This is an excerpt from the Winfield Daily Courier
for April 24, 1873
Clip 8730424a
Kansas & Nebraska Railroad Bonds - New Jail - Killing Indians
Thursday April 24, 1873
Minutes of the Board of County
Commissionersof of the county of
Cowley, state of Kansas. Held
at Winfield, April 18th, 1873
Board met at the County clerk's office april 18th, 1873. Present, Frank Cox, J. D. Maurer and O.
C. Smith.
Board proceeded to canvass the vote of the railroad bond election, which resulted as follows:
For the railroad, stock and bonds, 1,165, against the railroad, stock and bonds, 874.
On motion the chairman or the Board was authorized to subscribe for 1,500 shares of the capital
stock of the Kansas and Nebraska railroad, and to take such means as may be necessary for the
printing and lithographing of the bonds.
Substance of and Order made by the Board
A contract was entered into by the Board, with the City of Winfield; the later to build a jail to cost
not less than $25,000.00, and the county to erect a court house and county offices, at the cost of
$8,500.00 cash. A committee was appointed to get up a plan and specifications which, when
affected by the Board, the County clerk shall publich a notice for sealed proposals for thirty days,
in the Winfield Courier and Arkansas City Traveler.
The U. S. troops are having some success in killing the Modoc Indians of northern California,
who murdered general Canby and other government officials.
Bill Bottorff
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