The Junction City Union says that the Kansas Pacific railroad company has commenced suit against Mr. Peak, of Junction City for $10,000 damages done to their train at the time it killed his bull. Had the bull lived he would probably have been bound over in the sum of $20,000, to answer the charge of maliciously obstructing the track.
It is said that B. P. McDonald, who recently built a ten mile railroad to tap coal beds southeast of Fort Scott, paid out over the counter of his bank $75,000 in cash, on the completion of this work - being the entire cost. The Gulf road is operating the line, paying Mr. McDonald four dollars per carload for all coal he has put on cars; and as he averages from thirty to forty car loads per day it may be said he has a good thing. This shows what pluck and cash can do -- especially cash.
Bill Bottorff
Rd. #100
Austin, TX 78733
512-328-4747 work
512-327-5484 home
512-306-0943 FAX
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