from the Postmaster
General Received To-day.
No More Delay.
Winfield to have the Free Deliv.
ery System
July First.
Winfield is at the
Front With
Metropolitan Features —
Let us Smile.
The following order from the Postmaster General at Washington, under date of June 2d, was received to-day by our Postmaster accompanied by the necessary instructions for carrying it into effect July 1st.
June 2, 1887.
Establish the Free Delivery System in Winfield,
Kansas, with four carriers at $600 per annum.
Furnish the necessary satchels, boxes, books, blanks and furniture.
This order to take effect July 1,
[Signed] Wm. F.Vilas,
Postmaster General.
Everything will be in readiness for this new
order of things in the mail service in this city. Persons corresponding with
their friends, or on business, should be particular to give the numbers of
their residences or places of business, so that the answers can be properly
directed and thus a speedy delivery insured.
This city on account of population is entitled to four carriers and the
department has ordered that four be employed. The carriers will be recommended
by the postmaster and confirmed by the department. This is another victory
gained by Winfield over the would be rival towns. They
claimed large population and immense postal receipts but when the post office
inspectors investigated they did not come up to the scratch. Winfield is a11
that she claims.
Advantages Offered by a First-
Class Real Estate Firm.
A first-class real estate agency offers many
advantages both to buyers and sellers. The man who wants to sell a farm, very
often says nothing about it except to a few of his neighbors and if they don’t
want to buy, his farm remains unsold and he unsettled as to his future for
years, when if he had gone to some enterprising agency where his farm would
have been placed upon the market, advertised, and brought to the notice of men
who want to buy, it might have been sold and he had his money and been doing
some good, instead of holding a farm for sale and letting the improvements run
down, the farm thus decreasing in value each year and becoming harder to sell.
The man that wants to buy a farm with certain natural advantages and
improvements, how is he to find it? If he goes to a real estate agency he can
learn where the farms are that would be most suited to him in size, price and
location without having to drive all over the country hunting the owner of the
place. Then, again, he can save money by way of learning about the titles of
the land he wants, and not having any experience in looking up titles, he may, after he has bought, find a flaw that will cause him
reliable real estate agency is always an aid to the purchaser, and no prudent
man should fail to con- suit his own interests by calling on one and getting
all the information he can in reference to these matter8, and the man that
wants to sell should also make up his mind what he wants to do. and then price his property accordingly, and place it where
it will come to the notice of
the men that want to buy. The real estate will not sell itself, but must be
advertised in order to bring it to the notice of purchasers, and if you want your property extensively advertised
leave it with Ingman, Frink
& Hornick, proprietors of the Winfield Real Estate
& Merchandise exchange, where you
will be assured of having careful attention and an extensive advertisement
without expense, unless a purchaser is found or trade effected. We want every
piece of land in the country that is for sale placed in our hands, and to that
end solicit correspondence with all who have real estate to sell, which will be
promptly answered. We also ask all who want to buy property to give us a call
and look over our list and inspect the property which we will show you without
expense to the buyer.—INGMAN, FRINK & H0RNICK.
- field
Fairlawn, O thou lovely creature!
We want. a few more stocks of goods.
Fairlawn property is on the Boom.
Winfield’s Boom is a building “razzoop.”
Paradise and Fairlawn are synonymous terms.
Fairlawn, that lovely addition to Winfield, is having a great big “Razzoop.”
Buy a lot in Fairlawn addition if you want to make money or get a cheap home on
easy terms.
Go to the Winfield Real Estate
and Merchandise Exchange, No.
810 Main Street, if you want to
borrow money.
The Winfield Real Estate and
Merchandise Exchange is operated
by the big real estate firm, Ingman,
Frink & Hornick.
addition to Winfield offers more advantages to the speculator than any other
addition to that beautiful city.
Have you got anything to trade? if you have, take a
description of it to Ingman, Frink & Hornick, office, No. 810 Main street, Winfield, Kan.
Do you
want to buy or sell real estate? If you do, call at the palatia1 offices of Ingman, Frink & Hornick, No. 8l0 Main Street, Winfield, Kan.
Real Estate firm, Ingman, - Frink & Hornick, is doing more towards advertising and building up
Winfield than any other firm ever did. They should be patronized accordingly.
The capitalist with money to invest should correspond with the heavy firm of southern Kansas, whose stability and responsibility is backed up by the ownership of large quantities of property here and elsewhere. Ingman, Frink & Flornick.
of the Winfleld Area
Estate and Merchandise
We call attention to-day to the
new advertisement of the firm of Ingman, Frink & Hornick which appears
on the 4th page of this issue. These gentlemen have formed a partnership for
the purpose of handling real estate, merchandise and in fact everything that is
for sale or exchange, whether located in this city, county,
state or elsewhere. They have established correspondents in nearly every state
and territory in the union and are ready to handle real estate wherever
located. This is a new departure in the real estate circles of this city and is
one that has long been needed here as it will enable those who live elsewhere
and desire to come to this community to live, to negotiate with parties here to
take their eastern property off their hands so they can come at once. They will
buy, sell or trade for any kind of property, and help the newcomer get to
Winfield and locate. This firm will do more towards advertising abroad and the upbuilding of Winfield than any other firm has ever done, as they are now under contract
with 270 eastern papers.
Mr. Ingman, the senior member of the firm, is a merchant now
doing business in Iowa, but will
be on the battle field in a few days. He is an elderly gentleman of means and
experience and is the financial member of the institution; while Mr. Hornick is a young man who has spent all his life in the
business circles of Chicago and is a thorough and capable business man and will
no doubt find his change of location both pleasant and profitable. Mr. Frink is the wide-awake Iowa attorney who came to Win-
field last winter and has already surrounded himself with a large circle of
friends and clients will have charge of the legal department.
all in all, this is one of the
most solid business firms in the city and those who have city or country
property for sale or exchange or who want to borrow money would do well to call
at the Winfield Real Estate and Merchandise Exchange offices, 810 Main street, over Winfield Savings Bank.
Taken from Daily Courier of May 14th.
emigrants coming to this country to locate, this season, all seem to be
well-to-do, and will make valuable acquisitions in any community. They are
almost invariably supplied with good teams, and generally have from 10 to 15 head
of cattle. Let them keep coming. We have room enough to spare.
Fairlawn addition to Winfield is one of the loveliest ever laid out and Prices and terms are the most reasonable.
If you have anything to sell take it to the big real estate firm of Kansas. Ingman, Frink & Hornick, Winfield, Kan.
The man who wants a nice little home on easy payments should go to see Ingman, Frink & Hornick, 810 Main street, Winfield, Kas.
We have a few choice pieces of land for speculators to handle and make big money out of.—Ingman, Frink & Hornick, Winfield Kan.
Investments for eastern capitalists is made a specialty by Ingman, Frink & Hornick, the big Real Estate firm of Walnuts “razzoop” town.
Buy property in Winfield now before the big “razzoop” strikes. Things are shaping and the boom will be the biggest ever heard of. Delay is loss of money in this case.
Write a letter to the Fairlawn Land Company, of Winfield, Kan., and learn what inducements they have to offer capitalists or those who are looking for a small investment.
If you want to buy anything in the way of real estate you will con- suit your own interests by corresponding with, or calling upon, Ingman, Frink & Hornick, Winfield, Kan.
We have a number of fine improved farms and city properties in Iowa and Ohio for Kansas property, cattle or merchandise; also several thousand acres of Nebraska land to trade.
Now is the time to invest in Winfield, and the Winfield Real Estate and Merchandise Exchange, 810 Main street, Winfield, Kas. Ingman, Frink & Hornick is the agency to consult.
Capitalists seeking profitable investments for
their money should correspond with Ingman, Frink & Hornick, proprietors
of the Win- field Real Estate and Merchandise Exchange, 810 Main street.
If you have a few hundred dollars that you want doubled inside of six months,
call on Ingman, Frink &
Hornick at the Winfield Real Estate and Merchandise
Exchange, 810 Main street, and they will show you how ‘tis done.
Ingman, Frink & Hornick know what the
speculator wants, and know where to supply their wants with fine properties
that will insure large profits and quick returns. Drop them a line or call on
them at their large, elegantly furnished offices, 810 Main street,
Winfield, Kan.
Winfield has electric light, street ears, fine parks, smooth roads, more
handsome and costly public and private buildings and lovely homes Than any
other city in Kansas. Write• to Ingman, Frink & Hornick, and they
will tell you all about it.