[FROM JUNE 3, 1870, THROUGH DECEMBER 30, 1870.]


Emporia News, June 3, 1870.


A young officer was connected with Sheridan=s brigade. It was in one of those forced marches, when they had driven back the enemy, and had been in the saddle for several consecutive days and nights, that the trooper availed himself of a temporary halt to slip from the saddle and stretch himself upon the turfChis horse meanwhile browsing in the immediate vicinity. He had slept for some little time, when he was suddenly awakened by the frantic pawing of his horse at his side. Fatigued by his long ride, he did not rouse at once, but lay in that partial conscious state which so frequently attends physical prostration. Soon, however, the faithful animal, perceiving that his efforts had failed to accomplish their object, licked his face, and placing his mouth close to his ear, uttered a loud snort. Now thoroughly awake, he sprang up, and as the horse turned for him to mount, he saw for the first time that his comrades had disappeared, and that the enemy were coming down upon him on a full gallop. Once mounted, the faithful beast bore him with the speed of the wind safely from the danger, and soon placed him among his companions. AThus,@ he added, with emotion, Athe noble fellow saved me from captivity, and perhaps from death.@

Emporia News, June 3, 1870.


[The following letter was accidentally misplaced by the person taking it from the office, hence the delay in its appearance in our columns.]

CRESWELL, May 11, 1870.

EDITORS NEWS: Pursuant to notice the people of Cowley County met in convention at Creswell on Tuesday, May 11th, inst., to consider the questions connected with the pending occupancy of the Osage Lands.

After some discussion the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted.

WHEREAS, We, the citizens of Cowley County, in mass convention assembled, believe that the time has fully come in which the interests of civilization demand the extinction of the Indian title to the Osage lands, and

WHEREAS, We regard with regret and distrust the inactivity of our Senators upon the question, therefore,

Resolved, That we urge upon Senators Pomeroy and Ross, and Representative Clarke, immediate and definite action looking toward the removal of the Osage Indians from these lands, and opening them to actual settlers.

Resolved, That while we are opposed to all great land monopolies like those contemplated in the ASturges Treaty,@ we favor the policy of aiding the construction of Railroads, by granting to them alternate sections of lands now unclaimed, or the proceeds of the sale thereof, to the amount of ten sections to the mile, reserving to immigrants upon said lands the right of pre-emption and ultimate purchase at a fixed maximum price, not to succeed two dollars and fifty cents per acre.

Resolved, That we regard immediate action upon this subject as of paramount importance, and that we earnestly urge that the question be finally settled before the close of the present session of Congress.

Resolved, That copies of the above preamble and resolutions be forwarded to each member of our congressional delegation, and to the EMPORIA NEWS, Walnut Valley Times, Topeka Commonwealth, and Lawrence Tribune for publication.

H. B. NORTON, President.

C. R. SIPES, Secretary.

Emporia News, June 3, 1870.

The Senate Committee on Territories have agreed upon a bill to organize the Indian Territory, south of us, under the name of Oklahoma. The Indians, we believe, are pretty generally opposed to the measure. The settlement and organization of this country by whites is only a question of time, and Mr. Indian might as well succumb to the decrees of fate. This territory will make the best State in the Union within the next twenty-five years, and the Indians must either jump into the current and go along or be thrown up on the dry land. But let us beg of the committee not to encumber the territory with that name.

Emporia News, June 3, 1870.


The Rush for AClaims.@

The fore part of this week a rumor reached here that the Kaw Indian Reservation was open for settlement, and thee was an immediate rush in that direction. Nearly every quarter section is taken by this time. This Reserve is nine by fourteen miles, and is composed of the very best land in the Neosho valley. It has been closely watched for years by many who desired to get homes on it. The same kind of rumor has several times before caused it to be suddenly settled, and after the claim hunters remaining a day or so, it has as often been suddenly unsettled. How this rumor got in circulation is more than we can explain, but this we do know, that the news from Washington has contained nothing that would lead to this rumor.

The rapidity with which the Reserve was taken up, and the public sentiment which sustains the settlers in going thee, even though they have no right to do so, only proves how impatient the people have become at the foolish and unreasonable delays of the government in opening the land to settlement. They have waited in vain for our Representatives to do something for them. They will wait no longer. We have heard rumors that these settlers were to be driven off of the Reserve. We do not know whether this this is so or not. It seems the only way to get the miserable Indians out of the way is to crowd them out, and thus make the government do something to get possession of the land. We hope there will be no violence on either side.

Emporia News, June 3, 1870.

The business notices of Newman & Bro. were taken out of the paper two weeks ago by mistake. Read the new one. Newmans mean business, and they know how to get it.


Emporia News, June 3, 1870.

WELL. H. B. Lowe found a fine stream of water on his lot, just back of the stage office, on Commercial street, at a depth of twenty-five feet. This is another evidence that plenty of water can be had by digging.

Emporia News, June 3, 1870.

We observed a large steam boiler and the machinery for a saw mill of no small capacity, this week, at the depot. On inquiry we learned that it was billed to W. H. Speers & Co., and destined for some point on the Little Walnut.

Emporia News, June 3, 1870.

Newman & Bro. are selling more goods per week since they moved into their new store than they ever did before, a fact that we were very much gratified to learn, and which we are pleased to tell to our readers. Let all who are glad to hear it give them a call, and we are sure their sales will still be enlarged.

Emporia News, June 3, 1870.

We see that a mass meeting of the settlers on the Kaw Reservation and the citizens of Morris and Lyon Counties, is called by Amany citizens,@ to meet in mass convention at the railroad crossing of Rock Creek, on Monday, June 6th, 1870, at 2 o=clock p.m., for the purpose of considering the interests of all concerned, and for the formation of a Squatter=s Protective Union.

Emporia News, June 10, 1870.


Col. E. S. Parker, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, has recently made a report of the number and condition of Indian tribes in the country, from which we copy such facts as will be of interest to our readers.

The Indians in Nebraska are the Santee Sioux, the Winnebagos, the Omahas, the Sacs and Foxes of the Missouri, and Iowas, the Otoes, and Missourias, and the Pawnees. They number 9,483.

In Kansas we have the Kickapoos, who emigrated from what is now Illinois. They now number 265. During the war a number of them went into Mexico, and remained there.

The Kaws, or Kansas Indians, are indigenous to the country and number 718. They are poor, lazy, and improvident.

The Pottawatomies, north of Topeka, came from Michigan and Indiana, and number 2,025. They are moving to the Indian Territory.

The Osages are indigenous to the country they now occupy. Their diminished reserve extends along the southern boundary of Kansas, commencing fifty-five miles west of the eastern boundary of the State and extending to the one hundredth meridian west. They number 4,400. They will soon be removed to a new home.

The Sacs and Foxes of the Mississippi originally occupied a large tract of country in Missouri, Iowa, and Wisconsin. Most of them have now removed to a new reservation, south of the Cherokee lands. They number 957.

The Chippewa and Munsee, or Christian Indians, number 85.

The Ottawas, of Blanchard=s For, Roche de Boeuf, are from Ohio and Michigan. A reservation has been assigned them in the Indian Territory, but none of them have left. They number 171.

The Wyandottes are from Northwestern Ohio, and have been in Kansas since 1842. Population 200.

The Shawnees are from Missouri, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. They number 650. They are soon to be mixed with the Cherokees.

The Miamies came from Indiana. They number 95, and will soon remove south.

The Peorias, Kaskaskias, Weas, and Piankeshaws, numbering 200, and a majority have already gone south.

The whole number of Indians in Kansas is 9,237, but very few will remain here. In the Indian country there are 54,658. In the whole country there are 378,577, counting the 75,000 in Alaska.

Col. Parker=s statement is very valuable. Of our Kaws he says: AThe attempts to educate them and induce them to engage in agriculture has proved failures.@ Of the Osages he says: AThey have often suffered for want of food.@ White men get all they want to eat and amass riches on these lands, and the fact that the Indians will not or cannot do it is a proof of their incapacity and worthlessness, and a sufficient reason for filling their places with civilized races who need the land and will make it into homes. Leavenworth Conservative.

Emporia News, June 10, 1870.

Two hundred U. S. troops sent to the Canadian border to watch the Fenians, have been ordered to Fort Leavenworth for duty on the plains.

Emporia News, June 10, 1870.

Red Cloud, the Indian chief, now visiting Washington, declines to have his photograph taken. That=s the first Indian we ever heard of who didn=t want to figure in the picture galleries.

Emporia News, June 10, 1870.

There are a great many men in Kansas who consider Sidney Clarke a very promising manCfor instance, all who have been promised that they should be Register or Receiver in the new land office.

Emporia News, June 10, 1870.

The Government, in its generosity, offered to endow professorships in Highland University, provided the institution would undertake the education of Indians, and we see that at the late session of the Presbyterian General Assembly, at Philadelphia, the condition of the government was accepted. It may be well enough for the government to try this experiment, but we have but little faith in its doing any good for the Indians or government, unless persons are selected out of whom the copper is very nearly bleached. We have heard of several instances among the Sacs and Foxes, Osages, and other Kansas Indians, where they have been highly educated, and after being returned to their homes they took immediately to the breech-clout, pack pony, and the nomadic life of other Indians. The women are worse in this respect, we are told, than the men. While the experiment promises so little, it is well enough, perhaps, to try it. Our red brother is getting about as troublesome as our Acolored brother@ formerly was, and let us try experiments with him till we get him disposed of in the most liberal and humane way. Meantime, while we are trying these experiments, we are still in favor of the old-fashioned powder and ball receipt for those who commit depredations on our frontier.

Emporia News, June 10, 1870.


There seems to be some prospect that the pending Osage Treaty will be ratified at this session. We confess to a lack of faith in anything being done, as we have steadily believed this treaty would be put over to make political capital of in the coming campaign. But there are now good indications that we have been mistaken. We shall rejoice with the 20,000 settlers on the Osage land, if they are given an immediate chance to secure their homes.

In reply to Gov. Eskridge=s Aopen letter,@ Senator Pomeroy writes to that gentleman the following encouraging words.

AI am much pleased with your >open letter,= as I see it published. This bill has been up twice and will pass, I think, at the next reading. We have already made a new land district, embracing these lands, and as soon as this passes and the lands are surveyed, all settlers will get a homestead at $1.25 per acre, and have one year after the survey to pay. School lands will be reserved and granted to the State. After the money is refunded to the Government which is pledged to the Indians, then they are be declared >public lands,= and all the laws applicable will then attach to these lands.@

A discussion took place on this bill on the 24th of May. Its passage was opposed by Senator Morrill, of Maine, and ably advocated by Senator Harlan, of Iowa. Mr. Morrill took occasion to say that the whites did wrong in settling this land; that they had no right there, and reflected severely on the settlers on the Osage land, applying to them various uncalled for and unjust epithets. We received the paper containing this discussion at so late a date as to render extended extracts impossible. We will merely say that we are personally acquainted with many of the settlers on the Osage land, and know they are as intelligent, peaceable, and industrious as the constituents of the Senator from Maine.

From the following extract from Mr. Harlan=s speech, it will be seen that he has very correct ideas about the situation of affairs on this land. His reply to the argument of the Senator from Maine, that the whites had no right to settle on this land, is both true and just.

AThis treaty, to which I have referred, was concluded, as I before observed, on the 27th day of May, 1868. Previous to action on the part of the Government and the Indians the white inhabitants were excluded from these lands; afterward, neither the Government nor the Indians objected to their settlement by emigrants. The Indians did not object, because they believed that they had sold their lands; the Interior Department expected the treaty to be ratified in some form, either with or without amendment. No one objecting, the emigrants moved on to these lands as a matter of course, believing that the Government would adopt some practicable means for the removal of the Indians.@ . . . .

ABut, sir, admit that they did do wrong, that they did wrong willfully, that they are as bad in fact as the honorable Senator from Maine supposed them to be; it is not probable that you can exclude them from the territory. There are too many of them. They have organized county governments, as you, sir (Mr. Pomeroy in the chair), well know. They have organized township and district governments within the limits of their county organizations. The State of Kansas has extended over them its jurisdiction and its laws. They are, in fact, represented in the Legislative Assembly of the State, and aid in making the laws for the government of that Commonwealth. They have been improving their lands, fencing in their fields, putting out their orchards, erecting their houses and barns, erecting their churches and schoolhouses, bridges, and roads. It is believed that at the close of emigration last autumn there not fewer than twenty thousand of them. Even the honorable Senator from Maine, if I understood correctly the proposition with which he closed his speech, is of opinion that their removal had become impracticable, for he said that in such a contest between four thousand Indians and about twenty thousand white people he supposed, judging from the history of the past, that the Indians would have to go to the wall; that the Indian must go under in such a conflict. If that be the result of his matured deliberations, then pray, why not pass a law carrying into effect the substance of this contract which these Indians themselves have made? If they are now under the feet of these bad people, if they are about to be crushed, that furnishes, in my judgment a reason for immediate legislative action on the part of the National Government, rather than for delay.@

Emporia News, June 10, 1870.


Its Advantageous Location and Flattering Prospects.

The above is the name of a new town located on the site lately occupied by the Creswell town company.

It is located near the junction of the Arkansas and Walnut Rivers, and is surrounded by extensive and rich valleys of land, and plenty of timber. It is at the point where a railroad down the Walnut Valley will form a junction with one up the Arkansas Valley, both of which will be built at no distant day.

It possesses a splendid water power, which Messrs. Beedy & Newman are under contract to improve by the erection of a water flouring and saw mill at an early day.

It now has a splendid steam mill in successful operation, owned by Major Sleath [Sleeth], late of El Dorado. A shingle manufactory will be in running order in a very few days.

Twelve buildings are up and in process of construction, among which is Woolsey=s hotel, which has a front of fifty feet on the street, and is thirty-two feet deep. There are in the town at present four stores, one hardware, one grocery store, and two that keep a general stock.

Twenty-six buildings are under contract to be put up just as soon as the lumber can be obtained. Among these we may mention buildings for lumber yard and carpenter shop, bakery, restaurant, boot and shoe store, drug store, clothing store, dry goods and clothing store, meat market, stage and express office, book store, cabinet shop, residences, etc.

The Southern Kansas State Company will commence running a tri-weekly line of hacks to Arkansas City in about ten days, carrying mail twice a week from El Dorado. They have become interested in the town, and will immediately put up large stables, and make this their headquarters for the stage and express business in Southwestern Kansas.

Many of the new business houses to be put up are large two-story buildings. Among these is a town hall, 25 x 40 feet. A schoolhouse will be erected during the summer.

A ferry will be put in running order across the Arkansas at this point, at an early day, and it is thought much of the Texas cattle business will be done at Arkansas City this summer.

Native lumber is furnished cheaper than at any point in Southern Kansas. Stone is plenty.

A newspaper will be established here during the season. For this object the company offer liberal inducements.

The town company offer great inducements to settlers. No lots are sold, but they are given away to those who will build business houses and residences.

There are plenty of good claims within two to five miles of the town.

The people are enterprising, wide awake, and will do all in their power to assist newcomers.

One or more churches will probably be built this season.

The Arkansas and Walnut Valleys are unsurpassed in the West for fertility of soil, and plentiful supply of timber.

Water has been obtained in Arkansas City at a depth of sixteen feet.

Now is the time to settle in that portion of the country if newcomers want first choice.

Emporia News, June 10, 1870.

We understand that the meeting on Monday last on the Kaw Reserve was tolerably well attended. Speeches were made, resolutions were adopted and a Squatters Association was formed. There is a good deal of dissatisfaction over this meeting among the people in the vicinity of the Reserve, especially at Council Grove and Americus.

Emporia News, June 10, 1870.

J. C. Fraker had an ad containing the following:


On Commercial Street, No. 163 and 165, in the most central part of the cityCone a large stone, with brick front, 70 feet deep, and two stories high above cellar; well finished throughout. The other a small frame house. This property rents for $1,750 per annum. Price, $10,000, $5,000 cash, balance on 6, 12, and 18 months= time.


Emporia News, June 10, 1870.

PERSONAL. A party of El Dorado gentlemen were in town a few days ago, consisting of T. B. Murdock and J. S. Danford, of the Walnut Valley Times, and D. M. Bronson, Esq. Mr. Murdock has bought out the interest of Mr. Danford in the Times.

Emporia News, June 10, 1870.

DEXTER. On Saturday last we received a call from A. Stevens, Esq., of Dexter, a new town on Grouse Creek. The people of that section of the State are very anxious for the establishment of a mail route from Eureka via Elk Creek, down Grouse Creek to Arkansas City (formerly Creswell). These settlements have a population of from 500 to 700 people, and they are now without mail facilities entirely. They have to go from 60 to 75 miles for their mail. The country is as fine as any in Kansas, and will soon be thickly settled. They ought to have a tri-weekly mail. Will our Washington authorities look into the matter and help them?

Emporia News, June 10, 1870.

Ad. Groceries at reduced rates at McMILLAN & HOUGTON=S. [This type of ad has been running for some time.]


Emporia News, June 17, 1870.


The bill to remove the Osage Indians and give the land to settlers at $1.25 per acre, passed the Senate last week. There now seems to be no doubt but that it will pass the House before the close of this session.

Emporia News, June 17, 1870.

Here is a good one on Old Subsidy Pomeroy: When the Osage land bill was under discussion, Senator Garrett Davis asked Pomeroy if there was any steal in it. Pomeroy replied that there was none that he knew of. Davis expressed himself entirely satisfied. He knew if there was a steal in it, Pomeroy would know it.

Emporia News, June 17, 1870.

Gen. Ellet, celebrated during the war as commander of the Marine Brigade, which did such admirable service on the Ohio and Mississippi, was in town last SundayCwas Prof. Norton=s guest. He has two sons in this State, one at El Dorado, and another at Rock Creek, in Cowley County. He is intending soon to locate in this State, and has arranged to take a look at Arkansas City on the 4th prox., with the view of making that his future home.


Emporia News, June 17, 1870.

THE FOURTH AT ARKANSAS CITY. Our friends at Arkansas City (Creswell) will hold a grand celebration on the Fourth of July. Max Fawcett=s celebrated claim is the spot selected. Music, a big dinner, an oration by H. B. Norton, toasts, responses, and short speeches by Prof. L. B. Kellogg, General Ellet, J. S. Danford, and others, and unlimited boating, swinging, and sight seeing are on the programme. A large party will leave for the new town on the 31st inst.

Emporia News, June 17, 1870.

AStraws show which way the wind blows.@ As an evidence of the good feeling in favor of removing the National Capital to the West, we notice that the House of Representatives, on the 11th, rejected the Senate=s amendment appropriating $500,000 for the commencement of a new building for the State Department, by a vote of 22 for to 127 against. The amendment in relation to the extension of the capital grounds was also rejected: yeas 31, nays 122.

Emporia News, June 17, 1870.

The great Indian pow-wow at Washington does not seem to have been very harmonious, or very beneficial in its results. Red Cloud made several speeches. In this respect he is as prolific as some of our Kansas politicians. He told the government authorities a good many plain things. He said he didn=t want any more musty flour or Arotten terbacker.@ He says the government can=t play that on him any more. Neither does this chieftain want any more Aold soldiers= clothes colored black.@ He says the officers in the Indian country are all whiskey drinkers, and that the soldiers are all afoot, and the government is Athrowing away money for nothing.@ Secretary Cox did not succeed to any alarming extent in convincing him that the government would live up to its treaty stipulations, and he went back saying he would not take the paper with him, as it was Aold lies.@ He said he would not return angry, although it was evident, says a telegram, that the Indians were not well pleased with their visit. It is a matter of extreme doubt, in our estimation, whether the benefits of this pow-wow were worth $50,000, the sum Congress proposes to appropriate for Red Cloud=s traveling expenses, presents, etc.

Emporia News, June 17, 1870.

There are some fresh and encouraging indications of the passage of the bill to increase the number of Congressmen. . . .

Kansas wants this bill passed because it will forever put a stop to the Aone man@ business which has been so damaging to us. With the immense patronage of the State all in one district, any political demagogue with a little shrewdness, can fasten himself on the people as long as he wants to. If the State is divided into three or four districts, the power which patronage gives a member will be much smaller, and then when a man is in a small district the people can watch him closer. Let us have this bill by all means.

Emporia News, June 17, 1870.


The last spike on this road, in Kansas, was driven by Manager R. S. Stevens a few days ago, and the first spike across the line in the Indian Territory was driven by Col. Boudinot, a Cherokee Indian. Trains are now running to the Cherokee Nation! The road is graded fifteen or twenty miles into the Indian country. We call that business! Nearly two hundred miles of railroad built in a little over a year! The race between Joy and Stevens to get to the State line has been won by Stevens, and Joy has been scooped! The great Railroad King has been headed off and non-plussed by a new man. Bob Stevens is now the Railroad King. The beauty of this all is that the Missouri, Kansas & Texas (formerly Union Pacific, Southern Branch) road will be, in all probability, the great trunk line to the Gulf! People up about Lawrence and Leavenworth who used to smile when the building of this road was talked of, can now realize what they smiled about. The fact is, the building of this road is the wonder of the age.

This road was first provided with a grant of land in Lane=s Kansas railroad system, as a branch road to run from where the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe road would cross the Neosho River (then intended to be at Council Grove) to where the Leavenworth, Lawrence & Galveston road should cross said stream. The bill was afterwards changed so as to make Emporia the point at which the A., T. & S. F. road should cross the Neosho, and, through the influence of citizens of Emporia, the branch, as it was then called, was extended to an intersection with the Kansas Pacific road at or near Fort Riley, and given an additional grant of land.

A lot of earnest, hard working Neosho Valley men took hold of the enterprise with a view of making it a distinct and grand trunk road to the Gulf. After years of hard work they succeeded, and now they have their reward. One thing is about settled: this road goes to the Gulf. It will soon have two very important eastern connections; one via Sedalia and Ft. Scott, and the other from Holden, via Paola and Ottawa, to Emporia. It is also to be extended from Junction City to an intersection with the Union Pacific at Ft. Kearney or some other point. Then it will be the great thoroughfare for Central and Southern Kansas, and all the Southwestern States, to the mountains and Pacific coast. Then it will be the greatest road in the West! Then it will be what its projectors and builders have always intended it should be. Passengers from the mountains and Pacific slope will change cars at Kearney for New Orleans and Liverpool! Hurrah for the noble and enthusiastic eastern capitalists who built the road! Hurray for the people of the Neosho Valley who have lent the helping hand and given this enterprise all the assistance in their power from its inception! Will the gentleman from Galveston pass the fresh oranges, while the fellow from the snowy range dishes out the ice-cream?

Emporia News, June 17, 1870.


The great defaulter, J. SpeerC@honest@ John, has been trying to joke away his defalcation. When informed by the United States Attorney that a balance of $159,000 was found against him, and that he must fix the matter up, he wrote an excessively funny reply. But here is an instance when one of the men whom he retaliated upon by a joke, got a little ahead of him. Geo. A. Crawford is one of the editors of the Fort Scott Daily Monitor, and is too much for Ahonest@ John. Go up head, George. . . .

Emporia News, June 17, 1870.


Dispatches received from General Pope=s headquarters say: Fifty Indians attacked Hugo Spring Station, thirteen miles west of Kit Carson, Colorado, and were driven off by the guard, with a loss of three killed and several wounded. No whites hurt.

A dispatch to the Commonwealth, states that the well diggers at the end of the Kansas Pacific track were attacked a few days ago, by Indians, and two of them killed.

The Senate has passed the bill granting lands for the extension of the Central Branch Union Pacific railroad. The grant enters upon even-numbered sections as well as odd, so that the effect is to give all the land the Government owns in a belt fifty miles wide and two hundred long, and part of this is now held by the Government at $2.50 per acre. The Washington correspondent of the St. Louis Democrat says: AIt is doubtful whether this measure would ever have passed the Senate with such an excessive grant, but for the persistent lobbying of the former principal owner, at present Senator Pomeroy.@ Senator Ross voted against the bill.

An appropriation of $50,000 is asked for to pay the traveling expenses of Red Cloud and his staff.

Emporia News, June 17, 1870.


Large droves of cattle have commenced arriving at Baxter Springs.

The Texas cattle drovers, having concluded they had been skinned long enough by the Kansas Pacific railroad, for freights, are now driving their cattle north to the Pacific railroad. Five thousand head were recently driven to Fort Kearney. So we learn from the Clyde Empire.

The land sales of the Central Branch Railroad on three days of last week amounted to $24,000.

DOWN IN THE NATION. The M., K. & T. Railroad have completed the grading of their road as far as Cabin Creek, 15 miles below this place. The piers for the bridge across Russell Creek four miles below here are finished, and the bridge, a fine structure, will be on in a few days. Chetopa Advance.

Emporia News, June 17, 1870.

Mr. Meigs, of the firm of Tisdale & Meigs, passed through here a few days ago on his way to Arkansas City, to place on the route the stock for the stage line to that city. The stages will be running to Arkansas City tri-weekly in a few days.

Emporia News, June 17, 1870.

The other day we were shown by Mr. Wm. Jay, a worthy citizen of Emporia, some very interesting relics in the shape of old papers and documents. Among other things there was a copy of the New England Courier, printed in Boston, in 1723, and edited by Benjamin Franklin; also a copy of the Weekly Visitor, published in New York, in 1803, by Ming & Young. Then there were various checks given on the U. S. Bank about a half century ago, and signed one by David Crockett, another by J. C. Calhoun, another by Richard M. Johnson, another by Lewis Cass, and another by Sam Houston. Mr. Jay also showed us a copy of the Declaration of Independence in the hand writing of Thomas Jefferson, with interlineations by John Adams and Benjamin Franklin. Probably the most interesting paper of all was a deed executed by Peter D. Vroom and James W. Wall [?] to Mr. Jay, and acknowledged before James Buchanan while Minister to England and witnessed by O. Jennings Wise, Minister to Prussia. Mr. Jay has many other interesting relics, which we intend to examine at some convenient time more minutely.

[Wall could be Watt...very hard to read!]


Emporia News, June 17, 1870.

ARKANSAS TRAVELERS. A large party of emigrants and excursionists will start for Arkansas City (Creswell) on Thursday, the 30th inst. The intention is to go in covered wagons and ambulances, take the eatables along, camp out of nights, make short journeys and long rests, and be generally good looking, sweet, and happy. The party expect to stay over the Fourth, and come back at their leisure.

Now is the time for parties desiring to visit this famous region to go in good style and good company. Don=t all speak at once.

Emporia News, June 17, 1870.


Emporia News, June 24, 1870.


ARKANSAS CITY, (formerly Creswell), June 9th, 1870.

EDITORS NEWS: We have had more rain here this spring than we have needed, but of course it is all rightC@better too much than too little@Cbut at times it makes things considerably juicy. Our gardens and unfenced small fields of corn are growing finely. The Arkansas River is rising gradually, caused by the snow melting at its sources in the Rocky Mountains, but it is still fordable. Things are livelier here now since the arrival of Sleeth & Co.=s mill. We will soon have one or two more mills to supply the increasing demand for lumber. There are six nearly finished houses on the town site now, and several others commenced, including Col. Wolsey=s [Woolsey=s] hotel.

We are going to have a regular old-fashioned celebration here on the 4th of July, and we would like to see a number of familiar faces from Emporia on that occasion come down, and we=ll insure them a good time.

We have organized a brass band here numbering fourteen members, and propose to get a first class set of instruments. We also have a glee club of fifteen or twenty members.

There are a great many good prairie claims vacant yet within a few miles of town, and occasionally a good timber claim may be found that has been overlooked. There are very few persons who cannot find claims here to suit them, provided they take time to look them up; for in no part of Kansas is there a greater variety of soil, situation, and scenery than here. We occasionally hear rumors from the not far off North of deathly doings by the bloody Osages: Sometimes we are being driven from the Ahappy land of Canaan@; and at other times,

Our scalps, our sacred pelts,

Hang reeking, pendant

From the wampum belts

Of noble Ingins.

None of which we credit. M. F. [HAS TO BE MAX FAWCETT]

Note: Fawcett always says Sleath for Sleeth.

Emporia News, June 24, 1870.

[Another letter from Arkansas City...Max Fawcett.]

ARKANSAS CITY, June 14th, 1870.

EDITORS NEWS: We are having frequent and terrific rains here now. Our town is improving rapidly, forty more houses are under contract, and are being built as fast as lumber can be obtained to build them with. Mr. W. H. Speers, of Peoria, Illinois, has a new thirty horse power stationary steam saw mill on the way, which will be here in a day or two. Mr. Speers has had a number of years of experience in the mill business, having run mills in Iowa, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Illinois. When his mill arrives we will have two mills. Mr. Wolsey has his shingle machine in operation and is turning out six or eight thousand first class shingles a day.

Our four merchants are doing a staying business. C. R. Sipes tells me that he sells four times as much as he expected when he commenced, and our other merchants, Norton, Bowen, and Goodrich, are not behind him in sales, and all sell at reasonable rates, nearly or quite, and sometimes below, El Dorado prices. Our carpenters are all busy. Messrs. Channell, Smith, and Thomson, carpenters, have just finished a neat, roomy cabinet shop, and are running a lumber yard in connection with their other business. Channell starts for Emporia tomorrow for the purpose of bringing back his better half.

Tomorrow we are going to commence tracing the southern boundary of Kansas from where it crosses the Arkansas River to a point directly south of Arkansas City, and then measure the distance from Arkansas City to the line. There are a great many first-class claims vacant down there. I will write you a description of that part of our county when we return.

We are preparing for a grand time on the Fourth, and expect to see a number of familiar and welcome faces from the North on that day. M. F.

Emporia News, June 24, 1870.


EDITORS NEWS: When I left my home in Vermont, and came to the West, I felt, as I presume every philanthropist in the East feels today, that the Indians (the noble red men) were a much abused race. But since my residence in Kansas, my views on that question have undergone a radical change. When I see them, male and female, as they make their appearance on our streets daily, in the summer season, with their wild gooseberries for sale, wrapped in their old filthy blankets, no change for the better to be seen in them since their first contact with the white man, I cannot help feeling that there is something wrong somewhere; and when I think that they have been here since the earliest settlement of the white man, and have seen his gradual advancement, by industry, from the rude log cabin and raw prairie, to the palatial residence, fertile fields, and orchard teeming with abundance of delicious fruit, I cannot help wondering that they do not appreciate the benefits of civilization enough to conform, at least in a slight degree, to the customs of the whites (for they are remarkably fond of vegetables, coffee, sugar, etc.), and I have arrived at the conclusion that it is their tribal relation that causes the difficulty. And oh, how my heart aches for the women, when I see them in their degradation, made beasts of burden, and doing the work of the stronger sex, that rightly belongs to them to do.

Now, my Apolicy@ toward the Indian would be this: Break up the tribal relation entirely. (As one of our Generals on the frontier plainly stated a short time since, that he could do nothing with them on account of their tribal relation, unless they committed some overt act.) Now, take their firearms and ponies from them, and give them agricultural implements in their stead, and place each family on a homestead, and I presume there are philanthropists that would willingly instruct them in the art of agriculture, for would it not be a missionary work indeed. And as our Quaker friends have shown their willingness to try to ameliorate their situation in the condition they are now in, I should then think thee would be an added incentive to labor for their advancement. In regard to their tribal relation: Why should they be allowed to retain it? Why not make them accountable citizens the same as the white man? and how absurd it would look in any white man in the United States to set up a plea for an organization of a like nature.

Just think, if such a thing could happen, what a change would come over this western country. If the white man could go where he pleased in the West to make a home, without fear of molestation from the Indian (except on lands reserved for them) would it not be the case that the added acres brought under cultivation would bring into the revenues of the

U. S. Treasury in a short time, much more than the settlement of the Indian question would cost? And when the Indians had learned the AArt of Peace,@ their land would also yield a revenue to the Government. But do not think because I write about the Government being paid for such an act, that my only object is gain to the white man, for I think it would be an act of charity and humanity to the Indians themselves; for if their arms and ponies were taken from them, it would check the tendency to roam about, which they now have, and as time would hang then rather heavily on their hands, they would be the more ready to enter the path of industry. Although it would probably be rather a Abitter pill@ to the present actors in the drama, yet the rising generation would be benefitted by the change, and perhaps the Amothers@ of the race also. But while the females remain so degraded it will be impossible for the race to improve. But this article is getting too lengthy, so I must stop; although I had much more that I wished to write on this subject, and perhaps if this communication is not rejected, I shall write again. L. A. C.

Emporia, Kansas, June 20, 1870.

Emporia News, June 24, 1870.


S. A. Cobb appealed to the public some ten days ago to Asuspend judgment@ in the case of John Speer, thief and forgerCas we know and can proveCinasmuch as Speer=s case was Agoing before the courts.@ Sidney Clarke wrote to the same effect to the New York Tribune. We thought the case an extraordinary oneCa mean and sneaking one. The Apublic judgment@ had been suspended for seven years by artful and wicked appliances, and by the use of bribery, here and at Washington, and, as far as our thousands of readers were concerned, we refused to Asuspend@ any longer.

The grand jury of the United States Court has been in session at Topeka.

This matter came before them, but it was not investigated. The grand jury will not be in session again until the State Convention is over, and that is the reason that Clarke, Speer, and Cobb want no investigation now. The U. S. Marshal is running Sid. Clarke for Congress, and he also Aruns@ the grand jury.

Three or four changes were made in this last grand jury, until a few days ago it voted, nine to seven, that it had no business before it. That is the way Speer Agoes before the courts,@ and that is the way the public are compelled to Asuspend judgment.@ Geo. T. Anthony, a successor of Speer as U. S. Collector, informed the grand jury that he had here only certified copies of the forged and bogus papers made out by Speer as Aabatement claims.@ He said he had sent to Washington for the original papers, and had heard that they were mailed to him, but he had not received them. Perhaps that is the last we shall ever hear of them. We may have a repetition, in this case, of Sid. Clarke=s carpet sack. Men who can rob the Government, forge papers, commit perjury, and conceal the fact for seven years, are capable of this or any other crime.

Another significant phase of these crimes is the fact that two-thirds of all the deputies Speer ever had have left the State. Van Horn and the rest have followed Barricklow.

By all means let the public judgment be suspended. And when it is fully done, let us elect John Speer for Governor, Sid. Clarke for Congress, and the useful Quantrell to the Senate.

Leavenworth Conservative.

Emporia News, June 24, 1870.

Speer is now known in financial circles, as Aold abatement claims.@

Emporia News, June 24, 1870.

A Abig injun@ that weighed about 500 pounds died at Topeka a few days ago, Abram Burrett, since which time the Topeka papers have been filled with locals about his size, the size of his coffin, his religion, etc. This old Indian was a wind-fall to the Topeka locals.

Emporia News, June 24, 1870.

On the 20th inst. the A., T. & S. F. road was authorized to continue its line over three hundred miles to Albuquerque, with a branch of one hundred miles or more, which by the terms of the billCalthough the fact does not appear on the face of the billCcan be run through the Osage lands. The grant obtained by this road involves over six million acres of land.

Emporia News, June 24, 1870.

Capt. Smith, of Gen. Custer=s staff, called on us on Wednesday last, being on his way to the Osage country to get scouts to use on the plains. He says the Indians are quite troublesome on the plains. Gen. Custer received a telegram from Kit Carson the morning Capt. Smith left Fort Hays, saying that about 20 Indians had just been captured who had made a raid on a Texan train, killing six or seven men.

Emporia News, June 24, 1870.

The Denver Pacific Railroad has just been completed to Denver, and the cars are now running to that place from Cheyenne. The workmen on this road are now engaged on the Denver branch of the Kansas Pacific. They have 60 miles of iron at that end of the road, and the track will be put down with all possible dispatch. By the first of September we shall be able to take a seat in the cars and not get out till we reach Sacramento. There will then be a direct communication between St. Louis and San Francisco. The Wyoming Gazette says Mr. Pullman is now constructing thirteen of his gorgeously decorated and adorned palace and dining coaches to put on this AThrough St. Louis Line,@ as soon as the Kansas Pacific shall be completed.

Emporia News, June 24, 1870.

The Interior Department was very generous in complying with Red Cloud=s request for horses. It gave him seventeen splendid animals. He says now his Aheart is big,@ and he returns to the scene of his depredations in an excellent mood. He thinks the Great Father, as he terms President Grant, a perfect gentleman.

Emporia News, June 24, 1870.


It is a noteworthy fact that the East and West are in opinion diametrically opposed to each other on the Indian problem. Is it because our Eastern brethren are so far in advance of us upon questions of a humanitarian nature, is it because they are so much more civilized, cultivated, and refined that they advocate a sugar and plum policy with reference to the red man, while we of the West believe soldiers and soldier=s bullets are sometimes necessary? We do not believe there is any less true philanthropy in the West than in the East. The only difference between the two sections in this respect is that the Western people are on the ground, in close contact with the Indians and are thus enabled to thoroughly understand their nature, and intelligently determine what sort of treatment will alone be effective. Should it be so ordered by Providence that a number of these Eastern philanthropists be compelled to come to the frontier and pass four or five years where every day they could behold the noble savage and witness his praiseworthy mode of life and become victims of his pleasant treachery, they would find it easy to discover a more deserving subject for whose benefit to propagate their Ahumane@ theories.

We do not believe in being unnecessarily cruel to the Indian. We know he has suffered irreparable injuries at the hands of rogues and rascals, still in every instance that he has been abused, he has taken his revenge by butchering innocent white men and outraging innocent white women. His work of retaliation is more than complete. But whatever may the wrongs on either side, it should be borne in mind that if the demands of the Indians be granted, then civilization must suffer at the hands of barbarism. They virtually insist that thee shall be no more railroads built across their country, that there shall be no more mines explored along their hills, nor any more white men settle along their streams; that no more of their soil be cultivated; but they want money, and blankets, and food, and horses and powder, lead, and rifles. If the Indians in demanding their rights did not thus come in conflict with the growth of our country, and block the wheels of the car of progress, then their requests would be entitled to some consideration. But if what they ask for should be granted, then the pioneer must be restricted to certain well defined bounds, the developing of mines must not be extended beyond such and such limits, and the building of railroads with the tide of teeming multitudes of busy, active men they carry with them must be checked. But the fact is, this state of things cannot come to pass. The encroachments of civilization are inexorable. The buffalo, the antelope, and the deer retreat as the white man with his ax, his plow, and his shovel advances. The red man must, in the natural course of things, unless he is willing to give over his romantic life, lay down his bow and arrow and become a tiller of the soil, depart also. There is no other way for it. The progress of the world cannot be stopped in order that he may hunt his game unmolested.

No man, be the color of his skin red, black, or white, has any right to insist that mankind must stop its work in order that he may live in idleness and ignorance. Red Cloud and Spotted Tail must either take hold and help the white man develop the great West, constructing railroads, working mines, and building towns, or they must remove to new hunting grounds. Extermination is a terrible word; but finally, we fear, they will come to know fully its bitter meaning unless they subdue their wild, restless natures, and consent to engage in the peaceful pursuits of civilization.

Emporia News, June 24, 1870.

[Letter received from Indianapolis, Indiana, re drouth...in New York and farther East, the lack of rain insures an almost total failure of wheat, oats, grass, and barley. In parts of Kansas, particularly Southern Kansas the opposite occurred...lots of good moisture will help to bring in crops, etc. I DID NOT GIVE DETAILS.]

Emporia News, June 24, 1870.

H. Tisdale, Superintendent, The Southern Kansas Stage Company, announces service from Emporia to Wichita: on and after June 18, 1870, will run a tri-weekly line of coaches from Emporia to Wichita. H. B. Lowe, local agent in Emporia.

Emporia News, June 24, 1870.

Coal from the State line is coming up the Valley road to this place.

Emporia News, June 24, 1870.

Topliff & French offer some special inducements to persons in need of anything in their line of boots and shoes. . . .

Emporia News, June 24, 1870.

The excursion to Arkansas City (Creswell) will start on Wednesday morning, 29th, instead of Thursday, 30th. Those interested should make preparations accordingly.

H. B. N.

Emporia News, June 24, 1870.

Newman & Bro. are having unprecedentedly large sales just now. They are receiving new goods almost daily. George is down east now. They will get an extra stock of new goods next week, and when George gets back, they will receive a super-extra supply How everything grows in this country! It is astonishing! corn and commerce! [I skipped business notices.]

Emporia News, June 24, 1870.

[STATE NORMAL SCHOOL announces closing exercises of the Spring Term. This occurred evidently about the time paper issued announcement.]

Emporia News, June 24, 1870.

Population of Emporia: White males 1,527, females 1,124; colored males 60, colored females 39. Total population: 2,750. Data gathered into City Directory.

Emporia News, June 24, 1870.

[City Council proceedings: the Clerk read a letter from the Secretary of the Holly Water Works Company in reference to water works for Emporia.]

Emporia News, June 24, 1870.

Go to McMillan & Houghton=s for the best Washing Crystals and Blueings.

Those Torpedoes and Fire-Crackers have just arrived at McMILLAN & HOUGHTON=s.

Go to McMillan & Houghton=s and get some of their white Castile Soap.

Emporia News, July 1, 1870.

Red Cloud, when allowed to look upon the piles of gold in the United States Treasury, was rude enough to remark to Boutwell that he did not like the looks of the gold as well as he did those of the female clerks in the department. The savage was at once taken into the open air.

Near the close of his speech in Washington, Red Cloud pointed to a lady present, Mrs. Fanny Kelly, and generously asked that she should be paid for the property his people had destroyed in Dakota out of the money apportioned to them. Mrs. Kelly is young and fresh-looking, bearing no marks of hardship or trouble. She said that while a captive to them the terrible war chief had treated her with the greatest respect and kindness.

Emporia News, July 1, 1870.

CLAIMS OF A DISTINGUISHED INDIAN CHIEF AND GUIDE. The claim of Black Beaver, a Delaware Indian, is now before the Senate Committee on Military Affairs. He belongs to the Delaware tribe, and was in the employ of the Government all or nearly all of the time since the commencement of the Mexican war. During that war he was Captain of a company of Delawares and Shawnees in the United States army. Since that time, up to the commencement of the late war, he had been employed as a guide and interpreter by the different commanding officers at the posts of Fort Arbuckle and Cobb, in the Indian Territory, and by the superintendents and agents for the Indians in the vicinity of those forts. He was at Fort Arbuckle about five years, and at Fort Cobb one year, immediately preceding the last war, and during that time had invested all of his means and earnings in cattle and hogs, and had, at the breaking out of the war, a large stock. In the spring of 1861 General Emory requested him to guide his command, as also the combined commands from Forts Smith, Cobb, and Arbuckle to Fort Leavenworth; but he hesitated about leaving his stock until General Emory assured him that he should be paid by the Government for his losses, and on that representation he complied with the request, and came with the command to Fort Leavenworth, and remained there till the war ended. When he returned to his place, he found his stock was all gone, some of the cattle having been killed by the wild Indians and some by the Southern army. He never realized one cent for the property he abandoned, and is now in need. He sums up his losses at $22,268. Gen. Emory speaks of Black Beaver=s invaluable services, and earnestly presses the justice of the claim of Athis aged and worthy man,@ and says: AThe extrication of the commands of which Beaver was the guide, from the frontier of Texas and the country of the rebellious Indians acting in sympathy with the South, which I was enabled to do by the aid of Black Beaver, had a momentous effect in favor of the Union party, on the destiny of Kansas and the State of Missouri, and I exceedingly regret Beaver=s claims have not been before acknowledged. New York Herald.

Emporia News, July 1, 1870.

The headquarters of the department of the Missouri, Major General Pope commanding, have ben moved from St. Louis to Leavenworth.

Emporia News, July 1, 1870.

We see it stated that Web. Wilder of the Conservative is to write a history of Kansas. We are glad to hear this, as a reliable history of this State is much needed. The thing gotten up by a fellow named Holloway is not deserving of the name of a history. Wilder will make a racy, and reliable book, and we are glad to know he has undertaken the task.

Emporia News, July 1, 1870.

Sid Clarke is coming his old dodge again, by introducing R. R. bills at the last of the session. He has never yet got through a bona fide railroad measure, but on the contrary has been found working against them. Of course, he will come home blowing of the important measures he has introduced, but for the sure passage of which he must be returned. It won=t do. Osage Chronicle.

Emporia News, July 1, 1870.

Lieutenant Young and his command came up with a party of 200 Indians about twenty-five miles from Rawlins, Wyoming, and happily killed fifteen of them.

Emporia News, July 1, 1870.


One hundred and thirty-two post offices are supplied by the Missouri, Kansas & Texas railroad.

Messrs. Tisdale & Parker commence running stages from Ottawa, via Pomona and Lyndon, to Osage City, on the 1st of July, carrying the U. S. mail.

The grand Army of the Republic is now being re-organized in this State under very flattering auspices. Here in Topeka a post has been established, and the membership is increasing rapidly. We understand that it is the intention to establish a reading-room in connection with the post for the benefit of the members. Commonwealth.

Railroads, like some individuals, change their names to suit circumstances. The name of the St. Louis & Santa Fe road, familiarly known as the Holden & Paola railroad, is changed to Missouri, Kansas & Texas railroad. From Holden to the State line it is called the Missouri division, and from the State line west the Kansas division. Paola Republican.

LET =EM SQUIRM. We publish elsewhere a communication written to the Kansas City Journal on the Main Trunk question. The tone of the article indicates a lively squirm. The contempt once shown for the Southern Branch has been supplanted by an inexpressible horror for the impudence and audaciousness which has prompted its builders to surpass all previous railroad building in the West, and which now induces them to set up a claim against the great Railroad King for the Main Trunk. To soothe their nerves, we will say that some seven or eight years ago a few clod-hoppers conceived the idea of a Southern branch to the Pacific railroad scheme, via the Republican and Neosho valleys. They succeeded in inducing the heaviest corporation operating in the West to take hold of such a scheme. They have succeeded, notwithstanding Joy is supposed to be the best railroad lawyer in the country. Kansas City can have her branch.

The writer says the claim of the Missouri, Kansas & Texas builders to the main trunk is simply black mail, and with a good deal of contempt says that it will be a misfortune to business interests if Joy does not buy them off. Joy hasn=t got money enough. In the course of three or four months Kansas City will learn that the same fellows have built a branch or two, which will leave her several miles to the north. Then look out for another squirm.

Junction City Union.

Emporia News, July 1, 1870.

The following are the names of the railroads in the State and the number of miles completed.

The Kansas Pacific: 421

The Kansas Pacific (Leavenworth branch): 33

Missouri, Kansas & Texas: 182

Union Pacific, Central Branch: 100

Leavenworth, Lawrence & Galveston: 52

Olathe Branch: 12

Missouri River, Fort Scott & Gulf: 102

Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe: 27

Missouri River road: 28

Leavenworth, Atchison & Northwestern: 21

St. Joseph & Denver: 40

TOTAL: 1,283 miles.

Emporia News, July 1, 1870.

IN DEMAND. Arkansas City property is changing hands rapidly at good prices. Several shares have been sold here within the past week.

Emporia News, July 1, 1870.

PAPER AT ARKANSAS CITY. We understand Mr. Mains, of the Emporia Tribune, has accepted the liberal offer of the Arkansas City (formerly Creswell) company, and will start a new paper there by the first of August. He has already ordered the materials. The addition of a live newspaper to that town will help it out wonderfully.

Emporia News, July 1, 1870.


Prof. Kellogg and family have gone to Lake Superior to spend their vacation.

Prof. Norton will vegetate, ruminate, and rusticate at Arkansas City, on the banks of the AWalnut@ and ARackensack,@ During the Normal vacation.

Our Mr. Williams, in company with Ed. Cunningham, started on Tuesday for a trip to Cottonwood Falls, Chelsea, El Dorado, Wichita, Arkansas City, Eureka, and intermediate points. We hope the people on the route will treat these young gentlemen kindly, and that they will be able to bring back a basket full of greenbacks as the result of their trip.

Several of our teachers, including Profs. Kellogg and Chambers, are in attendance upon the State Teachers= Association at Wyandotte this week.

Emporia News, July 1, 1870.

District Court Proceedings.

J. Jay Buck, J. D. Hoyt Chamberlin, Frank A. Newell, and Augustus Ottent [?] were admitted to practice in this and the several inferior courts of the State of Kansas.

[Seems garbled...no comma after Hoyt? Paper had Otten t???]

Emporia News, July 8, 1870.


Sidney Clarke has resorted to the old dodge by introducing a number of bills in the House granting lands to railroad corporations for the sole purpose of gaining popularity in the localities through which the roads are to pass. We imagine the people of Kansas will very easily see through this flimsy scheme of Mr. Clarke=s to secure their vote at the next State Convention.

They have doubtless read some of his speeches during the past year against land and railroad monopolies, denouncing all such things as detrimental to the interests of the settlers, and ruinous to our Republican form of government.

Mr. Clarke introduced the bills in the House which subsequently passed, granting land to the Neoso Valley road, and the Leavenworth, Lawrence and Galveston road. He also favored, and was one of the prime movers in securing the ratification of the Cherokee Neutral Land treaty, which he has never attempted to deny. It is well known that on a certain occasion in Philadelphia, when it was rumored that there was a probability of the treaty failing to pass, he made the remark: AI must hurry back to Washington to help make the Joy purchase.@

On the 5th of September, 1865, we were in Paola and heard him make a speech, in which he took strong ground in favor of ceding all the Indian lands along the line of the Leavenworth, Lawrence and Galveston and Border Tier roads. This speech was published, and from a copy now before us we make the following extract:

AThis policy ought, and I think will, secure to your road (the Border Tier) by treaty, valuable Indian lands in Miami and Johnson counties, and the Cherokee Neutral and other Indian lands south of Bourbon County.

AThe Osage Lands, west of the Cherokee Neutral Lands, should, in like manner, be ceded to the Leavenworth, Lawrence and Galveston Road. What I can accomplish to this end, as your representative in the Lower House of Congress, I shall labor earnestly to do.@

For once Clarke was as good as his word, and supported the measure right straight through. But he wanted the Border Tier then. He soon found out that there was great dissatisfaction among the settlers on the Cherokee Land, so he concluded to change his policy after he knew he could affect nothing towards breaking up the treaty, and turned against the treaty of 1866, and the Joy supplemental treaty.

Now there is to be another election this fall, and Sidney wants more supporters; but he will hardly deceive the people into supporting him again on the same old dodge, with his black record of demagoguery and political corruption behind him. Fort Scott Monitor.

Emporia News, July 8, 1870.


Articles of incorporation have been filed for the organization of a company to build a railroad from here to the Southwest. The names of the incorporators are as follows: C. V. Eskridge, S. B. Riggs, L. N. Robinson, E. Borton, E. B. Peyton, T. J. Peter, E. B. Crocker, M. G. Mains, Jacob Stotler, T. B. Murdock, and G. H. Norton. The road is to run from here via South Fork and Walnut valleys to Arkansas City, touching at the principal towns along the route, and thence to Fort Belknap, Texas. It is intended as an extension of the Kansas City & Santa Fe road, which will probably be built to this point at an early day.

Emporia News, July 8, 1870.


The necessary papers have been filed for the organization of a new company to build a railroad from Emporia through Greenwood County, via Eureka to the southern line of the State at some point either in Howard or Montgomery County. The incorporators are Henry Keys, of Vermont; George Opdyke, of New York; T. J. Peters, of Cincinnati; Ex-Gov. S. J. Crawford, Harvey Bancroft, and H. C. Cross, of Emporia; and William Martindale, of Greenwood. There are two vacancies yet to fill in the road corporators. We have heretofore urged the organization of such a company, believing the proposed route to be one of the best in the State for a road, and we are glad to announce that the above step has been taken.

It will be seen at a glance by the names connected with this enterprise that the corporators mean business. Mr. Keys is the President of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe road, and also of a prosperous eastern road, and is a man of immense capital and influence. Mr. Opdyke is also a heavy capitalist. Mr. Peters= reputation as a railroad builder is already established. He is the manager and superintendent of the A., T. & S. F. road. The other names connected with the enterprise are well known in Kansas for energy and business qualifications. We do not think it out of the way to say this road will be built at an early day. The interests of several railroads extending as far east as the Atlantic, together with those of several large and important cities demand that the road should be built, and the backing which it gets farther north than this insures its success.

P. S. Since the above was put in type, we learn that the names of Hon. E. Tucker, of Greenwood, and Judge Andrew Akin, of Wilson, have been added to the list of incorporators.

Emporia News, July 8, 1870.


We fear there was no acceleration of the beating of Emporia=s pulse indicative of sorrow at our departure. There was no beating of drums, no booming of cannon, no flying of flags, no waving of handkerchiefs, not the slightest approximation to a demonstration in honor of some unusual thing happening. Indignant at so lamentable a lack of enthusiasm upon the occurrence of so important events, we, Judge Cunningham and ourself, passed beyond the precincts of our beautiful town bound for a trip to Southwestern Kansas. . . . [Going to skip parts of this lengthy article.]

A. . . We are traveling up that first of all our valleysCthe Cottonwood. We are nearing Plymouth. . . . We have reached Plymouth, a quiet, pleasant little town, nestled on the brow of a ridge, from which stretches in every direction as fine a country as the sun ever shone upon. Plymouth is a Quaker town. . . . Pretty soon the railroad will stretch its iron arms along this valley and through this quiet village. A busier life awaits it. It has every prospect of becoming a place of considerable importance. A railroad, a splendid surrounding country, an industrious and prosperous community, render this much certain.

As we pass beyond Plymouth the valley widens. We never saw a finer country than the Cottonwood valley from Plymouth to within a few miles of Cottonwood Falls. Toledo is off to our right several miles. The railroad will miss her. Thee will be a station on Buckeye Creek, about three miles southwest from Toledo. We stop on a branch of Peyton Creek to get our dinner, which we enjoy in true frontier style. The Judge is a good cook, and makes as good a cup of coffee as anyone could wish to drink. . . . [talks about visiting with A. J. Crocker, who has a farm on the western side of creek. They soon arrive at Cottonwood Falls.

The town is small. It has a fine location, however, on the south bank of the Cottonwood. The citizens are anxiously awaiting the result of the vote on the bonds to the A. T. & S. F. R. R. which takes place on Friday the first of July. The life or death of the town they think depends on the result of the election. Every effort is being made to have the bonds issued. Parties were just going, as we left the Falls, to Bazaar, where the strongest opposition to the bonds will be felt, to discuss the wisdom of voting the bonds. We called on Messrs. Beck & Follet of the Index, and found them busily employed....stated that that paper is much ahead of the Banner, its predecessor, in typographical appearance.

From the falls to Bazaar our route lies over the upland prairie with the South Fork of the Cottonwood on our left and the high rocky bluffs on our right. We do not like what upland we have seen in Chase County. It is too rocky; too broken. Lewis & Hoover are doing a fine business in the grocery line at Bazaar. They are so located as to catch the travel from several directions, and they have plenty of customers. The valley is well settled from the mouth of the stream for fifteen miles.

Five miles from Bazaar we stop for the night. We lodge in the vast wilderness of prairie with the buggy over us for a protector against the inclemency of the weather and a revolver beside us for a protection against thieves and robbers. This was our first experience. The Judge was used to it. He was soon fast asleep. We were wakeful. We had trusted to him to arrange everything for our safety and comfort. After lying for some time watching the starry host above us, and listening to the sonorous snoring of our legal friend, the thought occurred to us that if we were attacked in the night, and the Judge should not be readily aroused, it might be well for us to know the exact position of the fire arms so that we could defend life and property. Consequently we got up to reconnoiter. We found everything in the most satisfactory condition possible. The revolver lay at the Judge=s side at a distance of ten feet or more with the muzzle carefully turned from him. This was so safe an arrangement that we went back to bed with our confidence in our friend=s ability to protect from danger fully restored, and soon fell into the embrace of balmy sleep, nature=s sweet restorer.

At daybreak we were again traveling along the valley in the direction of El Dorado. The valley is narrow, but very productive. The corn, oats, and wheat all look very fine. We soon leave the South Cottonwood to our left and strike across the upland eight or ten miles to the head waters of the Walnut. We are now in Butler County. The character of the upland prairie has changed. It is more similar to that in our own county, not so barren and rocky as in Chase. The Walnut is a fine stream, lined with thriving farms. Chelsea is soon reached. No one could ask for a more handsome site for a town. It is growing rapidly. The people still feel confident that some day they will have the county seat. The have a fine school building, the best one in Kansas southwest of Emporia. Chelsea has not only the advantage of a beautiful location and a fertile adjacent country, but it has more timber in close proximity than most of our Kansas towns can claim. Several streams form a junction with the Walnut at this point, all very well timbered. The best field of oats that we have thus far seen is just below Chelsea.

We leave Chelsea and traversing nine or ten miles more of the Walnut in a southwesterly direction reach El Dorado. We are agreeably surprised. We expected to see a wooden town of fifty or sixty housesCa part of them old and dilapidated. But the town has more than twice this number of buildings all new and neat in appearance. Every branch of business is represented. The Chicago business house would do credit even to Emporia. Dr. White has a very neat drug store. They can boast of the neatest and handsomest paper in Kansas. Such a paper as Bent=s is worth a mine of gold to any new town. The circulation is already large and rapidly increasing each week. The citizens give it a liberal advertising patronage. They evidently appreciate it. In our opinion El Dorado is some day destined to be a large place.

Butler County is one of the best counties in the State. It is rapidly settling. Two railroads at no distant day will form a junction here. The K. C., Ottawa and Emporia road will come down the Walnut Valley, and the Sedalia, Fort Scott and Humboldt road will be sure to strike her on its way to Wichita and farther west. With these two roads she will be one of the best points in Kansas. The citizens here say they will not vote bonds for the Kansas City and Ottawa road unless it will come by way of Emporia. If it goes by way of Burlington, they will not get the 5th parallel road, and of course they want to secure both.

Of our visit to Wichita, Arkansas City, and other towns in Southwestern Kansas, we shall speak next week.

Emporia News, July 8, 1870.


We clip the following sensible article from the Walnut Valley Times. It certainly takes the right view of things for the interests of Butler County. This road, if built through Butler County, traverses the Walnut Valley right through the heart of the county, thus benefitting all the people of the county. We can say to the Times and to the people of Butler that the sentiment here for the road down the Walnut, touching on the towns in the Valley, is unanimous, and that the people of this section are determined to leave no stone unturned to accomplish this object at the earliest possible day. The Times says:

AThis road will be completed to Ottawa by the 20th of July. The original route as surveyed west from Ottawa is to Emporia; and as to this place, an effort is being made to divert it to Burlington and Eureka and on West to El Dorado.

AWe will probably get the road, if we render sufficient assistance, by either route. The Humboldt and Arkansas River Railroad and this road are the only ones spoken of as likely to pass through Butler County. If the Kansas City road is built by the way of Eureka, we will get but one road, and Eureka will get the junction of the two roads. If it is built via Emporia, we get the junction of the two roads here, which would certainly be the more preferable. Therefore, we are of the opinion that it would be to our interest to encourage the building of the Kansas City road by the way of Emporia. Coming this way it would necessarily have to traverse the entire valley if it should be built to Arkansas City. We do not think it would be to our interest to vote bonds for the road to come by way of Burlington. The Kansas City and Santa Fe Road is being built very rapidly, and we will soon be called upon to do something in this matter. We will be asked to vote bonds for both roads. The question is: Are the citizens willing to aid these enterprises by voting bonds? The proposition should be carefully considered by every property holder, so that it can be voted intelligently.@

Emporia News, July 8, 1870.


Emporia News, July 8, 1870.

DIED. On Wednesday, June 29th, at his residence, near Seden=s, Mary E., wife of Eli M. Hiatt, aged 21 years.

DIED. Also, at same place, on 28th, infant son of Mary E. and E. M. Hiatt, aged 15 days.

Emporia News, July 8, 1870.

Hank Lowe, the great AStageist@ of Southern Kansas, was in town last Tuesday. He is stocking up the route from Emporia to El Dorado, and from El Dorado to Wichita and Arkansas City. Hereafter regular trips will be run by this company, making close connections with all eastern bound trains. El Dorado Times.

Emporia News, July 8, 1870.

ON A TRAMP. Davis Peyton, Addison Scott, J. Hamilton, and Hiram Conner, of Emporia, and N. M. Carter, of Plymouth, started out on Tuesday for a trip through Montgomery, Howard, Cowley, Sedgwick, Butler, and Chase counties. Their object is health and a look at the country. We hope they will have a pleasant trip.

Emporia News, July 8, 1870.


Judge Brown recently held the first Court ever held in Sedgwick County.

The Union says that at the instance of the Indian agent, a squad of soldiers left Emporia some time ago, and went to the Kaw Reserve for the purpose of driving the settlers off. None were found.

Emporia News, July 8, 1870.


Need I premise by telling where and what Arkansas City is? I think not, though three months ago, Arkansas City had neither name nor existence, and none save the Osage Indians had traversed its site. Yet, on the Fourth, it had denizens enough to celebrate, and being patriotic, as all American citizens are, they did celebrate. They did it after this wise. At ten o=clock the citizens and residents of surrounding country were formed in procession in front of the Woolsey House by Capt. Smith, and proceeded to Max. Fawcett=s grove, on the banks of the Arkansas. This grove, beautiful by nature, has been rendered more so by Max=s artistic hand. Arriving there, strolls and chats were indulged in until the dinner hour, when the crowd crystallized around different points of gastronomic interest, and proceeded to discuss, with much interest and apparent satisfaction, the contents of diverse and sundry baskets, buckets, and boxes. To our certain knowledge the Arkansas City people have good things to eat. The city takes pattern of its Godmother, Emporia, and discourages the sale and consumption of intoxicating drinks; but the oldest soaker would have gotten his Ared eye@ in the presence of the bountiful supplies of pure cold water flowing from Max=s springs.

Dinner dismissed and the crowd settled, a selection of vocal music was finely rendered by a number of ladies and gentlemen. I may say of all the music, both vocal and instrumental, that it was creditable, not only to a town not yet six months old, and standing as an out-post on the borders of civilization, but would have been considered highly meritorious in any place. After prayer by Rev. Swarts, and another piece of music, Prof. Norton, the orator of the day, was introduced, and for about three quarters of an hour, addressed the people in a most interesting manner.

Dismissing the past and matters of more general importance with a few eloquent remarks, he directed attention to things of the present and future of great local importance. He appealed to the people to plant trees, and urged the necessity of it, because of the climatic influence they would exercise; because they would afford homes for birds, the sworn enemies of all noxious insects; in order to supply the demands of the future; and in order that town and country might be made attractive and pleasant. He directed attention to the importance of railroads to their country. Spoke of the wonderful agricultural resources that would be opened up thereby; and of the cheapening of all foreign imports by means of a railroad that must soon be built to tide water, down the Arkansas Valley. He urged upon all the vast importance of the Common School System as an element of permanent future prosperity, and expressed a hope that that place would never exist a starveling college, with its wise looking and pretentious professors, and its conceited students pouring over the foolish fables of a long since dead language, while the living, scientific truths of a living age should go unstudied, but that in the place thereof should be the well regulated public school, full of the life and spirit of the age.

An abstract cannot do justice to the professor=s speech; it was eloquent, applicable, and well received. After the speaking and singing the crowd dispersed, some to their homes, some to the river to sail and fish, and all ready to declare that the first Fourth of July celebration in Arkansas City was a success.

There were well attended celebrations at three points in this county, in which county, one year ago, there were not a half dozen white men=s homes. The change is marvelous, and what is better, the people are happy and contented, and sanguine of the future. Of course, not very much of a crop will be raised this year on the sod freshly turned over, but next year the lower Walnut and Arkansas valleys will laugh with such a harvest as will surprise even Kansas.


Emporia News, July 15, 1870.


We left Emporia on the 28th of June, bound for Wichita. Our luggage consisted of a Botany, a small trunk, packed with our inevitable alpacas, and a well stored dinner box.

We took a last lingering look at Emporia from Jacob=s Mound, sixteen miles distant. During the p. m. we passed and met forty wagons thickly laden with lumber, bound for the Southwest.

We camped for the night below Mitchell=s, in company with Messrs. Williams and Cunningham. We immediately entered into a friendly compact not to criticizes each other=s good looks on account of the dust. Next day we passed Mercer and Sycamore Springs. At Mercer we rant to the top of the hill and looked down a vertical wall of smooth stone, at least thirty feet, shaded by waving trees. It was a bit of Scottish scenery in a Kansas prairie. At Sycamore, a large spring gushes from beneath the roots of a branching tree, which is fairly embroidered with names, showing that some people know how to get their names up in the world.

We found El Dorado all rightCour first greeting was a fine view of two Irishmen holding a AR. R. Meeting,@ over a bottle. A mile beyond, we found Cave SpringsCa nice place to camp. A flight of rough stone steps leads down to a pool of water from which flows a large stream under the rocks. It was deliciously refreshing to gaze upon.

About noon the next day, the Arkansas River came in sight. Shanties appeared on every hill. The first we passed possessed half a roof and part of three sides. In case of rain we thought some things might become damaged. There we had a fine view of the Arkansas Valley. Arriving at the ADr=s.,@ we found his usually hospitable domicile barred and bolted. We felt Acircumvented,@ as Sam Weller hath it, but showed our innate burglar talent by effecting an entrance, by the use of a ladder, over the lower sash of a second story window. Imagine the surprise of the family on returning to find their citadel thus peopled. Towards night we heard of a proposed buffalo hunt and decided to join the party, to start at once. Supper was eaten, dinner box packed, and we were soon following the track of the hunters, expecting to overtake them at Peck=s, seven miles distant. Night came on before we reached thee, so we stopped at an empty house and prepared to camp. Men soon appeared. While one was drawing water, R. asked for some to drink. AIt don=t taste very well,@ he said apologetically. AWe clean it out every morning, but it tastes.@ AWhat of? bugs?@ quoth R. AYes=m, bugs; that=s just what it tastes of.@ R. wasn=t thirsty. We found that the two occupants were a Vermont Union soldier and the other a South Carolina Rebel.

We aroused, gathered ourselves out of sawdust, shavings, etc., at half past three in the morning and proceeded up the Little Arkansas. After crossing we beheld the hunters, nine in number, whom we will allow to introduce themselves as the story continues. After eating a hasty breakfast, we started up the Great Arkansas River and nearly parallel with it. At Park City we were met by an immense delegation of Buffalo gnats. Like the sword of Gazul, they Apierced through hide and hair.@ We found a few new varieties of flowers, beautiful crimson mallows, spiderwort of a dazzling blue, and the delicate, rose-colored, sensitive brier. Lead plant and buffalo clover abounded.

We cross the Arkansas twenty-five miles from Wichita. The first team floundered considerably in the quicksand, causing no small commotion in the minds of the girls, but no more trouble was experienced. We were now beyond all civilization. One of the horsemen rode to the top of the hill and rushed back with the cry of Buffalo! Sure enough, there was a buffalo, about three miles away. The Dr. took the spy-glassC@Yes that is a buffalo!@ The Captain took the glass, AYes, that is a three-year old buffalo!@ AWhy, Cap=n, how can you tell so far off?@ ABy the wrinkles on his horns,@ quoth he. AI can see him wink,@ said Dan. AYes,@ said the Rev. Dr. AI can see him switch his tail!@ AWell boys,@ said the Captain, Ajust say so, and I=ll bring him in for dinner.@ They said so, and three of the most valiant rode after him, while we proceeded to make ready for the buffalo steak. In half an hour the hunters returned saying, in disgust, it was a hole in the ground! It was supposed that the buffalo, seeing no escape possible, sunk to some U. G. R. R., and left the hole where he went in. Our dry dinner was eaten with solemn countenances, and we resumed our journeyCseeing nothing new but a beaver, and several sticks cut off by the busy workers. We stopped to fill our jugs with pure water, consisting of mud, polliwogs, etc.; and then arose quite a discussion about Beecher=s sermonsCwhether they were published in the Independent, Christian Union, or Plymouth Pulpit. From this place we struck west, with the comfortable prospect of no more water till noon next day. The heat was intenseC130 degrees in sun, we guessedCfaces burned, almost blistered. We were fairly on the plains. Everything looked desolate; no timber, short grass, and endless hills. Soil consisted of blue and red clay, with some very fine gravel. The country seemed to lie up close to the sun, and, as the Dr. said, to have been cursed for the sins of a former race. We passed a communist village of prairie dogs and owls, and, farther on, saw a bald eagle. Night came on. We fortunately found water and concluded to camp, having seen no buffalo, only their paths and wallows. Antelope were also numerous. The Captain ordered the teams to be corralled, remarking that he Anever looked for a snow storm in July, but such things had happened and it was best to be ready.@ (The girls thought he meant Indians.) After retiring, we were regaled with yelping from the wolves and the talk of the campers, of which we give extracts.

AWhich way=s north?@ AYonder, don=t you see the north star with those two pointing towards it?@ :@Used to know a good many starsCthere is Sirius and Orion.@ AWho=s that lecturing on astronomy?@ AI=ve just found out what a long tailed linen coat is good forCto turn over your head to keep mosquitoes off.@ ACame across a prairie smelling bottle out here today.@ AWhere is the Cap=nCgone to roost?@ ANot yet@; and the tones fell lower, and we were asleep. The next morning, the Dr. announced buffalo! This time he was right. We could see dark lines away to the southwest. We were soon going in that directionChorsemen far ahead. We soon came up to one of them and found him somewhat demoralized. He had led a favorite horse all the way, so as to have a good chase, and while galloping over the prairie his horse stepped in a hole, throwing him, breaking his gun in two places and his saddle, and nearly killing him, as the others thought. He afterwards remarked, Athat he didn=t see how a man could stick both eyes in the ground at once and not scratch his nose!@ We could, his eyes were Abugged out@ looking at buffalo. We bivouacked near the timber less Ninnescah. One of the teamsters, hastily unharnessing his team and taking his gun, started off remarking that Ahe would have some of them buffalo if he had to walk clear to Santa Fe.@ We corralled our wagons near a sharp bluff, so that in case of a stampede, we would be safe, as buffalo always avoid abrupt places. We girls, the Dr. with his broken arm, and Mr. L. with his broken eyes, climbed the hill and Aviewed the landscape o=er.@ Thousands of buffalo met our astonished vision. They were pouring over the ridges like an immense army, heading towards the Arkansas. We were heartily repaid for our weary journey. We confess to an uneasy sensation as we saw the dark forms moving over the far off hills, and remembered that we were fifty miles form Wichita, the last outpost of civilization, miles farther out than any party had been this summer, and on Cheyenne hunting ground. We returned to the wagons and in their meager shade awaited the coming events.

Noon passed without any dinner. We could see the hunters crawling on hands and knees, and occasionally see the smoke of their guns. About 1 p.m., they came back with no buffalo, and very tired and thirsty, all save Santa Fe. They again started in pursuit of the shy though ponderous game. In an hour our Santa Fe friend appeared, walking like a man that had done his very best and failed. AWhy, wasn=t looking for you till the first up train on the R. R.!@ AThought you=d gone speculating to Santa Fe!@ AHow many buffalo did you salt down?@ Were part of the salutations which greeted him. He took them good naturedly and gave his experience. The buffalo didn=t mind his shots much, but obeyed the scriptural injunction by turning to him the other cheek also. AHow close did you get to them?@ AClose enough to tie their hind legs together with a toe string.@ AHow far did you travel?@ AI walked sixty eight miles and crawled five hundred!@ With a long sigh, he gave the concluding remark that Aif crawling would make a man a baby he was about two years old!@ He had seen barefoot tracks in the sand, with toes turned in, which again suggested Indians. About four p.m., Mr. L. came back and said Dan had actually killed a buffalo!! The wagons started at once for Dan. Yes, there the huge animal lay passive, beside a little ravine. A small one, they said, but much larger than an ox. Head and fore quarters covered with long shaggy hair and hind quarters nearly bare much like an elephant=s hide. It was quickly dressed and place in the wagons.

Everybody was now in favor of returning. We were tired, short of provisions and ammunition, weather intensely hot, game wild (an Indian camp had been discovered, only two days deserted), and the Fourth was near at hand. We returned to our camping ground of the night before, which seemed almost like home. We supped luxuriously on dry bread and buffalo steak, having eaten nothing between sunrise and sunset.

The next day was Sunday. It was not our intention to spend the Sabbath traveling, but the buffalo were so unaccommodating as to be twenty miles farther off than we expected; therefore, that day found us and the Rev. Dr. forty miles from Wichita.

We recrossed the Arkansas River at noon and camped for dinner. The Dr. and E. took the pail and towel and started for water for teaCcoffee being Aplayed out.@ They waded out into the river to obtain clearer water and dipped it up about the color of well creamed coffee. They had just returned to the shore, and E. was wiping her feet with the same towel, when ABud@ came along and wanted it to strain water for lemonade. She handed it over, bidding him wash it out cleanCwhich injunction he obeyed. On the road again, the Dr. perpetrated this, AR., can you conjugate Fleo?@ AFleo, flere, flevi, fletumC@ ANo! Fleo, sketere, bugi, gnatum.@ We applauded loudly. Fighting mosquitoes and drinking bugs enabled us to see the point.

During the ride, the Captain told us some of his experience in fighting Indians. He was with the troops under Gen. Custer that went out to rescue two white womenCMrs. Morgan and Miss White in 1868. The Indians refused to give up the women. Thereupon the soldiers wished to open battle. The Indians sent the General word that Aif he began a battle, they would kill the white squaws.@ Therefore, he was obliged to be cautious. The troops were starving, and grew reckless, and were determined to fight, saying Athat was what they came there for.@ The General told them such a course would insure the death of the women whom they had come to save, and they must be patient.

The Indians asked leave to join another band a few miles away. He gave it. The next day Custer marched thirty miles and camped. He had some of the chiefs in his camp. The next morning he threw ropes over a large tree and sent word to the Indians if the women were not brought to him in two hours, he would hang every chief in his camp. Within the time the women made their appearance. They were in a most wretched condition, having no clothing but a buffalo robe tided with a sack about the waist. Their hands were drawn into a frightful shape by fire, as the squaws compelled them to hold them in the blaze if they came near to warm themselves. They were obliged to perform the work of the squawsCsuch as carrying large wood, etc. Once they had escaped about a hundred yards, but were seen and afterward strongly guarded. They could not believe they were free, and said to each other, AIt must be a dream.@ Said the Captain, and we honored him none the less that his voice grew husky, AWe are pretty rough here on the border. I=m pretty hard myself, but there wasn=t a dry eye among the twelve hundred men, and some cried like children, when those women were brought in.@

It was just sun down when we reached the Dr.=s House. That night we slept in civilized fashion for the only time on the trip. The next day was the glorious Fourth! Our little Captain (he stands only six feet four inches) was grand marshal of the day. Speeches were good, of course. Fourth of July speeches are always good. We know the dinner was good, in fact, we were surprised to see the good things that the people of Wichita had to eat. We didn=t see any barbecued buffalo, but were told it was calmly reposing neath the placid waters of the Arkansas. A trace of border carelessness was evident in the top boots and spurs of the reader of the Declaration of Independence. Several men were carrying revolvers and bowie knivesCamong them Gorderoi, lately confined in the Emporia jail on charge of murder.

It is impossible to chronicle half the wit, humor, and kindness, and pleasant incidents that made our trip one ever to be remembered despite the intense heat of the season. We are glad we went on the buffalo hunt, and advise everybody to go and do likewiseCin cooler weather. We reached home on Wednesday, enthusiastic for Wichita, but oh! so glad to see Emporia.

R. & E.

Emporia News, July 15, 1870.

Why don=t Clarke secure the passage of the Senate bill to remove the Osage Indians and open up their land for settlement? That bill passed some weeks ago. It gave the settlers their land at $1.25 per acre, and paid the Indians well. If he is the champion of the settlers, as he claims to be, why don=t he do something for them? He never has done anything for them but promise and blow. Here is a chance to do something. Instead of attempting to secure the passage of the Senate bill, he introduced a new bill which he knows cannot possibly pass at this late day. And thus he goes on, shystering and fooling with the people. While he has made speeches, and fought treaties, and wrote letters, and raised a cry of settlers= rights, he has never introduced or secured the passage of a single solitary act for their relief or benefit.

Emporia News, July 15, 1870.

It appears that Attorney General Hoar was compelled to resign because of the pressure made against him by Senators and others on account of his opposition to their political scheming and shystering. He was not a politician and would not obey the behests of politicians. He would not endorse the political friends of Senators for appointments unless he knew them to be decent men and qualified for the offices they sought. And thus he soon became very unpopular with Washington politicians. They made a fight upon him, and the odds being in their favor, he had to succumb. He stirred them up for awhile, but they made it too hot for him. The Senators who had so often been snubbed by him refused to confirm him. Thus a good and honest man goes out of office hated by politicians, but esteemed and applauded by the people. May the fates send us many such.

Emporia News, July 15, 1870.


The third morning of our journey finds us, at an early hour, on the road leading from El Dorado to Wichita.


But we must abruptly break loose from Wichita and move suddenly down the river sixty miles to Arkansas City. This place is situated on an eminence; the former is in the valley. Here, we gain a splendid view of the whole surrounding country; there, no such privilege is afforded. Here, the valley is comparatively narrow; there, it is extremely wide. Here, there is quite a large quantity of timber; there, there is almost a total absence of it.

As to size, Wichita is about five times as large. But the place is growing just as rapidly as it can, with the present facilities for getting lumber. Two large steam saw mills are now at work and the supply cannot keep pace with the demand. Here, also, we find several of our former townsmen. In fact, the majority of the citizens came from Emporia. Prof. Norton of the State Normal School is the leading spirit. He is full of energy and enterprise, and is determined that the new town shall grow and the country develop. Max. Fawcett is laboring with a zeal that is truly commendable. The stranger has not been in town one hour before the question is asked him, AHave you seen Max Fawcett=s claim?@ If not, you must go at once. When you get there, you are glad you came. With Mr. A. C. Wilkinson as our guide, we visit it early Sabbath morning. We reach it at a distance of one and one-half miles west of the town. It lies along the banks of the Arkansas. We first hasten toward the spring for we are thirsting for a drink of pure, cold water. A strip of timber lines the bank of the river ten or fifteen rods in width. We reach the edge of this timber and find ourselves on the brink of a precipitous bluff. Our guide directs our attention to a path that leads down the hill through the trees. Our eyes follow it gladly down farther and farther until they behold away down ever so far the most beautiful stream of pure, cold water flowing from out the hillside that it was ever our good fortune to see. The path has steps of stone carefully adjusted by the hand of Max. himself. Descending we find that an artificial reservoir made of stone receives the water to which it is conducted by means of wooden troughs extending back to the hillside. From this reservoir another trough carries the water eight or ten feet and precipitates it down a descent of three or four feet, where another smaller basis carved out of the rock receives it. A cup attached to a chain hangs by the side of a tree near the main basin. While you are drinking you look eastward and a few rods in front of you, carved on a big rock, you read: AStranger, you are welcome here.@

You look southward and on another rock you read:

ABetter than gold

Is water cold,

From crystal fountains flowing.@

You turn to the west and a few feet from you, you find two natural chairs formed of rock. On one is written Aeasy chair@; on the other, Ahard chair.@ You sit down on the easy chair and sure enough you sit as comfortably as on the softest easy chair in your parlor at home. A path leads you along the foot of the bluff in a westerly direction until you come to the mouth of a great cave whose inner chambers have not yet been wholly explored. We wish we had time and space to tell about this cafe, other springs, and other pleasant retreats.

But we must say farewell to Max and his beautiful claim, with the advice to everyone who goes to Arkansas City to be sure to go and see Max.=s fountains, springs, and caves.

We are now on the road homeward bound. Between Arkansas City and Winfield, twelve miles north, you pass over some very fine prairie. The land is all rich, the grass tall and luxuriant. Winfield is on the Walnut, has a splendid location, plenty of timber in close proximity, and is the county seat of Cowley County. We remain overnight with an old friend of ours, Dr. Wm. Graham, in whose pleasant home we spend a happy evening, talking of the good old times. The next morning we are on the road bright and early, anxious to get back to Emporia. It is the glorious fourth. At Douglass the stars and stripes are flying to the breeze. They are making big preparations for a celebration. This is at present the best town south of El Dorado. We hurry on toward Augusta. Reach it at noon. We find several hundred people assembled in a pleasant grove celebrating our national anniversary in dead earnest.


Emporia News, July 15, 1870.



Our celebration on the Fourth was a success; weather cool, no mosquitos, large attendance, and much applauded; instructive and entertaining orations, delivered by Prof. Norton, of Arkansas City, and Mr. Cunningham, of Emporia. A number of Emporians were present. The programme was carried out to the letter, and all were Agay and happy.@ In the evening a large number repaired to Col. Woolsey=s commodious hotel, where many feet kept time to enchanting music till late in the evening, when supper was announced by Col. Woolsey, and all sat down to one of the best suppers ever gotten up in Southern Kansas. The Colonel is one of our most enterprising and accommodating men.

Prof. Norton (who is the mainspring of Arkansas City=s prosperity) and lady arrived home on the 2nd.

Mrs. Slocum and daughter, Mrs. F. B. Smith, and a number of others came down with them. Mrs. Slocum has a claim near Arkansas City, and intends making it her future home, and judging from what she has already done, we believe that in a few years she will have one of the finest places in Kansas. She went to Emporia in 1858, and immediately commenced planting fruit and forest trees, small fruits, shrubs, and flowers. She now has one of the most beautiful places near Emporia. Very few men have done as much.

Mr. Mains, of the Emporia Tribune, will commence the building for a printing office next week, and as soon as it is finished he will commence the publication of a first-class paper, worthy of the patronage of an intelligent people like ours of Southern Kansas. It should and will be supported. Suppose it will be called the Arkansas Traveler. The first number is to be out August 1st, 1870.

The following are among the more than fifty houses now being built, or under contract to be built in Arkansas City.

Norton & Co., a dry goods and grocery store.

Mr. Sleeth, one neat residence finished and another commenced.

Livingston & Gray, a clothing store, building 18 x 26.

S. P. Channell, a dry goods and grocery store.

H. C. Meigs, a building 20 x 32, two stories, with cellar under the whole building.

C. A. Wilkinson, building to rent.

Beck & Woolsey, restaurant and bakery.

E. I. Fitch, millinery and dressmaking establishment.

Mr. Walker, dry goods and grocery store.

D. Lewis, stone store building, 21 x 31 feet.

S. A. Moore, paint shop.

Mr. Johnson, carriage shop.

Harmon & Endicott, a building 20 x 50 feet, two stories, the lower for a store; and the upper for a hall.

Paul Beck, blacksmith shop.

C. E. Nye, harness and saddle shop.

A. D. Keith, drug store.

Dr. Alexander, office and drug store.

Mr. Groat, a restaurant.

F. H. Denton, store 18 x 24.

Mr. Bridge, a hotel and bakery.

Pond &. Blackburn, of Emporia, have established a real estate agency here. Persons wanting to buy or look up claims will find it to their interest to call on them. They are accommodating, and are well posted as to the location and quality of nearly all the claims that are vacant, and those that are for sale. They are honest and upright young men. They are building a neat office.

The citizens of Allen, Wilson, Howard, and Cowley Counties will meet in general and mass convention at Fredonia, on Saturday the 16th of July, 1870, for the purpose of effecting a railroad organization and electing directors of the Humboldt, Fredonia & Arkansas City railroad. Eminent speakers from a distance will be present.

We had another splendid rain last evening, and the weather is now delightfully cool.

There is little or no sickness here now, not a case of ague in this vicinity. Our doctors and lawyers are the only men that look downcast and discouraged.

The Arkansas River is rising, and is nearly or quite past fording.

We were unsuccessful in finding the State line when we went to look for it a week or two ago. We are going down again this week to try to find the marks on the east side of the Arkansas. We found plenty of mounds while on our last trip, but they had Adead Ingins in =em.@

M. F. [MAX. FAWCETT, I am certain.]

Emporia News, July 15, 1870.


Ho for Arkansas City and WICHITA!

THE SOUTHERN KANSAS STAGE COMPANY On and after June 18th, 1870, will run a tri-weekly line of coaches from EMPORIA TO ARKANSAS CITY AND WICHITA.

This line is fully equipped with both horses and coaches. Leave Emporia Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 5:30 a.m., reach El Dorado at 7 p.m. of the same day, and Wichita at 11 p.m.; arrives at Arkansas City next day at 7 p.m. Be sure to call for your ticket at H. B. Lowe=s office, on Commercial street, between Seventh and Eighth Avenues.

H. TISDALE, Superintendent.

Emporia News, July 15, 1870.

Sedgwick City is the name of another new town in the Southwest. It is located on the Arkansas, near the mouth of Sand Creek, about twenty miles above Wichita. The town company, we are told, is composed of men who have the capital and energy to build up the town. Success to the enterprise.

Emporia News, July 15, 1870.

CHANGE. The day of the departure of the mail for the West and Southwest having been changed from Saturday to Friday, we shall hereafter endeavor to issue our paper on Thursday afternoon of each week, in order to accommodate our subscribers at points west and southwest of here.

Emporia News, July 15, 1870.

Six weeks ago, to get to El Dorado, Wichita, and other points in the Southwest, travelers were somewhat embarrassed, at times, to find means of conveyance, but now tri-weekly stages make regular trips from Emporia to Cottonwood Falls, via Plymouth, by one line of the Southern Kansas Stage Company, and to El Dorado and Wichita, via Bazaar and Chelsea, by another line belonging to the same company, connecting at El Dorado with a tri-weekly line to Arkansas City, and all the intervening points. Another line of tri-weekly stages belonging to the Kansas Stage Company make regular trips between Emporia and Wichita via Madison, Janesville, Eureka, and El Dorado. The latter, we are told, will soon be a daily. As an evidence of the influx of people to Southern and Southwestern Kansas, we will inform our readers that these new stage lines are well sustained and profitable investments. Many people will remember how, a year ago, between Emporia and Topeka, and six months ago, between Emporia and Burlingame, the stages of the Southern Kansas Company were loaded down with passengers. The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad has knocked the bottom out of the stage business between those points, and the new routes opened up to the Southwest will ere long do full as heavy a business as they ever did between Emporia and Topeka.

Emporia News, July 15, 1870.

Rev. Winfield Scott, of Leavenworth, favored us with a call on Monday last. . . . Mr. Scott is one of the finest speakers we have heard in the State. He preached an eloquent and able sermon at the M. E. Church.

Emporia News, July 22, 1870.

We Apensively@ call the attention of the Apensive@ young men who are so anxious about the opening up of the Kaw Reserve, that their great mogulCtheir god of mammonCSidC

did nothing for them at the session of Congress which closed last week. It seems they have not heard this, and have gone into the Apensive mood@ over what they imagine the misfortunes of other folks. People who understand this Apensive@ business will undoubtedly see where the Asigh@ comes in. Clarke=s little demagogues feel bad, but are trying to make people believe it is about Aothers= woes,@ instead of their own.

Emporia News, July 22, 1870.


The Lawrence Tribune, of Sunday morning last, contained the following dispatch:

WASHINGTON, July 15, 1870.

Editor of Kansas Tribune:

My amendment, disposing of the Osage lands to actual settlers at one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre, excepting school lands, is adopted by both Houses.


We take it for granted that this dispatch is true and correct, although we see nothing of such action in the Congressional proceedings, and no other paper contains anything of the intelligence conveyed in this dispatch. We believe Mr. Clarke=s amendment was similar to the bill passed by the Senate, and gives the lands to the settlers at $1.25 per acre. This dispatch contains good news to the settlers, and no one rejoices more at their good fortune than does THE NEWS. . . .

Emporia News, July 22, 1870.


The Indian appropriation bill continues the Peace Commissioners another year.

Recruiting office for both the French and Prussian armies have been opened in New York. [War brewing in Europe. The French Emperor seems bent on crossing swords with the King of Prussia.]

Emporia News, July 22, 1870.

Paper announced the arrival of the A. T. & S. F. Track Layers. On and after July 25, trains will run on the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad to Topeka, etc.

Emporia News, July 29, 1870.


EDITORS NEWS: Who is AWec,@ that writes such a partial, one-sided report of thee picnic at Arkansas City, July 4th? What he said of Prof. Norton=s oration was but a just tribute to a well written, well delivered address. But he entire ignores that fact that we had another speaker. A Mr. Cunningham, of Emporia, who spoke equally as well, was as heartily cheered, and as highly complimented. He gladdened many hearts by his cheering words to our brave pioneers, and his manly words for human progress. His pleasant address will be remembered for many a year by the first settlers of Arkansas City.

Hoping that AWec@ will apologize to Mr. Cunningham, I am

Yours truly,


Emporia News, July 29, 1870.


A Trip to Wichita and the NinnescahCAddendas.

AOf all sad words of tongue or pen

The saddest are these: AIt might have been.@

We can say, with happy, thankful hearts, AIt might have been, but it was not.@ We were surprised and astonished, ten days after our safe return home, to learn that we narrowly escaped capture by the dreaded Cheyennes. A band of twenty or thirty followed our trail all the long Sabbath day. The Arkansas River was rising rapidly, of which fact they were doubtless aware, and supposed we would not be able to cross, and at night we would be an easy prey. Their plan would have been to steal the horses, and take us girls prisoners. The thought sends a chill through our veins even now. They might have done it. There were only seven of the men, two having gone home another way. Three of those left, were armed only with revolvers, and there were only two guns that could be relied onCand being short of ammunition, we could have made but a poor fight.

The Captain saw them in the morning, and so did we. A light mist lay on the hills so that we could not clearly distinguish objects at a distance. Away to the north, perhaps a mile distant, we dimly perceived a large moving figure. We noticed that the Captain looked anxiously and intently at it, but as he said he Aguessed it was a stray buffalo,@ we did not know that we had seen the Cheyennes. The camp we found the day before was known to be a war camp, but we were told then that it was probably the Kaws on a buffalo hunt. Now that we know thee was real danger, we are not ashamed to confess that we felt afraid, and were glad that the wagons were kept in the ravines instead of on the hills. The Arkansas had risen about a foot during our absence, but we crossed safely. That night, our red skinned followers attacked another party, camped near where we forded, and compelled them to give up their horses, twelve or fourteen head.

Since our return home we have met Mr. L., a Government scout during the late war. He had just received a letter from Gen. Sheridan, offering him any price to join his army as a scoutCamong the Indians. We have a realizing sense that the cloud of Indian war is thickening. Apropos to this is a statement made by an intelligent Texan to a friend of ours. He said that he looked for the Indians to make a raid into Texas, and if they chose to do so, there was nothing to hinder their striking far into the State, as the ranches are far apart, and many of the young men gone north with droves of cattle.

The object in going thee would be to secure horses for a fall campaign, from the numerous herds that run almost wild on the prairie. We must add a story of Indian adventure, told us by one of its heroes.

During Custer=s campaign, in the winter of 1868-1869, our friend, accompanied only by two scouts, made a journey of 250 miles on some urgent business. On their return they camped one night in a little ravine, where they were attacked at day-break, by a hundred Indians. A hundred against three. It was fearful odds. Arrows whizzed continually, and some bullets were fired, but they seemed to have few guns. The whites kept cool, wasted no ammunition, waiting till sure of their aim, they made every shot tell. For six long hours the conflict rages. At last, one of the scouts jumped on top of the bank, and waving his hat, dared the Indians to come on, and fight him, saying that they didn=t know how to fight, and that they could not kill him if they tried. Without firing another shot the Indians turned and rode away, leaving them to follow their journey without further molestation. The story seems to us worth of publication. R. & E.

Emporia News, July 29, 1870.


The New Town of Dexter.

Description of the Country and its Prospects.

EDITORS NEWS: As the news from Congress a few days since renders it certain that the Osage lands have come into market to actual settles, and as information in regard to that rich and fertile portion of the country would be acceptable to many of your readers, I have concluded to give an account of a trip recently made by several of us.

We left Emporia on the 5th inst., to visit Southern Kansas. So many good things had been said and written in regard to that country, we naturally felt a disposition to ascertain their correctness, and the prospect of its becoming valuable to those who might desire to settle there.

I had never seen Eureka, and upon arrival there, I was agreeably surprised to find the place in so prosperous a condition. Nearly all the buildings were new, and some of them very good. A few months previous, anyone traveling over the prairies in search of it, and coming up to it, could properly have exclaimed, AEureka! Eureka!@

We crossed Fall River at that place, and went up Spring Creek about a mile and a half, at which point we reached a high, rolling prairie.

The twenty mile strip of Osage land, so well known in this part of the State, commences about four miles south of Eureka. The northern part of this strip is high, rolling prairie, and is generally well adapted to cultivation; at least the soil and general appearance of the land so indicates, and are sufficiently good to have induced a large number of settlers in the last few months to improve it.

We crossed North Otter thirteen miles from Eureka, and South Otter three and a half miles beyond, and Elk River at Blizzard=s crossing, four miles further on. On these streams there is a considerable quantity of fine bottom land, while the uplands are good.

The Flint Hills, extending through several counties, begin about four miles from the crossing. They were plainly seen for many miles before reaching them, and to a traveler, distance did not lend enchantment to the view, for their summit seemed almost inaccessible, but as we drew near them the anticipated troubles were far from being realized. We reached the top of them by a gradual ascent, and but one point was difficult to ascent, which can easily be avoided. We went up on the divide between Elk and Clear Creeks, a distance of about three miles from the base.

Near the crossing of Elk, in the corner of Howard County, a new town has been laid out, called Union Center. Elk River is a good stream, with some fine farms of bottom land.

The Flint Hills and country on top is much better than I had supposed. A considerable quantity of it is tillable, though it is generally rolling and somewhat rocky. We reached a water in about two milesCthe head waters of Grouse Creek, which we followed down four miles to the crossing. Before reaching there we saw seven deer on the prairie, the first we had seen.

From the time we left the crossing, the bottoms of Grouse became wider and the timber heavier, and before we reached the mouth of Cedar Creek, ten miles south of the crossing, the bottoms were splendid, being generally from a mile to a mile and a half wide, and from the crossing to the mouth of Grouse one is hardly out of sight of houses. Grouse Creek is one of the finest streams in the country. The soil is very superior, and the timber is very abundant, so much so that many claims have from 80 to 100 acres of heavy timber, and the water in it is supplied from springs, and it never goes dry. We were told by those who have traveled over that country for years that in some very dry seasons, when the Walnut was dry, thee was a plenty of water in Grouse. It affords much more water than the Neosho at Emporia, and especially so in the summer season.

Dexter! Yes, that=s the pont we particularly desired to see, and a lovely spot it is. On the west of it is Grouse Creek, skirted with a fine body of timber. At the northwest corner Plum Creek empties into the Grouse, and still further west, four miles, is a fine stream, called Silver or Wolf Creek. On the east of town is a high and beautiful elevation, overlooking a rich and fertile valley. Two miles further west is Crab Creek, and three miles west of that is Beaver Creek, while two miles north is Turkey Creek, and in the eastern portion of the county is Cana. The town site is all that could be desired. There is not a break in it, except a spring branch running through its center, and the elevation named. On the east of it are not less than ten fine springs, one of which would supply water to all of Emporia, and is so situated that water can be conducted in pipes over the whole place, and would, in most parts, reach the second story of buildings. I had the pleasure of eating a fine mess of fish, caught in the spring branch.

Dexter, geographically, is about in the center of Cowley County, and from its natural and superior advantages, must make a very flourishing place, and it is believed that at no distant day it will be the county seat. The thriving and pleasant towns of Arkansas City and Winfield being situated almost on the extreme western portion of the county, cannot reasonably expect to have or hold the county seat, but to them we send a friendly greeting, and shall be glad to notice their prosperity.

It is said that every town in Kansas expects at least two railroads. In this respect, Dexter is not behind others. Already two roads from the east are proposed to be built through that tier of counties, making Dexter a point. One thing is certain, and that is, no road can be built in that direction through the county that will not reach Dexter, as by this place is the only practicable route west.

As to the prospects of the place, they are all that could be desired. Mr. Beckes, of this county, will take his saw mill there next week, and a fine water power flouring mill will soon be built on or adjacent to the town. Already Messrs. Tyler & Evans have taken a fine stock of groceries there, while a large number of residences and business houses will soon be erected. And we understand lots will be given to all who build. A Sunday school has been organized, and through Rev. Overstreet, of Emporia, a library has been bought. A new post route has just been established, and a tri-weekly stage will run there from Eureka. As to the country in general, it would be difficult to say too much. Fine, rich lands are abundant, and from what has already been said, it must be apparent that it is well watered. The uplands are rich, and will be fine for cultivation, for fruits, and grazing. Six months ago there was not a house in that part of the country, but now you see fine fields of corn and vegetables all along the streams, and the country is settling up very fast with a good and industrious class of citizens. Ten days ago I ate fine green corn, potatoes, cucumbers, beans, and tomatoes at Mr. James Cloud=s, adjoining Dexter, raised on sod ground. His cabbages had begun to head. The same may be said of all others who were there in time to plant.

As an evidence of the growth of timber, it is only necessary to say that there is an elm just adjoining town that is seven feet in diameter, and an ash tree that one accustomed to sawing said would make 2,500 feet of flooring. As a stock raising country, it is unequaled. Grass is two or three times as high as in this county.

But I am extending this letter to a greater length than I had intended, though much more could be said.

After a twelve days= trip, we returned to our beautiful city, and found her, as ever, the queen and pride of Southern Kansas. C. B. B.

Emporia News, July 29, 1870.

[SKIPPED TYPING UP THE OFFICIAL COPY OF THE OSAGE BILL AS PASSED BY CONGRESS, BECOMING LAW, IN THIS ISSUE. Paper only printed Sections 15 and 16, which were quite long. Bill was approved July 15, 1870.]

Emporia News, July 29, 1870.

We suppose our Congressional delegation have returned, with the exception of Pomeroy. He stays in the East until just before the time when he wants to be elected to the Senate. We are not in favor of the return of E. G. Ross to the United States Senate, but we wish to say that we believe he is by all odds the decentest man of the three. He is made respectable by comparison, if by nothing else. He has quietly attended to his business, and has done more to give Southern Kansas her recent increased mail facilities than both the other members put together. Clarke and Pomeroy have fought him and rendered him to a great extent powerless. They have even gone so far in some instances as to get mail routes discontinued after Ross had them established and service put upon them, for fear he would get some credit for attending to the business of his constituents. While we are opposed to his re-election this coming winter, we propose to give him credit for being possessed of a desire to do his duty, and for accomplishing all he could for his constituents.

NOTE: Paper had two more articles blasting Sidney Clarke...I skipped.

Emporia News, July 29, 1870.


Interesting Letter From Max. Fawcett.

The Country, Timber, Springs, Caves, Etc.

ARKANSAS CITY, July 22, 1870.

EDITORS NEWS: In company with Wm. Nichols, Rolin Pond, and Norman Curtis, mounted, and equipped with revolvers, blankets, a field compass, and a sack with something in it to Achaw,@ I started on the morning of the 14th to hunt the south boundary of the Osage Reservation. We went to the crossing of the Osage trail on the Arkansas, about two miles below the mouth of Grouse, and looked for the line marks, but could find none. We then followed the trail to Beaver Creek, but could find no line mounds there; but learned that there were some near Gamble & Welch=s mill on Big Caney Creek, in Howard County, twenty-five miles farther east. Guided by M. Patton, a settler on the Beaver, we left the trail to the north, and rode the whole distance across a treeless divide, but with timber in sight on our right and left. We arrived at Big Caney Creek near sunset, and found one of the line mounds. We took supper and breakfast at James Spragues. Mr. Spragues is one of the first settlers on Big Caney. There is a new town just laid out near Gamble & Welch=s mill. It is called Sprague Valley. There was one house being built on the site. Gamble & Welch have a thirty horse-power portable saw mill, and are doing a good business. The country in that part of the valley of the Big Caney that we visited is the roughest, raggedest, and most picturesque part of Kansas that I have seen. The hills are almost mountains, with steep sides, covered with huge, projecting, boulder-like sand rocks. The timber near the river is as good as any that I have seen in Kansas. All over the hills near the river, and extending for miles back, are forests of post oak, interspersed with small and mostly smooth prairies. The trees are scattered, sometimes two or three rods apart, and the grass grows luxuriantly among them, which gives them the appearance of grand parks, and down deep in the rocky ravines are clear rippling streams of pure cold water, sometimes formed into little crystal lakes by great fallen rocks, covered with the most beautiful mosses and ferns that I have ever seen. The scenery on Big Caney very nearly resembles that of the Ozark mountain region of Arkansas. But the whole country is not rocky; the level valleys and nearly level uplands, both prairie and timber, are, with but few exceptions, nearly or quite free from out-cropping rocks. We were informed by the settlers that the Big Caney is settled to its mouth, forty miles into Indian Territory, and claims have been sold south of the line for as high as eight hundred dollars.

We set our compass at the mound near the mill, and ran east half a mile and found the second mound, but the two were not in sight of each other. We ran back to the first mound again, and found the variation, by our compass, to be about eleven degrees and twenty-five minutes. We then started west, ran through a mile of timber with a dense undergrowth of dogwoods, grapevines, and mosquitos, and came within a few feet of a line mound. On the rocky ridges farther west the mounds were built of rock, they were circular in shape, three feet high, with flat tops, and a stake in the center of each. We found all of the mounds in inconspicuous places. We camped in the evening in a deep rocky ravine, with a spring running through it, filled with dead wood and growing weeds. Farther west on our course, and about half way across the divide we found a good spring, after that we had no trouble in finding plenty of good water. This divide is about like the average of Kansas uplands, there is a good growth of grass and rosin weed on it, and with the exception of a few stony mounds, it can be readily cultivated. We crossed Beaver Creek the next evening at Phillip Crocker=s claim, took supper at Mr. Crocker=s, and camped on a hill a mile west, where we found a camp of mosquitos, and were

AChawed all night,

Till broad daylight,

And then chased in the morning.@

In crossing the divide between Big Caney and Beaver Creeks the line runs about two miles south, and nearly parallel with Flat Rock Creek, which is a small but well timbered stream. Beaver Creek is a small stream, but well timbered; we were informed that it is settled to its mouth, fifteen miles south of the State line. There is a town laid out on the Abilene trail, about a mile above where the Osage trail crosses Beaver Creek. It is called McLain City. There are two cabins on the town site. Mr. McLain, an old settler, informed us that eighteen thousand head of Texas cattle have been driven over that trail since last spring. The divide between Beaver Creek and the Arkansas is well watered by spring brooks, and covered with a luxuriant growth of grass and rosin weeds, and is a splendid range for stock. It is about ten miles across. We arrived at the Arkansas River, and found that the south line of the Osage Reservation runs about five miles south of Arkansas City. If the south line of the neutral strip, lying south of the Osage Reservation, is the State line, the State line must be eight or ten miles south of Arkansas City. After making a mark where we struck the Arkansas, we started for home (Arkansas City). About half a mile below the mouth of Grouse we stopped for dinner, at a large spring on E. A. Wilton=s claim. It is worth going miles to see. It runs a stream that would fill a six inch pipe. It pours from a deep ledge of magnesia limestone, about thirty feet above the level of the Arkansas, and dashes down through a dark, shady, rocky, mossy ravine, sometimes checked in its impetuous course and formed into miniature lakes, and at others leaping down and forming beautiful little cascades over large rocks entirely covered with mosses and ferns. From the spring we followed the road through a narrow belt of timber between high bluffs and the Arkansas, and soon came to the Grouse, which is a stream about the size of the Cottonwood at Emporia. It is well timbered, and the bottoms are very rich, and thickly settled. From the Grouse we followed the upland road around the heads of the deep, rocky sided ravines, emptying into the Arkansas. Grouse Creek is about eight miles from Arkansas City. When about half way over the divide, we stopped to look for water. We found a circular hole in the solid rock, about three feet in diameter, and eight in depth, with a stream of cold clear water running through it at the bottom, and on going into it we found a passage leading from it, probably into a cave. We call it the well spring. A few rods from this, at the head of a ravine, behind some fallen rocks, we found the entrance to a cave. We entered it and found the interior to be about five feet high, and ten or twelve feet wide, with a stream of cold clear water running through it. We went back about fifty feet, and as far back as we could see it seemed to be about the same height and width. About twenty-five feet from the entrance we found a circular hole about three feet in diameter, directly over the center of the cave, running through the solid rock to the prairies above, making a perfect skylight. We have named it Skylight Cave. We are going to explore it in a few days. The prairie between Grouse and the Walnut is about as good as the average of Kansas uplands, but not as good as the upland on the divide north of Arkansas City. We arrived home in the evening, having been gone five days. We took supper at the Eskridge House. Mr. Eskridge is a natural hotelist and accommodationist. He sets a first class table. He is adding two additions to his house, which will make it quite roomy. He is compelled to do this to accommodate his rapidly increasing number of boarders.

Emporia News, July 29, 1870.

Mr. A. A. Newman is having a two-story house built on Sixth Avenue, near Market Street, for Mr. A. N. Harlin, of Boston, Massachusetts. It will be for rent when completed. The first floor will make a good business room, for which it is designed.

Emporia News, July 29, 1870.

Our young friend, J. C. Topliff, of the firm of Topliff & French, has been down at Wichita. He reports that property is looking up in that city, and that everybody are happy because they are prosperous. James, we fear you=ll be emigrating to that section one of these days. Don=t do it. We cannot spare you.

Emporia News, July 29, 1870.

The first car unloaded in Emporia on the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad, was a car load of furniture for R. C. Haywood & Co. By the way, they have a very large stock of furniture in that house, and now that the cost of transportation will be materially reduced, the stock will be still enlarged, in order to supply a great wholesale demand.

Emporia News, July 29, 1870.

Capt. D. L. Payne, of Sedgwick County, called on us a few days ago. He has established a ranch in that county, on the road from El Dorado to Wichita, and intends making a big stock farm. Dave fought for his country during the rebellion, and was a Captain in Governor Crawford=s regiment, which went out against the Indians winter before last. We are glad to know that his prospects are bright for the accumulation of a fortune. He certainly deserves success. [COULD THIS BE THE BOOMER PAYNE???]

Emporia News, August 5, 1870.

A. A. Newman has gone East after new goods.

Emporia News, August 12, 1870.

We are looking daily for a copy of the Arkansas Traveler.

Emporia News, August 12, 1870.

CHANGE: The boot and shoe firm of Topliff & French has been dissolved. Mr. Topliff retires from the business, and Mr. J. M. Green, formerly of Massachusetts, unites with Mr. French under the firm name of French & Green. The new firm will occupy the fine room in the new building of Ruggles & Plumb, as soon as it is finished.

Emporia News, August 12, 1870.


Emporia News, August 19, 1870.


A Detailed Exposition of the Whole Matter.

The Game of AGobbling@ Indian Lands, as Played by a

Ring of APrudent Businessmen.@

An Important Letter from U. S. Senator Ross.

LAWRENCE, KANSAS, August 6, 1870.

Hon. F. P. Baker, Topeka, Kansas.

DEAR SIR: I am in receipt of your letter of the 4th inst., in which you say:


Hon. E. G. RossCDEAR SIR: You are aware that charges of fraud in connection with what is known as the ABlack Bob@ Lands, have been made in the public prints and otherwise. You have stated in your place in the United States Senate that such frauds had been committed, and that at a proper time you could and would expose them. We have in the columns of the Record called upon you to make the expose you said you could make. As yet we have not seen it, and are not aware that you have fulfilled your promise. Those charged with these frauds, or at least some of them, are now before the people for political favors. We think that you owe it to yourself and to the people of the State to make the expose you have referred to. If you can do it and are willing to, the columns of the Record are at your service for that purpose.

Yours truly, F. B. BAKER, For State Record Company.

I am also in receipt of the following letter from citizens of Johnson County, Kansas, and residents on the tract known as the Black Bob Lands:


Hon. E. G. Ross.CSIR: As by unfortuitous circumstances you were prevented from explaining to the Senate of the United States at the last session (just closed) the subject of the Black Bob Land Swindle, we respectfully ask of you to publish a detailed exposition of the whole matter at your earliest convenience, in order that the people of the State at large may become conversant with the matter.

Respectfully yours,




Committee for Settlers.

I do not feel at liberty to disregard these pressing requests to state publicly the facts upon which my action was based in regard to the disposition of these lands, and for the protection of the important private rights involved, both of settlers and Indians; but feeling unwilling to be drawn into any personal controversy which may arise in the approaching canvass touching this matter, it having yet to come before the Senate for final decision, I shall confine myself at this time mainly to a statement of the facts developed in relation thereto by the records of the Department of the Interior, as transmitted to the Senate on the 15th of January last, by the head of that Department, in pursuance of a resolution introduced by myself on the 15th of December previous.

The facts are contained in what is known as Executive Document No. 40, printed by order of the Senate, from which it appears that the first official action in regard to the disposal of these lands was taken by Mr. J. B. Abbott, at one time Agent of the Shawnee Indians.

It appears by a communication on file in the Department signed J. B. Abbott, United States Agent, that apparently on the 30th of September, 1866, application was made for the division of the lands in severalty and patents by sixty-nine members of this band. It is further shown, also by the same records, that this communication was actually filed in the Department by Mr. Abbott in person, on the 18th of April, 1867Cthat on the 31st of October, 1866, Mr. H. L. Taylor was commissioned as United States Agent for the Shawnee Indians, vice Abbott, removed, and therefore, that at the time Mr. Abbott filed the application for these patents he was not the Agent of the Government for these IndiansChad more than four months previously ceased to be such AgentChad no official connection whatever with the Government or the Indians, and therefore that the application for patents made by him and signed by him as such Agent was irregular and unofficial, and had no effect whatever, and should not have been received by the Department.

This was at the beginning of the transaction, so far as shown by the official records, and the presence of so grave an irregularity certainly warranted a more rigid scrutiny than it appears to have received in the Department.

On the 20th of July following, as appears by the published letter of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, on page 28 of Executive Document No. 40, the Commissioner transmitted to Mr. Sidney Clarke, Ain accordance with your [his] verbal request,@ the sixty-nine patents applied for by Mr. Abbott on the 18th of the preceding April, Afor delivery to Agent Taylor.@


SIR: I enclose herewith, in accordance with your verbal request, sixty-nine patents, issued to certain members of Black Bob=s band of Shawnee Indians, under the provisions of the Shawnee Treaty of May 10th, 1854.

The names of the Indians and descriptions of their lands contained in the patents are as follows, viz:

[Here follows a list of the patents.]

Very respectfully,

N. G. TAYLOR, Commissioner.

HON. SIDNEY CLARKE, House of Representatives.

Now, why these patents were transmitted to Mr. Clarke instead of through the usual official channels to the Agent, whose duty it was to receive them, is not shown. Both the Agent and Mr. Clarke were in Kansas, residing not fifty miles from each other, as was also the Superintendent, through whose hands both custom and official etiquette required they should be transmitted, and all equally accessible to the Department by speedy mail communication. Or, why they were not sent to Agent Taylor direct, inasmuch as they had to be, and were, sent by mail to Mr. Clarke. Subsequent developments in the history of this transaction may possibly explain the reason for the Averbal request@ that these papers should be transmitted as they were.

What became of these patents after that is one of the hidden mysteries of this transaction, for it is certain that the Indians, for whom they were intended, four months afterwards, knew nothing of them, for we find the principal Chief of the Shawnees telegraphed as follows, to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, as appears in the published report:

LAWRENCE, KANSAS, November 15, 1867.

To N. G. Taylor, Commissioner Indian Affairs:

Have patents to Shawnees, who made selections in Black Bob=s settlements, been issued and sent to Kansas? If so, when? If issued, order suspension of sales by Agent Taylor of these lands until the matter is investigated. Answer.


Remember that this was four months after the patents had been forwarded to Mr. Clarke, in pursuance of his verbal request. Now where were they all this time? Why were they not delivered to the Indians, if it was an honest transaction, as the Secretary of the Interior and the Commissioner manifestly intended they should be? And above all, why were the patentees kept in profound ignorance, even of their existence? Is it possible that there were any dissensions or misunderstanding between the other parties and the custodian of the patents which needed Afixing up@ before the fact of their existence could be divulged, and before the Indian Agent even could be entrusted with them? Or was it for the purpose of securing the execution of deeds of conveyance for these lands before the Indian became aware of his power over them? That one or both of these purposes was entertained is apparent, when viewed in connection with the statements contained in the following affidavit, found on page 126 of the document referred to.

State of Kansas County of Johnson, ss:

Personally appeared before me, a Justice of the Peace in and for the said county of Johnson, State of Kansas, A. G. Newton, a citizen of the county and State aforesaid, who being duly sworn according to law, deposes and says, that, on or about the 20th of December, A. D. 1867, at the town of De Soto, State and county aforesaid, in conversation with James B. Abbott, of De Soto, regarding the sale of lands under and by virtue of patents issued to Black Bob=s band of Shawnee Indians, the said Abbott did then and there assert that the issue of said patents had been through his influence, and that the said issue of patents had cost him, the said Abbott, a great deal of time, and five thousand dollars in cash; and that he, the said Abbott, did then and there declare that it was his intention to make money out of his connection with the said lands, and that he would demand twenty dollars out of every deed made out for said land. And further deponent saith not.


Sworn to and subscribed before me this 13th day of March, A. D. 1869.

ABNER ARRASMITH, Justice of the Peace.

On page 150 we also find the following.

Wah-ka-cha-wa, being sworn, says he is a member of the Black Bob band (so-called) of Shawnee Indians; that he never applied to have his share of the Black Bob reserve assigned to him in severalty, nor authorized anyone to do so for him; nor did he ask or desire a patent for the same; but that he always was, and still is, opposed to the issuance of patents to the members of said band; that, happening to be at De Soto about the month of November, 1867, James B. Abbott asked him if he would sell his land; that he answered if he could get four dollars per acre perhaps he would; that in a few moments after Agent Taylor asked him to touch a pen, which he did, and then the United States interpreter told him he had sold his land, and then Agent Taylor handed him three hundred and thirty dollars, which was all he ever received for his land. Affiant further says that he did not then know, nor does he now know, where his land lies, having never made any selection. Affiant says, further, that after he had touched the pen as requested by Agent Taylor, the latter gave him a patent, which he understands to be for his share of the Black Bob reserve, but that he does not want said patent.

WAH-KA-CHA-WA, [X] his mark.

Sworn to and subscribed before me this 1st day of June, A. D. 1869.

SHERMAN KELLOGG, Justice of the Peace.

On the 13th of December, 1867, the Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs telegraphed as follows.


SIR: Suspend the delivery of the sixty-nine patents for members of Black Bob=s band, transmitted to you through Hon. Sidney Clarke; and if any have been delivered, recall them, and retain for further orders.

CHAS. E. MIX, Acting Commissioner.

H. L. TAYLOR, Esq., U. S. Indian Agent, De Soto, Kansas.

To which Agent Taylor answered as follows.

DE SOTO, KANSAS, December 28, 1867.

SIR: Your telegram of the 13th instant, in relation to the sixty-nine Black Bob patents, reached me by mail at Mattoon, Illinois, and I avail myself of the first opportunity, upon my return home, to reply, and in answer would say that your orders respecting the same will be obeyed.

I am, very respectfully,

Your obedient servant,


United States Indian Agent.

HON. CHARLES E. MIX, Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C.

The patents not being forthcoming in pursuance of this pledge, the Acting Commissioner, on the 26th of August following, eight months afterwards, transmitted the following additional order to Agent Taylor:


SIR: On the 13th of December last this office, by telegram, instructed Agent Taylor to Asuspend the delivery of sixty-nine patents for members of Black Bob=s land transmitted to you [him] through the Hon. Sidney Clarke; and if any have been delivered, recall them, and retain for further orders.@ Mr. Abelard Guthrie having, under date of the 20th ultimo, asked in behalf of the Shawnee=s interests, that the patents referred to be recalled and canceled, you will direct Agent Taylor to return the same, through you, to this office.

Very respectfully,

Your obedient servant,

CHARLES E. MIX, Acting Commissioner.

THOMAS MURPHY, Esq., Superintendent Indian Affairs, Atchison, Kansas.

To which Agent Taylor responded, nearly a month afterward, in the following communication:


SIR: Your letter of the 13th ult., with copy of letter bearing date of 20th ultimo, from the honorable Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs, recalling the sixty-nine patents lately issued to the Black Bob band of Shawnee Indians, has been received; and in reply would say that I have laid the subject before the Shawnee Chiefs of council, and they communicated the facts to the patentees, and a resolution or request that said patentees should decline surrendering their patents, whereupon each and every one of them positively refused to deliver up his patent; therefore, it is utterly impossible for me to execute this order.

Very respectfully, etc.,

H. L. TAYLOR, United States Indian Agent.

HON. THOMAS MURPHY, Superintendent Indian Affairs, Atchison, Kansas.

Now how does it come that he is unable to comply with the order of the Commissioner? Remember that on the 28th day of September previous, nearly nine months before the forwarding of this last communication, he had promised faithfully to obey that order. Being called upon by the Commissioner to inform the Department of the date of the delivery of the patents to the Indians, he answer as follows.


SIR: Your letter of October 30, with copy of letter from the honorable Commissioner of Indian Affairs, bearing date of October 23, requiring me to inform the Department of the date of the delivery of the Black Bog patents, has been received, and in reply would state that the patents were delivered by the Hon. J. B. Abbott, on the 28th day of August, to Graham Rogers, Charles Tucker, and the Shawnee Councilmen, who came to my office on that day for the purpose of demanding of me the delivery of the patents, and I was absent, but Major Abbott, who officed with me, was at home, and the Indians stated the object of their call to him, and he states he Aknew of no reason why the patents should be retained in the office, and supposed the delivery of the patents to the Chiefs and Councilmen of the tribe would be satisfactory to me as well as the Department, and accordingly delivered the same.@

In about ten days after the said delivery, the letters above referred to came to hand, and I immediately took steps to recover from the patentees (they having in the meantime received their patents) the said patents; the result of which has been communicated to the Department.


United States Indian Agent.

HON. THOMAS MURPHY, Superintendent Indian Affairs, Atchison, Kansas.

Here we find that the patents were delivered on the 24th of August, 1868, thirteen months after they had been transmitted to Mr. Clarke, Ain pursuance of his verbal request,@ eight months after the issuance of the order of the Department for their return, seven months after the Agent had pledged himself, in obedience to that order, to so return them, and nine months after the deeds for the lands had been executed.

Remember that a portion of this time, at least, they were in the Agent=s office, so that in his letter of September 19, he states what the records prove untrue, when he says that it was impossible to execute the order, and their retention, whether in the hands of Mr. Clarke or of the Agent, until the 24th of August, was a fraud, wilful and deliberate, upon the Indians and the Department, and in contravention of peremptory orders; and their delivery to the Indians was also a fraud in that the delivery was not only in contravention of orders, but eight months after the receipt of the order for their return to the Bureau for cancellation, and was made surreptitiously, by a person having no official connection with the Indians, or the GovernmentCby a man who had publicly declared his purpose to make money out of these lands, and who practiced fraud in the beginning of the transaction, by filing the pretended applications for patents more than four months after his official connection with the Indian office had ceased, apparently, at least, dating the application back that length of time, for the purpose of giving the transaction the purpose of legitimacy, and of covering up the fraud.

Now, is it reasonable to suppose that all this delay, this concealment of the patents for months in the vaults of a bank and elsewhere, the Indians in the meantime ignorant of their existence, this prevarication and lying, this systematic fraud and perjury were perpetrated in the interest of the Indian? Or was it to give time and opportunity to the ring to make a selection of the choice parcels of the lands, and get the ignorant Indian to sign a pretended deed for it, before he knew he was to have any land in severalty, and thus pass it into the hands of a few speculators? Whether that was the design or not, that was the result, as is shown by the published letter of James G. Blunt, on page 51; himself a party in interest in this transaction, which letter shows that the deeds were signed, executed, delivered, and forwarded for the approval of the Secretary, sixteen days before the patents came into possession of the Indians, while the face of the deeds themselves show that they were executed nine months before the date named by the Agent, when the patents were delivered to them; it thus being apparent that the parties having them in custodyCMr. Clarke, the agent Taylor, and ex-Agent Abbott, either, or all of them, were withholding the patents from the Indians, even keeping them in ignorance of their existence, and refusing to deliver them to the Indians or return them to the Department, while they were procuring the execution of deeds under them, for the conveyance of the lands to themselves or others.

Upon an examination of the case by the then Secretary of the Interior, and the development of these facts, all further proceedings in the matter were stopped. None but the original sixty-nine patents had been executed, and these were fraudulently issued; and though a further application for issuance of sixty-five more was made, it was declined by the Department; and although a large number of pretended deeds of conveyance, or sales, under these patents, had been executed and forwarded to the Secretary of the Interior, for his approval, not one was approved, and there the whole matter rested until the 4th day of March, 1869.

On the 9th day of June, 1869, Superintendent Hoag was directed, by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, to institute an investigation into this whole matter.

It appears that under the patents that had been fraudulently issued, and surreptitiously delivered to the Indians, thirteen months after they had been transmitted to Mr. Clarke, in compliance with his verbal request, and while they were still in the hands of some, or all, of the parties who were manipulating this business, forty-three deeds of conveyance had been executed for lands embraced in the patents, but were held in abeyance by the Secretary of the Interior, awaiting the examination ordered to be made by the Superintendent.

One point he was ordered to investigate was Awhether undue influences were used to induce the Indians to make selections.@ The Superintendent, in his report, answers in terms thatC@It appears from the investigation that, to some degree, undue influences were used to induce selections.@

He was also ordered to ascertain whether adequate compensation had been paid to the Indians for their lands.

To this he answers:

AIt is also quite evident that an adequate compensation has not been paid to them (the Indians) by the grantees.@ That Ain sixteen of the forty-three sales made by Indians to whites (schedule AC.@) the prices paid by the latter, as specified in said deeds of conveyance, amount to $6,910. By the testimony of the grantors, they received only $5,180, leaving a deficit of $1,720. Explanations given by the contracting party for this discrepancy of nearly one-fourth the whole amount purporting to have been paid for said lands, have not been satisfactory.@

But these sixteen cases of fraud do not make up the sum total of this villainy. In his letter to Commissioner Parker on the same subject, and in explanation of his report, under date of December 11th, 1869, the Superintendent makes a still further exposure of the dishonest character of these sales. He says:

AI did not intend the language of my report should convey to you an impression that the remaining twenty-seven of the forty-three transfers set forth in schedule >C= were void of the deficiencies pertaining to the sixteen specified, but the discrepancies in them (the twenty-seven) were not so large. They should all be subject to the same ruling.@

It will be seen, therefore, that the evidence of fraud in these forty-three sales is clear, pointed, and convincing in a striking degree. It is established by the report of the Superintendent, the testimony of the Indians, and by the confession of the parties perpetrating the frauds. To consummate these forty-three frauds, it was necessary that the Agent should make out and sign, under his oath of office, forty-three false certificates, which he did, attaching one to each deed, setting forth, as will be seen by referring to the printed documents:

1st, that the consideration mentioned in the deed was a fair price for the lands;

2nd, that the same was paid to the grantor in his presence, in gold or silver coin of the United States; and

3rd, that the conveyance was in every respect free from fraud or deception.

It was by such transactions as this, that the speculators proposed to defraud the Indian out of his land by paying him less than the price agreed upon, and to defraud the settler out of the many thousands of dollars= worth of improvements he had put upon the lands. The transaction was a palpable violation of the rules established by the government governing the transfers, and could only be perfect through fraud upon the Indians and official perjury on the part of the Agent.

The treaty of 1854 provided thatC

AIn the settlement known as Black Bob=s settlement, in which he has an improvement whereon he resides * * there are a number of Shawnees who desire to hold their land in common; it is therefore agreed that all Shawnees, including the persons adopted as aforesaid, and incompetent persons and minor orphan children who reside in said settlement, respectively, and all who shall within sixty days after the approval of the survey hereinafter provided for signify to the United States Agent their selection to join * * said community and reside with them, shall have a quantity of land assigned and set apart off to them in a compact body at * * the settlements aforesaid, equal to two hundred acres to each individual in * * said community.

AA census of the Shawnees residing at * * these settlements and of the minor orphan children of their kindred, and of those electing to reside in said community, shall be taken by the United States Agent for the Shawnees, in order that a quantity of land, equal to two hundred acres for each person, may be set off and allotted to them to hold in common as aforesaid.@

Under this provision a census was taken in the winter of 1856-1857. It was found that there were one hundred and sixty-seven persons in the band. That was the last census ever taken of them, and we are informed by a latter from Commissioner Parker, dated October 18th, 1869, that Athere is nothing in the possession of this office showing the number of Indians in said band at the present time,@ or on the 10th day of June, 1867, the date of the issuance of the patents.

But the Superintendent reports to the Secretary that this remnant of the Black Bob band of Indians now numbers, Aall told some sixty-nine persons.@ Yet we find that sixty-nine patents have been issued to themCthat applications for sixty-five more are pending, and it is known that quite a number have not received or made application for patents, but insist that their lands shall not be divided; making it apparent that the intention of the schemers is to find names enough to take up the entire number of the one hundred and sixty-seven 200-acre tracts.

Now deduct the number given by the Superintendent, sixty-six, from one hundred and sixty-seven, the number of the band in 1866, on the basis of which the lands are now proposed to be divided and patented, and we can form a not very faint idea of the number of fictitious and fraudulent names that have already been filed in the department, to say nothing of the number yet to be filed as applying for patents, and whom the Agent certifies, February 28th, 1869, to have applied for the partition of their lands, and to have made selections of their allotments.

If we were to take the pretended applications for patents already made as a criterion of the number of the band, there would be not less than one hundred and thirty-four persons; but if we are to take the statement of the Superintendent, who is a distinguished and honored member of the Society of Friends, we must believe there are, Aall told,@ but sixty-six persons, and a very large proportion of these are known to be women and children, totally incompetent to take care of themselves, or to make intelligent selection of allotments, or determine the propriety of a partition of the common property. Now after these sixty-six shall have received their lands, two hundred acres each, what becomes of the lands that have already been patented to the other three of the sixty-nine? And what is to be done with the lands called for in the other sixty-five patents, applications for which are now pending?

To show that these applications are largely fictitious, so far as the Black Bob band proper is concerned, it is sufficient to state that fifty-seven out of the sixty-six have protested against the partition of their lands, leaving but nine of the entire band who have made voluntary application for said partition. A large number of those Indians who did make application were Shawnees, who had received their lands in severalty many years beforeCwere not members of this band, and therefore had, and could have, no interest in these lands.

Manifestly, if the Superintendent is right, sixty-eight fraudulent applications for patents have already been made. Thirty-three of the same class of fictitious and fraudulent applications are still to be made and approved, in order to exhaust the reservation, which contains one hundred and sixty-seven of these 200-acre tracts.

But if anybody supposes that the gentlemen who are manipulating this business are not equal to the emergency, they are simply not informed in the high art of stealing Indian lands. It is the simplest thing in the world for these Aprudent business gentlemen@ to write some unpronounceable Indian name on an application for a patent, certify that it is in due form and all right, and the thing is ready for the approval of the Secretary of the Interior and the issuance of a patent. But one thing more is necessary to complete the transactionCmake a deed of conveyance under this patent, affix to it the Ahis mark@ of the fictitious Indian with an unpronounceable name, and the broad, rich acres slide into the pockets of the speculator with a facility that is amazing to the uninitiatedCinscrutable and past finding out@ to those who are wont to eat the bread of industry.

It is well known that in lands held in common by Indians that there can be no such thing has heirship. When a member of the band dies, his undivided ownership becomes extinct. So, on the other hand, when a new member is born or adopted into the band, he comes in on an equal footing, and at once becomes possessed of an equal undivided interest in the common property with all the others.

As no census of the tribe has been taken for more than ten years at the date of the issuance of these patents, it is at once apparent that a just and equal division of the common property could not be made without a new census, as the band must inevitably have either increased or diminished in that time.

Yet a partition was attempted to be made on the basis of the census of 1856-7, and it was apparent that the same fact had occurred in relation to these Indians that exist in regard to all the Indians of the WestCviz:: that their number had largely diminished, other modes of adjusting the partition, so as to enable them to consume the entire reservation, quite as novel as that of using fictitious names, were resorted to. One was to issue patents to a number of deceased persons direct, three of whom we find by published affidavits to have been dead respectively eight, nine, and fourteen years. Another was to issue patents to the heirs of a deceased member for the stipulated quantity of two hundred acres, and then issue another patent for the same quantity to each of those heirs by name, thus giving them double portions of the common property and of course to the exclusion of others of the band. For instance, a patent of two hundred acres is issued to the heirs of Black Bog, who had died some years previously. Then patents for two hundred acres more are issued to each of the two surviving children of Black Bog by name. Still other tracts are issued to supposed children of dead Indians, supposed to be living somewhere on the face of the earth, neither the Agent nor anybody else knows where, and yet the Agent makes his official certificate that these deceased Indians and their absent apocryphal heirs have actually informed him that they desire to take their lands in severalty under the stipulations of the treaty of 1854, and the lands have actually been allotted to them and patents issued therefor. Among the sixty-nine patents already issued, which were transmitted to Mr. Clarke, Ain pursuance to his verbal request,@ there are more than thirty of this kind. How many of the balance are also fictitious it is impossible to know.

If anyone doubts the capacity of these gentlemen to manufacture Indians to any number necessary to exhaust the lands, let them read the following affidavit.

A. G. Newton, of the county of Johnson, State of Kansas, being duly sworn, deposeth and saith: That about the middle of the month of December, 1867, he went to De Soto on business respecting his claim on the Black Bog lands, and visited the office of the Indian Agent Taylor; that upon stating his business to the Agent, he was referred to James B. Abbott; he visited Abbott, and held a long conversation with him; Abbott said the Indian=s deed must come through him (Abbott), that it would cost twenty dollars; that he (Abbott) had spent five thousand dollars in getting the patents, and that he must have his money back in some way; ten dollars must come to him (Abbott) and ten to the Agent. Abbott also stated that two thousand dollars was put in his (Abbott=s) hand to give Pascal Fish (who was the Agent of the Black Bob Indians), if he would leave Washington and not interfere with their actions; but he (Abbott) said Pascal Fish refused, and there was no way left but to leave him out of the council, and ignore him (Pascal) as a delegate. I saw Harry McBride writing at the Agent=s desk, making Shawnee deeds, and he (McBride) said he was clerk for Abbott and Taylor both. In conversation with Abbott, he (Abbott) said that if there was not enough Indians to take the whole of the Black Bob reserve, that it was an easy matter to make as many Indians as necessary, remarking at the same time there would be no land left, for, said he (Abbott), AWe can make Indians as fast as necessary.@ A. G. NEWTON.

Sworn and subscribed before me, Justice of the Peace, in and for Oxford township, Johnson county, Kansas, on the 18th day of January, 1870.

SHERMAN KELLOGG, Justice of the Peace.

An association of speculators are desirous of possessing themselves of a valuable tract of land, containing some 33,000 acres. There are living on and developing it, and subjecting it to the beneficent purposes of civilization, some two hundred families. These two hundred families have put upon the land not less than $250,000 worth of improvements, in houses, fences, cultivated fields, etc., and the lands alone are worth not far from $100,000 more, making an aggregate of $350,000.

Now suppose these speculators were to buy out the entire tract of land for $100,000, which they propose to do, as the Indian deeds exclude all the improvements of the settlers, they are clear in the transaction, $250,000, a very handsome profit for some half a dozen gentlemen. But that is not the extent of the profits of these half dozen Aprudent business gentlemen,@ as will be seen, when it is recollected that a large portion of the tribe of whom they propose to buy are in their graves, and that it is manifest that another portion of the patents have fictitious names, to counterfeit whose Amark@ with them would be the most trifling of all commercial transactions, thus passing into their hands not less than one-half of the Reservation without any consideration whatever, so that not less than three hundred thousand dollars would be the prize of their three years of striving, and in their judgment, doubtless, an ample condonation of all the fraudulent practices, false swearing, and dissimulation which it has cost them to achieve.

To prevent the consummation of such a fraud and wrong, both the Senators from Kansas, all the State officials of the Sate, all the county officials of the county in which the lands are situated, and the settlers upon the lands, together with many of the Indians themselves, were vainly petitioning the Secretary for delay in this matter until Congressional action thereon could be had, which would secure protection to all the Indians, as well as the settlers; but all were met by the following letter, officially signed and filed with the Secretary, urging immediate action, apparently, at least, if we may judge from the preceding and subsequent action of the Department, well knowing what that action would be; and for the very evident purpose of forestalling that Congressional action for which all were asking.

AI have repeatedly urged upon the Department that this case be settled in accordance with the law and the facts. The Indians, with the settlers, demand immediate action, to the end that all doubts as to the validity of titles be removed, and urge that the case be taken up and acted on at once.


To show how this endorsement was regarded by the Commissioner, it is sufficient to quote the following letter of his.


SIR: I have the honor to enclose herewith, for your consideration, a letter to Superin-tendent Murphy from Agent Taylor, dated the 7th ultimo, urging that selections made for certain members of Black Bob=s Shawnee Indians, heretofore filed in this office be conformed, and that patents be issued for the same, which letter was referred to this office by Superintendent Murphy at the above date, with his own and the endorsement of the Hon. Sidney Clarke thereon, recommending the adoption of the course advised by Agent Taylor.

* * * * * * *

Respectfully, etc.,

N. G. TAYLOR, Commissioner.

HON. O. H. BROWNING, Secretary of the Interior.

Note the fact that the Commissioner of Indian Affairs distinctly understands that Mr. Clarke as recommending the adoption of the course advised by Agent Taylor, which we find by referring to page three of the document No. 40, to be Athe prompt action of the Department in the issuing of the patents herein solicited.@

It was very proper that the maker of that endorsement should urge that the case be settled according to law and the facts; but it was unfortunate that he should have deemed it his duty to urge a needlessly prompt decision Afor the issuing of the patents solicited,@ while a measure was pending in the Senate, introduced by myself, for the settlement of this question in a manner satisfactory to both the Indians and the settlers. That measure was an amendment to the then pending Shawnee treaty, which was withdrawn at the instance of the very men who are seeking to possess themselves of the lands, for the very purpose of defeating that measure.

The object of securing immediate action on the application for the patents is plain to be seen. It was in pursuance of a policy foreshadowed in a letter written by Mr. Abbott to myself, December 5, 1867, and transmitted to the Senate by the Secretary, in which occurs the following passage, referring to the proposed insertion in the Shawnee treaty, then pending, of a provision similar to the one now under consideration.

AI think you will see plainly that no change could be made with reference to the Black Bob lands, which would be of any advantage to the settlers, for I am satisfied that before a treaty can be ratified, every member of that band will have made its selection, and there will not be a foot of land to treat about. JAS. B. ABBOTT.@

It was in the confident belief that the issuance of additional patents would break down the opposition of the Indians to this fraud, that the efforts of these gentlemen were exerted with the Secretary to have him take immediate action on the application for additional patents. It is well known by all parties, for the records show it, that immediate action was just what the settlers and the Indians opposed to this fraud did not want.

Whenever these men want a new batch of patents issued, they parade the starving, suffering condition of the poor Indians before the Secretary and Commissioner, as a means of moving the bowels of their compassion to the accomplishment of their aims. But after patents are once issued, and placed in the safe keeping of these pious, compassionate speculators, the hunger of the poor Indian is at once appeased, and his thirst immediately quenched, although a year elapses before the patents or the proceeds of any sales reach his hands. This is certainly a new way of furnishing subsistence to the famishing wards of the government, and should be commended for its economy, though not for its humanity.

A large number of the best citizens of Kansas, who are living in the immediate vicinity of these lands, make oath that the lands of the Black Bob Reserve are very unequal in quality and value; that there are several thousand acres of very stony, broken, poor, and comparatively worthless land; that the difference in value of these thousands of acres of poor land, when compared with the rest of the Reservation, is as one to four. Yet it is is proposed, by the fraudulent partition that has been attempted by the use of names of dead men, by causing patents to be issued in the interest of severalty Indians as the heirs of Black Bob Indians, and by forcing patents on members of the band opposed to the partition, to compel the actual bona fide members of the band, now the only Indian occupants of the Reservation, to accept of this very poor and worthless lands of the Reservation on the fifty-seven Indians who now occupy the Reserve, and the only members of the band known to have an existence, it is called making selections.

The facts I have detailed constitute in brief the history of this transaction as portrayed mainly by the records of the Department. In addition to this, however, there it is a secret history not developed by these records, but which it is equally essential to a complete understanding of the case. That history it is partially developed by the sworn depositions of citizens of the State, residing on and in the vicinity of these lands.

I will first introduce the affidavit of Mr. Pratt. The transaction which Mr. Pratt relates precedes the official history which I have detailed, and proves that all subsequent action was in pursuance of a preconcerted scheme, and will also throw some light on the otherwise unaccountable transmission of the patents to the gentleman who was made their custodian by the Indian Office, and upon their subsequent mysterious sequestration, while deeds for the conveyance of the lands under them were being executed.

Mr. Pratt says:

J. H. Pratt, of lawful age, being first duly sworn, says: That he lives in the county of Miami, and State of Kansas, and has there resided for ten years last past; and that he is acquainted with Sidney Clarke, Representative from the State of Kansas in Congress, and A. J. Shannon, of Paola, Miami county, Kansas; and that in the fall of 1866, Sidney Clarke and A. J. Shannon, above referred to, called at my house late one evening, to stay over night. They stated that they were from a trip of examination of the Black Bob Indian lands, lying in Johnson county, Kansas. Shannon, in the presence of Sidney Clarke, stated that he valued my opinion of soils very highly, upon which Mr. Clarke asked my opinion of the Black Bob Indian lands, and their prospective valueCall of which questions I answered from my best information, but claimed not to be thoroughly posted as to all of such lands. Both Mr. Sidney Clarke, the above named Representative, and Mr. Shannon, requested me to go over said land and give it an average grade and quality, all of which I assented to do. Some four or five weeks after the time above referred to, Mr. Shannon drove to my place, and stated that he came, at the request of Mr. Sid. Clarke, to have me go with him (Shannon) and view the said lands, and then to give my judgment upon the same, which I did the following day. Mr. Shannon stated that as a consideration for my services, they (Sidney Clarke and Shannon) would allow me one-half section of the said lands at such price as they (Clarke and Shannon) obtained it from the government. Also, while driving over the said lands, Mr. Shannon stated that the settlers would never get the lands. From my relation with the aforesaid Sidney Clarke and Shannon, and from their acts and conversation, my judgment at the time was that there was a company then organized to effect such legislation as would place the said lands in their hands; and that Sidney Clarke would be able to, and would, effect such legislation; and it was my belief at the time that the above mentioned company was formed for the purchase of said lands, and for speculating in the same. J. H. PRATT.

April 12, 1870, STATE OF KANSAS, County of Johnson. ) ss

Be it remembered, that on the day and year above mentioned, personally appeared the aforesaid J. H. Pratt before me, a Justice of the Peace, to me personally known to be the identical person who signed the above affidavit, and acknowledged the facts as herein stated to be true, as he verily believes.

Sworn to this 12th day of April, A. D. 1870.


STATE OF KANSAS, Johnson County) ss

I, John T. Taylor, Clerk of said county and State, do hereby certify that Jesse H. Jackson is an acting Justice of the Peace, duly elected and qualified in and for said county and State, and that due faith and credit should be given to his acts as such Justice of the Peace.

In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand, and affixed the seal of said county, this 12th day of April, A. D. 1870.

[SEAL] JOHN TO. TAYLOR, County Clerk.

I will next introduce the sworn statements of other gentlemen, showing that many months after these patents had been transmitted to Mr. Clarke, Ain pursuance of his verbal request,@ he publicly denied all knowledge of their existence, and indulged in unseemly and abusive epithets of the Senate. These may also throw some light upon the intense anxiety manifested for the immediate action of the Department upon the pending application for patents, and for the prompt and final settlement of the whole case before Congressional action could be had thereon.

STATE OF KANSAS, Johnson County.) ss.

Levi Ketchum and A. H. Hunzinger, of lawful age, being duly sworn, on oath, day: We were present and heard a conversation between Sidney Clarke, member of Congress, and D. A. Meek, of Johnson county, Kansas, sometime in October or November, 1868, concerning the Black Bob Indian lands, in which conversation said Clarke said that all matters concerning Indian affairs, which would affect the Black Bob lands, were always transacted in secret session, in the United States Senate, and that he being a member of the House only, had no power, influence, or control, in any way, of such matters in such cases; nor did he know what was being done; but said that if the Senators from Kansas had done their duty, the settlers on the B. B. lands would have had their lands long ago at $1.25 per acre; that he (Clarke) knew nothing of what was done in such secret sessions, unless a friendly Senator would steal a copy of the report or proceedings, and give it to him (Clarke). He (Clarke) further stated that if he were a member of the Senate, and could not bring said lands into market at $2.50 per acre, that he would Ashut up shop,@ and let somebody go that could. He said that the United States Senate was composed of a den of thieves and robbers, and when anything like the Black Bob land question came up, that they would do nothing unless paid largely for it. He further said that if it was not for Athat thieving hell-hole of a Senate, that the Black Bob men would be all right.@ Further deponent saith not.



STATE OF KANSAS, Johnson County,) ss.

Be it remembered that on this April 4th, 1870, before me, a notary public in and for said county and State, came Levi Ketchum and A. H. Hunzinger, who are personally known to me to be the identical persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument of writing, and they acknowledged the same to be their own voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned.

Witness my hand and notarial seal the day and year aforesaid.

M. V. B. PARKER, Notary Public.

Mr. James Temple, another affiant, testifies that Mr. Clarke in conversation with him, about the same time, declared Athat he knew nothing about the patents, but that if the patents were lawfully or properly issued and signed by the Secretary of the Interior, they were as good as any deed.@

William Hanifin, Joseph Williams, D. A. Meek, and other respectable citizens of Johnson County, also testified to substantially the same facts, especially to the use by Mr. Clarke of the brutal language quoted in the above affidavit in regard to the Senate.

Inasmuch as the charges of garbling and suppressing important papers were somewhat freely urged against me by the member from Kansas, while this matter was under consideration by one of the committees of which I am a member, I feel at liberty to advert to it now. Among the papers transmitted to the Senate by the Secretary of the Interior, were many duplicates and triplicates, and a mass of papers consisting simply of letters of inquiry and arguments of counsel, as the documents now published in full will show. The omission of all this I explained at the time. But among these triplicates was published a letter from Agent Taylor, from which it was claimed I had omitted these words, and this seems to have been the particular omission complained of:

AI will in a few days forward protest now being prepared for the Chief and Council, and every member proper of the Black Bob settlement, against the return and cancellation of said patents, and their reasons therefor.@

Now what special significance this promise to perform had in this case, or what turpitude should rest upon its omission, supposing the original had contained them (which it did not), as it conveyed no existing fact, I fail to see, unless it was that by this promised protest, the Agent and the gentlemen by whose efforts the alleged fact of the omission was developed, expected to prove that the entire band were opposed to the cancellation of the patents, and therefore in favor of the partition and sale of their lands. Therefore, if this act of mine was obnoxious to the criticism of garbling (admitting, for the sake of the argument, that is so obnoxious), in whose interest was it performed? Clearly not in the interest of those who were purchasing the lands for speculative purposes, but quite s clearly in the interest of those, if anybody, who were living on and cultivating the lands, and were denied the right to purchase. In the interest of those, if anybody, who were in the grasp of an unconscionable, thieving ring, and whose only hope of protection was in Congress. But I do not admit that my act was obnoxious to that charge, for the reason that the extract quoted conveyed no existing fact, and was not necessary to an understanding of the case. It contained a pledge to do something, which, if performed, would have had a degree of significance.

But did the Agent fulfill that pledge? By consulting the printed papers, it will be seen that the Agent states on his official oath, that there are 134 persons in the band, he having applied for patents for that number, and it is known that there are a number of others who have not so applied, making the actual number, if the Agent is to be believed, still larger. Now, how many names are appended to the Agent=s protest? Not 167, the number shown by census of 1856, nor 134, the number of patents issued, but just 52, so that we must believe one of two things; either that the Agent tells the truth in the transmission of the promised protest, and that there are now but 52 members of the band, instead of 134, the number he and his predecessor had previously sworn to, and that he swore to 82 lies when he certified to the 234 applications for patents; or that but 52 of the whole number could be induced by even his official influence as their Agent, to sign the protest, and that, therefore, from 82 to 115 out of the 167, the whole number claimed for the band, were actually opposed to the whole procedure. Those who were so profuse in their sudden indignation against the alleged garbling and suppression of important papers, can take either horn of the dilemma they choose.

So that this cry of garbling, as must be apparent to everyone, was simply an effort to throw dust in the eyes of pursuit, to distract attention from the schemes of the plunderers; and, in short, as has been aptly said, it is a question, not so much of garbling on my part, as of stealing on theirs, and was resorted to only after the failure to get the papers out of the hands of the Senate, by means of a resolution of the House of Representatives, introduced by Mr. Clarke, and thus have it in their power to delay and defeat Congressional action until such time as it would be safe to consummate their swindling scheme.

But in what interest was this inquiry prosecuted by the member from Kansas? Is it not patent that it was, and could be for no other purpose than to throw discredit upon the effort that was being made to enable these settlers to obtain title to the lands they occupied? And could that have no other purpose than to throw them into the hands of the speculators, as against these settlers?

I may be permitted to say here, that while recognizing the right of the people of the State, and especially of those more directly interested, to be made acquainted with all the facts in relation to this matter, I did not feel at liberty to needlessly prolong the sitting of the Senate, at the late hour at which my proposition for its settlement was reached (twelve o=clock at night), simply for the purpose of exposing the nefarious character of this transaction when it was apparent that the Senate would agree to the measure I proposed. It has thus far been a rule with me, and I trust will continue to be so as long as I remain a member of that body, not to take up the time of the Senate in discussing any measure which can be passed withoutCin other words, not to speak simply for the sake of speaking.

Very Respectfully,

Your Obedient Servant,


Emporia News, August 19, 1870.


How He Has Been the Friend of the Settlers, and What he has Done for Monopolists.

A few Facts for the People to Think of.

Mr. Clarke and his principle supporters are very loudly claiming that he has been the friend of the settlers, and the enemy and opponent of monopolists. How far he is justly entitled to credit under this claim the people have a right to know, and it is our duty as public journalists to furnish such facts as we have at hand, for the perusal of our readers, touching the official conduct of Mr. Clarke, and all other public officers, when they are asking the votes of the people. From an examination of his record on the Indian treaty business, we should say if all his claims for the votes of the people are as groundless as that of opposition to monopolists, he certainly stands upon a very flimsy foundation. It must be borne in mind that there has been a wonderful change in public sentiment in the past year or two, in regard to the Indian treaty business. There is a determination on the part of the people, headed by men like George W. Julian, to put a stop to such infamous swindles as the Joy purchase and the Sturgis treaty, and this change of sentiment, and this determination of the people may have something to do with Mr. Clarke=s change of front on this subject. These may account for his loud-mouth professions of love for the settlers, and his late speeches against land monopolies.

But let us examine his record on the subject of land swindles, during his two and a half terms in Congress.

He opposed the Osage treaty, two years ago, and for that should have due credit, notwithstanding he offered to support it for a consideration, which offer can be abundantly proven. But he has received full pay for that act by a re-nomination and a re-election to Congress. Even his friends admitted at the time that the Osage treaty saved him two years ago.

During Mr. Clarke=s Congressional career treaties have been made and ratified with different Indian tribes for their lands in Kansas, as follows.

The Sac and Foxes, Delawares, Kickapoos, Cherokees, and Pottawattomies, besides some minor tribes. Let us examine the provisions of these treaties in their order.

1. The Sac and Fox lands were treated forCexcept the diminished ReserveCand sold Afor the benefit of the Indians@ by means of a refined swindle known as ASealed bids,@ whereby no actual settler nor the common schools got an acre, but mammoth eastern land monopolists and speculators obtained three hundred thousand acres of the finest land in Kansas at from fifty cents to one dollar per acre. The effects of this gobble are yet plainly visible in miles square of unoccupied land in Osage, Lyon, and Franklin counties.

2. The last Delaware treaty gave 96,000 acres of the best land in Leavenworth County to the Missouri Pacific railroad company at a mere nominal sum, and not an acre to actual settlers or to schools, and by the terms of the treaty we believe the lands are not yet even subject to taxation! They were not a year or two ago. This land was given to a company that built about thirty miles of road, when they already had county bonds and franchises given them by the people sufficient to build the road. The land was a free bonus. Mr. Clarke was specially active in perpetrating this little swindle.

3. The Kickapoos treaty gave to the Atchison (or Central) Branch of the Union Pacific roadCalready endowed with $16,000 of Government bonds per mile and a large amount of other lands, the whole of the Kickapoo Reserve of over 300,000 acres, and not an acre to settlers or schools, and not to be taxed for six years, thus not only retarding their settlement, but preventing them from being a source of revenue to the State. The poor settler must pay tax on his homestead, according to Clarke=s political economy, but the rich railroad company must not pay a dollar on millions= worth of land!

4. The Cherokee treaty provided for the sale of all that magnificent tract of land known as the Cherokee Neutral Lands in Southeastern KansasCabout 800,000 acres in a bodyCand it was sold under that treaty to Mr. Joy, a railroad president, for one dollar per acre, and not an acre reserved for schools and none to settlers, except the very small number who had settled thereon prior to the making of the treaty. There are probably 20,000 people now living on these lands, of whom not over one-tenth have any guarantee for either land or improvements, but are at the mercy of Joy. This treaty had not even the merit of securing the removal of the Indians from the State, as the Cherokees had never occupied it. And this it is not all, after supporting the treaty, at least by allowing its consummation, he has tried to incense the settlers on the land against Joy, for the sake of making political capital, and has continually promised them their lands, while he has done nothing to secure them.

5. The Pottawattomie treaty was ratified in the closing days of the session of Congress before the last, and while the Osage treaty, which he opposed, was pending. It provided for the sale of the entire Pottawatomie ReserveCthirty miles squareCto the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad company, for one dollar per acre, without an acre being reserved for schools or settlers! Thus it will be seen that while he opposed the Osage treaty, he at the same time favored one just as infamous for the disposal of the Pottawatomie Reserve. AOh Consistency, thou art a jewel!@ especially with Kansas congressmen. He opposed one treaty because he could not get a chance in the steal, while at the same time he favored another to keep pace with the thieving ring composed of himself and Pomeroy. Pomeroy got about 100,000 acres of that land, and of course Clarke must help him get it through. That=s the reason that old Pomeroy is now writing letters to all his friends in Kansas to come up to the support of Clarke.

The above treaties containing the provisions which we have named, have all been ratified during Mr. Clarke=s Congressional career. Did anyone ever hear a note of opposition to a single one of them from his lips? Not only did he not oppose them, but he favored them.

On top of this record on land grant swindles, he is claiming to have been the settler=s friend. These claims are paraded in big headlines in his newspapers, which we are glad to say, for the sake of the profession, are neither respectable in number or talent. There is a radical inconsistency between his record and his claim of being a friend to the poor that cannot be explained away by thinking people. He is guilty of a degree of duplicity and charlatanism which should not pass current as true coin in Kansas.

Now, it is urged by Mr. Clarke=s newspapers that he ought to go back to Congress because of his experience and influence. What has that experience and influence cost Kansas? Add together the amounts of land given away to speculators for a song, in the above treaties, and it will be found a dear experience for Kansas. It will be seen that Mr. Clarke=s valuable experience, so far as his efforts have gone, has cost the people of Kansas and the country two million and seventy-five thousand acres of the best lands in the State. Can a new member do worse than this?

We use our pen for the overthrow of Mr. Clarke because he is the wrong man to send to Congress. We want the people to read and ponder before they elect delegates to the State Convention. If Mr. Clarke is renominated, they are the ones that must be responsible. They ought not to elect the delegates. They ought not to let his office holders fix the matter up for them. They ought to spend one day for his defeat.

Emporia News, August 19, 1870.


Several of Sid Clarke=s eight-by-ten papers have become expounders of the Constitution, and declare that Judge Lowe is ineligible to the office of Congressman. Some of his heavy editors tried to gull the people with such stuff in the early part of the campaign, but abandoned that argument (?) to the small fry, who are making themselves ridiculous by reiterating it. Judge Lowe is one of the most honest men in the State, as well as one of the best lawyers, and would not think of running for the position if he were ineligible. It must be amusing to him to read the lucid comments of the little Clarke claquers about being debarred from holding a seat in Congress on account of our Constitution. The provision on which the opinion is based is as follows:

AJustices or Judges shall receive no fees or perquisites nor hold any other office of profit or trust under the authority of the State or the United States during the term of office for which said Justices or Judges shall be elected.@

As a rebutter to the wisdom of the editors above alluded to, we will state that there it is a precedent against them. Judge Trumbull, of Illinois, was taken from the bench of that State and promoted to the United States Senate, with exactly the same clause in existence in the fundamental law of that State. The courts held that no citizen of the United States could be restrained, by State authority, from holding any position where his services were required by the Government. Will some of the Aleading organs@ trot out some other Amare=s nest@ for the little fish to nibble at. They are about run ashore, for something to say.

Emporia News, August 19, 1870.


We publish, today, a complete expose of the Black Bob land swindle, about which so much has been said from the pen of Senator Ross, and we hope every voter into whose hands this paper may fall will read it carefully. How Mr. Ross came to write this expose it is explained in a couple of letters published at the head of the article. It will be remembered by some, perhaps, that Mr. Clarke ferociously attacked Ross last winter for publishing a garbled report of the papers in this case. Mr. Ross, at that time, promised a complete history of the whole affair, in justification of his course. Not having an opportunity to do so before the adjournment of the Senate, he complies with the request of the letters from citizens on the lands and from one of the editors of the State Record, and makes the expose now. The Clarke organs have been calling for the proof of Clarke=s infamous transactions in this matter, and if we are not woefully mistaken, Mr. Ross gives them the certificates, affidavits, etc., to their hearts content. Let every man read this expose and then ask himself seriously and soberly if he can longer support Sidney Clarke for Congressman.

Emporia News, August 19, 1870.

[SKIPPED ANOTHER LONG ARTICLE RE the reasons THE EMPORIA NEWS was opposing Mr. Clarke.]

Emporia News, August 19, 1870.


ARKANSAS CITY, August 2, 1870.

DEAR NEWS: The Osages have been enjoying very much of an unbender among us. Yesterday, according to previous arrangement, AHaul Robe@ [Do they mean Hard Rope??] rode into town, at the head of his band, some one hundred and twenty in all, clad in all the splendor of beads, red blankets, paint, and every sort of fantastic Indian finery. Some of the party brought willow poles, from which, with the aid of blankets, they speedily constructed a long tent, large enough for the entire party. A subscription paper was passed around among the spectators, and after the contributions had reached a satisfactory figure, AHe-wah-hug-gah,@ the chief of the dancers, formed his cotillion. This consisted of about twenty of the young men arrayed in a style which is simply indescribable. Their faces were painted in red, green, blue, yellow, and every other color of the rainbow; their bodies streaked in a style somewhat resembling mahogany graining, their heads shaved to the scalp-lock, and adorned with plumes, beads, green boughs, horns, bears= claws, and everything in the line of the grotesque which Osage land affords. Buffalo tails, turkey wings, and feathers, every possible device which the imagination could suggest, were hung to the dancers, and the general effect was like that of a pack of howling devils just let loose from the pit. The music consisted of a couple of drums formed of raw-hide stretched over a hoop; each drum being borne by two of the old men, and beaten by two more. There were also fifes, or whistles, formed of hollow reeds and cane-stalks. The general effect was soothing to weak nerves.

The procession moved from the tent to the shady side of Norton & Co.=s store, where a large ring was formed about the dancers, AHard Robe@ [Hard Rope] being seated in smiling dignity at one side. The band was in the middle of the ring, and the evolutions of the dancers were performed around it. The dancers carried bows, spears, queerly ornamented shields of raw-hide, a huge tomahawk (evidently a Atheatrical property@ of the tribe), and various other articles. Extravagance of gesture, unearthly noises, indescribable contortions, and very profuse perspiration, were incidents of the dance, which lasted for about half an hour. It fulfilled my most impossible anticipations. No picture or description ever yet made public could do justice to its demoniacal grotesqueness.

The Indians remained camped in town all night, entirely peaceable and quiet, except the strange ululation with which, at daybreak, they mourned their dead. The trade in jerked buffalo, rawhide lariats, sugar, coffee, flour, and calico was particularly lively.

Four tons of goodsCthe first installment of Keith & Eddy=s drug storeCarrived today, meeting with a hearty welcome. The type and press for the Arkansas Traveler also arrived today. We hope to greet the first issue next week. Livingstone & Gray=s stock of ready made clothing it is just open. Mr. Meigs has a stock on the road; he it is planning a wholesale grocery business. His new store, now enclosed, is the best building south of El Dorado. Benedict Bros., of Dayton, Ohio, have arranged to put in a wholesale stock of hardware and goods for the Texan trade. Hamilton & Kinney, of Ottawa, have just sent in an order for the necessary lumber to erect a two-story building, some 20 x 50 feet. Pond & Blackburn, of Emporia, have just built and opened a real estate and claim office. Paul Beck, of Emporia, has just put up a good blacksmith shop, and has arrived with his tools and stock. Bridge & Lewis are hard at work on their three-story hotel. Our 200 people are now permanently located on our town site, and Astill they come.@ Some eighteen buildings devoted to business purposes are now up, and many more in progress. The country about here is rapidly filling up with an excellent class of citizens.

I forgot to mention that Mr. Silas Moore, of Emporia, has just erected a paint shop, and has already commenced work upon the store-fronts, and that Mr. Grote, also of Emporia, has just enclosed a two-story building for a bakery and restaurant.

The concentration of immigration and capital at this point it is truly remarkable. We are decidedly ahead of everything in this valley, El Dorado alone excepted, and we may even challenge comparison with her, if the work goes on six months longer.

Come and see us, Mr. Stotler, and Aview the land where your possessions lie.@

N. [Norton....reckon the Professor???]

Emporia News, August 19, 1870.

[List of Republican committee members of Lyon County...includes T. McIntire, Fremont Township.]

Emporia News, August 19, 1870.

Go and see the immense stock of tin-ware at Bowman & Co.=s, Newman=s old stand.

Emporia News, August 19, 1870.

The A., T. & S. F. railroad company are heavily ballasting their track within the city limits with stone. It will make a solid bed when completed.

Emporia News, August 19, 1870.

The Cowley County Censor it is the name of a paper published at Winfield, in this State, the first number of which appeared last week. It is is a vivacious little sheet, and in every respect a credit to the lively town of Winfield, the county seat of Cowley County.

Emporia News, August 19, 1870.

The real estate firm of Bacheller & Frederick was dissolved on the 16th inst. Mr. Bacheller will continue in the same line at the same place. Mr. Frederick has some Dexter-ous project in view, in contemplation of which he will spend some time in Cowley County.

Emporia News, August 19, 1870.

A. A. Newman it is in New York buying goods. The first installment, consisting of a mammoth stock of blankets, flannels, hosiery, coverlots, crash and table linens, etc., has arrived, and they are looking for the arrival of a general assortment of other goods in a few days. [Yes, they used the word Acrash@...???]

Emporia News, August 26, 1870.


Coal it is abundant in all parts of the county, more especially the western part. In fact, Cowley and Greenwood counties are supplied with Howard County coal. . . .

Cedar Vale, on Cana River, twenty-five miles south [of Union Center], it is in a good location, and will make a fine town.

On Elk there it is a splendid crop prospect this season, in fact travelers have said that Mr. L. D. Blizzard, opposite town, on Elk, has the finest crop of corn between here and Topeka.

Emporia News, August 26, 1870.


THE WALNUT VALLEY it is flourishing. They have stacks of small grain, and the corn crop it is very promising. The grass it is good.

Emporia News, August 26, 1870.


Mains, Hunt & Co., editors of Mr. Clarke=s paper, in this place, are having much trouble in these latter days about the senior editor of this paper. . . .

Emporia News, August 26, 1870.


Mr. Clarke spoke at the Courthouse in this place last night, to a large audience. His speech was almost wholly devoted to abusing Kalloch, Governor Robinson, Wilder, Richie, G. A. Crawford, Ross, and others. His excuse for pursing this course was that they had abused him. To those who have been readers of the Lawrence Tribune during the campaign,

the speech was uninteresting, as all of it has been published in that paper several times over. He scarcely touched upon the real issues before the people, and every candid man must have concluded, after listening to him, that he had kept a great deal of bad company at Washington, and according to his own story, had made a great many hair breadth escapes from being corrupted. His explanation of his course on the Black Bob swindle and Osage treaty was not satisfactory. He did not refute the charges of Senator Ross, which he backed by affidavits. Of course, his statement it is his side of the personal quarrels between himself and the parties to whom he directed his speech, and must be taken as such. We have no doubt the other parties could tell a different story. He said Robinson and Kalloch had each tried several times to buy him on the Osage treaty, and the next time they came to see him he would kick them out of his room in the name of the people of Kansas. If he was so virtuously indignant, why did he not do it the second or third time? He said he saved the Osage land to the people, but did not tell why, at the same session, and about the same time, he did all he could for the ratification of the Pottawotamie treaty, which gave away to old Pomeroy and a railroad company 576,000 acres of as good land as there it is in the State, without distributing an acre to settlers or schools. Mr. Clarke=s whole speech put us in mind of the drowning man catching at a straw. The cheers were feeble and the enthusiasm at a very low ebb.

Emporia News, August 26, 1870.


Emporia News, August 26, 1870.


Emporia News, August 26, 1870.


EMPORIA, KANSAS, August 17, 1870.

EDITORS KANSAS STATE RECORD: I am told that Hon. Sidney Clarke, in his speech at Topeka, last Saturday night, asserted that Maj. Anderson and myself advised him to let the original bill for payment of Price raid claims Ago by the board.@ If Mr. Clarke made such an assertion, he stated that which he knew to be false.

I never, directly or indirectly, advised or even suggested anything of the kind to him; but on the contrary did everything in my power to procure the passage of the bill.

During the winter of 1866, our State Legislature partially assumed the Price raid indebtedness. Immediately upon the adjournment of the Legislature, I proceeded to Washington, mainly for the purpose of assisting in having Congress assume the entire indebtedness, and thereby prevent an enormous debt from being saddled upon the State.

When I arrived in Washington (early in March, 1866), a bill providing for the payment of Kansas claims had passed the Senate and gone to the lower house. I saw Mr. Clarke and urged upon him the importance of amending the Senate bill so as to cover the entire amount of our claims, and passing the same before the adjournment of Congress. I also saw a number of prominent members of the lower house, and every member of the committee having the bill in charge, and each one promised to give the measure his earnest support. I likewise talked with a number of Senators on the same subject, all of whom agreed to support the bill, as amended, when returned to the Senate.

Having accomplished all that could possibly be done, under the circumstances, I returned home, feeling assured that the bill would be passed during the session. But such was not the fact, as shown by the following dispatch.

WASHINGTON, D. C., June 29, 886.

GOV. S. J. CRAWFORD, TOPEKA: Price raid claims in danger of defeat. I think Anderson or yourself should come here immediately. Bring Curtis= order declaring martial law. Answer. (Signed) SIDNEY CLARKE.

I answered that Maj. Anderson would leave for Washington on the first train. The Major went, and carried with him Curtis= order declaring martial law.

The understanding between Clarke and myself was that every effort should be made to procure the passage of the bill during that session of Congress. Hence Major Anderson, immediately upon the receipt of his dispatch, started for Washington. If Major Anderson ever advised Mr. Clarke to let the bill go by the board, I was not advised of the fact. Such advice, in my opinion, was never given; but on the contrary, he was steadily supported in every measure looking to the passage of the bill. The truth it is the bill had passed the Senate, and the responsibility of its delay or defeat in the House rested upon Mr. Clarke. If he passed the bill same as similar bills for other States had been passed, agents of Arings@ could not be sent out to buy up the scrip at less than one-half of its real value. And if the bill was not passed, unless he had some plausible reason therefore, it might endanger his prospects for re-election. So, on the eve of the adjournment of Congress, when he knew it was too late for anything to be accomplished during that session, he sends a dispatch for Major Anderson or myself to Acome here immediately.@

When I received this dispatch from Mr. Clarke, I supposed him to be acting in good faith, and, at considerable expense to the State, sent Major Anderson to assist him; but his assistance was not neededCthe bill had virtually been killed before he reached there; yes, before he started.

Mr. Clarke=s conduct while the Major was in Washington, and his whole course during each session of Congress since that time, proves conclusively that he did not intend to have the bill passed, but only sought an opportunity to shirk the responsibility of its defeat. If such was not the fact, why has he not passed the bill during one of the four sessions of Congress occurring since that time? Similar claims of other States in the Union have been paid long ago. Why not the claims of Kansas? Our men served the government as faithfully as the men of other States. Our supplies and material furnished and property destroyed was just as valuable to us as the same was to the people of other States. Yet we have not received a dollar. The cause it is plain to every intelligent man in Kansas, and it is useless for Mr. Clarke to attempt to shirk the responsibility. It rests where it properly belongsCupon the shoulders of the Asole representative.@


Emporia News, August 26, 1870.

L. B. KELLOGG, Principal, State Normal School, announces opening of the fall term.

No mention of any Assistant Principal in statement.

Emporia News, August 26, 1870.

A fine portable saw mill arrived here on Thursday, bound for Dexter. That point it is one of promise.

Emporia News, August 26, 1870.

Hank Lowe says the Southern Kansas Stage Company can reach El Dorado and Wichita over their route by twenty miles less distance than by any other.

Emporia News, August 26, 1870.

Newman Bros. are still receiving goods, notwithstanding their shelves are full, their counters loaded, and every corner heaped with everything imaginable.

Emporia News, August 26, 1870.

Prof. R. B. Dilworth, graduate of Princeton College, New Jersey, has been appointed to fill the temporary vacancy in the Faculty of the State Normal School, occasioned by the absence of Prof. Norton. Mr. Dilworth it is a ripe scholar, a man of energy and influence.

Emporia News, September 2, 1870.


ARKANSAS CITY, July 31, 1870.

MESSRS. EDITORS: When we left Emporia in January last, I promised you that I would try to write frequently the progress of events connected with our town project; but as I passed through El Dorado, my good friend, Danford, took a potent grasp upon my sympathies by means of an excellent dinner, and I must needs have written for his paper, or incur the lasting displeasure of my lacteal system. So I Awrit,@ and my wants being all supplied (physically, I mean), I forgot my moral obligations to you, and to you I did not Awrit,@ hence the theorem, etc. And I now return as did the prodigal, full of repentance and literary husks, to eat the fatted calf which, of course (following the example of Scriptural injunction are in duty bound to kill for me), will have in readiness. If I should set out to write a fairy story, I could find no fitter subject for my plan than to describe a wild region of country, inhabited by savage beasts and a degraded and ignorant race of human beings, transformed in an inconceivably short time, as it were, by some mysterious hand, into a lively town of civilized people, bringing with them refinement, moral culture, and social advantages far superior to a great many towns of a number of years standing in the east.

Such it is the brief history of Arkansas City, as she now stands without a rival this side of Emporia. Many others, realizing the importance of this point, came here soon after our town company did, and on finding the ground occupied and themselves disappointed in their plans, instead of wisely taking claims nearby and cooperating with the company, they made the vain attempt to discourage our efforts, by various detrimental rumors and insinuations. Good judges of human nature would have known that such a course of conduct, if it had any effect whatever on enterprising men, would be to stimulate to greater achievements. But it has not had even that much effect. The town company have treated all of their blowing with silent contempt, not even giving it a passing remark. No more than does a train of cars notice the whiffit that comes on its track and barks in ignorant impudence, until the engine, wholly unconscious of its presence, crushes the insignificant creature out of existence. No trivial cause can retard or accelerate the growth of this place, for it is simply the unfolding or developing of a preconceived plan by men who have fully proven in a former enterprise that they well know when and how to make the most of a good opportunity. I refer to the rise and growth of Emporia. I have before mentioned that our project actually began on the 1st of January. But the principal work up to about March 1st was simply to hold the claims in the interest of the town company. Before the latter date the town project was all ideal, but since then it has actually sprung into existence, and when we consider the time since the first family (that of Capt. Norton) moved onto the town site, and behold the change that has been produced since then, we cannot but express our candid admiration of the genius and energy of the men who are operating the machinery so successfully in this great scheme. Nor do we think it detracts from their credit at all to say that they have every natural advantage in their favor, simply because it was their wise foresight which enabled them to discriminate in choosing from the many inviting points in the Walnut Valley the one having all these natural commercial advantages, which, when combined, enhance the importance of any location.

A mountain=s peaks catch the first gleam of the morning sunlight long before it reaches the valleys below. So great minds illumined by superior wisdom acquired by long experience, which enabled them to see the possibilities and advantages of this section long before it entered the minds of the great mass of immigration now pouring into the country, foretold the future greatness of this point, and are now simply fulfilling their own prediction, much more rapidly, however, than the most sanguine expected. Nor shall we be unmindful of the credit due to the many individual enterprises now in successful operation, each of which may be regarded as an important spoke in the wheel of town building.

Our principal hotel, Mr. Woolsey, proprietor, it is doing a flourishing business. We also have a good-sized boarding house with daily increasing patronage; a hardware store by Mr. C. R. Sipes, a young gentleman noted for promptness in business, and whose general address it is candid and right to the point. Mr. Bowen has a very good stock of groceries and provisions; and bids fair to come out a successful merchant as the town advances. Mr. Goodrich has a general assortment of dry goods, groceries, and ready made clothing, and no one who goes there to trade comes away dissatisfied with either price or quality of goods. Capt. Norton and brother still hold forth at their old stand, but soon intend to move into a large and commodious building on Summit street. The increase in the number of stores has not diminished their custom, because the influx of immigration more than keeps up the demand, and their sales, which have been heavy from the first, are constantly on the increase.

Several new buildings are now looming up, the most important of which it is Mr. Meig=s store, a fine two-story building, 20 x 32, with nicely finished paneled open front. Messrs. Gray and Livingstone have just opened their new store, inviting the public to invest in a new stock of ready made clothing. Their building it is a fair-sized two story square front, with fine walnut finish. Mr. Freeman will soon commence the building of a ferry across the Arkansas, the timbers for which are now being sawed at the mill.

Our reliable blacksmith, Paul Beck, has commenced blowing his bellows for Southern Kansas, and one would think, from the manner in which he opened up his business a few nights ago, that he was obeying the divine commandment of ALet there be light.@ And as it shone out into the street and flashed upon his sturdy figure, with his right arm raising the hammer to strike an additional blow for the advancement of Arkansas City, and

Our hearts kept time to the clinking sound,

And throbbed a welcome to him,

While a horse near by came up with a bound

And neighed for Paul to shoe him.


Thus man and beast, to say the least,

Were thankful for the favor

Bestowed upon our busy town

By this new branch of labor:


For labor it is life, and life it is joy

To man or beast, in season;

But the sluggard hangs back like a snail on his trek,

Or a drone devoid of reason.


Then to each branch of industry

A welcome we will give;

Our motto now, and e=er shall be,

ATo labor it is to live.@


Then hail to the sound of work and mirth,

May they ever be found together!

Fibres of life=s golden thread on earth

=Til death that thread doth sever.


For labor gives strength to head and heart,

To bone and brain and muscle,

And mirth chimes in her cheerful part,

Adding joy to toil and bustle.


Messrs. Channell and Thompson are still pushing the work they so nobly began, as architects and builders. To the three Thompson brothers, Channell, and Capt. Smith, belongs the credit and honor of building the first several buildings on the town site, and like the first volunteers who went into the army without bounty as an inducement, they should properly be regarded as the veterans of the cause.

Mr. Chamberlain [they had Chamberlin] expects soon to open a cabinet shop. He has shown himself to be a first-class workman in a general way, and fully competent to conduct his special business in a successful manner.

Pond & Blackburn are on the ground to act in the capacity of claim and insurance agents. They seem to have that peculiar tact that wins friends, and which it is so essential to success in their peculiar department of business. They have erected a very neat building for an office, and are ready to accommodate newcomers in finding claims suited to their wishes.

A new hotel it is about to be erected by the town company.

Our weekly newspaper will be out next Wednesday, August 24th.

There are still plenty of good prairie claims to be had for the taking.

One more item and I will cease for this time. I visited Mr. P. F. Endicott=s home not long since, and was very much pleased as well as surprised to find several large bunches of grapes on this year=s sets of the style Concord. This speaks well for this locality as a place for grape culture. F. A. WILKINSON.

[Think NEWS consistently got his initials wrong....try T. A.]

[Note. NEWS had Channel, Chamberlin...wonder how many others are wrong?]

Emporia News, September 2, 1870.

The special correspondent of the New York Tribune at the seat of war, was taken prisoner by the French at the battle of Gravelotte, and says: AI was treated kindly by my captors, who went off through the woods, lost their way in the darkness, and slept under the trees. While they slept, I escaped.@

Emporia News, September 2, 1870.

SKIPPED LONG ARTICLE...Grand demonstration at Olathe...Address of the Settlers on the Black Bob Lands to the People of Kansas. Very interesting! They really told Clarke off...Clarke there...tried to speak first...they would not let him. Read a long indictment against him. Clarke did not speak then, but got up his own meeting that night...did not fare well because the crowd kept up shouts re his crookedness.

Emporia News, September 2, 1870.

The Kansas Stage Company has just received from the east two large Concord coaches.

Emporia News, September 2, 1870.

The Arkansas City Traveler has at length made its appearance, and it is a very handsome 24-column sheet. The local department it is full and interesting, and promises to be a faithful exponent of the business of this rapidly growing town. Prof. H. B. Norton is announced as a special contributor.

Emporia News, September 2, 1870.

NEW TOWN. A new town, called Sumner, has just been laid out in Sumner County. The proprietors are: J. M. Steele, C. S. Roe, and J. H. Liggett, of Wichita; J. Jay Buck and E. W. Cunningham, of Emporia; James C. Fuller, Addison Richards, and Mr. Millington, of Fort Scott; Col. J. C. McMullen, of Clarksville, Tennessee; and Maj. Woodsmall, of Gosport, Indiana. This town is situated in the geographical center of Sumner County, on Slate Creek, and about thirty miles south from Wichita. A stock of goods it is already on the ground. A full and complete newspaper outfit is already secured, and it is the intention of the proprietors to have a hotel up and a saw mill in operation soon. This place is immediately on the Texas cattle trail, and may soon be a brisk town. The finest wood and water claims are there to be had. We look for the organization of Sumner County at the next session of the Legislature.

[Kay...note: Col. J. C. McMullen, of Clarksville, Tennessee!]

Emporia News, September 9, 1870.

[Front page had article from special correspondent giving details of the atrocious Chinese massacre of French and Russian residents at Tien Tsein, in China....mob incited by the Chinese Governor of the province, who urged them to commit the atrocities.]

Emporia News, September 9, 1870.

[War in Europe...Napoleon a Prisoner. Surrender of McMahon=s Army. A French Republic Declared....header on a long article....I skipped.]

Emporia News, September 9, 1870.

NEWS informed its readers in editorial column that Judge D. P. Lowe for Congress had been chosen late at night the day before, I gather. AIt is sufficient to know that Sidney Clarke, Pomeroy, Speer & Co., did not have money enough to elect a Congressman for Kansas. Pomeroy declared his intention to buy the nomination of Clarke, and carried his check book with him to Topeka for that purpose, but he mistook the character of the men he had to buy. He did not have money enough. . . .

Emporia News, September 9, 1870.

A. A. Newman returned last week from New York. Their large storeroom will hardly contain the goods he bought, and which are being received daily.

Emporia News, September 9, 1870.

Capt. Payne, of Wichita, known in Kansas as AOxheart,@ was in town a day or two this week. Payne=s friends are as numerous as his acquaintances. He is always welcome.

Emporia News, September 9, 1870.

We hope to chronicle the return of the junior editor to his post of duty next week. . . .

Since the above has been in type, we have received the painful intelligence that Mr. Williams lies critically ill at Milan, Ohio.

Emporia News, September 9, 1870.

CHANGE OF FIRM. In our peregrinations through the city in search of items the other day, we discovered our friend and late pastor of the Presbyterian Church, Rev. R. M. Overstreet, essaying, with an expression of the most obstinate determination in every feature, to tie up a pound of groceries. It seemed like a great waste of manly virtue on so small an affair, but we only asked an explanation of his appearance behind the counter. He had bought out Mr. Houghton, and was undergoing his initiation in the art of doing up sugar and coffee. Well, well, what changes do occur in this world! But Overstreet will do what=s right, and all who want good bargains in groceries, go and buy them of Overstreet; it will tickle you to see him tie them up.

[So! O. P. Houghton must have moved to Arkansas City shortly after this!]

Emporia News, September 16, 1870.


A telegram states that Vincent Collyer and others who for three weeks have been in consultation with the Osage Indians, arrived at St. Louis on the 14th with the gratifying intelligence that these Indians have agreed to accept the terms of the bill lately passed by Congress providing for the sale of their lands and their removal to the Indian Territory. Mr. Collyer has gone to Washington to push the matter along, and the prospect now is that the surveyors will soon be at work on the Reserve.

Emporia News, September 16, 1870.

Some of Clarke=s organs claim that he was the most popular man and had more strength before the late Convention than any other man in the State. This is a little astonishing when we reflect that Sidney had seventy-seven votes and Judge Lowe over one hundred. It was strange that he was not nominated if he had more strength than Lowe. Perhaps it is one of the unaccountable things in Kansas politics.

Emporia News, September 16, 1870.

Hon. Peter McVicar, the next United States Senator from Kansas, was in town on Wednesday, in attendance upon the railroad celebration. [Wishful thinking by Editor.]

Emporia News, September 16, 1870.

The Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway Company are pushing their work forward within the Nation. At their present speed, it will not be long before the road reaches Fort Gibson. We have understood from Maj. Craig, United States agent for the Cherokees, that the Government has been careful to instruct those who have charge of its construction through the Territory to respect national and individual rights. No waste is to be permitted. Everything necessary for the construction of the road is to be obtained by contract with the Nation or its citizens. Cherokee Advocate.

Emporia News, September 16, 1870.

The Kansas Stage Company have their new stock distributed over the lines from this point to the Southwest, and with their fine new coaches, are prepared to accommodate the public in first-class style. Mr. Ogden Harleston, the agent at this place, informs us that each stage from here is well filled. Each alternate morning they run out a large Concord, with six horses.

Emporia News, September 16, 1870.

J. C. Topliff, late of Topliff & French, in the shoe business, and J. L. Hamilton and E. Torrence, sprigs of the law, had their scalp-locks cut short, and with their pants in their boots, shaded by broad brimmed hats, in a two-mule wagon, with a mowing machine, departed day before yesterday for the great Southwest, to Amake hay while the sun shines.@ How they will roll up the hay cocks! We=ll call at your ranch, boys, the first opportunity.

[Could this be lawyer, later Judge, Torrance????]

Emporia News, September 16, 1870.


Emporia News, September 16, 1870.

SOUTHERN KANSAS STAGE COMPANY. Mr. Meigs, of Arkansas City, was in our office on Thursday. He represents that town as going ahead in a lively manner. Buildings are going up as fast as lumber can be obtained with which to build them. Mr. Meigs is a member of the Southern Kansas Stage Company, and has gone north in the company=s interest. This old reliable company is fully up to the times in everything that pertains to the interest of the traveling public. Their coaches are comfortable, their teams fast, and Athe boys@ who hold the reins quite manly and obliging. The agent here, H. B. Lowe, is always ready to accommodate the traveling public with tickets and information. Give Hank a call.

Emporia News, September 16, 1870.

We are glad to announce that Mr. Williams, of this paper, who has been detained in Ohio on account of severe illness, was better at last accounts, and will probably be at home Saturday.

Emporia News, September 16, 1870.

We are authorized to announce the name of F. G. Hunt as a candidate for re-election to the office of Clerk of District Court for Lyon County, for the ensuing term.

Emporia News, September 16, 1870.

Millinery! Millinery!! at Wholesale and Retail. They have a large and beautiful stock at Newman & Bro=s, 109 Sixth Avenue, just received from New York, consisting of the latest style of Hats, Bonnets, Ribbons, Feathers, Flowers, Velvets, Laces, and everything in the line of Millinery, together with a splendid assortment of fancy articles for ladies= wear. Elegant Roman Sashes, the first ever brought to Emporia. Also plain and fancy ribbons for sashes; collars of thread and print lace, Valenciennes, Cluny, etc., of the newest styles; Guipure and thread lace for trimming; Swiss, Cambric, and Hamburg edgings in great variety.

Emporia News, September 23, 1870.


The construction of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad is to be pushed forward to the Arkansas without any intermission. The funds are provided, all plans matured, and the work will be pushed ahead with the great possible rapidity. A section of forty miles southwest of Emporia, extending somewhat beyond Cottonwood Falls, is to be placed under contract immediately. This section of the road is an exceedingly favorable one for rapid work. The line will follow the valley of the Cottonwood, which is remarkably level, with few streams to bridge, and those small ones.

The company have definitely determined not to commence work on the line between this city and Atchison until the road shall have been completed to the Arkansas River. The considerations which have led to this determination are practical and controlling. It is obviously to the interest of the company to make their splendid lands in the Southwest available, and this cannot be done until the road shall have been built through them, rendering them easy of access, and establishing rapid and convenient communication between intending settlers and their future markets. Then, the control of the Southern cattle trade is a matter of great, probably paramount importance. Only the slightest knowledge of the country is necessary to show that when the road shall have reached the Arkansas, it will be in a more favorable position to command this business than any competitor.

We take it that the town lot fever will soon commence to rage in the vicinity of the Arkansas. It has not been determined at what point the road will strike the river, but wherever that point may be, a large and prosperous town is certain to spring up. We understand that it will be the policy of the company to donate a site to the Texas interests, which are expected to develop the locality and to make the town the great depot and emporium of their colossal traffic. There will be many interested in ascertaining the location of this favored spot.

The present brilliant prospects of this mammoth railway enterprise form a signal illustration of the great results which often follow from insignificant causes. All old settlers recollect that terrible year, the memory of which seems destined to be eternal, and which, even at this distance of time, serves as a Gorgon to affright the weak and timid. It was in 1860, when the then inhabitants, who had endured so many sacrifices and had experienced so much of sorrow and disappointment, were looking forward to years of peaceful and profitable industry, content if only, by earnest labor, a generous soil should afford to them a moderate compensation for all that they had lost and feared and suffered. How these hopes were disappointed we need not remind the reader. A terribly destructive drouth hung over our newly-cultured fields like a poisonous blight, crushing every expectation even of moderate harvests, and presaging inevitable disaster.

It was just at the period when these distressing indications became painfully apparent, that a party of Topeka gentlemen conceived the Utopian idea of setting the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railway enterprise in active operation, not alone or even primarily because of any immediate necessity for the work itself, but in order that employment might be furnished to large numbers of needy persons, who were likely to become objects of charity if some such opportunity for self-support were not offered. Thaddeus Hyatt, the large-hearted philanthropist was then at Atchison, and as he was possessed of considerable capital, the gentlemen to whom we have alluded conceived the idea of inducing him to embark in the enterprise.

Accordingly, one bright morningCunfortunately, all the mornings were bright in those daysCthis party, consisting of Edmund G. Ross, now United States Senator; Col. C. K. Holliday; Jacob Safford, now Judge of the Supreme Court, and Col. Dan. Horne, set out for Atchison, which was then, as now, a Agreat railroad center@ (on paper), for the purpose of consulting with the celebrated eastern philanthropist and certain Atchison gentlemen, including a since noted individual, who was soon to become unenviably prominent in another scheme of philanthropy. These gentlemen were Ahard up,@Chad not money enough to pay their hotel bills, and so they laid in a supply of cooked rations to satisfy their hunger during what was then a long and toilsome journey. They were sparing of the little pocket money which they did possess, and so they slighted Jack Curtis= ferry and forded the Kaw.

Well, they reached Atchison, and found that the great Hyatt was then under a financial cloud; having no ready means at his command, he could only furnish good wishes and encouraging words, and these could not be made immediately available. Nothing remained for them but to draw upon their own unlimited means (prospective). They, therefore, with a half dozen equally wealthy and liberal Atchison gentlemen, magnanimously subscribed four thousand dollars each to the capital stock of the company, and then mutually felicitated each other that at last the enterprise was on a solid financial basis!

Years passed and, strange to say, even with this munificent endowment the work languished. But these sanguine gentlemen, with others equally sanguine, never lost heart; they nursed the enterprise through a struggling precarious infancy, and at last had the supreme satisfaction of seeing it firmly established as among the most flourishing adventures of this prolific and progressive age. All honor to the resolute men who quailed not in the presence of manifold discouragements, and who, not despising the day of small things, built better than they knew.

Emporia News, September 23, 1870.

For Sale. One five acre lot in Goodrich=s addition to the town of Emporia. Lot fenced and broke, and one hundred apple trees set out last spring. A splendid chance for Market Gardening. Will be sold cheap, partly on time if desired. Inquire of T. H. McLaughlin, at Newman & Bros. store.

Emporia News, September 23, 1870.

Editorial re starting a daily press...Emporia Daily News, September 22. They have joined the Associated Press and made arrangements for all the news from Europe and the Eastern States. Starting on a test basis only.

Emporia News, September 23, 1870.

The Walnut Valley Times has two devils and one angel in the office.

Emporia News, September 23, 1870.

Eighteen hundred tons of Indian supplies are to be stowed at Sioux City, Iowa, before the close of navigation.

An accurate estimate shows that each Indian in the United States costs the Government $350 annually.

Emporia News, September 23, 1870.

John Speer was arrested at Lawrence on Wednesday, and taken to Atchison on the charge of feloniously conspiring to defraud the Government, by false returns, to the amount of $100,000. The warrant was issued by U. S. Commissioner Martin, of Atchison, on the oath of Geo. T. Anthony, U. S. Collector for Kansas. Barricklow, one of his deputies, was also arrested, and Van Horn is to be. He is supposed to be at Lyndon.

Emporia News, September 23, 1870.

Happiness expressed over the junior editor returning. [Noted that H. W. McCune was now Local Editor.]

Emporia News, September 23, 1870.

MAGNIFICENT. It was our pleasure to spend a few minutes in the handsome millinery establishment of Mrs. Newman the other day, examining the wonderful works of art in that line. The perfection to which the manufacturer of artificial flowers has been brought is one of the wonders of the age. The delicate tints, brilliancy, and harmonious blending of colors, the imitation of nature in all the minutiae that attached to the natural growth and even accident in the lives of the tender ornaments of the natural world, are so skillfully and tastefully portrayed as to surpass in beauty and form even the flowers they were made to represent. Only the fragrance and microscopic peculiarities of the natural are wanting in the artificial to render them equal in value and attractiveness. The skill of human hands, as demonstrated by the exhibitions of Mrs. Newman and Mrs. Kidder, is not confined to their flowers. We were shown a Aperfect love of a bonnet,@ which our knowledge of terms peculiar to the world of women and fashion is too limited to attempt to describe. Suffice it to say that it cost sixty dollars, and is the prettiest object of the kind we ever beheld. The point lace collars, gorgeous sashes, etc., with which the fair sex adorn their persons, shown to us on this occasion, excited alike our wonder and admiration. The more substantial necessities of domestic economy are to be found in profusion in the store below. A visit to this establishment, reader, will recompense you for coming miles to see.

Emporia News, September 30, 1870.

We have cheering news from Arkansas City. There are now forty-three buildings up, and many more contracted for. Trade is good. The location of this town is at the junction of Arkansas and Walnut Rivers, and it cannot fail to be an important town. Liberal inducements are offered to settlers. H. B. Norton, at Arkansas City, is the President of the Company. Among the towns in the Walnut Valley, it is only second to El Dorado in size and the amount of its business.

Emporia News, October 7, 1870.

Sedgwick County voted bonds to the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad a few days ago, by 300 majority, as we learn from Messrs. Hutchinson & Sowders of the Vidette. This secures the road to Wichita. Hurrah for the Arkansas valley.

Emporia News, October 7, 1870.


EDITORS NEWS: Possibly an item or two from our young city may not be entirely devoid of interest.

And first of all, I wish to correct one ridiculous rumor which has come down from EmporiaCthat the government survey has located Parker and Arkansas City in the Indian Territory. The fact is that no government survey has yet been made at all. Max Fawcett=s survey shows our town to be six or eight miles north of the line. There is not the slightest reason to believe the contrary. The report is pure nonsense,Ca lie, manufactured out of whole cloth, probably through the jealousy of rival towns above.

Arkansas City is growing as no infant border town has grown before it. The forty-fourth in our list of residences and business houses went up yesterday, and many others are in progress. Business is brisk, and all sorts of improvements are in rapid progress.

Among our latest acquisitions is Mr. Topliff, of the well-known firm of Topliff & French. He comes here to commence an extensive livestock business.

The health of our town is something remarkable. The aguish month of September is drawing to a close, but we have had not a single case of ague yet, or any form of malarious fever, in a population of 250 people. This may partly be attributed to our elevated and breezy town site, and partly to the abundance of pure, soft water. The people living down upon the bottoms, and drinking river water have suffered as usual.

The recent heavy rains have somewhat dampened the operations of immigrants, but business and the work of improvement were never more brisk. Large enterprises are being hatched here, of which the world will hear in due season. H. B. N.

Emporia News, October 7, 1870.


There will be a meeting of the Arkansas City Town Company, held at Emporia, on Saturday, October 15th, 1870, at three o=clock p.m. Matter of importance will come before the meeting, and a full attendance is desired.


Emporia News, October 7, 1870.

Newman Bros. are disposing of their immense stock in a lively manner. We stepped into the store the other day, just as they were sending out an order of over $1,200 worth of goods, and as they did not seem to think it a big thing, of course we had to conclude it was nothing unusual.

Emporia News, October 7, 1870.

MARRIED. Married at the Buckeye House, Emporia, September 29th, by Rev. J. D. Bell, Mr. J. G. Wilkinson, of Arkansas City, and Miss Kittie Cline, of Lyon County, Kansas.

Emporia News, October 14, 1870.

We understand the lovely form of Uriah Heap was visible in town this week. We did not have the refreshing pleasure of a glimpse of his slimy and murky visage. [???]

Emporia News, October 14, 1870.

GOOD NOMINATIONS. We are glad to hear that the Republicans of Sedgwick County have placed in nomination for representative, J. M. Steele, of Wichita. . . .

Prof. H. B. Norton has been nominated by the Republicans of Cowley County for the same position. This nomination is a good one. Prof. Norton, as the public knows, was for years connected with the State Normal School. He is a gentleman of liberal education, a forcible debater, a man of thorough knowledge of the wants and interests of the section of the State from which he hails, and a man of unimpeachable and never-failing integrity. If elected, he will be heard from, always on the side of right, in the next Legislature. At this distance from the Afield of battle,@ we are inclined to the opinion that the people of Cowley County cannot do a better thing than to let Prof. Norton try his hand as a legislator.

Emporia News, October 14, 1870.


COWLEY COUNTY. Arkansas City is just traveling. It is a very young town, but now contains thirty-six houses, and forty more are under contract. Settlers are rushing into Cowley County and making claims. The probabilities are that the county will have 5,000 inhabitants in less than twelve months. It now has about 1,500. One year ago her inhabitants were few and far between.

Emporia News, October 14, 1870.

SUDDEN DEATH. Mr. James W. Livingston, of Arkansas City, died very suddenly at the Buckeye House, in this city, on Friday last, of disease of the heart. Mr. Livingston left Arkansas City on the preceding Monday in a two-horse wagon, accompanied by a party of three or four other persons and teams. On the way he bought and ate some sardines and cheese. He soon after complained of feeling unwell. He reached this city about half-past 12 p.m., and went to the Buckeye House a little after 1 o=clock; upon entering the office, he asked a gentleman to give him his chair, saying he was sick. He sat down, and soon after called the clerk and told him to call in a doctor to bleed him. The clerk started immediately in pursuit of a physician, but failed to find anyone in his office. The attention of Mr. Frantz, one of the proprietors of the house, was called to the sick man soon after, and seeing that Mr. Livingston was in a critical condition, he did all in his power for the comfort of his unfortunate guest, but before the aid of a physician could be obtained, the disease had done its work and the stranger was in the article of death. He did not speak after he requested the clerk to call a physician, and appeared unconscious when first seen by Mr. Frantz. The coroner, Dr. Morris, and Dr. De La Matyr arrived about the same time, but too late. The former summoned a jury, and the verdict was returned of death from disease of the heart.

On his person was found $114, a gold watch, and several letters from his wife. The letters are well written, and evidently from an intelligent and loving wife, advising him to be careful of his health, in view of the disease from which he suffered, and which it is intimated ensued from his exposure and hardships in the army and while in a rebel prison during the war. He has a furnishing store at Arkansas City, and while on the road informed his companions that he was coming here to obtain a supply of boots and shoes.

The deceased was decently attended to, clothed in an extra suit of clothes found in his trunk; and after being deposited in the coffin, the body was placed in the parlor of the Buckeye House until the next day, when Rev. Mr. Kelly was called in, and prayer made in behalf of the dead and the living who had lost a husband and a friend. The body was then conveyed to the cemetery. It was contemplated to send it back to Arkansas City for burial, but decomposition had progressed very rapidly, and in view of the very bad condition of the roads, it was declared by the physicians to be utterly impracticable, and for this reason he was buried here.

It may be well to add that the deceased had not registered his name at the Buckeye House, and did not get his dinner there. He was sick when he entered the office, and was a corpse half an hour afterwards.

Emporia News, October 21, 1870.

Hon. G. Twitchell, of Boston, has been elected President of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad, vice Henry Keyes, deceased.

Emporia News, October 21, 1870.

NENESKAW. This is the name of a new town recently laid out at the mouth of the Neneskaw, on the Arkansas River in Cowley County. The town company are T. C. Hill, President; L. B. Wamsley, Secretary; P. B. Maxson, L. A. Wood, J. R. Gates, R. Freeman, and John Lonehead, Directors. This town is about 40 miles from here, the post office address being Douglass. R. Freeman is putting up a grocery and provision store; Dr. L. B. Wamsley, a drug store; and parties have contracted to put up a mill soon. A dry goods store will be opened there in a few weeks. Plenty of good bottom claims in the valley of the Arkansas are yet to be taken. Timber is plenty and the land is of the best quality. The town is about half way between Wichita and Arkansas City, and bids fair to make a post of no small importance. Persons in search of a location might find just what they wanted here. We wish the new town success. Walnut Valley Times.

Emporia News, October 21, 1870.

A lot of fifty-one Indians of the Winnebago tribe were naturalized in St. Paul on the 11th inst. Their object is to obtain title under the Homestead law, in severalty, to lands they now occupy in common. One of the Indians, named David Twiggs, is a son of Gen. David Twiggs, formerly of the United States army.

Emporia News, November 4, 1870.

MARRIED. On Thursday evening, October 27th, 1870, at 9 o=clock, at the residence of Prof. L. B. Kellogg, by Rev. B. Kelly, Mr. Willis Gardner, of Arkansas City, and Miss Helen Thomas, of Emporia.

Emporia News, November 11, 1870.

After all these years of toil, we fear Emporia will have to succumb. The Cowley County Censor is after her. It says Emporia men stumped Coffey and Greenwood counties against bonds to railroads. We have only to inform the little thing that it liesCthat no man from Emporia ever went into either of those counties to work against railroad bonds or anything else. It further asserts that Emporia is against every enterprise that is calculated to do good in Southwestern Kansas. This comes with a poor grace from a paper that is largely supported by Emporia advertisements. We hope that none of our business houses will close till they hear further from the Censor. This is not the first time we have heard of a dog biting the hand that fed it.

Emporia News, November 11, 1870.

NINETY-THREE. Arkansas City, says the Traveler, has now fifty-two buildings up, and a recent saunter through town revealed forty-one more, in various steps of progress. Such growth seems incredible, and we can scarcely believe our senses when we recollect how this site looked on the 2nd day of last January; the day we surveyed out its boundaries. The world does move! The fifty second building is Mr. Balcomb=s residence.

Emporia News, November 11, 1870.


A party of surveyors left Lawrence a few days ago, as we learn from the Tribune, to survey the Osage lands recently treated for. The party is headed by Deifendorf & Mitchell, of Leavenworth. The party numbers about thirty men, and are fully equipped for camp life. The work of the survey will commence at the northwest corner of Howard County and be pushed with the utmost expedition to completion, without doubt to the great gratification of the settlers on these lands.

Emporia News, November 11, 1870.


Under the head of AEmporia Lies,@ the Wichita Vidette has a column of choice literature on our town. The occasion of this display of epithets seems to be the story recently circulated in relation to the killing of a couple of women, in tht town, by one Curry. . . .

Emporia Editor states the story, printed by Commonwealth first, came from a mail agent on the A. T. & S. F. Railroad, who received his information from a gentleman Awho arrived in Emporia two days ago.@ The article in Wichita paper stated:

AThe story of Jim. Curry killing two women here is the most stupid lie of all the lies told by some of the citizens of Emporia to direct trade and travel from us and throw it to Arkansas City, every lot of which is owned by Emporia men. Our citizens here are told by every newcomer of the efforts made by some of the citizens there to dissuade people from coming here.@

NEWS continues with article:

To show how reliable the Vidette is, we will state that not one-fourth of the lots in Arkansas City are owned by Emporia men. . . .

Emporia News, November 11, 1870.

It can be asserted upon official authority that instead of the President receding in any particular from the execution of his avowed Indian peace policy, as has been asserted and believed by some, on the contrary he is more convinced of the propriety and wisdom of securing the aid of the religious element of the country in the work of subduing and civilizing the Indians, and he is determined to carry out his views in this matter to the fullest extent practicable.

Emporia News, November 11, 1870.

One of the grandest sights it has ever been our fortune to witness took place on last Monday evening. It was caused by the Osages setting fire to the prairie grass, in order to scare up the game, on the south side of the Arkansas. In the early part of the evening, small specks of fire were to be seen on the south and west of us, which, as evening came on, grew larger and larger, until it became one massive band, looking as though it would almost encircle us. On the high bluff on the south side, the flames could be seen waving and leaping in their mad fury, making a terrible picture to behold One moment it would be seen climbing a high bluff, and the next sweeping down into the valley below, and so on until it reached the bank of the Arkansas, where it was stayed. Much damage to buildings and hay are anticipated. We can console ourselves that we have taken the necessary precaution in time, and are safe from such onsets. Arkansas City Traveler.

Emporia News, November 11, 1870.

ALMOST DROWNED. J. C. Topliff and a Mr. Penfield arrived here Thursday night from Arkansas City. In crossing the little creek near the Crocker farm, on the El Dorado road, their wagon was washed down, upset, and torn to pieces. The mules were only saved by cutting the harness to let them out. The gentlemen themselves came near being drowned. They lost their camp equipage, some clothing, revolvers, etc. They were in the water from two to three hours in saving their team, recovering their wagon, etc. There were several teamsters on the bank of the stream who refused assistance. The gentlemen thought the stream safe, as they had taken the precaution to ride a horse in before entering it with a wagon. It proved too swift for them to ford.

Emporia News, November 11, 1870.

S. Marsh came up from Dexter, in Cowley County, the other day, and laid upon our table three early rose potatoes that weighed in the aggregate 3 2 pounds. They were grown on the sod by Wm. Clay. Mr. Marsh is well pleased with the country where he has been and will eventually move thither with his family.

Emporia News, November 11, 1870.

R. C. Haywood & Co. are selling more furniture than anybody would imagine there would be found for sale in the State. Their large house, upstairs and down, is crowded to its utmost capacity with all grades of furniture, which is almost daily replenished with heavy receipts by rail. They keep some of the finest goods that can be seen anywhere in Kansas.

Emporia News, November 11, 1870.

L. B. Kellogg offers some valuable property for sale, adjoining the city on the north, and east of the Normal building. Now is the time for bargains.

Emporia News, November 11, 1870.


We are informed by reliable authority that an order has been issued by the Indian Bureau at Washington for the removal of the Kaw Indians. True it is, at least, that the chiefs and some of the officials started last week to view the new reservation in the Indian Territory, which has been assigned them, and to which they will be removed, provided the location suits them. The new reservation is a little southwest of Chetopa. It is supposed the next step will be the offering of the Kaw lands for settlement, though this will not likely occur before next spring.

Emporia News, November 11, 1870.


Some of the Kaw Indians started on a buffalo hunt a few days since, and about the time several persons in this vicinity missed horses and colts. Mr. Nicholas Loy, who has lost four head of colts, followed the Indians as far as Marion Center, and heard of his colts, they having been seen among those in possession of the Indians; but he was so far behind he though it useless to follow further, and came home. It is feared a large number of colts and horses were taken, as a considerable number are missingCamong them a span of work horses owned by W. W. Kitts, of this place.

Emporia News, November 18, 1870.


A few days ago we spoke of a batch of foolish lies, published by the Wichita Vidette. Below is another of the same sort.

AA scheme originating in Emporia is on foot to change the law in regard to driving Texas cattle into the state. The object is to open up a route via Arkansas City, up the Walnut to Emporia, and thus secure for the latter place the great bulk of the cattle trade. The scheme may work, but with due diligence and property energy on the part of the people of Wichita, Council Grove, and Abilene, we think the Emporia sharps will fail in it.@

We will simply say that the above is Awholly unreliable@; that it is manufactured entirely by the Vidette. There is not now nor never has been such a scheme in existence in Emporia. It could not be carried out. The whole thing is a Vidette lie, without any foundation to it whatever. What good can the Vidette expect to accomplish by so many wholesale misrepresentations?

Emporia News, November 18, 1870.

[Paper had a poem written for it called AIndian Summer,@ written by Esther M. Bridge, Arkansas City, Kansas, October 28, 1870. I did not copy.]

Emporia News, November 18, 1870.


On last Wednesday morning four men were found in different localities, in the vicinity of Douglass, in this county, who had been murdered the night before. All, or nearly all of them were citizens of this county. Three were shot, the fourth was found hanging to a tree. On the breast of one was found a card, upon which was written, AShot for a horse thief.@ Further remarks are unnecessary.

LATER. A gentleman who was present at the inquest reports to us the following.

James Smith, alias J. H. Gilpin, was shot with a carbine through the head and breast four times. Lewis Booth was shot at his house, after being taken out, about 9 o=clock on the night of the 8th, two shots in the head and breast and was powder-burned. Jack Corbin, a government scout, was hung after being taken from Booth=s house, to a sycamore tree, one hundred yards from the house. He had on his body an order for the arrest of a Scotchman, name unknown. George Booth was shot through the head and breast. The two Booths were shot while trying to run; some fifteen shots were fired at once and a short time afterward three more reports were heard. Mrs. Booth thinks there were about fourteen in the crowd. They entered her house with leveled pistols. In Douglass, during the day a crowd of men were in town inquiring about stolen horses, and asked for Jim Smith and Lewis Booth, and did not leave town until about sun down. They stated that they were hunting stolen horses.

Walnut Valley Times.

Emporia News, November 18, 1870.


Gen. Custer, of cavalry fame, has been perambulating our State during the past week. He owns property in this county.

Emporia News, November 18, 1870.

TEAMS WANTED. Six or eight teams wanted immediately to load for Arkansas City. Call at the residence of John Fawcett, on the Neosho, a mile and a half northeast of town, near Rich=s steam saw mill. MAX. FAWCETT.

Emporia News, November 18, 1870.

DIED. Freddy R. Mains, aged three years and ten days, the only son of Mr. M. G. Mains, editor of the Emporia Tribune, died on Saturday last of congestive chill.

Emporia News, November 18, 1870.

Max Fawcett, on his way from the east to Arkansas City, passed through Emporia today with a large, well selected nursery stock. Max proposes to have one of the best nurseries in Southern Kansas, and he will doubtless have it in the shortest possible time.

Emporia News, November 18, 1870.

Capt. A. J. Angell, D. P. U. S. Engineer, with a party of thirty-two men and a full outfit for his winter=s work on the Athirty mile strip,@ left here today to begin the work of surveying that portion of the Osage Reserve, commencing at the sixth principal meridian, running through near Wichita, and extending west 79 miles. Capt. Angell has also the general supervision of the work of the division on the east of the one above named, under the immediate charge of Mr. Dieffendorf, and the one on the west, extending to the western line of the State, under Robert M. Armstrong. This entire strip of land will probably be surveyed and open to settlement by the first of July next.

Emporia News, November 18, 1870.

It is thought that the Smith who was killed, with others, on the Walnut a few days ago, for horse stealing, was the same Smith who robbed a man at the Buckeye House in this city about two weeks ago.

Emporia News, November 18, 1870.

Arkansas City. WantedCa good Blacksmith at this growing young town. To a live man we can offer first-class inducements. Address C. V. Eskridge, Emporia, or

H. B. NORTON, Arkansas City.

Emporia News, November 25, 1870.


A Trip in Hunt of a Home for the Kaw Indians.

AMERICUS, 11 mo., 15th, 1870.

ESTEEMED FRIENDS, STOTLER & WILLIAMS: On the 26th of last month I joined the company that were going to look out a new home in the Indian Territory for the Kaw Indians, consisting of their agent and farmer, six of the prominent Indians (four of them that are part French), one Frenchman who had married a half-breed, and Carlos Briges, our cook. Two of the party acted as interpreters when occasion required it. The first night most of the party camped near Soden=s mill. The night was quite wet. The next day, being still wet, we got a late start, and when we reached Eagle Creek, near Elmendaro, it had risen so that we could not cross with safety for near two days. Then by going up the creek near two miles, we crossed it and went over to the Verdigris, and followed it on the east side to near the Falls, where we camped for the night. The day following we pursued our journey down the Verdigris, passing near Virgil and Sheridan, which are very small towns. At the latter there is a steam saw mill and a little grocery. The next town we came to was Toronto, which had about fifteen or twenty new houses on it. It is situated on a nice elevated prairie, about seventy feet above the bottom land, and near one mile and a half from the river, and ten miles northwest from Coyville. Several of the settlers are from Canada, and our Indians appeared to be rather a curiosity to some of them. Some of the party were not pleased with being looked at so much. A little beyond this town we camped for the night in a little grove of timber.

Early in the next day our company divided, as the river was too high to be forded. We left the wagons and all of the party but Mahlon Stubbs and myself, to wait until they could cross the river, and then go nearly south to the south line of the State, where we would meet.

And Mahlon and I followed the road down the river, passing Guilford, near the center of Wilson County. Our friend, Akin, formerly of Council grove, has a mill at this place. About six miles further down the river, near the mouth of Cedar Creek, is the new town of Altoona, with about thirty houses in it. It is handsomely located near the river. Our son, William F. Stanley, lives about five miles nearly east of this place. We were much pleased with the appearance of this county. It appeared to be settled with an enterprising class of people.

After a short visit with my son and family, we went on south near twenty miles, to Morgan City, and then four miles east, and called on our friend, Isaac T. Gibson, the agent for the Osages, whom I was well acquainted with in Iowa. We called on him in order to ascertain where he had located the Osages, so that we might know how to proceed with our business. We had an interesting conversation on Indian matters, in comparing views, etc. Our dear friend has formerly bee a devoted laborer among the freedmen, and we heard some speak of him in our travels in high terms. I felt a sympathy with him in his arduous field of labor. He appears to be doing all he can to improve the condition of the Osages, and has a general interest in the welfare of mankind, particularly those that need encouragement to improve their condition.

After this interesting visit with this devoted Friend, we proceeded on our journey through Independence, the county seat of Montgomery County. It is handsomely situated on the west side of the Verdigris, and contains nearly 200 houses. There is said to be twelve towns and about 15,000 inhabitants in this county. The land is handsomely rolling, and mostly good soil.

From Independence we went nearly west about ten miles, to a small settlement of Friends, and from there struck across to Little Cana, near the west side of Montgomery County. Here we came up to the rest of our party, and proceeded on down the Cana to St. Paul, a town of about six houses, near the southeast corner of Howard County; and about three miles further on is Euniceville, very near the south line of the State, on the east bank of Little Cana. Nearly one mile west of this little town the 96 w. l. and 37 n. l. cross each other.

The agent had been instructed to look out a home for the Kaws west of 96 w. l., and south of Kansas, which is said to be 37 n. l. We then proceeded at once to examine the country, by taking a western course, as near the south line of Kansas as we could come at from all the information we could obtain.

After traveling about five miles over a handsome, rolling prairie, we ascended a stony hill about 100 feet high, timbered with scrubby oaks. We then had a hilly and rocky country, with but little valley land for about ten miles; when we came to the Big Cana, which is nearly as large as Cottonwood.

We then followed this creek, examining the country. There were several deers seen by our party, but none of us succeeded in killing any, though there was considerable anxiety manifested to have some deer meat to eat. We met several Osages out hunting, and some of them had been more successful than we had, as we saw the venison dangling by the side of the ponies. They had set fire to the prairie in many places, which swept over the hills in a terrific manner, roaring very much like distant thunder. At times our Indians were kindly treated by the Osages, and some of them eat with our party. They had no difficulty in talking with each other, as their language is very near alike.

We followed the Big Cana bottom around to the Little Cana, which brought us back to about eight miles south of the place where we struck west. The Kaws like the country as well as we could, except the rocky hills. We then struck south, on a plain road, to Shotoe=s store, nearly twenty-three miles south of Kansas, and one mile west of 96 w. l. The Osage agent met us at this place to counsel with his Indians about their choice of a home. We also met with two of our Eastern friends, Wm. Nicholson, from North Carolina, and Edward Earl, from New England, who are on a visit to the Indians, agents, etc., in the Central Superintendency. We saw some Delawares and Cherokees while here, and a part of them appear to be doing quite well, and others poorly. Our Indians did not wish to go any farther, and informed us that if they could not get their reserve next to Kansas and on the Cana, they didn=t wish any. So we could not prevail on them to go any farther, and after visiting there about two days the agent thought best for us to come home, and he would endeavor to get the land for them that they had chosen. But there are some doubts about his success, as it was said that the Osages had included that in their choice of a reserve; and there is also some other difficulty to be adjusted before they can get it. If they succeed in getting the promise of this land, then they will likely sell their land to their great father at Washington, as they do not wish to trade with any other person.

The land west of the Cana and east of the Arkansas, from what we saw and heard, is very rough and broken, with hills nearly 200 feet high. The good land is confined to the valleys, but from the Cana to the Verdigris is mostly nice, rolling land.

On our way home we passed through St. Paul and Elk City. This last town, situated on Elk River, is quite a thriving place, and has a good country around it. From thence to Fredonia (near Fall River), the county seat of Wilson County, is handsomely located near a mound on nice, rolling prairie. From thence to Coyville, on the Verdigris, which has been quite a trading post. We then followed up the Verdigris, passing through Greenwood, Sheradin, Madison, Emporia, and Americus.

We had a very satisfactory trip with but little exception. We had several very interesting talks with our Indians relative to their future course and best welfare. They behaved themselves throughout the trip quite well, and at times were very lively. Some of us had considerable conversation relative to the best plan to be adopted to promote the improvement of the Indians. This is a subject that has long been much on my mind, and of late I find many others that are feeling much interested in their improvement, and I feel encouraged, believing that there will be a gradual improvement in most of the tribes.

During the rebellion there was many things calculated to make the Indians worse. They were also neglected by the better class of the community, as the freedmen seemed to claim nearly all the energies of the Philanthropist until recently; but of late they are becoming wakened up in regard to our duties towards the aborigines of our country. It is my desire that we may not overlook any class in our country, but labor earnestly and prayerfully for the advancement and improvement especially of the most neglected classes.

I was considerably interested in the Geology of the country over which we passed. The stones or rocks in Lyon County are mostly of limestone formation.

But over on Verdigris we soon came to sandstone, which continues until we come about Fall River, and from there to Elk River we see limestone, and from that southward sandstone until we get about 20 miles south of the State of Kansas, where we come to limestone again. In Wilson County I heard that they had a thin vein of coal cropping out, and I think likely that coal will be found in other places in the southern part of the State.

The timber appeared to be rather thicker and more of it as we went southward. In many places there was considerable timber on the hills. Last summer in my visit to the northeastern part of our State, I observed many new improvements going on, but not to the same extent that there is south.



Emporia News, November 25, 1870.

Fifty families from Iowa are en route to Winfield, Cowley County.

Emporia News, November 25, 1870.

A correspondent writing from Arkansas City to the Topeka Record, says: AThis place has now some 300 people, sixty buildings, about as many more in progress, and all things lovely. She has three times the business and buildings of all other towns in Cowley County put together.@

Emporia News, November 25, 1870.

The Commissioner of Indian affairs has completed his annual report. It is in itself a brief document, but the reports which will accompany it are voluminous. The Indian situation on the whole is regarded very favorably, as the majority of the official reports forwarded represented the condition of the Indians as more peaceful than for years. The single exception is in Arizona, where raids are of frequent occurrence with the Apaches. The Commissioner warmly endorses the present peace policy.

Emporia News, November 25, 1870.


Skipped most of this.

Russia, Turkey, England, France, Prussia, Austria, and other great powers will be involved in this contest if it should come.

Emporia News, November 25, 1870.

Esquire F. G. Hunt=s career as Assistant Assessor having been wound up, he is winding up his business in that line.

Emporia News, November 25, 1870.

Two out of the four men who were apprehended in Cowley County last week for horse-stealing, it is stated, were not hanged on account of their youthfulness, and it was reported that they were to be brought here to prison. Inasmuch as they have not put in an appearance, fears are entertained that the clemency of Judge Lynch was overruled, and that they, too, have been summarily hanged by the way. If this is the way the people in the adjoining counties propose to execute the law, it will almost ruin the business of our Sheriff, who will get no prisoners to board.

Emporia News, November 25, 1870.

REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. [First one I have seen in ages.]

James C. Topliff to W. D. Peyton, s w 1/4 sec 27, t 17, r 11, $750.

Emporia News, November 25, 1870.


Friend Thomas H. Stanley called at our office this morning, on his return from the Indian Territory, where he went with the Kaw Indian Agent, Mr. Stubbs, and others, to view the lands proposed for the new Kaw reservation. Mr. Stanley thinks it will require considerable time yet to perfect arrangements for the removal of the Kaws, if it be accomplished at all.

Emporia News, December 2, 1870.

Here is what the New York Nation, the ablest journal in the country says of Clarke: AKansas has done well to send Judge Lowe to Congress in place of Mr. Clarke, who has done more than any other representative to embarrass our Indian affairs and prolong border warfare and the reign of corruption. He [Clarke] hopes to be able to reach the Senate, but we trust that in this he will be disappointed.@

Emporia News, December 2, 1870.

Kansas Census: shows ACowley and west@...1,174 population.

Emporia News, December 2, 1870.

[Finally the telegraph arrives in Emporia.]

The city office of the Western Union Telegraph Co. will probably be in J. C. Fraker=s building on Commercial street, over C. Smith=s queensware store.

Emporia News, December 2, 1870.

A steam saw-mill, manufactured by C. Kratz, Evansville, Indiana, was unloaded at the A. T. & S. F. depot this morning, for Mr. J. P. McCoy, of Cowley County, which will be set up near Winfield.

Emporia News, December 9, 1870.

According to the annual report of General Sherman, the following is shown to be the present strength of the army of the United States.

Enlisted men, ten cavalry regiments, 9,802; five artillery regiments, 4,205; twenty-five infantry regiments, 14,486 men; engineers= battalion, 560; ordinance department, 706; West Point detachment, 261; signal detachment, 182; hospital stewards, 333; ordnance sergeants, 121; permanent and recruiting parties and recruits, not available for assignment, 1,010; men in the general service, on duty in bureaus of the War Department, army headquarters, etc., 276; available recruits at depots, 743; total 34,870.

Commissioned officers, total for all branches of the service, 2,488.

This number must be reduced to 2,277 before January 1, 1871, and the number of enlisted men must be reduced to 30,000 before July 1, 1871.

Emporia News, December 9, 1870.


This new town, located at the junction of Walnut and Arkansas Rivers, is building up rapidly. We glean a few items in relation to the town from the report of the PresidentCProf. H. B. NortonCand Executive Committee of the town company, made at a meeting of said Company held in this place last Monday.

The first building was completed in April last, and by a liberal policy in donating lots to those who would build thereon, fifty-six buildings are now up and occupied; twenty more are in process of construction, and will be completed within the next twenty days; twenty-five others are under contract to be built as soon as the materials can be had. It is believed that over 100 buildings will be completed by the 15th of January. This is now the largest town in the Walnut Valley, leaving out El Dorado.

The buildings now occupied include some of good dimensions, such as the City Hotel, just erected by the Town Company, which has a basement and two stories, and the main part being 25 x 30 feet. Many of the business houses are 25 x 40 and two stories high. The Woolsey house, which is in running order, is 22 x 34, with a two-story wing nearly as large.

Among the branches of business now being carried on is the following: Carpenters, dry goods, harness shop, boarding houses, millinery and dress making, land office, bakery, grocery, restaurant, paint shop, blacksmithing, livery stable, wagon making, billiard hall, hotels, hardware and stoves, tin ship, drug store, printing office, clothing store, candle factory, meat market, jewelry store, shoe shop, feed store, soap factory, etc.

Trade is good in the town, and as the Walnut and Arkansas valleys are rich and arable for miles, the country will be thickly settled, and business will steadily grow better. It is so situated, also, as to command the trade of several tribes of Indians, in their new homes in the Indian Territory.

Parties are erecting a large building for the sale and manufacture of agricultural implements; also, for a town hall 25 x 60 feet. Another hotel is underway to be 30 x 50 feet in size, two stories high.

The Southern Kansas Italian Immigration Society has made Arkansas City its headquarters, and has already erected a building for an office. Two hundred families will be located in the vicinity, by the agent, who is already making arrangements for them, early in the Spring. They will engage in silk and grape culture.

The total number of lots donated, so far, for the benefit of the town, by the Company, 253. A large number more are yet to be donated.

A ferry is now running over the Walnut River at the town, and one will soon be running over the Arkansas, and arrangements are being made to cross Texas cattle at this place next season. A road has been laid out south to intersect the well known Chisholm trail, and traders pronounce the route via Arkansas City superior in every respect to the Western trail.

Two of the best saw mills in Southern Kansas are running day and night at Arkansas City, and they cannot supply the demand for lumber. Two shingle machines are also in operation, and to one of the mills is being added a lath mill and gig-saw.

Beedy & Newman who entered into contract last season to improve the water-power near the place, are already at work on a large water mill, which will be running next summer.

The flow of immigration to the town and country is steadily increasing, and the demand for town lots on the liberal terms offered by the company, was never so great as now.

The company will obtain title for their site at an early day, and the town will have a growth next season which will be rapid and permanent. Few towns in Southern Kansas have a better location.

Emporia News, December 9, 1870.



At the close of the quarter of the fiscal year, H. B. Norton, Associate Principal, resigned his place in the school. Ill health, coupled with a desire for an active, out-door life, constituted the motives inducing the resignation.

Report was signed by L. B. KELLOGG, Principal.

Emporia News, December 9, 1870.

From our Traveling Correspondent.


Having just arrived from Butler Co., we feel that it is our due to the people of that part of Kansas, for us to give a fair, impartial account of the situation there at present. We learn with regret that the opinion prevails throughout the country that intense excitement and anarchy reigns not only in Butler, but also in Sedgwick and Cowley counties. Immigrants are being turned away from that locality, under the impression that their lives and property will be taken by the mob as soon as they arrive.

The operations of the vigilance committee have been confined strictly to one little neighborhood in and around the village of Douglass, and all is quiet there at present. It is generally supposed that Augusta has taken an active part in this affair; such is not the case. We never saw a more quiet orderly town anywhere. Only once was there any excitement, and then it lasted only a few hours, caused by some reports, by irresponsible persons purporting to have come from Douglass. The more recent excitement has been confined to El Dorado, and was caused by the flying rumors that the town, and lives and property of some of the most prominent citizens of the place, were threatened. It was impossible to trace this report to any reliable sources. El Dorado alone knew of the excitement (last Sunday night). Augusta and Douglass heard of it the following day. After conversing with such men as Judge Aiken, Capt. Shannon, Col. Baker, C. N. James, and others, of the best citizens of Butler county, we are satisfied that anyone wishing to visit that locality can do so with as much safety as they would visit a church in any eastern State.

We noticed that the farther we traveled from the neighborhood of Douglass, the more rumors we heard about the country being in arms. This is false, as are most of the rumors now circulating in Emporia. J. A. H.

Emporia News, December 9, 1870.

Prof. H. B. Norton has been in the city for some days. When he goes back Arkansas City will be supplied with more goods than we can make room to enumerate. He reports great prosperity in his city.

Emporia News, December 9, 1870.

Men who came in from El Dorado today contradict the story that William Black and D. L. McCabe had been hung.

Emporia News, December 9, 1870.

The excursionists who came up from the Walnut country a few days ago have all returned. That Aclimate@ is healthier than it was the latter part of last week.

Emporia News, December 9, 1870.

Mr. L. W. Graham sends in a couple specimens to prove that Dexter and Cowley County are not behind any other part of the world in the production of turnips. We did not weigh or measure them. They are big enough for anybody. They are enough to prove that Dexter is located on productive soil, and this nobody denies.


Emporia News, December 9, 1870.


Friend Thomas H. Stanley informs us that Mahlon Stubbs, agent of the Kaws, has returned from his mission to the Indian Territory, and reports the prospect favorable for the settlement of the Kaws on a new reservation in that country. If such an arrangement can be effected, we suppose the Kaw reservation will soon be brought into market.

Emporia News, December 16, 1870.


ARKANSAS CITY, KANSAS, December 9, 1870.

As most of your readers will know, this new city is built between the Walnut and Arkansas Rivers, within a mile and a half of their confluence. It is also within a few miles of the southern line of the State, dividing our territory from that of the Osage Indians. The extract I enclose from the Arkansas Traveler, will give a correct idea of the present state of these natives.

AThe Osages are all out on the hunt yet. Chetopa=s band are up near the head of the Nenescah. Hardrobe [Hard Rope] and Beaver are on Shawacospa and Little Salt Plains. The Big Hill=s are on Salt Fork and Medicine Lodge. The Black Dogs are still further south. The Cheyennes and Arrapahoes [Arapahos] are hunting on the Salt plains, and seem friendly. The Cheyennes, Arrapahoes, Kioways [Kiowas], Cadoes, Wichita, and other plains Indians, held a grand council on the north fork of the Canadian, about ten days ago, at which they all agreed not to go on the war path this fall, provided the Osages behaved themselves. All the plains Indians were represented except the Commanchees [Comanches]. This report comes from good authorityCMr. O. P. Johnson, an old scout and plainsman.

ATwo of Hardrobe=s little chiefs were in town last week. They brought in a number of wolf skins, buck skins, furs, etc. Some of the wolf skins (brought from the Timber Mountains) measured near seven feet long, and were the finest we have ever seen. They were the White Mountain wolf.@

The land in this region is quite similar to that throughout the States excepting the sand mingled with the soil along the Arkansas bottoms. This improves it for tilling, and defends it somewhat against the consequences of both floods and drouths. For Irish and especially sweet potatoes, and all kinds of vines, melons, etc., it is superior. Fruits likewise flourish, and will in a few years greatly enhance the comforts and health of the people, if they will but take the pains to rear orchards. Strange, however, to say, that this luxury is about the last which enlists the attention of the settlers. Near Manhattan I asked a thrifty farmer why he had not grown a young orchard during the five years he had lived on his farm, and he replied that cattle growing would pay much better.

While somewhat thankful that he said cattle rather than swine, yet I could not avoid the sad reflection that he was missing the chief end of his life. Let it not be so with the readers of the Union. Since a thriving orchard of well selected fruit will bring more luxury into a family than all the stock, and the more money it brings, ever can.

In this little city people are paying five cents per apple, and will do so for years, unless they at once begin to plant the seeds and the young trees. Inasmuch as their lands have not been surveyed, leaving them in uncertainty as to their future lines, they have a better excuse for delaying their orchards than others. But this obstacle is soon to disappear, since the Government surveyors are now in the field.

This city is but six months old, and has now attained to 63 houses and some 400 inhabitants. Considering the difficulties of getting lumber and other building material, the success of the settlers is indeed commendable. Nearly all are comfortable and still improving. Two saw mills are now running day and nightCwhich with good timber nearbyCbegin to supply the demand, and make it much easier and cheaper to erect houses. A kinder, more hospitable, or on the whole, better class of people, I have nowhere found in Kansas.

But on the western frontier of Kansas, extending as it is said from Junction City into the Indian Territory, there is an organization of thieves, constituting the greatest of all draw-backs to the peace and prosperity of this, otherwise, most prominent region. For years the desperate reign of these desperadoes has been undisturbed, seldom has the law even so much as arrested them, and never, it is said, placed the first one in the place appointed for thieves & robbers. Two of them four or five weeks ago, at Emporia, stole the last dime ($65) a poor teamster had, and at the trial for the crime, were promptly turned loose to resume the practice of their profession. The next thing I heardCas they returned to Wichita and DouglassCwas of the detection of four of the gang, two Booths, Corbin, and Smith. In two or three weeks after this a number of honest citizens were arrested, charged by one of the thieves (as is generally believed) with murdering his four comrades. About the same time one Quimby, a leading merchant in Douglass, Mike Dray, his partner, Dr. Morris and his Son, were arrested, tried, and held to bail for stealing horses. While being guarded that they might procure the bail, Quimby and his wife made strong threats of raising their clan and taking vengeance upon the citizens, who were staking their all on Acleaning out@ the thieves. On Thursday night, 2nd inst., some seventy men came to relieve the guard, and end the practices of these wretched men. They were hung a mile and a half south of Douglass. This makes eight of the band that have been put out of the way lately, and I am assured by the best of citizens, that the battle being joined, never will they hold up, nor cry enough till it is decided whether thieves or honest men are to rule the valley, and upon this frontier.

Last May I wrote you of the slaughter of two Aunknown men@ near Wichita, labeled when found AHorse Thieves.@ It has since transpired that they were honest emigrants from Knox County, Illinois, and were murdered by this band for their team and money.

Now while all good people deeply deplore the necessity for this violence, but few can fail to see that this is the only available remedy. Honest citizens must surrender their homes and their all, and flee for refuge in quest of protection, or remove these thieves and robbers. The law, as I have said, and as all may know, has failed for years to regulate them, and there is now little hope of its doing so.

Corbin confessed and gave the names of some 50 of his clan, told where would be found stolen stock, and so it was. Hence it would seem, since they have deliberately and persistently outlawed all order and law, they have no right to complain that honest citizens deal to them summary justice, though not in accordance with the forms of law.

W. P.

[Note: AW. P.@ could be William P. Hackney.]

Emporia News, December 16, 1870.

The President of the Town Company, Mr. J. C. Fuller, informed us the other day that twenty-three business houses were now under contract and in course of construction. How=s that for a town only four months old? Winfield Censor.

Emporia News, December 16, 1870.


The Surveyors for the Government are on the west side of the county getting ready to commence the survey of that, Cowley, and Howard Counties. The county of Sumner is bounded as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of Butler County, thence south with the east line of range two east, to the Thirty-sixth Degree of North latitude; thence west with said parallel to the west line of range four west, thence north with said range line to the Southwest corner of Sedgwick County to the place of beginning, being 30 miles north and south and 36 miles east and west. . . . Walnut Valley Times.

Emporia News, December 16, 1870.


Four petitions from settlers on the Cherokee Neutral Lands in this State were presented in the House yesterday, asking for a recognition of their rights under the homestead and preemption laws.

Emporia News, December 16, 1870.

J. S. Danford, of El Dorado, has been in town for several days. He is to be the cashier of the Walnut Valley Bank, which will be ready for business at El Dorado the first of next month. Mr. Danford received a letter from El Dorado yesterday stating that all of the 20 prisoners confined at that place for murder were released but four.

Emporia News, December 16, 1870.

Having decided to issue an afternoon instead of a morning paper hereafter, there will be none issued tomorrow morning. The next number of the paper will appear on Monday afternoon. . . .

Emporia News, December 16, 1870.

The burning of a large amount of hay owned by the Finley Bros., and of one hundred and fifty tons for R. H. Abraham, all on Dow Creek, and also of another lot owned by Mr. McMillan, on Bluff Creek, on Saturday and Sunday nights, is supposed to have been the work of the opponents to the introduction of Texas stock. A poor way to abate an evil.

Emporia News, December 23, 1870.


R. W. Randall and Wm. C. Miller have purchased the Emporia Tribune office.

Emporia News, December 23, 1870.


EAST. The Butler County troubles have subsided. In fact, we doubt whether there was any trouble at all down there. No one that lives there ever heard anything of it. There were eight men hung but no excitement.

Emporia News, December 23, 1870.

Mr. H. V. Rogers has just returned from the Indian Territory, and reports great excitement down there regarding the present grand Council, now in session.

Emporia News, December 30, 1870.

The Southern Kansas and Kansas Stage Companies will be consolidated on the first of the new year.

Emporia News, December 30, 1870.

Prof. Kellogg has gone into the elephant business. He has bought the Arkansas Traveler office. The well known energy of the Professor will make it a paying elephant.

Emporia News, December 30, 1870.

We learn from the Arkansas Traveler that Capt. Norton has just returned from a trip to the Little Osage=s camp, on Slate Creek, where he has been for some days trading with them. He informs us that about thirty of the hunters had just got in from a twenty day=s hunt, and brought with them over 400 robes. This was an unusually good hunt. The balance of the hunters, about 150 or 200, are expected to come in a few days. They state that they did not see any wild Indians on the plains, and think they are below the Cimarron. Big Hill Joe=s band killed over 300 buffaloes on their first day=s hunt on the Salt Fork. The Osages will get about 5,000 robes on their first hunt, this winter. Their second hunt will come off early in January. It is calculated, from the way the hunting has been going on this winter, that 200,000 buffaloes will be killed by next spring.

Emporia News, December 30, 1870.


EL DORADO, KANSAS, December 26, 1870.


Judge Brown is here hearing the evidence in the AButler County War.@ The more we hear the less we know about this late affair. We understand that Ruggles & Plumb, of your city, are engaged to ferret out the whole affair. Peace reigns here. There is not likely to be any more trouble soon.

Emporia News, December 30, 1870.

The Kansas Stage Company and Southern Kansas Stage Company have consolidated, to take effect January 1, 1871, to be called the Southwestern Stage Company. This will do away with all the stage opposition, also with one of the offices here, so one of the Emporia agents will retire from public life.

Emporia News, December 30, 1870.

Samuel Radges, the traveling agent of the Topeka Commonwealth, was in town Tuesday. Also, our old friend, Mahlon Stubbs, agent of the Kaw Indians. Mr. Stubbs is on a visit to the office of the Southern Superintendent, at Lawrence. He reports our neighboring city, Council Grove, on the increase, trade is lively and everybody in good spirits.

Emporia News, December 30, 1870.

The officers of Emporia Chapter No. 12 and Emporia Lodge No. 12, A. F. and A. M., were installed on Friday evening last. The officers of the chapter are:

L. D. Jacobs, H. P.

A. R. Bancroft, K.

H. C. Cross, S.

Noyes Spicer, C. of H.

Almerin Gillett, P. S.

E. Borton, R. A. C.

A. A. Newman, M. 3rd Vail.

N. T. Nix, M. 2nd Vail.

T. C. Watson, M. 1st Vail.

T. Johnson, Tyler.

M. H. Bates, Sec.

W. W. Hibben, Treas.

The officers of the Blue Lodge are:

Noyes Spicer, W. M.

L. D. Jacobs, S. W.

E. Borton, J. W.

J. M. Steele, S. D.

W. M. Wicks, J. D.

Wm. Clapp, Treas.

E. P. Bancroft, Sec.

E. B. Perry, Chaplain.

T. C. Watson and T. J. Kirkendall, Stewards.

T. Johnson, Tyler.