ Not satisfied with his dozen or so houses and lots in Winfield, he has bought a number of lots in Attica, the infant wonder of Harper County, and went out last week to erect buildings.

DIED. Mrs. Clark, wife of Nelson Clark, died Sunday and was buried from the Mt. Zion Church in Vernon, Monday afternoon. Rev. J. H. Snyder preached the funeral discourse. An immense concourse of neighbors and friends were present.

Mr. M. B. Shuler was, on Monday, elected Vice-President of the Winfield Bank, he having, some time since, purchased a large interest in the stock of that institution. He will take an active part in the management of the bank from now on. [Schuler?]

Frank H. Greer dropped the Faber Tuesday evening and journeyed eastward, accompanied by his sisters, Misses Mary and Nora. The sisters will visit relatives at Baldwin City, this state, while Frank will go on to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to be absent several weeks.

Ben Phillips, of the Phillips House, Wellington, passed through from his cattle ranch down near Maple City. He has several hundred acres. The hotel and cattle business make a good unionCwhen they meet on the table.

Ed. Pentecost knocked a cowboy Aseven ways for Sunday@ at Arkansas City one day last week. The cowboy was trying to vent his Awild and wooly@ feeling in uncalled for abuse of Ed., and flourishing his revolver around promiscuously. The first argument downed the revolver badly.

John R. Clark, from Butler County, Ohio, a relative of A. J. Thompson, associated himself last week with T. J. Harris in the real estate and loan business. Mr. Clark is a young man of vim and ability and with the daisy land seller of the West, Mr. Harris, the firm will keep in the lead in its line.

Mr. D. P. Hurst brought us in a bunch of millet this week seven feet high. It was raised in Vernon on the Arkansas River. It was pulled green and might have grown several feet more if given half a chance. The fact that this story would be a whopper in Illinois or Indiana does not necessarily make it one on Cowley County. Its a fact borne out by the exhibition in our office of the millet.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.

We received a call from Mr. E. E. Sanborn, the General Superintendent of the St. Mary=s, Ohio, Woolen Mills. Mr. Sanborn is here in the interests of his milling company, looking at our wool. He is a thorough, practical manufacturer, of large experience, and talks straight from the shoulder. Upon certain conditions which he will make known at the proper time, he will establish a woolen mill at Winfield, beginning with a capacity of fifty hands, to be increased as market is created for the product. He will return here Thursday. Let such of our citizens who are interested in this most important matter meet at the COURIER office on that evening and talk the matter over with him.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.

A Chance to Show Ourselves.

At the County Horticultural Society meeting held last Saturday, J. P. Short exhibited a splendid lot of peaches. They were brought in at the request of Capt. Geo. W. Ashby, who is traveling over the state selecting fine specimens of fruit to go into the State exhibit at the New Orleans Exposition to be held next fall and winter. . . . Capt. Ashby will be here again during our county fair to select fruit and vegetable specimens.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.

Dispute About Cattle.

Gilbert, Newman, and Hallowell contracted 1,000 head of cattle of Mackay, of Texas, to be delivered on their range on the Kaw Indian Reserve. The rivers were high all summer on the way up and the Arkansas River has been bank full for two months. Mackay got here and waited two weeks to cross the cattle and finally drove them over the bridge and through the state. In the settlement he claimed $900 for extra mileage and expenses. Hallowell refused to pay it and Mackay fired at him with a Winchester rifle. Hallowell returned the fire and 20 shots were exchanged before Mackay rode off. Mackay has been arrested. Driving the Texas cattle through the state has caused considerable alarm for fear of domestic cattle taking the Texas fever.

[Question: Is this our Newman? Also...article had Hollowell and Hallowell; further, article had Mackey and Mackay...??? Further, source of article not given!]


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.

A Railroad Smashup!

An Accommodation Train on the Southern Kansas Badly Wrecked Near Cambridge.

Many Passengers Injured and the Coach Used Up.

For some time past the Southern Kansas railroad has been running an accommodation train, which connects with the extra passenger at Independence and runs through, on fair time, to Harper. On this train is, in addition to the caboose, a first-class passenger coach. Most of the passengers arriving in Independence in the evening take this train and in this way make several hours over the regular through passenger train arriving, for instance, at Winfield at 5:10 a.m., instead of at 10:30.

This train was badly wrecked last Saturday morning at 3 o=clock between Grand Summit and Cambridge, about twenty-five miles east of this city, in Cowley County. The train was going down grade at a rapid rate, when a front wheel of the coach went down. The train, of course, couldn=t be stopped on down grade for some distance, and the coach plunged around over the track, plowing up the ground terrifically, until an up grade was reached, when the car broke off and rolled over almost on its top. The coach contained about twenty-one passengers, who were tossed helplessly through the car. Scarcely one escaped injury, while many were seriously hurt, and a few fatally.

Mrs. S. C. Sumpter, of Walnut Township, with a sister, was in the car returning from an Illinois visit. Mr. Sumpter met them at the depot here to find them fearfully cut and bruised about the head and shoulders, and a startling story they told.

Mrs. Hoyland and her three daughters, from Wisconsin, were within a few miles of their destination, New Salem, where her brother, J. W. Hoyland, was awaiting them. The old lady was badly cut about the head, the oldest daughter had a shoulder broken, the next received what were supposed to be fatal internal injuries, and the youngest girl was seriously bruised. Physicians were procured from Cambridge and the injured cared for until the west bound passenger train picked them up.

It was impossible for us to ascertain further names, as nearly all of the unfortunate were taken on to their several destinations.

Some who were unable to travel were left at Cambridge. Dr. Emerson, of this city, the Company=s physician, gave them early attention.

The Doctor and Senator Hackney, attorney of the company, spent Sunday at Cambridge.

None of the train men were injured. The conductor was in the caboose and the brakeman was just leaving it to set the coach brakes when the disaster occurred.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.


A AHole@ Bill Snowed Under and the Usual Routine Business Transacted.

The city Parliament was in regular session Monday evening. The committees on finance and streets and alleys were allowed further time to report.

Bill amounting to about sixty dollars were referred to the committee on Finance.

The following bills were allowed and ordered paid.

Hands & Gary, team and carriage, $3.00.

Jos. O=Hare, costs in city vs. Waite, $5.00.

Cal. Ferguson, team and carriage, $2.

E. F. Sears, crossing, $32.92.

City officers salaries for July, $129.98.

J. C. McMullen, rent Fire Department building for July, $25.

A. H. Glanden, crossing, $7.60.

J. A. McGuire, chairman of committee on streets and alleys, patent street grader and freight on same, $178.14.

The following bills were rejected.

B. S. Weger, alleged injuries received by stepping into a hole in the streets, $357.

W. P. Hackney, for dirt on street and damages, $420.

Mr. Weger now threatens to crawl into this hole again and pull the hole in after him. Supplemented plat to block 291, deeding to the city a street, was accepted and ordered on record.

Communication from property owners on north side of Fifth Avenue relating to the purchase of certain out-lots for a street, was referred to the proper committee.

Notice by the Winfield Gas Company that they had finished the system of gas-works as contemplated by Ordinances No. 176 and 177, was referred to a special committee consisting of Councilmen Hodges, McDonald, and McGuire.

A special meeting of the Council was held last night to consider certain Akicks@ from merchants against street fakirs.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.


The New Roller Skating Rink on South Main Street Thrown Open to the Public.

For some time past Messrs. Brower & Yocom have been busily engaged in erecting a commodious, substantial Roller Skating Rink and on last Saturday it was thrown open to the public for the first time. This is one of the most complete and pleasant rinks in the state and will prove a profitable investment to the owners. It is 56 x 120 feet and the floor is of the almost indestructible hard pine. The ventilation is perfect, the seating capacity for spectators is large, and a refreshment room, dressing room, and ticket office are among the conveniencesCthe refreshment room, much to the agony of the young men, who behold in despair the opportunity for Aroping in@ thus placed in their rugged path. Truly, the road to a young lady=s affection, at this season, is lined with ice cream, lemonade, and attendant pleasantries. Another point for the ladiesCthey are admitted free, while the gentlemen are taxed ten cents. The opening Saturday night was a bright one, some four or five hundred being present as skaters and spectators. A number were up from the Terminus. Messrs. Brewer and Yocom are starting out to make this a perfect pleasure resort, allowing no objectionable characters and keeping the best of order. If Saturday night is a fair test, they will certainly succeed.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.

Tax Levy.

The Commissioners met Monday and made the tax levy for the coming year as follows, shown by Mills. The total county levy: 17.7 mills.

State tax: 4.5

County tax: 8

County Bond Sinking Fund: 3

Railroad Bond interest: 1

Poor farm: 1.2

This is a reduction of 3-3/10 mills from last year. The 4 2 mill levy for state purposes raises $19,957.80, which is apportioned as follows.

For general state expenses: $14,635.72

For use in building state house: $2,218.53

For sinking fund: $443.51

For interest on state debt: $1,774.03

For cow doctor Holcomb and his foot and mouth board: $887.91

TOTAL: $19,957.80

The township and school district levies have not yet been returned to the clerk, but there will be a general and established reduction in taxes all around. The State Board of Equalization raises the assessment of the county 11 percent, making the total valuation of the county $4,434,067.38.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.

Narrow Gauge.

The surveying corps of the Narrow Gauge passed through Dexter last Friday and are now working between this point and Tisdale. They will run the line into Winfield Friday. The line they are now following brings them in on the north side of town somewhere about 5th Avenue. When they reach the Arkansas River, they will turn around and set the grade stakes on the line east and grading will commence at an early day. The road will be graded for a standard gauge and laid with standard gauge rails and ties so that it can be widened to that gauge as soon as the bonds are issued. Mr. Chas. C. Black, of this city, is a director and secretary of the company and its right of way agent for this division. There are about fifteen persons in the surveying corps now working in this vicinity in charge of chief engineer Parks.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.

A number of the Republicans of Vernon Township met at the Werden schoolhouse last Friday evening and organized a Blaine and Logan club. Mr. Jennings and others from Winfield were present and addressed the club. . . .


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.

The Probate Judge has issued MARRIAGE LICENSES during the week as follows.

James McDermott to Tirzah A. Henderson.

F. M. Small to Agnes Ramsey.

Thos. Poor to Rosa M. Villet.

Leburtis Eastman to Belle Hon.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.

The large-colored posters for the Fair Association came in Monday and in a week more every cross-road will be illuminated with them. Cowley=s fair this year will be one of the seven wonders.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.

The counties of Cowley, Sumner, Sedgwick, and Butler contain one-third of the population of the great State of Kansas.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.

The assessed value of Walnut Township this year is $227,000. Walnut is climbing up lively.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.


A Mother Dies Under Peculiarly Distressing Circumstances,

Far from Husband and Other Relatives, Amid the Agonizing Cries of Three Little Ones.

DIED. One of those sad deaths which stir the innermost recesses of the heart came to Mrs. Ellen Sheehy, in this city, Saturday night last. She was an intelligent, comely lady, aged twenty-three years, and had three children, two girls and one boy, the youngest being but seven months old. A few months ago Mrs. Sheehy, with her husband and children, came from the northern part of the state to Winfield, where they rented a house for one year, paying for it in advance, and he went to work for Mr. J. E. Conklin in the Stone, Brick and Tile Works. Two weeks ago last Wednesday, he, in company with Mr. Gray and two others, started for the west in search of farms for future homes, he intending to send for his family as soon as he located. About one week after he left, she was taken down with typhoid malaria fever, which baffled the best skill, and terminated fatally in ten days. The husband being out in the sparsely settled west, knows nothing of his great loss. Her father and mother live at Chandler, Rooks County, about thirty miles from the railroad and could not be reached by telegraph under seventeen dollars. This Mrs. Sheehy ascertained, and being of a sensitive nature meekly waited, in the hopes of recovery, without apprising the neighbors and friends of this desire, until too late. So no relatives were present at the funeral, which took place from the Baptist Church Sunday afternoon, Rev. J. Cairns, assisted by rev. B. Kelly, conducting the ceremonies. Mrs. Sheehy was buoyant with hopes for recovery until almost the end, and when she found she must succumb to the inevitable, her agony at the thought of leaving her children among strangers was heart-rending. She begged the physician and friends to save her until just one look upon the absent husband could be had. As soon as her condition was known, everything that medical skill and kind neighbors could do, by night and day, was done, and she realized that she had fallen into the hands of Good Samaritans. Especially attentive were Rev. J. Cairns and his estimable lady. Mrs. Sheehy was converted at eighteen and joined the Baptist Church. A large cortege followed her to the cemetery, evincing the deepest sympathy and regret, where she was laid away in a beautiful lot. The children are being tenderly cared for by Mrs. Gordon, one of the neighbors.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.


Raising of the First Blaine and Logan Flag Pole.

Among the many staunch and loyal Republican townships of grand old Cowley, Dexter occupies the front rank. For enthusiasm and enterprise they are never beaten. Last Thursday added another laurel to her record by the erection of the first Blaine and Logan flag pole in the county. There was a large number of people present and music was furnished by Prof. McLain with his splendid Burden Cornet Band. The pole was one hundred feet high, painted red, white, and blue, and as straight as a chalk line. It was one of the finest poles we have ever seen. After the pole-raising the crowd adjourned to the schoolhouse, where, after music by the band, Judge Soward delivered an eloquent and red-hot speech of an hour. He was followed by Senator Hackney, in one of his characteristic speeches, delivered in his happiest vein. He warmed the democratic party up lively, bringing up their record for twenty years and contrasting their past utterances with present accomplishments until the few democrats present were either mad or converted. Hackney never fails to wake things up.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.

Organization of Blaine and Logan Club.

Pursuant to notice the committee appointed to organize a Cowley County Blaine and Logan Club met at the COURIER office at 2 o=clock p.m., July 19, 1884. T. H. Soward was elected President, J. R. Sumpter, Secretary, and W. J. Wilson, Treasurer. The following gentlemen were elected vice-Presidents of the Club.

Beaver, M. F. Teter; Bolton, J. D. Guthrie; Cedar, Alec Groose; Creswell, C. T. Atkinson; Dexter, S. H. Wells; Fairview, Wm. White; Liberty, Justus Fisher; Maple, Ed. Morse; Ninnescah, A. J. Worden; Omnia, W. H. Gilliard; Otter, A. H. Mills; Pleasant Valley, D. S. Sherrard; Richland, Capt. Stuber; Rock, S. P. Strong; Sheridan, Barney Shriver; Silver Creek, J. W. Henthorn; Silverdale, J. N. Darnall; Tisdale, Hugh McKibben; Vernon, Oscar Wooley; Walnut, S. E. Burger; Windsor, R. F. Roberts; Winfield 1st Ward, W. J. Wilson; Winfield 2nd Ward, G. H. Buckman; Harvey, R. S. Strother; Spring Creek, J. J. Estus.

Motion that the Vice Presidents be instructed to organize Blaine and Logan Clubs in their townships at the earliest possible time, and report their organization and members to the President of this Club, carried. On motion the chair appointed Capt. White, W. J. Wilson, and J. R. Sumpter a committee on finance. The Club adopted as a badge a plain blue ribbon with the names of the Republican candidate for President and vice-president printed thereon. Adjourned to meet on the call of the Chairman. J. R. SUMPTER, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.

[SKIPPED...Constitution of Cowley County Blaine and Logan Club.]


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.

Farm for Sale.

Wishing to change my business, I offer for sale, my farm, containing 160 acres, located one and a half miles west of Winfield. This is one of the most desirable and best improved farms in Cowley CountyC120 acres under a high state of cultivation, 30 acres enclosed for pasture, 5 acres in orchard of apple, peach, cherry, pear, and apricots, all bearing. Large house containing 6 rooms, splendid cellar, two never failing wells with pumps in them, granary and cribs sufficient to hold 2,000 bushels of grain. In a word, everything in first class order for profit, comfort, and convenience. Terms made easy. Will take some city property in exchange. For particulars call on the undersigned at the office of Shivvers & Linn, or address through the Winfield post office, S. S. Linn.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.

Pleasant Valley Primary. The Republican primary of Pleasant Valley Township will be held at the Odessa schoolhouse on Friday, August 15th, at 4 o=clock p.m. sharp. After the election of delegates to the county convention, it is intended to form a Blaine and Logan club. All interested in the formation of such club are urgently requested to be present.

D. S. SHERRARD. Chairman, Township Committee.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.

A Card of Thanks. The Ladies Aid Society of the Christian Church wish to return their thanks to Messrs. Curns & Manser for the use of the building for their Ice Cream Social. Also to the Courier Band for their splendid music rendered on the occasion.

(Signed) Mrs. G. W. Wilson, President.

Net proceeds from the social, thirty dollars.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.

Otter Township Primary. The Republican primary meeting of Otter Township to elect delegates to the county convention will be held at the Otter Creek schoolhouse, August 16th, 1884, at 3 o=clock p.m. J. B. GRAVES, Chairman, Committee.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.


Mrs. McClelland is visiting her mother, Mrs. Bovee.

Doctor Downs has traded his mules for some nice ponies.

Mr. Frank Pixley has returned to school at Lawrence.

Mr. Orrand lost a fine mare last weekCstruck by lightning.

Mr. Watson and family have moved to a home near Floral for the present.

Miss Dolly Gilmore spent last Sunday in Winfield, the guest of Miss Fahey.

Messrs. Nichols and Thorton are replastering the old Salem schoolhouse.

Mrs. Fred Hunt of Winfield visited her cousin, Mrs. J. E. Hoyland, last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Foster, of Cambridge, visited the Hoyland and Vance families last week.

BIRTH? Mrs. Bryant is entertaining a little one, but I don=t know what name it answers toCmiss or master.

Mr. Lucas came home from Noral quite sick one day last week, but was back to work again next day.

The patient of Doctor Downs that was so very low (a Tennessee lady, I forgot the name) is recovering rapidly.

Messrs. Perry and Albert Rhodes have made the Dalgarn family a pleasant visit and gone west to their employment.

Messrs. Grieves, Sheddan, and one or two others are off to Harper, Barbour, etc., on a trip of pleasure and business.

Miss Ettie Johnson=s friends have returned to their homes. The Misses Rounds were guests in the Johnson household recently.

There is a small Aside show@ in this vicinity, viz.: a little pig with two tails, one growing out of its side. Joe Hoyland is the owner of this curiosity.

Mrs. Doolittle, also Mrs. Marling, received a barrel of plums from the Nation through the kindness of their bachelor brother. Mr. Shan. Doolittle. So bachelors are good for some things, I suppose.

Mr. Willis Fitzgerald, of Iowa, visited his cousin Mrs. J. E. Hoyland, lately. We all wish he could remain in Salem as he is an intelligent and educated young man, and bids fair to make a successful teacher or speaker.

There will be a church social under the auspices of the M. E. Church at the Salem Hall, on Thursday, the 7th. A good time is expected and all are invited to come and have a good time and hear the Burden Band, and partake of cream, cake, etc. Everybody come and bring his girl and her relations.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.


Lawyer Asp was in Cambridge Friday.

Mrs. Smith, of South Prairie, is quite sick at present.

Blanch Palmer has returned from her visit in Winfield.

Mr. McCurdy, of South Prairie, left last week for Missouri.

The farmers in this vicinity are busy putting up prairie hay.

Rumor says Dr. Pleasant is going to Oregon, but we hope not.

Mrs. C. P. Alling=s mother, living on Otter Creek, is quite sick.

Dwaye Foster and family visited friends in New Salem last week.

Rev. Mayu preached an excellent sermon at Highland schoolhouse last Sunday.

J. C. Hendrickson started for Missouri last Thursday and will be gone about ten days.

Mac Stapleton and family from Cedarvale, visited friends in Cambridge last week.

Mr. George Rowe has been quite sick the past week, but at present is convalescing.

Hattie Utley and Frank Rowe, students of the Normal, returned home Thursday. Allie Hardin stayed until Friday.

Misses Ella, Lissa, and Estella Moore, of Arkansas City, visited their aunt, Mrs. Darnell, last week.

Sam. Greenleaf has gone to Mead County, on a prospecting tour. His brother Ed. has charge of his stable during his absence.

Dave Craft has gone to Clearwater, to clerk for Mr. Henrion, formerly of this place. Some of the girls hated to have him go.

Mr. Alling, of Otter Creek, has taken charge of the wagon shop formerly owned by Mr. Bernard. Mr. Alling is a good workman and we hope he may do well.




Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.



I notice in your last a complaint regarding the raising of the Bliss & Wood mill dam fearing great danger there from on account of overflowage, etc. I think if this is the case and large tracts of land is to be rendered useless and the greater part of the city of Winfield overflowed thus causing a great loss of property and possibly cause the removal of the county seat from Winfield, I think there should be some means brought to bear on Bliss & Wood to prevent them from doing such an unwise thing. But I cannot fully understand how the results claimed can arise from raising said dam 2 feet. I am well acquainted with the Walnut River and know that its banks are high many feet above the water level when the dam is full of water and how two feet can raise the water back over the banks which are 20 feet above the water level I cannot understand. Will someone explain for I want to understand this and then I am ready to fight the project tooth and toe nail. But if it is, it seems to me that the raising of said dam two feet can possibly be of no material damage to any person in any way, then I am in favor of the dam being raised from this standpoint. The Mill of Bliss and Wood=s has been of as much practical benefit to this county as either of our Railroads and the cheaper that mill can be made to run the more they will be able to pay for wheat and thus every farmer in the whole county will be benefitted by aforesaid said project. I am in favor of driving slow and oppose nothing which I think in its nature is calculated to enhance our interests. I think fords will be damaged but I think they are a nuisance. What the farmers up north want is good bridges and then they will not hold their grain till they can cross the fords for at such times prices are invariably low. Hoping to hear more, anon, I remain a Subscriber, a Democrat, and a St. John man.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.

Republican Primary Election. The Liberty Township Republican primary meeting will be held at the Rose Valley schoolhouse on Thursday, August 21, at 2 o=clock p.m.

J. A. COCHRAN, Chairman, Township Committee.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.

Tunnel Mills.

Mr. Elem Harter is now in charge of the Tunnel Mills and ready to please all customers.


Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.


Wood Pumps at Lee=s Implements, Hose Best Porcelain Lined Pumps Made.

Drills to sow wheat, income run short. Last years, come and get one while we have them.

W. A. LEE.

Between 60 and 70 acres of wheat land within two miles of the city for rent. Inquire of Dr. Marsh over the post office.

Piano for Sale. 1 new upright rosewood case piano, also one Organ, may be seen at corner of Riverside Avenue and Fuller StreetCthree blocks east of skating rink.

Wanted. Agents for the Mutual Endowment Association, of Toledo, Iowa. E. B. Kephart, President. Recommended by Gov. B. R. Sherman and other prominent men of Iowa. W. S. VARNER, State Agent, Winfield, Kansas.

$10 Reward. Strayed from my farm in Vernon Township, six miles northwest of Winfield, on Thursday night, July 31st, a bay mare Texas pony, about 8 years old, thin in flesh, wild; had on halter with short rope. The above reward will be paid for its return.


Corns, Bunions, Ingrowing Nails, extracted without pain, or without leaving a sore, or without using acids, alkalies, caustics, or any other injurious material. Will be in Winfield at the Central Hotel for a few days. No extra charge for visiting anywhere in the city. Charges reasonable. DAVID BREWER, Chiropodist.


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.

A Visitor=s View of Winfield.

Some visitor has written the following to the Topeka Commonwealth. We commend his judgment and good sense.

AMuch has been said and written about Winfield, but all the pretty paragraphs published about it fell short of the mark. It is without doubt one of the handsomest, thriftiest towns in the WestCa town about which it is a genuine pleasure to write. No better class of merchants are to be found anywhere, and the good-will they seem to bear to each other is a fact promising in itself. Shade trees are plentiful, and tastefully arranged. Residences that one would not expect to find outside of larger cities, are seen on every street. The avenues are well kept and attractive; in fact, there seems to be nothing lacking to make Winfield a most desirable place to live in. The city has at present five thousand inhabitants, of whom four-fifths at least, are well-to-do people. It has two good weekly papers, the COURIER and Telegram, each with a big circulation and great influence in Cowley County. There are three banks, each doing a tremendous business, and four elevators, which will soon be billed to the eaves with as good wheat as ever went to market; and bankers, dealers, and farmers will be happy. The largest flouring mill in the State is located here, and has a capacity of 750 barrels per day. Eight substantial churches, one or two of which are elegantly furnishedC

keep the city morally healthy, the good results being evident to any observer of a day=s sojourn. It has four good hotels, one of which, the Brettun, deserves special mention as the best furnished and the most pleasing to a fastidious man with a big appetite. It is a credit to the town and county. Eight extensive quarries turn out a very fair quality of building stone, that is shipped everywhere. This stone has a peculiar beauty in its clear, white surface, and makes an exceedingly handsome front for a business house. It is generally used here finishing business blocks. The city has had waterworks in operation nearly a year. It is now lighted with gas works, having just been completed. A charter has been granted to a company to construct a street railway, which will be in operation by September 1. Bonds have been voted for two new railroads, to be built in a year, one of which will give Winfield direct through connection with Texas. Altogether, Winfield=s prospects are brightCvery bright. It is daily becoming metropolitan in everything necessary to secure comfort and convenience for its people. Population will get here by and by. It is bound to come. When a class of men such as are holding the reins here, undertake to build up a place, it generally moves right along, and thousands of others fall into line in due time.@


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.

Farmers of Cowley County Versus the Transportation Problem.

The time is fast approaching when it shall be our duty to determine once more who shall represent us in the legislative halls of our grandly progressive state. Now that the prominent national parties have each chosen their standard bearers and the army of delegates that were necessarily present at these huge conventions have returned to their respective districts, it is time that attention was being directed upon local matters.

In the intense excitement of a national campaign, it is possible that subjects having a particularly direct bearing upon home interests may be overlooked. The issues of Woman=s Suffrage prohibition and resubmission and the tariff have been thoroughly agitated and muchly ventilated. While these are questions of great importance, and the happiness and welfare of a large portion of humanity, in our own country, at least, depends upon their ultimate success, they should not overshadow an issue that more directly and daily affects our material prosperity.

I have allusion to the transportation problem. The ball has been put in motion in regard to this matter and let us keep it rolling until we obtain relief from the gigantic monopolies that control the traffic of our country. The last regular session of the legislature broke the ice and laid the foundation for the regulation of these powerful transportation companies. It devolves upon us now to build the superstructure, staunch, strong, and impenetrable before the foundation crumbles away.

The commission bureau has proven to be, as was expected, a very weak and diseffective compromise. It is true that the commissioners have been instrumental in accomplishing some little good, but they are inadequate to effectually eradicate the evil that is effecting the producing masses.

For, look at this matter in whatever light we choose, the burden of unjust and exorbitant freight rates must be born by the producing classes. This being a fact, it is unreasonable then to expect judicious and favorable legislation in the interest of the producer by electing representatives from the so-called professions. We must elect men from our own rank and file to represent us, men who are equally interested in our welfare and prosperity. Who is better acquainted with the wrongs and grievances of the producer than the producer himself? If every representative district throughout the state would each send to the legislature this winter a man from among that class Awhose hands are soiled by the dust of honest toil,@ this transportation problem would, undoubtedly, be solved in short metre. The balance of power as pertains to voting lies with the producing classes and by a proper system of organization it could be made effective for their welfare and advancement. Whether they will make a wise and judicious use of their advantages and opportunities remains for them to demonstrate.

The grinding monopolistic corporations have ridden them over until their backs are galled and blistered and it is high time that they were rising up in their might and their manhood and asserting their rights. AIt is simply outrageous,@ said one of the heaviest and largest hardware and implement dealers in Cowley County to the writer, the other day, when discussing this transportation problem, Athe way the railroads charge for hauling freight from Kansas City to this county. My freight bills, on the same merchandise, are higher from Kansas City to here than from Chicago to Kansas City. But I do not bear this extortionate charge. I add it to the cost price of my goods and it finally comes out of the pockets of your farmers. While I would much rather sell goods cheaper because I could sell more of them, I must make a certain percent in my business over and above the cost price and freight charges in order to live.@

This is the utterance of a man who pays from eight to ten thousand dollars annually to the railroads of this country. He declares, too, that all comes out of the pockets of our farmers.

The cost of our exportations would show a more appalling result than the above. The value of our exports are much greater than our imports, and the extortionate charges on the two combined are enough to make our galled and jaded grangers wince and cry out in lamentations.

Now, I do not wish to be understood as an extremist and favoring legislation that would be injurious or detrimental to the growth and successful operation of the railroad systems of our state. I recognize the power and importance they have been and are to our commonwealth. But I do claim that we, as producers, have rights which they should, in the discharge of their duties, respect. I freely accord to them all the credit they justly deserve as one of the factors in helping to improve, build up, and develop the resources of our country, and am willing that they should receive a fair and reasonable interest above expenses of operation on all real and actual (no watered stock) capital invested. But they should bear in mind that a thriving class of producers are just as necessary to the successful operations of railroads as good roads are beneficial to the producers and that the harmonious working of both elements insures the greatest prosperity to our country.

Farmers of Cowley County, look sharply after your own interests in this campaign. Make a special effort to attend the primaries and see that delegates are chosen who are favorable to the nomination of men of honor, ability, and unquestionable standing on this transpor-tation problem. Make this paramount to all other issues in our state campaign. You should be more interested in the freight tariff at your own door than in a national tariff for revenue, or for protection either. The former affects you directly, the latter but indirectly.


Constant, Kansas.


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.

The Cambridge News gives the following account of the accident on the Southern Kansas, with the names of some of the injured parties.

ALast Saturday morning, about 2:30 o=clock, when the west-bound freight train was within about three miles of Cambridge, east, one of the wheels under the passenger coach attached to the rear of the train, bursted, which threw the coach off the track, top down, and jerked the rear trucks of the caboose loose.

There were about twenty-five passengers aboard, all of whom escaped without injury except eight or ten. These were brought to Cambridge in carriages, and kindly cared for.

Mrs. B. L. Hoyland had her chest injured.

Miss Emma Hoyland, collar-bone broken.

Miss Lela Stevenson, badly injured about head.

Miss Jessie Hoyland (injuries not given).

Robert Efinger, of Gardner, Kansas, injured about face.

N. F. Howard, R. R. employee, three severe cuts on the head.

Mrs. S. C. Sumpter, of this county, cut on head and slightly bruised.

Two or three others, whose names we failed to learn, were slightly injured.

Fortunately, no one received fatal injuries.

The first four parties named are of one family, and were on their way from Monroe, Wisconsin, to Burden, Kansas. Mr. B. L. Hoyland, the husband and father, arrived Saturday evening.

Miss Stevenson was so badly injured that her life was despaired of, but at this writing (Friday) she is convalescent.

The wreck caused a good deal of excitement and our hotels and boarding houses were crowded.


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.

A circumstance peculiar to election times took place one day this week. Commissioner Moore and Capt. Nipp were conversing concerning the number of votes St. John could poll in Arkansas City. The Captain offered Mr. Moore five dollars for the presentation of a St. John man. Mr. Moore readily accepted and offered five dollars in return if he failed to secure his specimen. Capt. Nipp refused, saying that cigars for the crowd would be sufficient. In good spirits, Mr. Moore started and having secured our fragile little townsman, John Lewis, asked him to go down street and see a gentleman. John good-naturedly consented and after the crowd had been reached, someone said, AMr. Lewis, for whom will you vote for president?@ AFor Blaine and Logan, of course,@ came the quick response. His hat was snatched from his head and torn in shreds, and in its place a $3.50 new one, purchased by Capt. Nipp, adorns his cranium. Mr. Moore furnished the cigars for the crowd with excellent grace. Arkansas City Republican.


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.


EDS. COURIER. Gentlemen: Please announce through your columns that I have made arrangements with manufacturers here which will enable me after September 1st to do a Wholesale Business in Winfield in addition to my rapidly increasing retail trade.

For the benefit of merchants here, will say: Instead of your ordering goods from St. Louis and Cincinnati, you can, after September 1st, buy in your own town. You will pay no higher price, and yourselves are well aware you will get a much superior class of goods, and you can buy in such quantities as you need, from half a hundred to half a dozen.



Extending to you the compliments of the coming campaign, I remain,

Very truly yours,


P. S. To make room for the new Invoices, I have instructed my salesmen to close out my entire stock received prior to August 1st even at less than cost. J. S. M.


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.

Ousting the Oklahoma Boomers.

On Aug. 8th, Gen. Hatch, in company with Adjutant Finley and Inspector Green of the Interior department, visited Payne=s camp at Rock Falls, and after reading the president=s proclamation to him and his assembled followers, directed them to leave the Territory before the morning or they would be ejected. This took place in a small board shanty occupied by the Oklahoma War Chief newspaper. Payne at first attempted to discuss the legal aspects of the case, but soon became angry and very abusive in his language. A large crowd assembled from the tents and shanties along the river and the officers again admonished them to leave and not return. The only reply was a torrent of abusive epithets that cannot be published. The officers then returned to camp ten miles distant. Early the next morning two squadrons of the Ninth United States cavalry commanded by Capt. Moore appeared in the boomers= camp and under the direction of an Indian Agent, Rogers, arrested the whole community and took charge of the printing office. All the women, children, and men who were first offenders were escorted to the Kansas line together with their personal property.


Named as follows: D. L. Payne, J. B. Cooper, D. G. Greathouse, T. W. Ecklebarger, Jno. McGrew, and D. L. Mosely, were loaded onto a six mule team and started under escort of Lieutenant Jackson and fifteen men for Fort Smith, Arkansas, 300 miles distant. The printing office and other buildings, including two boarding houses, a drug store, cigar store, and restaurant, and some cheap dwellings were then


And the last vestige of Rock Falls had disappeared.

Payne threatened to cut the throat of the first man who attempted to arrest him, but one colored soldier marched him and raved about the camp for an hour. Payne has lost whatever prestige he may have had heretofore with the thinking class of the community. He has been on a drunken debauch for a week and was too drunk to attend a conference of the squatters after Gen. Hatch left Rock Falls. The squatters realize that they have paid him many thousands of dollars without any equivalent. The number ejected from the camp was about two hundred and fifty.

A large crowd of citizens were present from Hunnewell as spectators, and heartily approved the method adopted to rid the Territory of the intruders. It is believed this will cure the boomers of trying to force a settlement on Indian lands. Other detachments have been sent to the remaining settlements, who will in like manner arrest the ring leaders and take them to Fort Smith, Arkansas.

[Source for above article not given.]


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.

Recap. Nancy J. Snider, administratrix of the estate of John Wesley Snider, deceased, in Probate Court notified by petition Mary M. Rhodes, Alonzo M. Snider, Laura B. Morain, Drucilla Snider, Oscar B. Snider, Walter Snider, heirs of John Wesley Snider, deceased, and to all and every person or persons in any way interested in said estate, that she had petitioned Court to sell real estate September 11, 1884, for the purpose of paying the debts of the said decedent, including the mortgage on said real estate.


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.

[SKIPPED BY ME...[ADS?] NOTIFYING PUBLIC RE 19th year of the University of Kansas, showing different departments of University; also, College of Emporia, showing next term would be opening September 3rd.]


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.

Recap. Jennings & Troup, attorneys for plaintiff, James H. Pulliam, vs. Susan Collumber, William H. Collumber, and Harriett Collumber, defendants. Petition to be answered by September 20, 1884, to quiet, fix, and decree the title to real estate.


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.

THE WINFIELD MARKETS. Wheat brings today (Wednesday) 60 cents for best, and as low as 55 cents. Hogs are active at $5.00 to $5.35. Corn brings 35 to 38 cents from feeders and retail dealers, but is only worth 30 cents to ship. Oats bring 20 cents. Produce is about the same as heretofore.


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.

Winfield Republican Primary.

The Republican primary for the selection of delegates to the county and 66th representative district conventions will be held on FRIDAY, AUGUST 15th, between the hours of 3 and 7 o=clock p.m. Polls will be opened for the voting for delegates as follows:

In the First Ward, in the building on Ninth Avenue next to Beach and Denning=s office, and W. A. McCartney, Frank Leland, and John Arrowsmith will act as judges. In the Second Ward in the building on Ninth Avenue back of the Winfield Bank, with Hiram Brotherton, Samuel Dalton, and B. F. Wood as judges. All persons who will be qualified as voters at the November election, and who propose to vote with the Republican party and for its nominee, will be entitled to participate in the selection of delegates.

C. Trump, Chairman, 2nd ward Republican Com.

Ed. P. Greer, Chairman, 1st ward Republican Com.


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.


Dwelling house for Sale or rent. S. C. Smith.

Go and see J. S. Mann=s $4 and $6 suits.

Go and see J. S. Mann=s fine all wool suits for $10 to $12.

Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.


Mr. John Stalter had two cows killed by lightning last week. They were out in a pasture at the time.

Nice line of D. W. Wright & Co.=s ladies fine shoes in Curacoa and French Kid.

O=Meara & Randolph.

All persons indebted to me are requested to call at my store and settle either by cash or note. J. B. Lynn.

The place to take your lady and enjoy yourself and get a nice large dish of ice cream is at the parlor of Frank L. Crampton.

To make room for our elegant new shape white ware, we will for a few days sell our present stock at Cost for Cash. Bryan & Lynn.

J. S. Lyon & Co. will keep a complete stock of gas Chandeliers, gas Burners, Globes, etc. Office and shop at Horning & Whitney=s.

As we were perambulating Thursday evening we espied a fine lot of California pears in the window of McGuire Bros., of which we partook freely. They were the first we have seen this year.

Miss Hattie Thornton, of Pleasant Hill, Missouri, is visiting with her aunt, Mrs. A. D. Hendricks. She is a very bright, intelligent young lady and will be quite an addition to our society during her stay.

The directors of the Fair Association appointed a committee to secure the services of the county sheep inspector on the first day of the fair to see that no diseased sheep are brought for exhibition.


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.

Judge Timothy McIntire, editor of the Arkansas City Democrat, was in the city Saturday and made this office a pleasant call. The Judge holds his age and vigor well, and has not changed noticeably since 1872.


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.

The Old House is again opened for boarders. This popular and pleasant house has been thoroughly overhauled and will be kept up to the highest standard. Mrs. Brown, a lady from Lansing, Michigan, is the proprietor.


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.

Mr. Holmes has purchased C. C. Harris= interest in the Tunnel Mills and Elam Harter has purchased Lou Harter=s interest. The mill will hereafter be run by Holmes & Harter, and will be re-fitted and fixed up to do first-class work.


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.

Among the agricultural productions brought in this week is a bunch of German millet grown on upland sod by Mr. L. D. Land, of Richland. It is four feet high, very heavy, and has heads eight inches long as large as a medium sized ear of corn.

Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.

The Christian Church has dedicated during the year past just fifty-two churches in KansasCan average of one a week. This is a remarkable showing, and is largely due to the active work in the missionary field of Elder Rains and other leaders of the church.


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.

DIED. Death has again entered the house of Mrs. Carnine; this time taking little Roy, the eighteen months old son. Mrs. Carnine has been called upon in the short space of one summer to part with her husband and babe. She has our heart felt sympathy in this great bereavement.


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.

The dry streak hits Beaver the heaviest of any locality and the corn is pretty well scorched. Upon the old argument rain makes corn, corn makes whiskey, and whiskey makes Democrats, this seems to be a warning to our old line Democratic friends of Beaver to vote for Blaine and Logan.


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.

Will Hudson received several specimens of quartz from his brother, George, taken from their mine in the San Juan country. George is there now working a gang of men in the mine and is taking out some rich ore. We hope the boys may find that they have struck it rich. Their mine is called the AFlag of Truce.@


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.

The enterprise of Winfield merchants is proverbial, but in no case is this more strongly brought out than by our leading clothier, J. S. Mann. From year to year he has moved into larger quarters as his trade and stock increased until now his store is one hundred feet deep and contains every known article in the way of clothing for man or boyCfrom a pair of socks for three cents to a necktie for ten dollars. He is this year making preparations to eclipse every former effort and for that purpose has passed beyond the great wholesale houses and at the moment of this writing is in the great center of the manufacturing districts, at Salem, Massachusetts, dealing with the man who takes wool from a sheep=s back and transforms it into clothing of splendid make, perfect finish, and latest style. He proposes hereafter to be his own Amiddle-man,@ and will add a wholesale feature to his already immense business. Mann is a pioneer in trade, and believes in the theory of Aquick sales and small profits.@ He will make a stir in the circles this fall greater than ever before.


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.

The Udall Sentinel has been publishing some caricatures lately engraved on Cowley County stone by the highly imaginative young artist connected with the editorial management of that paper. His last is on Dr. Knickerbocker. The Doctor resembles a fourth ward Democratic politician on election night with a nose that would add luster to a Tammany delegate. His neck is hooked over a clothesline while his coat-tail is hooked in the fangs of a night-blooming bull-dog. From a convenient post a razor-backed Thomas cat looks down on the heart-rending spectacle, with its tail pointing to high noonCor rather high moon, for the scene is laid in the murky depths of night. In this plight the Doctor is unceremoniously dropped by the artist and we are left in suspense as to his final release. If the artist still lives, we hope he will still continue the story.


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.

Mr. Wm. E. Lawless, an old soldier of the 7th Illinois, has been in the city for several days. He is selling notions and has with him an educated dog, which is a wonder. He met many of his old comrades here. Mayor Emerson very kindly remitted his license, a favor that is justly due a crippled soldier. He served with Sampson Johnson during the war and was in the same regiment with Senator Hackney, and was with the latter gentleman when he was wounded. He was a bugler in the service and uses the same bugle to call a crowd together on the street. Sampson Johnson said he recognized the sound as soon as he heard it.


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.

The Narrow-Gauge surveyors have been covering the territory around Winfield all over with stakes during the past week. Their first line into town ran south of Alexander=s mound, northwest to and down Fifth Avenue. The next came between the mound and the reservoir, and Tuesday morning one was run on the south side about on a line with Riverside Avenue and cutting Col. Loomis= fine piece of ground square in two. The South line seems to be the favorite one with the engineers.


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.

Two years ago last March Mr. N. Copeland, of Beaver, bought a sow at J. W. Browning=s sale. Last winter he sold $140 dollars worth of hogs. Tuesday he sold $270 worth, and he has thirty-seven head valued at $300 left. During this time he has used all the meat he wanted for the family. The sow purchased of Mr. Browning in March 1882 is the only hog he has bought in Kansas, and the above results represent two years and four months increase. $710 is the amount of profit.


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.

In another place will be found a most excellent essay delivered by Mr. N. J. Larkin, of Richland, at the Sunday school convention. It is one of the clearest, most eloquent, and convincing papers which have graced the columns of the COURIER for many months. Among Cowley=s splendid citizens she numbers none more conscientious, more loyal to principle, and with more influence for good than Mr. Larkin. [DID NOT TYPE ESSAY.]


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.

The young ladies of the Reading Room gave a very pleasant lawn social at the home of Mrs. Strong Wednesday evening. The COURIER Cornet Band was in attendance and furnished excellent music. The boys look very stylish in their glittering uniforms and white plumes. Owing to the coolness of the evening the attendance was not so large as the ladies deserved, but those who attended had a very pleasant time.


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.

The COURIER received a pleasant call from Mr. B. L. Hoyland on Tuesday. His reception to his new home in Cowley was rough, but he bears its afflictions cheerfully. His family are rapidly convalescing from the effects of the bruises sustained in the railroad smashup, and he will be finally and permanently located soon on his farm near Burden.


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.

MARRIED. We neglected to announce the marriage of Hon. James McDermott to Miss Tirzy A. Henderson, of Dexter Township, which occurred at the home of the bride on July 31st. The bride is one of eastern Cowley=s fairest daughters. They have taken up their home in Winfield. The COURIER, with many other friends, extend congratulations.


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.

I offer for sale at the Music Rooms, corner of Main Street and 12th Avenue, pianos, organs, a fine violin, books, and sheet music, and all household goods. Goods must be sold as I leave for Chicago in three weeks. C. FARRINGER.


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.

The Good Templars Lodge of Winfield will hold a meeting in the Park Sunday afternoon. The choir will be led by Mr. Buckman, a recitation will be given by Miss Stretch, and Judge Soward will deliver an address.


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.

The following MARRIAGE LICENSES have been issued during the week.

Douglass M. Cary to Lizzie I. Bower.

Chs. Cheotean to Mary Lessert.

M. M. D. Robinson to Lydia A. Gardner.

John P. Jones to Linda L. Brooks.


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.

The family of Col. McMullen have been enjoying a visit from Miss Peffer and her sister, of Coffeyville. Miss Peffer is the accomplished daughter of Judge Peffer, one of Kansas well known Journalists. [EARLIER THERE WAS AN ARTICLE ENTITLED APUFFER@ IN PAPER...WONDER IF PUFFER IS CORRECT?]


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.

Some festive burglars tried to effect an entrance into Mr. John Pearson=s house in Vernon Township a few nights ago. John was on hand, however, and gave them a reception that was exceedingly warm.



Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.

I am prepared to furnish large or small orders of anything in the Bakery, Ice Cream, or Confectionary line. Frank L. Crampton, successor to Bacastow & Crampton.


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.

If you want to buy a good farm or city property cheap, go to Smith & Bro. on 9th Avenue East Main St. They have got 4,000 acres of good land for sale.


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.

Our stalk of corn 13 feet and 5 inches high, brought in by Will Wise, attracts lots of attention from newcomers. They are not used to that kind of thing.


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.

Mr. Lundy found a crowbar in the road east of town Monday, near the mound. The same can be had by calling at this office and paying for this notice.


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.

Cowley was blessed with a splendid rain Sunday night. It puts the ground in good condition for fall seeding.


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.

Horse Racing at the Fair.

Some considerable objection has been raised in many quarters against the Board of Directors of the Fair Association over the fact that money is offered in premiums in the speed ring as is offered in premiums on agriculture, stock, and all other interests put tog ether. This, they contend, is wrong, and is more of an encouragement to horse-racing than horse-breeding or successful agriculture. If the premises were correct, the officers of the association would be subverting the objects and destroying its benefitsCbut the premises are not correct. The Association paid out for Speed Ring purposes last year just twenty-four dollars and sixty-five cents. The premiums paid on stock, Agriculture, and every other department excepting speed ring, were over two thousand dollars. In considering the matter of races, persons not familiar with the matter do not know that forty percent of the amount offered is returned in Aentry fees,@ otherwise that the horse-men themselves pay nearly half of the premiums. Then the receipts of the Amphitheatre and of the quarter stretch generally makes up the balance, leaving all that may be taken in at the gate from persons attracted to the fair to see the racesC(and there are always lots of them)Cas profits to be applied to the payment of the premiums on the balance of the list from which there is no return in entry fees or anything else.


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.

Eli Youngheim Abroad.

In addition to his mammoth clothing store in Winfield, Eli has lately opened one at Arkansas City. In his usual enterprising style, he proceeds to let the people know it and as a result for the past week the papers of that place have been plastered all over with flaming advertisements. Eli will get way up toward the front.


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.


Walter S. Cooper, of El Dorado, is visiting his sister, Mrs. F. K. Raymond.

Mr. P. V. C. Pool, District Clerk of Sumner County, was in the city Wednesday.

Miss Laura Hendricks returned last week from a visit to friends in Pleasant Hill, Missouri.

Mrs. W. J. Withers, of Fort Scott, will spend some weeks in our city, the guest of Mrs. W. J. Wilson.

Mrs. Albert Cobean, of Wellington, spent part of this week in this city, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Herpich.

Miss Eva Divine, of Wichita, who has been visiting for the past month with her sister, Mrs. Albert Foults, returned to her home Thursday.

Wallace Miller came in from Leavenworth last week and is visiting with his parents and friends. Close confinement is telling on his health.

Capt. H. H. Siverd has been selected by Superintendent Kretsinger as Chief of Police during the fair. The captain will keep things regulated in good shape.

James McIntire and James Clark came in from Pharesburgh, Ohio, last week. They are highly pleased with Cowley and will probably locate with us.

A. W. Patterson, of the Leland Hotel at Arkansas City, was in the city Monday. Pat is one of the best hotel men in Cowley County and always gets things up in style.

Alec. Butts, the bright humorist of the Emporia News, came in Tuesday and spent an evening in the city. He is as genial and attractive personally as his writings are brilliant and witty.

The Messrs. Kitchen, three brothers from Capt. Nipp=s old county in Kentucky, are visiting with him with a view of locating here. They are prohibition Democrats, a rarity in old Kaintuck.

Mr. C. S. Sumpter brings us an agricultural curiosity. It is a cucumber twenty-seven inches long tapering off to a point and so flexible that it can be tied in a knot. It looks exactly like a green snake.

Mrs. Andrew Dawson of Rock Township sends us samples of very large, smooth, and beautiful apples raised on their farm in Rock. Mr. Dawson reports a fine and large crop of apples this year, on his large orchard.

Mr. D. N. Dressler adds a bunch of millet to our collection this week six feet three inches high. In length of straw it is the best we have had. The heads, however, are not so large as those of the bunch mentioned in another column.

John R. Sumpter was in Saturday with a sample of his wheat. It is fine as anyone could wish for. Plump, clean, and bright. The yield was twenty-eight bushels per acre. John feels well over his wheat crop if he can=t brag much on corn.

Mr. Robert Thirsk has a lot of common plum trees, which he has cultivated carefully, and as a result they return for his labor ten-fold. He laid a box of them on our table Friday. They were as large as a wild goose plum of a dark red color and very much sweeter and more juicy. They are the best we have yet seen.


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.


We are indebted to Mr. A. S. Blanchard for a copy of the Bartow, Florida, Informant. It is a red-hot Democratic sheet and is full of bitter invective against an AIndependent Party,@ which lately put candidates in the field and asserts that it is in collusion with, and a deadly foe of the Acarpet-bag, scalawag, bloody-shirt@ Republican party. From the lurid nature of its columns, the AScalawags@ seem to be after them.


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.

A Man Killed.

DIED. Arkansas City was the scene of a fatal accident Tuesday, the victim being Edgar Bradley, a young man who had been a resident of the city for a year past. He had boarded the train and just as it pulled out, his hat blew off and he attempted to jump off to get it. In doing so, he was caught by one of the wheels and instantly killed. The accident caused great excitement at the city.

LATER. We are indebted to Rev. Cairns, who was on the train, for the following particulars: Mr. Bradley, with his wife and child and parents, came from Iowa last spring and bought a farm two miles northeast of Arkansas City. He was a young man twenty-six years of age, had been out to Comanche County to make a claim, and was just returning home. He was standing on the rear platform of the train, when the train was within a hundred yards of the depot and just opposite the road which led off toward his home, when his hat blew off. It is supposed that he attempted to jump off to get the hat, his foot caught in the railing, and his head was swung around by the force of the train against the wheel, mashing his skull and killing him instantly. A young man who saw him jump says he was whirled over as much as ten times. It was some time before he was identified, when some kind friend volunteered to carry the news to his parents and family. He found them at dinner and broke the terrible news as gently as he could. The parents were almost prostrated with grief. The young man was honest, bright, and popular, and his sudden and awful death is a matter of profound regret.


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.

Republican Primary Election.

The Rock Township Primary will be held at Rock on Saturday, August 16th, at 4 o=clock p.m. G. L. Gale, Chairman, Committee.

The Republican primary for Fairview Township will be held at Akron Saturday afternoon, August 15th, at 4 o=clock p.m. J. L. Foster, Chairman, Township Committee.

The Republican Primary for Spring Creek Township will be held at Maple City Saturday, August 16th, at 4 p.m. J. H. Gilliland, Chairman Township Committee.

The Republican Primary for Vernon Township will be held at the Werden schoolhouse, on Thursday, August 21st, at 3 o=clock p.m. J. B. Evans, Chairman, Township Committee.

There will be a Republican caucus held at Akron schoolhouse August 16, 1884, at 4 o=clock p.m., for the purpose of electing four delegates to the county convention.

J. W. Douglass, Chairman Township Committee.

The Liberty Township Republican primary meeting will be held at the Rose Valley schoolhouse on Thursday, August 21, at 2 o=clock p.m. J. A. Cochran, Chairman Tp. Com.

The Republican primary meeting of Otter Township to elect delegates to the county convention will be held at the Otter Creek schoolhouse, August 16, 1884, at 3 o=clock p.m.

J. B. Graves, Chairman, Township Committee.

The Republican primary convention of Ninnescah Township to elect delegates to the county convention will be held at the Blue schoolhouse on Saturday, August 16th, at two o=clock p.m. Geor. S. Cole, Chairman, Township Committee.

The Republicans of Beaver Township will hold a primary election at the Tannehill schoolhouse on Saturday, August 16th, at 4 o=clock p.m., to elect three delegates and three alternates to attend the county convention to be held at Winfield August 23rd.

J. R. SUMPTER, Chairman, Township Committee.

The Republicans of Tisdale Township are requested to meet at their usual place of meeting on the 16th day of August at 2 p.m. for the purpose of electing delegates to the county convention, also the representative convention, 66 District.

J. H. Sparrow, Chairman, Township Committee.

The Republicans of Richland Township will hold a primary election at the Summit schoolhouse, on Friday, August 15th, at 2 o=clock p.m., for the purpose of electing delegates to attend the county convention, held at Winfield, the 23rd of August.

J. R. Cottingham, Chairman of township committee.

The Republicans of Maple Township will hold a primary election at the Centennial schoolhouse on Saturday, August 16 at 2 o=clock to nominate two delegates to the district convention to be held at Burden on Wednesday, August 20th. Also to nominate three delegates to the county convention to be held at Winfield on Saturday, August 23.

By order of the Township Central Committee. E. J. Cole, Chairman.

The Republican primary of Pleasant Valley Township will be held at the Odessa schoolhouse on Friday, August 15th, at 4 o=clock p.m. sharp. After the election of delegates to the county convention it is intended to form a Blaine and Logan club. All interested in the formation of such club are urgently requested to be present.

D. S. SHERRARD, Chairman, Township Committee.


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.

Farm for Sale.

Wishing to change my business, I offer for sale, my farm, containing 160 acres, located one and a half miles west of Winfield. This is one of the most desirable and best improved farms in Cowley CountyC120 acres under a high state of cultivation; 30 acres enclosed for pasture; 5 acres in orchard, of apple, peach, cherry, pear, and apricots, all bearing; large house containing 6 rooms, splendid cellar, two never failing wells with pumps in them; granary and cribs sufficient to hold 2,000 bushels of grain. In a word, everything in first class order for profit, comfort, and convenience; terms made easy, will take some city property in exchange. For particulars call on the undersigned at the office of Shivvers & Linn, or address through the Winfield post office. S. S. LINN.


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.

A ABlind Tiger@ Captured.

Sheriff McIntire dropped down on Arkansas City last Saturday evening in a very unexpected and summary manner. He went down in the afternoon for the purpose of visiting with relatives on Sunday. On his arrival he learned that there was one of the contrivances for selling whiskey known as a ABlind Tiger,@ running, so he set to work investigating. He searched out the tiger=s cage and found a sort of slide in a door over which was a printed card, ACall for what you want and put your change in the box.@ George read the notice and promptly ordered the wall to send out Atwo beers.@ The slide slid round, then slid back, and there appeared two glasses of beer. The sheriff drank one of them and passed on. After further search he discovered a subterranean resort where a lot of the faithful had gathered to imbibe poor liquor at a high price. He managed to get a large enough snort of this to make him a competent witness under the recent decision of the Supreme Court; when he got out a team, came to Winfield, and with the County Attorney, got out warrants for AJohn Doe,@ AHenry Ree,@ and others, swearing to them positively himself. Armed with these he returned to Arkansas City, raided the places, and arrested Hays Love and Ben Dixon, the tiger men, and Mason and another in the cellar business. They were brought up and gave bail. On Monday Mason and his partner plead guilty and were fined two hundred dollars and costs each. The Ablind tiger@ fellows have not yet been put on the rack, but will get a lively dose when it comes. Sheriff McIntire=s action in the matter has created great consternation among the pocket saloon crowd. The recent decision requiring a warrant to be sworn to positively by someone competent to be a witness seemed to be a bulwark against prosecution, as those who did the drinking were not the persons who would inform on the seller. The fact that the sheriff would go after them in this way was a bombshell of no small magnitude. Arkansas City will be a very dry town for some time to come. Sheriff McIntire proposes to enforce this law even if he has to drink all the whiskey in the county to comply with the views of the Supreme Court in making an arrest. When the COURIER said during the campaign that George McIntire would do his duty come what might, it knew what it was talking about. He is the first officer in Kansas to overcome the effect of the Supreme Court=s late decision. The firm and determined manner in which he did it commands the respect of every lover of law and order in the county.


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.

The Jury Drawn.

The jury list for the October term of Court was drawn last week. The drawing of the Grand Jury of fifteen was first made and resulted in the selections of the following persons:

Richland Township. R. W. Stephens.

Dexter Township. O. P. Darst.

Walnut Township. D. W. Ferguson.

Ninnescah Township. Alf. Huff.

Rock Township. J. C. Norton.

Creswell Township. J. E. Cox.

Windsor Township. J. C. Dwyer.

Tisdale Township. J. W. Laffoon.

Dexter Township. S. A. Smith.

Ninnescah Township. Lewis Fitzsimmons.

Rock Township. J. C. Seal.

Omnia Township. G. Gable.

Dexter Township. W. L. Reynolds.

Liberty Township. R. P. Cochran.

Silver Creek Township. Z. M. Guthrie.

The drawing of the petit jury resulted in the selection of the following.

Ninnescah. D. W. Pierce.

Winfield. Frank Clem.

Dexter. R. Hite.

Winfield. W. A. Freeman.

Winfield. Nelson Utley.

Cedar. C. W. McGills.

Creswell. E. S. Beaver.

Winfield Township. Jos. Cue.

Tisdale. P. Hodges.

Windsor. B. F. McKee.

Beaver. E. E. Hunt.

Liberty Township. W. R. Watkins.


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.

County Superintendent.

Mr. A. H. Limerick will be a candidate for re-election to the office of County Superintendent subject to the action of the Republican Convention. He has made a capable, conscientious officer and is enthusiastic in his work. He deserves the position a second term, which opinion seems to be concurred in by the people, as he seems to have no opposition.


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.

Interesting for Ladies.

Those elegant Jersey Jackets which fit the form so neatly can be obtained at M. Hahn & Co.=s. They have just received a new line in different styles and qualities.


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.

DIED. Little Jimmie, son of Samuel and Sarah Elliot, was Born December 8th, 1883, departed this life August 8th, 1884, aged 8 months and three days.

There is many an empty cradle,

There=s many a vacant bed,

There=s many a lonely bosom

Whose joy and light is fled

For thick is every graveyard

The little hillocks lie,

And every hillock represents

An angel in the sky. OLIVE.


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.

More Mill Dam.

EDITOR COURIER: In your issue of the 7th, Aa Democrat and St. John man,@ asks how the raising of the Bliss & Wood dam can possibly affect the property of citizens. He says the banks of the Walnut are twenty feet above the water when the dam is full. Now we have made a survey, and find the main track of the Southern Kansas Railroad at the crossing of Millington Street to be four inches below high water mark, and nineteen feet above the top of the dam. I will here remark it is the low lands that are endangered. Again, the little democrat says if they are allowed to raise their dam, they will pay our farmers by saying they want bridges which is only the small item of fifteen or twenty thousand a piece. To secure the respect of the little democrat, they must sacrifice their property to B. & W. But enough of this. How does a dam throw the water out of the banks of the river? None but a Democrat unacquainted with water could ask such a question. We answer: A dam thrown across a river absolutely raises the bottom of the river to just the height of the dam so far as the water is concerned, and maintains the bottom at that height, whether there is one foot or one thousand feet going over the dam; then there is an undercurrent below the dam running upstream until it reaches the dam where it rises and joins the surface current and repeats its trip down and back, on just the same principle that a side or surface eddy is made. There being no power in water except its weight, we will suppose a dam ten feet high with ten feet of water running over the dam will give a pressure of twenty pounds per square inch on the bottom. Remove the dam, add this great pressure to the ebbing water below, and the velocity of the current will be so greatly increased that the river will be immediately drawn in its banks above. I have consumed so much valuable space, so now my little Democratic friend, take the COURIER and read up the way good Republicans are made.

To the Editor, thanks.



Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.


ADarkest clouds have silver lining.@

Rainbows glisten oft through tears;

But the clouds are long in turning

Often linger weary years

=Ere the bright and golden glory

Gilds our life and makes it bright

With a sudden gleam of sunshine

Turns our darkness into light.

On Saturday, the 2nd inst., the darkness of sorrow wrapped our humble home in sable garments, as we were looking forward to the arrival of our dear ones on that day, with bright, glowing hopes, and fond anticipation pictured future happiness in their society, when, like the funeral knell, the sad intelligence was flashed along the wire that our dear ones were Awrecked and badly hurt at Cambridge, and come immediately,@ was answered to by different members of our family. They found them in the home of Mrs. Harden, an amiable and good widow lady of Cambridge. There, far from their old home, not many miles from their new one (I think), but though among perfect strangers, they certainly were in the hands of good Samaritans. As the causes, etc., were given in last week=s COURIER I will not repeat it, but say how lonesome and said life was to them when lying out on the prairie suffering, and there they remained for four long dreary hours. Rendered incapable of assisting one another, they had to wait until assistance came, and so much to be seen to and afflicted ones cared for, they did not get to Cambridge immediately. But their hearts go out in thankfulness for the kindness that was shown them, as strangers in a strange land. Physicians were telegraphed for, and they and friends were soon by the side of the wounded ones. Mrs. Hoyland was seriously hurt about the head and shoulders, also she was cut on the head, her eyes and different parts of her body were black with bruises, and to add to her suffering was the sad feeling that she could not fill a fond mother=s place in ministering to her loved ones as she always had been able to do when they were sick. Miss Emma Hoyland had her left collar bone broken, was cut and bruised in a bad way besides, but bore her afflictions with Christian grace and patience. Miss Lela Stevenson, daughter of Mrs. Hoyland by her first marriage, was seriously and perhaps fatally wounded. Her head was the afflicted part and she did not recover consciousness long enough at a time to tell how she felt. The surgeons could see the ugly bruises on the head and her body, though bruised, was seemingly all right. The temples were bruised and about all the clue they had to guide them was the wild ravings about her poor head paining so fearfully, and tossing wildly in bed, she would lament like a badly hurt child, and in her delirium call for her apparel and begged to get up. The good doctors gave no hopes of her recovery to cheer the afflicted ones as they feared it was a case of concussion of the brain. Miss Jessie Hoyland, the youngest of the family, fourteen years of age, was insensible for quite a while after the accident. She was cut on the head, also on the hand and wrist quite badly, and severely bruised all over her body, yet when consciousness returned was found to be able to walk and was not seriously hurt. Mr. B. L. Hoyland (husband and father of the afflicted ones) and their son, Charley, came along on the freight with their two cars of goods, stock, etc., on Saturday evening and J. W. Hoyland, of Salem, was at the Cambridge depot to take his place and see that everything got safely to Burden; also to break to them the sad intelligence of the stricken family. A telegram was sent to Mr. Emsley Woodle, of Monroe, Wisconsin, and he hastened to the bedside of his affianced wife, Miss Lela Stevenson, fearing to find her in the cold embrace of death. Love and youth are strong and may they come off victors and cheat death of his prey. On Sunday I gazed on the loved faces and tried by cheerfulness (which was assumed) to make them think they would soon be with us in our quiet home. But how our hearts can ache, almost to breaking, at the suffering depicted on the faces of near ones, and our tears fall in sympathy with the strong man that fears to lose the sweet girl of his manly choice. May God in His kindness spare him this affliction, and may they soon all be happy in their Kansas home. Mrs. J. W. Hoyland has been with them most of the time trying to administer to their wants; the rest of the family divide their time between them and home duties. At present writing the Doctors give some comfort in saying they think all may recover. God grant they may is our prayer.


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.


ARKANSAS CITY, Aug. 6th, 1884.

EDITOR COURIER: As there is so much said and written for and against AProtection,@ I think it well for those who are the most interested, the mechanic should have something to say where, in his position as a Abreadwinner,@ he is deeply interested.

I remember from A56 to 61" the condition of mechanics under AFree trade rule.@ At that time our best skilled workman received on an average of $1.50 per day, and as a general rule received the majority of this in orders on stores, owned either by his employer; or else he, the employer, received about 10 percent on all orders sent. This was under the good old Democratic administration of James Buchanan.

How was it after the Republican party came into power? How from A91 to 65" [?? think someone goofed on years??] the same class of mechanics spoke of above received on an average $2.75 per day; and even at the present time, when everything consumed by the mechanic and his family can be purchased for not more than 15 percent of an increase what it cost in 1860, he commands $2.50 and gets work at any time, when during the time from A1857 to 1860" I have seen on an average 10 applications a day for work in an institution employing 50 men.

It is a wonder to me why the workingmen advocate the Democratic party and the only way I can account for it is that they will not think for themselves, or else they are ignorant of the facts in the case.

As a mechanic, the Republican party is good enough for me, and with all their faults I love them still and they will receive my support until some other party proves itself to be more of a friend to the working man.

It also astonishes me that so many so-called Republicans and Prohibitionists talk of bolting the nominees of the Republican convention. I myself am a strong Prohibitionist, but still I never for a moment think of giving my vote to St. John. As a man I like him, but still he has fallen a good deal in my estimation, not only as a Republican but as a temperance man.

As far as Kansas is concerned, the Republican party will take care of the temperance question and as far as the nation is concerned, I think when the right time comes the National convention (Republican) will declare itself in a satisfactory manner, so that eventually the American people, represented by the Republican party, will be in the forefront on this question also and wipe out the course of intemperance from the United States; but I think in this Campaign AProtection@ or AFree Trade@ is the issue and that Protection will win, I have not the least doubt.

I hope and trust that all Republicans will cast their votes for Blaine and Logan, the two champions of the people, for I believe that every vote cast for St. John might as well be blank paper as far as he is concerned for there is not the least probability of his being elected, but as he will not receive any Democratic votes, of course every vote cast for him will be a loss to the Republican candidates.

Let us elect Blaine and Logan if we will have a pure American administration that will be the best for the working man, and we all know if the bread winners in this country are doing well and that all the agricultural and manufacturing industries will prosper, which they certainly will do under a Protective Tariff, but if the Democratic party wins, which means Free Trade, good bye to your prosperity, my good fellow mechanic. MECHANIC.


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.

Dissolution Notice.

NOTICE is hereby given that the co-partnership heretofore existing between G. T. Bacastow and F. L. Crampton, under the style and firm name of ABacastow & Crampton@ is this day dissolved. F. L. Crampton will conduct the business at the old stand, second door north of the Central Hotel, and will pay all debts and liabilities of said firm, and is authorized to collect all claims and demands due said firm. All parties owing said firm must immediately call and settle as our books must be squared up.




Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.

RECAP. Sheriff=s Sale Monday, September 8, 1884. S. M. Jarvis, Plaintiff, vs. John N. Sicks and Nancy J. Sicks, Defendants. Real estate.


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.

RECAP. Sheriff=s Sale Monday, September 8, 1884. R. R. Conklin, Plaintiff, vs. Wm. W. Whiteside, Amanda M. Whiteside, and Fred R. Foster. Real estate.


Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.

RECAP. Sheriff=s Sale Monday, September 8, 1884. R. R. Conklin, Plaintiff, vs. Eliphus W. Hanning, Carolina Hanning, and Wesley McEwen, Plaintiffs. Real estate.